okay so june 1st is in 2 days... - EVO 4G General

where's my gingerbread at?
3rd quarter now?

Screw GB where's ice cream sandwich. Im willing to bet official GB comes out after the evo 3D launch....brilliant marketing schemes force us to get a new device that comes pre-loaded with GB lol
Give us GB now why would we want to spend money on evo 3D?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App

Well, 2nd quarter goes til the end of June, so we have a month if they stick to the timeline
We're comin from a pure power source.

dirkyd3rk said:
Screw GB where's ice cream sandwich. Im willing to bet official GB comes out after the evo 3D launch....brilliant marketing schemes force us to get a new device that comes pre-loaded with GB lol
Give us GB now why would we want to spend money on evo 3D?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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dual core baby! oh and higher res display

DomSim said:
dual core baby! oh and higher res display
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I know I was just making a point lol. Im getting the galaxy s 2 anyways im not into the 3D stuff plus the design blows.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App

dirkyd3rk said:
I know I was just making a point lol. Im getting the galaxy s 2 anyways im not into the 3D stuff plus the design blows.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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as much as i dislike the whole 3d trend, i would recommend looking into what it takes to flash and customize a samsung phone. i hear it is not an easy or fun thing to do.
as long as htc sticks to their word, i'm going with the evo 3d and will just never use the 3d.

It's sitting in the custom rom forum...

craig198 said:
where's my gingerbread at?
3rd quarter now?
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its still the second quarter now... thread fail
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iitreatedii said:
its still the second quarter now... thread fail
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Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App

1QT: January, February, March
2QT: April, May, June
3QT: July, August, September
4QT: October, November, December

rstuckmaier said:
1QT: January, February, March
2QT: April, May, June
3QT: July, August, September
4QT: October, November, December
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finally someone can comprehend, 12 months divided by 4 quarters equals 3 months/quarter...

iitreatedii said:
finally someone can comprehend, 12 months divided by 4 quarters equals 3 months/quarter...
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Only radio shack said by june 3rd or june 4th. No one believed them as they are often wrong. Looks to be ready the 4th week of june.
Sent from my Vaelpak 3.2 RC2 Evo 4g. Flash and ye shall receive.

I'm gonna wait for the Nexus 3 on Sprint. The EVO 3D will have a locked boot loader and I would prefer not to use a Sammie.

Besides we have Gingerbread. It's called CM7.

MrDrumngun said:
I'm gonna wait for the Nexus 3 on Sprint. The EVO 3D will have a locked boot loader and I would prefer not to use a Sammie.
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No it won't. All of the shouting that led to htc unlocking their bootloaders was overwhelmingly over the evo 3d. It will certainly be unlocked.
Sent from my Vaelpak 3.2 RC2 Evo 4g. Flash and ye shall receive.

Maybe i'll get some Gingerbread for my birthday on June, 1st. LOL. That would be a pretty nice gift.

ropodope said:
No it won't. All of the shouting that led to htc unlocking their bootloaders was overwhelmingly over the evo 3d. It will certainly be unlocked.
Sent from my Vaelpak 3.2 RC2 Evo 4g. Flash and ye shall receive.
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You really think they will unbox every EVO 3D and update the software?

No offence but are you ****ing kidding me we are still discussing the idea that the 3D will have an encrypted bootloader?
Jesus tap dancing christ
The whole ****ing stink was in response to the 3D being encrypted.
Sorry that something positive happened in life and you can't accept it.

mattykinsx said:
No offence but are you ****ing kidding me we are still discussing the idea that the 3D will have an encrypted bootloader?
Jesus tap dancing christ
The whole ****ing stink was in response to the 3D being encrypted.
Sorry that something positive happened in life and you can't accept it.
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LOL come on matty dont you look at life all gloomy and sad 24/7 even if awesome news slaps you across the face?

iitreatedii said:
its still the second quarter now... thread fail
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I have to post this again for the op to become aware of his stupidity and to alery the other members about the topic of the thread. Why are we talking about locked bootloaders and nexus 3s
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App


I think we're getting DL15, not DL11 - Found this on samsung.com

Every morning I do a quick search of the interwebs to check for new ROM leaks - so I search "Epic" "Froyo" "DL11" "DL15" etc.
I just googled "Epic Froyo DL15" and THIS was the third result. It looks like an unfinished FAQ for a DL15 update.
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Man, I just wish they'd hurry up and release it already.
Btw, look at the date on that thing, its from the 15th of December lol.
Good finding!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
JSarella said:
Man, I just wish they'd hurry up and release it already.
Btw, look at the date on that thing, its from the 15th of December lol.
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So after more than a week, Samsung still hasn't completed this simple FAQ, no wonder it's taking them so long to get FroYo out.
I don't see why they wouldn't push out the latest version. Average person isn't going to want to flash again a week later for minor fixes.
DeltaTL6 said:
So after more than a week, Samsung still hasn't completed this simple FAQ, no wonder it's taking them so long to get FroYo out.
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Samsung finished with froyo about a month and a half to two months ago and publicly announced that they gave the build to carriers, its been sprint that has been taking forever to do their modifications to it and then release it
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
This is very interesting, indeed.
Sh0wNuF said:
Samsung finished with froyo about a month and a half to two months ago and publicly announced that they gave the build to carriers, its been sprint that has been taking forever to do their modifications to it and then release it
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Right, I know Sprint also has a hand in this. But Samsung really hasn't released one that doesn't fry your memory chip and/or brick your phone.
DeltaTL6 said:
Right, I know Sprint also has a hand in this. But Samsung really hasn't released one that doesn't fry your memory chip and/or brick your phone.
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What are you talking about? Samsung wouldn't publicly release something that messes up your phone and they can't release an OS straight to our phones anyways, it has to go through the carrier before its released
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
DeltaTL6 said:
Right, I know Sprint also has a hand in this. But Samsung really hasn't released one that doesn't fry your memory chip and/or brick your phone.
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umm..yes they have...the i9000 upgraded fine..the issues you speak of are of Canadian vibrants..
Looks like it will miss the december window all together....so now that's 4 months late with every month suppose to see a release...at this rate we will get gingerbread by 2012
imtjnotu said:
Looks like it will miss the december window all together....so now that's 4 months late with every month suppose to see a release...at this rate we will get gingerbread by 2012
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Lol I think you're right....
Sent from my Epic
imtjnotu said:
Looks like it will miss the december window all together....so now that's 4 months late with every month suppose to see a release...at this rate we will get gingerbread by 2012
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I agree; let's just hope it gets updated before the world blows up then lol.
acer1096xxx said:
I agree; let's just hope it gets updated before the world blows up then lol.
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release will be on 12/20/2012 giving us just one day to play with it....
This is really the only reason I miss the evo...atleast the coorperate devs t htc and sprint rolled out updates...they have gotten 3 updates while we are still stuck on di18
I have to be honest, I'm really reconsidering buy this thing. The evo can be modified in all kinds of ways, and it gets updates from Sprint/HTC in a much more timely fashion.
Samsung and Sprint doesn't seem to give a crap about the Epic for some reason, I'm not sure why since Sammy has sold close to 10 million of these galaxy s phones. I mean if you don't support these devices and provide timely updates, I don't see people being repeat customers of Samsung.
This has been my first non HTC smartphone, and frankly its looking to be my last, its a shame too, the hardware itself is terrific.
Read that ^
Whosdaman said:
Read that ^
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We're at dl19. Not dl15
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
well thats good if we are at dl19 instead of dl15
as long as they are actively working on it and making improvments, I am ok with the wait.
nice find
JSarella said:
I have to be honest, I'm really reconsidering buy this thing. The evo can be modified in all kinds of ways, and it gets updates from Sprint/HTC in a much more timely fashion.
Samsung and Sprint doesn't seem to give a crap about the Epic for some reason, I'm not sure why since Sammy has sold close to 10 million of these galaxy s phones. I mean if you don't support these devices and provide timely updates, I don't see people being repeat customers of Samsung.
This has been my first non HTC smartphone, and frankly its looking to be my last, its a shame too, the hardware itself is terrific.
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It's not that they don't give a crap about it. Froyo was designed on and optimized for a different processor and file system. For whatever reason, Samsung insists on using their own file system, which means they basically have to port Froyo to work with their specs. In addition, a company that only makes phones and pda's like HTC, can concentrate 100% of their resources on those products. While Samsung is making microwaves, TV's, Cameras, and whatever else, so they prioritize a little differently.
hayabusa1300cc said:
well thats good if we are at dl19 instead of dl15
as long as they are actively working on it and making improvments, I am ok with the wait.
nice find
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There comes a point though when they have to actually release something. Would you still be ok with the wait if they decide to start working on build DL21 and then move on to DL24, etc... and not release a damn thing in the mean while?
This is just freaking ridiculous. We were promised before the end of the year we would have Froyo and it seems that is not going to happen now.

EVO 3D up for presale at some BBs

As it says in the title. Androidcentral just posted it up
Figured it wouldnt hurt to pass on some good news. Burn me at the stake if this has been posted already.
Pulse app is necessary at all times. I encourage everyone to download it!
pulse please?
dirkyd3rk said:
Pulse app is necessary at all times. I encourage everyone to download it!
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A lil off topic ya think?
dirkyd3rk said:
Pulse app is necessary at all times. I encourage everyone to download it!
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animal7296 said:
A lil off topic ya think?
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Is this the evo 3D forum or the EVO? I though so
Is this a thread started for some app or some info about the EVO3D? I thought so.
Instead of hijacking someones thread, start your own.
dirkyd3rk said:
Is this the evo 3D forum or the EVO? I though so
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lol i guess ill take the burning.
Never pays to be nice any more. Instead you get beat up.
Its all right though.
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animal7296 said:
Is this a thread started for some app or some info about the EVO3D? I thought so.
Instead of hijacking someones thread, start your own.
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animal7296 said:
Is this a thread started for some app or some info about the EVO3D? I thought so.
Instead of hijacking someones thread, start your own.
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I think pulse app was mentioned because this info was "pulsed" yo users of the app right away.
On another note, can we please calm the **** down around here and try to get along?
Tapa tapa tapa
Thanks for the great find op! I am going to Best Buy Mobile today to see if I can weasle some info just for fun.
cdszoke said:
Thanks for the great find op! I am going to Best Buy Mobile today to see if I can weasle some info just for fun.
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lol i tried mine and they had no clue
Walked into a San Francisco store and placed a pre-order.. the guy knew what it was and didn't have to look around too much for the form..
How much is required for the pre-order?
Just pre ordered mine. $50.
Tapa tapa tapa
mlin said:
Just pre ordered mine. $50.
Tapa tapa tapa
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Cool thank you, any word on the 2year & Full price?
D3luSi0n4L said:
Cool thank you, any word on the 2year & Full price?
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At the BB I went to they were speculating $200-$250 2 yr so $450-$500 for full.
Pre-ordered my Evo 3D today...theyre hooking me up with a free device because of some terrible customer service I received, then complained about.
First one to pre order in that particular store too...which I was happy about. I was the first one to reserve a nintendo ds when they originally launched and I was the first one to pick it up launch morning...but I digress...Im very excited to get this device, mostly to get it rooted+2.3+1.2GhzDC+Sense 3.0! Hopefully unrEVOked and/or rageagainstthecage methods will both be available!
If history repeats itself, I could see the Evo 3D on June 4th. Here's hoping history repeats itself...in this particular case ONLY!
tailsthecat3 said:
Pre-ordered my Evo 3D today...theyre hooking me up with a free device because of some terrible customer service I received, then complained about.
First one to pre order in that particular store too...which I was happy about. I was the first one to reserve a nintendo ds when they originally launched and I was the first one to pick it up launch morning...but I digress...Im very excited to get this device, mostly to get it rooted+2.3_1.2GhzDC+sense 3.0(right, 3.0?)! Hopefully unrEVOked and/or rageagainstthecage methods will both be available!
If history repeats itself, I could see the Evo 3D on June 4th. Here's hoping history repeats itself...in this particular case ONLY!
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June 17th....shhhhhhh. might be moved up a week or two because of the iphone5 but its tentatively the 17th.
Sent from my HTC Evo running CM7
swaze said:
June 17th....shhhhhhh. might be moved up a week or two because of the iphone5 but its tentatively the 17th.
Sent from my HTC Evo running CM7
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noooooooo! hate waiting
swaze said:
June 17th....shhhhhhh. might be moved up a week or two because of the iphone5 but its tentatively the 17th.
Sent from my HTC Evo running CM7
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I was thinking the third, though I have nothing to base that on. Seemed logical though because
- its ~ 1 year from the initial release
- also a friday (as was the 4th)
- preorders at best buy today - don't these start ~ 1 month in advance?
- I want it to be sooner than later...

Bell Gingerbread 2.3 "Late Summer"

Some confirmation
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Great news for those Bell customers who have the following Android devices: Samsung Galaxy Tab, Samsung Galaxy S, HTC Incredible S, HTC Desire Z and the Motorola ATRIX… you all will be getting an upgrade to OS 2.3 Gingerbread this Summer. However, it seems that the Tab will be receive 2.3 today and the Galaxy S Vibrant will receive 2.3 sometime “Early Summer”, while the Incredible S will be graced with it “Mid Summer” and finally the others are pegged for “Late Summer”. Nice work.
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good news for everyone. If Bell gets Gingerbread before AT&T, all the AT&T people could flash Bell's
Sounds good if it goes thru well. I can wait till the end of summer.
Atrix is looking better and better by the day.
Ugh! Late summer? Really? I wanted it already. Late summer could be september for all we know.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
Sinful Animosity said:
good news for everyone. If Bell gets Gingerbread before AT&T, all the AT&T people could flash Bell's
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+1 i love this bootloader
Summer just started so I'd say Sept/Oct timeframe on Bell.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
CaelanT said:
Summer just started so I'd say Sept/Oct timeframe on Bell.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
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last day of summer is 9/21 so hopefully it doesn't slip past that
scorneil said:
last day of summer is 9/21 so hopefully it doesn't slip past that
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Ya unless you live in Sask. 9/21 is last day of summer but FIRST day of winter.....lol
CURSES! you beat me to the post! anyways, hopefully Bell will actually get it out by "late summer" (whenever that is) and hopefully they will unlock our bootloader.
The uk and us versions are deft coming out before that. Im planning on flashing the uk version anyways.
I'd be satisfied with an end of August release. But I'm really hoping the international carriers get a release sooner so we don't have to use 2nd init in it's current, unfortunately buggy fashion to get hackin' at that bootloader!
You know what though...its confirmation...not a rumor or a glimmer of hope....a confirmation that we in fact WILL be receiving a gingerbread update...and a general eta.
So im stoked!!! .....who's gunna be the first to start a pool for when it comes out? Aug, Sept or Oct???
I am throwing my bet in the pool for mid-November. "Q1 2011" for Froyo on Milestone ended up being April-June.
DroidBabe said:
Ugh! Late summer? Really? I wanted it already. Late summer could be september for all we know.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
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Yeah.... Bingo. No ****ing idea why ANYONE is happy about this. What's this "I'd be satisfied" crap? The OTA update is 100% completely ready, they are just withholding it from us.
Late ****ing Summer? Great.
Not waiting any longer. This is ****ing ridiculous, selling this POS.
nexxusty said:
Yeah.... Bingo. No ****ing idea why ANYONE is happy about this. What's this "I'd be satisfied" crap? The OTA update is 100% completely ready, they are just withholding it from us.
Late ****ing Summer? Great.
Not waiting any longer. This is ****ing ridiculous, selling this POS.
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What i want to know is WHY they would withhold it from us. if they have it 100% done then why not release it and make your customers happy? It would make waaaay more sense to release it as soon as it is done then to wait. Its not a good reason to go off and call it a piece of **** and sell it though, because it is a great phone. im sitting on stock with no root and im still satisfied with what it can do.
greatest thing Ive ever done was ship mine in from AT and T a week before Bell got it
nexxusty said:
Yeah.... Bingo. No ****ing idea why ANYONE is happy about this. What's this "I'd be satisfied" crap? The OTA update is 100% completely ready, they are just withholding it from us.
Late ****ing Summer? Great.
Not waiting any longer. This is ****ing ridiculous, selling this POS.
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Bro, you can flash the uk version that's being released the same time as att. Chill the **** out.

Good buy Evo 4g Hello Evo 3D!!

Well I jumped ship and got myself a EVO 3d. Made sense to upgrade this phone for only 50 bucks out of pocket.
Was able to give them back my EVO 4g for 150 bucks and I had an upgrade and only paid a grand total of 49.99 plus taxes!
Thanks everyone for the help with my EVO 4g. I even traded in my phone with the Synergy Root still in effect lol
I still can't validate giving up root/AOSP to get an upgrade.
I'd rather wait the little while and see what my options are.
Hope it turns out well for you though, you definitely bought it for a nice price.
Guess you won't be getting the Evo2 when it lands..you'll be in a tangled contract with your 3D....doh! Lol
Sent from my Synergized Evo using XDA Premium App
ORam78 said:
Guess you won't be getting the Evo2 when it lands..you'll be in a tangled contract with your 3D....doh! Lol
Sent from my Synergized Evo using XDA Premium App
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Why wouldn't you think the Evo 3d is the "Evo 2"?
mattykinsx said:
Why wouldn't you think the Evo 3d is the "Evo 2"?
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My taptu told me there's a Evo4G+ in Sprint's database.
Could be a possibility.
-Sent from my Droid Incredible-
I Am Marino said:
My taptu told me there's a Evo4G+ in Sprint's database.
Could be a possibility.
-Sent from my Droid Incredible-
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That phone is for other countries, what was it Korea?
It wouldn't make any sense for Sprint to have two phones the exact same but one doesn't have the 3D (which can be turned off on the phone they do have)
Its more likely there will be an Evo shift 2 and another Evo in summer '12.
lol @ thread title.
mattykinsx said:
That phone is for other countries, what was it Korea?
It wouldn't make any sense for Sprint to have two phones the exact same but one doesn't have the 3D (which can be turned off on the phone they do have)
Its more likely there will be an Evo shift 2 and another Evo in summer '12.
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This is exactly what I keep thinking when people keeping bringing up the EVO4G+, first of all, it makes almost absolutely no sense that Sprint would bring a phone so similar to the 3D to market.
Second of all, why not just get the EVO3D if you want to upgrade? Just because the camera is 8 megapixels on the EVO4G+ does not mean it will be better in the least. It will likely lead to photos with more noise, if anything.
Is the 3D screen really that much a detractor? Do people not realize that viewing 3D content is entirely voluntary and optional?
These EVO4G+ misconceptions really need to die.
Android 17 said:
This is exactly what I keep thinking when people keeping bringing up the EVO4G+, first of all, it makes almost absolutely no sense that Sprint would bring a phone so similar to the 3D to market.
Second of all, why not just get the EVO3D if you want to upgrade? Just because the camera is 8 megapixels on the EVO4G+ does not mean it will be better in the least. It will likely lead to photos with more noise, if anything.
Is the 3D screen really that much a detractor? Do people not realize that viewing 3D content is entirely voluntary and optional?
These EVO4G+ misconceptions really need to die.
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Like I said in the "my take on the 3d" thread below....I think that 99% of the complaints about it are because "3D" is in the name.
If it was called the Evo 2 and still had the 3D option people wouldn't be saying the crap they do now.
I Am Marino said:
My taptu told me there's a Evo4G+ in Sprint's database.
Could be a possibility.
-Sent from my Droid Incredible-
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Lol fail.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
So, the evo is still a good buy then? I'm confused.
The EVO is a great buy at $99. I bought it last year and now have the 3D. With everything that can be done through rooting it runs like a champ and dev community is still supporting it fully.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
well if 4 > 3 and G > D then wouldnt the evo 4G technically be superior to the evo 3D?
I get upgrades every year so it doesn't matter to me whats coming out next. I have multiple phones on my account too.
My main reason was the battery life, I have heard and read it is way better than the Evo 4g which I can already tell it is.
IMO the evo 3d is superior to the evo 4g there both 4g phones. And yes the Evo 4g is still a good buy espcially for 99.99 Give it some time and the developers will get some awesome roms and mods out for the 3D.
scolex89 said:
lol @ thread title.
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My man here gets it
scolex89 said:
lol @ thread title.
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Haha, I saw that too.
Mark_Hardware said:
So, the evo is still a good buy then? I'm confused.
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Nah he used the wrong form of buy... he meant bye.... They let anyone use the internet
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10 character
mattykinsx said:
Like I said in the "my take on the 3d" thread below....I think that 99% of the complaints about it are because "3D" is in the name.
If it was called the Evo 2 and still had the 3D option people wouldn't be saying the crap they do now.
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I honestly just think it's aesthetically unappealing. The lack of a kickstand is also a downgrade to me.
Don't get me wrong, it's a great phone as is, but just not worth an upgrade imo. All it has to offer that the OG EVO can't do is 3d.
Mark_Hardware said:
So, the evo is still a good buy then? I'm confused.
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The EVO is a great buy. There are two types of people buying the EVO 3d.
1. People who are falling for the gimmicky 3d feature.
2. People who just want bleeding edge technology.
As of right now and for at least another year, there isn't a thing the OG Evo can't do.
It has one of the largest dev support and is overall just a great phone. I'd however try to get the EVO off contract because in another year or so there's probably going to be something legitimately worth an upgrade.

Nexus Prime vs. SGS2

This isn't a performance... thing. We all know the prime will be the best handset to date. But I was wondering what some of you are personally waiting for. I heard October for the prime. September for the sgs2. Pretty close. I think ill wait for the prime. My wish cane true and Sammy is making it. That 720p screen... amoled :drool: I don't care if its pentile. My epic is pentile and I personally don't have a problem with it whatsoever. I'm excited for the fall
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
RushAOZ said:
This isn't a performance... thing. We all know the prime will be the best handset to date. But I was wondering what some of you are personally waiting for. I heard October for the prime. September for the sgs2. Pretty close. I think ill wait for the prime. My wish cane true and Sammy is making it. That 720p screen... amoled :drool: I don't care if its pentile. My epic is pentile and I personally don't have a problem with it whatsoever. I'm excited for the fall
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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Idk why people are sayin "I hope its not pentile" there's not a clear difference but yes SAMOLED+ displays correct this
Sent from my SPH-D700
ac16313 said:
Idk why people are sayin "I hope its not pentile" there's not a clear difference but yes SAMOLED+ displays correct this
Sent from my SPH-D700
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theres a clear diff on the photon, but this is sammy
Magic Oreo said:
theres a clear diff on the photon, but this is sammy
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But the photon also has a higher density lol
Sent from my SPH-D700
i really want the Nexus Prime but a 4.5 inch screen is too big for my taste. I wish they stucked with 4.0. Then again this is all speculations, who knows, maybe my dream will come true and it will be 4.0 lol
I'm waiting on the Prime. Pure google is overall a better experience, higher res screen ( I think ) faster processor, plus it has
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shane6374 said:
I'm waiting on the Prime. Pure google is overall a better experience, higher res screen ( I think ) faster processor, plus it has
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I hope i can lol..
My upgrade is July. What would you do? Worst is I turn Gold then.
ehh im gonna wait for prime. i see nooooo point in getting a phone when ice cream is right around the corner. ive already learned the hard way about dealing with updates from sammy once =/ lol ... and for those talking about the screen size, you also have to take into account that there are NO physical buttons on it. everything is on screen. so even though its a bigger screen it might not actually 'seem' like its bigger. if that makes any sense lol
surveysays said:
ehh im gonna wait for prime. i see nooooo point in getting a phone when ice cream is right around the corner. ive already learned the hard way about dealing with updates from sammy once =/ lol ... and for those talking about the screen size, you also have to take into account that there are NO physical buttons on it. everything is on screen. so even though its a bigger screen it might not actually 'seem' like its bigger. if that makes any sense lol
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It should be more like the newest tablets in that sense, right?
If the prime is only a month behind the SGSII then im waiting on that.
"The greatest respect you can earn is self respect" Louie Simmons
Ooooh so it will be like honeycomb in a sense where the buttons are on screen. That's ****ing sweet!!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Had there been any true evidence that it will launch on sprint yet?
Posted by Mr. Z's Epic 4G.
zanderman112 said:
Had there been any true evidence that it will launch on sprint yet?
Posted by Mr. Z's Epic 4G.
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Nothing yet
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
I hope it does go to sprint in fact all the carriers but when I asked the guy at radio
shack he told me it was going to Verizon! then i'm reading that Verizon isn't getting the s2 if this is the case then most likely its cuz they getting the prime! Also if the prime doesn't come to sprint then I'll just wait until the galaxy s3 which is in the works & will be out in 2012 that thing is going to be a BEAST!!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
zanderman112 said:
Had there been any true evidence that it will launch on sprint yet?
Posted by Mr. Z's Epic 4G.
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The best part about not being 2 year upgrade eligible yet is that I can wait. So far there is no indication sprint will get the prime, but sprint is googles bff of US carriers so you would think it would land here at some point.
Radioshack? Those people are idiots. Trust me I worked for them for 3 years there's no way they would know that. As far as the prime goes think about it.. what carrier has the nexus been most popular on? The nexus one was on tmo. The nexus s... tmo. Then sprint. With at&t being the final carrier to have it. I HIGHLY doubt Verizon is going to be the only one with it, or if they're getting it at all. It just doesn't make sense to me. Plus, **** Verizon.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
RushAOZ said:
Radioshack? Those people are idiots. Trust me I worked for them for 3 years there's no way they would know that. As far as the prime goes think about it.. what carrier has the nexus been most popular on? The nexus one was on tmo. The nexus s... tmo. Then sprint. With at&t being the final carrier to have it. I HIGHLY doubt Verizon is going to be the only one with it, or if they're getting it at all. It just doesn't make sense to me. Plus, **** Verizon.
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Yup im thinking sprint might actually be the first to receive it this time around.
Btw when do you guys think the GS2 will get ICS? When do you think google will release source?
Sent from my SPH-D700
Love the ability to upgrade at a year. I think I'm gonna get the prime if it comes to sprint. I've had a motoblur phone...terrible then I got the evo and it was awesome sense was great but my personal opinion is pure Google is better. But there are people that enjoy sense or touchwiz. Me personally I enjoy a naked UI. GO NAKED!!!!!
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
C'mon someone tell me...SGSII or Prime? I'm using a HTC Vogue here!
