Random Reboot after update to leaked 3.1 - Eee Pad Transformer General

Hi All,
I installed the leaked 3.1 for my TF on Saturday night. It worked fine yesterday, but this morning I saw my TF automatically reboot while in standby. This happened twice already since this 10 am this morning. Has anyone experience automatic reboots on my TF after installing the leaked 3.1?

Did you wipe the cache before updating? Usually, that prevents a lot of wierd stuff from happening...

Q.Entity said:
Did you wipe the cache before updating? Usually, that prevents a lot of wierd stuff from happening...
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Isn't "wipe cache" for rooted device with CWM installed? My TF is not rooted and does not have CWM installed.

I have that problem with 3.0.1. Guess they didn't fix it.

bushrat67 said:
I have that problem with 3.0.1. Guess they didn't fix it.
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I didn't see this issue on my TF with 3.0.1 until I update it to 3.1. But did noticed that all the reboots occurred when I docked it with the keyboard dock. It didn't reboot at all yesterday I was just using the tablet itself. This is really strange.

mikewong27 said:
I didn't see this issue on my TF with 3.0.1 until I update it to 3.1. But did noticed that all the reboots occurred when I docked it with the keyboard dock. It didn't reboot at all yesterday I was just using the tablet itself. This is really strange.
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The past couple of days my 3.0.1 stock ROM transformer's been rebooting, freezing and crashing when plugged in the dock (on the 0209 firmware). It all seemed to start when the dock battery was completely depleted and I continued to use the pair plugged into each other and since then it's being a real pain (even while plugged into the mains and the dock was fully charged). After a couple of charge/discharge cycles in the dock it seems to have fixed itself for now.
I'm hoping the new firmware due for the dock where it shuts down when unplugged from the tablet will fix it as at the moment if it gets in a bad state there's not much I can do about it.
I have had the dock and tablet for some time now, so it's something software based that has come for no apparent reason and has eventually fixed itself (after a day or so of frustration).

no random reboots here, been using it extensively for 2 days.

We had another post regarding this... ever since I went to the leaked 3.1 mine has also been randomly rebooting while in sleep mode. Once it even did it twice in like 5 minutes. It doesn't reboot or have any issues when I'm using it though.. wish I knew what was up! Hopefully it will stop once I get it rooted and a custom rom installed..

I'm still getting random reboots. Just looked over from my computer and it was on the Asus loading screen... again!


Reboot After Sleep on Official OTA 3.1 Update

There are some threads indicating this is a problem after the leaked update. I did the official OTA update today and immediately ran into the issue. After doing a factory data reset to make sure i cleared any possible cob webs out the issue was still there. Tablet runs fine while in use, as soon as it goes to sleep it reboots.
I removed the sd card that was installed and the problem went away. Wondering if anyone can confirm......
jhoelz said:
There are some threads indicating this is a problem after the leaked update. I did the official OTA update today and immediately ran into the issue. After doing a factory data reset to make sure i cleared any possible cob webs out the issue was still there. Tablet runs fine while in use, as soon as it goes to sleep it reboots.
I removed the sd card that was installed and the problem went away. Wondering if anyone can confirm......
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I had the issue initially with the leaked 3.1. I factory reset, wiped caches, and it seemed to go away. About 30 minutes ago, it happened again. BTW, I am on PRIMORDIAL.
Questions for you:
Was the tablet docked at the time (mine was each time)?
Your SD card...are you talking about the miniSD or SD in the dock (I had a mini in the tablet, and SD in the dock)?
What is the brand of the SD card (I have a 16 GB AData micro, and a Patriot Class 6 SD in dock).http://forum.xda-developers.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=1&p=14345447
Hopefully we can nail this down. Didn't see the issue at all in 3 weeks on 3.01 (Prime), FWIW.
jhoelz said:
There are some threads indicating this is a problem after the leaked update. I did the official OTA update today and immediately ran into the issue. After doing a factory data reset to make sure i cleared any possible cob webs out the issue was still there. Tablet runs fine while in use, as soon as it goes to sleep it reboots.
I removed the sd card that was installed and the problem went away. Wondering if anyone can confirm......
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I have the same issue after installing the "Leaked 3.1 update". It was fine without docking to keyboard dock. I used the tablet itself for one whole day without any reboot. The last few days I noticed that it automatically reboot while in sleep mode as well (while docked to keyboard dock). It happened three to four times yesterday and three times today...
I tried to downgrade from 3.1 to 3.0.1 again this morning (using the official 3.0.1 from Asus website). After downgrading I was getting constant "Force Close" error messages. My tablet was totally useless at that point. I was not able to go into "Recovery Mode" to do a data wipe or factory reset. Only way to recover from this was install the "Leaked 3.1 update" again. I am still having automatic reboot issue with this Leaked 3.1 update. I did not do any cache wipe or factory reset yet. I do not want to reinstall and recofigure all of my apps and emails again...
jhoelz said:
There are some threads indicating this is a problem after the leaked update. I did the official OTA update today and immediately ran into the issue. After doing a factory data reset to make sure i cleared any possible cob webs out the issue was still there. Tablet runs fine while in use, as soon as it goes to sleep it reboots.
I removed the sd card that was installed and the problem went away. Wondering if anyone can confirm......
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I have had the same issue since I installed 3.1 leaked. Symptoms same as above, whereas my tabelt only reboots while docked and after it goes to sleep. I just removed both my external cards to see if that changes anything. I have a Sandisk mircosd HC 16gb in the tab and a Centon SDHC 16gb in the docking station. Hopefully we can nail this down.
Please let us know if you removed your micro of SD in docking station that solved the issue.
After my official OTA update I have noticed my tablet reboot itself in sleep mode at least three times, and those are the times that I saw. Of note, it WAS NOT docked into the keyboard when it rebooted two of the times, and it might have been docked one of the times. Also, I don't have an SD card installed on mine. I'll let you know if the problem persists.
update! I have removed my sdcard from my keyboard dock and so far, no reboots while docked. Please post if this has solved anyone else's reboots.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
So, as I suspected. I too have not had the issue since removing my SD card from the dock 2 days ago. I am 100% convinced at this point that the culprit is here, whether it is a bug in 3.1, compatibility with my brand of SD card, or both.
I did not see reboot after I removed my sd card from my keyboard dock... but I found something suspicious: When my TF is docked to keyboard dock, I will put it to sleep... after few minutes of in-activity, when I tried to wake up the TF... It would not respond. About 30 seconds to 1 minutes later, I will see an Asus logo come up and it goes into the lock screen. I checked my system "up time", it still shows over 20 hours of up time... Really strange... I thought that whenever you see the Asus logo on your screen it means it's booting up or something... Have anyone else seen this happen before? I never seen this happen in android 3.0.1.
mikewong27 said:
I did not see reboot after I removed my sd card from my keyboard dock... but I found something suspicious: When my TF is docked to keyboard dock, I will put it to sleep... after few minutes of in-activity, when I tried to wake up the TF... It would not respond. About 30 seconds to 1 minutes later, I will see an Asus logo come up and it goes into the lock screen. I checked my system "up time", it still shows over 20 hours of up time... Really strange... I thought that whenever you see the Asus logo on your screen it means it's booting up or something... Have anyone else seen this happen before? I never seen this happen in android 3.0.1.
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Never mind... My TF rebooted three times today while docked on the keyboard dock... This is when I already removed the external SD card on my dock...
I'm wondering if using the custom rom will resolve this issue?
I noticed that there are two ramdump files create today after my TF randomly reboot. I opened up the .log files in windows and noticed the following error messages:
<0>[102067.945373] Internal error: Oops: 817 [#1] PREEMPT SMP
<0>[102067.945409] last sysfs file: /sys/devices/platform/tegra-i2c.1/i2c-2/2-0019/power_supply/dock_battery/status
I have no idea what this means...
This is exactly why I always wait a couple months before upgrading. Let all you guinea pigs do everything for me first.
What the hell is wrong with these mega companies? Don't they test their own freakin' devices? It's really simple. Before you release an update, test it on your devices first in different situations. It's like asus didn't even bother to do test runs before they released this update.
Unrooted TF here. I always have it docked. Installed the official upgrade as soon as it was available. Played on the tablet for a while, ran a speed test and closed the lid. We've been busy the last couple of days, but after reading about the reboot prob, I opened the tablet every so often to see if I was having the same problem. It was always at the speedtest app, and I simply closed the lid. I'm assuming it never rebooted if it was always at the speedtest app.
Today, I opened the lid, still at the speedtest. I hit the home key, forgot what I did, but it rebooted.
My long-winded point is, does the reboot only happen at the Home screen? I find it odd that for several days this was fine sitting with an app open.
I have a unrooted TF and i just updated on Saturday. I know of 1 reboot (docked w/ sd micro card in) but I also saw a 20% battery drop while closed.
Same issue here
Unrooted Leaked 3.1
MicroSD 32GB Sandisk Class 6
SD In Dock 32GB Class 6 Microcenter Brand
Loaded apps after a hard reset post 3.1, maybe 20 or so apps installed, still observed
the reboot issue, I could be sitting in pandora or slacker and it would reboot.
It would also reboot just sitting at the home screen.
I have hard reset again from the boot loader and have not installed anything, only have gmail configured.
I have removed both flash cards and I will see what happens.
I like 3.1 but this is a PITA.

Got my first random reboot on EI22

Everything was fine until today when I decided to remove the stock recovery reload script, reodined CWM and also flashed the CRT off zip.
CapsLockKey said:
Everything was fine until today when I decided to remove the stock recovery reload script, reodined CWM and also flashed the CRT off zip.
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Was the CRT script based on the EI22 framework?
I got it from the EI22 CRT off thread in the theme section.
Last night I also had an odd reboot. Not like the old random reboots that would happen when the phone was asleep, this one seemed like it was caused by a GPS crash. I had been using an app that triggered the GPS, (weatherbug I think) and when I closed it, the GPS icon stayed on. Even after I turned off GPS it still stayed on. The phone also started getting pretty warm. GPS itself no longer worked. After a few minutes of trying to shut down GPS the phone locked up. A minute later it did a "partial" reboot, playing the startup sound and eventually giving me the launcher screen. It was still not running right, with the GPS icon stuck on and the phone very sluggish. I did a shutdown and restart. The phone took a long time to start up, sitting on the "big S" for a while just like on it's first startup. Makes me think something got corrupted in the cache and it had to rebuild it.
I don't know if this was just a random event or the sign of problems to come.
This was on Stock EI22, installed as an OTA upgrade over a fresh EC05 install. The only mod was the CRT off / Circular battery mod that I created at the UOT kitchen.
Well fortunately my phone hasn't done it since. Thinking back, it may have been somehow triggered from a WiFi issue as I leave my WiFi toggle on most of the time and I had just pulled into my garage so the phone obviously was switching from 3G to WiFi around that time.
I am still having a weird issue though where Launcher Pro force closes initially every time I reboot the phone ever since then.
CapsLockKey said:
Well fortunately my phone hasn't done it since. Thinking back, it may have been somehow triggered from a WiFi issue as I leave my WiFi toggle on most of the time and I had just pulled into my garage so the phone obviously was switching from 3G to WiFi around that time.
I am still having a weird issue though where Launcher Pro force closes initially every time I reboot the phone ever since then.
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Perhaps clearing data on LauncherPro and rebuilding the setup from scratch will solve that for you.
poit said:
Perhaps clearing data on LauncherPro and rebuilding the setup from scratch will solve that for you.
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Tried clearing data, reinstalling, etc. Doesn't matter, still FC's immediately after reboot. Problem must be with Launcher Pro not liking something, because I just flashed CleanGB Rom (which includes the CRT-off and several other tweaks) to try it out and it does the same thing on that.
Update: Seem to have solved it, but not sure why. Had Voodoo Plus set to load module on boot, when I turned that off LP did just fine after rebooting. Decided to flip the load on boot back on to see if it would start FCing again and magically enough it hasn't.
I just had a random reboot and im in stock EI22..... Why?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Been on it since it was released, no reboots here... Working great for me.
ive had this off and on for a few days now. i find it to be caused by having multiple launcher in my case spb shell .had it running stock the first day so i flashed a rom and its still there. also other apps that use alot of resources will cause it. it partail reboots about 3 or 4 times and then runs normal.
CapsLockKey said:
I am still having a weird issue though where Launcher Pro force closes initially every time I reboot the phone ever since then.
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I have the same issue with Zeam Launcher, clearing defaults doesn't seem to help. I wonder if there's some kind of half-assed check to make sure that TWLauncher is running? I dunno, but it's obnoxious considering how many times a day I'm forced to reboot EI22, added to the fact that they got rid of the deathgrip reboot.
My phone has "Randomly" rebooted on me several times, usually in an area with little signal coverage. Each time, it seems like there's some program (like Spotify or DI.FM) running that's making network calls when the signal craps out.
EI22 has been nothing but problems for me.
Just had my first random reboot. I'm stock EI22 not rooted yet. Imanually installed on the first day and this was my first. Phone was off just sittin on the table and the screen come on showing low battery but was still sittin at 30% and it shut off and the samsung screen come up and went thru the boot up process.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Please see this thread if you get random reboots with WIFI on.
My Stable setting with no random reboots !!!!
After trying out virtually every rom/kernel out there (started with stock) I finally got a configuration in which I hadn't got any random reboot (or any other silly issues). My current setting are :
ROM : ERA Lagendary RC2
Kernel : Samurai 2.0.1 (inbuilt with Rc2)
Theme : Ei22Ics version 2 (just for fun !!!)
I have used Voltage control to OC it with settings : 400 Mhz minimum(recommended somewhere in dev post), 1340 Mhz maximum(~1400 mv voltage which I think maximum my handset can handle) with ONDEMAND governor.
My Epic is running flawlessly with no random eboots of FC's since last 4 days (while it used to reboot atleast 3-4 times daily earlier).
Hope this helps !!!!
Epic Timezzzzzzzzz !!!!!!
I still get random reboots in EI22, but not as many as I did on the GB leaks. I can cause a reboot by scrolling to fast in Settings, Applications, Manage Applications, All. I have had the phone run for 90 hours without a random reboot so I'm happy.
Had 2 reboots over the past week, where after charging all night I pulled the usb charger cable out and it rebooted. Stock EI22 except rooted, keyboard/CWM flash, and GPS_fix.
rando991 said:
Had 2 reboots over the past week, where after charging all night I pulled the usb charger cable out and it rebooted. Stock EI22 except rooted, keyboard/CWM flash, and GPS_fix.
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Sounds like your USB port or charger cord is going bad. That is not random. If connections are shorted momentarily it will cause a reboot. Happened once to me on my cheap car charger.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
i dont get any with
Kernel : Samurai 2.0.6
Theme = Shake & Bake Mix Up v.5.9
kennyglass123 said:
Sounds like your USB port or charger cord is going bad. That is not random. If connections are shorted momentarily it will cause a reboot. Happened once to me on my cheap car charger.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Well I did notice it only happened on that particular charger (from Walmart)...also, my wife's epic didn't reboot, but had the charging light stuck on all day. I had to power it off and remove the battery to end it. Would that be maybe the same problem?
Been on CleanGB for quite a while. Went out of town this weekend to Chicago and ended up being rebootpalooza on my phone. Probably had almost half a dozen, once it just shut down in the middle of a phone call at the train station after the low battery notice came up, even though after I powered it back on it still had 28%. Another reboot was I unplugged the car charger shortly after the "full" indicator light came on. Others were just amazingly random. I've loved my Epic up until this trip when it turned into the most unreliable thing I've had.

ICS: random reboots and resumes

Got the ICS update the other day on my totally stock US wi-fi Xoom.
So far, reliability has taken a step backwards.
1. The thing wakes up at random. As in, just sitting there on the nightstand sleeping, and all of a sudden it wakes up as if I had tapped the power button.
2. It's happened at least once so far where it just spontaneously rebooted. It was just sitting on the nightstand, and all of a sudden the screen turns on and the unit is (re-)booting. Might be an evil incidence of issue #1.
3. Tapping the power button sometimes doesn't work and I have to tap it multiple times or tap and hold it in order to get the tablet to wake up.
WTF? I understand that glitches are inevitable with new software but wow, this is pretty basic reliability stuff... the final Honeycomb version on this tablet was rock solid for me.
Also, in contrast to others' reports, I think browsing has also taken a step backwards. It takes longer to load pages, and sometimes I just wind up with an empty white screen instead of a rendered page.
I suppose I could try resetting to shake out any demons but I would very much like to avoid doing that unless it's really known that it fixes some of these issues.
Any thoughts?
Are you using a dock?
I upgraded and it's running way better. No bugs that I can find so far. Wake up lag is nonexistant. No reboots or wakes. Battery is lasting about a day longer than before.
I'm having this problem. I thought it was dock related but looks like I was wrong.
I left it undocked all night and woke up in the morning and found it was at the "enter your password" screen for encrypted tablets.
I also get the problem where it doesn't wake up from sleep, have to force reboot it. Am gonna do a full wipe today and see if that helps, will report back.
I recently GED-ified mine, wonder if that makes a difference, it was originally on the UK/EU honeycomb firmware.
zer0day said:
I'm having this problem. I thought it was dock related but looks like I was wrong.
I left it undocked all night and woke up in the morning and found it was at the "enter your password" screen for encrypted tablets.
I also get the problem where it doesn't wake up from sleep, have to force reboot it. Am gonna do a full wipe today and see if that helps, will report back.
I recently GED-ified mine, wonder if that makes a difference, it was originally on the UK/EU honeycomb firmware.
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Seems like the only people having the issues use a dock. Maybe it has something to do with being charged by the dock if its happening off the dock too?
Do a little testing. Don't use the dock for a few, two or three days after your reset to see if you have any issues. Then dock it and see if the issues come back?
I have no issues but have never docked it once. Don't own a dock.
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
crisisinthecity said:
Seems like the only people having the issues use a dock. Maybe it has something to do with being charged by the dock if its happening off the dock too?
Do a little testing. Don't use the dock for a few, two or three days after your reset to see if you have any issues. Then dock it and see if the issues come back?
I have no issues but have never docked it once. Don't own a dock.
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
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I doubt it is related to the dock. Sometimes you just get a bad download...like a slight power surge while downloading, or whatever. I'm not on stock, but from my experience on ICS, the issues you report are related to your own software install and not the OS or dock hardware.
I am using the standard dock and no issues here at all.
I wiped via Android settings and booted in, signed in, etc. Was changing some settings and it just rebooted :| Have wired it up to adb, hoping it happens again so I can see why.
The dock doesn't work right either. Putting the tablet on the dock doesn't cause it to sleep automatically after a time, and taking it off the dock does not cause it to automatically wake up.
ICS is a definite step backwards, at least for some of us. Hopefully there will be occasional updates like there were for Honeycomb. By the end of Honeycomb, things were nice and stable.
tai4de2 said:
Got the ICS update the other day on my totally stock US wi-fi Xoom.
So far, reliability has taken a step backwards.
1. The thing wakes up at random. As in, just sitting there on the nightstand sleeping, and all of a sudden it wakes up as if I had tapped the power button.
2. It's happened at least once so far where it just spontaneously rebooted. It was just sitting on the nightstand, and all of a sudden the screen turns on and the unit is (re-)booting. Might be an evil incidence of issue #1.
3. Tapping the power button sometimes doesn't work and I have to tap it multiple times or tap and hold it in order to get the tablet to wake up.
WTF? I understand that glitches are inevitable with new software but wow, this is pretty basic reliability stuff... the final Honeycomb version on this tablet was rock solid for me.
Also, in contrast to others' reports, I think browsing has also taken a step backwards. It takes longer to load pages, and sometimes I just wind up with an empty white screen instead of a rendered page.
I suppose I could try resetting to shake out any demons but I would very much like to avoid doing that unless it's really known that it fixes some of these issues.
Any thoughts?
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Try wiping your Tablet and then reinstalling all your apps. That might help you out.
I reset the tablet. This does in fact seem to have made things better.
Maybe there's some apps, or settings or whatever that don't carry over well into ICS.
The tablet has not turned itself on by itself and it's behaving about as I expect with the dock. I still think something is a bit 'off' in terms of how the tablet sleeps and resumes automatically when docked and undocked, but it's at least not behaving like there's a ghost in it.
My one is still doing random reboots, came back home from work and found it had a mere 1 hr of uptime, I left it in my drawer undocked.
when I upgraded I noticed certain apps that weren't ics ready needed to be reinstalled. Try uninstalling everything that isn't a stock app then slowly add those apps back. Ideally if you can identify the app you can let the developer know so they can fix their app.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
Mine turns on randomly I think it may be from another reason.. I am on team EOS rom.
Xoom Master said:
Mine turns on randomly I think it may be from another reason.. I am on team EOS rom.
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Could be overclocked at to high a speed for your CPU, or you're using the wrong governor. Or some other combination of settings, or needing to do a wipe before flashing a new GApps version...
Hmm its on lag free and at 1408mhz could that be the issue?
zer0day said:
I wiped via Android settings and booted in, signed in, etc. Was changing some settings and it just rebooted :| Have wired it up to adb, hoping it happens again so I can see why.
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I have the same problem. Random reboots and freezes while the tablet is idle. I deleted all downloaded apps and wiped the tablet - to no avail. This is what I found out so far:
The reboots/freezes only happen when the tablet is idle, never when I'm working.
No reboots when USB is connected (so you can't use adb to find out the cause)
No reboots in Airplane Mode
Any ideas? Before the ICS update my tablet was fine
Xoom Master said:
Hmm its on lag free and at 1408mhz could that be the issue?
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try interactive.
u do a full wipe (factory reset)
I'm on eos and have not had a random reboot since 5
Mine is also having problems. I put the stock rom on there via CWM recovery with the modified file that got rid of the device check.
If I leave it sitting around for a while even in airplane mode the performance of the whole tablet just plummets. There is literally nothing happening to it when I'm not using it either. Random reboots (almost on cue when I stop using it), etc.
My device history was that I had Honeycomb stock and a locked bootloader, then unlocked (and wiped obviously) and loaded ICS. I then wanted to see if I could get the official OTA update so I flashed back to 3.2.1, and then flashed ICS again.
Edit: On second thought, maybe I should try eliminating apps before I say anything
I'd suggest a Factory Reset for those having consistent random reboots. More than likely it is an app or app related that didn't move over well during the upgrade/update. Especially if you weren't having these problems before the update/upgrade.
I personally always Factory Reset whenever my device goes from one OS version to the next OS version and then re-download the apps as needed (this usually makes for a good cleanup as well, I find a few apps I downloaded I never end up using).
My Xoom has been up 267 hours and would be longer if I hadn't turned it off while away from my charger(s) for an extended time. It has never rebooted on it's own or locked up since getting the ICS update.
With the eos rom i do not have random reboots but sometime my xoom wont wake up. I have to reboot it manually with power-volume up.

Samsung Keyboard dock issue in 4.0.4

I have an issue using the Samsung keyboard dock with the new ICS 4.0.4.
When I use the dock witout the power lead or with a usb lead to the pc/laptop, everything is fine.
When I charge the 7510 with the power lead everything is fine as well.
When I charge the 7510 in the keyboard dock with the power lead attached to the dock, the tab hangs when the screen turns off (all the time, not random). The on;y way to get ity going again is to hold the power button for 10 seconds and rebooting the tab.
I have reflashed, and have done a factory / cache reset. I use fulll stock, no alternative kernal or root.
Can someone please confirm their tab has the same issue, or confirm theirs works, so I need to pay a visit to the repair center?
I tried to replicate this and could not. I waited a couple of minutes and the device did not hang once after 4 tries of letting it sleep in the dock while charging.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
I have yet to try the keyboard since I updated to 4.0.4, but using the keyboard on hc 3.2 I was getting random crashes /reboots. I'll give the keyboard a shot today to see if I get the same random or constant reboots.
Sent from my GT-I9100M using Tapatalk 2
can you try a format of /system, then wipe again and reflash rom with odin?
same issue...
I have had the same problem. I thought it was the keyboard that was causing the issue, but it only occurs when /charging/ via the keyboard. Furthermore, it seems to only be a problem when it's fully charged. Very odd.
If I let the battery run down a bit (e.g., 80%) and plug it in, it doesn't hang. Once it's nearly charged, it nearly always freezes.
kungfoofool said:
I have had the same problem. I thought it was the keyboard that was causing the issue, but it only occurs when /charging/ via the keyboard. Furthermore, it seems to only be a problem when it's fully charged. Very odd.
If I let the battery run down a bit (e.g., 80%) and plug it in, it doesn't hang. Once it's nearly charged, it nearly always freezes.
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Same here with gingerbread rom
And with ICS rom too
I use french keaboard
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
I'm having the exact same problem. US Tab running UK 4.0.4
me too
I'm having the same problem as well, US Tab with US 4.0.4.
If it's fully charged, in the dock and to the wall, tapping the power button
will lead to a crash. A screen sleep will also crash.
I've played around with the keyboard "driver", lock screen settings, wifi sleep policy, and timeout
delay. None of those seem to affect the behavior.
I had a similar issue with Honeycomb but it wasn't as repeatable.
This used to be easily fixed in 3.2 by going to Developer options and checking "never sleep when charging". This option seems to be gone from ICS.
Seems like LP8 has largely fixed the issue. Still not fully gone, the error is not repeatable anymore and I had only one freeze the whole afternoon.

[Q] Nexus 4 randomly turning off, intermittently not being able to restart

Hi guys,
Not exactly the most positive of first posts but here we go. There's a problem with my phone that I can't find the solution for...
Essentially my phone randomly turns itself off (no power down sequence, almost as though the battery's being taken out if you know what I mean) and then it has difficulty in fully booting again. For some reason it also likes to revert my wallpaper back to the original as stock.
The first thing that I thought of was malware, with the wallpaper - so I tried a couple of anti-malware apps to no avail. As my device was rooted, I then flashed back to stock, locked and unrooted it and checked the behaviour. Again to no avail (then again I've never rooted/unrooted so this may have been done incorrectly). By the looks of it, the worst case scenario is a problem with battery connections/hardware...
So the question is have you guys come across this before? Is there a solution to this or is Google/LG going to have to give me a replacement?
Many Thanks.
Weird, I just had this happen couple hours ago, I was watching a video and close the app. I press the power button to put it to sleep. Just like 20 second later, I press the power to wake it and it don't do anything. I had to hold the power button to turn it on. I check the battery status afterward and it looks like it drop between 5-10 percent in the chart after it turn on. The battery must have failed or something. This also happen to my wife phone couple weeks back, although she had to do a hard reset(power+volume up and down) it have not happen again though.
First of all, welcome to XDA community!
Now, have you done anything with your phone? As in, root it? Flashed custom kernel? Flashed custom ROM? We would love to help, but you need to provide us what we need
kyokeun1234 said:
First of all, welcome to XDA community!
Now, have you done anything with your phone? As in, root it? Flashed custom kernel? Flashed custom ROM? We would love to help, but you need to provide us what we need
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Okay, here's what I had done when this all started:
- Rooted and unlocked.
- TWRP custom recovery
- Standard Kernel, no custom ROM.
I've reverted as much of this back to stock as possible through a nexus tool-kit, but it still has the issue. If I'm missing anything out let me know.
Thrice87 said:
Okay, here's what I had done when this all started:
- Rooted and unlocked.
- TWRP custom recovery
- Standard Kernel, no custom ROM.
I've reverted as much of this back to stock as possible through a nexus tool-kit, but it still has the issue. If I'm missing anything out let me know.
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Did this happen before you had the phone rooted? Also did this happen one time only or happened multiple times? I also had this problem, but just turning off and not turning back on part. But that was only one time event and I believe it was because of the custom kernel.
kyokeun1234 said:
Did this happen before you had the phone rooted? Also did this happen one time only or happened multiple times? I also had this problem, but just turning off and not turning back on part. But that was only one time event and I believe it was because of the custom kernel.
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This started yesterday, and I rooted it as soon as I got it 2 weeks ago, so I don't think the root has caused any issues. It's now happening rather often, to the point where it's unuseable
Thrice87 said:
This started yesterday, and I rooted it as soon as I got it 2 weeks ago, so I don't think the root has caused any issues. It's now happening rather often, to the point where it's unuseable
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That's odd. Did you download any apps recently that might've caused this issue? Maybe root apps?
kyokeun1234 said:
That's odd. Did you download any apps recently that might've caused this issue? Maybe root apps?
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The only 2 apps that I downloaded the day before were cerberus and titanium backup, both of which are well known. Either way they were the day before the problems started.
Thrice87 said:
The only 2 apps that I downloaded the day before were cerberus and titanium backup, both of which are well known. Either way they were the day before the problems started.
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Doubt that these will cause any issues, but could you try uninstalling Cerberus just in case? Thanks
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
kyokeun1234 said:
Doubt that these will cause any issues, but could you try uninstalling Cerberus just in case? Thanks
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Well, after completely reverting the phone back to its stock version and pretty much everything else, it's still doing it - which surely points to a problem with the chip (or something). So, I've contacted google about a replacement and so far so good - got through in 5 minutes and sorted out the RMA and everything, should be delivered in the next few days.
Thanks for the help anyway. I'm going to avoid rooting this one for the time being to see how it behaves.
I experienced "random shutdowns" and even posted about it here. Turns out it was my belt holster that was somehow the culprit. I don't know if it was mashing some weird button sequence to turn off the phone, or if the magnet interfered or something else, but as soon as I got it out of that holster I had no more random shutdowns.
I doubt yours is the same problem but I thought I'd post mine.
hfuizo said:
I experienced "random shutdowns" and even posted about it here. Turns out it was my belt holster that was somehow the culprit. I don't know if it was mashing some weird button sequence to turn off the phone, or if the magnet interfered or something else, but as soon as I got it out of that holster I had no more random shutdowns.
I doubt yours is the same problem but I thought I'd post mine.
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Yeah that's not my problem at all Lol. Glad you've figured it out and I bet that magnet caused the issue IMO
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Funny I had the same thing happen to me last night. I was using the phone put it down for a minute or two and then could not wake the phone. What was interesting was when I couldn't get it to turn on I plugged in into the charger and let it sit for a few hours. When I was finally able to restart it using the the power, vol button the battery was at the same level before the incident. In other words whatever happened prevented the battery from being charged. I am stock and rooted and haven't loaded any new apps in over 2 weeks
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
I have almost the same problem as the op but I do have a shut down sequence. It does randomly shut down itself. The first thing I got the phone I rooted it and it was fine working on modaco for 2 weeks then one day it kept shutting down upon boot until like 10 tries later I successfully got back in but lasted only a few mins and sometimes hours. Im gonna rma this pos and I hope I can get it replaced soon. I try it with stock rom and kernel then modaco with stock kernel then modaco with faux kernel. Same problem.
I had these problems earlier ... I just gave HARD RESET by pressing power key for more than 5 sec.
Then i figured, it was due to Undervolting ! and Processor going to a DEEP SLEEP all together !
So i removed UVing and it was cool since then ! ... Although my signature says the rest !
I bought my N4 about 2 weeks ago, and it has turned itself off 3 of the nights I've had it. I don't have any hard evidence, but I have a theory on why it's doing it.
At first I thought it was because I used a Motorola usb cord instead of the stock cord because I read some people's theories on the internet, but it happened again (twice) after using the stock cord.
It seemed like it only shut off if I left WiFi turned on when I went to sleep (even then it was still a random occurrence). I went into my advanced WiFi settings and noticed Wi-Fi Optimization was turned on with the text "Minimize battery usage when Wi-Fi is on". I thought it might be the problem, so I turned it off. I left WiFi on last night, and the phone was still on in the morning. Again, it is still a random occurrence even with WF on, so I'm going to leave WF on at night for a few days/weeks and see if it happens again. I'll post back with results.
If anyone else has already tried this or has figured out a solution, let me know.
The same happens several times a week with my nexus 4 running latest cyanogenmod. I will revert it to clean stock in a few days to see how it goes. I don't think that is a hardware problem but time will tell.
MildewMan said:
I bought my N4 about 2 weeks ago, and it has turned itself off 3 of the nights I've had it. I don't have any hard evidence, but I have a theory on why it's doing it.
At first I thought it was because I used a Motorola usb cord instead of the stock cord because I read some people's theories on the internet, but it happened again (twice) after using the stock cord.
It seemed like it only shut off if I left WiFi turned on when I went to sleep (even then it was still a random occurrence). I went into my advanced WiFi settings and noticed Wi-Fi Optimization was turned on with the text "Minimize battery usage when Wi-Fi is on". I thought it might be the problem, so I turned it off. I left WiFi on last night, and the phone was still on in the morning. Again, it is still a random occurrence even with WF on, so I'm going to leave WF on at night for a few days/weeks and see if it happens again. I'll post back with results.
If anyone else has already tried this or has figured out a solution, let me know.
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Don't know if anyone is keeping up or cares, but I wanted to update and say that this did not fix the problem. 4.2.2 also did not fix the problem. I guess I could try getting a new one from Google.
My wife and I are both having this problem. Hers is completely stock, I'm unlocked and rooted. I was hoping it would be fixed with 4.2.2, but if it hasn't then it maybe time to get replacement N4s
I can't imagine this issue is very widespread, since there have only been a few threads about it. Its a big nuisance especially because it usually happens at night when I'm expecting my alarm to go off at night.
I hadn't wanted to send for replacements since it seems like a software issue but I'm getting fed up.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Just had this problem occur with my N4 last night..... Phone is 2 weeks old.
Went to bed, plugged in the phone to charge [it was at about 50% or so, so not exactly low].
Woke up at 8.30 wondering why my alarm didn't go off at 7.30.... looked over and the phone was off.
It also didn't want to turn back on either. Took about a minute of holding in the power button for various amounts of time before it finally kicked to life [at 100% charge too].
This is going to be a real problem if this problem reoccurs. At home I have a clock radio but I travel a lot and rely on my phone to wake me up!
Here's hoping we can start to identify what is causing this issue. All I can add is that it is not low-battery related.
As stated in the sig. Phone is unlocked/rooted with stock rom.
