HBOOT Driver Installation - EVO 4G General

I am trying to get to the drivers installed and I am doing what the instructions say, "Turn off your phone, then boot it into the HBOOT menu by holding power and volume down.", but all it does is boot normal, but really fast. Am I doing something wrong, other than being a noob?
I am not rooted
htc EVO 4g
v2.3.3 ota

you need to pull out the battery first. or disable fastboot in the settings.

civicboy1791 said:
I am trying to get to the drivers installed and I am doing what the instructions say, "Turn off your phone, then boot it into the HBOOT menu by holding power and volume down.", but all it does is boot normal, but really fast. Am I doing something wrong, other than being a noob?
I am not rooted
htc EVO 4g
v2.3.3 ota
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Yea, you have fastboot mode enabled, which you can turn off in menu>settings>power management, or something to that nature. What exactly are you trying to install the hboot drivers for? I only ask, because if it is so you can use Unrevoked, I just wanted to give you a heads up that it won't be working for you, and I'd avoid trying it. Unrevoked won't work for the 2.3.3 OTA. If it is for other reasons, then carry on!

k2buckley said:
Yea, you have fastboot mode enabled, which you can turn off in menu>settings>power management, or something to that nature. What exactly are you trying to install the hboot drivers for? I only ask, because if it is so you can use Unrevoked, I just wanted to give you a heads up that it won't be working for you, and I'd avoid trying it. Unrevoked won't work for the 2.3.3 OTA. If it is for other reasons, then carry on!
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Well I was trying to get one step ahead by getting ready to root when Unrevoked gets it figured out. On their site it says to install the drivers for windows users. I guess it is safe to say I am completely wrong about this one?

civicboy1791 said:
Well I was trying to get one step ahead by getting ready to root when Unrevoked gets it figured out. On their site it says to install the drivers for windows users. I guess it is safe to say I am completely wrong about this one?
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Well, you DO need to have the hboot drivers installed for Unrevoked to work, if you're using windows. The problem is that Unrevoked is not yet updated to work with the 2.3.3 OTA. There is currently no root method for ya. The only hope you'd have for right now, is if your phone had been rooted prior to you having it, and your bootloader is still S-off. Other than that, you're going to need to wait until unrevoked gets updated to work with the OTA. I also wouldn't be surprised if when there is an Updated method to work with the new hboot 2.16, that there is a different set of modified hboot drivers that will need to be used (speculation, but wouldn't be surprised). That would mean you'd just need to install them again.
I would just sit tight and wait for the updated Unrevoked to drop, and see if there is anything that changes with their instructions or downloads.

k2buckley said:
Well, you DO need to have the hboot drivers installed for Unrevoked to work, if you're using windows. The problem is that Unrevoked is not yet updated to work with the 2.3.3 OTA. There is currently no root method for ya. The only hope you'd have for right now, is if your phone had been rooted prior to you having it, and your bootloader is still S-off. Other than that, you're going to need to wait until unrevoked gets updated to work with the OTA. I also wouldn't be surprised if when there is an Updated method to work with the new hboot 2.16, that there is a different set of modified hboot drivers that will need to be used (speculation, but wouldn't be surprised). That would mean you'd just need to install them again.
I would just sit tight and wait for the updated Unrevoked to drop, and see if there is anything that changes with their instructions or downloads.
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Looks like I am sitting tight... Thank you for all the input!

civicboy1791 said:
Looks like I am sitting tight... Thank you for all the input!
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You're welcome. I always feel bad for the owner of an unrooted evo, hopefully you won't need to wait too long! If I were you, I'd probably be looking all over craigslist, hoping to get lucky and find one that's still on Froyo, and try to trade up!

k2buckley said:
You're welcome. I always feel bad for the owner of an unrooted evo, hopefully you won't need to wait too long! If I were you, I'd probably be looking all over craigslist, hoping to get lucky and find one that's still on Froyo, and try to trade up!
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I was considering doing the root before the ota 2.3.3 but wasn't comfortable with it yet, now i pretty much have the procedure memorized, but somehow missed the part about not doing the ota's. Lesson learned. And i didn't even think about Craigslist, going there now...

civicboy1791 said:
I am trying to get to the drivers installed and I am doing what the instructions say, "Turn off your phone, then boot it into the HBOOT menu by holding power and volume down.", but all it does is boot normal, but really fast. Am I doing something wrong, other than being a noob?
I am not rooted
htc EVO 4g
v2.3.3 ota
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You have to be rooted first
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App

fnkyscotty said:
You have to be rooted first
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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civicboy1791 said:
I was considering doing the root before the ota 2.3.3 but wasn't comfortable with it yet, now i pretty much have the procedure memorized, but somehow missed the part about not doing the ota's. Lesson learned. And i didn't even think about Craigslist, going there now...
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Also, I have no idea how true it is...but I've heard a couple people report that they had success in going to a Sprint store, and convincing one of the techs there to downgrade the phone back to Froyo. Again, that's just hearsay, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sprint had the capabilities to downgrade the system (we currently can't downgrade). If that is at all true, and you were able to get them to downgrade ya, then you could root using unrevoked.

k2buckley said:
The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.
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HA! nice lol

k2buckley said:
Also, I have no idea how true it is...but I've heard a couple people report that they had success in going to a Sprint store, and convincing one of the techs there to downgrade the phone back to Froyo. Again, that's just hearsay, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sprint had the capabilities to downgrade the system (we currently can't downgrade). If that is at all true, and you were able to get them to downgrade ya, then you could root using unrevoked.
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Calling now, let you know what they say

negative - they say it is not possible...

civicboy1791 said:
negative - they say it is not possible...
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Damn, that's too bad. I wonder if it is actually possible, but they're instructed to not do it....either that or the person who reported it before was full of it! He did say it took some convincing though, and he gave a few reasons as to why he wanted to do it (ie. with the GB OTA netflix didnt work, it borked wireless N wifi, the compass no longer worked, phantom voicemail icons, etc) he complained of all those valid things, and got the guy to do it. At least that's what he said.

k2buckley said:
Damn, that's too bad. I wonder if it is actually possible, but they're instructed to not do it....either that or the person who reported it before was full of it! He did say it took some convincing though, and he gave a few reasons as to why he wanted to do it (ie. with the GB OTA netflix didnt work, it borked wireless N wifi, the compass no longer worked, phantom voicemail icons, etc) he complained of all those valid things, and got the guy to do it. At least that's what he said.
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Well I just got my netflix working
Sent from my htc EVO


Un-Root my Hero

I need to take my Hero back to factory specs because I'm taking it into a sprint store tomorrow. What all do I need to do... should I just flash my original rom back on there or can I download a rom from htc and it will clear everything? I understand I need to flash a new recovery image too.
oh also, I'm running FreshRom.
nautical34 said:
I need to take my Hero back to factory specs because I'm taking it into a sprint store tomorrow. What all do I need to do... should I just flash my original rom back on there or can I download a rom from htc and it will clear everything? I understand I need to flash a new recovery image too.
oh also, I'm running FreshRom.
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You can flash the original rom back on there and be fine. They wont EVER press Home+power and boot into recovery.
If you really want to go back to default.. Run this RUU
Running the sprint 2.1 update will un-root your phone.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
neuro_genesis said:
Running the sprint 2.1 update will un-root your phone.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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Its not the sprint update.. thats the .5 ruu
Thanks for the link, that worked out great!
Jus10o said:
Its not the sprint update.. thats the .5 ruu
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Actually newest ruu is .6 I think
after you run this can you re-root?. im new to android and i want to be able to restore to factory settings whenever after root just so i can re-root and practice it, as well as know how to fix it if i do something stupid or just brick the darn thing.
like i said im new and not good with forums where can i get a copy of the original rom? i would like to have that before i attempt to root.
also kinda off topic but do i have to be rooted to make nanoid backup. i would also like to have that before i root.
proman95 said:
after you run this can you re-root?. im new to android and i want to be able to restore to factory settings whenever after root just so i can re-root and practice it, as well as know how to fix it if i do something stupid or just brick the darn thing.
like i said im new and not good with forums where can i get a copy of the original rom? i would like to have that before i attempt to root.
also kinda off topic but do i have to be rooted to make nanoid backup. i would also like to have that before i root.
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Yes you can re-root after running the .5 RUU
the original rom is contained in the RUU program linked above
You don't have to be rooted to make a nandroid backup, though you do need to flash a custom recovery image. Being rooted means that you basically have administrator access on your phone, can run things like wifi tether and can overwrite the /system/ folder. A recovery image is a little different than that...
ok thanks, i know root is just admin, but a lot of root guides have you flash a recovery image, by doing that you replace the original recovery image? the one that takes you back to factory reset? thats what im not sure about and im really nervous about changing that and messing it up and bricking my device, thought one forum said its almost imposable to brick.
ok so i have that RUU and another one i download. do i just run it or do i need to have a specific program on my pc?
i know i need to Google it and just search the forums but i don't have a lot of time on my hands right now.
If you're planning on going back to root, don't run the .6 RUU. I don't think it's rootable. At least that was the case when it came out. .5 IS rootable.
vidsid said:
If you're planning on going back to root, don't run the .6 RUU. I don't think it's rootable. At least that was the case when it came out. .5 IS rootable.
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how do you determine what version the RUU is?
proman95 said:
i know i need to Google it and just search the forums but i don't have a lot of time on my hands right now.
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I am seriously sure it wouldn't hurt to type a couple words into a search query, right? At least people helped you out though. Good luck!
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
proman95 said:
how do you determine what version the RUU is?
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Menu - settings - about phone - software information - software number.
If it is .6, who cares. You can get root by going to the development section and finding the root guide written by regaw_leinad, and the solution for software number .6 is in there, too. Dunno why people make it out to be such a bad thing to have .6... seriously.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
jerry43812 said:
Menu - settings - about phone - software information - software number.
If it is .6, who cares. You can get root by going to the development section and finding the root guide written by regaw_leinad, and the solution for software number .6 is in there, too. Dunno why people make it out to be such a bad thing to have .6... seriously.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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Well you still can't root .6 but all you need to do is flash .5. So yeah I don't know why people are making a big deal either
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Exactly. .6 isn't rootable yet but you are losing nothing by flashing back to .5 except for the patch they released to fix root exploit. What a waste of time for them.
cp0020 said:
Well you still can't root .6 but all you need to do is flash .5. So yeah I don't know why people are making a big deal either
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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jerry43812 said:
I am seriously sure it wouldn't hurt to type a couple words into a search query, right? At least people helped you out though. Good luck!
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thats the thing though most of my search's come up with nothing or so much stuff that its all over the place and dose not help at all, believe me I am trying. I am vary interested in learning as much as i can so when I have to to root/ or flash i can do it easily.
(thats why I don't post that much, I am trying not to sounds like an idiot, thought i probably already have)
jerry43812 said:
Menu - settings - about phone - software information - software number.
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But thats after you run the RUU.exe I meant how do you know what version of the RUU.exe coincides with what version of the software with out installing or running it. I am still a little confused on what I need to do with the RUU.exe and or what it dose. I have been searching the forums but there is not a Good sticky or wiki about it, its only the definition. I am assuming it re-installs a fresh copy of whatever that version of the OS is, but i don't know for sure.
jerry43812 said:
If it is .6, who cares. You can get root by going to the development section and finding the root guide written by regaw_leinad, and the solution for software number .6 is in there, too. Dunno why people make it out to be such a bad thing to have .6... seriously.
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sorry I am such a noob and thanks for the help but i just want to clarify that .6 stands for 1.6 or donut?
-Thanks for helping the noob!!!
2.27.651.5 is the original Hero update.
2.27.651.6 is the update that was released solely to disable the ability to root.
The RUU for each was released by Sprint/HTC and flashed your phone from 1.5 to 2.whatever.
If you root, then you can run any of these to revert back to the stock Sprint image. If you chose to go to 2.27.651.6 then the only way to re-root would be to flash back to 2.27.651.5 which would only be a pain in the bum.
Since 2.27.651.6 gives you nothing but the inability to root then it only makes sense to revert to .5.
If this makes no sense to you...feel free to give up on rooting altogether. If it does then good luck.
BTW I only figured out how to root on Monday so these forums are most excellent..if you take the time to search through them.
Thanks its starting to make sense, right now I'm software 2.1 update 1 or 2.6 so i just have to go back to 2.5 . once i have more time i will thanks for the explanation! yes this site is the best and yes i need to search more.

Hosed Unrevoked thread

Figured I'd start a thread for all of us suckers that went with Unrevoked and want to back down or switch methods.
Has anyone that did the Unrevoked 2 / ClockWorkMod method of root successfully backed down to stock and / or converted to Toast?
What method did you use.
Smac61 said:
Figured I'd start a thread for all of us suckers that went with Unrevoked and want to back down or switch methods.
Has anyone that did the Unrevoked 2 / ClockWorkMod method of root successfully backed down to stock and / or converted to Toast?
What method did you use.
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*raises hand*
4G still hosed. I was on Unrevoked v1 which hosed my 4G.
Did the dummy's guide to rooting found on this forum.
Still no 4G, but my MAC is now correct.
If you still have partial root try this
Might not fit your situation but might help somebody out
just use Toasts ruu to get back to stock then reroot using his guide.
p.s. whats wrong with unrevoked2, does 4g not work with it or something?
Im in a no 4g zone so.................
ifly4vamerica said:
If you still have partial root try this
Might not fit your situation but might help somebody out
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Just did that. No go.
I have tried a lot of things to restore my 4g. I reset my MAC to original using:
I have converted to Damage Control: Still no working 4g.
I have tried basically everything I can think of including going back to stock.
At this point I think I am going to flash the original hardware and do the OTA update....then take it in and show that my 4g isn't working.
This has been bugging me for a while, and this seems like the right thread to ask this question in. If a lot of roms require Toast's root method, and Unrevoked has given issues, is there a reason that people are still using Unrevoked's root method over Toast's? Not to hate on the Unrevoked guys, but this has been bugging me.
i have tried everything, i dont know what to do!!
jonathaflores said:
i have tried everything, i dont know what to do!!
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What EXACTLY are you trying to do?
restore 4G after using the Unrevoked 1 to update to the new firmware, but it just busted my 4g i have gonne back to stock, i am bout to take it to sprint and act dumb!!
jonathaflores said:
restore 4G after using the Unrevoked 1 to update to the new firmware, but it just busted my 4g i have gonne back to stock, i am bout to take it to sprint and act dumb!!
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This may be the only option. I have the same issue.
As far as using unrevoked over toast, it was just the first one I used to get root when I got the phone. I went with it because it was easy. I have since used toast to install other items in an attempt to restore 4g. I will use toast in the future now that I am familiar with it.
okay, so i used unrevoked.apk to root then used unrevoked2 to flash recovery. are you saying that 4g is now completely gone from my phone?
yep sir, Unrevoked its busting 4g!!
I was using unrevoked.apk at first, as I didn't want to wipe my EVO. I had to wipe it anyway to move from the I/O account to my personal one, so I though "might as well root now." I like having ENG SPLs, and unrevoked2 wasn't out yet, so it wasn't a difficult decision.
I was terribly disappointed in every custom ROM I tried. They would run hot, the battery sucked, and they'd randomly reboot when I wasn't even touching them. I finally had enough and went back to a stock system.img with unrevoked.apk installed, and everything worked fine. I only use root to have full access in adb anyway - I don't really mess with task killers or the like. I'm not interested in a custom ROM until FroYo AOSP.
I applied the unrevoked version of the latest OTA patch last night. Let's see how that goes…
im confused. why is this just now being brought up. unrevoked has been around for awhile. I haven't heard anyone complain until now. Is it something Unrevoked has done recently, or are we just now realizing the issue?
It is a known issue. Unrevoked released a response to the OTA for users to update without breaking root. The initial release broke 4g for almost everyone who applied it (maybe everyone). They pulled the release and a day later put up a new one that works (as far as i know). Those who used the first release still have no 4g. To the best of my knowledge, no one has been able to fix the 4g issues caused by the initial unrevoked2
Read the second bullet under FAQs:
Why the f*** is there ANOTHER thread on this...
There's already 3 threads relating to this, one of which I made that goes into detail and another which talks about changing MAC and it still doesn't work.
There is no solution, stop making new threads hoping to find one.
If you want a solution, wait for unrevoked to announce one.
bandagraph said:
It is a known issue. Unrevoked released a response to the OTA for users to update without breaking root. The initial release broke 4g for almost everyone who applied it (maybe everyone). They pulled the release and a day later put up a new one that works (as far as i know). Those who used the first release still have no 4g. To the best of my knowledge, no one has been able to fix the 4g issues caused by the initial unrevoked2
Read the second bullet under FAQs:
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ok, so this just pertains to the OTA?
cause I haven't dont the OTA.
it doesnt matter, we jut got screw, taking my phone to sprint on monday, two days to find a solution, or i am taking my phone back to sprint!!
jonathaflores said:
it doesnt matter, we jut got screw, taking my phone to sprint on monday, two days to find a solution, or i am taking my phone back to sprint!!
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LMAO - you really think the people at your "local sprint" store are smarter than these guys at XDA?
-= User Error =-

Rooting With The 2.3 O.T.A. Update

For everyone who's been wondering and asking,
As of right now there is NO WAY to root your phone if you accepted the 2.3 Gingerbread OTA update and there is no way to revert back to 2.2.
For all the people who have accepted it, you are stuck with a non-rootable phone until a dev can produce a new root method.
With that being said, temp-root is also NOT available.
Also, flashing anything like a different ROM or a new kernel is NOT possible at this time.
If you accidentally updated or just got the phone from Sprint, you are out of luck for now.
thanks for the info. i have been waiting to update because i suspected as much. For all those that updated to 2.3, is it awesome????
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
How long did it take for 2.2 to be rooted? Hopefully 2.3 should take the same amount of time/less time.
-CM7 ADR6300
Caiaphas said:
there is no way to revert back to 2.2.
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The old official RUUs don't work on the phone?
x99percent said:
The old official RUUs don't work on the phone?
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Nope, they don't.
Lancerz said:
Nope, they don't.
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Any more of an explanation than that? the error message you get?
People had to RUU back to an older version of Froyo when the latest update plugged up what was the latest root exploit, and that old RUU always worked without a problem. It would be a shame if HTC/Sprint didn't "allow" people to revert back to the older OS.
I think the error code was error 170 when running the RUU, but I have tried all the ways just like everyone else and none of them work.
dpwhitty11 said:
How long did it take for 2.2 to be rooted? Hopefully 2.3 should take the same amount of time/less time.
-CM7 ADR6300
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FOREVER!!!! At least it felt that way. More people should have the phone now so shouldn't be too long.
Lancerz said:
I think the error code was error 170 when running the RUU, but I have tried all the ways just like everyone else and none of them work.
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I would guess that booting into the bootloader to load the old Froyo RUU would still work. I always thought the RUU was looking for the proper phone, regardless of its firmware/OS versions.
Nope, in order for a ruu to run, the phone has to have the same or older hboot
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
I wish it was that easy because I forgot how much the GPS sucks on sense roms. Got a trip out of town coming up this weekend also, grrrr.
Lancerz said:
I wish it was that easy because I forgot how much the GPS sucks on sense roms. Got a trip out of town coming up this weekend also, grrrr.
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Really? I always thought Sense was great, but AOSP roms sucked at GPS.
Just used the gps in the 2.3 rom and it worked out great. It was a short distance though so might need more testing fyi
I think the GPS on sense (stock at least) tends to take a little longer to lock on, that's all.
Hopefully this gets rooted soon since I've got to send my current phone back in a couple of days, and it wouldn't surprise me if the new one has the update already
danaff37 said:
Nope, in order for a ruu to run, the phone has to have the same or older hboot
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So is this "170" error seen in the RUU program or on the phone itself?
Forgive me if I'm way behind the ball on this: The Froyo RUU contains a "" that looks like it could simply be renamed to and flashed from the bootloader.
x99percent said:
So is this "170" error seen in the RUU program or on the phone itself?
Forgive me if I'm way behind the ball on this: The Froyo RUU contains a "" that looks like it could simply be renamed to and flashed from the bootloader.
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I don't know bout that error but when I tried twice to ruu my wife's phoneI think the error was 104 bootloader not new enuff something like that.
Well when you run the RUU it goes through all the motions like its going to be successful. Then it reboots into the bootloader and you get the all black HTC screen on your phone while its updating. The RUU on your pc screen is at the part where it says updating your rom image may take 10 minutes etc. Then you get the error [140] Bootloader version error. "The rom update utility cannot update your Android phone, please get the correct ROM update utility and try again."The error [170] is when it doesnt find your phone connected to the usb.
This should be done uploading in about 3 minutes. Rename to, place it in the root of your SD card, and boot up in the bootloader. If it doesn't work, I'll have another to try tomorrow.
BACK UP YOUR DATA/APPS/CONTACTS FIRST (I recommend using Titanium Backup, SMS Backup & Restore, and Call Logs Backup & Restore... and you should be syncing your contacts to a google account)
I'll give it a try now
Edit: Nope, that doesn't work.
i guess i am stuck with this buggy 2.3 rom until a root solution is found and i can get this crappy rom off my phone. i am tired of the apps not working. locking up & same with the OS.
do the world a favor and steer clear of the RUU 2.3 rom. dont be stuck like the rest of us with a rom we cant do anything with.

Anyway to revert 2.3.3

Is there anyway to revert gingerbread back to froyo until the devs can root it? There has got to be a way. Need my net back
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
As of right now there is no way to revert back to froyo. Take a look at this thread.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
That sucks..... I cant beleive how much i screwed myself
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
well you r not the only one, I hate my self because i clicked upgrade. I lost lost my net on metropcs flashed evo
Yeah i live in a tech dead zone. The only net available is through my phone...
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
honorlost84 said:
Is there anyway to revert gingerbread back to froyo until the devs can root it? There has got to be a way. Need my net back
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
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Yes, you can but it's a pain in the butt. Go to this thread and then download the original stock firmware. Make sure USB debugging is turned on also.
To install the file you need to have HTC Sync installed and running. Double-click the file and it should recognize the phone and start installing after some input from you.
If you get a USB error, try booting into the bootloader and installing the exe in the same manner.
I just did this last night because I was in the same situation. It works.
Now you can re-root.
bnampel said:
Yes, you can but it's a pain in the butt. Go to this thread and then download the original stock firmware. Make sure USB debugging is turned on also.
To install the file you need to have HTC Sync installed and running. Double-click the file and it should recognize the phone and start installing after some input from you.
If you get a USB error, try booting into the bootloader and installing the exe in the same manner.
I just did this last night because I was in the same situation. It works.
Now you can re-root.
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You were able to downgrade to Froyo with this RUU? If so, that's great.. your the only person I've seen post successfully downgrading and being able to root.
bnampel said:
Yes, you can but it's a pain in the butt. Go to this thread and then download the original stock firmware. Make sure USB debugging is turned on also.
To install the file you need to have HTC Sync installed and running. Double-click the file and it should recognize the phone and start installing after some input from you.
If you get a USB error, try booting into the bootloader and installing the exe in the same manner.
I just did this last night because I was in the same situation. It works.
Now you can re-root.
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I think everyone that ran the factory upgrade has tried this and you seem to be the only one that it has worked for. It goes through the motions then you get error 140 or 170 i think: Bootloader version error. Please get the correct rom update utility and try again
I have rooted my phone and installed the rockmod_devroms_2.3.4.1-speedy and broke my root istalling "extras" can I just try the rooting procesess again or have to revert bak to froyo?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
jimbowski51 said:
I have rooted my phone and installed the rockmod_devroms_2.3.4.1-speedy and broke my root istalling "extras" can I just try the rooting procesess again or have to revert bak to froyo?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
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What do you mean you broke root? Do you still have s-off and access to recovery?
Lancerz said:
I think everyone that ran the factory upgrade has tried this and you seem to be the only one that it has worked for. It goes through the motions then you get error 140 or 170 i think: Bootloader version error. Please get the correct rom update utility and try again
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I guess I feel pretty lucky then. I'm fairly certain I didn't miss any steps.
When I upgraded to the gingerbread stock ROM I used this link and chose the "no hboot included" option. Maybe that saved me.
bnampel said:
I guess I feel pretty lucky then. I'm fairly certain I didn't miss any steps.
When I upgraded to the gingerbread stock ROM I used this link and chose the "no hboot included" option. Maybe that saved me.
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That's not the same as accepting the ota.
Sent from my Gingerbread Speedy 4G using Tapatalk
bnampel said:
I guess I feel pretty lucky then. I'm fairly certain I didn't miss any steps.
When I upgraded to the gingerbread stock ROM I used this link and chose the "no hboot included" option. Maybe that saved me.
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Yeah, you didnt do the ota update then.
Lancerz said:
Yeah, you didnt do the ota update then.
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It's still the same update. Whether I installed it through an OTA update or from the bootloader doesn't matter.
You guys can get into the bootloader right? Take one of those modified "official" updates, rename it to and flash it from the bootloader. Then do my first post and flash to Froyo so you can root again. May be worth a shot.
bnampel said:
It's still the same update. Whether I installed it through an OTA update or from the bootloader doesn't matter.
You guys can get into the bootloader right? Take one of those modified "official" updates, rename it to and flash it from the bootloader. Then do my first post and flash to Froyo so you can root again. May be worth a shot.
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This has already been tried and covered in this thread here:
I posted the same link in the beginning of this thread.
Unless you have an engineering bootloader, like after you rooted, you can only flash an an un modified from htc. So any one who took an over the air update is SOL on that front. Best hope now is that the evo 3d root can be applied here
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Wow, I almost just majorly screwed myself (again). I have the shift and its just been sitting in my drawer, waiting to be activated after carefully reading thru the forums so i do not true brick it again.
Anyway, for some weird reason, pulled it out just to charge the battery, and it requested to do an update (since it was connected via wifi), it tried and got stuck (praise the Lord) and Im just now reading this realizing I almost just GOOFED UP BIG TIME. So, wanted to take the time to thank the OP for this post which made me aware of the fact that I would be SOL if I had've upgrade and to prevent me from upgrading. THANKS!!!
xPSYB0RGx said:
Wow, I almost just majorly screwed myself (again). I have the shift and its just been sitting in my drawer, waiting to be activated after carefully reading thru the forums so i do not true brick it again.
Anyway, for some weird reason, pulled it out just to charge the battery, and it requested to do an update (since it was connected via wifi), it tried and got stuck (praise the Lord) and Im just now reading this realizing I almost just GOOFED UP BIG TIME. So, wanted to take the time to thank the OP for this post which made me aware of the fact that I would be SOL if I had've upgrade and to prevent me from upgrading. THANKS!!!
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sooo.... hit the thanks button then
They've recently rooted the Sensation and EVO 3D...hopefully it will trickle down to us Shift owners....
Stuke00 said:
sooo.... hit the thanks button then
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I thanked the OP, and I thanked u for reminding me to be "thankful"!!

[Q] Help with Mytouch 4G with Gingerbread 2.3.4

Hello everyone,
Any help you guys can give will be much appreciated.
I have a MyTouch 4G previously running Froyo, rooted and S=Off. Against better judgment, I decided to put this release of Gingerbread 2.3.4 on it:
Though everything seems to work fine, I lost root. Contrary to most other accounts from other people who flashed the same file, S=Off remained on my phone.
I would really like to get root back so I can use some of my apps again.
Visionary stops at a black screen.
Gingerbreak runs forever with no success.
What other means can I use to get root back or am I SOL for now until someone figures out how to root 2.3.4 on the MT4G?
Thanks again.
From what I could find in the forums, you are kinda stuck till someone comes up with another exploit in order to gain root and s-off
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
I am stuck in the same situation, except that I updated first to the official gingerbread rom for mytouch 4g and then tried to root my phone, i.e. the phone was not rooted at all.
I'm quite confident an exploit will be (re)written - just a matter of time. It's just that I couldn't use some of my paid apps.
normandelli said:
I'm quite confident an exploit will be (re)written - just a matter of time. It's just that I couldn't use some of my paid apps.
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Yeah, Im just itching to use bloat freezer. I'm doing a warrant exchange if nothing happens in a week or two. Got dust under the screen anyways.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
You can go back to 2.2.1 from 2.3.4
I had the same issue then i found this follow the G2 method, when you get to the part where you put this in # /data/local/tmp/misc_version -s 1.19.531.1 make sure you put the version you want like 1.17.531.2 not 1.19.531.1 worked for me just did it about 1/2hr ago
If you still have S-off, why not just wipe and flash another ROM?
GazaIan said:
If you still have S-off, why not just wipe and flash another ROM?
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The ota kills root and makes S= ON
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
GazaIan said:
If you still have S-off, why not just wipe and flash another ROM?
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I tried flashing a similar 2.3.4 release that is rooted. Renamed it to and tried applying it - At "parsing", it stops and just goes back to the HBOOT menu.
normandelli said:
I tried flashing a similar 2.3.4 release that is rooted. Renamed it to and tried applying it - At "parsing", it stops and just goes back to the HBOOT menu.
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You are mixing up roms and official update zips. You can't just flash a rom thorough hboot. That's not how it works.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
I managed to flash 2.2.1 back on to it and re-rooted. Problem solved. Thanks!
normandelli said:
I managed to flash 2.2.1 back on to it and re-rooted. Problem solved. Thanks!
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Can you tell me how you managed to do that please?
superNES64 said:
Can you tell me how you managed to do that please?
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lOOK AT WOLF26915's post use the G2 instructions to temp root using the fre3vo exploit in adb then change your version number to 1.17.531.2, then your bootloader will allow you to use the 2.2.1 PD15IMG update to get back to stock and root.
normandelli said:
I tried flashing a similar 2.3.4 release that is rooted. Renamed it to and tried applying it - At "parsing", it stops and just goes back to the HBOOT menu.
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This is the problem with n00bs. You wanna jump head first into something you have absolutely no understanding of then beg for help over and over in here when you finally brick your phone.
Stupid. You FAIL!
So sick of new users of Android trying to jump before looking. You're the same kind of people who would jump off a cliff before checking to see how deep the water is. Then want help after you break your neck.
CBConsultation said:
This is the problem with n00bs. You wanna jump head first into something you have absolutely no understanding of then beg for help over and over in here when you finally brick your phone.
Stupid. You FAIL!
So sick of new users of Android trying to jump before looking. You're the same kind of people who would jump off a cliff before checking to see how deep the water is. Then want help after you break your neck.
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Just remember you was new at this at one time to
WOLF26915 said:
Just remember you was new at this at one time to
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That was 20 years ago. And yet, even then, when I wanted to know something; I searched and searched and searched, and searched again. Then I read and read and re-read over and over and over again. And after all that if I still didn't know then I would ask. But I would also ask in a proficient manner.
Too many young kids jumping in on the Android bandwagon and wanting to root and flash Rom's right out of the box without learning first.
I stand by my first statement.
If you had Radio S-OFF, you should be able to flash an unsigned even though you lost root.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
WOLF26915 said:
I had the same issue then i found this follow the G2 method, when you get to the part where you put this in # /data/local/tmp/misc_version -s 1.19.531.1 make sure you put the version you want like 1.17.531.2 not 1.19.531.1 worked for me just did it about 1/2hr ago
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thanks a lot dude for showing me to put that.. i can confirm it worked perfectly fine. i will hit the thanks button for sure. i was stuck on that damn gingerbread leak build lol
Interesting. msm_rotator is I believe the exploit used in Fre3vo.
I wonder if this would work to downgrade the HTC Panache from Mobilicity to an MT4G ROM?
I also downgraded back to 2.2.1 then updated to the rooted 2.3.4 and it works

