LCD problems! HELP!!! - HD2 General

I replaced my digitizer recently and when I put the phone back together and turned it on, the LCD looked different any thoughts or suggestions. I looked through some other threads but nothing described look like the problem I am having.

I guess the digitizer isn't original and polarizes the light in a different way, giving the strange optical effect.
Another issue maybe the digitizer is stuck tightly against LCD, try to put between the two a strip of thick adhesive tape around the edges, avoiding tight contact.
Or worst, maybe you damaged the LCD while disassembling, to verify this lift the digitizer and see if it looks the same or not without digitizer.

It looks as though it is a similar problem to * HERE *

I you go into your Web-browser and press the menu button, then view page info.
Look at the background (the webpage). What are the colours like?


LCD & digitizer problem

This is my first post here and though i read similar posts on this subject i would
like to read your opinions on this one.
I accidentally dropped some water on my touch hd and my display got damaged.The phone worked fine and so did the digitizer but the problem was that the backlight of the display was dead.At some point the backlight turned on but when i tried to input the unlock code it turned off right away (did this several times).I knew that i should replace the lcd (and the digitizer just in case).
I bought the lcd and the digitizer seperately and i managed to assemble the phone back using the service manual.Since then when i turn the phone on I hear the starting sound,i get the vibration then after a while the screen with no backlight again displays the "tap here to configure your phone" screen (after the hard reset),when i tap i get no response.
I checked the connections many times and i also used a second digitizer with no success.
Is there a possibility flashing a new ROM will solve the problem?
If so is there a way of flashing a ROM when the phone's screen is not usable?
Waiting for your precious opinions/suggestions/knowledge
Thanks in advance.
Flashing the ROM won't solve an obviously hardware problem.
If you changed the LCD and still have no backlight, then either you bought a defective screen, or the problem is elsewhere, maybe on the main electronic board... Which would be bad news.
BTW, I wanted to change the digitizer in the apst years, but its not provided with the glue, so I had to buy a whole assembled screen + digitizer.
How did you manage to glue the digitizer on the screen ?
I aligned the screen with the digitizer and then i used small pieces of a special thin and trasparent tape to hold it in place.The tape holds the screen tight and it is barely visible, it also has the advantage that you can seperate the lcd and digitizer anytime you want with ease (though you have to be very delicate when applying it to get a good result)
I asked for a replacement of the defective lcd and i hope i will get a new one.

hd2 screen replacement problem...tape issue?

i cracked my digitizer a while back, and ordered a replacement. i used double sided tape to install. the first digitizer worked great, except only the top 10% of the screen was not responsive (pretty much the width of the task bar) so i contacted the people i ordered the new screen from, and they just sent me a replacement. i installed the second digitizer, and this time none of the screen works.
i tried to make sure both times not to put the tape to wide so it doesn't overlap into the clear screen part, only the black, but could this be a tape issue? anyone else have trouble with installing where parts or entire screen didn't respond?
thanks for your help.
Are you sure you have the digitizer/lcd ribbon in all the way to the connector on the motherboard? When I first put everything back together when I changed a digitizer, touch didn't work at all for me initially. At first I thought I had a bad digitizer. Then I looked closely at the ribbon and connector, and there's some flaps that stick out to the side on the ribbon cable. Make sure you push the ribbon in until the flaps stop you from going any further.

[Q] Any idea how to install new DISPLAY (not outer screen) of Blade?

I finally didn't avoid dropping the Blade, although it is in a silicon case wearing outer protector sticker too. It fell face down i think on another item (they were in a fanny pack). Unfortunately, there was a crack all across the display when i checked it out. So i took the phone apart, found the display part that i need in ebay. The thing is every part either clips or zifs, except for the display itself and the volume button. The display was glued on the frame with some kind of stickers, i wonder how i should go about and install the new display, because it appears the two stickers are on the frame and not on the display so i guess there will be no stickers on the new part and the sellers specifically state "instructions not included, make sure you know what to do yourself". I have found instructions on outer screen change, but not for display change. The same applies for the volume button which was glued on the frame. Should i use some kind of glue for the display? And if yes, what kind of glue? Or should i search for these special stickers? And where would i find these, if they re not even mentioned anywhere i looked at? Thanks for any info guys..

[Q] Problems after replacing LCD and digitizer. Help needed.

I recently broke my 1 month old S5 LCD. Outer screen is just fine, but the LCD has paper thin glass, and it unfortunately met it's demise after a misplaced toss. I ordered a new LCD digitizer assembly and screen adhesive, then disassembled my broken phone. When I disassembled it there was either adhesive, or gasket material that was on top of the plastic flaps that go around the back and recent buttons (I assume adhesive), and also around the home button which I assume is important for functionality, and for water resistance. To make a long story short I assumed that this material would be provided with the screen adhesive so I removed the material from the back and recent buttons (it was already slightly damaged on one, and almost all peeled off of the other. I left the home button material because it seemed weak and I didn't want to break it. Also, some of this material had been peeled off/torn off surrounding the home button. After reassembling without the adhesive/gasket in these areas my phone now presses back or recent at random and it makes the phone almost impossible to use because it will exit out of programs or just start doing crazy stuff all on it's own.
My question is, is there somewhere that sells the adhesive/gasket for these three locations, if so where, and if not are there any suggestions of an alternative to the stock material. I am wondering if anyone has had some experience with this issue could chime it. I greatly appreciate any help.

Need Help-Backlight only after new LCD Screen on G530

I have a G530, the Tmobile version, though fully unlocked, rooted, etc. I had cracked the digitizer and while waiting for a new one I dropped it again and the LCD popped out with the digitizer, disconnecting itself and would come back on after that. I got a new LCD and attached it to the board (disassembled) and all worked. I mounted the board back in the case and reattached everything but then only the backlight would turn on during initial boot. The connection seemed loose and after 2-3 reconnects I got my display to work, but while attaching the digitzer, the glass at the very top, just before the lcd starts broke... So I got ANOTHER lcd and digitizer (They're cheap) This LCD only gives the backlight at initial power on, with no display response, but no matter what I do, I can't get it to kick on like the last one.
I'm trying to get an idea if it is the new LCD, or if my connector on the board is broken, It looks like maybe a bit of plastic at the top broke off.. and is making the connector a bit loose. Since I get a backlight, anyone have any experience as to which is more likely broken? I'm not sure if power from the connector goes straight to the backlight, or if it goes to the LCD first, and if I would get a backlight with a bad LCD. These are cheap $25 LCD & Digitizer bundles from Amazon, like 'Mencia' brand so good chance I could have gotten a new one that is dead.
I'll try to get another up close shot of the connector, this magnifying app didn't focus in as well and you cant see the individual connectors as well, but they are fine, its the very top part of the connector looks a bit smaller. The bottom part has a piece of metal sandwiched between the plastic, but the top doesn't have a bit of plastic after the metal tab, of course, it could be absolutely nothing :s
