Help with wpa_supplicant and Ad-Hoc Wireless - Acer Iconia A500

I am following the instructions as per the below thread to allow my Acer a500 see my Nokia N900 for tethering purposes.
I have copied the wpa_supplicant file over the one thats already there.
Now when I open the Terminal Emulator to try ADB remount it comes with an error saying device not found.
I have the wifi turned off, I also have Root Explorer, but I found File Manager HD quite handy.
Now after trying the instructions I now dont have wifi - it comes with an error.
I have tried copying the stock wpa_supplicant file across, with no success.
Can someone please help.

to get AD-Hoc working you first need root and either root explorer (paid app but worth the money) or es file explorer (free but you have to enable root privaleges inside the app. its under the settings menu)
1. navigate to system/bin and copy wpa_supplicant
2. past this to your sd card as a backup
3. rename wpa_supplicant to wpa_supplicant.old
4. extract the file from the download and past it into the system/bin folder. (should be wpa_supplicant)
4. Long press on the file once copied
6. select Permissions and set to User: RWE, Group & Others:RE only
This is the easiest way to fix this... make sure in root explorer you set to rw at the top left in order to rename copy or past into this directory..
Good luck

this is the file .
View attachment

Thanks for that, your a genius.
Now that my device can see my phone, I cannot see any web pages.
Is there something else I need to do?

That is very odd .. try rebooting the phone and the tablet..
also try on the tablet
go to settings / applications.. go to the web browser.. and clear cache and data..
is only thing i can think of ..
never had a issue other then my cell sometimes get hung on a cell tower and a reboot fixes this.. .
try connecting another wifi device to the phone to determine if its the tablet or phone..

I ended up changing the program I use to tether on my N900 and now works a treat.
Once again, thanks for your help

Thanks erica_renee . Worked right on point !

You are way too much girl....)))

So I guess THAT's why we should be nice to her!

Thsnks guys.
Now bring me my coffeee

erica_renee said:
Thsnks guys.
Now bring me my coffeee
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I'll bring nothing, but the world

Works on Ideapad K1
Erica_renee, you are awsome!
I followed your instructions and BAM worked first time.

You are Very welcome..
But i do want to point out They are not my instructions..Its been so very long ago i dont remember who to give the credit to.. I think someone from the Zoom Forum..
I just remembers how to do it and do not mind sharing what i have learned with anyone...
So i guess i should say thanks to everyone who is actually a developer or close.. for all the hard work they have done to make my tablet enjoyable to use..

erica_renee said:
to get AD-Hoc working you first need root and either root explorer (paid app but worth the money) or es file explorer (free but you have to enable root privaleges inside the app. its under the settings menu)
1. navigate to system/bin and copy wpa_supplicant
2. past this to your sd card as a backup
3. rename wpa_supplicant to wpa_supplicant.old
4. extract the file from the download and past it into the system/bin folder. (should be wpa_supplicant)
4. Long press on the file once copied
6. select Permissions and set to User: RWE, Group & Others:RE only
This is the easiest way to fix this... make sure in root explorer you set to rw at the top left in order to rename copy or past into this directory..
Good luck
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I clicked the "Thanks" button but this one deserves more than that! Thank you so much GG, you've made my day!

Now I can use more than my phone while travelling.

erica_renee said:
to get AD-Hoc working you first need root and either root explorer (paid app but worth the money) or es file explorer (free but you have to enable root privaleges inside the app. its under the settings menu)
1. navigate to system/bin and copy wpa_supplicant
2. past this to your sd card as a backup
3. rename wpa_supplicant to wpa_supplicant.old
4. extract the file from the download and past it into the system/bin folder. (should be wpa_supplicant)
4. Long press on the file once copied
6. select Permissions and set to User: RWE, Group & Others:RE only
This is the easiest way to fix this... make sure in root explorer you set to rw at the top left in order to rename copy or past into this directory..
Good luck
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I downloaded es file explorer and enabled root exploring as well as "Mount File System" (which is supposed to make the system writable) and with or without the mount file system, I cannot find the System file nor bin. I have the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Wifi Only. It's running Honeycomb 3.2. Any suggestions?

Not my credit
This fix is not from me.. I just re posted something that has been around since our tablet was released.. I would say give that person the credit. I am not sure who actually did it .. I think that file originally came from the ZOOM FORUM.
Anyway Just wanted to make sure that was POINTED OUT.I only know from what i have read for my own personal use.
Thanks All ... Erica Renee

Firecracker_RC said:
I downloaded es file explorer and enabled root exploring as well as "Mount File System" (which is supposed to make the system writable) and with or without the mount file system, I cannot find the System file nor bin. I have the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Wifi Only. It's running Honeycomb 3.2. Any suggestions?
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Can anyone help me with this?

check you su. update the su root binaries . make sure busybox is installed and updated..
you can check the last two with root checker . a app on the market..
There iss also somewhere in the settings. that show a mount point . .something like /mnt/sdcard.
this should be just a / in there to have access to the system folder. I dont have es file explorer installed as i did not like it.. but i do remember having to change this defalt mount or folder option.. Astro file manager and some others also have this defalt . You can also keep going back and will take you there ..

Even though Titanium Backup says I have BusyBox, another app I tried to install said I did not and needed to install, so I went to the market to install and BusyBox says I need to perform Nand Unlock before installing BusyBox. Can you point me in the direction for doing that. I have the Galaxy Tab 8.9 Wifi Only. I see alot of stuff out there but not sure if it's right for my tab or if the instructions are universal to android users. How did you do Nand Unlock?


Editing system files in Android

I have to do all editing from my phone, no laptop anymore. Any suggestions on a great app to edit system files, and something to repackage apks?
RIP Cotton Eye Jim
/b/rotherJudas said:
I have to do all editing from my phone, no laptop anymore. Any suggestions on a great app to edit system files, and something to repackage apks?
RIP Cotton Eye Jim
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Root Explorers My Favorite,
But ES Explorer Is Pretty Good Also,
And That Ones Free!!
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
I've been using root explorer, but a lot of files show up as nonsense and symbols.
RIP Cotton Eye Jim
Any other suggestions guys?
/b/rotherJudas said:
Any other suggestions guys?
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Try NinjaMorph!!
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
if you are okay with shell interface, Terminal Emulator is what I would recommend.
sorry guys, I'm trying to overwrite this file
but ES explorer say it cannot do it. I chose properties and see that the file is read only.
How can I do it ??
ginosergio said:
sorry guys, I'm trying to overwrite this file
but ES explorer say it cannot do it. I chose properties and see that the file is read only.
How can I do it ??
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Are you rooted? If not, you cannot do it, because you need root access to do changes in /system directory. If, you can do it with e.g. one of the following apps:
Root explorer (paid)
Super Manager (free)
File Expert (free)
After starting, you need to mount (switch) r/w. Additionally, in both free apps, you need to enable root option in their settings before. Now can you can overwrite.
Yessss !! it works (yes, I'm rooted)
Thank you, MatDrOiD ! I used File Expert. Just 2 questions:
in file expert, when i go into options - mount - and choose "read and write" should I be already positioned browsing the "system" folder ??
I've done this way, but I suspect that "mount read and write" is a global option referring to system folders and can be enabled just when entering File expert ?
ginosergio said:
Yessss !! it works (yes, I'm rooted)
Thank you, MatDrOiD ! I used File Expert. Just 2 questions:
in file expert, when i go into options - mount - and choose "read and write" should I be already positioned browsing the "system" folder ??
I've done this way, but I suspect that "mount read and write" is a global option referring to system folders and can be enabled just when entering File expert ?
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Only System files have to be Mounted as Read/Write to Edit them, other than that they can't be Modified!
*Sent on My*
Fast as its Ever Been....
"Sprint" Hero.... Running My, *ExEnHeroC* Rom, w/Kifno's Twist, Also The XDA-BLUE.apk!! "Page 10" of My Thread!!
ginosergio said:
Yessss !! it works (yes, I'm rooted)
Thank you, MatDrOiD ! I used File Expert. Just 2 questions:
in file expert, when i go into options - mount - and choose "read and write" should I be already positioned browsing the "system" folder ??
I've done this way, but I suspect that "mount read and write" is a global option referring to system folders and can be enabled just when entering File expert ?
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I don't like to say it, but pressing thanks-button would be awesome!
You can also mount r/w while in root folder, does not matter. After closing file expert, you always have to enable root explorer function and mounting r/w again, when you start file expert the next time. At least i cannot find an option to enable it permantly. Which is understandable for me, because superuser rights can damage your phone (so this enable action works metaphorically as a little warning, imho).
Hi, I have a rooted an android tablet (Chuwi Hi12) and find the lowest brightness way too bright. Now I found the settings of brightness and want to lower the settings but the system won't save the file with the new settings. What am I doing wrong? Please help. Many thanks.
i think
/b/rotherJudas said:
I have to do all editing from my phone, no laptop anymore. Any suggestions on a great app to edit system files, and something to repackage apks?
RIP Cotton Eye Jim
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root browser is the best one!:
I have question. With any root Explorer I can't overwrite ANY file on ANY app. Always pop up something like "can't overwrite" I'm rooted with Magisk, Pocophone F1 MIUI 10.3 by 9.1.17 (dev.)
Any solution?

[Q] Fix DNS Facebook, we need an developer to help

Hi everybody.
I'm come from Vietnam, where the Facebook is now banned.
We need someone to write a program to update the host file in /system/etc/ by just a touch.
Please copy the IP from
to the host file (like AdFree program).
We cannot edit this file by Astro because it read-only. We don't know how to S-OFF our Android.
Thank you so much.
I thought that AdFree is for rooted phones only.
Here's the host file
I've modified the host file for you but I don't think you can get much further until you root your phone, giving yourself access to system/etc/ where the "hosts" file is for replacement.
Remove the .txt extension and replace it with your hosts file in /system/etc/ after rooting.
If your phone cannot be rooted at have a look on the sub forum here for your phone.
As previously stated, changing any system file is impossible without root.
Why can't you use a one-click-rooting program? There are plenty around that work for quite a lot of phones. If that doesn't work there will be device specific guides available, unless it's a phone that can't be rooted (is there any?).
Sorry, I've already root the HTC Desire by and have RA-recovery.
I mean that I don't have S-OFF in my device.
I also used Astro to copy the host file to SD Card and edited it. But I cannot replace the host file to system/etc/.
So I need you help write a mini-soft like AdFree.
Have you tried using adb to push the hosts file (in recovery) or root explorer? No need to S-OFF.
I think a soft will easy to use for everyone, don't need experiment in adb, root or s-off.
Anyone developer can make it easy?
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
I think the problem is that you didn't mounted the system partition. Try ES FileExplorer, it can work as root and can mount partitions
Sent from my GT-I5700 using XDA Premium App
Hi,I am vietnamese too,if you can't root your phone you can follow the full instruction on forum.
I whipped this up for you.
It doesn't look great but it does the job. Put the 'hosts' file on your sdcard (not in any folder) that you want to move and rename it 'hosts.txt'. Then run the app and press the button. You'll probably need to reboot afterwards.
This doesn't back up the hosts file on your phone so you may want to do that manually.
Thank you so much.
Meltus said:
I whipped this up for you.
It doesn't look great but it does the job. Put the 'hosts' file on your sdcard (not in any folder) that you want to move and rename it 'hosts.txt'. Then run the app and press the button. You'll probably need to reboot afterwards.
This doesn't back up the hosts file on your phone so you may want to do that manually.
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Dear Meltus,
Firstly, I thank you very much to write this apk for me. You're so kind.
But it's maybe something wrong!
I install your apk, put the hosts.txt in SDCard (in the root, not in any folder).
Then run the app and press the button, reboot afterwards.
I used Astro to view the hosts file. But this file is error. It has 0 byte and can be read.
Please fix it. Thank you so much, again.
P/S: Maybe you make an options to chose folder of hosts file.
Further, you can develop this apk to change any file of system by chose the source and destiny paths.


Hello i have the kyrollos 3.1 editon and cant install allshare.
Can somewone tell me how to install??
Thanks a lot
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA Premium App
get the deodexed apps of ur original firmware
search for the allshare apk file
root ur phone
get root explorer or any other root enabled file explorer
copy the .apk file to system/app and reboot ur phone
Kyrillos v4 final:
I tried to install the dlna.apk with Easy Installer (message: not installed). Then I tried to move the apk with File Expert directly into the system/app folder where all other apk where. It did tell me that it is handling this copy but nothing appeared in this folder...
Tried it again with File Manager but he wouldn't let me Paste the file into the folder...
What next? Any ideas?
did u enable R\W mode???
good question. I just realized that the folder is still on read-only.
I tried to use terminal emulator and type "chmod 755 ./system/" to change the rights but I got "unable to chmod system. read-only file system"...
So what did I miss?
use the built in switcher in root explorer or other file managers( e-strongs or astro) i know both have r\w toggle
or goto data\app and paste it there
u need to manually change permissions for each folder
So with root explorer I just go to the folder and change the rights into r/w?
If I understood correctly I need to change the rights first in system then in app, right?
Root Explorer rocks
I managed to change the rights (with "Mount R/W") andthis changed the rights also for the subfolders. Then I pasted the dlna.apk file into the app folder. Then I changed the rights back to r/o.
After reboot it took some time to get everything up again, and all my apps where again unsorted on the different screens.
The file is still in the folder but no allshare application in my programs....
So I copied the file into the data/app folder...
Reboot (didn't take a long time) still no app there...
What now?
Maybe someone knows another app from the market which can do the same thing, also for Samsung and other brands?
did u get the deodexed apps from JPM rom or any other
& what do u allshare for???
I downloaded the dlna.apk from the internet and tried to install it with easy installer. I'm not sure whether it is from JPM How can I find out?
I want to use allshare with a Samsung TV.
Having flashed Kyrillos ROM.
Was that the question?
try imediashare or samsung remote
free from market
Download system app+framework file from kyrillos rom post n copy dlna file to system/app using root explorer!

[Q] Update downloaded to phone - Where is it stored?

So my phone downloaded the update and keeps trying to get me to install the update. Where is the update stored on the phone? I want to delete it.
I am still running a older version of SACS ROM and don't want to install it and want to get rid of all the prompts to install it.
AzWizzard said:
So my phone downloaded the update and keeps trying to get me to install the update. Where is the update stored on the phone? I want to delete it.
I am still running a older version of SACS ROM and don't want to install it and want to get rid of all the prompts to install it.
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This question is asked very often. Little searching would have found the answer(s)
Check here
Good luck
leaderbuilder said:
This question is asked very often. Little searching would have found the answer(s)
Check here
Good luck
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I followed the directions in the post:
Navigate to:
/system/app: change fwupgrade.apk to fwupgrade.old and keychain.pak to keychain.old
/system/etc/security: change to otacerts.old
Now reboot to recovery mode and wipe cache. Reboot system to GUI. If update appears, accept install. Countdown will appear but nothing will be installed.
The update notification will no longer appear.
1st - I don't have a fwupgrade.apk in /system/app (I even did a search for it and couldn't find it anywhere)
2nd - When I try to rename or delete the (in the /system/etc/security) it won't let me. It just says it can't be renamed or can't be deleted.
I am using ES File Explorer.
AzWizzard said:
I followed the directions in the post:
Navigate to:
/system/app: change fwupgrade.apk to fwupgrade.old and keychain.pak to keychain.old
/system/etc/security: change to otacerts.old
Now reboot to recovery mode and wipe cache. Reboot system to GUI. If update appears, accept install. Countdown will appear but nothing will be installed.
The update notification will no longer appear.
1st - I don't have a fwupgrade.apk in /system/app (I even did a search for it and couldn't find it anywhere)
2nd - When I try to rename or delete the (in the /system/etc/security) it won't let me. It just says it can't be renamed or can't be deleted.
I am using ES File Explorer.
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You must mount the directory as 'read/write' to modify.
Not sure where that option is in ES but if you have root it's there I think.
You may not have the fwupgrade.apk OR you may just not be able to see it with that Explorer if you don't have the option checked to see system/root apps.
I use Root Explorer worth every penny for me.
BUT you can use ROM Toolbox - the Lite version(free) does have a root explorer that will let you mount as R/W.
leaderbuilder said:
You must mount the directory as 'read/write' to modify.
Not sure where that option is in ES but if you have root it's there I think.
You may not have the fwupgrade.apk OR you may just not be able to see it with that Explorer if you don't have the option checked to see system/root apps.
I use Root Explorer worth every penny for me.
BUT you can use ROM Toolbox - the Lite version(free) does have a root explorer that will let you mount as R/W.
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Thanks, I had Rom Toolbox Lite and used it. Was able to delete the file. :good:

Can't see TWRP Backups in TWRP Folder

Now i know this is a common-ish issue with some variants as to the actual problem, i should know i've been trying to fix this for the last 48 hours but have eventually had to ask.
I made a TWRP Backup that when I look in the TWRP File Browser i know is stored in /sdcard/TWRP which i think is the same as storage/emulated/0/TWRP which is where i see an empty TWRP folder in both ES File Explorer, File Manager HD and Root Explorer. I've searched and this is the only TWRP folder on the device that is found and i've turned on 'Root Explorer' yet the folder is always empty, in fact ES File Explorer see's it but actually won't let me go into it like the other 2.
I've seen various things about such as Terminal Emulator commands but i can't get this to work, i just want to be able to move the backup to my PC and be done with it (until i have to worry about putting it back)
Can anyone help with how i can get this to work?
Actually finally just solved this. It seems if you connect the phone to your computer while in TWRP, i can see the contents of the TWRP folder. I'm pretty sure i tried this earlier, so maybe all the messing around i've tried since also contributed, but its solved finally.
If You can see TWRP through ES Explorer then Follow Given Steps :-
1. Open ES Explorer and Click on the three lines ( Left side on the top )
2. Now Click on Tools ( it opens many Option )
3. Now You can See Root Explorer Option in it , On it.
4. Now You can copy paste it.

