Dolphin and Opera mobile fast like original browser? - Galaxy S II General

first i apologize for my bad eng
I've see several video with gs2 vs dual and vs sensation and gs2 is the fastest in rendering of websites (no lag with video playing and heavy flash). I've read that this depend by hw acceleration.
Now all test i've seen are made with stock browser... with opera and dolphin is keep the hw acceleration or is only with stock browser?
Otherwise i can think that with opera/dolph gs2 dual and sensation are very similar during navigation.

I tested opera, stock and xscope in the peacekeeper benchmark, although stock was the fastest the differences were only very minimal, the results in themselves were pretty impressive

Which do you recommend my dearest friend.
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Stock browser is way better than any other browser there. You can test by yourself. I have tried, Mozilla, Opera, Dolphin HD, out of them I liked Dolphin HD only, it's a good browser, still not a match to Stock but still not bad. Mozilla and Opera are pathetic IMO.

If you want full text reflow like you get on other phones then Opera Mobile offers this, not just double tap reflow but when you pinch zoom in out it will reflow the text to fit the screen the default browser does not offer this.

diehard2222 said:
Which do you recommend my dearest friend.
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xscope, not only is it very smooth but it also renders text at small sizes better than other browser making it easier to read (this way you can zoom out of most pages and still read everything)
btw the speed differences are negligible, they all score around 950 in peacekeeper with a difference of 6 points (ie 0.5%) at worst
I think you should test xscope, miren, dolphin hd and mine, opera and stock because these are all good but in different ways, see which one suits you

stock browser should have hardware acceleration and it is really smooth and fast with scrolling and is the best that i ever used

the main problem of opera is the remote rendering, you have to remember to not send any login details

menonino said:
the main problem of opera is the remote rendering, you have to remember to not send any login details
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only opera mini does this, opera mobile doesnt, and I sort of trust opera

I vote for opera mobile too .. stock does not have reflow on pinch.

Dr.Sid said:
I vote for opera mobile too .. stock does not have reflow on pinch.
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On the sgs stock browser it did.. why did they get rid of it?
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diehard2222 said:
On the sgs stock browser it did.. why did they get rid of it?
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Yeah on sgs you could pinch to zoom then double click to make the text reflow. On sgs2 it zooms out.....

yes..opera mobile is a good browser but it isn't at samsung stock level

That lack of reflow was quite annoying. I'm also using Opera Mobile. I like its Chrome like start screen.
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I never had a problem with text reflow in the stock browser.... but the fact it gave checkerboard patterns all the time when scrolling made me try other browsers.
I've tried Miren, Opera and Dolphin HD. Personally, I find them all about equally as good, but in different ways. I like the interface of the latest Dolphin HD the best but Miren seems a smidge faster, and Opera faster still.

gstar_raw said:
That lack of reflow was quite annoying. I'm also using Opera Mobile. I like its Chrome like start screen.
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I think chrome's start screen is Opera like (seriously opera looked like that, with the speeddials, years before chrome was released)

godutch said:
I think chrome's start screen is Opera like (seriously opera looked like that, with the speeddials, years before chrome was released)
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Ah, never knew that. Thanks for the correction
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Opera Mobile.
Had Miren for a while, also Stock, tested Dolphin HD.
Opera mobile brings its own presto engine, not using web kit like stock and Dolphin.
This results in best rendering and by far better HTML5 compliance (best of all mobile browsers on all platforms).
Speed is great with ~60'000 in browsermark, slightly more than stock and Dolphin.
Different flash contents on one page can be activated separately.
I like opera link a lot as well.
With opera:config countless settings are available, including user agent.
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We gotta admit safari is a damn good browser for phones i seriously wish it could be ported somehow.
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U guys recommend opera mini or the normal browser? Mini is supposed to be faster right?


Browser lag fix... Temporary solution.

My Galaxy Tab flies with no freezing... Rooted with z4 and use oclf. If i get lag in the Dolphin browser I try this trick I discovered on xda: Hold the power button to get the power off menu, then press the back button to exit that menu. Thats it. Browser will increase in speed and fluidity!
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Instead of using this trick flash a newer firmware than stock.
JMC and JME both have incredibly smooth browsers. There is NO comparison to stock firmware. I have a bell tab and the stock firmware browser was a POS. Once I flashed up to JMC and now JME, its soooo smooth. All 3rd party browsers cannot compare. I even did a side by side comparison to stock bell, and miren on a stock firmware tab.
As for this tip, it didnt do much for the stock tab.
The only way a stock browser will perform correctly with the base OS is by using another browser.
The reason the stock browser does not operate correctly with the base OS is because there are bugs (which have been addressed in later OS upgrades).
A good browser to try is Dolphin HD. Run both Dolphin and the stock browser on the same web page and try scrolling..... they will be miles apart in smoothness.
The stock browser still slows down after 2 or 3 sites and goes blank after 2 or 3 sites when scrolling
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deezid said:
The stock browser still slows down after 2 or 3 sites and goes blank after 2 or 3 sites when scrolling
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As I mentioned above, give Dolphin HD a try..... you will be pleasently surprised.
Beards said:
As I mentioned above, give Dolphin HD a try..... you will be pleasently surprised.
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I'm already using the new beta
It is much faster (after a few sites) and doesn't slow down.

checkerboard in browser

If you are sick of that...try pushing the browser.apk from the miui rom.
ms79723 said:
If you are sick of that...try pushing the browser.apk from the miui rom.
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So I gather this is the fix...Thanks if so.
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ecooce said:
So I gather this is the fix...Thanks if so.
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Well I hope it is. I'm on miui right now so I can't really check. But being on it right now, there haven't been any checkerboard problems so far and I've been surfing the web for about an hour.
What is the differences between the two? Is the MIUI browser the EB13 browser, but optimized somehow? The EB13 browser is amazingly fast and awesome except for the checkerboarding, so I would love to know that nothing else is changed other than the checkerboarding issue being fixed.
Dolphin HD
I've been using Dolphin HD Browser, but I like the stock one better[because it feels faster in my opinion]--except for the checker-boarding.
Try Dolphin HD browser. I don't use the stock one any more after using Dolphin.
Being able to set the user client mode is great for a lot sites that always try to push you to mobile versions.
Isn't the MIUI browser dependent on the MIUI framework?

Best web browser

In regards to web browser test like acid3 and html 5 ...the stock browser scored on both test lower then my wife iphone 4
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Yeah, but who cares? The iPhone 4 can't do Flash
But if you really want to go by those tests, Opera Mobile does the best I think... It's really fast too. Second is probably Firefox, but it kind of sucks right now because it's still beta and can't do Flash. The other browsers such as Dolphin and Miren have cool features, but they can't beat Opera Mobile in terms of speed.
Mirin is the best IMO.
maledyris said:
Yeah, but who cares? The iPhone 4 can't do Flash
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Some people see this as a good thing. Flash is awful.
jimmer411 said:
Mirin is the best IMO.
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Miren is the name

Dolphin Pad Browser

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that there is a great new Honeycomb browser available in the market from the Dolphin team called Dolphin Pad. I've been using it for a few minutes now and I've gotta say that it's the smoothest 3rd party browser i've tried. Give it a try and post your thoughts.
EDIT: I can confirm that HD content from amazon instant video & youtube play silky smooth
do u mean..the dolphin hd 6.0??
It also lets me use flash 10.3
acericoniagirl said:
It also lets me use flash 10.3
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Nope! Dolphin Pad
Im on it as we speak. It does seem kinda promissing in speed but had it 10 minutes using xda in the new mode with no hasitation
After using this a whole day and comparing it to say stock browser im back to turns out to be faster .sometimes the dolphin pad freezes right at the end of loading some web sites. I think its a flash or Java issue as sometimes it seems as thou its a add that is stooping it.
With that said it is in beta I sent Dev a message its promising
search dolphin pad in market to get
Can somebody please post the apk. Thanks
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I'm liking it
chad24taylor said:
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that there is a great new Honeycomb browser available in the market from the Dolphin team called Dolphin Pad. I've been using it for a few minutes now and I've gotta say that it's the smoothest 3rd party browser i've tried. Give it a try and post your thoughts.
EDIT: I can confirm that HD content from amazon instant video & youtube play silky smooth
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How's it so different from the regular dolphin HD browser?
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Just DLed it and spent the last 30 minutes putting it through its paces. One weird random close, but otherwise very smooth and fast. Does a good job even on CNN flash videos, and the gesture feature seems a bit more accurate than the 6.0 HD I was using.
dweebken said:
How's it so different from the regular dolphin HD browser?
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To be honest, I haven't been using Dolphin HD so I'm not qualified to compare the two. I definitely suggest trying it out though!
So not for us with 10" tablets running Android 2.2? Shame.
Dolphin HD I've noticed when you scroll down, you lose the tabs. With DolphinPad, they stay. Also, Fullscreen on Pad seems better, can't really describe it. Pad doesn't have that annoying gesture thing on the bottom either. Swiping side to side for shortcuts seems more fluid. Flash works well. Just seems much more optimized for the tablet. Settings layout is much better imho. Overall, Pad = Win in my eyes. I'm coming from the Asus Transformer, but I can only imagine similar performance for the Iconia.
dictionary said:
Dolphin HD I've noticed when you scroll down, you lose the tabs. With DolphinPad, they stay. Also, Fullscreen on Pad seems better, can't really describe it. Pad doesn't have that annoying gesture thing on the bottom either. Swiping side to side for shortcuts seems more fluid. Flash works well. Just seems much more optimized for the tablet. Settings layout is much better imho. Overall, Pad = Win in my eyes. I'm coming from the Asus Transformer, but I can only imagine similar performance for the Iconia.
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Couldn't have said it better myself.
I like it, good stuff, Thanks
I like it a lot!! Better than Dolphin HD 6.0 ....
vince1979 said:
I like it a lot!! Better than Dolphin HD 6.0 ....
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I tried it for about an hour, then removed it. Can't find how to use gestures, and rendering on some sites sucks compared to dolphin browser HD.
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Looks good. Gonna give it a run.
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It is a very promising browser and a distinct upgrade over Dolphin HD 6. However, I couldn't find a quick way to import bookmarks from Dolphin HD and the address bar did not show the "home" icon (or I could not find it), so if anyone from the Dolphin team is reading this, please add these functions.
dictionary said:
Dolphin HD I've noticed when you scroll down, you lose the tabs. With DolphinPad, they stay. Also, Fullscreen on Pad seems better, can't really describe it. Pad doesn't have that annoying gesture thing on the bottom either. Swiping side to side for shortcuts seems more fluid. Flash works well. Just seems much more optimized for the tablet. Settings layout is much better imho. Overall, Pad = Win in my eyes. I'm coming from the Asus Transformer, but I can only imagine similar performance for the Iconia.
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You know you can disable the gestures in settings from working or displaying.
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Biologos said:
It is a very promising browser and a distinct upgrade over Dolphin HD 6. However, I couldn't find a quick way to import bookmarks from Dolphin HD and the address bar did not show the "home" icon (or I could not find it), so if anyone from the Dolphin team is reading this, please add these functions.
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No home button, just hit the plus tab and will open new page with whatever you set your homepage as.
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Better than Opera Mobile?

Stock browser

Just got my new note 3 today (sim free N9005) and I don't like the stock browser as compared to my note 2. I found the browser to be loading slower, pages are not zoomed properly, kinetic scrolling is not as responsive and for some really strange reason when I click at a picture on mobile version of Facebook website, it is displayed very small in size. Chrome does not seem to suffer from this problem. Can anyone else please confirm these performance issues and possibly suggest solutions. I am really annoyed because of stock browser's performance and miss my note 2.
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I stopped using the stock browser as soon as I had turned on any accessibility services as it started talking! 'Page loading' 'page loaded" etc. Very annoying. Mostly using Chrome and Boat browsers now.
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Stopped in to look at one today and the most important feature for me to check out first was the browser. I was not impressed. No text flow and similar issues as other posters. I left sprint without buying. Very disappointing
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Looks like i might go with the G2. Browser is super important to me and i dont like chrome or the other 3rd party browser ( except the AOSP one) but it defeats the purpose of using the touchwiz feature within the stock browser itself.
They removed Quick Controls, Google Bookmarks AND Flash Support... no thank you.
I thought the N3 would be better than N2 & N1 in every aspect? But no... worse browser, worse speaker... better region lock though
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Tubgirl said:
They removed Quick Controls, Google Bookmarks AND Flash Support... no thank you.
I thought the N3 would be better than N2 & N1 in every aspect? But no... worse browser, worse speaker... better region lock though
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Removing google bookmarks killed it for me. Why would they do that? I am back to chrome beta now and doing fine.
Is it not possible to install note 2 version of stock browser?
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I switched to Chrome from the outset.
Chrome and Firefox way better
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The kinetic scrolling is pretty bad on this thing sadly.

