[Q] Calendar widget not showing tasks - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Good day all,
For some reason my S Planner widget on my homescreen only shows events but not tasks created in S Planner.
When I create a task in S Planner it's not visible in the widget but only in the S Planner app itself. I enabled the option in S Planner to view all of my calendars and tasks. Tapping the synchronize option a hundred times also doesn't work.
Is this normal behavior for the widget or is there something I'm missing?
See below for the widget I'm talking about (marked with a red square).

No one who knows about this?


Calendar events vanished from grid view and HTC widget

Hello everybody,
I've been a happy Hero convertee since my device arrived two days ago. Well, I had to weather the Facebook-bug but there's plenty of help on the web. However, it seems that I've found somethimg new:
For some reason, my calendar does no longer display events in the grid view while list view keeps working perfectly. Also, the HTC calendar widget (small layout) does show no events in the preview area (although there are events) while the Android calendar widget still does its job. Soft resetting and re-syncing did not help...
Any ideas anyone?
i got the same problem whith the htc calendar widget yesterday. It dont show the next upcoming event.
My alarms from the calender has also stop working, so somthing must be wrong with the calender, but i cant find anything...
I also have problems, when i use the htc agenda widget and the pure calender widget. But the calender under android widgets, seems to work better. My problems are, that it stops showing events that has been created a long time ago.
Same problem here, post Orange update, no calendar widget updates.

Calendar Appointments not showing in Agenda Widgets

Some of my calendar appointments do NOT show up in any agenda/calendar widget I have tried.
I have two google-based calendars (work and personal). All appointments from both calendars DO show up in the calendar *application*.
However, only appointments in my personal calendar (default gmail account) show up in ANY widget, and NONE AT ALL show up in the default calendar widget.
As far as widgets are concerned, I have tried:
- Default
- Jorte
- Smooth Calendar
- Agenda Widget
Has anyone had a similar issue/any known workarounds/widgets which DO work?
I use "Smooth Calendar" and have multiple calendars synced with it. These include calendars I own and ones I am sharing.
All of them show up in the widget no problem.
I recommend using it, as it is the nicest calendar widget I have found. One tap on it will let you enter config, refresh or calendar. Under config you can select which calendars will show up.
Have tried it, but it doesn't work (and I would prefer more calendar entry lines).
I forgot to mention that my work calendar is automatically picked up by the calendar system as it is a shared calendar visible from my personal account.
Ill try to remove the "shared" view and add it explicitly in the calendar app.
Thanks - any more suggestions welcome.
Agenda widget
Does somebody now a widget for the Xperia X10 like the agenda widget on the Samsung Galaxy SII? You can scroll in that one.
any chance to sync to google??
use pure grid calendar widget:
choose android auto select for calendar input source
go to applications and sync, google account, then sync calendar
refresh the app with it's refresh button and voila your appointments are there

Calendar events to show on the lock screen?

There has to be something i am missing. I cant seem to find anything to help with this. Ive seen a screen shot somewhere that the person had calendar events showing on the lock screen.
I am using Jorte calendar syncing with my google calendar. The default calendar has all the events listed in it too so it seems to sync with googles calendar too.
Is there something i have to set somewhere, or maybe something else i need to use to get things showing up on the lock screen?
You need WidgetLocker. The stock lockscreen will not be able to add widgets to the lockscreen.

Galaxy S5 S PLANNER - Can't Disable?! Want to replace with Google Calendar

Hi All,
On my S3 I was able to disable S Planner and just use Google Calendar. HD Widgets would then launch Google Calendar rather than S Planner because that was the only calendar left on my phone after S Planner was disabled.
However on my new S5, there are two instances of S Planner in Application Manager and I can only disable one and not the other. HD Widgets keeps launching S Planner over Google Calendar because that's the "favourite" or "default" calendar.
Anyone successfully disable these built in apps on the S5?

Touchwiz Calendar Notification on Google Calendar

While there aren't a lot of things I like about TW one is the full screen calendar notification that allows you to snooze or close an event. That being said I would much rather use the Google calendar app. Does the google calendar app have such a feature that anyone knows of. All I see is the notification bar notice.

