Hosed Unrevoked thread - EVO 4G General

Figured I'd start a thread for all of us suckers that went with Unrevoked and want to back down or switch methods.
Has anyone that did the Unrevoked 2 / ClockWorkMod method of root successfully backed down to stock and / or converted to Toast?
What method did you use.

Smac61 said:
Figured I'd start a thread for all of us suckers that went with Unrevoked and want to back down or switch methods.
Has anyone that did the Unrevoked 2 / ClockWorkMod method of root successfully backed down to stock and / or converted to Toast?
What method did you use.
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*raises hand*
4G still hosed. I was on Unrevoked v1 which hosed my 4G.
Did the dummy's guide to rooting found on this forum.
Still no 4G, but my MAC is now correct.

If you still have partial root try this
Might not fit your situation but might help somebody out

just use Toasts ruu to get back to stock then reroot using his guide.
p.s. whats wrong with unrevoked2, does 4g not work with it or something?
Im in a no 4g zone so.................

ifly4vamerica said:
If you still have partial root try this
Might not fit your situation but might help somebody out
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Just did that. No go.

I have tried a lot of things to restore my 4g. I reset my MAC to original using:
I have converted to Damage Control: Still no working 4g.
I have tried basically everything I can think of including going back to stock.
At this point I think I am going to flash the original hardware and do the OTA update....then take it in and show that my 4g isn't working.

This has been bugging me for a while, and this seems like the right thread to ask this question in. If a lot of roms require Toast's root method, and Unrevoked has given issues, is there a reason that people are still using Unrevoked's root method over Toast's? Not to hate on the Unrevoked guys, but this has been bugging me.

i have tried everything, i dont know what to do!!

jonathaflores said:
i have tried everything, i dont know what to do!!
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What EXACTLY are you trying to do?

restore 4G after using the Unrevoked 1 to update to the new firmware, but it just busted my 4g i have gonne back to stock, i am bout to take it to sprint and act dumb!!

jonathaflores said:
restore 4G after using the Unrevoked 1 to update to the new firmware, but it just busted my 4g i have gonne back to stock, i am bout to take it to sprint and act dumb!!
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This may be the only option. I have the same issue.
As far as using unrevoked over toast, it was just the first one I used to get root when I got the phone. I went with it because it was easy. I have since used toast to install other items in an attempt to restore 4g. I will use toast in the future now that I am familiar with it.

okay, so i used unrevoked.apk to root then used unrevoked2 to flash recovery. are you saying that 4g is now completely gone from my phone?

yep sir, Unrevoked its busting 4g!!

I was using unrevoked.apk at first, as I didn't want to wipe my EVO. I had to wipe it anyway to move from the I/O account to my personal one, so I though "might as well root now." I like having ENG SPLs, and unrevoked2 wasn't out yet, so it wasn't a difficult decision.
I was terribly disappointed in every custom ROM I tried. They would run hot, the battery sucked, and they'd randomly reboot when I wasn't even touching them. I finally had enough and went back to a stock system.img with unrevoked.apk installed, and everything worked fine. I only use root to have full access in adb anyway - I don't really mess with task killers or the like. I'm not interested in a custom ROM until FroYo AOSP.
I applied the unrevoked version of the latest OTA patch last night. Let's see how that goes…

im confused. why is this just now being brought up. unrevoked has been around for awhile. I haven't heard anyone complain until now. Is it something Unrevoked has done recently, or are we just now realizing the issue?

It is a known issue. Unrevoked released a response to the OTA for users to update without breaking root. The initial release broke 4g for almost everyone who applied it (maybe everyone). They pulled the release and a day later put up a new one that works (as far as i know). Those who used the first release still have no 4g. To the best of my knowledge, no one has been able to fix the 4g issues caused by the initial unrevoked2
Read the second bullet under FAQs: http://unrevoked.com/rootwiki/doku.php/public/evo_ota_2_patch

Why the f*** is there ANOTHER thread on this...
There's already 3 threads relating to this, one of which I made that goes into detail and another which talks about changing MAC and it still doesn't work.
There is no solution, stop making new threads hoping to find one.
If you want a solution, wait for unrevoked to announce one.

bandagraph said:
It is a known issue. Unrevoked released a response to the OTA for users to update without breaking root. The initial release broke 4g for almost everyone who applied it (maybe everyone). They pulled the release and a day later put up a new one that works (as far as i know). Those who used the first release still have no 4g. To the best of my knowledge, no one has been able to fix the 4g issues caused by the initial unrevoked2
Read the second bullet under FAQs: http://unrevoked.com/rootwiki/doku.php/public/evo_ota_2_patch
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ok, so this just pertains to the OTA?
cause I haven't dont the OTA.

it doesnt matter, we jut got screw, taking my phone to sprint on monday, two days to find a solution, or i am taking my phone back to sprint!!

jonathaflores said:
it doesnt matter, we jut got screw, taking my phone to sprint on monday, two days to find a solution, or i am taking my phone back to sprint!!
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LMAO - you really think the people at your "local sprint" store are smarter than these guys at XDA?
-= User Error =-


One click root - DOES work on myTouch 3G

There was a locked thread in development where someone asked if it would work. A lot of people replied (obviously without even knowing what they are talking about) that it wouldn't work.
it DOES work on the myTouch 3G's - I just did it on one.
It works on any android phone - but the current apk implementation flashes the 1.4 cyanogen recovery image so it only works on phones that image will boot (i.e. the HTC Dream, or the Sapphire... etc)
It's way easier to apply that than it is to apply the nbh downgrade... etc.
I posted the question in a wrong area im glad someone with a mytouch tried it i bricked my first mytouch
This worked for me also I am now on CyanogenMod v3.9.11.2 and it works very well.
TY Cyanogen!
Works...but hesitant
This definitely works on the MT3G just tried it...whew glad it worked Still extremely hesitant on flashing new rom though. Dont know why even though I have a rooted G1. Perhaps I just love this phone too much to f*#$ it up
RyeBrye said:
There was a locked thread in development where someone asked if it would work. A lot of people replied (obviously without even knowing what they are talking about) that it wouldn't work.
it DOES work on the myTouch 3G's - I just did it on one.
It works on any android phone - but the current apk implementation flashes the 1.4 cyanogen recovery image so it only works on phones that image will boot (i.e. the HTC Dream, or the Sapphire... etc)
It's way easier to apply that than it is to apply the nbh downgrade... etc.
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Now that I think about it...If you just use this to get the recov img the MT3G still has the "perfected" spl. So exactly will this allow you to flash any new ROMs? That is why the "goldcard" was used to trick it and flash to an earlier "non-perfected" spl which would then allow you to flash ROMs updated radio etc etc etc. Shed any light on this?
I know there can be risks when doing any kind of modding/hacking. What is the main risk with rooting the MT3G? Is it mainly an issue with the battery falling out or running out of juice? Or is the rooting process invasive enough (i know it is root = can touch everything) or unstable enough that there is a relatively high probability of an issue running the canned procedure?
I have my phone, love it, my wife would kill me if I wrecked it. I just want to know how likely I am to end up with a brick using this method.
Also a question to understand this procedure, if I run the apk and reboot normally then there is no lasting root, correct? I have to go into the recovery mode and flash over a new rooted rom for root to become permanent? Does this actually change the SPL on the MT3G, does it preserve the ability to flash other roms at any time in the future? I want to know if this is a one time open up your phone for rooting or if after I do this will I always have root.
Sorry for all the questions, but I have been lurking around and haven't found definitive answers to these questions. Thanks!
Dave, Ive used this method. However if you didnt notice in my previous post...the spl does NOT change. Which is why I questioned the ability to flash any ROMs. The more "complicated" method (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=547133) requires a "goldcard" with an earlier version of the spl. Which I believe allows flashing to occur.
Yeah, I saw your post after I posted. I think this is great for a simple root I am thinking to have future rooting I will need the goldcard method anyway.
It would seem that this method should be able to modify the SPL since it is able to run as root, maybe not though...
I did mine last night and now doing my wifes MT3G and I was comparing cyanogen's vs stock and its night and day...no loading screen issues with cyan's build and keyboard response got better too...
LOL yeah Ii was thinking about the SPL if we can change it out? I kinda want to call my phone semi-rooted
so anyone flash a new spl/radio using this one click root? success? or no?
bobzoz said:
so anyone flash a new spl/radio using this one click root? success? or no?
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Still waiting on this one also hehehe haven't seen anyone do it yet!
im debating on getting a mytouch if i can get full root in just a few clicks hmmmm definatley a positive haha. hows the mytouch work in recovery terminal? since theres no hardware keyboard?
bobzoz said:
im debating on getting a mytouch if i can get full root in just a few clicks hmmmm definatley a positive haha. hows the mytouch work in recovery terminal? since theres no hardware keyboard?
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just use the trackball to select what you want...cant use console though (ALT-X)
bobzoz said:
so anyone flash a new spl/radio using this one click root? success? or no?
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Just did it...1.33.2005/ also S-off. this is definitely legit and makes things a hell of a lot more easier than all those damn adb commands. Dont get me wrong at all I do appreciate all the work that was done by Haykuro and the other boys because without them Im sure this wouldnt be possible. Anywho...it works.
Okay. As newb as one can get with phone mods, etc. But it actually works. I dont know what the exact benefits of it are but I am running... Mod version CyanogenMod- per about phone. All my downloads are gone but it worked. I dont know what the difference/any limitations is for down the road, in comparison to the gold card method (I hope none), with this type of root but hey it actually worked and I would have kick my own a$$ if I bricked my phone. Thanks to folks who found this way and are their any "rooted" differences now that I am on cfw using this method for say updating to cyanogens 4.0 eventual release?
Alright, I took the plunge and it worked flawlessly!
I use the 1 click install via the market app called Recovery Flasher. I installed CyanogenMod 4.0.1 Stable. Zoom zoom zoom...
I thought I may have had an issue when I rebooted after flashing since it sat at the MyTouch 3G splash for a ton longer than normal. I had read it was normal for the first boot to take longer so I didn't freak out and pull the battery. I just let it come up and now I couldn't be happier.
If I remember reading correctly CyanogenMod has the fix for the root vulnerability used in this hack to root plugged. So, now that I have a rooted ROM and recovery 1.4 will I ever need to worry about having the dreaded "Perfect SPL?"
so easy a caveman could do it! a thousand times, thank you.
so its confirmed you can FLASH a different SPL with no problem ? cuz if so im gettin a mytouch ! lol
go for it
bobzoz said:
so its confirmed you can FLASH a different SPL with no problem ? cuz if so im gettin a mytouch ! lol
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go to town boss...now i need to get out of the stupid hero boot loop.
Thanks. I also took a chance since I got my Touch for free by Timo mistake. Couldn't resist. Aside a few apk not able to install everything works fine. Noob question, can I now format sd card?
Oh, thanks for Quick Office.

Full Revert from DamageControl2.0

I'm looking to root and flash my Hero to DamageControl 2.0, but has anyone successfully restored the device back to factory defaults after flashing to DC2.0?
You have to use either Sprint 1.29 RUU or Fresh's 1.56 RUU. That will make it stock again.
jdgiotta said:
I'm looking to root and flash my Hero to DamageControl 2.0, but has anyone successfully restored the device back to factory defaults after flashing to DC2.0?
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Yeah I believe I used the 1.29 RUU from the stock rom
jdgiotta said:
I'm looking to root and flash my Hero to DamageControl 2.0, but has anyone successfully restored the device back to factory defaults after flashing to DC2.0?
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I used 1.56 RUU and went back to stock. Worked fine on mine w/ stock radio.
jdgiotta said:
I'm looking to root and flash my Hero to DamageControl 2.0, but has anyone successfully restored the device back to factory defaults after flashing to DC2.0?
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Some people do, and some don't. There is a fix if you brick it while RUUing. However if you are wanted to go back to stock for the 2.1 "official" release you might not be able to root again. They seem to leave the door open on the first round of software, but then close the hole on the next round. Seems the case for every phone
So the ability to root maybe lost if I was to update to a "official" release. Hmm... okay, good to know. Thanks.
jdgiotta said:
So the ability to root maybe lost if I was to update to a "official" release. Hmm... okay, good to know. Thanks.
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Yea give it like 24 hours after the release, someone will do a nand dump, root it and post it on here. One thing I would reccomend people stay away from would be a new version of an RUU based off of 2.1, as that would put you up a **** creek if a root isn't found. I hear lots of problems trying to .29 RUU after a .56 RUU, I'm sure the same will be said for whatever the next version is.
jdgiotta said:
So the ability to root maybe lost if I was to update to a "official" release. Hmm... okay, good to know. Thanks.
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They may, or may not close the exploit that was found in 1.5 but if so it will only be a matter of time before some of these guys who are far more talented than I find a way to root 2.1, 1.5 was not rootable when it was released. Regardless the 2.1's you will see later today will be far superior to whatever sprint ends up releasing.
You should be able to RUU without any issues. However, you might still not be able to see protected apps in the market. I used the steps in this thread to fix that:
xanadu1979 said:
You should be able to RUU without any issues. However, you might still not be able to see protected apps in the market. I used the steps in this thread to fix that:
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This fix didn't work for me, however I was able to RUU, update to DamageControl 1.0, download some protected apps, and then upgrade to DC2.0r2 (without wiping between DC1 and DC2). This opened up protected apps and solved the black on black contact problem for me.
-obviously do so at your own risk and all-
&RoidRage said:
Some people do, and some don't. There is a fix if you brick it while RUUing. However if you are wanted to go back to stock for the 2.1 "official" release you might not be able to root again. They seem to leave the door open on the first round of software, but then close the hole on the next round. Seems the case for every phone
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Speaking of this, I am currently rooted, but running stock 1.5(don't ask)will I still be able to get the update or do I have to be completely unrooted to do so!
Also as far as the update is concerned, I know on the droid forums there were instructions on saving the update before installation so all could get it! What is the procedure for doing so!
It seems with the current state of affairs the update could come in a minute or a day or a month, basically no one know, so it could be anytime, so I just wanna be prepared for when it drop to hand it off to the real DEV.!
Eh, you could go ahead and flash a new ROM right now if you want. A fix was found for people getting bricked from the RUU, so you're safe to use the RUU now without fear of having a permanent brick on your hands.
Roman G said:
Speaking of this, I am currently rooted, but running stock 1.5(don't ask)will I still be able to get the update or do I have to be completely unrooted to do so!
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Good question

Rooting updated EVO

okay guys, I tried to figure this out without bothering yall, but my newb knowledge is limited and I'm confused as hell. I was planning on rooting my phone today after reading about all the information I've been collecting from you guys, but now that I have updated my phone, will Toast's method using those files still allow me to root? Or do I need new files in order to root my phone? I see some files on developer page on new root but I'm confused if those are for phones already rooted or not...ahhhh
so I guess I'm asking is..if you have stock phone with new update applied, how do I go about rooting my evo?
We don't know yet. You should not have updated.
Quick and straight to the point, thanks for your reply. I guess I'm a motherfreakin idiot with the worst timing in the world for things like this. FML
TheBiles said:
We don't know yet. You should not have updated.
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quick question; if i root with Toast's method, then install the rooted updated rom that's in the dev section (by Calkulin), that should be fine, right?
jblazea50 said:
quick question; if i root with Toast's method, then install the rooted updated rom that's in the dev section (by Calkulin), that should be fine, right?
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So in order to fully root and nand unlock stock evo with new update, all I have to do is follow Toast's step 1&2 then apply the new rooted update on developer site? just wanna get things crystal clear so I don't risk bricking my evo..
I don't know or think it has been confirmed to work with the new update yet.
Toast step 1 will root the phone
Toast step 2 will unlock nand
Installing the new rooted update will flash the stock sprint rom without breaking your root.
mizerab1e said:
So in order to fully root and nand unlock stock evo with new update, all I have to do is follow Toast's step 1&2 then apply the new rooted update on developer site? just wanna get things crystal clear so I don't risk bricking my evo..
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No. We don't even know if you can use Toast's method to root it. You can be the guinea pig and post results, though!
initial said:
Toast step 1 will root the phone
Toast step 2 will unlock nand
Installing the new rooted update will flash the stock sprint rom without breaking your root.
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There is some info going around in dev forum saying Toast's method will not work if you have the new OTA update applied on stock EVO saying you will get error messages and stuff although it will not brick your phone which is adding to more confusion..
has anyone successfully rooted their stock evo with new OTA update applied? or do I need to wait until devs come up with new files needed to root the evo?
mizerab1e said:
There is some info going around in dev forum saying Toast's method will not work if you have the new OTA update applied on stock EVO saying you will get error messages and stuff although it will not brick your phone which is adding to more confusion..
has anyone successfully rooted their stock evo with new OTA update applied? or do I need to wait until devs come up with new files needed to root the evo?
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All you have to do is place a file in the root of your SD card and reboot the phone. Try it out and post your results!
mizerab1e said:
Quick and straight to the point, thanks for your reply. I guess I'm a motherfreakin idiot with the worst timing in the world for things like this. FML
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You and me both my friend, you and me both. Sat there as the update came up and thought, I bet this is going to prevent me from rooting today ...
Yeah, ALL root is broken if you install the OTA.
Okay so I've been digging around and asking questions in dev forum, seems like there is no way for Stock EVO with OTA update to root their EVO yet. What bothers me is that I haven't seen a single post from a dev announcing that they are working on new root methods for Stock EVO with new OTA update.. they seem to be more concerned about fixing the issue around previously rooted EVOs, and I'm afraid we are getting left out... I hope this isn't the case, and hopefully one of our brilliant devs will give the new stock evo with OTA update owners some attention to this matter.
mizerab1e said:
Okay so I've been digging around and asking questions in dev forum, seems like there is no way for Stock EVO with OTA update to root their EVO yet. What bothers me is that I haven't seen a single post from a dev announcing that they are working on new root methods for Stock EVO with new OTA update.. they seem to be more concerned about fixing the issue around previously rooted EVOs, and I'm afraid we are getting left out... I hope this isn't the case, and hopefully one of our brilliant devs will give the new stock evo with OTA update owners some attention to this matter.
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They're busy working on the kernel. Everybody was warned not to accept the OTA and those of us that chose to do it have to lie in our beds until the developers get around to it.
EtherealRemnant said:
They're busy working on the kernel. Everybody was warned not to accept the OTA and those of us that chose to do it have to lie in our beds until the developers get around to it.
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Seems like that is the case, someone from dev forum suggested that downgrading the OTA to previous one then rooting might wield some fruit, If I can figure out how to do that I'll be more than happy to be a guinea pig for you guys.
TheBiles said:
All you have to do is place a file in the root of your SD card and reboot the phone. Try it out and post your results!
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I'm not quite sure which file you're talking about, could you elaborate some more?
mizerab1e said:
Okay so I've been digging around and asking questions in dev forum, seems like there is no way for Stock EVO with OTA update to root their EVO yet. What bothers me is that I haven't seen a single post from a dev announcing that they are working on new root methods for Stock EVO with new OTA update.. they seem to be more concerned about fixing the issue around previously rooted EVOs, and I'm afraid we are getting left out... I hope this isn't the case, and hopefully one of our brilliant devs will give the new stock evo with OTA update owners some attention to this matter.
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They busted their asses to get root the first time, and, as of right now, every EVO that you buy is capable of being rooted. Only people who update without heeding the warnings are affected, so it is kind of hard to convince a dev to throw down all of their current work to go back and try to solve this AGAIN. It should be a general rule of thumb that you NEVER install manufacturer's updates on any piece of electronics that you are interested in hacking/modifying/changing in any way. 99% of the time they provide some kind of security fixes that are not announced.
mizerab1e said:
Seems like that is the case, someone from dev forum suggested that downgrading the OTA to previous one then rooting might wield some fruit, If I can figure out how to do that I'll be more than happy to be a guinea pig for you guys.
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It doesn't work. I've already tried it. The bootloader is locked.
TheBiles said:
They busted their asses to get root the first time, and, as of right now, every EVO that you buy is capable of being rooted. Only people who update without heeding the warnings are affected, so it is kind of hard to convince a dev to throw down all of their current work to go back and try to solve this AGAIN. It should be a general rule of thumb that you NEVER install manufacturer's updates on any piece of electronics that you are interested in hacking/modifying/changing in any way. 99% of the time they provide some kind of security fixes that are not announced.
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I have no doubt in my mind the devs are doing everything they can to provide us with their brilliant work, I have no one but myself to blame for updating the OTA without heeding their warnings. I'm sure once the devs iron out all the issues with previously rooted system, they will get around to us as they always have. I just wish there was any way I can contribute to putting some light onto this matter for those who made the mistake of updating their OTA..
Yeah, was kicking myself as I knew it was a mistake.
Am willing to try out some ish too, that is if an extra Guinea is needed.

unroot unrevoked incredible

I need to send my phone in for warranty its for a software failure. On there part not unrevoked I did this after it started happening. Well I used the latest unrevoked I cant find how to unroot it. I looked in my apps and all that bull**** its not there what do I do.
meygmoffroad said:
I need to send my phone in for warranty its for a software failure. On there part not unrevoked I did this after it started happening. Well I used the latest unrevoked I cant find how to unroot it. I looked in my apps and all that bull**** its not there what do I do.
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Thanks to Android Forums - I take ZERO credit for this, I'm just putting out the link. These guys are WAY smarter than I am. Read the entire post before you do it.
Thank you is installed and did what it is suppose to do. I am new to a phone forum, I am used to minitrucking so give me a break. When I use unrevokes rooting method will I get verizons ota. Will something bad happen if I download it ( I do not plan on downloading any leaks).
meygmoffroad said:
Thank you is installed and did what it is suppose to do. I am new to a phone forum, I am used to minitrucking so give me a break. When I use unrevokes rooting method will I get verizons ota. Will something bad happen if I download it ( I do not plan on downloading any leaks).
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Accepting and installing an ota update will most likely unroot your phone. The inherent risk is that you may never be able to root your phone again. Unrevoked's tool works on the leaked ota, but it may not work on the official one when it is released.
Easiest method ever.
This other person had the same exact question. Run the RUU from your computer and it will revert it back to stock
Thread moved to General.

HBOOT Driver Installation

I am trying to get to the drivers installed and I am doing what the instructions say, "Turn off your phone, then boot it into the HBOOT menu by holding power and volume down.", but all it does is boot normal, but really fast. Am I doing something wrong, other than being a noob?
I am not rooted
htc EVO 4g
v2.3.3 ota
you need to pull out the battery first. or disable fastboot in the settings.
civicboy1791 said:
I am trying to get to the drivers installed and I am doing what the instructions say, "Turn off your phone, then boot it into the HBOOT menu by holding power and volume down.", but all it does is boot normal, but really fast. Am I doing something wrong, other than being a noob?
I am not rooted
htc EVO 4g
v2.3.3 ota
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Yea, you have fastboot mode enabled, which you can turn off in menu>settings>power management, or something to that nature. What exactly are you trying to install the hboot drivers for? I only ask, because if it is so you can use Unrevoked, I just wanted to give you a heads up that it won't be working for you, and I'd avoid trying it. Unrevoked won't work for the 2.3.3 OTA. If it is for other reasons, then carry on!
k2buckley said:
Yea, you have fastboot mode enabled, which you can turn off in menu>settings>power management, or something to that nature. What exactly are you trying to install the hboot drivers for? I only ask, because if it is so you can use Unrevoked, I just wanted to give you a heads up that it won't be working for you, and I'd avoid trying it. Unrevoked won't work for the 2.3.3 OTA. If it is for other reasons, then carry on!
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Well I was trying to get one step ahead by getting ready to root when Unrevoked gets it figured out. On their site it says to install the drivers for windows users. I guess it is safe to say I am completely wrong about this one?
civicboy1791 said:
Well I was trying to get one step ahead by getting ready to root when Unrevoked gets it figured out. On their site it says to install the drivers for windows users. I guess it is safe to say I am completely wrong about this one?
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Well, you DO need to have the hboot drivers installed for Unrevoked to work, if you're using windows. The problem is that Unrevoked is not yet updated to work with the 2.3.3 OTA. There is currently no root method for ya. The only hope you'd have for right now, is if your phone had been rooted prior to you having it, and your bootloader is still S-off. Other than that, you're going to need to wait until unrevoked gets updated to work with the OTA. I also wouldn't be surprised if when there is an Updated method to work with the new hboot 2.16, that there is a different set of modified hboot drivers that will need to be used (speculation, but wouldn't be surprised). That would mean you'd just need to install them again.
I would just sit tight and wait for the updated Unrevoked to drop, and see if there is anything that changes with their instructions or downloads.
k2buckley said:
Well, you DO need to have the hboot drivers installed for Unrevoked to work, if you're using windows. The problem is that Unrevoked is not yet updated to work with the 2.3.3 OTA. There is currently no root method for ya. The only hope you'd have for right now, is if your phone had been rooted prior to you having it, and your bootloader is still S-off. Other than that, you're going to need to wait until unrevoked gets updated to work with the OTA. I also wouldn't be surprised if when there is an Updated method to work with the new hboot 2.16, that there is a different set of modified hboot drivers that will need to be used (speculation, but wouldn't be surprised). That would mean you'd just need to install them again.
I would just sit tight and wait for the updated Unrevoked to drop, and see if there is anything that changes with their instructions or downloads.
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Looks like I am sitting tight... Thank you for all the input!
civicboy1791 said:
Looks like I am sitting tight... Thank you for all the input!
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You're welcome. I always feel bad for the owner of an unrooted evo, hopefully you won't need to wait too long! If I were you, I'd probably be looking all over craigslist, hoping to get lucky and find one that's still on Froyo, and try to trade up!
k2buckley said:
You're welcome. I always feel bad for the owner of an unrooted evo, hopefully you won't need to wait too long! If I were you, I'd probably be looking all over craigslist, hoping to get lucky and find one that's still on Froyo, and try to trade up!
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I was considering doing the root before the ota 2.3.3 but wasn't comfortable with it yet, now i pretty much have the procedure memorized, but somehow missed the part about not doing the ota's. Lesson learned. And i didn't even think about Craigslist, going there now...
civicboy1791 said:
I am trying to get to the drivers installed and I am doing what the instructions say, "Turn off your phone, then boot it into the HBOOT menu by holding power and volume down.", but all it does is boot normal, but really fast. Am I doing something wrong, other than being a noob?
I am not rooted
htc EVO 4g
v2.3.3 ota
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You have to be rooted first
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
fnkyscotty said:
You have to be rooted first
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.
civicboy1791 said:
I was considering doing the root before the ota 2.3.3 but wasn't comfortable with it yet, now i pretty much have the procedure memorized, but somehow missed the part about not doing the ota's. Lesson learned. And i didn't even think about Craigslist, going there now...
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Also, I have no idea how true it is...but I've heard a couple people report that they had success in going to a Sprint store, and convincing one of the techs there to downgrade the phone back to Froyo. Again, that's just hearsay, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sprint had the capabilities to downgrade the system (we currently can't downgrade). If that is at all true, and you were able to get them to downgrade ya, then you could root using unrevoked.
k2buckley said:
The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.
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HA! nice lol
k2buckley said:
Also, I have no idea how true it is...but I've heard a couple people report that they had success in going to a Sprint store, and convincing one of the techs there to downgrade the phone back to Froyo. Again, that's just hearsay, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sprint had the capabilities to downgrade the system (we currently can't downgrade). If that is at all true, and you were able to get them to downgrade ya, then you could root using unrevoked.
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Calling now, let you know what they say
negative - they say it is not possible...
civicboy1791 said:
negative - they say it is not possible...
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Damn, that's too bad. I wonder if it is actually possible, but they're instructed to not do it....either that or the person who reported it before was full of it! He did say it took some convincing though, and he gave a few reasons as to why he wanted to do it (ie. with the GB OTA netflix didnt work, it borked wireless N wifi, the compass no longer worked, phantom voicemail icons, etc) he complained of all those valid things, and got the guy to do it. At least that's what he said.
k2buckley said:
Damn, that's too bad. I wonder if it is actually possible, but they're instructed to not do it....either that or the person who reported it before was full of it! He did say it took some convincing though, and he gave a few reasons as to why he wanted to do it (ie. with the GB OTA netflix didnt work, it borked wireless N wifi, the compass no longer worked, phantom voicemail icons, etc) he complained of all those valid things, and got the guy to do it. At least that's what he said.
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Well I just got my netflix working
Sent from my htc EVO

