Browser on 3.1 - Eee Pad Transformer General

Am I the only one who thinks it kinda sucks? Sometimes it's really snappy and fast, and once the page has loaded scrolling is really quick. However a lot of the time it seems worse to me, especially the xda site. Text input is abysmal now (not just xda) so slow, and much worse than 3.0.1. Other bugs include no backspace in text boxes, not being able to click on links, font rendering a bit blurry when not zoomed in, and keyboard randomly getting stuck on caps.
Is it just me?

Not just sucks. Such a shame as everything else is great. Text randomly not appearing in text boxes....pages not loading entirely...slow text input from dock...most annoying may be links not highlighting which leaves u guessing where u tapped. Hope a fix comes soon.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App

I've actually been finding the one on the stock build a but bad too.
How about other browsers?

You can't complain too much because you have to remember that 3.1 isn't officially out yet
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App

Yeah, I just noticed my keyboard lags REALLY badly when trying to reply to posts on XDA. That got much worse. Haven't tried any other sites or different keyboards yet.

I hate how the page redraws images when you scroll.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

Ravynmagi said:
Yeah, I just noticed my keyboard lags REALLY badly when trying to reply to posts on XDA. That got much worse. Haven't tried any other sites or different keyboards yet.
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Are you using asus' default keyboard? Because I know that keyboard is laggy so I use the Android keyboard
Edit: and I may not know what I am talking about because I have not been on the xda website I just use the xda app.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App

I was hoping that they improve the speed on the browser in 3.1 but look feels the same like in 3.0. Pages takes a long time to load. Typing is a pain in the ass even with the android keyboard. Surfing and running playerpro is very slow. Opera mobile seems to be the fastest browser ive tested so far, but the font is way tooo small and theres no way to increase it.

Tone503773 said:
Are you using asus' default keyboard? Because I know that keyboard is laggy so I use the Android keyboard
Edit: and I may not know what I am talking about because I have not been on the xda website I just use the xda app.
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I was using the ASUS keyboard. And I had some lag with it before, but it was never anything as bad as this.
I just switched to the Android keyboard. It's just as bad with that keyboard too.
I tried on another forum and it seemed normal. So it might just be this forum. The browser has never liked it anyway.

i posted this in the other thread. there are lots of browser issues with this. ill stick with it because there are lots of other improvements, but i doubt this update as is will be released to the public this week.

i didnt find that many speed issues. i was using flex T9 keyboard though. I will test tomorrow some more but i was thinking the browser had some nice improvements especially with the "quick controls"

I've seen that the thumb keyboard is quite popular. Wonder how it is working with this.

ewingr said:
I've seen that the thumb keyboard is quite popular. Wonder how it is working with this.
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I like thumb kb a lot, lot of good settings.

Thumb keyboard has sped up since 3.1, at least for me, it flies now.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

Xda is bad on my PC, so maybe its the 7 using Firefox. Delay is bad alot of the time

mazgaoten said:
Thumb keyboard has sped up since 3.1, at least for me, it flies now.
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I agree that Thumb keyboard is blazing fast now. There was an update to version 4 a couple of days ago so I'm not sure if that was the reason for the speed increase or Honeycomb 3.1, but it is very responsive now.

I normally use Tapatalk to access XDA, But I'm using thumb keyboard to post this reply on the XDA website directly - there is a little lag, but not too much.

Forums in general suck on honeycomb. I gave up entirely and just use the xda app.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App

I wish you folks wouldn't call it 3.1, because the official 'propper' 3.1 isn't released yet.
Whaat you've got is 3.02 or something found by a cleaner at asustech in the garbarge bins on a CD, they then uploaded it to the web and called it '3.1 leak' and you've all fallen for it! you then all come on here and start winging about, your gullibility is laughable

checkbox111 said:
I wish you folks wouldn't call it 3.1, because the official 'propper' 3.1 isn't released yet.
Whaat you've got is 3.02 or something found by a cleaner at asustech in the garbarge bins on a CD, they then uploaded it to the web and called it '3.1 leak' and you've all fallen for it! you then all come on here and start winging about, your gullibility is laughable
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Is that supposed to be a joke? It is most certainly 3.1.
In response to other posts, I'm also using thumb keyboard but still get a lot of lag, only in browser though so it's not a keyboard issue. Engadget said the browser took a massive hit in JavaScript performance with this update so maybe that's why. I'm thinking this isn't the final build so I'm looking forward to the official ota.
Like others have said though, even though the browser is worse in some regards the improvements in other areas of the rom make it worth sticking with


Swype vs Android keyboard

This is my first time using a phone without a physical keyboard. I'm trying to get the hang of using Swype, but I find that I'm faster using the stock Android keyboard (which actually better than I thought it would be). Does anyone have any tips on using Swype effectively? I've read a bunch of FAQs, etc. but I just must be a slow learner.
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murse said:
This is my first time using a phone without a physical keyboard. I'm trying to get the hang of using Swype, but I find that I'm faster using the stock Android keyboard (which actually better than I thought it would be). Does anyone have any tips on using Swype effectively? I've read a bunch of FAQs, etc. but I just must be a slow learner.
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Just use it for a solid 1-3 days without switching back to the stock keyboard. Changing some of the settings might help as well.
Practice makes perfect
Sent from my awesome Vibrant using XDA App
I found that changing the swype settings helped my accuracy.
Settings > Locale and text > Swype Settings > Speed vs Accuracy
I changed the speed vs accuracy slider just a tad to the right so it is about 40% fast response vs error tolerance. It used to be about 20% fast response vs error tolerance.
I tried swype on the G1 and didnt like it that much. I gave it a chance on the vibrant and now i am loving it. I am impress with the prediction. You just have to give it a chance.
When I first heard of Swype I completely hated the idea, never gave it a shot
Got my Vibrant and for once decided to try it out, I'm fairly impressed on how easy and accurate it is once I got past trying to type in each letter, and the text prediction really is pretty good at deciphering my scribbles
IMO swiftkey tops them both. It predicts your current word and suggests your next word.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
I couldn't stand swype. I am actually usinf better keyboard. I got it for my g1 and find it really nice for the most part. Then again i am not big on the whole pediction stuff. I actually type quite fast solo on the keuboard.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
SykesAT said:
IMO swiftkey tops them both. It predicts your current word and suggests your next word.
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+2 IF it had a virtual trackball..d pad
Propheous said:
I couldn't stand swype. I am actually usinf better keyboard. I got it for my g1 and find it really nice for the most part. Then again i am not big on the whole pediction stuff. I actually type quite fast solo on the keuboard.
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Faster, yes... but are you actually typing real words?!?
I use better keyboard, its closest to the stock key board I have found. I've used it since my G1 and by far the best keyboard I have found. Its $2.99 but totally worth it, plus there are tons of skins for it.
I use swype in portrait and the stock keyboard if i need to type in landscape. But I can't wait until BlindType is released
I've always hated using on screen keyboards. That is until swype came along. Its accuracy and speed are pretty awesome.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Propheous said:
I couldn't stand swype. I am actually usinf better keyboard. I got it for my g1 and find it really nice for the most part. Then again i am not big on the whole pediction stuff. I actually type quite fast solo on the keuboard.
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man that truly is classic. as for me i use swype in portrait and droid X keyboard in landscape. with the droid x keyboard, i do over 20 words per minute usually.
swype , i push 10
Hehe. Didn't say i was perfect but alot better then the crap i was putting out with swype let me tell you.
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rsfaze said:
+2 IF it had a virtual trackball..d pad
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Swype from the Swype key to the SYM key.
I recommend smart keyboard from the market. Multi touch 4ever
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
SykesAT said:
IMO swiftkey tops them both. It predicts your current word and suggests your next word.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
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I can't stand swype. SwiftKey has predicted at least half the words in this post in 3 letters or less.
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Im using the hero keyboard mod xD
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Very slight threadjack...
Does anyone know of an app that will switch the default keyboard automatically from swype to the android keyboard whenever I am connected on bluetooth? The one thing I like about the android KB is it has the microphone icon and I can use voice to enter searches, text messages, etc. But when I am not in my car, I much prefer the swype KB. Perhaps there is a plugin for Locale that can do this???

Dolphin Pad Browser

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that there is a great new Honeycomb browser available in the market from the Dolphin team called Dolphin Pad. I've been using it for a few minutes now and I've gotta say that it's the smoothest 3rd party browser i've tried. Give it a try and post your thoughts.
EDIT: I can confirm that HD content from amazon instant video & youtube play silky smooth
do u mean..the dolphin hd 6.0??
It also lets me use flash 10.3
acericoniagirl said:
It also lets me use flash 10.3
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Nope! Dolphin Pad
Im on it as we speak. It does seem kinda promissing in speed but had it 10 minutes using xda in the new mode with no hasitation
After using this a whole day and comparing it to say stock browser im back to turns out to be faster .sometimes the dolphin pad freezes right at the end of loading some web sites. I think its a flash or Java issue as sometimes it seems as thou its a add that is stooping it.
With that said it is in beta I sent Dev a message its promising
search dolphin pad in market to get
Can somebody please post the apk. Thanks
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I'm liking it
chad24taylor said:
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that there is a great new Honeycomb browser available in the market from the Dolphin team called Dolphin Pad. I've been using it for a few minutes now and I've gotta say that it's the smoothest 3rd party browser i've tried. Give it a try and post your thoughts.
EDIT: I can confirm that HD content from amazon instant video & youtube play silky smooth
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How's it so different from the regular dolphin HD browser?
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App
Just DLed it and spent the last 30 minutes putting it through its paces. One weird random close, but otherwise very smooth and fast. Does a good job even on CNN flash videos, and the gesture feature seems a bit more accurate than the 6.0 HD I was using.
dweebken said:
How's it so different from the regular dolphin HD browser?
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To be honest, I haven't been using Dolphin HD so I'm not qualified to compare the two. I definitely suggest trying it out though!
So not for us with 10" tablets running Android 2.2? Shame.
Dolphin HD I've noticed when you scroll down, you lose the tabs. With DolphinPad, they stay. Also, Fullscreen on Pad seems better, can't really describe it. Pad doesn't have that annoying gesture thing on the bottom either. Swiping side to side for shortcuts seems more fluid. Flash works well. Just seems much more optimized for the tablet. Settings layout is much better imho. Overall, Pad = Win in my eyes. I'm coming from the Asus Transformer, but I can only imagine similar performance for the Iconia.
dictionary said:
Dolphin HD I've noticed when you scroll down, you lose the tabs. With DolphinPad, they stay. Also, Fullscreen on Pad seems better, can't really describe it. Pad doesn't have that annoying gesture thing on the bottom either. Swiping side to side for shortcuts seems more fluid. Flash works well. Just seems much more optimized for the tablet. Settings layout is much better imho. Overall, Pad = Win in my eyes. I'm coming from the Asus Transformer, but I can only imagine similar performance for the Iconia.
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Couldn't have said it better myself.
I like it, good stuff, Thanks
I like it a lot!! Better than Dolphin HD 6.0 ....
vince1979 said:
I like it a lot!! Better than Dolphin HD 6.0 ....
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I tried it for about an hour, then removed it. Can't find how to use gestures, and rendering on some sites sucks compared to dolphin browser HD.
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App
Looks good. Gonna give it a run.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using XDA Premium App
It is a very promising browser and a distinct upgrade over Dolphin HD 6. However, I couldn't find a quick way to import bookmarks from Dolphin HD and the address bar did not show the "home" icon (or I could not find it), so if anyone from the Dolphin team is reading this, please add these functions.
dictionary said:
Dolphin HD I've noticed when you scroll down, you lose the tabs. With DolphinPad, they stay. Also, Fullscreen on Pad seems better, can't really describe it. Pad doesn't have that annoying gesture thing on the bottom either. Swiping side to side for shortcuts seems more fluid. Flash works well. Just seems much more optimized for the tablet. Settings layout is much better imho. Overall, Pad = Win in my eyes. I'm coming from the Asus Transformer, but I can only imagine similar performance for the Iconia.
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You know you can disable the gestures in settings from working or displaying.
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Biologos said:
It is a very promising browser and a distinct upgrade over Dolphin HD 6. However, I couldn't find a quick way to import bookmarks from Dolphin HD and the address bar did not show the "home" icon (or I could not find it), so if anyone from the Dolphin team is reading this, please add these functions.
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No home button, just hit the plus tab and will open new page with whatever you set your homepage as.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Better than Opera Mobile?

New browser for tablet from Dolphin!

New browser for tablet from Dolphin!
Have a look, it might be good.
Let me know, I haven't tried it yet
I've been using it for a little bit and it seems good so far. I really like the layout and the speed and I haven't found any issues yet!
Been using it for a while, and i like it! Its my default browser..!
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
So far im loving it, and it has none of the problems (random closes whenever i click certain link, specifically on Amazon) that opera mobile does. Great find OP.
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MJ-12 said:
New browser for tablet from Dolphin!
Have a look, it might be good.
Let me know, I haven't tried it yet
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Oh what an app! short of words. Faster than native browser.I pushed the thanks button...hope I could do it 100 times for u.
I've been using it for a while now and I am very happy with it; it has also become my default browser; download the ReadItLater add on and you're set

ICS Browser

anyone else notice how beast this thing is? I uninstalled dolphin. never seen xda scroll so
smooth. not to mention it loads pages almost as quickly as my desktop
ICS in general is smoother than any version of android previoulsy released. Scrolls, transition effects, the launcher, touch screen response, everything.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA
Yea, ICS is a beast. The browser is apart of it.
anybody compared stock ICS browser with chrome for android? i haven't gotten around to installing cm9 yet to find out myself.
I tried chrome once and it was still buggy but a guy at work is useing it and he swears buy it and claims it is much faster that the stock browser. have not fully side by side tested it my self though
Anyone got the apk to the ICS browser
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
ICS browser is awesome
chrome is even better however on mine (turl v9 build, tried it too with jokersax 0.2 beta) it crashes when I hit the tab select button so no go for now
mate there is no way to run it without ICS so apk would be pointless
djluis48 said:
ICS in general is smoother than any version of android previoulsy released. Scrolls, transition effects, the launcher, touch screen response, everything.
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"nothing further to be said your honor"
true story
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Chrome is much, much faster at rendering than stock. Their engines are similar but stock is considerably more dated. But chrome is still buggy, and with no ident switch its kind of useless.
Sent from my Motorola Atrix 4G using Tapatalk on AT&T, the company that disappoints me so much that I have to use my tapatalk signature to tell everyone
I cant wait for the chrome browser to be more stable. i am starting to dance just thinking about it

ICS Touch Screen Issues

I see this issue on ALL APPS and DIFFERENT LAUNCHERS.
I cant scroll properly when using quickpic or changing screens on lauchers only does it on ICS. Running STOCK. Does not do this when I go back to gingerbread but while on ics its annoying
Can't say that I've had this issue. The only time that my touch screen acts wonky is when the charger is plugged in, then it acts very odd sometimes.
dzelaya18 said:
Can't say that I've had this issue. The only time that my touch screen acts wonky is when the charger is plugged in, then it acts very odd sometimes.
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Well no charger hooked up. Have this issue with the AT&T one running ICS as well
Anyway to fix.this? Every Ics stock is the same
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Guess im just gonna go back to gingerbread
Just curious about what you mean when you say you can't scroll properly?
You mean you can't scroll at all or what?
theguy said:
Just curious about what you mean when you say you can't scroll properly?
You mean you can't scroll at all or what?
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I tried to make a video but of course it wouldnt do it then. Its just when swiping left to right and up and down, Its glitchy sometimes
Have you enabled hardware video acceleration? Should help.
please hit thanks if i helped
SpyderTracks said:
Have you enabled hardware video acceleration? Should help.
please hit thanks if i helped
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Where do I enable that?
hyelton said:
Where do I enable that?
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I found Force GPU rendering to use 2D hardware acceleration in applications but it didnt change anything
its not lag that I am having. Its issues with say when swiping through pics in the gallery or quickpic where scrolling just sucks
I responded in another post by you (best GB rom or something) and asked why you wanted to change to GB.
ICS is very smooth swiping up down, left right, on any ICS rom. Not laggy at all. However I do have an issue with one app regarding sideway scrolling, but that is a UK specific app, and the dev knows about it. Quickpic scrolling is super smooth for me, and so is on Apex, Nova and my preferred choice, GoLauncher.
Towserspvm2000 said:
I responded in another post by you (best GB rom or something) and asked why you wanted to change to GB.
ICS is very smooth swiping up down, left right, on any ICS rom. Not laggy at all. However I do have an issue with one app regarding sideway scrolling, but that is a UK specific app, and the dev knows about it. Quickpic scrolling is super smooth for me, and so is on Apex, Nova and my preferred choice, GoLauncher.
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i mean everything is EXTREAMLY smooth. It just acts up. When moving faster it kinda acts up and glitches like going up it will sometimes go down. I know its not an issue with MY note as it does it with my AT&T version too
hyelton said:
i mean everything is EXTREAMLY smooth. It just acts up. When moving faster it kinda acts up and glitches like going up it will sometimes go down. I know its not an issue with MY note as it does it with my AT&T version too
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If I go slow everything is fine. But when going fast its very annoying, it doesnt happen on Gingerbread
Lick I can flick my finger fast sometimes and it will go SLOW as well
i hear you man..same issues here..thats why im back on the silky stock rooted gb.....same thing you is smooth, but its glitchy when scrolling everywhere...noticed the same thing
one more thing, why couldnt they stick to the beautiful gb rotation animation in ics?in ics rotation is a bit choppy, you'll notice it particularly when exiting from apps from the landscape mode to the launcher( eg: mx player)...
so back on good old gb for now
The fugu tweaks mod might help you. Look for it in developing section of these boards.
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rlaw said:
The fugu tweaks mod might help you. Look for it in developing section of these boards.
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Can u point a link tried looking and searching but got nothing to do with the mod
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Never mind.i used google no change still same issue i guess il go
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Have you tried changing touch sensitivity in advanced settings of CM9 or touchscreen tuner app?
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rlaw said:
Have you tried changing touch sensitivity in advanced settings of CM9 or touchscreen tuner app?
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Didnt work, I`m just gonna go back to Gingerbread
hyelton said:
If I go slow everything is fine. But when going fast its very annoying, it doesnt happen on Gingerbread
Lick I can flick my finger fast sometimes and it will go SLOW as well
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I noticed that as well on ics.. It's more likely to happen if u swipe up fast using the s pen and u will see how the screen will go down to instead...
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
