[Q] Can the verizon Play be rooted at all? (in the future) - Xperia Play General

Hi everyone,
I'm a new smartphone user, but I finally got one in the form of the Xperia Play. Upon doing research on the phones, I find that I'd definitely like to root the phone, and seeing that Verizon made a change to their version made me sad. Now, as I got the phone a few days ago, I was wondering:
Can the Verizon version of the phone be even rooted? i.e., should I keep this phone and wait for someone to root the phone, or will this more than likely not ever happen and I should go back and exchange it for a different model?
Thank you for any information.

I'm optimistic about GingerBreak being updated soon to allow root for the R800x. As of right now, version 1.2 just says "rooting" forever. I left it for 8 hours to no avail.

I believe it will be rooted with a future update for Gingerbreak.

Anything around will eventually get root. Its a fact of life basically
I'm willing to bet money that the verizon play will be rooted very soon.

RacecarBMW said:
Anything around will eventually get root. Its a fact of life basically
I'm willing to bet money that the verizon play will be rooted very soon.
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I have to agree with you. Even though it is frustrating right now that I don't have root I am willing to wait it out

Can't you flash to generic system image, then root?

Blagus said:
Can't you flash to generic system image, then root?
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Don't we have to have the BL unlocked in order to flash a generic image? Also I was checking out some of your post on the Arc forums I don't think Verizon is sim locked just CDMA and fastboot detects our phones just the unlock code doesn't work is there anyway the brute force or trick the phone to unlock? I would be willing try anything for the sake of the Verizon play's.

yes please please can we get some dev love on the verizon version of this phone.. I've had the phone 5 days and love the controls, but would like to see root access and all other types of goodies. Verizon is a bootloader locking b*tch, but there has to be someway around it. Unfortunately i think most of the devs on this phone aren't US/verizon customers so I don't think we're gonna see it too quick. I only have 9 more days to make a decision on whether or not to keep the phone or not...
Please if there is anyone reading this thread working on helping to crack this phone on Big Red please let us know... Unrooted + 3g reception issues might make me have to abandon one of the coolest phones i've ever owned...

Just take system.sin and loader.sin, make flash bundle and flash with flashtool. But be careful, if you don't have original Verizon's system.img, and you lose CDMA...

Blagus said:
Just take system.sin and loader.sin, make flash bundle and flash with flashtool. But be careful, if you don't have original Verizon's system.img, and you lose CDMA...
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Wouldn't this require us to have unlocked bootloaders? Currently you can't get that on VZW/CDMA to my knowledge.

ryocoon said:
Wouldn't this require us to have unlocked bootloaders? Currently you can't get that on VZW/CDMA to my knowledge.
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Flashtool can be used with a locked bootloader (see link below). Just put your phone into update mode just like you would with SEUS, and load your FTF file on the phone.
The trick is getting the generic UK R800i firmware to work correctly on the Verizon R800x. Nobody has done it, so there is the possibility of the CDMA radio not working after flashing (and other things may not work either). And AFIAK there is no R800x FTF file out there you can use to go back. But the R800i generic UK 2.3.2 firmware is rootable, so it could potentially be one way to do it.
It is possible to load the generic R800i UK 2.3.2 build on a Canadian Rogers branded/locked R800a, so theoretically it could potentially be a viable alternative

Yeah, cross-flashing is possible but there's possibility of loosing CDMA.
But I doubt this will happen since amss/radio is not located in /system, only some radio-related files which shouldn't affect this.
Anyways, grab /system/build.prop and if you'll need to go back, restore it, chmod 777, reboot phone, turn off, run SEUS.


[Q] A quick question.

I recently obtained an Xperia Play for myself from Verizon. I was wondering if any of you think I should root it or not. I have rooted my old Droid1 and have flashed a few roms on it. I am just finicky about doing this phone since it is brand new to me and the bootloader was just unlocked recently. I don't really want to brick my phone (I'm quite sure no one does.)
Hemingsent said:
I recently obtained an Xperia Play for myself from Verizon. I was wondering if any of you think I should root it or not. I have rooted my old Droid1 and have flashed a few roms on it. I am just finicky about doing this phone since it is brand new to me and the bootloader was just unlocked recently. I don't really want to brick my phone (I'm quite sure no one does.)
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how can your brick your phone rooting if anything you have done the only risky thing unlocking your bootloader
No, I haven't done anything with it yet.
Hemingsent said:
No, I haven't done anything with it yet.
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you said in your op that "the bootloader was just unlocked recently"
What I meant was that the verizon model was successfully unlocked, not that I had unlocked mine.
So to clarify, I will have to unlock my bootloader in order to obtain root for my Verizon R800x? Also, it will brick if I use an OTA update while it is unlocked? If this is so is it possible to relock the bootloader in order to avoid bricking it? I want to make sure I know as much as I can before attempting to root my play.
Hemingsent said:
1. I will have to unlock my bootloader in order to obtain root for my Verizon R800x?
2. will brick if I use an OTA update while it is unlocked?
3. If this is so is it possible to relock the bootloader in order to avoid bricking it?
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1. Yes
2. Yes, any official updates (Pc companion, OTA, SEUS) will brick your phone
3. Yes. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1134334&page=5, But i dont know if it works on the r800x. I think blagus is waiting for someone to test it. Ask on that thread if its working or not. In the case on the r800i you can relock the bootloader from the link above and then use offical updates again.
Tbh you might get more info if you check out the R800X Bootloader CRACKED! thread
Okay, thank you a ton. I have been reading a lot of these forums lately and haven't found a clear answer for my questions until now. I was reading that blagus is waiting for someone to test it but the last post is from the 8th. Now I just play the waiting game.

[Q] Arc s on 3

I have an Arc s using the 3 branded 4.0.4 (4.1.L.0.8) firmware and have wanted to root and unlock the boot loader for ages. The problem is that I don't know the best method of unlocking the boot loader and root the phone. Was wondering if someone could send me in the right direction or give me a good tutorial on how to go from the very basic no root stock firmware to having the phone rooted with the boot loader unlocked would be great if someone if able to help me.
totalfailz said:
I have an Arc s using the 3 branded 4.0.4 (4.1.L.0.8) firmware and have wanted to root and unlock the boot loader for ages. The problem is that I don't know the best method of unlocking the boot loader and root the phone. Was wondering if someone could send me in the right direction or give me a good tutorial on how to go from the very basic no root stock firmware to having the phone rooted with the boot loader unlocked would be great if someone if able to help me.
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See the first link in my signature.
XperienceD said:
See the first link in my signature.
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haha love it xD
totalfailz said:
haha love it xD
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Now that's out of the way, read the stickys, although you seem to have new F.W so it might be rootable using the existing methods or you may need to wait until someone figures out how to root it. Bootloader unlocking is the same regardless of firmware.
totalfailz said:
I have an Arc s using the 3 branded 4.0.4 (4.1.L.0.8) firmware and have wanted to root and unlock the boot loader for ages. The problem is that I don't know the best method of unlocking the boot loader and root the phone. Was wondering if someone could send me in the right direction or give me a good tutorial on how to go from the very basic no root stock firmware to having the phone rooted with the boot loader unlocked would be great if someone if able to help me.
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I have (nearly) the same phone, also on 3 (rant to follow!). In short, your bootloader cannot be unlocked without paying someone to do it for you (around £15). You can still use custom roms (via CWM recovery) without an unlocked bootloader, so IMHO not really worth it. I was waiting for a former member of XDA to unlock my phone for around a week (we weren't free at the same times, etc) and in the end didn't bother.
There may be other ways, but personally I used this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1683189, but for ease of use, the toolkit from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1601038. Bascially, you need to flash the 4.0.3 kernel using flashtool, use DooMLoRD's kit to root the device, then flash the 4.0.4 kernel back again. After that, you can get CWM recovery from the market, and use that with any rom suitable for locked bootloaders.
BTW, 3 are absolutely the WORST network in the UK, just got off the phone arguing with them about them cutting all 2G services (i now realise why my reception has been so bad for the past 6 months!) while also raising the price of my packages, all without warning.
XTCrefugee said:
I have (nearly) the same phone, also on 3 (rant to follow!). In short, your bootloader cannot be unlocked without paying someone to do it for you (around £15). You can still use custom roms (via CWM recovery) without an unlocked bootloader, so IMHO not really worth it. I was waiting for a former member of XDA to unlock my phone for around a week (we weren't free at the same times, etc) and in the end didn't bother.
There may be other ways, but personally I used this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1683189, but for ease of use, the toolkit from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1601038. Bascially, you need to flash the 4.0.3 kernel using flashtool, use DooMLoRD's kit to root the device, then flash the 4.0.4 kernel back again. After that, you can get CWM recovery from the market, and use that with any rom suitable for locked bootloaders.
BTW, 3 are absolutely the WORST network in the UK, just got off the phone arguing with them about them cutting all 2G services (i now realise why my reception has been so bad for the past 6 months!) while also raising the price of my packages, all without warning.
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thanks! just the reply I was looking for . I have had no problems on 3, the service and the network has been great for me. I just hate that I am not able to use Sony's method of unlocking the boot loader due to being on 3's branded firmware >.<
totalfailz said:
thanks! just the reply I was looking for . I have had no problems on 3, the service and the network has been great for me. I just hate that I am not able to use Sony's method of unlocking the boot loader due to being on 3's branded firmware >.<
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Doesn't flashing generic firmware solve the bootloader-issue?
Curst said:
Doesn't flashing generic firmware solve the bootloader-issue?
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totalfailz said:
I have an Arc s using the 3 branded 4.0.4 (4.1.L.0.8) firmware and have wanted to root and unlock the boot loader for ages. The problem is that I don't know the best method of unlocking the boot loader and root the phone. Was wondering if someone could send me in the right direction or give me a good tutorial on how to go from the very basic no root stock firmware to having the phone rooted with the boot loader unlocked would be great if someone if able to help me.
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I have 3 also in Sweden, but Alejanrissimo (a guy in the forum) unlocked the bootloader for me remotely and now it is very good. I can flash ROM, kernel, get easy root etc.
I payed 19 US dollars over PayPal and after 10 minutes (with some paper clip operation stuff) my phone was unlocked, even the SIM was unlocked too. :good:
I can still use PCC and SEUS and the TrackID is also still there.

Why one should never unlock the Motorola Razr HD bootloader (xt925) !

The pro & cons of unlocking the bootloader:
Pro: Install customs ROMS with custom kernels (basically that's it)
Cons: - Loosing warranty from Motorola & your carrier
- No more firmware upgrades (your IMEI is dropped out of Motorola databank)
- Little verity of quality custom ROMs or development (close to none) exist for the Razr HD
- Future upgrade to JB & KLP will never happened (this phone is listed as a potential candidate for KLP update)
- Keeping your xt925 beyond your 1 year warranty will still guaranty, a steady upgrades of firmware
- Can root a phone with bootloader locked (without loosing warranty - root is reversible)
- Legally (Motorola binding Bootloader unlock contract), you can't sell a BL unlock Motorola Razr HD phone !
If someone can add some Pro's to an unlock bootloader please do it..
Are you sure about the firmware upgrades? I read somewhere that's not the case.
I wish I had known all this before I unlocked my phone.
Are you sure about the firmware upgrades? I read somewhere that's not the case.
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I spoke to Motorola & my carrier services, also read the warning details before the unlock process begins.
I wish I had known all this before I unlocked my phone
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Same here..(I learned all that after the fact)
I'd add this to Pro:
If you're stuck on Rogers 49003 ICS because you flashed the ROM trying to get root, your best option to get anything above 4.0.4 is to unlock bootloader?
Perhaps a CWM install will be possible for those with unlocked bootloaders when updates come.
It seems that in one form or another an unlocked bootloader means being able to push all the new files in doesn't it? Is there any limitation on this phone, for example flashing a new modem or kernel?
Cons one by one:
itzik_man said:
- Loosing warranty from Motorola & your carrier
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True, but obvious.
itzik_man said:
- No more firmware upgrades (your IMEI is dropped out of Motorola databank)
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Nope. Even if you were not to receive OTA, which by the way is not true as I've observed on my Photon Q, you can still freely flash the new firmwares yourself ^^
itzik_man said:
- Little verity of quality custom ROMs or development (close to none) exist for the Razr HD
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Depends on ones point of view. Usually a CM port means you get newer Android sooner.
itzik_man said:
- Future upgrade to JB & KLP will never happened (this phone is listed as a potential candidate for KLP update)
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Why it wouldn't? Unlocking BLs has no impact on upgrade schedule.
itzik_man said:
- Keeping your xt925 beyond your 1 year warranty will still guaranty, a steady upgrades of firmware
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No. That's solely on Moto / Google decision. They don't have to update it at all. (See Droid 3, Milestone 3, Motorola XT720 etc.)
itzik_man said:
- Can root a phone with bootloader locked (without loosing warranty - root is reversible)
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Yes, although you have to be careful, because there are scirpts checking if you're rooted.
itzik_man said:
- Legally (Motorola binding Bootloader unlock contract), you can't sell a BL unlock Motorola Razr HD phone !
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You can sue Moto for breaking laws. They can't forbid you doing that (don't know honestly how is that in US / Canada, but I doubt that seeing how it works with computer games).
So please, while for normal user not willing to flash custom ROMs it's true that they should not unlock the bootloader, don't spill nonsenses around that. It's just that when you unlock your bootloader, you're on your own when playing with the firmware. But when you have stock firmware back on it, nothing prevents you from getting the OTA.
don't spill nonsenses around that. It's just that when you unlock your bootloader, you're on your own when playing with the firmware. But when you have stock firmware back on it, nothing prevents you from getting the OTA.
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Possible 90% of your response represent just false theories..
OTA is goneforever once you unlock your bootloader ! If & when you be able manually to install JB, still your IMEI (not registered with Motorola) wont OTA.
You can sue nobody ! it's a contractual agreement you "sign" when you agree to unlock BL !
And if you can't OTA, No future auto upgrades.
So, before you use a statement "don't spill nonsense" make sure you are talking sense...
At least on my O2 Germany xt925 I got the update OTA from ICS to JB after unlocking. Had to return to the stock bootloader because the OTA relies on it after rebooting though.
itzik_man said:
Possible 90% of your response represent just false theories..
OTA is goneforever once you unlock your bootloader ! If & when you be able manually to install JB, still your IMEI (not registered with Motorola) wont OTA.
You can sue nobody ! it's a contractual agreement you "sign" when you agree to unlock BL !
And if you can't OTA, No future auto upgrades.
So, before you use a statement "don't spill nonsense" make sure you are talking sense...
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Once again.
A) The reason why the page says "no updates" is beacuse OTA updates only work when you're on stock firmware, which is unlikely when you have the bootloader unlocked. That's all.
B) There are things that such "agreement" cannot contain. Being unable to sell the phone is one of them in most countries.
I disagree from the op.
Every change to device firmware compromises the warranty, not just bootloader, read the agreements ... If you exploit a bug to have root access, you will have to fool everyone who will have contact with your phone so they don't see what you have done. Even if you try to "reverse" the root, you(or the program you use) will always leave a trace.
We should be promoting "unlock the world"
This is not to imply everything should be free, however if I own something it should be mine in every regard, that includes breaking it.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 PM ----------
@skrilax thanks for you work on the a500.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I have xt925, first thing I did was unlock boot loader. Then I updated ota to Telstra JB. OP is misleading people.
Once again.
A) The reason why the page says "no updates" is beacuse OTA updates only work when you're on stock firmware, which is unlikely when you have the bootloader unlocked. That's all.
B) There are things that such "agreement" cannot contain. Being unable to sell the phone is one of them in most countries.
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To end my part in this discussion: The limitations, restrictions & disadvantages of unlocking the bootloader are much greater then any benefit or gain under the current availability of development !
Darbness said:
I have xt925, first thing I did was unlock boot loader. Then I updated ota to Telstra JB. OP is misleading people.
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Have you tried out lte tethering? It doesn't work on Rogers.
To epinter -
I disagree from the op.
Every change to device firmware compromises the warranty, not just bootloader, read the agreements ... If you exploit a bug to have root access, you will have to fool everyone who will have contact with your phone so they don't see what you have done. Even if you try to "reverse" the root, you(or the program you use) will always leave a trace.http://www.linuxmobile
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I did not notice your response at first, now to the point -
Without any disrespect to the work, time & effort invested, the main point is being ignored by the developers: All comments I got on this OP didn't touched the number one reason of my suggestion to not unlock the bootloader: There in not really enough of a variety of development options today to justification the bootloader unlocked of the xt925.
Skrilax_CZ said:
Cons one by one:
Yes, although you have to be careful, because there are scirpts checking if you're rooted.
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Can someone elaborate on this point; I read in another thread that when you remove all rooted apps and data, clear out the files left in /system, that there is still info stored stated if the device has ever been rooted, and that this can be cleared using an app on a PC (don't remember which) however when I looked at the app it was specific to the XT926 and thus I wouldn't be able to use it.
After a thorough clean of every rooted app and everything left behind by rooted apps, is there a known way (or assumed to be working way) on XT925 to erase the record of the root.
Also, assuming I was to get my phone back to that state and remove proof of root, what specifically do I need to do in order to be careful as stated... or is epinter correct in saying that there is always a trace left behind, and if so, is this a blatant trace or something that hasn't been of much concern for Motorola in the past when servicing phones?
Tombs1234 said:
At least on my O2 Germany xt925 I got the update OTA from ICS to JB after unlocking. Had to return to the stock bootloader because the OTA relies on it after rebooting though.
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How would I return to a stock bootloader if I were to unlock mine and an OTA didn't work? How did you do it?
itzik_man said:
The limitations, restrictions & disadvantages of unlocking the bootloader are much greater then any benefit or gain under the current availability of development !
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It's your decision whether to unlock the bootloader or not. I'm just saying (for other users) that many of the cons you wrote were absolutely incorrect.
PantsDownJedi said:
Can someone elaborate on this point; I read in another thread that when you remove all rooted apps and data, clear out the files left in /system, that there is still info stored stated if the device has ever been rooted, and that this can be cleared using an app on a PC (don't remember which) however when I looked at the app it was specific to the XT926 and thus I wouldn't be able to use it.
After a thorough clean of every rooted app and everything left behind by rooted apps, is there a known way (or assumed to be working way) on XT925 to erase the record of the root.
Also, assuming I was to get my phone back to that state and remove proof of root, what specifically do I need to do in order to be careful as stated... or is epinter correct in saying that there is always a trace left behind, and if so, is this a blatant trace or something that hasn't been of much concern for Motorola in the past when servicing phones?
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I believe there is something stored in the pds partition. Or at least it is that way on Droid RAZR XT912 and you had to fix it to remove the remaining traces. Flashing FXZ is also a way how to get a clean stock firmware, but pds partition is not affected that way.
PantsDownJedi said:
How would I return to a stock bootloader if I were to unlock mine and an OTA didn't work? How did you do it?
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I think he meant "stock firmware" instead of "stock bootloader"
So if that were the case on this phone, I wonder if doing a dd backup of the pds partition before rooting at ICS, for restoring after downgrade, would be the way to go. Assuming it restores properly, it would be a good thing to add to the sticky thread about rooting. I did a dd of all my partitions except for /data last night, but I'm already rooted.
hmm... I'm wondering if there's something inaccessable in /system or even the sdcard since they get mounted with fuse. My only other Android phone was the Galaxy S II which was pretty straightforward and dead simple to root and unroot. I was surprised to see the fuse module being used to mount anything when I got this one.
The original topic is here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1857558
I don't know if there was a proper fix developed (haven't checked) on the RAZR.

[Q] It's SIM unlocked? It can be bootloader unlocked?

Thanks for be reading, I want to buy a Razr M for a while now, I had make some questions before, but know I just want to be sure about somethings before I buy them, they are going to be 2.
1º, I would like to know if the phone it's really unlocked for overseas uses, I don't live in USA but I fall for this phone the moment I see it.
2º. I can't live without CM, but in the official suport page states that need unlock bootloader and to be unlocked it need to be on stock prior to 9.20.1. Some days ago I googled it and found nothing, but know it's just about being sure.
3º, Would you still recomended this phone? -- I'm going for a use one, cause I just have ~$150. The pros I see for this phone are the Super AMOLED screen, the dual core procesor and the 1Gb of RAM. I think it's a perfect math. I don't really see any other options with better specs, but, againg, just to be sure.
Thanks you!
Yes, the phone is global capable. No, you can't unlock the BL if is has an update from 9.20.1 or after. You can root that system version, but if you get a phone with newest update you won't be able to root it. For the price that these phone are going for now, it would probably be worth the money. Just be aware that you might not be able to modify it.
RikRong said:
Yes, the phone is global capable. No, you can't unlock the BL if is has an update from 9.20.1 or after. You can root that system version, but if you get a phone with newest update you won't be able to root it. For the price that these phone are going for now, it would probably be worth the money. Just be aware that you might not be able to modify it.
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How can I ask? It's that JB update or something?
m1k3_ said:
How can I ask? It's that JB update or something?
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Here is a summary
Of dates.

Unlocked Factory Image for Carrier locked STV100-1

Hello all,
Attached are modified factory roms that will flash an at&t or t-mobile phone to an unlocked phone. This means no more bloatware and in my case much better handoff between the lte bands.
These images reuse the carrier bootloader (I'm working on it) but everything else from the radio to the rom is from the unlocked priv.
Version: AAJ919
AT&T -> unlocked hybrid: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=673368273298947044
T-Mobile -> unlocked hybrid: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=457095661767153589
Directions: Unzip files. Hold power and volume down until phone reboots to fastboot. Launch flashall.bat. Follow instructions. This WILL delete your data so have a backup or don't I'm your boss. Wait. Done.
As usual I am not responsible for you bricking your phone. That being said even if the wrong file is flashed the phone gets stuck at the fastboot screen where you can flash the right file.
-Happy Modding
Can you provide more detailed instructions please
Im serious thats all there is to it.
What parts are you having problems with?
Didn't work for me, unfortunately. Phone promptly asked for SIM Pin.
zerocover said:
Hello all,
Attached are modified factory roms that will flash an at&t or t-mobile phone to an unlocked phone. This means no more bloatware and in my case much better handoff between the lte bands.
These images reuse the carrier bootloader (I'm working on it) but everything else from the radio to the rom is from the unlocked priv.
Version: AAJ919
AT&T -> unlocked hybrid: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=673368273298947044
T-Mobile -> unlocked hybrid: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=457095661767153589
Directions: Unzip files. Hold power and volume down until phone reboots to fastboot. Launch flashall.bat. Follow instructions. This WILL delete your data so have a backup or don't I'm your boss. Wait. Done.
As usual I am not responsible for you bricking your phone. That being said even if the wrong file is flashed the phone gets stuck at the fastboot screen where you can flash the right file.
-Happy Modding
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Just out of curiosity, will this be possible to do on a Verizon model? Obviously not flashing the ones above but making a VZ version?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
illitero said:
Didn't work for me, unfortunately. Phone promptly asked for SIM Pin.
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This does not unlock your phone, this is an unlocked rom with no carrier bloatware.
You must already have an unlocked phone. If your phone is paid off call your carrier and ask for the pin.
ozzmanj1 said:
Just out of curiosity, will this be possible to do on a Verizon model? Obviously not flashing the ones above but making a VZ version?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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That one wont. This one might.
Disclaimer I dont have a vzw phone so can't test it, but pretty much I'm making the same modification I made to the others. It should work.
If you could give it a go and let me know.
If it doesn't work this file will get you back to where you should be
zerocover said:
That one wont. This one might.
Disclaimer I dont have a vzw phone so can't test it, but pretty much I'm making the same modification I made to the others. It should work.
If you could give it a go and let me know.
If it doesn't work this file will get you back to where you should be
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I haven't bought a priv yet. But i came across a killer deal for a VZ model that's I'd be using on tmo. I'm going to be snagging it. But will test for sure and let you know. I am just trying to read up on the phone before ordering it on how to get rid of bloat and whatnot without root. Thank you very much for making the file.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
zerocover said:
This does not unlock your phone, this is an unlocked rom with no carrier bloatware.
You must already have an unlocked phone. If your phone is paid off call your carrier and ask for the pin.
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Haha, duh. I'm sorry. Very distracted, late night for me when I found this thread. plz4giv
zerocover said:
That one wont. This one might.
Disclaimer I dont have a vzw phone so can't test it, but pretty much I'm making the same modification I made to the others. It should work.
If you could give it a go and let me know.
If it doesn't work this file will get you back to where you should be
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I tried it and it worked. However, once it boots it will install a software update which takes you back to the bloated VZW version. Perhaps there's a way to block that update?
dakota_96 said:
I tried it and it worked. However, once it boots it will install a software update which takes you back to the bloated VZW version. Perhaps there's a way to block that update?
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Totally possible. If we had root just modify the host file and set the verizon server update ip to localhost. You should be able to install DNS66 and do something similar. This will take digging on your end to figure out what the update IP is though.
I have an ATT Priv, so if I flash this I'll get next time OTA from BlackBerry instead of ATT? Saw the one above with the Verizon update and went back to bloated version.
Reporting back in to verify that it worked flawlessly on both at&t and t-mobile variants I have. Now if only we could get root lol
Thank you so much for your effort
I have an ATT branded Priv which got unlocked from ATT directly and has successfully installed this ROM. It works perfectly without any ATT bloatwares, but this built is old and when I check for system update it shows my system is up to date. However the most recent built for unlocked factory image is AAL202 according to the blackberry official reload software website.
So does this ROM OTA updates via ATT server or directly from Blackberry server?
zerocover said:
Im serious thats all there is to it.
What parts are you having problems with?
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dude what about the firmware version? and update status?
is there one available for the AAL230 update? and is the at&t version provided here applicable on my priv with AAL230 update installed?
zerocover said:
Hello all,
Attached are modified factory roms that will flash an at&t or t-mobile phone to an unlocked phone. This means no more bloatware and in my case much better handoff between the lte bands.
These images reuse the carrier bootloader (I'm working on it) but everything else from the radio to the rom is from the unlocked priv.
Version: AAJ919
AT&T -> unlocked hybrid: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=673368273298947044
T-Mobile -> unlocked hybrid: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=457095661767153589
Directions: Unzip files. Hold power and volume down until phone reboots to fastboot. Launch flashall.bat. Follow instructions. This WILL delete your data so have a backup or don't I'm your boss. Wait. Done.
As usual I am not responsible for you bricking your phone. That being said even if the wrong file is flashed the phone gets stuck at the fastboot screen where you can flash the right file.
-Happy Modding
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Is this possible for the Verizon moto z play???
calistoz said:
is there one available for the AAL230 update? and is the at&t version provided here applicable on my priv with AAL230 update installed?
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AT&T runs a newer version of android then the international. If you want stockish android with no carrier bloat go international.
jzamalot said:
Is this possible for the Verizon moto z play???
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Send me a moto z play and we shall see. Otherwise sorry I can't test it.
With the very recent Verizon Priv update can the de-bloated image be updated?

