Wif-Fi=Error= no 3.1.. help! :( - Acer Iconia A500

so I had replaced the original WPA-suplicant file so I could connect to ad hoc networks. Had lost the original WPA file. someone posted up a copy of the original. uploaded to tab. replaced the old (Ad hoc friendly) with "original", now my Wi-Fi states ERROR, rebooted PC, same, put in the other WPA-supplicant file I had originally, still getting the same ERROR on Wi-Fi. any suggestions? something tells me I was suppose to disabled wifi before I did that, forgot.. chit..
had to hold on the WPA_SUPPLICANT file and select view permissions
check/tick all the boxes in the first two columns and the first 2 in the last column.
Wifi is back ON! (THANK GOODNESS!!)
now to see if 3.1 installs.. wish me luck!

Nope. 3.1 failed to install... OMG!!! >,<
So I dont have my original WPA_Supplicant file.
Someone on another thread posted up theyre original WPA_Supplicant file.
I replaced the old one with his original one.
I did not make any other changes to my tab when I had root.
What could be the problem? anyway to bypass this & get 3.1 installed?

I did similar and it completely f*cked me up.
I factory reset and now my wifi just scans with out anything coming up. UGH.

HD87 said:
Nope. 3.1 failed to install... OMG!!! >,<
So I dont have my original WPA_Supplicant file.
Someone on another thread posted up theyre original WPA_Supplicant file.
I replaced the old one with his original one.
I did not make any other changes to my tab when I had root.
What could be the problem? anyway to bypass this & get 3.1 installed?
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Here is the fix for your issue..
i had exactly the same problem that you described and this file (original wpa_supplicant.zip) helped and solved my issue..i'm now running Honeycomb 3.1
Solution posted by Bob here: (just correct the "www" on the link below before opening)
w w w.androidtablets.net/forum/acer-iconia-tab-a500-forum/18444-update-failed-help.html
Here's the WPA_Supplicant from my A500, after the 3.1 update. Hope this works for you guys.
I'm not sure what the extension is for the A500, but I had to add .zip to be able to upload it. Try removing the .zip before using it. Also, remove the 'original'. I added that to keep it straight on my tablet.
Good Luck.
p.s: sorry i'm a newbie here and can't post any link outside the forum at the moment..
just follow the steps described by Bob!

bigjuju4fr said:
Here is the fix for your issue..
i had exactly the same problem that you described and this file (original wpa_supplicant.zip) helped and solved my issue..i'm now running Honeycomb 3.1
Solution posted by Bob here: (just correct the "www" on the link below before opening)
w w w.androidtablets.net/forum/acer-iconia-tab-a500-forum/18444-update-failed-help.html
Here's the WPA_Supplicant from my A500, after the 3.1 update. Hope this works for you guys.
I'm not sure what the extension is for the A500, but I had to add .zip to be able to upload it. Try removing the .zip before using it. Also, remove the 'original'. I added that to keep it straight on my tablet.
Good Luck.
p.s: sorry i'm a newbie here and can't post any link outside the forum at the moment..
just follow the steps described by Bob!
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No luck. Every wpa_supp file that I try just gives me an error.

rorytmeadows said:
No luck. Every wpa_supp file that I try just gives me an error.
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did you change the permissions on the file after copying that on /system/bin?
with gingerbreak.apk, you have to root ur device.(download and install gingerbeak.apk!! is available here in forum)
Then i used "es file explorer" (file explorer with root permissions) from the market. In the settings of the program, go to the root options and check the available two boxes before you copy the file in the system directory.
After copying the file, change the permissions as follow:
you have to check all the boxes for the first 2 columns and the first 2 for the last column; so at the end you should have: rwxrwxrw-
After that, go again on the settings of the program,
1. uncheck the two boxes,
2. go to installed gingerbreak app and unroot your device.. --> device will restart
after the restart go to the system from settings of the device and check if an update is available to your device and download it.. then install
it will work.
Good Luck

bigjuju4fr said:
did you change the permissions on the file after copying that on /system/bin?
with gingerbreak.apk, you have to root ur device.(download and install gingerbeak.apk!! is available here in forum)
Then i used "es file explorer" (file explorer with root permissions) from the market. In the settings of the program, go to the root options and check the available two boxes before you copy the file in the system directory.
After copying the file, change the permissions as follow:
you have to check all the boxes for the first 2 columns and the first 2 for the last column; so at the end you should have: rwxrwxrw-
After that, go again on the settings of the program,
1. uncheck the two boxes,
2. go to installed gingerbreak app and unroot your device.. --> device will restart
after the restart go to the system from settings of the device and check if an update is available to your device and download it.. then install
it will work.
Good Luck
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Ahh yes, that's it. I remember that originally, but I couldn't remember what the permissions settings were for and that was it!

could someone please post the original wpa_supplicant file? Every one that i have come across in the xda-developers forums i get the following error when trying to transfer it to my tablet "cannot copy item - the device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected". If i try to extract the file i get "cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive." Im at a lost so any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


did the power button and low volume and renamed update.zip . . . no cigar ...borked!

hi I borked my acer. root went smoothly, but then I made mistake of trying to enable adhoc supplicant. I downloaded es explorer and used remount to enable rewrite to system/bin. Now everything disappeared. It will still load, but wifi shows error.
How do I return to stock?
ataib said:
hi I borked my acer. root went smoothly, but then I made mistake of trying to enable adhoc supplicant. I downloaded es explorer and used remount to enable rewrite to system/bin. Now everything disappeared. It will still load, but wifi shows error.
How do I return to stock?
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First of all, this is not a development topic, and thus you should've posted in General.
From what you've said it is unclear what your precise problem is! In the subject you talk about flashing an update.zip, and in your post you talk about wpa_supplicant.
Does your tablet work other than the WiFi?
If so, you should simply copy back the original wpa_supplicant file you backed up before you amended it! You did back it up right?
foxmeister said:
First of all, this is not a development topic, and thus you should've posted in General.
From what you've said it is unclear what your precise problem is! In the subject you talk about flashing an update.zip, and in your post you talk about wpa_supplicant.
Does your tablet work other than the WiFi?
If so, you should simply copy back the original wpa_supplicant file you backed up before you amended it! You did back it up right?
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I was kind of confused, too
@Author - please specify what your problem really is..
ataib said:
hi I borked my acer. root went smoothly, but then I made mistake of trying to enable adhoc supplicant. I downloaded es explorer and used remount to enable rewrite to system/bin. Now everything disappeared. It will still load, but wifi shows error.
How do I return to stock?
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Also, it sounds like you may have not set the correct permissions. If all you did was swap the wpa-supplicant file with the moddied one for our tablet that came from the Xoom, then make sure you reread the thread and set the correct permissions that it calls for. And like mentioned above, I hope you made a back up of your original, which was something that was also mentioned in the thread. There should not have been any update.zip involved with this process.
if you want the original Wpa_supplicant file i share mine here :
but, you need to change permissions on the file modified,
you need to enable "mount R/W" and
for the 1st line check read/write/execute
for the 2nd and 3rd line check read/execute

[Q] Adhoc wpa_suplicant file for 3.1

Just updated to 3.1 (only had to put my old wpa_suplicant file back, didnt have to unroot), tried the adhoc enabled wpa_suplicant from 3.0 but wifi wouldnt turn on. has anyone got adhoc working yet with 3.1?
I haven't tried it yet, but did you make sure to set execute permissions on the replacement file?
entropyiv said:
I haven't tried it yet, but did you make sure to set execute permissions on the replacement file?
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i used the exact same file i used in 3.0 (i never deleted either file during update, just renamed files to wpa_suplicantold and wpa_suplicantnew as needed). I check and did see the permissions were different between the 3.1 file and the old adhoc file, so i set the adhoc version to the same permissions (rwxr-xr-x) and bingo!!!
thanks for the help.
Im having the same problem & figured that was the cause, except I cannot find my old WPA-supplicant file, cant install 3.1, can someone please supply me with a copy of the old WPA-supplicant file! many thanks
here is my old wpa file
tankstrr said:
i used the exact same file i used in 3.0 (i never deleted either file during update, just renamed files to wpa_suplicantold and wpa_suplicantnew as needed). I check and did see the permissions were different between the 3.1 file and the old adhoc file, so i set the adhoc version to the same permissions (rwxr-xr-x) and bingo!!!
thanks for the help.
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Just tried it and it worked for me too. Just looking at file sizes, it seems the wpa_supplicant file did not change in 3.1
placed in the copy of the original WPA-supplicant file, took out the current modified one, tried to install without success... that WPA file you uploaded doesnt have a file size, displaying 0 KB, while the old one had 289.03 KB, problem with the original WPA_supplicant file?
HD87 said:
placed in the copy of the original WPA-supplicant file, took out the current modified one, tried to install without success... that WPA file you uploaded doesnt have a file size, displaying 0 KB, while the old one had 289.03 KB, problem with the original WPA_supplicant file?
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my bad, used a bad thumbdrive to transfer, retrasfered via direct usb, updated original post.
now my Wi-Fi states ERROR when installing that copy of WPA_Supplicant file. put in old (ad hoc friendly) file & still getting an ERROR. thinking I should have turned off wifi. any fix to this?
had to select the WPA_Supplicant file, hit permissions, check/tick all the boxes in the first two columns and the first 2 in the last column.
Got it working! woohoo!
now to see if 3.1 will install...
3.1 Failed to install... WTF!
that was the only change I made to my tab.
could it be because its not my tab's original WPA_supplicant file?
anyway to bypass this to get 3.1 installed?
HD87 said:
3.1 Failed to install... WTF!
that was the only change I made to my tab.
could it be because its not my tab's original WPA_supplicant file?
anyway to bypass this to get 3.1 installed?
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I had to restore my supplicant file to get the update to take.
HD87 said:
3.1 Failed to install... WTF!
that was the only change I made to my tab.
could it be because its not my tab's original WPA_supplicant file?
anyway to bypass this to get 3.1 installed?
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hi guys ...
i had exactly the same problem that HD87 described and this file helped and solved my issue..i'm now running Honeycomb 3.1
Solution posted by Bob here:
w w w.androidtablets.net/forum/acer-iconia-tab-a500-forum/18444-update-failed-help.html
Here's the WPA_Supplicant from my A500, after the 3.1 update. Hope this works for you guys.
I'm not sure what the extension is for the A500, but I had to add .zip to be able to upload it. Try removing the .zip before using it. Also, remove the 'original'. I added that to keep it straight on my tablet.
Good Luck.
p.s: sorry i'm a newbie here and can't post link outside the forum at the moment..
here is the download link:
w w w.androidtablets.net/forum/attachments/acer-iconia-tab-a500-forum/3115d1309992153-update-failed-help-original-wpa_supplicant.zip
just follow the steps described by Bob!
tankstrr said:
i used the exact same file i used in 3.0 (i never deleted either file during update, just renamed files to wpa_suplicantold and wpa_suplicantnew as needed). I check and did see the permissions were different between the 3.1 file and the old adhoc file, so i set the adhoc version to the same permissions (rwxr-xr-x) and bingo!!!
thanks for the help.
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Thanks for the info....works great!
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App
tankstrr said:
i used the exact same file i used in 3.0 (i never deleted either file during update, just renamed files to wpa_suplicantold and wpa_suplicantnew as needed). I check and did see the permissions were different between the 3.1 file and the old adhoc file, so i set the adhoc version to the same permissions (rwxr-xr-x) and bingo!!!
thanks for the help.
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YESSSSSSSSSSSSS...my iPhone 3GS ( jailbreaked, iOs 4.3.3 with MyWi software installed from Cyidia to make WIFI spot on 3gs ) it's again useful like hot-spot for my tablet.
Thanks man, that work perfectly for me and my honeycomb 3.1 on ACER Iconia.
ciao e grazie from Italy
maybe someone here can help me. I've been trying to get adhoc tethering on my new iconia without any success. I rooted the iconia, downloaded the wpa_supplicant file, moved the one from the 3.1 to the sd card, place the new one on the system/bin n changed the permissions to chmod 755 n I tried 775 as well. Rebooted the iconia n turned on the wifi again n all I get is wifi error. I am running 3.1 n I have tried multiple different wpa_supplicant files yet I still can't get it to work. I'm so frustrated, if anyone has any answers please help n thank u.
that happened to me once, putting it into flight mode, the turn on wifi, if you get he same error put back the original and start again.
I can confirm that this works on my 3.1 Honeycomb, tethered with my rooted Droid. Thanks!
worked on iconia a500 3.1
For me the same wpa_supplicant as provided for xoom worked. Works with Joikuspot on Nokia.
Does anyone know if any of these files work with 3.2? Im currently running 3.2 and wanted to get the ad-hoc working
Yay.. Thanks for this. I just got an Epic 4G Touch. Rooted it and installed wifi tether, but it only does adhoc. This file worked great!

Ad-hoc patch not working after OTA 4.010.13 upgrade

So I had the Ad-hoc patch working on my 3.1 4.010.11 using the Xoom's Wpa_supplicant file. I changed back to the stock wpa_supplicant file and then did a OTA upgrade to 4.010.13. rerooted and used es file explorer to copy back the xoom's wpa_supplicant and nothing in fact the wifi would not even turn on. Yes no wifi access at all. till i put back the stock wpa-supplicant. Any Ideas on a new patch?
Make sure the permissions on the supplicant file are correct. Just match the other files in the directory.
I had the same issue going from 3.0 to 3.1.
Thanks, that was it. Could not figure out what I was missing.
No problem. I spent about an hour trying to figure it out before I had the "Doh!" moment.
entropyiv said:
Make sure the permissions on the supplicant file are correct. Just match the other files in the directory.
I had the same issue going from 3.0 to 3.1.
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Thanks entropyiv for posting this.
So I'm a novice here... I had the ad-hoc patch running for quite a while and got the update that zrhodes posted about. I tried the same things and also couldn't get ad-hoc mode running. I tried changing the permissions in the wpa_supplicant file to match the other files in the system/bin folder, rebooted and it's still not working (A500 is rooted). Am I doing this correctly? Thanks in advance.
PS. The current permissions are rwxr-xr-x
Stormyfour20 said:
Thanks entropyiv for posting this.
So I'm a novice here... I had the ad-hoc patch running for quite a while and got the update that zrhodes posted about. I tried the same things and also couldn't get ad-hoc mode running. I tried changing the permissions in the wpa_supplicant file to match the other files in the system/bin folder, rebooted and it's still not working (A500 is rooted). Am I doing this correctly? Thanks in advance.
PS. The current permissions are rwxr-xr-x
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It is possible the file got corrupted during transfer. Did you try downloading the supplicant file again? Other than the permissions, I can't think of what could be causing the issue.
Maybe this dhcp issue i have seen floating around?
Well this is curious. My GF and I both have HTC Touch Pro 2's and am using the wi-fi router application. It works using her phone, but not with mine. However, when I go to connect with the laptop to the phone, the "wifi router" shows up in the available network list. I try to connect using the tablet and it get's stuck in the obtaining IP loop. Well, didn't that frost me! So I had several version's of wi-fi router on my phone's sd card, tried installing another, and it works fine now. The wi-fi router application worked with my phone yesterday, before I updated to 4.010.13 GEN 2. Go figure...
One other thing to try is use Root Explorer to verify the owner and group of the file; long-press on wpa_supplicant file to bring up menu and select Change Owner. Make sure Owner is 0 - root and Group is 2000- shell. Copying the file into the folder using a file manager, or even simply extracting the file from a zip delivery, can change the file owner and/or group.
To avoid the permissions and groups issues w/ the wpa_supplicant file each update, I keep both the stock and ad-hoc files in the folder (/system/bin) and rename the files prior to installing any updates - the ad-hoc version gets renamed to wpa_supplicant.adhoc before updates and the stock version gets renamed to wpa_supplicant.stock after the update.

Help with wpa_supplicant and Ad-Hoc Wireless

I am following the instructions as per the below thread to allow my Acer a500 see my Nokia N900 for tethering purposes.
I have copied the wpa_supplicant file over the one thats already there.
Now when I open the Terminal Emulator to try ADB remount it comes with an error saying device not found.
I have the wifi turned off, I also have Root Explorer, but I found File Manager HD quite handy.
Now after trying the instructions I now dont have wifi - it comes with an error.
I have tried copying the stock wpa_supplicant file across, with no success.
Can someone please help.
to get AD-Hoc working you first need root and either root explorer (paid app but worth the money) or es file explorer (free but you have to enable root privaleges inside the app. its under the settings menu)
1. navigate to system/bin and copy wpa_supplicant
2. past this to your sd card as a backup
3. rename wpa_supplicant to wpa_supplicant.old
4. extract the file from the download and past it into the system/bin folder. (should be wpa_supplicant)
4. Long press on the file once copied
6. select Permissions and set to User: RWE, Group & Others:RE only
This is the easiest way to fix this... make sure in root explorer you set to rw at the top left in order to rename copy or past into this directory..
Good luck
this is the file .
View attachment wpa_supplicant.zip
Thanks for that, your a genius.
Now that my device can see my phone, I cannot see any web pages.
Is there something else I need to do?
That is very odd .. try rebooting the phone and the tablet..
also try on the tablet
go to settings / applications.. go to the web browser.. and clear cache and data..
is only thing i can think of ..
never had a issue other then my cell sometimes get hung on a cell tower and a reboot fixes this.. .
try connecting another wifi device to the phone to determine if its the tablet or phone..
I ended up changing the program I use to tether on my N900 and now works a treat.
Once again, thanks for your help
Thanks erica_renee . Worked right on point !
You are way too much girl....)))
So I guess THAT's why we should be nice to her!
Thsnks guys.
Now bring me my coffeee
erica_renee said:
Thsnks guys.
Now bring me my coffeee
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I'll bring nothing, but the world
Works on Ideapad K1
Erica_renee, you are awsome!
I followed your instructions and BAM worked first time.
You are Very welcome..
But i do want to point out They are not my instructions..Its been so very long ago i dont remember who to give the credit to.. I think someone from the Zoom Forum..
I just remembers how to do it and do not mind sharing what i have learned with anyone...
So i guess i should say thanks to everyone who is actually a developer or close.. for all the hard work they have done to make my tablet enjoyable to use..
erica_renee said:
to get AD-Hoc working you first need root and either root explorer (paid app but worth the money) or es file explorer (free but you have to enable root privaleges inside the app. its under the settings menu)
1. navigate to system/bin and copy wpa_supplicant
2. past this to your sd card as a backup
3. rename wpa_supplicant to wpa_supplicant.old
4. extract the file from the download and past it into the system/bin folder. (should be wpa_supplicant)
4. Long press on the file once copied
6. select Permissions and set to User: RWE, Group & Others:RE only
This is the easiest way to fix this... make sure in root explorer you set to rw at the top left in order to rename copy or past into this directory..
Good luck
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I clicked the "Thanks" button but this one deserves more than that! Thank you so much GG, you've made my day!
Now I can use more than my phone while travelling.
erica_renee said:
to get AD-Hoc working you first need root and either root explorer (paid app but worth the money) or es file explorer (free but you have to enable root privaleges inside the app. its under the settings menu)
1. navigate to system/bin and copy wpa_supplicant
2. past this to your sd card as a backup
3. rename wpa_supplicant to wpa_supplicant.old
4. extract the file from the download and past it into the system/bin folder. (should be wpa_supplicant)
4. Long press on the file once copied
6. select Permissions and set to User: RWE, Group & Others:RE only
This is the easiest way to fix this... make sure in root explorer you set to rw at the top left in order to rename copy or past into this directory..
Good luck
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I downloaded es file explorer and enabled root exploring as well as "Mount File System" (which is supposed to make the system writable) and with or without the mount file system, I cannot find the System file nor bin. I have the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Wifi Only. It's running Honeycomb 3.2. Any suggestions?
Not my credit
This fix is not from me.. I just re posted something that has been around since our tablet was released.. I would say give that person the credit. I am not sure who actually did it .. I think that file originally came from the ZOOM FORUM.
Anyway Just wanted to make sure that was POINTED OUT.I only know from what i have read for my own personal use.
Thanks All ... Erica Renee
Firecracker_RC said:
I downloaded es file explorer and enabled root exploring as well as "Mount File System" (which is supposed to make the system writable) and with or without the mount file system, I cannot find the System file nor bin. I have the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Wifi Only. It's running Honeycomb 3.2. Any suggestions?
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Can anyone help me with this?
check you su. update the su root binaries . make sure busybox is installed and updated..
you can check the last two with root checker . a app on the market..
There iss also somewhere in the settings. that show a mount point . .something like /mnt/sdcard.
this should be just a / in there to have access to the system folder. I dont have es file explorer installed as i did not like it.. but i do remember having to change this defalt mount or folder option.. Astro file manager and some others also have this defalt . You can also keep going back and will take you there ..
Even though Titanium Backup says I have BusyBox, another app I tried to install said I did not and needed to install, so I went to the market to install and BusyBox says I need to perform Nand Unlock before installing BusyBox. Can you point me in the direction for doing that. I have the Galaxy Tab 8.9 Wifi Only. I see alot of stuff out there but not sure if it's right for my tab or if the instructions are universal to android users. How did you do Nand Unlock?

[NST/G] Revisiting cacerts.bks

cacerts.bks updated 12-6-20
When the original search was on to repair the aging cacerts.bks file in order to get the Kindle app working again, one of the things I came across was a remark from a fellow who had located a Honeycomb ROM (Android 3.2...last stop before the format of the security certificate storage was changed) and copied the cacerts.bks file from it to his Android 2.2 device which was having problems with websites, etc.
I still can't get the method described by @tshoulihane in this thread to work for me. But his edited cacerts.bks file works really well in solving the problem.
Yesterday I managed to locate a CM 7 ROM (Honeycomb). It contains a largish cacerts.bks file (compared to ours) with 127 certificates, 17 of which have expired. These seem to be mostly for central/eastern European and Asian entities, so perhaps not that critical. Well, it's only 10 years old
It has worked for me with the Kindle app and perhaps will help with some of the websites that complain about a secure connection even though I have enabled TLS 1.2 in Opera Mobile. More testing is needed there.
For anyone who wants to try it out, it is attached below. To use, rename your current cacerts.bks file (that's in /system/etc/security) to cacerts.bks.bak or similar. Then move the new file (unzip) into the same place. Check permissions. They should be rw-r-r. Reboot.
This looks great... though when I tried to rename and copy the new cacerts file, I am getting blocked due to the lack of root permissions.
I'm running the 1.2.1 tweaked/modded rom so I thought it wouldn't be an issue. I also tracked down the supersu3.1.3 apk and sideloaded it, but it didn't help either. Wondering if you had any ideas?
xrayd2 said:
This looks great... though when I tried to rename and copy the new cacerts file, I am getting blocked due to the lack of root permissions.
I'm running the 1.2.1 tweaked/modded rom so I thought it wouldn't be an issue. I also tracked down the supersu3.1.3 apk and sideloaded it, but it didn't help either. Wondering if you had any ideas?
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So was your SU app missing? Or did your file manager just not have root access?
Hard to know where to start. From my experience, the best-behaving SU for the NST/G is the one that comes with NookManager (attached below). It's old and the binaries are probably out of date, but you don't need anything better for the device.
You can try removing the one you have now, reboot, and install the one below. Then check that your file manager has root acccess. In ES File Explorer, for example, you have to go into settings and tick the selection for root access. It's not automatic. And even with that, you have to tick an additional box to mount /system as rw while you're working in it.
At one time the superuser app was included -- but is no longer linked, and I had overlooked it after initially flashing the rom.
Unfortunately, the su app you provided also doesn't work. When I try to delete the old cacerts.blk it looks like it's doing something, but then the file still remains. If I instead try to rename the file, I get "operation failed".
I tried to delete or rename using an app called "root browser", and also the file manager in "super manager" suite. When I try to enable the root explorer function in ES file manager , I get "sorry, test failed. This feature cannot run on your device."
When I go under Device info, the ROM name does indeed say "Tweaked Modded ROM". I assume this should mean it's rooted but I'll have to dig deeper.
I appreciate your help though!
xrayd2 said:
When I go under Device info, the ROM name does indeed say "Tweaked Modded ROM". I assume this should mean it's rooted but I'll have to dig deeper.
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Mmm.... so the ROM came "rooted"? I've attached a root check app which I've tried on my NST. This should answer the question of root.
If root has been lost somehow, it might be possible to salvage what you have by running NookManager. If you don't want the various additions like Relaunch, you can remove those apps from the data/app folder once you've written the card and then make the other needed changes as described here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/nook-touch/development/nst-g-updating-nookmanager-t3873048
Or, you could just use NM as-is and uninstall unwanted material afterwards. The important thing is root and a functioning SU.
Okay... turns out my device was NOT rooted after all; I had assumed the binaries were already installed. Fortunately, I was able to find a superSU 0.93 binary and root through CWM. I replaced cacerts.blk with yours, and now the kindle app works! At first I had difficulty logging in, but turns out Amazon was emailing me a one time password after every attempt. After entering the OTP I am now up and running.
My next issue is getting Pocket working -- I installed Read it Later 1.0.1 but it's not syncing.
Thanks for the link to your other post. I will sideload the apk's you recommended.
xrayd2 said:
My next issue is getting Pocket working -- I installed Read it Later 1.0.1 but it's not syncing.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Might not be possible. Chatter here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1604661&page=2 goes back to 2013.
I found reference to a functioning version in 9/2016. Had hoped it was a cacerts issue but maybe pocket changed their api.
Would this be what's causing my Nook to not load certain https sites?
I can get to gmail fine, but I can't for the life of me load the todoist website
Tried loading your cacerts.bks, doesn't seem like it changed anything
I had no problem getting the Todoist home page. Logging in may be another matter.
Are you using Opera Mobile and did you make the settings change for TLS 1.2?

