volume rocker stopped working :| - Galaxy S II General

Hi people,
I have a problem with my 2 week old Galaxy SII.
The day before yesterday rain got me outside and my SGS2 got a little moisted.
It was in a gel skin but some water got under the battery cover just on egdes.
The phone looks as new and works perfectly, despite today my volume rocker got crazy. It only increases the volume, but doesn't work opposite way. It "clicks" but doesn't do anything. -,-
Anyone had the same problem?

Demiourgos said:
Hi people,
I have a problem with my 2 week old Galaxy SII.
The day before yesterday rain got me outside and my SGS2 got a little moisted.
It was in a gel skin but some water got under the battery cover just on egdes.
The phone looks as new and works perfectly, despite today my volume rocker got crazy. It only increases the volume, but doesn't work opposite way. It "clicks" but doesn't do anything. -,-
Anyone had the same problem?
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make sure there is no water inside(around the corners)
Remove the battery use a hair dryer around the phone with low power dont take it too close to the phone..Just do it around the corners for 3 to 5 min and then start the phone see if the key works..
The above experiment is totally un-tested and you are responsible for your own actions..

thanks, but didn't worked

Demiourgos said:
Hi people,
I have a problem with my 2 week old Galaxy SII.
The day before yesterday rain got me outside and my SGS2 got a little moisted.
It was in a gel skin but some water got under the battery cover just on egdes.
The phone looks as new and works perfectly, despite today my volume rocker got crazy. It only increases the volume, but doesn't work opposite way. It "clicks" but doesn't do anything. -,-
Anyone had the same problem?
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oh my, you are me! and if you are even more me, the up button will discontinue working after a little more time. i sent it to warranty repairs and we'll see what they say of it there.

Limpperi said:
oh my, you are me! and if you are even more me, the up button will discontinue working after a little more time. i sent it to warranty repairs and we'll see what they say of it there.
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I will take mine to the shop on Monday. I'm curious if it will cost me some money or they'll do it on warranty.

Demiourgos said:
I will take mine to the shop on Monday. I'm curious if it will cost me some money or they'll do it on warranty.
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well, it costs 100% surely if you say you caused it thats why i said it "just stopped working" evil twisted truth. remember that i didn't say this online
oh, just to make sure, unroot if rooted.

Mine isn't rooted and I didn't said no one it got (a bit) wet ;P just you know that.
I just asked my dealer "How come an 2 week old phone could failed?"
But really, all of my old phones got wet by a rain, few of them were in worse situations and they worked well . I even sinked my Nokia in puddle and it was fine.
btw. Did your phone also got wet? Or it just decided to stop working properly?

Limpperi said:
well, it costs 100% surely if you say you caused it thats why i said it "just stopped working" evil twisted truth. remember that i didn't say this online
oh, just to make sure, unroot if rooted.
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however i think they will se if are inside some trails of water otherwise u might get free fix if also custom kernel counter will be found 0

dandumitru said:
however i think they will se if are inside some trails of water otherwise u might get free fix if also custom kernel counter will be found 0
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hope they wont notice! yea reseted counter also will report what happens when i get it

I've get my SGSII back from Samsung after a week. It was a software issue , now I have KE4 kernell



hi wizard brothers n sisters, just got my BNew imate kjam last week and it kinda irritate me, the FRONT(i mean the half front that has the screen,button etc.) of the kjam is quite loosen, not tight enough,and it's moving a little bit,when you rock it.hope you understand what i mean.
does anyBODY here have the same WIZARD problem? is this NORMAL or WHAT?
it's just a little tiny bit of movement,but it's REALLT IRRITATE me:evil: ,m very sorry,m just a 99% perfectionist,but if this is normal then i accept for the love of wizard.
i didn't bought HERMES yet because it's still NEW in the market,maybe m gonna w8t until the BUGS decrease around 90%
does anybody experience this? it's like when your in portrait mode,the front is not that quite lock toght,it's moving a VERY little bit. so is this NORMAL?
quite confusing....
ArtXT said:
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yes there is a small amount of movement on my wizard when in portrait mode as well.
I got used to it and dont even notice it anymore.
TNK GOD FOR THE REPLY, actually,i dnt have any problem with the SOFTWARE,specially the NEW t-MO ROM 2.26,that has already enable wifi-G,already OC it into 240mhz,n works gud...that's my only problem,making me IRRITATE with the slight rocking movement,but hey! you said it's normal,so i think i will get use to it!, coz for me,wizard's the best pda out in the market,but comapare to HERMES...hhhm...I'll W8t! :roll:
geeze man, chill out.
mtvkilledusall said:
geeze man, chill out.
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I dont experiance and kind of movement what so ever and am glad of it also
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mtvkilledusall said:
geeze man, chill out.
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if you only know HOW MUCH this cost in our country,maybe you'll be sensitive as much as me
@ ArtXT
I don't know if your problem is similar to my Qtek 9100 (sounds like it might be), basically my top housing(screen and buttons) had a small gap between the it and the keyboard when in "portrait mode" and sort of had a rocking motion as you mentioned when pressing on the "call" and "end" buttons or anywhere in the vicinity, but I thought nothing of it at the time (still annoyed me though :wink: ), and 9 months later it developed an annoying creaking noise everytime I pushed on the "end call" button or anywhere just below the buttons. I compared it my friend's MDA and noticed that his had no gap between the keyboard and screen housing what so ever (nice and snug). So, being under the Qtek 2 year warranty I sent it in for repairs via Sound Solutions AM, about 3 weeks ago and is on its way back. The repair company noted that the it was due to a "poor fit" and it being "out of shape" and was covered under warranty. I should be getting it back hopefully this week if not early next week and will post the results...In the meanwhile I feel that you should consider exchanging it or sending it in for warranty repairs....that's just me, after seeing my friends MDA, it was a no brainer for me, hope this helps.
tnx for the reply bro, but my problem is not like that,mine has a little gap also,but very very little,what i mean is the lower part lock mechanism of my kjam is some some of NOT TIGHT. maybe i'll just bring it back for some service maintenance,my friend to me that he got the same problem and doesn't annoy him,he said get use to it bec. it's a mechanism device so xpect that in the future,he said the important thing is it runs 100%, and it's true,the performance,software and hardware are both running 100% wild.maybe it's me that has a problem attitude of such device. :lol:

myTouch Doubles as a Sex Toy

I've had my myTouch for about a month now and have been lurking around the forums for about the same amount of time. With adequate research, I've been able to successfully root, install and run my phone with Maxismo's HERO rom. Successfully meaning have done all that can be with a 4GB class 2 SDHC.
Now to the title. Yesterday morning after a quick McDonalds run, a friend and I decided to post and enjoy our 600 calorie breakfast in the car while I had Pandora running on my Magic through the car audio jack. To no surprise, friend decides that it is a good idea to slide my phone off the armrest, onto the cupholder where a half-filled cup of McD's orange juice parked itself with no cover.. I blame the lady at the drive-thru for not giving us straws. It was in there for a good 5 seconds.
A **** load of used Kleenex's later, I examined the phone and found that the water-damage indicator was still solid white. Aside from the apparent stickier feel, everything seemed fine.. Until I got home. A couple hours later, I reached for my phone to find that it was vibrating. No call, no vmail, not even a text from homegirl to see how my phone was doing. I had tried all the "phone-drying" methods, from Dust-Off to submerging your phone into a bowl of uncooked rice and I still sit here writing this, with my month-old myTouch dancing around my desk like it was happy to see me.
My first question is, has anybody encountered such a problem? If so, has anyone devised a way to remedy this? Second, I have PHP through T-Mobile (phone insurance for those overseas).. Should I just un-root, suck it up and pay the $130 deductible?
I met up with homegirl later on that night and yes, she was happily myTouched.
I shall await replies if any. Thanks for reading.
does the phone still work besides that. cuz if you are going to pay the deductible, i say just report it stolen and pay the fee to get a new one and use the water damaged one as a back up to flash test roms. the only reason you would unroot it and return it is if you are going through warranty, but it would fail, because though the indicator is still white, they open it up and check for water damage there, so you would still have to pay an out of warranty fee, which is like 400 when I had to return my mytouch for warranty purposes.
Just out of curiosity, where is the water indicator?
Also you should leave the phone submerged (cover off and battery off) in rice or packs of silica if you kept those from packaging of electronics for about 2 days. The longer the better. Then see if the phone still works.
Taknarosh said:
Just out of curiosity, where is the water indicator?
Also you should leave the phone submerged (cover off and battery off) in rice or packs of silica if you kept those from packaging of electronics for about 2 days. The longer the better. Then see if the phone still works.
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Water level indicator is on the lower right hand corner of the battery compartment. It's a round white sticker.
Phone was left (battery and cover off) in a bowl of rice as I mentioned in my post. I think it's the dried up sugar stuck on the board that's causing the phone to act up.. Gives a whole new meaning to "sweet phone".
tazz9690 said:
does the phone still work besides that. cuz if you are going to pay the deductible, i say just report it stolen and pay the fee to get a new one and use the water damaged one as a back up to flash test roms. the only reason you would unroot it and return it is if you are going through warranty, but it would fail, because though the indicator is still white, they open it up and check for water damage there, so you would still have to pay an out of warranty fee, which is like 400 when I had to return my mytouch for warranty purposes.
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Phone is still running fine aside from being stuck on vibrate.. The volume button seems to be the only other that's acting up but it's sporadic. If I do end up keeping the phone I'll open it up and have a look-see. I imagine it isn't gonna be a walk in the park like my N95.
Good point on the warranty, my friend who works for T-Mobile said I could return it at her store though.. Will they crack it open later on and possibly bill me?
Thanks for the input.
mausheezy said:
Phone is still running fine aside from being stuck on vibrate.. The volume button seems to be the only other that's acting up but it's sporadic. If I do end up keeping the phone I'll open it up and have a look-see. I imagine it isn't gonna be a walk in the park like my N95.
Good point on the warranty, my friend who works for T-Mobile said I could return it at her store though.. Will they crack it open later on and possibly bill me?
Thanks for the input.
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they send it to their return center and there they open it up. it happened to me on my sidekick. My trackball on it wasn't working so i returned it to warranty. They billed me 3 months later because they said it was an out of warranty product because they found water damage on the inside of the phone and the water damage indicator was still white. I didn't even know that it had water damage when I returned it. It must have gotten water in it when my hands were wet or when I had it in the rain.
Have you tried to turn off the vibrate feature from the settings to see if that turned off the vibrations?
All stickied up is what your volume button is. That is why it is vibrating and why the volume is acting up. The trick would be to get the sticky orange juice out from under your volume rocker. My menu button was sticking so I used a tiny piece of paper to stick in the very tiny gap between button and phone, maybe you will be able to dislodge the sticky stuff. Its a thought.
But insurance wise I think I'd say I lost it at Mcdonalds (snicker).
mausheezy said:
I met up with homegirl later on that night and yes, she was happily myTouched.
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I agree. Keep the phone and report it stolen.
Had the same thing happen with cranberry and vodka. pull the battery. Get the assembly manual off of the forum. Dissasemble and clean any and all boards with 90% isoproyl alcohol and a childs soft bristle tooth brush. Do not blow on the boards to dry them as condensation can occur. Just use a fan at room temperature. Make sure you don't get a bunch of alcohol in places it won't come out of (speakers, Microphones, any type of button, USE COMMON SENSE), and only use as much as absolutely necesary. I did mine about 24 hours after it happened and it is still working 3 months later. Sugar will kill it eventualy if left inside so it needs to come out. I have had not one single issue since iI cleaned mine. BE VERY GENTLE. There are a total of FOUR liquid indicators on the unit. One in the battery compartment, and two you cant see, and yet another behind the tab for holding a lanyard. If you need better instructions shoot me an e-mail. [email protected]
tazz9690 said:
they send it to their return center and there they open it up. it happened to me on my sidekick. My trackball on it wasn't working so i returned it to warranty. They billed me 3 months later because they said it was an out of warranty product because they found water damage on the inside of the phone and the water damage indicator was still white. I didn't even know that it had water damage when I returned it. It must have gotten water in it when my hands were wet or when I had it in the rain.
Have you tried to turn off the vibrate feature from the settings to see if that turned off the vibrations?
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Yeah I did and it still did it. I guess warranty exchange is out of the question then.. Thanks again.
Tech no logy said:
All stickied up is what your volume button is. That is why it is vibrating and why the volume is acting up. The trick would be to get the sticky orange juice out from under your volume rocker. My menu button was sticking so I used a tiny piece of paper to stick in the very tiny gap between button and phone, maybe you will be able to dislodge the sticky stuff. Its a thought.
But insurance wise I think I'd say I lost it at Mcdonalds (snicker).
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Haha. I tried it out with a bunch of post-its and it seems to have alleviated the volume issue slightly. I think I do have to open it up though coz it's still acting up. Thanks for the tips.. Maybe I should blame it on a McDonalds staff member.
softbanksucks said:
I agree. Keep the phone and report it stolen.
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Haha I think I will.
donepate said:
Had the same thing happen with cranberry and vodka. pull the battery. Get the assembly manual off of the forum. Dissasemble and clean any and all boards with 90% isoproyl alcohol and a childs soft bristle tooth brush. Do not blow on the boards to dry them as condensation can occur. Just use a fan at room temperature. Make sure you don't get a bunch of alcohol in places it won't come out of (speakers, Microphones, any type of button, USE COMMON SENSE), and only use as much as absolutely necesary. I did mine about 24 hours after it happened and it is still working 3 months later. Sugar will kill it eventualy if left inside so it needs to come out. I have had not one single issue since iI cleaned mine. BE VERY GENTLE. There are a total of FOUR liquid indicators on the unit. One in the battery compartment, and two you cant see, and yet another behind the tab for holding a lanyard. If you need better instructions shoot me an e-mail. [email protected]
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Thanks. You might expect an email from me pretty soon.
mausheezy said:
Yeah I did and it still did it. I guess warranty exchange is out of the question then.. Thanks again.
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it's a good thing you have insurance then and you told them that you "lost" it or it was "stolen"

My touchscreen has died... Argh!

Hi all,
Well, it seems my phone has given up the ghost and died on me. The phone boots up, and the screen comes on, but it is completely unresponsive to touch. THe hardware buttons are working though. Has this happened to anyone else? I've taken good care of my phone - always in the case - originally pouch then HTC flip case, never dropped, and kept well away from water. I never had a serious problem with the phone before, now this happens. It's so frustrating - only had it for 6 weeks! Now have to send it all the way back to Singapore and wait for them to sort it out and send it back. Any recommendations?
Try a HardReset, see if that fixes it. Had this issue 2 times when I had my HTC TyTN II.
Soft-Reset or HardReset.... First try the soft tho.
And on what ROM are you?
I've done a soft and a hard reset - no go, still down. Using official 1.66 ROM. Any ideas?
You're not operating in an extremely-cold environment are you? The digitizer drops in performance when it's cold.
Nor are you wearing gloves? With it being a capacitive device it relies on the natural electronic flow of your body to disrupt the electro-magnetic field the digitizer produces. Unless you're wearing very thin gloves, then gloves will stop the screen 'seeing' your finger.
Can't really think of anything else that may help.
If it's not environmental and you can't find any software causes, then your digitizer most likely has kicked the dust.
Definitely not in a cold environment - live in Durban in the tropics... And so no gloves either. If it is the digitiser, would it be covered by the warranty?
Yes it should be covered by the warranty.
CloneboyZA said:
Hi all,
Well, it seems my phone has given up the ghost and died on me. The phone boots up, and the screen comes on, but it is completely unresponsive to touch. THe hardware buttons are working though. Has this happened to anyone else? I've taken good care of my phone - always in the case - originally pouch then HTC flip case, never dropped, and kept well away from water. I never had a serious problem with the phone before, now this happens. It's so frustrating - only had it for 6 weeks! Now have to send it all the way back to Singapore and wait for them to sort it out and send it back. Any recommendations?
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it has also happened to me! I have had to send him/it in guarantee because it deals with problem hrdware (recognized in many models by the htc). They will handle the substitution of the display and other parts hardware.
P.S.: to me you/he/she has begun not to work in days with high damp and cold
Well, we've had a long spell of very hot weather and evening thunderstorms. Could being in a cool airconditioned environment and then going out into the humid outdoors have been the cause of the problems?
CloneboyZA said:
Hi all,
Well, it seems my phone has given up the ghost and died on me. The phone boots up, and the screen comes on, but it is completely unresponsive to touch. THe hardware buttons are working though. Has this happened to anyone else? I've taken good care of my phone - always in the case - originally pouch then HTC flip case, never dropped, and kept well away from water. I never had a serious problem with the phone before, now this happens. It's so frustrating - only had it for 6 weeks! Now have to send it all the way back to Singapore and wait for them to sort it out and send it back. Any recommendations?
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wtf.. mine just did this today also?...
I worked just fine a few hours ago here in my office. But now... nothing.
I also take really good care of my phone, had it for ~3 months now and not even a small nick or anything on it.
just did a hardreset on mine also. And still no life.
touch screen is totally dead - gonna send mine in for repairs then.
Maybe it's a conspiracy by HTC... What environmental conditions were you under?
CloneboyZA said:
Maybe it's a conspiracy by HTC... What environmental conditions were you under?
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well its ~1c outside rigth now but it has been in a nice warm office all day, for like 3 hours or so before it broke
Maybe it's the transition from warm to cold and back that broke our phones. If it is, what can be done to prevent it happening again?
CloneboyZA said:
Maybe it's the transition from warm to cold and back that broke our phones. If it is, what can be done to prevent it happening again?
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nothing i guess. Its not like mine has been that cold...
my trip this morning
6.30 am - locked my door and walked like 10 meters to my car, got in turned the heater on and had it running a podcast
7.45 am - arrived at work and walked like 50 meters to the front door
~11 am - phone display stopped working
So its not like i have been outside that much for it to get really cold. I always carry it in my front pocket.
Oh great, yet another potential problem I'll have to look out for.
Starfury said:
Oh great, yet another potential problem I'll have to look out for.
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well tbh i dont think its a hot/cold problem. It has been even colder for the last few months and it has never missed a beat. I agree that the coincidence is almost off the charts. But it may just be a manufacturing problem with some of them and CloneboyZA and i just have bad luck.
I thought I'd been lucky enough to get a decent one, but guess it was not to be...
Same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago.
Sent it to repair and they swapped the screen.
dogans said:
Same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago.
Sent it to repair and they swapped the screen.
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k thx good to know. Gonna send mine in for RMA on monday, unless i can make it tomorrow.
Well, I've got to ship mine all the way to Singapore from South Africa... Most frustrating!

'Splodge' on screen

Splodge, was the only way I could describe it...take a look at the attached photo.
I'm certain I have seen someone else post this before.
It just happened randomly! Was fine all day yesterday, then picked my phone up to answer it last night, and after the phone call had ended I saw this on the screen...
Touch screen still works, and you can still see underneath it, its less visible when the back light is on. Of course when it's off, you can see the effect it has!
So...what is it? Easily fixed or what?
Like I said, I'm sure I have seen this posted by someone else before...
Hehe... nice one. It will most likely disappear if you gently pull the glass with a suction cup.
Brgds... /Tubgirl
Suction cup thing works but then it comes back.
HTC said it would be out of warrenty :S and they would have to look at it first.
O2 however, said if its in warrenty (which it is) then they will get it repaired and supply a courtesy handset while they have it.
i had one the same size it has slowly gone to half the size 5 pence piece but o2 said its not under warrenty and i work for a major phone retailer and my repairs guy said it may so im very unsure wuld have re flash it as its hspl grrr
Some background info on the topic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton's_rings
greg1fraser said:
i had one the same size it has slowly gone to half the size 5 pence piece but o2 said its not under warrenty and i work for a major phone retailer and my repairs guy said it may so im very unsure wuld have re flash it as its hspl grrr
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interesting, well I'm taking it to the O2 store next week, so will see what they say, will keep the email i had off them saying they will as backup!
It has reduced in size, but still has the rainbow pattern in the middle.
I had a similar screen problem however it didnt look anywhere near as bad as yours. Mine had slight discolouration mostly noticable on white backgrounds. Pressing the screen a little bit harder than normal created the sort of effect you get when pressing the screen of a calculator (dont know what to call it) I took mine to the o2 shop with a different fault and also mentioned this fault. I got it back 6 days later but they hadnt fixed the screen problem. I sent it off again then and there and 6 days later i got a new phone.
O2 now have my HD2
Been given a nasty old Nokia phone as a temp...forgot how small some screens are...lol
should take 7-10 days they said...so fingers crossed...
Any way of fixing this problem without sending it back as this has happened to my cousins HTC HD2, kind of glad it didn't happen to mine lol, any quick fixes to know about?
I've had the same with my HD2.
They fixed it for me (new screen)
Don001 said:
Any way of fixing this problem without sending it back as this has happened to my cousins HTC HD2, kind of glad it didn't happen to mine lol, any quick fixes to know about?
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Get hold of a replacement screen and do it yourself??
MalekoUK said:
Get hold of a replacement screen and do it yourself??
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Was actually thinking about this, then tried to figure out how it happened, he goes it was one of two things, since he considers himself a bit of a playboy lol, he tells this tale of a girl sitting in his lap and it happened or could have been wetness (kind of goes hand in hand don't you think lol).. how does this problem usually occur?
Don001 said:
Was actually thinking about this, then tried to figure out how it happened, he goes it was one of two things, since he considers himself a bit of a playboy lol, he tells this tale of a girl sitting in his lap and it happened or could have been wetness (kind of goes hand in hand don't you think lol).. how does this problem usually occur?
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Well anyway! For me it was very random. The phone was fine all day at work, I had a phone call in the evening, after the phone call I just looked at my phone, and there it was...
Some people have said its caused my the heat of the battery and signal, dunno.
Its a very thin space between the battery and the back of the screen, so maybe thats true.
I can't see how over pressure can cause it as its a glass screen, and glass doesn't bend like plastic.
I had a smaller of these newton rings at the center. Much smaller than yours.
Suddenly one day it disappeared.
It was during summer and I thought it was probably because of the heat.
MalekoUK said:
Well anyway! For me it was very random. The phone was fine all day at work, I had a phone call in the evening, after the phone call I just looked at my phone, and there it was...
Some people have said its caused my the heat of the battery and signal, dunno.
Its a very thin space between the battery and the back of the screen, so maybe thats true.
I can't see how over pressure can cause it as its a glass screen, and glass doesn't bend like plastic.
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Interesting, he did always complain about his battery overheating or when on a phone call, the phone temperature increases rapidly, guess that was the cause, at least I get to tell him some good news, he can go to spearmint rhino as much as he wants lol
Just tracked the repair on line and all sounding good!
Job Fault: Defective On-Screen Keyboard
Job Status: On it’s way back
Repair Outcome: Warranty Repair
MalekoUK said:
Just tracked the repair on line and all sounding good!
Job Fault: Defective On-Screen Keyboard
Job Status: On it’s way back
Repair Outcome: Warranty Repair
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Congratulations.. how long did it take to come back?
Don001 said:
Congratulations.. how long did it take to come back?
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Hasn't arrived at the store yet, waiting for a phone call, fingers crossed for today! that would be exactly a week.
Hope its fixed soon for you, its interesting about the battery and heat, my hd2 gets warm below the battery and that is also below the main area your problem is on, I suspect its down to a screen fault myself.
MalekoUK said:
Hasn't arrived at the store yet, waiting for a phone call, fingers crossed for today! that would be exactly a week.
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Hopefully because I know how it feels like to be without the beloved HD2, I had to last two weeks, no matter what phone you use as a substitute, for some reason, it just cannot compare!

[TOILET AGAIN]Another loser has dropped the SGS right there

Hey, guys. I know there are dozens of threads talking about that, but mine is quite specific. First, the toilet disaster highlights one-to-one:
- phone sitting by the sink, which is close to toilet
- stupid movement and there it was, Skype was on.
- took 3 seconds to ignore all the human dignity I'd had and took the SGS from the water
- removed a crappy silicone cover (this one saved me from a more serious accident) very fast and removed the battery as fast as
- towel, paper-towel, rags
- rice bowl
- youtube video showing disassembly instructions (pretty easy)
- contact cleaner
- rice bowl again
It worked perfectly 24 hours later! Screen on, sound ok... very easy device to open.
Everything was fine until I accidentally hit the voice search and the "sound level meter" didn't move.
Microphone is not working since then. Doesn't work for calls, video with sound, audio note... It works fine with the stock earphone though.
Yes, I restored to factory settings.
Yes, I reflashed and reinstalled the ROM.
When I BLOW (with my mouth) into the mic, nothing happens. But when I SUCK it, the michophone seems to "catch" all the noise. Is this a signal of hope?
I opened it again and sprayed a good contact cleaner, right into the mic. No changes.
Phone was placed on the sink with "Skype on". Hmmmm
jbdroid said:
Phone was placed on the sink with "Skype on". Hmmmm
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Clearly the phone was deeply ashamed of what was going on and jumped into the open toilet to save your dignity.
You sucked on the Mic???
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Skype, bathroom, sucking and blowing the mic... woah...
Its very nasty
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I said "loser"...
Guys, rolling on the floor here, but any actual help?
Oh man grodiest i9000 thread ever.
Did you ever think about to replace the mic?? If ya say its easy to open the phone then you wont have problems to replace the mic I actually dont think its too expansive for ya. So actually its funny to read but I fell with ya. But you shouldnt use skype on the toilet my phone is waiting outside of the bath room, when I'm makin the big deal on the toilet xD
good luck dude
24 hours is way to short to remove water stuck between board and smd components. I think you fired it up to soon. Electronics dont repair themselves, once broken you need to replace parts to get things going again.
Only luck or a wallet can save you now im afraid.
Aww dude no way !!!.
I have had my fair share of phones falling into the loo, Luckily not with my SGS, but with my tocco and my spica.
My tocco survived after leaving it dry on the radiator for a day (on low low temperature)
My spica survived but needed a new screen. which was surprisingly cheap (not genuine part)
Just for my own amusement, Was it a number one or a number two you was doing at the time ?
Funny comments, But serious matter. Take their advice and leave it dry out a little more, You could of made it worse by powering it up. But lets not jump to conclusions just yet,
If drying it out for longer dont work. See if you can make a bit of cash by selling it for parts on ebay or similar.
Oh and is it on a contract ? if so do you have insurance ? or are you close to a renewal ?
Good luck, Hope you get a good outcome
azzledazzle said:
If drying it out for longer dont work. See if you can make a bit of cash by selling it for parts on ebay or similar.
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- I'll always look at parts from ebay suspiciously now.
RedBeardThePirate said:
- I'll always look at parts from ebay suspiciously now.
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Obviously you will have to mention the water damage.
But some people do buy broken / water damaged stuff.
Might not get a lot of money but it could be better than throwing it in the bin
My phone got drowned in the bottom of bag with a leaking water bottle, similar thing, phone worked but the mic wasn't 100% and the center button did not work at all. Purchased a replacement 3 button membrane they call it off ebay for $25 from UK. The mic is built onto this membrane. Funnily enough button started to work the day before it arrived but I will still replace the membrane just to know the mic is 100% as sometimes it comes across scratchy on the other end.
Hope all goes well for you.
dwyer125 said:
My phone got drowned in the bottom of bag with a leaking water bottle, similar thing, phone worked but the mic wasn't 100% and the center button did not work at all. Purchased a replacement 3 button membrane they call it off ebay for $25 from UK. The mic is built onto this membrane. Funnily enough button started to work the day before it arrived but I will still replace the membrane just to know the mic is 100% as sometimes it comes across scratchy on the other end.
Hope all goes well for you.
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I bought the flex cable keypad wich comes with the microphone. Just 10$ from HongKong. However, 3 weeks to arrive.
u could try drying ur circuit board in an ultrasonic dryer... should remove all the water from it...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Last time I flooded a phone (lake, beer, boat, he he), I used a food dehydrator. 24 hours in that gadget and all was well. Just last week my brother jumped into the water with his iPhone in the pocket. Same procedure and 24 hours later his phone lives.

