DualRomX2 = 4 roms on emmc(V6) 6-9-11 - Droid Incredible General

For those with phones other then Incredible...The new app that will replace this system and work with multiple phones is in the market. Check out my sig for our website with more info.
Does not work with CWM2.5...Tested with CWM 3.0.8 ONLY WILL NOT WORK WITH OTHER RECOVERIES
A super big thanks to xda dev drellisdee since he's the one who showed me how to mount the img's at boot time. Check out his modified recovery here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=758874
Thanks also too:
Team ADX-I used my personal account to post since it has the dev privaliges but consider this a Team ADX endeavor.
Thanks to DHowett for furthering the idea of what we can do with the dualbooting
Thanks to UnCorrupted for giving me the original interest in Dual Booting roms long, long ago!!
Thanks to VZW for taking so much of my paycheck everymonth!!
Thanks to all who tested and gave feedback on my original DualRom project and to all who will do the same with this one.
Thanks to all the Dev's that give us a reason to want to use more then 1 rom.
DRX2 is an upgrade from DualRom. You can fit up to 4 roms on emmc(and one on the phone if you want) It uses the phone as an installer. I decided to go towards DHowetts idea of mounting img files on the emmc. Emmc will stay as fat32 the way it comes on the phone. This system is fairly simple and so far has worked with all rom's tested.
Tested with:
SkyRaider 4.0
GingerSense Remix-B1-INC
Nil's Busines Sense
Leaked GB rom
uber kingdom sense 3.0 (1.0.1)
mikmik's beta 3 (sense 2.1 w/ 3.0 additions)
Incubus's Stock 2.0
mytouch 4g doubleshot rom
stock kingdom 3.0 rom
Post what rom's you boot successfully so they can be added to the list!!!
As you can see that's a good variety and it should work with every rom.
Does not work with CWM2.5...Tested with CWM 3+ Might work with other recoveries.
Installation is simple. The roms will be stored on emmc in folders labeled rom1, rom2, rom3 and rom4. each folder will need a system.img, data.img and cache.img. You can flash createimageforrom1.zip to setup the folder and img's for rom1 and the the same for the other roms up to rom4. The zip's i included create a 270mb system.img, a 1000mb data.img and a 120mb cache.img. If you would rather manually create these and make your own sizes do:
adb shell
cd emmc
mkdir rom1 (or rom2, rom3, rom4)
cd rom1
dd if=/dev/zero of=system.img bs=1M count=270
dd if=/dev/zero of=data.img bs=1M count=1000
dd if=/dev/zero of=cache.img bs=1M count=120
NOTE: Some rom's the dd command acts differently and your img may come out really small. If that's the case just add busybox to the beginning of the dd command.
the last number on the last three commands is the size of the image it will make. These take a while to make. If you use the zips i included expect to wait at least ten minutes for the img's to be built. Once they are built on the emmc you can flash different rom's to them without deleting/recreating them so you should only need to do this step once.
Once you have the img's setup choose your rom and your kernel or any other ad on's that you want installed. Flash the rom as normal(wipe phone, install zip from sd) NOTE: this will obviously overwrite your existing installation so if you want to keep that you will need to make a nand to restore when you are done. Next flash any ad on's or kernel zips you want installed as normal. Then just flash the zip for rom1installer that i've included. You can use rom1installer or rom2installer, etc to pick which slot you want the rom installed to. They don't have to be installed in any order. You can use just rom4 if you want just make sure you have setup the img's for the rominstaller zip you use. The installer zip will take 5 to 8 minutes to install so be patient. After that reboot your phone and it will boot to the rom you just installed. You can then use the DRX2 app to boot between all installed roms. If you restore your nand to your phone or install another rom to the actuall phone then run the phoneinstaller.zip to set that rom up to use the DRX2 app as well. So to recap and make it simple:
Does not work with CWM2.5...Tested with CWM 3+ Might work with other recoveries.
1. flash createimageforrom1.zip(or rom2, rom3, rom4) or all of them if you want lots of roms(you only need to do this if the img's are not already on your emmc)
2. flash your rom of choice and any add on's you want. (rember to wipe phone first and backup if nescasary) If you want to move the rom your currently have installed on your phone to one of the rom slots on emmc just skip this step.
3. flash rom1installer.zip (or rom2, rom3, rom4) whichever slot you want it installed too.
4. reboot
5. If you are also going to use a rom on your phone normally then flash or restore a nand of the rom you are keeping on phone. Then flash phoneInstaller.zip. This will install the DRX2 app and copy your phone rom's boot.img to emmc so the app can access it when you want to boot back to the phone rom.
Upgrading roms
rom1upgrader.zip(and rom2,rom3,rom4) can be used to upgrade your rom on emmc. These haven't been well tested. I did test with miui and a GB Sense 2.1/3.0 rom. Using these would be considered doing a no wipe update. If you want to wipe use the rom1installer.zip's. Step are as follows:
1. Wipe phone flash update and any add-on's
2. flash rom1upgrader.zip(or rom2,rom3,rom4) Make sure you flash the one where the rom your upgrading is installed
3. Reboot.
These could also be used if you want to flash add-ons. Flash the rom you currently have installed, flash the add-on, then flash the rom1upgrader. Example:
I have cm7 nightly 90 on slot1
I wipe phone, flash cm7 nightly 90 to phone, flash any add-on's i had flashed previously, flash any new add-on's, flash rom1upgrader.zip
Note: There is definitely a possiblity of typo's in one of the many scripts i had to write for this stuff so if you do have a problem that you post about please post which slot you have the rom installed too. Thanks.
DRX2 app
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
DRX2 works similar to DRSettings app. Push the button of the rom you want to boot too!!! simple enough right? Push menu for options to set the names of the rom's you have installed. If you set a name for Rom1 while booted in Rom1 the name will show when you boot to rom2, 3, or 4 so you only have to set the names once. There is also an option under menu to mount or umount emmc to pc. I added this because the one downfall of this system is the emmc does not mount to pc when using the mount disk drive options normally. Remember don't delete or move the img's of the rom your booted too.
Additional Scripts
bootRom1.zip, bootRom2.zip, etc...these zips are for the off chance you get stuck in recovery(i.e boot.img did not flash correctly) This shouldn't happen but I like to be safe especially if your not near a pc to fix it. You can flash these zip to boot into any of the 4 roms you have installed from recovery. Of course they will only work if you have a rom installed in the slot you are trying to boot too.
Disclaimer-FLASH AT YOUR OWN RISK. You are responsible for what you do to your phone.
All the files you need are in 1 small package!!
V2 Changelog
DRX2 app installed to data/app instead of system/app so that GB sense rom's install it
V3 Changelog
Fixed app's not installing that i broke in v2
V4 Changelog
Fix for AOSP rom's not mounting as ext3(They should work ok as ext2 so if you already have it installed I wouldn't rush to change it. If you start to experience any data corruption then you can update those roms. These won't really affect the sense based rom's as they were already mounting as ext3.)
MultirominstallersV4.zip --old
V5 Changelog
Added a 5 second sleep on boot to give time for phone to mount the partition.
MultiromInstallersV5.zip --old
V6 Changelog
Added upgrader's in with the main package
Switched to ext2 for system.img and added ext2 datadata.img for lag improvements
Note: V6 Requires you to reflash the createimgforrom.zips because of the changes in the setup of the img's.
MultiromV6.zips --latest
Zip's to switch rom's in recovery--Now inclueds boot phone rom zip(I.E. boot-rom1.zip)
AnyKernelUpdater.zip's for DRX2 courtesy of tiny4579
tiny4579 made up some nice zips to replace the kernel on the emmc rom's. You don't even need to be booted into the rom you want to update the kernel on. Take the zImage from kernel/zImage and the files from system/libs/ in the kernel.zip that you downloaded and drop them in the same folders in these zips. These directions probably suck so if I confused you just ask!!!!
Nothing better then user contributions to a project like this so if you come up with something you'd like to share let me know!!!
Upgrader's now bundled in with the main package
Note: Unzip the multirom.zips to get to the flashable zips.
Does not work with CWM2.5...Tested with CWM 3+ Might work with other recoveries.
UnInstalling DRX2
If you want to install a new rom to a slot already in use then just follow the instructions I gave above. The scripts will wipe the img files at install.
If you want to completely uninstall the system just delete the folders off your emmc storage!!
Make sure your booted into a rom installed normally on the phone first!!
Additional thoughts
If the rom does not boot try installing and booting it on the regular phone first.
Any time your copying data from one place to another corruption can occur. If it doesn't work try it a second time. If you have to try again make sure to wipe the phone and reinstall the rom before re-running the installer scripts.
Install all add-on's, new kernels, flashable themes before running the installer script.
You can run the rom on the phone as normal, set it up, try it out and then move it to the emmc slots at any time by running an installer script. It will copy your data over also. In the case that you might want to check the rom out or see how a flashable them looks before installing it to one of the emmc slots.
If you have questions feel free to ask.

Nice Work im going to try it out

This looks awesome..... ! Now can keep up with all of JoelZ9614's Rom's... lol

has this been tested with sense 3.0 because it seems like .img's are too small

justjayhere said:
This looks awesome..... ! Now can keep up with all of JoelZ9614's Rom's... lol
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lmao i bet i will have more than 4 roms

werdna87 said:
has this been tested with sense 3.0 because it seems like .img's are too small
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I tested with gingersense remix which is sense2.1/3.0 i believe. The system.img i put was 270mb's which is larger then what's on the phone so if it fit's on the phone it will fit on this. That being said you can make the img's whatever size you want but the current install process requires that they be installed to the phone first so you will still have that size restriction.
Edit: If someone wanted to make a rom that was bigger then the phones normal partitions they could just package it in the img and just drop it onto the emmc. If any dev's have a rom that's too large for the phone and want to go that route they can contact me and I can help them make the boot.img for it. My goal was just to make install as universal and simple as possible.

Conap said:
I tested with gingersense remix which is sense2.1/3.0 i believe. The system.img i put was 270mb's which is larger then what's on the phone so if it fit's on the phone it will fit on this. That being said you can make the img's whatever size you want but the current install process requires that they be installed to the phone first so you will still have that size restriction.
Edit: If someone wanted to make a rom that was bigger then the phones normal partitions they could just package it in the img and just drop it onto the emmc. If any dev's have a rom that's too large for the phone and want to go that route they can contact me and I can help them make the boot.img for it. My goal was just to make install as universal and simple as possible.
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ill definitely be pming you

JoelZ9614 said:
lmao i bet i will have more than 4 roms
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I'm sure you will!
Sent from my Incredible using XDA Premium App

Fine job sir, fine job!

So does this still essentially use up all the EMMC so it's not usable for anything else? or does it only use up what it needs?

Coupled of questions.. sorry if I missed the answers to these questions:
*Does this erase the EMMC, or just adds the necessary "slots"?
*Does this erase your current Rom.. just trying to wrap my head around this...

todd3835 said:
So does this still essentially use up all the EMMC so it's not usable for anything else? or does it only use up what it needs?
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Good questions...not this only uses what you put on it. With all 4 rom's installed you will only have about 500mb's left though. but you could install just 1 or 2 rom's and still have a couple gb's left to use. The only "problem" i've seen is that the emmc does not mount to pc correctly but this can be fixed by using the mount emmc options in the app i provided.
justjayhere said:
Coupled of questions.. sorry if I missed the answers to these questions:
*Does this erase the EMMC, or just adds the necessary "slots"?
*Does this erase your current Rom.. just trying to wrap my head around this...
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No does not erase anything on the emmc...just add's the folders and img's
The rom's do get installed to the phone like a normal install and then are copied into the img's. This is so the different rom's with different updater scripts will all install correctly and then just get moved to the img's. It will erase your current rom but you could either nand the current rom(which you should do anyway) and then restore it or you could just use the rom1instaler.zip (or rom2,rom3,rom4) to move your current rom to the emmc. It will copy all of your data and stuff over too. Then you can continue to install the other roms you want. Then if you want to put a rom back on the phone normally you can do that too.

Okay... one more question: let's say I have a Rom installed in one of the slots and I want to flash a mod to that particular Rom... how is that achieved?

Conap said:
Good questions...not this only uses what you put on it. With all 4 rom's installed you will only have about 500mb's left though. but you could install just 1 or 2 rom's and still have a couple gb's left to use. The only "problem" i've seen is that the emmc does not mount to pc correctly but this can be fixed by using the mount emmc options in the app i provided.
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Ok, so how much space does each "slot" take, just out of curiosity?
Conap said:
No does not erase anything on the emmc...just add's the folders and img's
The rom's do get installed to the phone like a normal install and then are copied into the img's. This is so the different rom's with different updater scripts will all install correctly and then just get moved to the img's. It will erase your current rom but you could either nand the current rom(which you should do anyway) and then restore it or you could just use the rom1instaler.zip (or rom2,rom3,rom4) to move your current rom to the emmc. It will copy all of your data and stuff over too. Then you can continue to install the other roms you want. Then if you want to put a rom back on the phone normally you can do that too.
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So basically you could get a rom all customized, then do the rom#installer.zip to take it completely themed and all and move to EMMC? That sounds pretty damn hot IMHO =]

so technically can we have 5 roms?
4 on emmc and 1 on actually phone?
*and to resotre nand backup to phone do we install the phoneinstaller.zip first or after the nand backup/rom we like?

justjayhere said:
Okay... one more question: let's say I have a Rom installed in one of the slots and I want to flash a mod to that particular Rom... how is that achieved?
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Right now flash all your mods before moving the rom...i'll work on some way to flash it after it's moved.
todd3835 said:
Ok, so how much space does each "slot" take, just out of curiosity?
So basically you could get a rom all customized, then do the rom#installer.zip to take it completely themed and all and move to EMMC? That sounds pretty damn hot IMHO =]
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data is 1000mb system is 270 cache is 120 so about 1.5Gb...they are adjustable if you really want to save the space. and yes you can customize it and then move it.
Pithism said:
so technically can we have 5 roms?
4 on emmc and 1 on actually phone?
*and to resotre nand backup to phone do we install the phoneinstaller.zip first or after the nand backup/rom we like?
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yep 5 roms total....install phoneinstaller.zip after restoring the nand. It just dumps the boot.img so it's available to the app and installs the app so it doesn't really do anything to the rom.

So what is the "phoneinstaller.zip" used for? Do I need To install that before moving to slot. . Or only For rom left on phone.
Sent from my SmartQ V7 using XDA App

Conap said:
yep 5 roms total....install phoneinstaller.zip after restoring the nand. It just dumps the boot.img so it's available to the app and installs the app so it doesn't really do anything to the rom.
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wow this is awesome, one of the reason why i just recently purchased a friends INC.
Cant wait to see what other roms work on this
and do we need to use that modified recovery or is cwm 3.0.0.x good enough?

Conap, sick work
You've been busy since I first met you
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App

justjayhere said:
So what is the "phoneinstaller.zip" used for? Do I need To install that before moving to slot. . Or only For rom left on phone.
Sent from my SmartQ V7 using XDA App
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That's only need for the rom left on the phone
Pithism said:
wow this is awesome, one of the reason why i just recently purchased a friends INC.
Cant wait to see what other roms work on this
and do we need to use that modified recovery or is cwm 3.0.0.x good enough?
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CWM recovery is fine...it's what I tested with...


[Think Tank]Dual Boot

So I was thinking...
df -h
/dev/block/mmcblk0p26------1.3G--------356.0M----886.5M----29% ---/data
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We have roughly 2 gigs internal on our phones. Using CM7, my /system partition is over 60% empty. Why not install another rom beside it?
My idea is to partition the storage space into multiple directories that symlinks back to the original partitions only when booted.
For example, The partitioning could look like this:
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The system would boot past splash1, where a screen similar to this could show up:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Depending on your selection, it would boot with either /system1 or /system2, symlinked to the original /system.
I know that it is possible to change your mtd partitions, it is a very commonly used hack on the G1 developed by Firerat and lbcoder (thread). If we can take this concept and take it a step further and create our own partitions, this seems feasable.
Some thoughts/concerns:
-both roms would have to use the same kernel as the kernel is one of the first things to boot.
-space for apps might be a bit tight for some, so A2SD might need to be used
-we would need a modified recovery image in which you have to specify which /system a rom would be copied to
-sharing /data and /cache might be possible, but might lead to problems with dramatically different roms.
-how would we go about setting up the screen to select which rom to boot?
-the closest thing to dual booting that we can do now would be /sd-ext based roms like old HD2 roms or Enomther's rom from before we had perm root
My programming knowledge is limited to HTML and flash, and I am a linux noob so I can't do much more than build a rom from source or changing out/modifying some png's for a theme.
If my idea seems feasible somebody else would have to code it. If you can come up with a better idea for dual boot, then by all means, share
mejorguille said:
So I was thinking...
We have roughly 2 gigs internal on our phones. Using CM7, my /system partition is over 60% empty. Why not install another rom beside it?
My idea is to partition the storage space into multiple directories that symlinks back to the original partitions only when booted.
For example, The partitioning could look like this:
The system would boot past splash1, where a screen similar to this could show up:
Depending on your selection, it would boot with either /system1 or /system2, symlinked to the original /system.
I know that it is possible to change your mtd partitions, it is a very commonly used hack on the G1 developed by Firerat and lbcoder (thread). If we can take this concept and take it a step further and create our own partitions, this seems feasable.
Some thoughts/concerns:
-both roms would have to use the same kernel as the kernel is one of the first things to boot.
-space for apps might be a bit tight for some, so A2SD might need to be used
-we would need a modified recovery image in which you have to specify which /system a rom would be copied to
-sharing /data and /cache might be possible, but might lead to problems with dramatically different roms.
-how would we go about setting up the screen to select which rom to boot?
-the closest thing to dual booting that we can do now would be /sd-ext based roms like old HD2 roms or Enomther's rom from before we had perm root
My programming knowledge is limited to HTML and flash, and I am a linux noob so I can't do much more than build a rom from source or changing out/modifying some png's for a theme.
If my idea seems feasible somebody else would have to code it. If you can come up with a better idea for dual boot, then by all means, share
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Lol that's pretty cool idea
Sent from my Liquid Metal using XDA App
Bounty in place for this! I really share your dual boot vision. Very badass idea. If someone will work on it, im in bounty $20
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
That would be difficult. bcoz,
1. Need WP7 drivers for G2/DZ devices
2. source/ROM compatible for G2/DZ (WP7 is not open, hehe m$)
3. A botloader.
Innocent Devil said:
That would be difficult. bcoz,
1. Need WP7 drivers for G2/DZ devices
2. source/ROM compatible for G2/DZ (WP7 is not open, hehe m$)
3. A botloader.
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Lol who said I wanted windows 7? The picture up there is an example of a dual boot solution for old windows mobile phones. I was more interested in being able to run CM7/MIUI/liquid metal etc at once with minimal effort to change between them. And I'm pretty sure that WP7 doesn't use /system, /data, and /cache partitions.
Very cool idea .if you deside to do it I will be more than happy to help out in any way I can . Even if its not likely to work . It's still going to be a lot of fun trying .lol .cm and sense together . Or meego perhaps?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
mejorguille said:
Lol who said I wanted windows 7? The picture up there is an example of a dual boot solution for old windows mobile phones. I was more interested in being able to run CM7/MIUI/liquid metal etc at once with minimal effort to change between them. And I'm pretty sure that WP7 doesn't use /system, /data, and /cache partitions.
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BAM!! +1000
Sent from my Liquid Metal using XDA App
awesome idea
I think this is a genius idea, and would have incredible implications if achieved. I also would be willing to donate to anyone who pulls off a functional and reproducible dual boot.
bahmanxda said:
Very cool idea .if you deside to do it I will be more than happy to help out in any way I can . Even if its not likely to work . It's still going to be a lot of fun trying .lol .cm and sense together . Or meego perhaps?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
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Me wants!!!! 2.4 as a daily,.... 3.0 for the eye candy!!!
Is there anything you genius'/genii/clever people can take from Kendon's Dualizer? http://www.villainrom.co.uk/forum/s...Dualizer-Dual-Boot-System&highlight=dual+boot
mejorguille said:
So I was thinking...
We have roughly 2 gigs internal on our phones. Using CM7, my /system partition is over 60% empty. Why not install another rom beside it?
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Excellent idea!
My idea is to partition the storage space into multiple directories that symlinks back to the original partitions only when booted.
For example, The partitioning could look like this:
The system would boot past splash1, where a screen similar to this could show up:
Depending on your selection, it would boot with either /system1 or /system2, symlinked to the original /system.
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There is already a multiboot bootloader installed on the phone which selects from two boot partitions... "boot" and "recovery". There is virtually no difference between them except for what is actually stored within the partitions.
I know that it is possible to change your mtd partitions, it is a very commonly used hack on the G1 developed by Firerat and lbcoder (thread). If we can take this concept and take it a step further and create our own partitions, this seems feasable.
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You certainly could add or remove partitions from an MTD device using that approach, UNFORTUNATELY THOUGH, Vision does NOT HAVE an MTD device. It has an eMMC.
The eMMC also happens to be a bit of a WEIRD one. At the front of the eMMC there is a *fake* partition table, which is defined by the SPL. I am not aware of any way to alter this partition table except by modifying the SPL.
So repartitioning may not work.
However, symlinks WILL work.
Some thoughts/concerns:
-both roms would have to use the same kernel as the kernel is one of the first things to boot.
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Nope. Put one kernel in the boot partition, the other one in the recovery partition. When you want to boot the second system image, simply boot into "recovery".
-space for apps might be a bit tight for some, so A2SD might need to be used
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-we would need a modified recovery image in which you have to specify which /system a rom would be copied to
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-sharing /data and /cache might be possible, but might lead to problems with dramatically different roms.
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Cache shouldn't be any problem, just wipe it on boot. Userdata would have to be manipulated in the exact same manner as system.
-how would we go about setting up the screen to select which rom to boot?
-the closest thing to dual booting that we can do now would be /sd-ext based roms like old HD2 roms or Enomther's rom from before we had perm root
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Already answered. Boot recovery to boot the second system.
My programming knowledge is limited to HTML and flash, and I am a linux noob so I can't do much more than build a rom from source or changing out/modifying some png's for a theme.
If my idea seems feasible somebody else would have to code it. If you can come up with a better idea for dual boot, then by all means, share
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Ok, now how I would do this is actually fairly simple to implement;
The boot image contains the basic structure of the root filesystem and sets up and mounts system and data.
It simply needs to be changed like this;
Destroy mountpoints "/system" and "/data".
Create new mountpoints "/base-system" and "/base-data".
Change the mounts for the system and data partitions to be mounted at the new mountpoints.
Create SYMLINKS "/system" --> "/base-system/system1" and "/data" --> "/base-data/data1" on the *first* boot image (to be installed to the "boot" partition), and "/system" --> "/base-system/system2" and "/data" --> "/base-data/data2" on the *second* boot image (to be installed to the "recovery" partition).
And that should basically do it.
This can also be used to boot Maemo/MeeGo.
This guy is already working on it, it is suppose to release soon.
I can't wait.
bahmanxda said:
Very cool idea .if you deside to do it I will be more than happy to help out in any way I can . Even if its not likely to work . It's still going to be a lot of fun trying .lol .cm and sense together . Or meego perhaps?
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Not likely to work?!?! lol that's not very encouraging
DarkPyroGuy 09 said:
This guy is already working on it, it is suppose to release soon.
I can't wait.
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Nah, booting from the sdcard isn't what I'm trying to accomplish. I want something on internal NAND, it would perform better (Look at the HD2).
riahc3 said:
This can also be used to boot Maemo/MeeGo.
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It could, but as far as I'm aware there is no active effort of porting meego to the G2. Development stopped on the HD2 port, and now that nokia is out of the picture I imagine meego will die down.
There is already a multiboot bootloader installed on the phone which selects from two boot partitions... "boot" and "recovery". There is virtually no difference between them except for what is actually stored within the partitions.
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Very good point, but would getting rid of a functional recovery be very practical? How would you approach rom upgrades? a PC based update system like ODIN for samsung phones? Fastboot? Or maybe you mean installing a new, separate boot partition.
You certainly could add or remove partitions from an MTD device using that approach, UNFORTUNATELY THOUGH, Vision does NOT HAVE an MTD device. It has an eMMC.
The eMMC also happens to be a bit of a WEIRD one. At the front of the eMMC there is a *fake* partition table, which is defined by the SPL. I am not aware of any way to alter this partition table except by modifying the SPL.
So repartitioning may not work.
However, symlinks WILL work.
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Yeah we definitely don't want to mess with the SPL. I remember all the bricks from haykuro's SPL for having an incompatible radio/spl/recovery combination.
Nope. Put one kernel in the boot partition, the other one in the recovery partition. When you want to boot the second system image, simply boot into "recovery".
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Again, I really wouldn't be happy loosing the recovery image. I mean, if you screw something up, boot to recovery, wipe, and reflash and you are good. If we replaced the recovery, to fix a problem you would have to be near a pc, boot to fastboot, wipe all, flash a recovery, boot to recovery, install a rom (or directly a PC10IMG.zip). I.E., the process would not be very noob friendly.
Cache shouldn't be any problem, just wipe it on boot. Userdata would have to be manipulated in the exact same manner as system.
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When you wipe cache it takes considerably longer to boot, so maybe we should create separate cache partitions.
Already answered. Boot recovery to boot the second system.
Ok, now how I would do this is actually fairly simple to implement;
The boot image contains the basic structure of the root filesystem and sets up and mounts system and data.
It simply needs to be changed like this;
Destroy mountpoints "/system" and "/data".
Create new mountpoints "/base-system" and "/base-data".
Change the mounts for the system and data partitions to be mounted at the new mountpoints.
Create SYMLINKS "/system" --> "/base-system/system1" and "/data" --> "/base-data/data1" on the *first* boot image (to be installed to the "boot" partition), and "/system" --> "/base-system/system2" and "/data" --> "/base-data/data2" on the *second* boot image (to be installed to the "recovery" partition).
And that should basically do it.
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Thanks for the detailed post dhkr234, you bring up a lot of good points and your method would be the easiest to implement, but unless I'm understanding something wrong, it would be not very friendly to the end user with no recovery image.
Yeah we definitely don't want to mess with the SPL. I remember all the bricks from haykuro's SPL for having an incompatible radio/spl/recovery combination[/QUOTE]
I disagree... I think this is exactly what needs to be worked on. The devs eventualy got the G1 safe to flash the spl... and what's a few bricks if it means we can resize any and every partition on the device! Some one with some real skill with spl programing can figure it out... I have faith!
On a side note if we could "hack" the spl and re-partition the eMMC maybe we could reformat it to a faster file system... like they did at the factory and why our 4gig turned into 2... I would gladly trade that for 1gig if it is twice as fast! (Especially if I could change back)
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
TheNewGuy said:
Yeah we definitely don't want to mess with the SPL. I remember all the bricks from haykuro's SPL for having an incompatible radio/spl/recovery combination
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I disagree... I think this is exactly what needs to be worked on. The devs eventualy got the G1 safe to flash the spl... and what's a few bricks if it means we can resize any and every partition on the device! Some one with some real skill with spl programing can figure it out... I have faith!
On a side note if we could "hack" the spl and re-partition the eMMC maybe we could reformat it to a faster file system... like they did at the factory and why our 4gig turned into 2... I would gladly trade that for 1gig if it is twice as fast! (Especially if I could change back)
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
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Yeah, but on the G1's we have JTAG to bring it back to life. And the eMMC partitioning the 4 gigs in 2 is irreversible. CM7 already increased its efficiency though EXT4 instead of EXT3
mejorguille said:
Yeah, but on the G1's we have JTAG to bring it back to life. And the eMMC partitioning the 4 gigs in 2 is irreversible. CM7 already increased its efficiency though EXT4 instead of EXT3
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Yea that's basically were I got the idea.... but there has to be something like Jtag for the G2. I mean our phones aren't born with all this great stuff! LOL they start out completely bare and the OS,spl,bootloader,and who knows what else gets added on.. so it has to exist. And I know the 4gigs to 2 is irreversible but what about formatting the 2gigs we have down to one? With the right partition layout( I don't use any where near the 1.3 gigs I have on apps) we could cut it in half and still have enough room. And this would all just be one of the possible things to do if we had a hacked spl like the G1.
But I am no dev and I can't complain(or help)... just thinking out loud.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

[Dev] Desire HD Dual Boot

Why isn't there any Dual Boot Development on the Forum?
It would be great to run 2 ROMs, and it would be very useful for Developers.
Because you can run a Stable ROM and at the same time a beta test ROM without
wiping you Device again and again and make any Nandroid backup..
It's already possible on the HTC Droid Eris
The best option would be to run a ROM from your SD Card, is this an option?
And how difficult, do you guys think, is it to create a Dual Boot option during startup/recovery?
Check also this project, major update coming soon!
unCoRrUpTeD Dual Boot V1 (RELEASE DATE: TBA...)
[RECOVERY-BETA] Eris Multiboot recovery hack
This hack will boot a rom from SDCard. It expects to see system.img and data.img on the sdcard as well as init.rc.
System.img needs to be a disk image of a filesystem that the kernel can read(I've been using ext3) around 170MB(Thats the Eris's NAND size for system)
data.img needs to be a disk image of a filesystem that the kernel can read(I've been using ext3) as big as you'd like your data partition to be(This holds your apps etc, so a couple hundred megs is good)
init.rc needs to be the init.rc of your rom with two changes
You need to remove the lines where it mounts /system and /data.
Once you have those three files on your sdcard, and have flashed this recovery you're ready to try your first boot.
Reboot into recovery, you'll see the normal usual recovery menu(I'll add an item eventually)
connect to the recovery console with adb
run 'adb shell /bootfromsd'
It will APPEAR to have done nothing for a bit, this is normal. Its booting your rom now. Once it gets to the place in the rom where it would display the splash screen, you'll get a splash as usual. You can watch it with logcat if you like.
I've personally booted the following roms from SD.
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Kendon at the VillainROM forums
i have managed to have two different android flashes on the hero, tested using VillainROM5.5.0 and SlideVillain1.1.0. it is designed to work with every rom you throw at it. it uses the /system partition for the first rom, the /data partition for the second rom, and two ext partitions for the userdata of each rom. apps2sd support is completely removed during the process, it is obvious that two roms using the same apps2sd partition would create a mess. the process is completely reversible (except for the wiping, so backup!). i have written a bash script that does the necessary steps for you, which are:
- modify the boot.imgs of the roms
- partition your sdcard
- flash the roms
- move the second rom to the /data partition
- move the two roms’ userdata to the sdcard’s ext partitions
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love to see that
patiently waiting for this feature. keep it posting
I was just looking for something like this. Going to be keeping an eye out on the top Post to see if anything comes. Although i imagine it'll be a while before we see anything final !
alguna informacion adicional sobre este tema, gracias.
Mod edit: any additional information about this topic...thanks!
+1 woulod save time for flashmaniacs like myself
This would be great for testing purposes. I would definitely beta test this if needed.
Aye, I hope someone figures this out
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Quote from iOO
[ROM] REAL SENSE - i00 ROM 5.2 - UPDATED 16/05/2011 - Android:2.3.3
So what does this all mean?
System partition - this means that i00 ROM does not install any ROM component on your data partition; this has two advantages: it saves precious space on your data partition - so you can maximize the amount of apps you can have installed, and it allows you to factory reset the phone without having to re-install the ROM!
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Does this mean that you can also Flash a ROM to your Data partition? This means you should only have an option in recovery to choose which ROM you want to start?!?!?!
avisador said:
alguna informacion adicional sobre este tema, gracias.
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Please use the English language, as stated in the xda posting rules.
Thekn said:
Quote from iOO
[ROM] REAL SENSE - i00 ROM 5.2 - UPDATED 16/05/2011 - Android:2.3.3
Does this mean that you can also Flash a ROM to your Data partition? This means you should only have an option in recovery to choose which ROM you want to start?!?!?!
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i00 answer
It is possible to dual boot android phones (some at least) with two different versions of android... not sure about doing it on the DHD...
The advantages from flashing this are as stated: to save space on the data/"internal memory" for more applications, and so you can factory reset and have your phone still work without having to re-flash the ROM.
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Thekn said:
i00 answer
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By "this" in my quote (in the post above) i mean "my ROM" ... just to avoid confusion...
i00 said:
By "this" in my quote (in the post above) i mean "my ROM" ... just to avoid confusion...
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Sorry! Thanks for the explanation! Do you think you can make a Dual Boot for DHD?
Also check this out...
Also ... it isn't a user friendly process...
From what i gather:
Has only been done on the hero .. and basically involves flashing a ROM then editing another ROM to flash "purely" to the data partition...
create two update packages that each contain a mod'ed boot.img file
... one boot.img points to boot from system partition ... and one points to data partition
... then u have to flash the update file with the corresponding boot.img each time u want 2 change os'es
... only issue would be if you have, for example, sense 2.1 and sense 3.0... the /data/data/? for rosie (etc) (that holds your settings for the apk) conflict between 2.1 and 3.0... and thus would cause issues when switching between the ROMs (FC's in this case hence why you cannot upgrade to 5.0 from previous versions of my ROM).
i00 said:
Also check this out...
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yeah i already found that link, but the link is broken and also the site is blank, couldn't find another source..
Also check this out if you are interested in editing the boot image...
Doesn't seem worth it though to me ... exp if you dont have a way to quickly jump between one OS and the other
Maybe Ubuntu
Maybe not another android rom but a real linux distro?
humbi83 said:
Maybe not another android rom but a real linux distro?
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That's also a possibility!
i'm actually more interested in running winmo7 on my phone for a change

[TOUCHCOVERY] ORIGINAL | 4EXT Recovery Touch v1.0.0.6 RC2

Proudly presenting:
4EXT Recovery Touch
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
brand new user interface: "4EXT UI"
touchscreen only
extremely fast
much more useful features than the already feature-packed 4EXT Recovery Classic v2.2.7 RC5 (see 2nd post)
optionally save space by configuring recovery to exclude /cache from backups
you can configure recovery to save even more space by excluding dalvik-cache from backups
calculates real space needed to complete a backup to save you from troubles
detects your local time zone
-> correct time is used for backups you start from within recovery
allows you to change md5sum check behaviour
displays and updates your current battery level in real time
scrollable texthistory (drag down the statusbar)
built-in interactivity (yes/no questions) for updater-scripts
built-in screenshot functionality
extensive theming capabilities!
nearly ALL YOU SEE is changeable.
"worker bar": create your own custom animations, there are (nearly) no limits! Use any shapes/sizes/animations et.c.
extra low cpu needed for that: absolutely no negative impact on backup/restore speed.
async UI rendering for optimal performance for the "heavy tasks" like backup/restore
backups even faster than with usual recoveries.
.. explore the new interface to see more
includes all features of 4EXT Recovery Classic
For App and Rom devs:​
Make use of the Recovery Interface Api provided by the (free and paid) 4EXT Recovery Apps to push updates/mods/addons for auto installation.
Very easy to use and to integrate into Apps or even shell scripts.
Please check 3rd post.​
Info regarding 4EXT Recovery Touch and its yesno feature, or any interactive installer scripts you might already use, please see 3rd post.​
Themes for 4EXT Recovery Touch:
Official 4EXT Recovery Themes Index & Discussion Thread
All downloads are available through 4EXT Recovery Updater.
It's free, no ads, no tracking, no nothing, don't worry
..and of course via 4EXT Recovery Control
This ensures that your downloads are ok by automatically verifying md5sums and that known issues and changelogs are easily accessible
When you install or download a recovery via the app it makes sure that your recovery config is correctly set up.
It allows to automatically setup your time zone for recovery.
You can use it to get notified about updates regarding your recovery version
You can configure it to get notified in case any critical bugs have been discovered of the recovery version you currently have installed.
It allows me to update known issues/changelogs immediately and to quickly pull a newly released version if there were reports about critical bugs
You can also use it to just download a recovery.zip containing the image. The download will be automatically verified for correct md5sums!
By default the app also saves the recovery.img you flash on your sdcard,
so you can use it to flash the recovery via fastboot in case you need to do that one day.
If you somehow lost those files, there's a direct download for a version you can flash via fastboot.
4EXT Recovery Control
Free version: Recovery Updater
Fully featured: Recovery Control
For a list of its many features, visit www.4ext.net
Some examples :
Very easy to use, but also includes an extensive set of features available via "advanced mode"
Comfortable configure all settings of recovery
Calculate the space needed to create a new full or advanced backup
So you can make sure the backup will succeed before even rebooting into recovery.
Advanced Backups: While you are selecting / deselecting partitions, it will display and update the currently needed space to complete that custom backup set.​
Identifies and adds your romname so you don't need to type so much when chosing a meaningful name for your backup
When you restore a backup, the app does the md5sum check instead of the recovery
This ensures that you know whether the restore process will succeed before even rebooting into recovery​
Flash as many zip files you want in one go
Automatically calculate and display the md5sums of all zip files you are going to flash
Check your backups' health to ensure they will restore later when you need them, by verifying their md5sums!
Optionally, but highly not recommended:
If md5sums don't match but you really need that backup badly, you might want to restore it anyway.
You can you this app to fix the md5sums of a given backup​
As an example, the following is possible to do in just one session:
Restore a backup, set to create a backup / advanced backup before the restore,
format all partitions with a file system of your choice before the restore process starts,
flash additional zip files afterwards, fix permissions and select to stay inside recovery or to reboot automatically once all actions are complete.​
Much, much more! See www.4ext.net
Big thanks to craacK for a lot of great icons!
Big thanks to DolphiCom for all the graphics, the worker bar and a whole lot of great ideas and to the many great testers who spent all day/night testing, reporting bugs, making suggestions, helping with decisions:
Jotha, craacK, Patrics83, Euphorie, Mike1986, Whiskey103, ptr_hamilton, Lizard, TheUntouchable
Big thanks to Jotha and Whiskey103 for testing the themes features creating and their first themes for 4EXT Recovery Touch.
Also Big thanks to all the donators to 4EXT Recovery and everyone who has bought 4EXT Recovery Control! Without you I wouldn't be able to spend as much time with the project:
Of course BIG THANKS to KOUSH for ClockworkModRecovery!
Without him, 4EXT Recovery wouldn't exist!​
Thanks a lot to the following users for initial testing for specific devices :
Special thanks to Invasion2 and Stlouie65 for spending at least 10 hours of their time helping me debug a really nasty issue on the myTouch 4G!
Also thanks for obtaining calibration values for the touchscreen:
​Kernel: official HTC kernel sources.
Features of 4EXT Recovery Classic:
(Use 4EXT Recovery Control or Recovery Updater for complete Changelogs and Known issues!)
not all features may be relevant for all devices
Displays additional information:
Identifies your current rom and displays its name
Current filesystems on your partitions
Free space remaining of all of your volumes
Current battery charge level
Backup | Restore:
Correctly calculates free space needed to complete a backup ( version > 2.2.6 RC4 )
Tar backups (can be switched on or off)
Complete CWMR5 compatibility
All Backups you create will be named after your currently installed Rom for easier identification.
Never unwillingly get "downgraded" to EXT3 again
Always restores backups using the file systems you HAD on your partitions at the time of creation!
-> all partitions formatted with ext4 at that time, will be restored to ext4. The same is true for ext3.​
You can manually change any existing Backup to ext4 or ext3
-> so that after a restore, all partitions and up with the file system you wanted!​
Advanced Backup: backup only a single partition
Convert any of your partitions to EXT4 or EXT3 without data loss.
When you wipe or format it will always use the same file system you currently have.
-> but you can change that​
When you format ext4 it will always create an aligned file system
Correctly identifies unformatted sd-ext partitions
-> if it finds one it displays a warning and suggests you may format them by visiting the 4EXT menu​
Filesystem check and repair option in advanced menu
Alignment check of your partitions
Full support for up to 2 sd-ext partitions + swap (Backup/restore/format/convert, fsck, et.c.)
(RE-) Partition your sdcard for sd-ext without removing your fat32 partition.
All partitions created with 4EXTRecovery will be perfectly aligned to 4k
Integrated md5sum checking option
Most popular menu items rearranged
Format menu
Power Menu + option to reboot into bootloader
Changed Advanced Restore: first select what you want to restore, then select the backup
-> Useful for restoring from "Advanced Backups"​
Configuration file on your sdcard where you can set options to be used by 4EXTRecovery
Change all settings conveniently with 4EXT Recovery Control
Many more options to come
Share your settings / themes by packing your config into a flashable theme
Other stuff:
USB Storage Autostart (must be switched on)
Mount usb storage exposes all partitions on your sdcard to the os (not just fat32)
-> you could even partition your sdcard from your PC while connected via USB​
Switch haptic feedback on/off
Button backlights
Recovery Interface Api for Apps and Scripts​
Both: free and paid 4EXT apps now provide a very easy to use interface you can use to access 4EXT Recovery from within your shell scripts or apps.
wipe cache
wipe dalvik
wipe data / factory reset
install multiple zips at once
If you are interested, please download this zip file with examples​
How to make use of 4EXT Recovery Touch from within updater-scripts:​
Since Beta Beta 4 you can do the following:
identify whether the user is running 4EXT Recovery Touch or not (to use or not to use the following commands)
make use of the native yes/no dialogue (confirm / cancel buttons)
prevent recovery from redrawing the screen ( in case you need to use your own 3rd party interactive binary )
To identify 4EXT Recovery Touch:
if getprop("ext.edition") == "ng" then
<your code>
To use the native confirm dialogues:
ui_print("4ext: show_yesno"); # <-- recovery will pause your script and display "yes / no" buttons.
run_program("/sbin/sleep", "2"); # <-- for safety since the above is executed asynchronous
#check the return value by calling:
if getprop("ext.confirm") == "yes" then
To prevent recovery from redrawing the screen ( if you want to use an external binary that needs to occupy the screen and get the focus )
ui_print("4ext: disable_scrn_update");
# don't forget to enable it again after your yesno binary or graphical installer is finished, by calling:
ui_print("4ext: enable_scrn_update"); #otherwise the recovery will appear to be frozen as it won't update the screen anymore.
reserved ...
Nice.... Thanks
Thank you!
Before someone asks:
You can drag down the statusbar to get to the text output history.
For taking screenshots:
Press the search button.
When you are finished taking screens, don't forget to copy them to your sdcard using the tools menu.
Themes: all 4ext themes for 800x480 resolution will work perfectly on the Thunderbolt.
Now this looks awesome, love the user input with yes or no options.
Sent from my HTC Mecha using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 11:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------
I just downloaded this, all I can say is Absolutely amazing.
Everything you could possibly want in a recovery is there. Install confirmations, Spectacular GUI, Flawless script display...
Thanks for this,
just got the paid for app... Gladly will be supporting this Recovery.
Clockwork MOD watch out, new recovery in town...
ThunderStick said:
Now this looks awesome, love the user input with yes or no options.
Sent from my HTC Mecha using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 11:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------
I just downloaded this, all I can say is Absolutely amazing.
Everything you could possibly want in a recovery is there. Install confirmations, Spectacular GUI, Flawless script display...
Thanks for this,
just got the paid for app... Gladly will be supporting this Recovery.
Clockwork MOD watch out, new recovery in town...
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thank you very much!
The day of release was maybe a bit poorly chosen, because RC3 which should just fix 1-2 cosmetic bugs from RC2 is still flagged as testing.
Any new version I upload gets this testing flag for the first days, so people who want to take extra care can skip those, in case something really nasty is found.
Now this newest version is the only one available for the Thunderbolt currently..
Maybe will get you RC2 too.
Always nice to see other options thanks man! I agree looks pretty slick downloading now
THANKS so much!
I've been awaiting this for our Thunderbolts.
Better late then never.
Much appreciated. I know a lot of great effort has gone into this.
Absolutly amazing!! Thanks for this....it makes me wanna flash random **** just to play with it hahahha
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
nice work Max
Flat out best recovery I have ever used. Amazing work. Thank you.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
santod040 said:
THANKS so much!
I've been awaiting this for our Thunderbolts.
Better late then never.
Much appreciated. I know a lot of great effort has gone into this.
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Jlewis894 said:
Absolutly amazing!! Thanks for this....it makes me wanna flash random **** just to play with it hahahha
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
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nowetdio said:
Flat out best recovery I have ever used. Amazing work. Thank you.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
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Thank you all very much!
craacK said:
nice work Max
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Pssst I thought we agreed to not tell anyone
Thanks my friend
Purchased the app in Google play. Just to be clear, which is the best version for our phone right now? The thread title says RC2 which thru the app says for reference only.
Deftoolfinch said:
Purchased the app in Google play. Just to be clear, which is the best version for our phone right now? The thread title says RC2 which thru the app says for reference only.
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Thank you very much!
The time wasn't optimal for the release because the only version available for the Thunderbolt is the newest one. And this one is still flagged "testing", which means it's been released only shortly before.
This is an indicator for anyone who wants to be as careful as possible, because of a certain chance that some nasty bugs might have slept through shortly before a new version was released.
However, this happened very rarely in the past.. but still, it's my new "rule", to put everything into "testing" for a little while, even if it is just an RC increment fixing small "cosmetic bugs" from the previous release which is known to be very stable.
In this case RC2 is already rock solid and RC3 just fixes some very minor bugs like better detection of rom names for naming backups.
I cannot use RC3 in the title of the thread because it might happen that a new build is released before it leaves testing.. then noone will know about that something has changed.
So I use the previous version. Unfortunately this one isn't available for the Thunderbolt because of bad timing.
RC3 will lose its testing status very soon, maybe tomorrow
Edit: in this special case I will rename the title and add the build number.
I don't know if I over looked it or not, I tried looking. I'm looking for a "macro" I guess you would call it. I'm trying to theme my phone, so I constantly flash .zips to see if I like what I did. So I'm looking for a quick one click solution to flashing a .zip in the same location with the same name. I have a .zip called test.zip that I use to theme. I have a folder on the SD Card called "Misc" that I use for miscellaneous stuff. I would like to be able to open Recovery, and have an option to flash test.zip from /Misc without having to click through a bunch of options. Make sense?
madmaxx82 said:
Thank you very much!
The time wasn't optimal for the release because the only version available for the Thunderbolt is the newest one. And this one is still flagged "testing", which means it's been released only shortly before.
This is an indicator for anyone who wants to be as careful as possible, because of a certain chance that some nasty bugs might have slept through shortly before a new version was released.
However, this happened very rarely in the past.. but still, it's my new "rule", to put everything into "testing" for a little while, even if it is just an RC increment fixing small "cosmetic bugs" from the previous release which is known to be very stable.
In this case RC2 is already rock solid and RC3 just fixes some very minor bugs like better detection of rom names for naming backups.
I cannot use RC3 in the title of the thread because it might happen that a new build is released before it leaves testing.. then noone will know about that something has changed.
So I use the previous version. Unfortunately this one isn't available for the Thunderbolt because of bad timing.
RC3 will lose its testing status very soon, maybe tomorrow
Edit: in this special case I will rename the title and add the build number.
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Okay, and thank you for the speedy response. Just flashed it and it's AMAZING!!! Can you say clockwork killer?
TheBeardedMann said:
I don't know if I over looked it or not, I tried looking. I'm looking for a "macro" I guess you would call it. I'm trying to theme my phone, so I constantly flash .zips to see if I like what I did. So I'm looking for a quick one click solution to flashing a .zip in the same location with the same name. I have a .zip called test.zip that I use to theme. I have a folder on the SD Card called "Misc" that I use for miscellaneous stuff. I would like to be able to open Recovery, and have an option to flash test.zip from /Misc without having to click through a bunch of options. Make sense?
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You could use a shellscript for that and make use of the recovery interface provided by the 4ext apps (the free one is enough for that).
Take a look at my signature or into 1st post. There is a link to a zip file containing 2 folders with examples.
One is for java apps, the other one is for shell scripts.
You could basically use anything that allows to execute a shell script by 1click to do that.
Deftoolfinch said:
Okay, and thank you for the speedy response. Just flashed it and it's AMAZING!!! Can you say clockwork killer?
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thanks very much!

Just got a new HD2. Recovery / root head start.

Hi guys.
Yesterday I got a used HTC HD2. It is installed with android nand and the DFT (Dark Forces Team) rom, I think taken from the DESIRE (according to the information on the 'About').
The main problem in the device is that it has really bit memory! After installing few apps, I cant download a thing :/
So I searched for the problem and I've realized that I need to make a partition on the SD-CARD. However I saw that in the market there are apps that allow moving the application that can only sit in the internal memory to the external memory.
I then found out that the phone doesn't have root access too. (Although it came with SUPERUSER app as default).
I can't find the main thread of the rom in order to ask there how to root the device.
Which software / app, will I need recovery installed (althogh I don't think it requires) and ETC.
Please can someone direct me or just give me names of apps/softwares/guides/anything :crying:
I guess GOOGLE could be my assitstant from there.
I'm afraid to follow guides that I don't sure will work properly with my phone's software.
Thank you.
pelegm28 said:
Hi guys.
Yesterday I got a used HTC HD2. It is installed with android nand and the DFT (Dark Forces Team) rom, I think taken from the DESIRE (according to the information on the 'About').
The main problem in the device is that it has really bit memory! After installing few apps, I cant download a thing :/
So I searched for the problem and I've realized that I need to make a partition on the SD-CARD. However I saw that in the market there are apps that allow moving the application that can only sit in the internal memory to the external memory.
I then found out that the phone doesn't have root access too. (Although it came with SUPERUSER app as default).
I can't find the main thread of the rom in order to ask there how to root the device.
Which software / app, will I need recovery installed (althogh I don't think it requires) and ETC.
Please can someone direct me or just give me names of apps/softwares/guides/anything :crying:
I guess GOOGLE could be my assitstant from there.
I'm afraid to follow guides that I don't sure will work properly with my phone's software.
Thank you.
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look for guides in this forum...about nativSD and dataonEXT...very helpful (that's how i learned what i need to know about the device)...also i recommend to change the rom to a better or newer version of android...you will also find guides about changing the rom...
eliaskammas said:
look for guides in this forum...about nativSD and dataonEXT...very helpful (that's how i learned what i need to know about the device)...also i recommend to change the rom to a better or newer version of android...you will also find guides about changing the rom...
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Thank you for your kindly help.
Which Android version do you suggest to change to ?
ICS ? Or maybe GingerBread ?
And BTW I entered before to the MAGDLR menu, chosed the " AD Recovery " option and it said something like " no boot source ".
Does that mean that I don't have a recovery installed ?
And if so, will I need to install it first and then change the rom ?
Again, Thank you for your help.
yes you will need recovery...fast roms are mostly GB but ICS are as good as well...GB need less space on rom memory so if you don't install alot of craps as most of us do the remaining space will be fine for your data...ICS have hwa, apps work faster and games play better..I recommend ICS by tytung to be honest(very fast and stable)...when you download the recovery you will see a "flash.cfg" file...on the rom thread the developer will state the partitions needed for his rom and so you change the numbers on that file accordingly before flashing the recovery...but always make system space little bigger than needed just in case(and to avoid other problems that i will have a finger cramp if i write them down.! )
eliaskammas said:
yes you will need recovery...fast roms are mostly GB but ICS are as good as well...GB need less space on rom memory so if you don't install alot of craps as most of us do the remaining space will be fine for your data...ICS have hwa, apps work faster and games play better..I recommend ICS by tytung to be honest(very fast and stable)...when you download the recovery you will see a "flash.cfg" file...on the rom thread the developer will state the partitions needed for his rom and so you change the numbers on that file accordingly before flashing the recovery...but always make system space little bigger than needed just in case(and to avoid other problems that i will have a finger cramp if i write them down.! )
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Thank you.
I will first install the recovery, but I guess I'll have to read a lot before:
Then I will search for a guide for installing recovery-
CWM will be great right ?
Thank you very much !!! :laugh:
The guide you linked is very useful and makes everything clear. I strongly recommend reading it thoroughly before doing anything. Once you're slightly more comfortable with the terms, you can follow the guide in my sig to flash CWM and a ROM. You already have HSPL, a compatible Radio version and MAGLDR installed so don't worry about any of those. If you happen to come across guides which say 'task29' just ignore that step, Task29ing is completely useless.
As for recommending a ROM, it depends on your usage. Eliaskammas' post sums it up nicely, but you should note that (IMO) ICS and JB will give you worse day to day performance and stability than GB but will be better for intensive activities e.g. gaming, web browsing, using content-heavy apps etc. I've also found battery drain to be marginally more on ICS and JB ROMs.
Nigeldg said:
The guide you linked is very useful and makes everything clear. I strongly recommend reading it thoroughly before doing anything. Once you're slightly more comfortable with the terms, you can follow the guide in my sig to flash CWM and a ROM. You already have HSPL, a compatible Radio version and MAGLDR installed so don't worry about any of those. If you happen to come across guides which say 'task29' just ignore that step, Task29ing is completely useless.
As for recommending a ROM, it depends on your usage. Eliaskammas' post sums it up nicely, but you should note that (IMO) ICS and JB will give you worse day to day performance and stability than GB but will be better for intensive activities e.g. gaming, web browsing, using content-heavy apps etc. I've also found battery drain to be marginally more on ICS and JB ROMs.
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Thank you for your advices and technical help.
I will read it as soon as possible and then try to install the CWM Recovery and a better Rom.
According to what I saw, I think I will go on the "Energy rom" (Sense 3.5).
I will probably update my progresses here.
Thank you a lot.
BTW, a deodexed rom is needed for languages that are written from right to left ?
Or that I have to find a rom supports RTL ?
Beacuse for example, I've searched the thread of the Energy rom for "Hebrew" and found out that it doesn't supports RTL :/
Thank you.
I don't want to confuse you but I personally have always found Sense based ROMs to be slow and I think you should really stick to CM or MIUI. Anyway, that's really just my opinion.
Unfortunately, I think that you may have to find a ROM which supports RTL. I haven't looked into it but there may well be an app which somehow makes it work. If you're desperate for Android with Sense and RTL support then you could consider some of the SD ROMs from boxmax, he made good SD ROMs (at least when I used it), but I don't know which NAND ROMs will work for you.
Nigeldg said:
I don't want to confuse you but I personally have always found Sense based ROMs to be slow and I think you should really stick to CM or MIUI. Anyway, that's really just my opinion.
Unfortunately, I think that you may have to find a ROM which supports RTL. I haven't looked into it but there may well be an app which somehow makes it work. If you're desperate for Android with Sense and RTL support then you could consider some of the SD ROMs from boxmax, he made good SD ROMs (at least when I used it), but I don't know which NAND ROMs will work for you.
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Hi Nigeldg.
I took your advice and I think I will go on this rom:
It supports rtl and data2ext.
But do I need to change my HD2's kernel ? To Dorimanx 's kernel ?
And from the guide that you've recommended on before, do I need to start from this part:
And to skip the other parts ?
I've read the hole guide and it is very helpful.
Everything is really clearer.
There's no need to change the kernel after flashing, but you can if you want to. I think the dorimanx krrnel is included in that rom anyway so i don't see why you'd want to flash it again. Follow the new way method and everything should be fine. You can use the NAND toolkit to select the appropriate partition size.
Nigeldg said:
There's no need to change the kernel after flashing, but you can if you want to. I think the dorimanx krrnel is included in that rom anyway so i don't see why you'd want to flash it again. Follow the new way method and everything should be fine. You can use the NAND toolkit to select the appropriate partition size.
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Hi Nigeldg.
I now want to install the CWM (long time hh)..
In this rom:
It says to install CWM with this partition size:
" Flash the Latest CWR (Clockwork Recovery) with the appropriate partition sizes by using the "Repartition" button inside the HD2ToolKit: System: 200MB | Cache: 5MB "
In the thread of CWM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=898913
Can I change the partition sizes used for CWM
A. You can by editing the flash.cfg but this is not recommended, CWM is designed to make it easier for switching roms, by flashing a custom partition size you may stop other roms working and require reflashing a new partition size when you want to change roms.
Q. I dont know which partition size to download
A. Depending on what type of roms you plan on using, you should choose the partition size based on the following.
150MB Partition - For bare roms including CyanogenMod, AOSP, and MiUI
250MB Partition - For Standard sense roms including Desire and EVo based ROMs, can also be used for some squashed HD builds
400MB Partition - For Larger roms including unsquashed Desire HD and Z roms, ROMs REQUIRE data2sd for EU HD2 with 512MB NAND
And in the thread in your sig it is possible to download 3 version of the CWM. (150, 250, 400).
How do I need to install the CWM ?
To download the 250MB version, and using the HD2ToolKit to change the partition size and install with System: 200MB | Cache: 5MB (as the rom developer suggested) ?
Thank you!
The thread you've linked to is the old CWM thread. I don't see why it says that you shouldn't change the partition sizes because that's simply not true, pretty much all ROMs use custom sizes. Ignore that advice, it's wrong. In my opinion the easiest thing to do is to download the HD2 NAND Toolkit, click 'MAGLDR repartition', choose 200 and you're done.
Nigeldg said:
The thread you've linked to is the old CWM thread. I don't see why it says that you shouldn't change the partition sizes because that's simply not true, pretty much all ROMs use custom sizes. Ignore that advice, it's wrong. In my opinion the easiest thing to do is to download the HD2 NAND Toolkit, click 'MAGLDR repartition', choose 200 and you're done.
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So I've downloaded the HD2 ToolKit.
Actually what I need to do is this:
1. To choose the 200MB and 5 Cache and then press repartition. (In what way does the phone need to be ? MAGDLR Menu, or other option ? )
2. Then to install the CWM by going to MAGDLR - USB Flasher, connect to the computer, and run the
Right ?
1. Open the toolkit
2. Click the MAGLDR repartition tab and select 200 and change the cache size to 5
3. Click 'repartition' (bottom left of the toolkit)
4. Follow the instructions it gives you (boot your phone into USB flasher mode then connect it to your PC) and let it flash.
Nigeldg said:
1. Open the toolkit
2. Click the MAGLDR repartition tab and select 200 and change the cache size to 5
3. Click 'repartition' (bottom left of the toolkit)
4. Follow the instructions it gives you (boot your phone into USB flasher mode then connect it to your PC) and let it flash.
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And once I've finished this, I need to install the CWM.
To donwload the 250MB version ?
pelegm28 said:
And once I've finished this, I need to install the CWM.
To donwload the 250MB version ?
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I don't think you understand, THIS IS INSTALLING CWM :') After you've done this, just flash the .zip ROM and you'll be done
Nigeldg said:
I don't think you understand, THIS IS INSTALLING CWM :') After you've done this, just flash the .zip ROM and you'll be done
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If I've already did it, just do this thing again and it will work ?
because now my phone cant load to the rom, it says NAND Kernel something and boots up to MAGDLR.
Is it OK ?
I've did it and chosed the "AD Recovery" option.
Now I can see that I have CWM Recovery!!
I thought that I had to choose somehow to install the CWM, and that's why I didn't understand.
Do you recommend to do wipe data/factory reset and wipe cache ?
And after that to install from CWM the ROM that I've transferd to the Root of the SD right ?
Thank you very much !!!
You don't need to wipe anything, that already happened when you flashed CWM. Yes you should just have to flash the ROM now, as said in the guide in my sig. You may want to create an EXT partition but for your particular ROM it's not a necessary step so you can skip that. Glad I could help
Nigeldg said:
You don't need to wipe anything, that already happened when you flashed CWM. Yes you should just have to flash the ROM now, as said in the guide in my sig. You may want to create an EXT partition but for your particular ROM it's not a necessary step so you can skip that. Glad I could help
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It isn't necessary because it automaticly transfer the data to the SD ?
During the installation a message showed up saying that the rom identified that I don't have an EXT-partition installed.
Can I make a partition using the CWM/ADVANCED/PARTITION-SD ?
Thank you so much for your help!!
You saved me, and becuase of you I didn't sell the phone.
Thank you!!
It isn't necessary because the ROM itself is quite light, so all of it can be fit on to the NAND memory. It would help to create one because you may need it in the future, so I personally would if I were you. The way you described would work fine

Q&A/T thread for "SLIM ROM JB"

[SIZE=+3]This thread has been created strictly for [/SIZE]
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[SIZE=+2]Specific for SLIM ROM JB[/SIZE]​
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[SIZE=+1]This thread has been created for people to share issues, questions and help [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]while using this version of SLIM ROM JB [/SIZE]​
PLEASE make sure to thank the developer for the dedication to this ROM​
Please do not clutter the Development thread with non development-related chatter​
See post two for FAQ​
Q Why a special Q&T Thread for a specific ROM??
A The bigger a ROM development thread gets, the greater the chance that posts are being placed in this thread that are not related to the ROM development itself, e.g. problems with flashing, installation, bugs, things not working etc. However this is understandable, it's not according to the guidelines of XDA for Development sections. Therefore the main goals of the ROM specific Q&T threads is to avoid this cluttering of the original develpment thread with these OT posts by redirecting the posters to the ROM specific Q&T thread and also to relieve the developer from answering these post, so he can dedicate his time to developing.
Q How to move my post to the Q&A/T thread?
A Copy the text of your post in the dev's thread, got to the Q&A/T thread and paste it there. After having done that, go back to the dev's thread, edit your post and change the text into: moved to Q&A/T thread, preferably accompanied with a link to this thread.
Q When I'm asked to move my post to the Q#A/T thread, do I have to do that?
A When you're asked to move your post, there will always be given an explanation by the OP of the Q&A/T, e.g. your post is not development related (f.i. SD card problems, etc), so please be so kind to move your post. If you want to help the dev to keep his original thread as clean as possible from OT posts, then the answer is, of course, YES. Although we cannot force you to move your post, it's highly recommended to do so
Q Where can I download this ROM and How do I install?
A You can find the link to download and installation instructions HERE. Pay close attention to this post, everything required for a successful flash is listed right here. If you fail to follow the instructions or meet the requirements for installation, you could run into some problems.
Q What are the known issues with these ROM's?
A Right now there doesn’t appear to be any specific issues with this ROM.
Q How’s battery life?
A see this question asked repeatedly across all ROMS. Honestly there is no way to give you an answer based on a ROM. There are too many variables in question and results vary from user to user and device to device. Battery life is going to depend on age and condition of your battery, your use habits with your device, installed apps, tweaks, settings, etc...
Q How do I...
A Ask your questions and report your issues in this thread. You will receive a response and hopefully get you back up and running this ROM to it's fullest
Welcome post
First of all welcome to this thread. I wanted to be the first poster in this Q&T thread, especially created and dedicated to my ROM thread, to show my appreciation to be able being a part of this.. I want to thank Kuzibri, and of course the entire Q&T Team (all of them are RC's), to make this possible.
Now a little word about the goal of this specific Q&T thread:
"goal of this specific thread is to clean up my development ROM thread with Off Topic posts. These kind of posts will ,with this especially created Q&T thread , redirected to this new Q&A/T thread. With Off Topic post we, Kuzibri and I, mean posts that are not directly ROM development related, e.g. I want to use ths ROM, how to install it or can I use this app with this ROM,etc. Kuzibri and I will be monitoring my ROM thread for these kind of posts and ask the poster kindly to move his post to this thread. We hope that after a certain amount of time this will be self-sustaining and becoming a normal thing to do.
Many thanks to Kuzibri and the entire Q&T team,
​What is Nand, Data2EXT or NativeSD?
Just a brief understanding of types of installation. During installation of rom has 3 options for setup. 1. NAND 2. DataOnExt 3. NativeSD
1. NAND. Installing everything (System and data) on Phone Memory. sd-ext(EXT4 partition) partition isn't used
2. DataOnEXT. Installing all system files on phone(NAND) and Installing all data files on sd-ext(EXT4 partition)
3. NativeSD. Installing everything(System and Data) on sd-ext(EXT4 partition)
Depending on this 3 type of installation we need to decide if we need a Ext4 partition, as Nand do not require SD-EXT, but data2ext and NativeSD reuire SD-ext partition
Main Steps in brief
B. Latest Radio
C. Install Bootloader cLK or MAGLDR (Seperate instructions for cLK and MagLDR)
D. Selecting system size and Install Recovery Extended TWRP (Seperate instructions for cLK and MagLDR)
E. Partition sdcard (only data2ext and NativeSD)
F. Install ROM.
G. NativeSD setup (Seperate instructions for cLK and MagLDR)
H. Default kernel and Mulitboot options (For NativeSD, Seperate instructions for cLK and MagLDR)
Step A & B - HSPL, Radio
Install HSPL and the latest radio (probably most of you have done this, if not, search in Xda)
(It is recommended to task29 before flashing bootloader, but not necessary)
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Step C - Flashing Bootloader
Two type of Bootloader available for cLK or MAGLDR
First lets go to pro's and cons
Benifit MAGLDR over cLK
*Supports RMNET which is very stable data connection
*Support booting of WP7
*Boot a second faster than cLK
*NativeSD boot kernel don't occupy any space in Nand(Phone memory)
Benifit cLK over Magldr
*Support charging when device is OFF
*Behaves more like native android device, supporting fastboot and booting into recovery using ROM
*You can change system size by editing in settings, unlike Magldr we need to flash bootloader again.
Decide which Bootloader you want to flash: cLK or Magldr
Download Bootloader.zip and extract the content to a folder
Press and Hold volume down key and press switch on HD2. You will be booted into HSPL showing serial. Plug in the USB. HSPL will display USB
Run "LeoAdvancedRUU.exe" as administrator
Select "Regualr RUU (Task28) - recommended for flashing NBH with OS section
Select NBH file the bootloader you want (Selecting clk.nbh will flash cLK bootloader or magldr will flash MagLDR bootloader)
Click "Next" (This will flash bootloader, wait for it to finish and let it reboot)
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Step D - Flashing recovery and setting system partition
Understang of partitions: The Phones ROM has been partition into the following: Misc, Recovery, boot, system, cache, and data
Misc 1MB, boot 5MB and cache 5MB sizes are the same for most of ROM unless specified.
Recovery partition size depend on the Recovery we flash (For TWRP it is 9MB )
ROM develeper usually specifies the size of ROM, example system=300MB so we need to adjust system partition size accordingly.
The remaining space will be assigned to data automatically.
If you are planning to use data2ext, make system size 380MB as data partition isn't used, we can utilize everything for system.
For CLK​Boot into Mainmenu for bootloader by pressing and holding the back button when during boot.
Go to Settings>Resize partition and change size of system by adding and subracting values, commit changes and apply.
Also change the size of recovery partition to 9MB
Download Recovery.zip and extract to a folder. Plug in USB. Run file "fastbootflash.bat" Wait. It should take around 2 mins to flash.(There is no progress bar)
Reboot Clk and now we can boot into recovery by pressing and holding the back button when during boot, and choosing recovery.
For Magldr​Download Recovery.zip and extract to a folder. Open File "flash.cfg"
Change the partition size for system. for example if you want to change system partition to 300MB, change the following: system ya 300M
and save changes to flash.cfg
Boot into Mainmenu for bootloader by pressing and holding the power (disconnect) button when during boot.
Choose "USB flasher" in menu. Connect usb cable. Run "DAF.exe" as administrator and follow instructions. It will flash recovery and reboot.
During reboot hold power button and boot in MAGLDR main menu. Choose "AD Recovery"
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Step E - Partitioning SD card
Partitioning SD card with ext4 (only required for data2ext and nativesd, this step is not needed for nand type installations)
Once booted in recovery, go to "advance" > "partition SD card" > and choose size for sd-ext partition by moving the slider.
And "swipe to partition" will start creating and formatting partitions
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Step F - Installating ROM
TWRP can mount sdcard as USB Mass Storage by choosing Mount>Mount USB Storage.
Copy the installation ROM Zip file to sdcard. Safely remove device in Windows and Unmount from TWRP recovery
In TWRP main menu click install and choose installation zip file and swipe to install.
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Step G - NativeSD Boot
When we installed NativeSD, the Bootloader doesn't know how to boot it. On power on it will still boot the Nand ROM. So we need to make the bootloader boot nativesd rom. Heres how
For cLK​If we have installed a NativeSD ROM, we need create seperate boot partition for storing the NativeSD kernel. in clk we can add 4 more secandary boot partitons. sboot, tboot, vboot and wboot (Offcource this comprimises nand space). To add/remove secandary partition go to clk settings
Now we can flash NativeSD kernel on Sboot. 3ways of doing this. I have already included an option in aroma installer to flash sboot whilst installing rom. However if you are on other rom, you will need to flash sboot2.zip (search in xda) or you can goto twrp recovery>advance>native manager choose your secandary boot and rom.
For Magldr​For Magldr is rather simple. We don't need to add secandary boot partiton for nativesd. Just show the location of the kernel on sdcard.
Goto Magldr main menu. now select Services>BootSettings>AD SD Dir and choose the NativeSD folder on sdcard.
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Step H - Default kernel and Mulitboot options
Now that we have STEP G, I will try to explain about Default kernel and Mulitboot options.
When to bootloader boots into ROM we need to tell the bootloader which ROM we need to boot into, this is done by choosing default kernel
When We enable ShowMultiboot the bootloader will ask the user to choose the ROM that need to be booted into. (Clk will wait for 5seconds for user input and then will boot in defualt kernel whereas Magldr will wait forever until user choose the ROM)
User A: I want my HD2 to directly boot into Nand(or Data2ext) ROM when I switchON my hd2
User B: I want my HD2 to directly boot into NativeSD ROM when I switch ON my hd2
User C: I want my HD2 to ask me which ROM should I boot, when I power up my HD2 and I will choose everytime which ROM to boot
User A and B wants to directly boot into their ROM type without asking (so they need to disable ShowMultiboot) but User A need to set Default kernel as NAND and User B has to set default kernel to NativeSD
UserC has to enable show multiboot.. Below are steps how to achieve this
For cLK​Boot into Clk, Go to settings
You will see set default kernel. If you choose Nand it will boot into Nand(or Data2ext) ROM. (UserA should do this)
If you choose sboot(or on of the secandary) it will boot into NativeSD ROM. (UserB should do this)
If you enable show multiboot it will wait on the clk boot menu for 5 seconds. If you don't choose within 5 secs, it will boot to the default kernel selected (UserC should do this)
For MagLDR​Boot in MagLDR main menu.
We can set default kernel by going to Services>BootSettings>BootSource.
Choosing Boot from NAND will automatically boot into Nand or Data2ext everytime we switch on HD2 (UserA should do this)
Choosing Boot from SD will boot into NativeSD automatically, without asking, everytime we switch ON HD2 (UserB should do this)
We can enable show multiboot by going to Services>BootSettings>Always Menu. . Choosing Green-Yes will activate Show Multiboot(UserC should do this)
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I hope I haven't made this guide complicated.
If you found this installation instruction usefull. HIT THANKS BUTTON BELOW
Goal of this specific Q&A/T thread for SLIM ROM JB
Hi my dear followers of this ROM,
As an addition to the post of macs18max in the third post, I will explain further the goal of this specific thread created for this ROM with the permission of the Developer of this ROM:
This is a statement made in the Q&A/T template thread:
"While our forum has slowly been morphing, the one area we would like to keep original is Development
The goal is to alleviate the OT banter that occurs within any rom. While the XDA forum continues to grow, we need to help users work within the guidelines created by XDA. Over the last couple of years the average rom being created, has become a free for all chat thread. There tends to be much infighting and mod/developer cleaning.
The idea of this template is to create a Questions and Answers for each rom. This is in no way asking for Development to be moved here, rather any and all conversation that is non Development related to your conjoined Q&A."
This means that non-development related posts, should be posted - with the permission of the Dev - in this thread. What are the most common Off Topic posts, that should be posted in this Q&A/T thread?
1. Battery life related posts
2. Will this app work with this ROM
3. SD Card related problems
4. How do I dowmload and install this ROM, etc
Hope to have given you enough information,
kindest regards, Kuzibri
Is there a reason why should I replace my CWM with 4ext recovery? I mean,is it better, does it have more options, is it more stable...?I'm asking this cause 4ext was recommended here as recovery type.
Will the flashing of 4ext wipe my rom and everything? I never flashed another recovery but cwm,and that was way back when my phone was still running WM.
Sorry for asking this here,but like I said ,only cause 4ext was mentioned here.
Sent from my Htc Hd2 using Tapatalk 2
I've just seen this: "Select the size of for 1st partition (Choose greater than 1024MB) (This will be the size of data partition)"
I have one 4ext 1024mb partition and everything is working fine, except some FC in trebuchet.
Is there a reason I should increase my partition to 2gb?
Lincoln357 said:
Is there a reason why should I replace my CWM with 4ext recovery? I mean,is it better, does it have more options, is it more stable...?I'm asking this cause 4ext was recommended here as recovery type.
Will the flashing of 4ext wipe my rom and everything? I never flashed another recovery but cwm,and that was way back when my phone was still running WM.
Sorry for asking this here,but like I said ,only cause 4ext was mentioned here.
Sent from my Htc Hd2 using Tapatalk 2
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Hi Lincoln357, I think you should try another recovery, you might then be able to boot a pixeldroid rom, just a thought.
That said, I had trouble with this ROM on nativeSD booting from wm6.5.
I first tried launcher2 from aroma, after booting and at end of setup i had setup not responding (wait/force close) and could not get to launcher (home button pressed). After reboot it hung on slim bootscreen.
Fresh install same sdcard, and it hung on slim bootscreen. (note sdcard was previously formatted with gparted)
Fresh install new sdcard, chose nova, same problem with setup and couldn't get to launcher. (formatted with minitool)
Fresh install, same new sdcard, formatted sdext with recovery (4ext sd version edited by Xylograph, never given me problems before) and finally got it to go to launcher. Phew:laugh:
So a combination of sdcard and formatting got me there. It is odd how some roms are sensitive to these things
Lastly, I think the same problem with tytung's aroma script with ppp is occurring here. If you leave rmnet as default (booting from wm6.5), there is no data. you must choose ppp to get data despite there being a checksys.sh and lines in updater.script which should force ppp install for haret booting.
Anyway, its great to see Slim ROM back on our hd2, it seems really fast.
Excellent job max18mac :angel: and thanks for your continuing support for our hd2:highfive:
Posts in this Q&A/T thread
Hi my friends,
It/s vey nice to see, that when a Dev's Rom and the accompanying Q&A/T thread for this ROM are released on the same day, posters will make directly more use of this Q&A/T thread. Totally different from starting a Q&A/T thread for an already existing ROM!! Thanks very much for posting here and hoping that this thread will become very soon self-sustaining without our interference on the Dev's thread to move posts to this thread!!! Again, thank you very much, really appreciate this!!!!!
kindest regards, Kuzibri
Robbie P said:
Hi Lincoln357, I think you should try another recovery, you might then be able to boot a pixeldroid rom, just a thought.
That said, I had trouble with this ROM on nativeSD booting from wm6.5.
I first tried launcher2 from aroma, after booting and at end of setup i had setup not responding (wait/force close) and could not get to launcher (home button pressed). After reboot it hung on slim bootscreen.
Fresh install same sdcard, and it hung on slim bootscreen. (note sdcard was previously formatted with gparted)
Fresh install new sdcard, chose nova, same problem with setup and couldn't get to launcher. (formatted with minitool)
Fresh install, same new sdcard, formatted sdext with recovery (4ext sd version edited by Xylograph, never given me problems before) and finally got it to go to launcher. Phew:laugh:
So a combination of sdcard and formatting got me there. It is odd how some roms are sensitive to these things
Lastly, I think the same problem with tytung's aroma script with ppp is occurring here. If you leave rmnet as default (booting from wm6.5), there is no data. you must choose ppp to get data despite there being a checksys.sh and lines in updater.script which should force ppp install for haret booting.
Anyway, its great to see Slim ROM back on our hd2, it seems really fast.
Excellent job max18mac :angel: and thanks for your continuing support for our hd2:highfive:
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Maybe not a place for this question,but how do I get 4ext recovery?Just flash it from usb flasher option described by macs18max?Will it wipe my current rom?Like I said,I've been using only cwm since I switched from wm to android (wm was only a day on my hd2 )
Sent from my Htc Hd2 using Tapatalk 2
Lincoln357 said:
Maybe not a place for this question,but how do I get 4ext recovery?Just flash it from usb flasher option described by macs18max?Will it wipe my current rom?Like I said,I've been using only cwm since I switched from wm to android (wm was only a day on my hd2 )
Sent from my Htc Hd2 using Tapatalk 2
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Can't see why this is not the place for it. We are in Q&A forum after all I see your point though.
Unfortunately I don't know, hardly ever used nandroid. Been mostly on wp7 in nand, and 6.5 before that. you might have to search a bit, or maybe wait til max18mac wakes up after working all day (and more) on this release
Sorry can't help further.
Lincoln357 said:
Maybe not a place for this question,but how do I get 4ext recovery?Just flash it from usb flasher option described by macs18max?Will it wipe my current rom?Like I said,I've been using only cwm since I switched from wm to android (wm was only a day on my hd2 )
Sent from my Htc Hd2 using Tapatalk 2
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I'm not entirely certain of this but if I'm not mistaken you just flash it in USB flasher. It will wipe all of your data and you should make a backup of your apps/data in Titanium Backup first (I don't think restoring a CWM backup in 4EXT is completely safe). No matter what you decide to do, backup first. You know what, just backup your data for the hell of it Seriously though, backup.
Nigeldg said:
I'm not entirely certain of this but if I'm not mistaken you just flash it in USB flasher. It will wipe all of your data and you should make a backup of your apps/data in Titanium Backup first (I don't think restoring a CWM backup in 4EXT is completely safe). No matter what you decide to do, backup first. You know what, just backup your data for the hell of it Seriously though, backup.
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I must be honest,I never backed up data or anything. I never use many apps so when it comes to that, I just do a fresh install. My question was will the flashing of 4ext recovery wipe my current rom, just to know. If it does, what the hell, I'll flash it again
sent from my Slim V1 HD2 using Tapatalk 2
Yeah it will wipe your ROM. You'll have to flash the ROM again (*cough* backup *cough*) but that's all you'll have to flash so it's not like a Task29 or anything.
Not sure if I missed it, but on the navigation bar I can see the screen off button but I don't see the power menu option . Is there such one for this Rom?
Sent from my Htc Hd2 using xda app-developers app
Xda app would not be bad and a patched adfree host file
Sent from my NexusHD2 using xda app-developers app
How much free ROM in starting and few hours working.
TheArt said:
How much free ROM in starting and few hours working.
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I'm sorry ,I really tried, but I cannot understand what you are saying.
sent from my Slim V1 HD2 using Tapatalk 2
Nigeldg said:
Yeah it will wipe your ROM. You'll have to flash the ROM again (*cough* backup *cough*) but that's all you'll have to flash so it's not like a Task29 or anything.
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So,I go to USB Flasher, connect my phone to my pc, run DAF.exe and run it and that's it?
Afterwards I need to flash rom again,and I go to recovery same way I did with CWM, from Magldr menu, right?
Just wanted to check before I do it, to be sure something doesn't go wrong.
Lincoln357 said:
So,I go to USB Flasher, connect my phone to my pc, run DAF.exe and run it and that's it?
Afterwards I need to flash rom again,and I go to recovery same way I did with CWM, from Magldr menu, right?
Just wanted to check before I do it, to be sure something doesn't go wrong.
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Exactly. I'm not sure how you edit the size of the /system partition when you flash 4EXT but hopefully that'll be clear when you do it. If not, you can obviously post here since this is a Q&T thread and someone who's used it is bound to help. Other than that, what you outlined is entirely correct so good luck flashing.

