Honeycomb on the Nook Color PSA - Nook Color Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

This is a public service announcement for those who want to use Honeycomb on the Nook Color:
Honeycomb on the Nook Color is basically a tech demo!!!
Yes, it is cool that the Nook Color runs Honeycomb, and the fact that it does is due to the great work of many developers who have stretched the limits of our ereader. With that said, Honeycomb on the Nook Color is not- and will not be- equivalent to the other ROM options. If you are trying to do something on Nook Honeycomb and it doesn't work, there are probably very good reasons for that.
Development on Honeycomb has run into many problems:
1. (by far biggest problem) Honeycomb's source is not released, unlike other versions of Android. This means developers cannot customize Honeycomb for Nook Color like what has been done with CM7 (which is the Gingerbread version of Android). Our Honeycomb is a binary SDK version hacked to work on our device.
2. Much of Honeycomb and its applications are optimized for the Tegra platform. Even if you don't know what that is, just know its something that all on-the-market Honeycomb tablets have that the Nook Color doesn't have.
Now for the big question:
But isn't Honeycomb Android's tablet version, so doesn't that mean I don't have a real tablet without Honeycomb?
I see many people fall into the trap that Honeycomb=Tablet and everything else Android=Phone. This could not be more untrue. Samsung released its Galaxy Tab without Honeycomb last year to high reviews, and HTC has just released a brand new tablet without Honeycomb.
The great developers in this community have modified the phone version of Android so significantly that it gives a great tablet experience. The CM7 developers (fattire, verygreen, dalingrin, nemith) have taken the Gingerbread source and have made the Nook Color's hardware work perfectly with that version of Android. In fact they have gone above and beyond and made it so hardware that Barnes and Nobles never intended to work (internal bluetooth, USB support, etc.) now works. Finally a developer named Mad-Murdock has modified Gingerbread itself so that it has many of the tablet features that Honeycomb has.
At this point, you may be wondering, what CAN I do without Honeycomb? The answer is quite a few things:
1. Honeycomb lacks Netflix support, our Nook Colors running CM7 can play Netflix.
2. Honeycomb games (aka Tegra games) can be run after installing the Chainfire 3D program from the market.
3. A CM7 Nook Color can be hacked to view Hulu, Honeycomb devices lack this ability currently.
4. A CM7 Nook Color has bluetooth and USB support that the Honeycomb ROM probably will never get.
5. A CM7 Nook Color has full support of its video playback capabilities which means programs like Slingplayer work, as do certain videos you encode for the Nook Color using Handbrake.
But poofyhairguy, I have convinced myself despite the above list that a tablet without Honeycomb isn't a tablet so I don't even want a Nook Color without Honeycomb!!!
If that is the case for you, then I suggest you sell your Nook Color and purchase a real Honeycomb device such as a Transformer or Xoom. Google has made it clear that it won't release the Honeycomb source before its next big version which is due this winter. That basically means that the Nook Color won't run a "real" tablet OS with full capabilities till the end of this year or the beginning of the next.
If that is unacceptable to you, time to move on. If getting all those non-Honeycomb benefits sounds great to you, then welcome to the party. In many ways the Nook Color is the best tablet on the market, you just have to think outside the box a little to get full enjoyment out of the device.
Have a nice day!

Just have to +1 on this post.
I'm one of those guys that went for the hype, Honeycomb on the Nook, WOW!
In reality if ALL you do is check your email, view non flash websites, and play Angry Birds, sure its fine. But the nook can really do SO much more and after a while you want it to do more. You're just not going to get that with Honeycomb on the nook.
The ONLY advantage you get is that the UI is very much more "tablet" but theres many fixes out there for that if you decide to run something like CM7.
Anyway though I made the switch and am not looking back, fully functional Youtube (in HQ!), Netflix, Bluetooth, USB, etc, for 200 bucks, you can't beat it.

Thanks for the input. My number one goal for this thread was to game the new thread engine a little- anyone that posts a Nook Honeycomb problem thread should see my PSA.

I am waiting for my nook color to arrive and have been doing some searching around to learn more...this post was very helpful. Thx!

I think saying that CM7 runs perfectly on a Nook Color is a little bold. I have run both and have remained on Honeycomb due to the fact that the battery issues with CM7 were too unacceptable to deal with. I'd end up with an unusable tablet for several hours all the time when the Battery would reach ultra low levels.
There were also many other feature in Honeycomb that just made it more enjoyable (tablet apps section in Market, keyboard just seems to work better, space on homescreens, etc) I also am a fan of the XboxExperts builds which include all the key elements you need in a ROM. That's the way these should be released IMO, just like they would from the store, with everything included. Having to search around for the latest GApps version is just a waste of time.
I realize the battery issue is close, but I don't feel like messing around with nightlies and OCing until it is stable. And it's taking forever and a day it seems to get it there.
Just my 2c.

WWWestonC said:
I think saying that CM7 runs perfectly on a Nook Color is a little bold. I have run both and have remained on Honeycomb due to the fact that the battery issues with CM7 were too unacceptable to deal with. I'd end up with an unusable tablet for several hours all the time when the Battery would reach ultra low levels.
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Um, I don't really know what you are talking about. Early versions of CM7 would eat down a battery, but any recent version will give you MUCH better battery life than Honeycomb thanks to the fact that CM7 has working sleep, and the Honeycomb ROM doesn't (and won't).
tablet apps section in Market
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Yes, but many are made for Tegra which means they won't work on the Nook's Honeycomb ROM. In fact CM7 is better for these tablet programs because you can use Chainfire3D to make the Tegra programs work.
Also we can't run the newest version of Honeycomb (3.1) as easily, which means eventually the app support will dry up as all REAL Honeycomb tablets have had that update available to them for a while or they ship with the 3.1 version.
keyboard just seems to work better
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Both Gingerbread and Honeycomb's keyboards are bested by the free Swiftkey Tablet Beta. I use it on CM7, just like my friend with a Xoom uses it on Honeycomb. Much better styling and function than the defaults.
space on homescreens
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Easily replicated in Launcher Pro.
I will admit that there are some things that are nice about Honeycomb that CM7 doesn't have- an orientation lock that works in landcape, a visual task switcher, a cleaner notification system, and a two-pane settings window. No one is saying that Honeycomb overall is inferior. Just our out of date HC ROMs are inferier to real Honeycomb tablets, despite the hard work of those who make them.
CM7 is much more usable overall.
I also am a fan of the XboxExperts builds which include all the key elements you need in a ROM. That's the way these should be released IMO, just like they would from the store, with everything included. Having to search around for the latest GApps version is just a waste of time.
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The nightly and stable CM7 builds lack GAPPS because Google made a deal with the community to not package those binaries into official CM ROMs. Some individuals (like XboxExpert, or phiredrop) ignore this and put out complete ROMs that are separated from official CM7 to avoid getting CM7 into more trouble. If you don't want to hunt GAPPS but you want CM7 use the phiremod ROM.
I realize the battery issue is close but I don't feel like messing around with nightlies and OCing until it is stable. And it's taking forever and a day it seems to get it there.
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It is not up to the Nook Color CM7 developers when new stable releases are put out- that is something that is done all at the same time for all CM roms across supported devices.
Plus the work on CM7 is still happening at a breakneck pace. Recently USB host support was added, as well as superior headphone and speaker controls.
We will get our stable version eventually, but until then the newest CM7 nightlies plus the overclock kernel plus GAPPS is more stable and usable than any Honeycomb ROM we have. And that is a fact...

I use the Divine Honeycomb off the SD card and like it.
Except for battery life.
I have it overclocked to 1.1ghz using setcpu
when screen is off, I have it clocked down to 300mhz.
Battery life is about 2-3hours of normal use and 1-2 days if it's off.
Pretty sad.
Is CM7 much better?

poofyhairguy said:
Thanks for the input. My number one goal for this thread was to game the new thread engine a little- anyone that posts a Nook Honeycomb problem thread should see my PSA.
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I did the same thing over on YouTube:
I just added a link to this thread in the description.

canadiankorean said:
Is CM7 much better?
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Much much better.

Gotta agree with the others on this one. Even with some of the niggles that annoyed me with CM7, I simply wasn't patient enough to deal with Honeycomb on my NC for more than about two hours. Back to CM7 I went.
Hopefully Ice Cream Sandwich will rectify this; knowing Google, they'll probably release that source code first.


[Q] Honeycomb v4--PhireMod--???

I have a nook that currently has the Honeycomb v4 ROM running on eMMc...and for what it is I've been pretty happy with it. However, I've hoped that fairly soon there would be a full-fledged working Honeycomb version for the Nook since Xoom is out, etc...but I'm a little concerned that it seems all Honeycomb versions and development seems to have stalled, if not died. I haven't seen anything new in a long time.
Maybe we're still waiting for the AOSP to be released, but I would like to eventually have Flash and anything else that would run by default on a full-fledged Android 3 tablet, if the genius developers would grace us all with such a ROM. In a worst case, I don't want to be orphaned with what I have now and have to give up and drop back to the latest Nook 1.2 version if I can avoid it.
So, does anyone have any news about Android 3 on the Nook---is anyone still working toward this---if so/when?
Also, I'm curious about what other ROM's may be out there that are as good as the recent 1.2 update...have Flash, etc...if any. I've looked at the 4/29 Phiremod 6.2/ CM 7.0.2 which sounds pretty slick, so I'd appreciate any comments about it and how it looks or compares to the Honeycomb version, etc. I'm up for any suggestions.
Devs can't do anything with honeycomb till the Source is Released, and google has not stated when that will be
Its like this:
-Google hasn't released Honeycomb source, and said they won't until it is integrated with the cellphone branch (which will be a new version - Ice Cream Sandwich)
-The CM7 developers can't work on a Android OS without a source code to modify for the Nook Color
-Much work was done on CM7 (Gingerbread) to give it some of the best parts of Honeycomb- softkeys on the status bar
-Once the source for a tablet Android OS is released the large community of the Nook Color almost guarantees a port, as much work has been done to leave that option open
-We will know a better timeline after this:
-There is work on a newer SDK port:
jttraverse said:
I have a nook that currently has the Honeycomb v4 ROM running on eMMc...and for what it is I've been pretty happy with it. However, I've hoped that fairly soon there would be a full-fledged working Honeycomb version for the Nook since Xoom is out, etc...but I'm a little concerned that it seems all Honeycomb versions and development seems to have stalled, if not died. I haven't seen anything new in a long time.
Maybe we're still waiting for the AOSP to be released, but I would like to eventually have Flash and anything else that would run by default on a full-fledged Android 3 tablet, if the genius developers would grace us all with such a ROM. In a worst case, I don't want to be orphaned with what I have now and have to give up and drop back to the latest Nook 1.2 version if I can avoid it.
So, does anyone have any news about Android 3 on the Nook---is anyone still working toward this---if so/when?
Also, I'm curious about what other ROM's may be out there that are as good as the recent 1.2 update...have Flash, etc...if any. I've looked at the 4/29 Phiremod 6.2/ CM 7.0.2 which sounds pretty slick, so I'd appreciate any comments about it and how it looks or compares to the Honeycomb version, etc. I'm up for any suggestions.
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I was in the same boat so I installed Phiremod (CM7 with a cool theme) which is awesome.
The thing I originally didn't like about CM7 compared to Honeycomb was the location of the soft back button. HC made much more sense because it was designed for tablets without buttons. CM7 now includes "tablet tweaks" which is switched on by default. This tweaks move the status bar to the bottom and add good soft buttons on the left side of the bottom (by default...they can be moved around). The tweaks along with Flash support and the fact that Google announced it will be a while before HC is added to AOSP tipped the scale to CM7 for me.
Pros of Honeycomb:
New interface that is more like a PC than a phone (contrary to Steve Job's "tablets are post-PC devices" lol)
Great email client and widget
Awesome native browser
Everybody thinks you are cool because you have HC running on an eReader (women were just throwing themselves at me so my wife made me switch lol)
Pros of CM7
99.9% of everything works. Most problems with HC for the Nook were problems that HC has on other devices but they are still problems. Gingerbread is much more mature.
Bluetooth is working. People say it only works for short distances. I never wander too far from my keyboard so I am not sure.
Tablet tweaks allow most of the cool UI functionality that is included with honeycomb.
I am not sure if HC v4 includes hardware acceleration but Flash and other videos work better on CM7.
I recommend using both. Flash CM7 to your primary partition and if you want to use Honeycomb, set up dual boot and flash HC to your second partition or run HC from an SD card.
I also recommend trying the Stock 1.2 ROM. You won't be happy with it after using honeycomb and CM7 but it is worth a look because it is quite nice for somebody with no technical knowledge like my mother.
Activity is definitely picking up on the new port. I would keep an eye on the post and I'm betting within a couple of days, it will be fairly stable and worth flashing.
SDK Honeycomb New Port
Thanks to all...I'll take the advice..
Thanks all, these were some very thought-out and helpful responses...even if I have to decide whether I want the women throwing them at me over having HC4 on my Nook, or whether I want to have my Nook do the most that it can for now
(...I just know I'll have to do a dual boot since it's all about the nook..er, or is that nookie..oh nevermind...
Thanks for the info on Google and the AOSP as well...
you make having HC on your NC sound like driving a porsche... I wish it were that easy!

What to do with new nook color?

I have a new nook color (running 1.2) that I really would like to turn it in to a real tablet. A couple n00b questions:
1. Is honeycomb the best version to put on? Or is it too new to really be usable for a legit tablet?
2. Do I have to use an sd card? I currently don't have one. I don't mind losing the nook default software (although it might be nice to keep it), but is performance as fast from a micro sd card?
3. Where are the current roms and instructions? The latest stuff is CM7? In just getting into this there seems to be a lot of outdated info out there. Just want to make sure I start with the right bits.
Any other thoughts an advice from others who have done this?
nicros said:
I have a new nook color (running 1.2) that I really would like to turn it in to a real tablet. A couple n00b questions:
1. Is honeycomb the best version to put on? Or is it too new to really be usable for a legit tablet?
2. Do I have to use an sd card? I currently don't have one. I don't mind losing the nook default software (although it might be nice to keep it), but is performance as fast from a micro sd card?
3. Where are the current roms and instructions? The latest stuff is CM7? In just getting into this there seems to be a lot of outdated info out there. Just want to make sure I start with the right bits.
Any other thoughts an advice from others who have done this?
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IMO, CM7 or Phiremod V6 (CM7 based) are the best daily drivers for Nook Color right now. Honeycomb is making big progress, but it still not as far along as the other 2 roms. You will need at least 1 SD card, but really you should have a couple. Here is a guide from user "eyeballer" to installing CM7 to your Nook's internal memory. Much more information can be found on the various other roms available, by using the search tab. Best of luck and welcome to the world of Nook!
I tried Froyo and CM7 and couldn't get used to the soft keys. with CM7 2 months ago i wasn't able to connect to my office's wireless network.
I switched over to Deeper-Blue's V4 honeycomb, and the only issue i honestly had for my use of the tablet was no calendar support and having to unmount the SD card in order to install some apps.
I ended up buying Touchdown Exchange to take care of the calendar/email for my business, the wireless worked at my office, and i could play angry birds on a bigger screen as well as reading my kindle app.
I've swapped over to MadCat's new version of honeycomb and while somethings aren't completely stable it is working well for what i do with my tablet, and it's compatible with the latest Kindle app.
just my 2 cents.
MadCat's build of Honeycomb is certainly not perfect, but it's what I settled on for my NC. CM7/Phiremod are great...if you are looking for a super-sized Android phone experience, but not for a tablet. Honeycomb is specifically designed for tablets, and the changes to the UI make it much better for devices with larger screens.
Once the Honeycomb source is released and somebody actually does a dedicated NC build (rather than just the SDK), I don't think there will be any question as to what most people will be running.
MS3FGX said:
MadCat's build of Honeycomb is certainly not perfect, but it's what I settled on for my NC. CM7/Phiremod are great...if you are looking for a super-sized Android phone experience, but not for a tablet. Honeycomb is specifically designed for tablets, and the changes to the UI make it much better for devices with larger screens.
Once the Honeycomb source is released and somebody actually does a dedicated NC build (rather than just the SDK), I don't think there will be any question as to what most people will be running.
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Hahah..... You're right about the overgrown android phone with the CM7, but it's sure hard to knock the stability of it at the moment. I'll have to give Madcat's HC a try this weekend. I know huge improvements have been made over the last week or so, but haven't had a chance to flash it.
Overgrown phone? I felt that way with NookieFroyo but CM7 with tablet tweaks is awesome. Softkeys right on the taskbar was genius and actually works as opposed to Softkeys on NookieFroyo hellbent on making me go crazy. Honeycomb is the dream but for now Im loving CM7.
And of course, CM7 (therefore phiremod) also has bluetooth support
Found the madcat version-
No OC kernel tho, thats too bad. Will give it a go anyways.
artcwolf said:
I've swapped over to MadCat's new version of honeycomb and while somethings aren't completely stable it is working well for what i do with my tablet, and it's compatible with the latest Kindle app...
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Does the kindle app actually work correctly for you?
I'm using madcat's v3 atm and the kindle app page's always get messed up, as if it's set for a larger screen.
Sent from HTC Desire using Tapatalk
I went back to the previous version of the kindle app. The latest version did work, but like you said it seemed the pages were messed up.
I changed my LCD density down to 120, but haven't tested the app since then.

BEst Honeycomb EMMC Rom?

I have been looking for a Honeycomb rom for a while now and I can't find one that I can get to boot. All the ones I have tried don't work. I have wiped all partitions, tried wiping all but boot, but have still not found a reliable HC rom. Any help will be appreciated.
Sigh... honeycomb will never work. If you want to know the reason why take a look at the section Why you shouldn't use honeycomb in the link in my sig.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
So far, running Honeycomb or the WIP Ice Cream Sandwich isn't worth it yet for DD.
Honeycomb is a hijacked rom, based on hacked SDK modules, thus being somewhat outdated and buggy, while ICS is a WIP, still lacking a lot of the things a DD OS needs.
If you really want a Tablet-oriented OS for Nook, I suggest you wait until Dalingrin and Fattire finished their work on CM9 ICS for our Nook Color.
But to be honest, just go for CM7 for now, it has a whole bunch of Tablet Tweaks included that will make it act and feel a lot more like Honeycomb / ICS, including the necessary softbuttons you will need.
Furthermore, if you install Nook Tweaks from the Market, then you can increase the power levels on the Speaker and Earphone Plug, increasing the (way too low) volume of the Nook to be acceptable.
Also... there aren't a whole bunch of Tablet-optimized Apps out yet... just check the Android Market with a 3.0+ Device and you will see what I mean...
One way or another, you will be falling back to 2.X Generation Applications, simply because there ain't a 3.0+ Tablet Version of it just yet...
Sorry, that was a somewhat long answer for something that should have been simple... Stick to CM7 for now, you won't regret it.

ICS - what's the biggy?

When I bought the Xoom last year I installed the latest Tiamat rom (now Nandroid' at 2.2.2) and it ran really well, although the limitations of the hardware occasionally reared it's ugly head; I guess tablets can't come close to laptops at the mo now matter what mega ROM is installed.
I'm running Miui on an HTC DHD and it is an AWESOME Rom and nothing at all like vanilla Honeycomb, just on another level. I was hoping that when ICS came out there would be something similar for the Xoom. So I waited like a hungry dog for ICS to land and a stable(ish) build to come out and have now tried both EOS and Kang CM9 and both run well but how are they so vastly different from Vanilla ICS? I do really appreciate all the effort that's gone into getting these roms to us but if they're the same (or similar) in terms of looks, performance, usability etc what's the advantage with ICS over Honeycomb apart from a pretty small performance upgrade? Sure ICS does look a little different but only a bit, nothing drastic.....so can someone who knows more about these things tell me, what's the biggy with ICS?
Perhaps I'm expecting too much here but it seems a lot like the forums just got crazy giddy waiting for ICS to come out so then whipped themselves up into a lather (for maybe no valid reason) and that now the insanely mad push to get ICS working efficiently across the Android universe is more of a case of why man went to the Moon?.....because it's there, not because we needed to.
I think your sort of neglecting the big picture. Your looking at it from the perspective of someone who is already running Honeycomb on your Xoom. I think if you were running a HP Touchpad (for example) with Gingerbread you would be warming up a lot closer to ICS. Not every tablet has honeycomb on it so lets face it you are spoiled by the Xooms OS.
Oh and ICS has some nice features for example I can remove app from the recent app list by dragging it out of the list.
HC was a beta; ICS is a stable release
GrandMasterPlank said:
what's the advantage with ICS over Honeycomb apart from a pretty small performance upgrade?
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Its not small by any means. The performance increase is night and day.
A lot of the hype in general for ICS is for previous gingerbread users. Its a huge change for them in terms of UI. For honeycomb users, ICS is more like finally getting a stable release of the OS; honeycomb was IMO a beta test. Limited to tablets (which was a pretty small portion of Android users) and very buggy with quite a bit of work that needed to be done. Now we have a full release with some nice new features, proper performance and support for tablets and phones.
As for the custom roms, I'm pretty certain stock ICS Xooms don't have face unlock. The EOS settings are nice as well as built-in overclocking. I'm sure somewhere down the line the ad-hoc support will be sorted out and I remember reading a post by one of the EOS devs that they haven't even begun to work on performance optimization so this ROM could get even faster/smoother/better on battery.
The biggest reason to move is that ICS actually takes advantage of your second (or more) cores more efficiently than HC 3.x ever did.
Gingerbread for the most part, will not utilize a 2nd core at all even if you had one. That 2nd core would sit there idle. AFAIK.
So, ICS on Xoom is a huge boost in performance. You can see this as you use the device. Lag is completely removed from almost all tasks. With EOS Wingray/Stingray, you can even over clock to get even more performance out of the old Tegra 2.
Stability, smoothness in the UI, and overall polish. The browser is also WORLDS better.
+1 on previous comments RE: smoothness, performance. I was able to start playing with official ICS a couple of Thursdays ago when it rolled onto my Xoom as I was introducing myself to my nursing students.
AFAIK, and have tested, read/write to "external" SD card issue is partially fixed from the standpoint of apps directing r/w to the actual name Xoom gives the ext SD... with HC, the only way I could get it working was by using the File Manager for Honeycomb (can't recall the dev's name off the top of my head). Now, as more devs are updating their apps for ICS tablet compatibility, some are making the change and some aren't.
~ BereanPK
anyone knows when the 3g version in europe will get ics?
Well for one thing we won't really see all the benefits of ICS for awhile.
Remember ICS is the attempt to standardize App compatability between Phone and Tablets.
Until more phones get ICS we won't truly see the entire benefit of it.
And it's still relatively new and not fully fleshed out by the community yet.
They are still struggling with getting it up and running on devices (like ours which Team EOS is doing a great job with!)
HC was specifically written for Dual Proc units.
ICS' main goal is to support ANY number of internal procs which is a boon to Single proc devices and future multicore devices.
It also allows consistency of OS so that cheaper android tablets can be made. I can see single proc bargain Tablets on the way soon now that ICS doesn't care how many cores you have!
And the fact that it runs on phones and tablets just means easier coding for App developers because they can write one set of code to work on EVERY android device and have better compatability.
ICS was a very smart move by Google and provided the Manufacturers don't mess it up with bloatware creating problems we are all better off having it!
I don't think ICS has even scratched the surface of what it can do!
HC may be a bit more mature and stable but thats only because it's been in development longer...ICS will get there and more!

Now that ICS is here, a few thoughts about Honeycomb

Well,as expected,since i already had ICS on my phone for like 2 months, the ASUS ICE CREAM is a dream come true.(i am not gonna comment about whining noobs who dont even know how to install a clean system).
Now i see the light,i see why the tablets are the future, i feel the smoothness of instant typing in all kind of web pages,the stability of the system (i get a 2600 quadrant score with stock rooted rom but after i have manually removed lots of useless asus bloatware in system, and optimised the kernel and system with rom toolbox).
My thoughts are,what about honeycomb?
I bought the tablet so as to replace my netbook and laptop and profit from all the benefits of android system in a powerfull system.I was not that stupid to think that a tablet is a netbook but....honeycomb made my tablet go on the shelf for like 2 months.
I refused to keep using a device that was not working the way it was advertised.
I tried everything with the abysmal honeycomb. Stock,all the custom roms,all the kernels,all the tips,you name it.
In every 10-20 minutes i aways had one problem.A force close of the browser,white blocks (bbrrrrrr), slow system out of nowhere etc...
So,why they even released a bad written software? Just to keep on with the apple fan boys?
As a consumer,how can we be protected again in future attempts of delivering a malfunctioning product?
Could you even go a legal road?
They say that the all mighty ICS is not absorbed in every device and that google will try to get jelly bean sooner.
What if jelly bean is a new Honeycomb?
Do we have a formal voice and maybe a refund or anything against those kind of politics or we have only the great xda to whine about in a forum post...?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
Me, unlike you, have returned to HC. ICS is buggy and tons of apps forclose or simply are not even supported yet.
The dev support is just starting, Kernel has not been released, so no OC or UV yet.
In 2 months or less this will change. But until then HC is the better choice.
I think you'll end up putting your device on the shelf again. ICS is a bit smoother but the things it does are the exact same. It is not a miracle upgrade. It is not completly new. It is not bringing you some new exp. that you couldn't have gotten on HC.
tweaked said:
Me, unlike you, have returned to HC. ICS is buggy and tons of apps forclose or simply are not even supported yet.
The dev support is just starting, Kernel has not been released, so no OC or UV yet.
In 2 months or less this will change. But until then HC is the better choice.
I think you'll end up putting your device on the shelf again. ICS is a bit smoother but the things it does are the exact same. It is not a miracle upgrade. It is not completly new. It is not bringing you some new exp. that you couldn't have gotten on HC.
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You are semi-correct. On the tablet HC to ICS isn't that big of a jump, but Gb to ICS on the phone end is a huge jump.
This is going to be more of a one OS for all devices, starting with ICS. Instead of having 2.1 compatible but not 3.2 compatible, everything will be compatible, we'll just see Phone, Tablet or TV variants of the same app. Like IMDb, it looks different on my HTC Glacier, than it does on my TF101, than on my Logitech Revue.
ICS is just a stepping stone, nothing more, nothing less.
neidlinger said:
You are semi-correct. On the tablet HC to ICS isn't that big of a jump, but Gb to ICS on the phone end is a huge jump.
This is going to be more of a one OS for all devices, starting with ICS. Instead of having 2.1 compatible but not 3.2 compatible, everything will be compatible, we'll just see Phone, Tablet or TV variants of the same app. Like IMDb, it looks different on my HTC Glacier, than it does on my TF101, than on my Logitech Revue.
ICS is just a stepping stone, nothing more, nothing less.
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I think you'll see jelly bean before you get consistency. I could be wrong and hope I am.
tweaked said:
I think you'll see jelly bean before you get consistency. I could be wrong and hope I am.
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I've seen a lot of reports that are saying its ICS, they could be wrong/I could be wrong, But i will say this. When i'm running ICS on my Glacier, Apps [in the market] that show up that didn't before. more specifically, tablet apps show up.
tweaked said:
Me, unlike you, have returned to HC. ICS is buggy and tons of apps forclose or simply are not even supported yet.
The dev support is just starting, Kernel has not been released, so no OC or UV yet.
In 2 months or less this will change. But until then HC is the better choice.
I think you'll end up putting your device on the shelf again. ICS is a bit smoother but the things it does are the exact same. It is not a miracle upgrade. It is not completely new. It is not bringing you some new exp. that you couldn't have gotten on HC.
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I have -bought- over 500 apps and counting.I have installed all of them,not counting the free apps i use from amazon appstore and only one stupid quotes app and 2-3 g5 entertainment games are not compatible.
How you have problems with ICS is still a mystery to me,since im stating facts.
Imagine the kernel source out and a month to devs,what our eyes have to see.
The ICS is so good that i dont miss custom roms at all and that says something.
The return to the laggy HC with the practically unusable dock keyboard which you wrote one word and the second letter was first and the first letter was second,is even a greater mystery to me.
I hope that google learned from the mistakes of the past and i hope i will never see a honeycomb software again.
Corporations should learn to respect costumers and not doing a 100m race.
ICS is a very good start...
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
karapoutsoglou said:
I have -bought- over 500 apps and counting.I have installed all of them,not counting the free apps i use from amazon appstore and only one stupid quotes app and 2-3 g5 entertainment games are not compatible.
How you have problems with ICS is still a mystery to me,since im stating facts.
Imagine the kernel source out and a month to devs,what our eyes have to see.
The ICS is so good that i dont miss custom roms at all and that says something.
The return to the laggy HC with the practically unusable dock keyboard which you wrote one word and the second letter was first and the first letter was second,is even a greater mystery to me.
I hope that google learned from the mistakes of the past and i hope i will never see a honeycomb software again.
Corporations should learn to respect costumers and not doing a 100m race.
ICS is a very good start...
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
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GTA 3 sometimes loads. Sometimes does not.
Peggle loads and dies.
New Game on Nvidia meltdown to mars - Loads and is buggy.
Need for Speed - Any of them. Won't load. Die
I could continue..
All the above running perfectly on HC.
Your 500 apps must be useless ones. At least to me.
ICS will be fine in a month or so. Its not ICS that is the issue. it is the Apps.
I personally do not have "issues" with HC. It runs smoothly. No reason to update until I can OC, UV, and play the games I like...
But hey, Thats just me. No reason you can't love ICS.
I tried the ICS build from Asus but it seems half-baked to me. The Quick Settings look terrible too. I ended up going back to Prime! 2.1.1 because it just seems more polished to me, and the performance and functionality isn't that different.
Once Roach finishes up his ICS ROM, I imagine thats what I'll be using. His stuff just seems so much more finished feeling.
tweaked said:
GTA 3 sometimes loads. Sometimes does not.
Peggle loads and dies.
New Game on Nvidia meltdown to mars - Loads and is buggy.
Need for Speed - Any of them. Won't load. Die
I could continue..
All the above running perfectly on HC.
Your 500 apps must be useless ones. At least to me.
ICS will be fine in a month or so. Its not ICS that is the issue. it is the Apps.
I personally do not have "issues" with HC. It runs smoothly. No reason to update until I can OC, UV, and play the games I like...
But hey, Thats just me. No reason you can't love ICS.
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This is a tablet made for doing a variety of things. not just playing games.
And have you ever thought that your issue lays with the developers for not supporting ICS. Google pushes a source code, Manufacturers and 3rd party developers create Operating Systems for us to enjoy. It's the app creators to make sure their apps run with the newest OS.
All of the apps that i use on my Tablet, work perfectly on ICS. I have no reason to resort back to Hc.
neidlinger said:
This is a tablet made for doing a variety of things. not just playing games.
And have you ever thought that your issue lays with the developers for not supporting ICS. Google pushes a source code, Manufacturers and 3rd party developers create Operating Systems for us to enjoy. It's the app creators to make sure their apps run with the newest OS.
All of the apps that i use on my Tablet, work perfectly on ICS. I have no reason to resort back to Hc.
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It says in^ its not ICS that is the issue. it is the Apps.
I dont call it resorting. i call it getting full functionality. I prefer everything working, I prefer running at 1.5ghz, and I prefer Undervolting. Battery = forever lasting....
tweaked said:
It says in^ its not ICS that is the issue. it is the Apps.
I dont call it resorting. i call it getting full functionality. I prefer everything working, I prefer running at 1.5ghz, and I prefer Undervolting. Battery = forever lasting....
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To each his own, i like living on the EDGE. Not that i need to, but i like being at the forefront.
tweaked said:
GTA 3 sometimes loads. Sometimes does not.
Peggle loads and dies.
New Game on Nvidia meltdown to mars - Loads and is buggy.
Need for Speed - Any of them. Won't load. Die
I could continue..
All the above running perfectly on HC.
Your 500 apps must be useless ones. At least to me.
ICS will be fine in a month or so. Its not ICS that is the issue. it is the Apps.
I personally do not have "issues" with HC. It runs smoothly. No reason to update until I can OC, UV, and play the games I like...
But hey, Thats just me. No reason you can't love ICS.
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GTA runs perfectly and no issues. Meltdown i have downloaded this afternoon and have not used it yet(quite a gamer you are).
But lets forget games and stuff,what do you thing of the internet experience? what do you think about browsing? Is it better worse or the same as HC?
And what about office apps? Are they snappier and faster than HC or the same? or worse?.....
Can you write a big text comfortably in a web page in ICS or do you finger cross not to have force closes and white blocks and lose 40 minutes of your life cause there is no lazarus add on?
Do you feel comfotable to work office in HC or ICS?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
For me browsing on ICS is so good, I almost stopped browsing on my computer.
I'm one of the folks that apparently has fully functioning ICS. I have no complaints. But by the above post, there was no way ICS was every going to remotely live up to your expectations. I like OC my tablet as well, but I never had the expectation that Asus would deliver me a stock rom that would do so. I mean do disrespect or criticism to anyone not happy with ICS. But let's just face it, this update had big expectations and hype and could have done everything perfectly and people would still not like it. Nothing that has a certain level of hype or expectation ever lives up to it, be it a tablet OS or anything else. That said ICS is great for me, I have no complaints thus far, and hope that others with problems get them solved, so that they can enjoy their tablet as much as me.
Ill1 I'm with you. Maybe I'm just lucky or we with great working ICS did something different or better, but everything is just peachy on my end.
I have one little bug with the camera, if you have a pin or pattern lock screen setup then switching from camera to panoramic doesn't initiate the camera and eventually fc's.
But my GTA 3 works so do all my other apps. Things are generally smoother and faster.
Next stop is trying to root this thing using Ubuntu so I can be ready to put CM9 on it whenever it comes out
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
a.mcdear said:
I tried the ICS build from Asus but it seems half-baked to me. The Quick Settings look terrible too. I ended up going back to Prime! 2.1.1 because it just seems more polished to me, and the performance and functionality isn't that different.
Once Roach finishes up his ICS ROM, I imagine thats what I'll be using. His stuff just seems so much more finished feeling.
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You can turn off the ugly Asus menu in the settings, under Asus customized setting.
ICS for me has been flawless, I dont know what some of you did to screw it up so bad. If you updated without wiping then dont complain about bugginess, do it the right way and then see ifyou have issues.
karapoutsoglou said:
GTA runs perfectly and no issues. Meltdown i have downloaded this afternoon and have not used it yet(quite a gamer you are).
But lets forget games and stuff,what do you thing of the internet experience? what do you think about browsing? Is it better worse or the same as HC?
And what about office apps? Are they snappier and faster than HC or the same? or worse?.....
Can you write a big text comfortably in a web page in ICS or do you finger cross not to have force closes and white blocks and lose 40 minutes of your life cause there is no lazarus add on?
Do you feel comfotable to work office in HC or ICS?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
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Oh, don't get me wrong, I love ICS. But I need to be able to fiddle with settings and stuff. Its an addiction. Once a kernal is available I'll jump for good. And I also have a back up of the ICS with all my installs and a copy of the kernel so I can jump back and forth. I love Chrome.
I use a third party keyboard I don't have typing issues. I just saying, HC isn't terrible. Infact I would say its a bit more stable as of right now. /shrug
tweaked said:
Oh, don't get me wrong, I love ICS. But I need to be able to fiddle with settings and stuff. Its an addiction. Once a kernal is available I'll jump for good. And I also have a back up of the ICS with all my installs and a copy of the kernel so I can jump back and forth. I love Chrome.
I use a third party keyboard I don't have typing issues. I just saying, HC isn't terrible. Infact I would say its a bit more stable as of right now. /shrug
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i wait a custom kernel (blades hopefully) too, anxiously....
cant imagine the experience with a moddest overclock and some kernel goodies as add ons...
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium

