calender widget problem.. - Xoom General

I set up an event on my Calender for June the 16th and for some reason on my Calender widget it shows no upcoming events... how do i fix this

i think the widget only shows 3 or so days. Which sucks.


Calendar events vanished from grid view and HTC widget

Hello everybody,
I've been a happy Hero convertee since my device arrived two days ago. Well, I had to weather the Facebook-bug but there's plenty of help on the web. However, it seems that I've found somethimg new:
For some reason, my calendar does no longer display events in the grid view while list view keeps working perfectly. Also, the HTC calendar widget (small layout) does show no events in the preview area (although there are events) while the Android calendar widget still does its job. Soft resetting and re-syncing did not help...
Any ideas anyone?
i got the same problem whith the htc calendar widget yesterday. It dont show the next upcoming event.
My alarms from the calender has also stop working, so somthing must be wrong with the calender, but i cant find anything...
I also have problems, when i use the htc agenda widget and the pure calender widget. But the calender under android widgets, seems to work better. My problems are, that it stops showing events that has been created a long time ago.
Same problem here, post Orange update, no calendar widget updates.

Calendar appointments on Startpage

On my startpage i can't se my appointments. My Calendar i full off appointments that has been syncronised with my Outlook calendar, but there is just a line with "Calendar". On Other TD2's iv'e seen lines with the next two appointments.
Does anybody know how to get the appointment to show on the Startpage.
They dont show on the lock screen either. I'm running WM 6.5 stock.
Sure that there is an appointment today or tomorrow?
By the way: Which taskbar are you using? Which ROM?
I would suggest playing around with the themes on here. Specifically Maxcy's themes. It gives you multiple options for your home screen.
I have 20 shortcuts, calendar and call history with custom clock and BG for all tabs. Its sweet!

Agenda for the whole year in calendar

I know that neither default calendar nor Microsoft calendar can display a list of events in agenda for the whole year or more.
The questions is is it possible to hack this? or use another third party calendar?
Another feature I miss is that the dates where events are present are NOT marked in a "year view". Say, in default HTC calendar days which contain events could be RED, days without event default black. Would be nice?
htchd2na said:
I know that neither default calendar nor Microsoft calendar can display a list of events in agenda for the whole year or more.
The questions is is it possible to hack this? or use another third party calendar?
Another feature I miss is that the dates where events are present are NOT marked in a "year view". Say, in default HTC calendar days which contain events could be RED, days without event default black. Would be nice?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It would be very nice indeed. Until that happens, try using Manila Today Page and putting Today Agenda as the plugin for it.

Calendar + HTC Widget Problems

When I go to the default calendar app into agenda view, it used to display all upcoming events. Now it only displays a week and I would have to click on "tap to look for more" all the time which is quite annoying. How do I go back to having all upcoming events displayed by default and not just a week?
Also the HTC calendar widget (4x1) which displays upcoming events shows no upcoming events when there really is.
This happened suddenly today. Whats up? Is there a fix?

[Q] Calendar widget not showing tasks

Good day all,
For some reason my S Planner widget on my homescreen only shows events but not tasks created in S Planner.
When I create a task in S Planner it's not visible in the widget but only in the S Planner app itself. I enabled the option in S Planner to view all of my calendars and tasks. Tapping the synchronize option a hundred times also doesn't work.
Is this normal behavior for the widget or is there something I'm missing?
See below for the widget I'm talking about (marked with a red square).
No one who knows about this?

