Major issues with Wifi & Bluetooth failure - Galaxy S I9000 General

Hi Guys, I have been having major issues since upgrading the firmware from the Kies software as a standard firmware upgrade....
Just no wifi or bluetooth as soon as you click on the buttons it reboots sometimes several times....heres a link of whats been done so far from a guy that has been helping me on the Vodafone eforum.....
Currently running
I now have Firmware 2.3.4
Baseband I9000XXJVP
Kernel XXJVP
Gingerbread XXJVP
I hope someone can help as I am lost without my phone because thats how I get my work...
Regards Lee

Ok found this how can I put these settings on my phone.
Error initializing Wifi scan
Symptom: trying to enable wifi shows scan initialization error message.
Solution: Requires root. Remove /data/wifi/bcm_supp.conf - the file contains wifi access points definitions and will be regenerated. You'll need to re-enter pin codes for known networks.
[edit] GPS lock problems

Come on guys some one must know the answer to this, you lot can hang bells and whistles on your phones and hack NATO

find 3 file froyo tith your csc flash it via odin with pit and pick desired csc
then flas 2.3.4 from samfirmware - any problems should be gone

That's exactly what I done over the weekend went back to 2.2 and installed 2.2.1 then 2.3 etc..
Its seems to be the same faults, someone has suggested its the Antenna that's at fault

adb logcat c:\logcat.txt
produce the bug and so it restarts
ctrl+c to stop writing logcat and pm it to me

I have sent you the logcat txt as an email as it was far to big to send as a pm and I was unsure what parts were not needed...
The wifi is not mentioned but path to bus for bluetooth is a constant failure
( E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(125): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)
06-14 11:27:15.546 E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(125): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)
I tried to get the wifi to log but everytime the phone locked up
Thanks for taking a look at this for me...

fast google search revealed two fixes for bt:
- hard reset - *2767*3855# - this will wipe your phone stats but most probably will fix both wifi and bt
- - this will fix bt alone
also note that adb logcat c:\logcat.txt will log everything till you stop it or phone shuts off so produce wifi bug let it do its reboot or whatever and then ctr+c

- hard reset - *2767*3855# - this will wipe your phone stats but most probably will fix both wifi and bt
Tried these already before and after I put the new software on and have just tried again no difference at all problems still exactly the same...

so pick option #2 and report

It wont connect to my pc to run catlog.
I had to download via 3G and run it on the phone from there so I can not use Ctrl+C unless you know how to bring up a window with in the samsung.
I only got the log by sending it via 3G as an my desktop then copy and pasting to a notepad doc

why cant connect to pc ?

Mine works fine and the one of a friend of mine works fine too wifi and bt on xxjvp

Dont know just finishing my chores around the house and will get onto it!

as an additional after moving file mentioned in article you might want to do 'fix permissions' in cwm recovery

I am also having the same issue:
E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 469): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)
However, my wifi does work. I have a Bell Samsung Galaxy S I9000M. The XXJVP modem didn't work for me (no HSDPA), so I flashed the UGJK3 modem and my connection was back. I followed the instructions on, blog "Android/Milestone bluetooth not working", but my '/data/misc/bluetoothd/' directory is empty, thus cannot perform the following step:
‘mv /data/misc/bluetoothd/XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX/sdp /data/misc/bluetoothd/XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX/sdp.bak <ENTER>’
I will continue to research this issue. I only realized it this morning as an app I am working on requires Bluetooth, and logcat went nuts with error logs (shown above). I will also keep this thread updated with whatever I find.

huh that was htc desire fix =)
lulz understand this - bt should be working out of the box and is working on stock - i can also confirm that it works on cfroot as i use it flawlesly
if you got bt not working now think about what else can be not workign that you do not notice...
imho best way is to make a PROPER system install
basicly youre misising bt deamon or a start link for it = broken system
i am out of this thread, consider yourselfs helped (install stock+cfroot)

Got it working...
I first made a backup with CWM, then flashed PIT512, CODE_I9000XXJVP..., GT-I9000-CSC..., and my original modem.bin.
After it rebooted, I skipped through the setup and rebooted once more into Download mode, flashed CF-Root and then restored. Bluetooth is now functional.

hi, i have updated to 2.3.4 jvp from js3 telenor
all is fine, battery usage is much much better, no laggs, and no FC/FR..
i have turned on the bluetooth once set the name, and turned it off....
after i rooted and brought backups back,i cant use BT anymore. it just stands and turning on for a min or two, and than goes to TURNED OFF state...
any help? any ideas?

Just got a text to say my phone is ready for collection.....
Bet it's not repaired properly and it has to go away again for the same faults..


how to regain EPST

I'm on stock 2.2 rooted with s-off. To remove software like CityID I connected using 'adb' ,
mounted /system in clockwork recovery and moved the 'apk'
files to another folder. Now after this when I reboot I'm
not able to ##778.can I regain epst
Try ##778#
Same result .##778# also does not work
I had this same problem while trying to get ad free working on my wifes phone. Some how all the messing about in /system changing permissions and creating symbolic links messed up epst and I couldn't get in except by using qualcomm tools on my pc. That was on 2.1...i only got 778 back when I upgraded the radio to 2.5 and flashed to rmk's froyo rom. Even then, I got a weird error when I tried to edit the dun entry...some thing about the radio and failing to enter low power went away after the first edit. I don't think doing a data wipe or rom flash clears epst data, so I'm guessing it was the radio upgrade that fixed the problem. I do wish someone could tell us what it is about editing stuff in /system that screws up ##778 access...
cantare said:
I had this same problem while trying to get ad free working on my wifes phone. Some how all the messing about in /system changing permissions and creating symbolic links messed up epst and I couldn't get in except by using qualcomm tools on my pc. That was on 2.1...i only got 778 back when I upgraded the radio to 2.5 and flashed to rmk's froyo rom. Even then, I got a weird error when I tried to edit the dun entry...some thing about the radio and failing to enter low power went away after the first edit. I don't think doing a data wipe or rom flash clears epst data, so I'm guessing it was the radio upgrade that fixed the problem. I do wish someone could tell us what it is about editing stuff in /system that screws up ##778 access...
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how did u get qualcomm tools to see the phone? i'm using qpst and it's not seeing the phone at all.
and i get teh same error about 'no response from radio; can't enter low power mode' however it won't go away no matter how many times i try to commit.
shortbushemi said:
how did u get qualcomm tools to see the phone? i'm using qpst and it's not seeing the phone at all.
and i get teh same error about 'no response from radio; can't enter low power mode' however it won't go away no matter how many times i try to commit.
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I got around that error by turning off every possible radio: 3g, wifi, all the gps stuff, and then putting in airplane mode for good measure. Reboot, make sure it's still in airplane-mode/everything off, and then try ##778 again. Don't know if it matters, but I tried to minimize steps in EPST--ie., open only Security and m.ip and edit only the two relevant entries; don't click on or view anything else. When I did all that, I got the changes to stick, and they stayed with the phone thru several upgrade flashes of Virtuous 2.x ROM
As for QPST, it's been a while... but you must plug the phone into usb (can't remember if you need debugging enabled), then dial ##3424#, wait several seconds (might have to install some htc drivers, but you may be able to ignore) then check your device manager for a new COM port called "htc diagnostic interface... and/or just start qpst config, add new port, and select the one that looks right. it will call the phone something different---ffa./surf or something, but you should be able to view and program service info.
I also got this message when i was trying to edit all that crap to get the 3G Mobile HotSpot app to work. what i realized is that it gives me that error only when i back out of the menu that lists the settings. If you are editing, you should edit, then close the text box (click ok) and then commit changes directly from that menu, and not back out.

[Q] Bluetooth Keyboard (HID profile?)

My brother's desperate to get a bluetooth keyboard working with his HTC Hero (UK). Currently runs the stock HTC 2.1-update1.
It's easy enough to pair them (we've tried two) but they remain paired but unconnected. With my Galaxy S (stock 2.2.1) they work fine. I gather this is because the Hero doesn't support the SPP or HID profiles.
We've also tried most of the apps we can think of: Keypro (sits on 'connecting'), Blueinput (force-closes when you click to select they keyboard), the JP one (sits on 'connecting'). Looking at the forum for keypro it looks like they're aware of this issue and haven't yet been able to correct it.
I've heard rumours that people running custom ROMs (eg based on Cyanogenmod) have been able to get keyboards working.
So - has anyone managed to get a bluetooth keyboard working with one of these devices, and if so how? Would prefer a solution that keeps Sense installed but he says he'll let me go to vanilla android.
Thanks in advance.
For the benefit of future users (and because the forum seems to be littered with questions like this!) we managed to get it working by installing FroydVillain 1.7.2.
Main problem was the lack of a flash_image binary to install the nandroid recovery image, but we copied over one we downloaded and it worked without issue.
Keyboard was recognised immediately and works fine as an HID device.
That's interesting! But could you detail, what were the steps of this successful installing? I also have an old bt keyboard, which I'm unable to use with the hero... Thank's if you can explain any more...
Mostly we used the instructions from http:##www| , though with a change for flashing the rom as the binary wasn't available on his phone.
More specifically - use the Froydvillain download mirrors at http:##www| and the wiki page above, and download:
Froydvillain 1.7.0
Froydvillain 1.7.1 upgrade
Froydvillain 1.7.2 upgrade
Universal Androot
AmonRA Recovery image
Stick everything onto the SD card - either using a USB cable and your phone, or we just used a USB card reader.
Install Universal Androot. We used HTC sync and just double-clicked on the .apk but you could also use a file manager (the wiki recommends Astro).
Install Android Terminal Emulator from the market.
Root the phone using Androot (he was running the latest 2.1 so we used the 2.0-2.2 root button).
The next bit is where we differed from the wiki instructions. They tell you to type:
flash_image recovery /sdcard/[I]<name of recovery image file>[/I]
reboot recovery
We found that there was no flash_image binary on my brother's phone (the error read 'flash_image: not found' so downloaded one - there's a copy at ; I can't remember exactly where we got the one we used.
The instructions we found with the binary suggested something complicated involving remounting the system partition (it's normally read-only so you can't copy the binary there). Equally, you can't run it directly from the sd card without remounting as it's set not to allow executables. We just ran it from the data partition:
Copy the flash_image file to the sd card and use:
cp /sdcard/flash_image /data/flash_image
chmod 700 /data/flash_image
/data/flash_image recovery /sdcard/[i]<name of recovery image file>[/i]
Then just power off the phone and turn it back on with the 'Home' button pressed. You should find yourself in recovery mode using your new recovery image.
We then used Backup/Restore > Nand backup to backup the current ROM to the SD card. Then from the Wipe menu we ran through each option in turn to ensure a fully fresh setup (I gather this isn't essential, but is advised). Lastly we used Flash zip and sequentially flashed 1.7.0, 1.7.1, then 1.7.2.
Then we rebooted, and waited... and waited... and waited... The VillainROM logo with the scary red-eyed android pulsated for about 30 minutes before I gave up and removed the battery. I took out the SD card and turned the phone back on; this time it was only a few minutes before we found ourselves with a fully functional (and factory-fresh) phone.
We put the sd card back in and set up the phone as normal; then turned on bluetooth and paired the phone with the keyboard (with ours it was a matter of typing a PIN on the keyboard and pressing enter, and duplicating the number on the phone) - it was instantly recognised as an HID device and worked perfectly!
Hope that's of some use - as I mentioned before it's essentially the same as the standard instructions except for the step involving the missing flash_image binary.
[edit: sorry, I'm not allowed to post links it seems! You'll have to cut and paste, and replace the '##' with '//', and the '|' with '.']
Thank you, you were very kind! But it seems basically only a normal fv installation on a rooted phone... Only I become a bit confused with all the /data/system operations... I can try installing fv 1.72, but at the moment I don't want to give back my floyo 1.20, which is more responsive (in my phone), but gives no sinal of accepting to connect the paired bt...
Yes - it was just a new ROM install which did the job - only the lack of flash_image and the lengthy bootup before we removed the sd card confused us so hopefully it's useful to someone trying the same.
I've not heard of Floyo - but the reason I decided to try FroydVillain was that it was CyanogenMod-based rather than HTC sense based as I heard that HTC don't include bluetooth HID support in their ROMs.
The CyanogenMod changelog suggests that HID support has been included since 6.0.0 so I'd expect anything based on CyanogenMod since that should be fine. I chose FroydVillain simply because my brother's not very techy and I wanted a fairly mainstream ROM for him...
Not so simple...! Out of curiosity, I went to install froyd villain, but as I imagined the result was the same! "Paired but not connected"... It seems that when you rooted the hero, something remained in /system, no idea what was it! If a developer could read this, perhaps he could understand what happened... Floyo is simply another rom based on cm... the difference is all in the rooting process, seemingly...
Not for me
Hi Guys,
as I have been running Froyd Villain 1.7.2 for a rather long time now I thought I might give it a try. As there is an Apple Bluetooth keyboard dusting around here I had quite high hopes.
The pairing process worked well and it shows an Icon with the BT Symbol encased in Black and two arrows. In the BT settings it tells me that I am connected to a BT device, never the less, no matter what input field I choose, I cannot type on the BT keyboard. There is no other Input method I could choose from either so it's still not working for me.
What keyboard where you using?

[SOLVED] Wi-Fi MAC Address changing every time wifi goes off/on or with reboot

A brief history of what I've been through before this issue:
My Pro came with 2.2 Froyo from verizon, then flashed Vanilla's CM7 v8 (which is the absolute best ROM I've tested for this phone); no wifi mac address problem here. Then I messed up by installing another recovery, semi-bricked, and forced to SBF to stock Verizon 2.3.3 gingerbread. Then rooted with Pete's Motorola Root Tools, flashed recovery, kernel, wiped, and once again to Vanilla's CM7 v8.
After all this mess, my Wi-Fi MAC address is changing every time wifi goes off/on or reboot, and this is pretty inconvinient for me since both my workplace and home networks have MAC address filter, and changing the router configuration every time I'm forced to reboot my phone is not an option.
YES, I've flashed the Kernel that the developer provides with the ROM.
YES, I've tried reflashing both the rom and the kernel the way the diveloper suggests, doing system/data/cache wipes in between.
NO, this was not happening the first time I've flashed this ROM.
Any suggestions?
Please help!!
Fix found
Here's the MAC address fix for your Pros running CM7. If you have had an issue connecting to wifi, it's probably because each time the device's wifi is restarted, a new MAC address is generated which will clog up your router as you can easily run out of IP addresses to lease to each and every new MAC address that's generated each time your device's wifi is restarted. The link can be downloaded here. The instructions are simple:
1. Flash (attached) in clockwork no need to wipe anything
2. "Activate it" by going into the terminal emulator app, typing "su" (without the quotes) then typing "" (without the quotes). A bunch of weird symbols should come up, but that's normal.
What this does is it auto-generates and writes your permanent MAC address to a file called called nvs_map.bin under /data/misc/wifi/nvs_map.bin. It will remain there and your MAC address will remain the same unless you wipe your /data whereas you will simply have to redo it
Note: if you get an error message in the terminal after doing the fix, make sure your Wi-Fi is turned on and you're connected to a network
For CM7, download -->
my phone does the same, each time WIFI is turned on it generates a temporary MAC address, but the file you mentioned (nvs_map.bin) can't be found in /data/misc/wifi...
could you help me please how the map_gen file is generated? i don't have CWM so i can't flash the zip file, but i have a terminal and two hands
Do we have anything for Android 4.2?
negro_acdc said:
Here's the MAC address fix for your Pros running CM7. If you have had an issue connecting to wifi, it's probably because each time the device's wifi is restarted, a new MAC address is generated which will clog up your router as you can easily run out of IP addresses to lease to each and every new MAC address that's generated each time your device's wifi is restarted. The link can be downloaded here. The instructions are simple:
1. Flash (attached) in clockwork no need to wipe anything
2. "Activate it" by going into the terminal emulator app, typing "su" (without the quotes) then typing "" (without the quotes). A bunch of weird symbols should come up, but that's normal.
What this does is it auto-generates and writes your permanent MAC address to a file called called nvs_map.bin under /data/misc/wifi/nvs_map.bin. It will remain there and your MAC address will remain the same unless you wipe your /data whereas you will simply have to redo it
Note: if you get an error message in the terminal after doing the fix, make sure your Wi-Fi is turned on and you're connected to a network
For CM7, download -->
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Note: if you get an error message in the terminal after doing the fix, make sure your Wi-Fi is turned on and you're connected to a network
** How can I turn on Wi-Fi when there's no mac-address? No mac-address, no network! **​
I tried running this shell script but seems like its not executed successfully ... reason i believe so is ...
1. i dont see any wierd symbols coming up ... just a pause for a couple of seconds.
2. i dont see the "/data/misc/wifi/nvs_map.bin' file in the said location.
Please help.
Mac addrs and imei problm
Hi, in my gionee ctrl v4s the problem is two types, i have seen after i was updated lollipop , one problem is tht, whn i reboot my phn thn my mac address automatically changed everytime.. And 2nt problem is tht my imei also erased whn i updated lollipop so plz help me...
this is the best solution
Is there a solution for this in Marshmallow?
yes this is the best solution
Thanks. This process worked well on my lenovo s650 cyanogenmod 13 custom rom. But could someone explain what is really happening through this solution?
my oppo f1s 64gb, it was dead, recovered working fine, but each restart it changes mac id, and remove all wifi stored connections
is there any solutions?
Seems its pretty common for MediaTek chipsets.
Thanks for the video link!

[Problem identified] CM 12.1 - Wifi connectivity VS mobile data priority problem

[Solution HERE: disable AFWall+-2.0-alpha2]
Hey there,
I installed the optimized CM12.1 20150602 with Xposed and Xprivacy and now I got a connectivity problem:
When I come back from flight mode or enter a known wifi, wlan0 connects to my local wifi but Internet still gets routed through mobile data (LTE).
ping rounter not possible
Wifi icon has a "!"
netcfg shows:
rmnet_usb0 UP 0x00000041
wlan0 UP 0x00001043
on turning off mobile data, wifi data starts working and keeps working when I turn mobile data back on
I tried with a clean system: no problem, added Xposed/Xprivacy: no problem. So I guess one of my apps with root access must have caused that bug.
Possible candidates: AFWall, AdAway, droid VNC, OpenVPN, OS Monitor, SSHDroid, Tasker, TB.
Anyone knows how to fix this? I guess it must be a problem of how and what gets prioritized.
The setup took me quite some time and it would be great if I could fix this without starting from scratch. Plus I'd like to know the source of the problem.
Log attached.
I run none of the apps you mention and have the same issue and it happens on all wireless networks. I know of two workarounds, if they can be called that.
First is to cycle WiFi from within settings. When I do that it normally works right for a few days after.
Second is to power cycle my wireless router. That normally only works for a day or so as well.
I personally feel this is a flaw in CM as I have also seen the exact same issue on CM and any ROM built from it.
I found a fix for my problem by trial and error:
First I dirtyflashed the system again which didn't help, so I thought the problem must be in /data... thats where wpa_supplicant.conf is located so I had a look at it and strangest thing was:
The priority numbers for high eventhough it had only three entries. I changed them to 1/2/3 and rebooted. After that automatic connection to wifi worked again. BUT:
I rechecked the
again and the priority was back to the old state: 41/47/38 - in this order for the only three networks.
So the fix for me was: Change priority and save. Reboot afterwards.
Can someone elaborate on how this could fix the problem?
Oh and I must revoke my solution. Didn't work on the other network. :/
OK next trial and fail: deleting wpa_supplicant so it gets renewed. No difference.
Maybe I just try to install a fresh install and just restore /data.
I tried deleting the whole /data/misc/wifi folder. Didnt fix it!
And now I even installed from scratch and restored /data only from backup. Didn't help either!
What do I have to remove to fix this???
Rule number 1 of the Optimized ROM: do not use Xposed if you want support. So, uninstall Xposed, make a logcat of your issue if uninstalling Xposed doesn't fix it, then send that to AntaresOne.
He doesn't read the threads in Q&A, and wouldn't reply to this one anyway because of Xposed.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Rule number 1 of the Optimized ROM: do not use Xposed if you want support. So, uninstall Xposed, make a logcat of your issue if uninstalling Xposed doesn't fix it, then send that to AntaresOne.
He doesn't read the threads in Q&A, and wouldn't reply to this one anyway because of Xposed.
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Yes, thank you, I know that.
I didn't report a bug, I'm just trying to understand the problem, so I won't run into it again.
I tried tried a clean system and a clean system with Xposed and Xprivacy installed and did not have that problem, so I ruled that out.
Lucky for me: I did mention that in my OP.
My point is that you're presenting your information to the wrong audience. You need to post the logcat, without Xposed, on the Optimized CM12.1 thread, if you haven't already done so. That way the people who can actually do something about it can attempt to fix it.
I do apologize however for not reading the thread properly. It was late at night for me and I was half asleep. *sigh*
So I hope it is fixed now.
My last resort was to flash a new modem/non-hlos.
I was on a 4.4.2 modems (DTM-I9505XXUGNG8_I9505DTMGNG3_I9505XXUGNG8_HOME.tar) before and updated to the latest modems for T-Mobile Germany: DTM-I9505XXUHOD5_I9505DTMHOD1_I9505XXUHOD5_HOME.tar.
This seemed to have solved my Wifi problem.
Step-by-step (no data loss but still: make a backup):
Check which is the latest ROM for your country/carrier on
Download ROM on or (no account necessary).
Extract ZIP > rename extracted *.tar.md5 to *.tar > extract modem and non-hlos file from *.tar with WinRAR or the likes.
Shutdown mobile and start into Download mode (Vol-Down)
Run Odin, disable Auto-restart and flash modem and reboot back into Download mode (I did that twice because people were hinting that but I doubt it's necessary).
Flash non-hlos in case you have a S4-LTE version.
Reboot and test.
/edit: didn't fix it.
Solved this time?
I think I finally found the problem: AFWall v2.0-alpha2 seems to cause the connectivity problem.
As soon as I deactivate the Firewall connection won't have any problems. I can't believe I needed so much time to find the bad boy.
Guess I didn't want to reduce security on my system, so I tried to avoid disabling/deleting my firewall.

Zenfone AR (Verizon) WiFi not working: INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE_DISABLE_WIFI

I purchased an Asus Zenfone AR from Verizon a month ago on New York. I used the phone as my main phone for a couple of weeks there and it worked perfectly (both cellular network and wifi worked just fine). Then a went to Latin America and the wifi stopped working. What this means is: I cannot turn the wifi ON, when I try to turn it ON, there is a toast saying "Error" and it shows back OFF.
I've went back to the States a week ago and I took the phone with me. On California the wifi started working (being able to turn it ON) again, so when I asked for help on a Verizon shop, the people there told me there was nothing they could do because the phone was working just fine.
Now I'm on Latin America again and the wifi does not turn on, I debugged the phone with Android Studio and I get this error on the console:
10-07 01:02:18.998 1201-2738/? E/ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast from system 1201:system/1000 pkg android
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
A quick google search did not show any results on this error code.
I did a factory reset a couple times and tried it with and without the Verizon SIM card.
Does anyone know what this error means exaclty?
I'll keep debugging it and updating the post with my results.
Update 1:
Looks like the Country I'm in (Argentina) does not have a valid country code... which does not make any sense, but here is the error:
10-07 01:33:02.691 1201-1930/? D/WifiService: setWifiEnabled: true pid=8209, uid=10124
10-07 01:33:02.693 1201-1930/? D/WifiService: checkCountryCode: 'AR' is invalid
10-07 01:33:02.694 1201-1930/? D/WifiService: notifyInvalidCountryDisableWifi
Update 2:
I'm able to get an internet connection using Bluetooth tethering.
Update 3:
Looks like something like this would help, but would require a rooted device:
Update 4:
Ok, so, from what I understand now, the local SIM I used changed the country code to AR. But I still don't see why that would disallow me to turn wifi ON. I do know that this could hide some networks from me due to the country code, but I should be able to turn it ON anyway.
A simple
adb shell setprop gsm.operator.iso-country us
should fix this issue, but root would still be needed.
logain42 said:
Ok, so, from what I understand now, the local SIM I used changed the country code to AR. But I still don't see why that would disallow me to turn wifi ON. I do know that this could hide some networks from me due to the country code, but I should be able to turn it ON anyway.
A simple
adb shell setprop gsm.operator.iso-country us
should fix this issue, but root would still be needed.
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Did you solved?
Have same problem?
But I have wrong MAC address of wifi adapter... Is it hardware problem or ?
Similar issue here...
Bought a Samsung A5 2017 in US, everything was working fine until I updated via OTA to Nougat and started using an Argentinian simcard.
Country code changed and wifi does not turn on at all. I tried everything but rooting and using the method you mentioned... I'll try it as soon as i get the time to do it and post here the result.
As far as I got investigating the issue, the problem seems to be caused by the wifi driver not loading properly because of "incorrect" country code.
I get the message "Wifi driver unloaded" in logcat
I had the silly idea of doing factory reset once more (I wasn't thinking properly), and now I'm not even able to use the device, because I need internet connection in order to log-in with a google account, and the bluetooth trick does not work on this step.
I'm basically bricked until I get back to the States.
anybody tried to install bootloader unlock app from ASUS site?
I did, but can not install, it says: "app not installed the package conflicts with an existing package by the same name"
same exactly problem, any solve this?
Is there a solution to the problem with Wi-Fi idle from ASUS ZenFone AR V570KL (A002A) (Verizon)?
nick_fc said:
anybody tried to install bootloader unlock app from ASUS site?
I did, but can not install, it says: "app not installed the package conflicts with an existing package by the same name"
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I wasn't able to make it work either.
Funny thing is, I bought this phone because I wanted to develop stuff for Google Tango, but now that google killed that project, I don't have any other reason for using it any more.
Unless someone comes out with a fix or some way of rooting it, I'll sell it as a used phone on the States and at least get part of my money back.
logain42 said:
I purchased an Asus Zenfone AR from Verizon a month ago on New York. I used the phone as my main phone for a couple of weeks there and it worked perfectly (both cellular network and wifi worked just fine). Then a went to Latin America and the wifi stopped working. What this means is: I cannot turn the wifi ON, when I try to turn it ON, there is a toast saying "Error" and it shows back OFF.
I've went back to the States a week ago and I took the phone with me. On California the wifi started working (being able to turn it ON) again, so when I asked for help on a Verizon shop, the people there told me there was nothing they could do because the phone was working just fine.
Now I'm on Latin America again and the wifi does not turn on, I debugged the phone with Android Studio and I get this error on the console:
10-07 01:02:18.998 1201-2738/? E/ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast from system 1201:system/1000 pkg android
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
A quick google search did not show any results on this error code.
I did a factory reset a couple times and tried it with and without the Verizon SIM card.
Does anyone know what this error means exaclty?
I'll keep debugging it and updating the post with my results.
Update 1:
Looks like the Country I'm in (Argentina) does not have a valid country code... which does not make any sense, but here is the error:
10-07 01:33:02.691 1201-1930/? D/WifiService: setWifiEnabled: true pid=8209, uid=10124
10-07 01:33:02.693 1201-1930/? D/WifiService: checkCountryCode: 'AR' is invalid
10-07 01:33:02.694 1201-1930/? D/WifiService: notifyInvalidCountryDisableWifi
Update 2:
I'm able to get an internet connection using Bluetooth tethering.
Update 3:
Looks like something like this would help, but would require a rooted device:
Update 4:
Ok, so, from what I understand now, the local SIM I used changed the country code to AR. But I still don't see why that would disallow me to turn wifi ON. I do know that this could hide some networks from me due to the country code, but I should be able to turn it ON anyway.
A simple
adb shell setprop gsm.operator.iso-country us
should fix this issue, but root would still be needed.
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I have the same problem and have solved it by downloading rom
But the rom is very primitive and impractical and there is no package Asus and google in it
What is important is that it can be used Wi-Fi files from it to Verizon rom
just we need root to fix it
Please, share flasher and software
If you have.ô
ArtSima said:
Please, share flasher and software
If you have.ô
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Asus Zenfone V (V520KL)
"To prevent spam on the XDA forums, ALL new users prevented from posting outside links in their messages. After approximately 10 posts, you will be able to post outside links. Thank you for understanding!"
i can't post link sorry
give ur mail
qaqen said:
Asus Zenfone V (V520KL)
"To prevent spam on the XDA forums, ALL new users prevented from posting outside links in their messages. After approximately 10 posts, you will be able to post outside links. Thank you for understanding!"
i can't post link sorry
give ur mail
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[email protected] and thank you
qaqen said:
Asus Zenfone V (V520KL)
"To prevent spam on the XDA forums, ALL new users prevented from posting outside links in their messages. After approximately 10 posts, you will be able to post outside links. Thank you for understanding!"
i can't post link sorry
give ur mail
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can you send me flash tool too with some info? thanks
[email protected]
I just had the same thing while traveling to Europe. In both Scotland and Iceland, I was not able to use wi-fi but once we got back to USA, all is good. Very annoying. I'd like to be able to find an official fix.
some solution to activate WiFi for Asus_A002A
Having exactly the same problem - can you share the link with me too please?
qaqen said:
Asus Zenfone V (V520KL)
"To prevent spam on the XDA forums, ALL new users prevented from posting outside links in their messages. After approximately 10 posts, you will be able to post outside links. Thank you for understanding!"
i can't post link sorry
give ur mail
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can you help me with the files please
I give you my e-mail address [email protected]
tomelich said:
can you help me with the files please
I give you my e-mail address [email protected]
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just google it
"Asus CSC Image Collection"
you will find new links
qaqen said:
just google it
"Asus CSC Image Collection"
you will find new links
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only flashing "Asus CSC Imag" = WW_V570KL_T3.0.6_all_eng
With that, WiFi will work and my software will work normally?
could you say the right steps please
I flashed by Software Upgrade Assistant (ASUS) from verizon wireless
When you connect your phone to the USB cable with pc and choose the repair option from the phone, the program will automatically run in Windows
When you make a repair option from pc , the program will download the latest version of the ROM into a new folder at drive D & compressed file. The program will automatically unzip and install. the zip rom in your phone
I flash CSC rom by
replacing CSC rom with original rom file. at D drive and change its name with the same name as the "xxxxxxx.raw" , do not delete or change name of the original compressed file . Only change the raw file and change name as the original name rom. after make repair option from pc again you will flash CSC rom
In any case you need the fownload original ROM if you want to return to original
If you change the size or the name of the compressed file in the folder created by the program, it will delete everything and download the ROM again,so copy zip rom before the change it
sorry for my language
