Honeycomb 3.1 in a French review video ! - Eee Pad Transformer General

I have not found anything on the subject here, but a french tech site has reviewed the upcoming version with the french dock with honeycomb 3.1 ! It looks smooth, and the first batch are being delivered to customers right now. We should now quite fast if they are delivered this way !
You can see it working with 3.1 here at 2:00 with resizeable widgets :
And he talks about it from 1:48 saying that it should come out with version 3.1.
P.S. Thanks to Yanndesfyb on frandroid.com for the info

sgspikes said:
I have not found anything on the subject here, but a french tech site has reviewed the upcoming version with the french dock with honeycomb 3.1 ! It looks smooth, and the first batch are being delivered to customers right now. We should now quite fast if they are delivered this way !
You can see it working with 3.1 here at 2:00 with resizeable widgets :
And he talks about it from 1:48 saying that it should come out with version 3.1.
P.S. Thanks to Yanndesfyb on frandroid.com for the info
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Nice find! Do you think there'll be some dumps available on french dev sites perhaps?
edit: very smooth indeed! Look at 1:15 when he's swiping like crazy. Mine is only smooth like this since I oc'ed it... stock was rather laggy

Very Cool! Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the update.

We don't know for sure if they will be delivered this way ... mine will be here on saturday. If they are indeed coming with 3.1 we should be able to get a dump. I don't know how to do it, but I could either learn or we'll find someone to do it.
I saw the responsiveness and speed of the touchscreen/interface, it is indeed really fast ! It looks nice, the only drawback he is talking about is the delay between hitting a letter on the keyboard and the screen updating which is annoying.

sgspikes said:
mine will be here on saturday.
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Where did you order it from? Are you expecting the tablet itself, or the bundle (tablet + dock)?

There is a batch coming in of 150 transformers to the benelux. I hope they also come with 3.1! Mine is on it
But even so if this is not so, it means that 3.1 soon will be available, and we will be able to update the transformer.
Asus is doing very nice!

I want 3.1 NOW!

ppirate said:
There is a batch coming in of 150 transformers to the benelux. I hope they also come with 3.1! Mine is on it
But even so if this is not so, it means that 3.1 soon will be available, and we will be able to update the transformer.
Asus is doing very nice!
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Agreed, i'm impressed by there software support and update policy. And yes, even rma was very fast with great communication for me. Plus, the officials in the german asus blog respond almost immediately to user questions. All this is a nice change for someone coming from a sony ericsson device
Sent from my rooted X10i using awesome custom roms

ppirate said:
There is a batch coming in of 150 transformers to the benelux.
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Who is selling this batch? Where can I order it?

I believe in the Netherlands it issue Computerland.nl that receives their stock today and have it in stores on Tuesday.
Sent from my current location using the gold plated XDA app

This would be great, my main problem with the transformer is that it can't play youtube HD fullscreen and appearantly that should be fixed with 3.1.

liviuv said:
Where did you order it from? Are you expecting the tablet itself, or the bundle (tablet + dock)?
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I ordered a bundle tablet with dock from Darty. They don't have it on shelves because the supply is too short so either you order it online (but the stock is not correctly updated), or you go to a physical store, ask for the product and pay it. They get it delivered to their store within 48 hours. I ordered mine yesterday at 7pm and it will be here tomorow morning.
You should be able to do the same at Fnac stores too.
The first ones who got it without the dock are reporting 3.0.1 honeycomb version, so it seems that they are not delivered with 3.1. Cnet must have reviewed a beta unit ... which was working perfectly ! so 3.1 is not far away but still not available.

I've just ordered mine (16 GB + dock) from Fnac with 24 hours express shipping. Unfortunately I didn't see your email in time, before placing my order (it would have been almost 30 euros cheaper going with Darty, without having to pay for shipping).

Can't wait for 3.1!!!!!!
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App

Sure looks nice!

yohanpra said:
Can't wait for 3.1!!!!!!
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Still waiting my Transformer...

I'm sure that if they are shipping 3.1 on the newer batches that 3.1 will be out shortly on FOTA. Can't wait!


Samsung Galaxy Wifi 10.1 hits Amazon

it's listed as having android 3.0.1... I thought it was launching with 3.1 =[
BestBuy page says 3.1
I guess this thing really is going to come down to the last minute before all the facts are out.
Oh well if it releases on time we should have our answers by this time next week.
I really need to stop looking at these links. I want the 8.9 but so tempted to get the 10.1
the back cover doesn't look plastic
Daps said:
BestBuy page says 3.1
I guess this thing really is going to come down to the last minute before all the facts are out.
Oh well if it releases on time we should have our answers by this time next week.
I really need to stop looking at these links. I want the 8.9 but so tempted to get the 10.1
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samsung has already confirmed it will ship with 3.1 both on their site's spec sheet and facebook page by a samsung rep:
radiohead14 said:
samsung has already confirmed it will ship with 3.1 both on their site's spec sheet and facebook page by a samsung rep:
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Publish date is in april though....before google io
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
happilyaccosted said:
Publish date is in april though....before google io
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
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it was published on 5/4 and the facebook confirmation on 5/24:
"Samsung Mobile USA in regards to 3.0 message.The original had 3.0 but now it will be with Android 3.1 - http://ow.ly/51E07
May 24 at 10:02am"
Somebody needs to leak the 3.1 lol..this 3.0.1 is way to buggy. Browser always freezes, keyboard and market force close, and it randomly just turns itself off.
I wonder if the price will actually be lower than the 499. I notice the price on the GT 7 went down on Amazon. For 399, I think I'd swoop in and get one so I can stop coming on XDA to read about it.
The technical spec on that amazon link is a joke, "Processor: 1 GHz Mobile AMD Duron" and "RAM: 2000 MB"
'Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.'
Hope that changes

Android Honeycomb 3.2 released July 28th

Asus on Twitter said:
It’s here! Android Honeycomb 3.2 lands on the @ASUS #EeePadTransformer July 28 http://twitpic.com/5wqbk3
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What are your thoughts on the upcoming release?
What will be is fixed, what will be is added and what is still broken? Flash still an issue?
Browser typing lag fixed? Some report it better, some say it's still the same.
[Q]Will you be able to retrieve the update when being on a custom and/or rooted ROM?
No, you will have to go back to stock, or wait for a CWM build/Custom ROM to be released.
WiFi problems reported, are you seeing them?
SD Card support? http://blogs.computerworld.com/18692/android_32_upgrade
Do you like the new mouse cursor? Or what should we call it now?
'Default app not set' problem? See this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1191106
Asus on Twitter said:
Android 3.2 Honeycomb out now for North America & Taiwan. World-wide update coming: August 2nd - 5th!
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I scanned it yesterday to check for updates and nothing happened. After reading the tweet I decided to scan again and it literally took at least 6 minutes to tell me there was no update. Muahahaha can't wait!
Uhm, WW version is planned for August 2nd
To unroot or not to unroot
Hopefully someone can root this quickly
I wonder if this will fix some SOD/reboot issues.
And this isn't development.
jangjong said:
I wonder if this will fix some SOD/reboot issues.
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I hope it will improve Tegra2 performances and fix the portrait lag
TheDeadCpu said:
And this isn't development.
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No, it's more like an app or a theme.... lol. I'd say this is about development.
gnufabio said:
Uhm, WW version is planned for August 2nd
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Last time ww came out first....wouldn't be surprised if its there tomorrow....
Deeko1 said:
Last time ww came out first....wouldn't be surprised if its there tomorrow....
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Didn't Taiwan come out first for the 3.1 update? Or do you mean the most recent 3.1 ota?
I don't think there will be any more major updates coming after 3.2 so would be a good time to root my tf101.
I'll be EXTREMELY disappointed if the transformer doesn't get ICS via Official FOTA!
I was thinking: since the TF specs page on the Asus Web site now lists the Netflix app, I'd think that Asus has a real incentive to get 3.2 out there (which will presumably include said Netflix app). Otherwise, they're basically engaging in false advertising. So, since they haven't removed that reference (as far as I know, and it's been pretty widely discussed on the 'nets), I'm guessing that they definitely plan on pushing this update out pronto.
Which is cool. If 3.2 does come out tomorrow, and includes Netflix, I think the TF will be the first shipping Honeycomb tablet with official Netflix support.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
keef319 said:
I'll be EXTREMELY disappointed if the transformer doesn't get ICS via Official FOTA!
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I have no doubt whatsoever that we'll get official ICS on the TF. It flies in the face of reason to assume otherwise, I think. Seriously: what good reason would Asus have to NOT update the TF to ICS? Compared, of course, to all the very bad reasons...
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Guys - it was my mistake that I closed this thread along with the other 2 duplicates. I apologize. This one should have stayed open.
Looking forward to it ...
Does ICS stand for Internet Connection Sharing????
The Netfilx app and being able to surf the net through my HTC Touch Pro 2 (rooted WM6.5) are my two biggest complaints with my 4 day old Transformer. Whether these are in the ASUS release of Honeycomb 3.2 will be my decision maker on whether to root or not.
Hope this fix browser issues and lag in potrait mode.
I am very excited for 3.2! And also I have a good feeling for us getting ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich).
I really hope that 3.2 update will solve slow portrait mode issue, laggy browser and slow pdf scrolling.
My 2 years old Ipad is silky scrolling through any type of files and I hope that Transformer will be too.
Good night to you all

Oct. 1 and still no info..

So its Oct. 1 and still not information yet on if and when the TF2 will be released. I guess I will be buying a TF1 and then maybe selling it later on to get a TF2.. I did find a Store in my town that has nothing but the B60's in stock, so that is great information for me.
whats the difference between the Bs i think mine is a B70 got it from amazon
blessedswine said:
whats the difference between the Bs i think mine is a B70 got it from amazon
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B60's are rootable, Some B70 with the serial number lower then B70KAS170XXX can be rooted anything above that, cant.
blessedswine said:
whats the difference between the Bs i think mine is a B70 got it from amazon
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B60 was the last batch that was guaranteed to be rootable. Some of the B70s were, but it's a lottery. B80's onwards are unrootable currently.
Anything B50+ the manufacturing issues of early units were long since sorted, so B60 is the sweet-spot if you wish....
But now, newegg has the 16gb with dock for only 399.. might take a chance of on the lottery with that deal. Man decisions, decisions... get a rootable B60 with no dock or take the chance of not getting a rootable one and getting a free dock.
i say pull the trigger..used mine foe about 1 month + now, haven't really seen a need to root it...i think u're good even if u get a non rootable one..
milleirish said:
So its Oct. 1 and still not information yet on if and when the TF2 will be released. I guess I will be buying a TF1 and then maybe selling it later on to get a TF2.. I did find a Store in my town that has nothing but the B60's in stock, so that is great information for me.
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Get it with the dock, they're ~$150 less than when I bought mine two months ago. You can basically consider it a free dock, at that price. You can use the keyboard with the TF2 when it comes out. Get used to it, love it, and maybe you won't need a TF2 (though Ice Cream Sandwich will be plenty tempting if the TF2 ships with it.)
I think my SN is like 10 numbers lower than the new bootloader cutoff, but I still haven't rooted. I haven't found any of the 3 main ROMs that would do enough above and beyond stock to make me want to.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
milleirish said:
So its Oct. 1 and still not information yet on if and when the TF2 will be released.
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And here endeth the lesson. Don't believe anything you read on the internet...
milleirish said:
So its Oct. 1 and still not information yet on if and when the TF2 will be released. I guess I will be buying a TF1 and then maybe selling it later on to get a TF2.. I did find a Store in my town that has nothing but the B60's in stock, so that is great information for me.
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Why is this a new thread. There are several threads already open on this.
punman said:
Get it with the dock, they're ~$150 less than when I bought mine two months ago. You can basically consider it a free dock, at that price. You can use the keyboard with the TF2 when it comes out. Get used to it, love it, and maybe you won't need a TF2 (though Ice Cream Sandwich will be plenty tempting if the TF2 ships with it.)
I think my SN is like 10 numbers lower than the new bootloader cutoff, but I still haven't rooted. I haven't found any of the 3 main ROMs that would do enough above and beyond stock to make me want to.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
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Well I have pulled the trigger from Newegg, but not been able to root is deal breaker for me since I can't update the kernel to gain access to CIFS, Cisco VPN Client or other kernel enhancement.
Buy it from best buy and get their buy back plan. So when tf2 comes you can exchange it, only downside is you will get 250 back...
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
milleirish said:
So its Oct. 1 and still not information yet on if and when the TF2 will be released. I guess I will be buying a TF1 and then maybe selling it later on to get a TF2.. I did find a Store in my town that has nothing but the B60's in stock, so that is great information for me.
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I would wait till November or December. The t2, when it comes out will be a beast, but if cannot be rooted, I am not going to get it. There will be more tablet selections and cheaper prices..a few weeks waiting will save headaches and money later.
I'm planning on getting this http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/prod...spx?path=79f8f4b50eae3ef241dcedc80361e5f6en02
How do I know it's rootable?
milleirish said:
So its Oct. 1 and still not information yet on if and when the TF2 will be released. I guess I will be buying a TF1 and then maybe selling it later on to get a TF2.. I did find a Store in my town that has nothing but the B60's in stock, so that is great information for me.
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I've been saying on here for months. I first heard about the transformer a year before asus debuted it. The rumor was asus was coming out with a tablet that also acts as a notebook. And it was coming out soon. That soon turned out to be a year.
I dont understand why people think the tf2 is just right around the corner. Nvidia said they were coming out with tegra 3 at end of october. Were going to believe asus engineers can incorporate the tegra 3 into their device and stamp out the bugs to make it usable in a couple days and ship in volume?
For those waiting for the tf2, keep waiting if you want. You are basing your belief on unconfirmed rumors. You also also believe in unconfirmed reports of aliens and big foot?
Where can I see if my new transformer is b60 or b70 or b80 ??
Tanks in advance
colossus_r said:
Where can I see if my new transformer is b60 or b70 or b80 ??
Tanks in advance
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I wonder if this has been asked and answered at least 500 times
thebadfrog said:
I wonder if this has been asked and answered at least 500 times
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Look at the sn.
GetPatriotized said:
I'm planning on getting this http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/prod...spx?path=79f8f4b50eae3ef241dcedc80361e5f6en02
How do I know it's rootable?
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lol surely you jest?
punman said:
Get it with the dock, they're ~$150 less than when I bought mine two months ago. You can basically consider it a free dock, at that price. You can use the keyboard with the TF2 when it comes out. Get used to it, love it, and maybe you won't need a TF2 (though Ice Cream Sandwich will be plenty tempting if the TF2 ships with it.)
I think my SN is like 10 numbers lower than the new bootloader cutoff, but I still haven't rooted. I haven't found any of the 3 main ROMs that would do enough above and beyond stock to make me want to.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
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I root mine to use Titanium Backup , Add Free, Voodoo sound and a app that creates a larger cache for the SD card. I can unroot to install a update and re-root in just a few min. using the Linux CD method. otherwise it's mostly stock until I want to do something more
uploder said:
lol surely you jest?
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jest? :S

Asus has some coherence problems with information management. XDA has coherent whine.

From twitter this time: https://twitter.com/#!/ASUS/status/164522714994974721
Hopefully they have made up their mind this time. Someone start the two-week countdown
Asus seems to have a problem deciding on when to release the real release-date and for how long it should continue to release prank-dates. The real release of the real release-date for the real release of ICS may or may not be right around the courner.
In the meantime, we could replace most of the world's nuclear powerstations with the whine contained in this very XDA thread. The power of both should more or less even out.
Good times.
Thanks for the update. I was waiting for an updated official source.
Too bad they can't just name a date. End all speculation. 'Mid february' is close but I want it less vague
........10 char
Ok i dont know why that pic came out so horribly pixelated very sorry anyway i got a timer widget set for 2weeks 12hrs
Sent from my tf running krakd warped an twisted 1544mhz Blades kernel
My Transformer is super with 3.2.1. I'm wondering if ICS will bring some "extra super" stuff besides the interface?!?!
h.robert said:
My Transformer is super with 3.2.1. I'm wondering if ICS will bring some "extra super" stuff besides the interface?!?!
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Speed is one
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
h.robert said:
My Transformer is super with 3.2.1. I'm wondering if ICS will bring some "extra super" stuff besides the interface?!?!
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I'm using a GNex since its release and I can tell you this: you'll be stunned. Not so much from the interface (which is very close to HC) but from the overall smoothness. I eagerly wanna try paulburtons ICS port, but I gave my TF away to a friend for 2 weeks
Yeah, I have ICS on my Nexus S, and I'm super excited to get it on my TF101. Most of the basic interface ideas come from Honeycomb, but very refined and improved. And yes, much better speed.
Just got ics alpha on my epic 4g.
After a day of playing with it, if anyone asks 'is it worth it to wait' you don't deserve it.
Wow. All i can say, my phone is giving my tf a run for its money now..
Someone knows if it will be worldwide or just like america/asia?
asder00 said:
Someone knows if it will be worldwide or just like america/asia?
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I think they'll roll out the update region by region to reduce server load (as they did with all the previous updates). But it should release globally within a few days.
You all know that mid Feb is going to be Valentines day. So better cancel those dates you got...and be prepared to wine and dine your TF101 instead that night!
Swyped from my Nexus One
SiNJiN76 said:
You all know that mid Feb is going to be Valentines day. So better cancel those dates you got...and be prepared to wine and dine your TF101 instead that night!
Swyped from my Nexus One
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Actually, showing off your newly ICS-enabled tablet to your SO sounds like a great date to me!
Triplanetary said:
Actually, showing off your newly ICS-enabled tablet to your SO sounds like a great date to me!
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Hahaha...either way...you'll be left alone with your TF...que (girl walking out the door).
We are slowly getting there. Can't wait to see the revolver version.
I just hope the TF101 ICS upgrade does not have all of the issues that the TF201 upgrade. Don't mean to be a Debbie Downer or anything. I just ordered my TF101 from Amazon last night after struggling with the 101 versus 201 decision. In the end it came down to the issue of the Wifi possible not working.
SiNJiN76 said:
Hahaha...either way...you'll be left alone with your TF...que (girl walking out the door).
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Ha ha, awesome.
xda-soar said:
I just hope the TF101 ICS upgrade does not have all of the issues that the TF201 upgrade. Don't mean to be a Debbie Downer or anything. I just ordered my TF101 from Amazon last night after struggling with the 101 versus 201 decision. In the end it came down to the issue of the Wifi possible not working.
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You know most of the problems have now been resolved? All the other noise is just fluff created by companies that are yet to launch a quad-core tablet...
asder00 said:
Someone knows if it will be worldwide or just like america/asia?
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If you're rooted it won't matter. Our fine devs will make it work for all.
Their facebook page just announced that it'll be "sometime this month"...

[Q] Anyone got the OTA ICS Update on TF101G?

Anyone got the OTA ICS Update on TF101G?
any news?
qwertyleiria said:
Anyone got the OTA ICS Update on TF101G?
any news?
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Nope, not for now.
I do have the 3G version too and there's no sign of the update...how long do we have to wait? I hope it will come out today...
Well, although I finally got ICS TW to run on my WW TF101, I'd look forward to the prospect of the 101G version - people would derive 3G modules from it and I can test my dongle again to see if it works.
Asus announced that the TF101G wasn't getting the update until some time in March.
miketoasty said:
Asus announced that the TF101G wasn't getting the update until some time in March.
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I really don't understand the ASUS update policy.
Is that hard to attach the 3g kernel module to this release ?
Those who pay more, have to wait a little bit more, geeezzz
ashes said:
I really don't understand the ASUS update policy.
Is that hard to attach the 3g kernel module to this release ?
Those who pay more, have to wait a little bit more, geeezzz
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You think if it was that easy you would have to wait till March to get it?
so we must wait again or someone make version of ICS to TF101G
i hope so.
Android 4.03
Mine came OTA at about 1:45 PM CST
Big sucker, took a while. 2 reboots, some rearranging of files, and it was done.
Do NOT try this on a low battery, you WILL regret it.
So Far So good
pharrisworth said:
Mine came OTA at about 1:45 PM CST
Big sucker, took a while. 2 reboots, some rearranging of files, and it was done.
Do NOT try this on a low battery, you WILL regret it.
So Far So good
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But your transformer is a TF101G? Right? And you got OTA
Asus said on Facebook that it would come on March 1st, together with the eeePad Slider update. Don't know if that's worldwide.
Arjoma said:
Asus said on Facebook that it would come on March 1st, together with the eeePad Slider update. Don't know if that's worldwide.
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hmmm... March 1st... today is 14 march and nothing for tf101g??
Asus net worth should be enough to hire a few decent android devs. Asus obviously didn't
i send asus a email
they write me back that the ics update will be ready in the end of march (they hope) bzw i have a german asus
xeexou said:
i send asus a email
they write me back that the ics update will be ready in the end of march (they hope) bzw i have a german asus
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Ufff, first, the update would be on the 1st of March, later, in Mach, and now in the end of March... I don't know what to think.
Did they say anything about the Asus Eee Pad Slider in the email?
Reps on the ASUS Facebook page have mentioned twice in the last few days that they have no plans for ICS on the Slider. And, the rep on the ASUS NA page even said that the slider isn't sold in the US...
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Sziehr said:
And, the rep on the ASUS NA page even said that the slider isn't sold in the US...
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
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Ok, well there goes his credibility! I can go to a local retail store and buy a slider right now (in Phila, PA)....
Look here:
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
I have only asked for the transformer in my mail. Only for the DE version, the ww version i think will get it earlyer.
Sry for my english gg
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
An news from the ics front? XD
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
TW version is released.
