how to install cm7 - Wildfire General

hello all
i am new in android world
i want to install CM7( i dont know what is it !)
can you please give me step by step instraction .....
well i just s-off my wildfire and rooted my device using this method
oh one more question i will ensure that my wildfire is rooted ?
thanks all

How about you use the search. Haven't been here for long but I'm fed up with same questions over and over again. Is bloody ridiculous.

this one is a great guide
read it first then just
follow the steps and u'll be happy with da result


[Q] Hello all! Please welcome my brother by helping me :-D

Hey all!
As you can see in my signature, i'm a HD2 user and i'm currently porting android, it's now been 3 months since i last used winmo!!!
To cut down to the important; my brother recently bought HTC Magic!
Since i like modding a lot, and since i have felt the beauty of android 2.2 (Froyo) on my HD2, knowing that Magic is android 1.5 by default, i want to port the latest ROM/android to his cell phone!
It's a PVT32A i guess (its written on the box 288MB RAM)
Is there is any froyo ROM for magic now?!
Or eclair?!
Stock or custom?!
I prefer stock roms if possible with froyo or eclair!
If not, what is the latest/fastest/best ROM for magic right now?! Please point me to it!
In htc site i found this;
did anyone tried it?! Is that android 1.5 or more?!
Please help me guys!
I know i should be reading but HD2 has got many bugs still in android to keep me completely busy in reading there besides that my brother doesn't like to read.
Simple.... follow my guide to root and get custom recovery...(check my signature)... then apply stock magic 2.1 with sense found in development section... or the stock 2.2 without sense also found in development!
Good luck!
mumilover said:
Simple.... follow my guide to root and get custom recovery...(check my signature)... then apply stock magic 2.1 with sense found in development section... or the stock 2.2 without sense also found in development!
Good luck!
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Excuse me mumilover but i have many concerns, if you or anyone can help me:
1-i've read that there is a "check for system update" in the settings/about phone but i don't have it!!! that is weird!!! I was thinking of updating the system first to see where that leads me!
2-in your root guide you use adb installing method; well i have never used it yet, is it that simple by only opening a command prompt in windows and writing "adb install C:\roottools\App\UniversalAndroot_1.6.1.apk" for example i can install this app if this is its location on pc?!?
Excuse my ignorance, but does this work simply by connecting the cell to the pc va usb (with debugging mode on) or it does need anything extra to make it work?!?
3-the biggest difficulty is that, by default, there are no file manager included and no market application!!!! which means one can not install any app!!! No way to download it and no way to install it if one can't access the SDcard!!!
Is that why we need adb?!?
4-How can i know my radio version and Hboot?! (in winmo it used to be displayed on booting)
5-Do you mean by "and get custom recovery" that i should do also steps 6, 7 and 8?! or only 7?! or maybe 7 and 8?! (coz 6 seems a bit freaky "Using this spl will cut your ram in half and make the 3.5mm jack useless!"... )
Thanks a lot
I can only say, that you have to read the guide 1-3 times more...
Many of your questions is answered there...
It very simple to follow, and i have written all the steps need.
Just do it and revert back if you get any problems.
Please, if you get problems, then write them in the guide thread and not here... to make things organized :0)
mumilover said:
I can only say, that you have to read the guide 1-3 times more...
Many of your questions is answered there...
It very simple to follow, and i have written all the steps need.
Just do it and revert back if you get any problems.
Please, if you get problems, then write them in the guide thread and not here... to make things organized :0)
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Ok no problem mumilover! But beware and be ready to answer all my questions after i try your guide step by step if i have any...
Good luck habibi...
In kaan fee mashakill, ana rah s3dak.... :0)
mumilover said:
...Please, if you get problems, then write them in the guide thread and not here... to make things organized :0)
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Please and thank you!

[q] can sum1 please root my desire hd ?

hi all i am looking for any 1 who nos wot there doin,so i can send my htc desire hd 2.3.3 so they can s-off and root it for me or if any 1 else nos sum 1 else pls let me no.thank you
rooting the DHD is not that Hard. I followed the guide from cyanogenmod wiki ~
Rooting guides are written in many different languages.
Where are your problems ? Maybe we can help you
It's so easy man...!!!
Just go by the quidance...!!!!
If you have any question if I know i would help you....!!! ))
mehrshadkh said:
It's so easy man...!!!
Just go by the quidance...!!!!
If you have any question if I know i would help you....!!! ))
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well im not sure what program or method to use to start with.and my computer skills isnt the best but i no how it to use it some were near lol.thats 1 thing that puts me off also.and my dhd is already sim unlucked.does this make a differnce?its around 12 months old and it was unlocked when i brought it.and i obviously want to root it the easiest way as possible.and i have been reading up alot about this for a while now but havnt had the courage to yet lol
Can someone help me with the gingerbreak 1.2apk it gave me errors twice after tryin to root, and say I get it to work what's the nxt step? I rooted my old BB and caught on to that process fast so im sure if I had detailed info I wood be ok, and also I dnt have a computer at the time so I wood only b able to use a " one-click" method. Thank you!!
Optimus V
Zachary droid said:
Can someone help me with the gingerbreak 1.2apk it gave me errors twice after tryin to root, and say I get it to work what's the nxt step? I rooted my old BB and caught on to that process fast so im sure if I had detailed info I wood be ok, and also I dnt have a computer at the time so I wood only b able to use a " one-click" method. Thank you!!
Optimus V
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Zachary and Candyman, I don't know where you've been reading but there are detailed step by step instructions in the development section. If you are unable to follow them then IMHO you are best staying with stock.
ghostofcain said:
Zachary and Candyman, I don't know where you've been reading but there are detailed step by step instructions in the development section. If you are unable to follow them then IMHO you are best staying with stock.
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Yup the dev section has loads of tutorials i rooted from there but if you got gb then downgrading to froyo would be best option for root i think.
candyman993 said:
hi all i am looking for any 1 who nos wot there doin,so i can send my htc desire hd 2.3.3 so they can s-off and root it for me or if any 1 else nos sum 1 else pls let me no.thank you
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Ya, I'll root it for you. Pm me and I'll give you my address. I'll root it and send it back. You asked a question, simple, can someone root my desire hd for me? Not how can I and where are the instructions. Just, can someone do it for me. YES, I can and will.
Sent from my Motorola Startac running Atari 2600 software!
Step 1: How to downgrade 1.7x/1.8x/2.x to 1.32.405.6
Step 2: How to root HTC Desire HD in 5 minutes! (Video)
pwraggcan said:
Ya, I'll root it for you. Pm me and I'll give you my address. I'll root it and send it back. You asked a question, simple, can someone root my desire hd for me? Not how can I and where are the instructions. Just, can someone do it for me. YES, I can and will.
Sent from my Motorola Startac running Atari 2600 software!
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its better for him to learn so in future he doesnt have to ask the sam e question for a different device and if he does it himself he wont have any problems in flashing roms too
It's best to do it all by yourself. It's actually quite easy if you follow the guide carefully. glhf
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

how to downgrade from 2.3.3 or any firm to 2.3.2

how to downgrade from 2.3.3 or any firm to 2.3.2 looking for a realy simple methord im bootlocked need simplest method any1 could follow if program needed please noot name n if u can link to get it thank u
Just go to the development section and you will find everything you need there, you also could have done a search before starting a new thread cause there are a bunch of them around
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
lyricalchaos said:
how to downgrade from 2.3.3 or any firm to 2.3.2 looking for a realy simple methord im bootlocked need simplest method any1 could follow if program needed please noot name n if u can link to get it thank u
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Find a thread about flashtool
also this should have been posted in Q&A
edit:actually follow this thread...I asked pretty much every question

haw root and instal recovery for DHD 2.3.3???

hi gays can i root my desire hd android 2.3.3 sense 2.1 ad how i can install recovery like CWM ?
I'm just speechless, gAys
Sent from my Desire HD running ICS
any help ?
Yeah, I think you meant to say guys, not gays.
This page might help you out. Look at the XDA part and there are a couple of links. Also a couple of those videos should help you out.
Just be patient and take it step by step.
Good luck gay.
I mean guy.
try to read this thread
This is complete guide for all HTC Desire HD owners who want's to root their devices and install custom recovery image
Grant Barker said:
Yeah, I think you meant to say guys, not gays.
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Grant Barker said:
Yeah, I think you meant to say guys, not gays.
This page might help you out. Look at the XDA part and there are a couple of links. Also a couple of those videos should help you out.
Just be patient and take it step by step.
Good luck gay.
I mean guy.
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lOoOl --' Ok guy
I followed the above guide and it worked perfectly. Read it several times and follow step by step.
It sounds scary, but the guide makes it easy.

Advice in reflashing HTC HD2?

Hello everybody
Two days ago I got my uncle's friend HTC HD2 with installed "MIUI-NDT DEVELOPMENT v48.0 (by Langthang) to "refresh" it (reflash software, etc...) .
So, here's my question, (i'm newb in this thing but i know the basics, I'm owner of rooted Samsung Galaxy S)
can I use this tutorial without any problems?
I want to update that old 2.3.7 MIUI to something newer, for eg. 4.1.2
Also this phone has been bought from chinese company fyi.
Thanks in advance
_Legend0 said:
Hello everybody
Two days ago I got my uncle's friend HTC HD2 with installed "MIUI-NDT DEVELOPMENT v48.0 (by Langthang) to "refresh" it (reflash software, etc...) .
So, here's my question, (i'm newb in this thing but i know the basics, I'm owner of rooted Samsung Galaxy S)
can I use this tutorial without any problems?
I want to update that old 2.3.7 MIUI to something newer, for eg. 4.1.2
Also this phone has been bought from chinese company fyi.
Thanks in advance
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Hey man, glad to see your reviving ur ole HD2, anyways to the point, that guide is quite old. The DAF.exe method isnt used anymore. the user mengfei has written a guide. Search up on that
adil1508 said:
Hey man, glad to see your reviving ur ole HD2, anyways to the point, that guide is quite old. The DAF.exe method isnt used anymore. the user mengfei has written a guide. Search up on that
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You meant this guide
_Legend0 said:
You meant this guide
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You can use pretty much any guide and while I have nothing against mengfei's guide I personally found the one in my sig to be the clearest to follow. It's essentially an updated version of the one you linked in the OP. You only have to follow the steps from flashing CWM onwards as you'll need to change the partition size but everything else should be fine as it is.
_Legend0 said:
You meant this guide
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That one is for NativeSd. Im just too lazy to search. lol, but ill do it and get u the guide, meanwhile, use the one in Nigeldg's signature
Ok, thanks but I've already installed NexusHD2 ICS and everything is OK.
Thanks for help
