[Q] dft update!!!!! - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

Hi there,
Does anyone have any info as to when dft will release there update. I have been waiting (like all of us) for a while now with no updates from the team.

w3x said:
Hi there,
Does anyone have any info as to when dft will release there update. I have been waiting (like all of us) for a while now with no updates from the team.
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Uh...hello? Why are you asking this question (as if it hasn't been asked millions of time in other threads)? No one's apparently heard from DFT on their release, otherwise the info would be posted all over the forum! There are at least 3 releases of out there for you to update to NoDo.

Firstly this thread has a misleading topic/title. It reads as a statement when in fact its a question (which will likely annoy a lot of people).
Secondly this thread has no development related content or purpose.
I would suggest the thread is moved to the Q&A sub-forum and re-titled to better reflect the actual content of the thread.

As per my guess they are sold out to microsoft and will no longer be available to us for free updates. they got reward for their hard work. what we could have possibly given them, thanks buttons, beers, a few praising sentences. those can not run anyones' kitchen. still we are thankful for their great work.

it surely annoyed me.
please all stop making such topics. only option we have is to wait.

sweetdoc said:
As per my guess they are sold out to microsoft and will no longer be available to us for free updates. they got reward for their hard work. what we could have possibly given them, thanks buttons, beers, a few praising sentences. those can not run anyones' kitchen. still we are thankful for their great work.
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I wish I had a dollar for every time I have read on this forum someone writing that they think DFT has sold out to Microsoft, and how many times DFT has come through. I think people tend to forget that the members of DFT have to work at jobs just like you and me to keep the wolf away from the door. It is not like the people on the team have 24 hours a day to work on these devices just for our benefit.
As I work on the public relations side of the ITC industry I know too that companies like HTC and Microsoft are making it harder to work with these devices and get access to things like needed code that is required to work the wonders that DFT creates for us.
People really should have a few more facts before they make blanket statements to the effect that DFT has sold out to Microsoft or some other company.
DFT updates will come out when everything falls into place. Also we should keep in mind that the HTC HD2 is not the only device that DFT works on.

Starfury said:
Firstly this thread has a misleading topic/title. It reads as a statement when in fact its a question (which will likely annoy a lot of people).
Secondly this thread has no development related content or purpose.
I would suggest the thread is moved to the Q&A sub-forum and re-titled to better reflect the actual content of the thread.
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Totally agree!! Misleading title is annoying

k guys,
thread closed


HTC Cracks Down on ROM Hackers With Cease and Desist Letter

Read this.. haha
Just to let everyone know that I will be carefully monitoring this thread to make sure that everyone complies with the forum rules and that nothing gets out of hand. This means staying on topic at all times, no flaming or anything of the like. If I find that any member violates any of the forum rules I will close this thread and the member(s) may even be banned!
Thank you in advance.
am I violating XDA?
kencix said:
am I violating XDA?
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No. Posting information regarding HTC is allowed as long as it is from a legitimate source. Since you are simply posting a link regarding the C&D from HTC to shipped-roms.com everything is fine. However, I will be keeping a close eye on this thread because I expect that many members will reply with negative comments regarding HTC's legal decision. Which may lead up to flaming, bashing, disrespect toward others, off topic comments, slander toward HTC/Shipped-Roms.com, etc. All of which are not allowed on XDA-Developers and may result in a membership ban if any of the forum rules are broken. Since it is my duty to moderate threads in the forum I am only warning every reader in this thread that I will have a zero (0) tolerance toward any violators.
Other than that... have a nice discussion.
I am not happy with that either..
Wonder how this will effect the XDA Android with HTC sense developer community.
Is this only to avoid redistribute of their shipped roms, or is it to avoid rom cooking with HTC sense? Are they pissed after seeing sense running on Motorola droid?
Hope they won't take this to far and prevent sharing of HTC sense cooked roms. If so, then i guess i better prepare myself on using vanilla (did that already while waiting for a stable/working Froyo rom)
On the one hand, HTC is completely within their rights; that website is illegally distributing HTC's proprietary code/software.
On the other hand, if it werent for the rom community, HTC probably wouldn't be where they are now. They should be a little more understanding. Maybe they can work out something like Google did with cyanogen.
HTC is slow with their updates.
Maybe that's the reason why people build custom roms. Not maybe, but 100%
Anyways.. I'm considering to buy Samsung next time. Don't believe HTC anymore.
They talk and promise a lot, but still nothing from them..
I guess giving out information on their future releases is annoying HTC. However I don't see the problem on making better ROM's and other stuff, its not like they are loosing money from it.
that site has RUU hosted there.
that is the problem!
blizard80 said:
that site has RUU hosted there.
that is the problem!
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Did you read their letter? Cause the letter clearly state that it has something to do with his site hosting HTC Intellectual Property. Here we are talking about artwork and sense which is NOT open source. Correct me if i'm wrong, but as far as i understand their, letter it might as well concern us to.

Good news, here is another video from my country! HD2 runing the WP7!!!

Sorry guys, we still dont know who has the rom, but i guess, she may be a businessman. the reason why she dont want to release the rom is that she just want to raise the prices of HD2. i hate this practice. I have inquired the mobile char, its belong to the Shenzhen City.
You may have already seen the video, but somebody may need it:
no idea why anyone would want to watch another video of someone else's phone.
The hype over wp7 on hd2 has got totally out of hand. It's not even particularly good on a wp7 phone.
Bored of wobbly videos. They should release it so people here can try it or shut up!
hi, guy, Don’t be so grumpy about it. we just want to confirm that the HD2 can really run WP7, sooner or later they will release the rom, whatever it takes, this is a good news, right?
woion0415 said:
hi, guy, Don’t be so grumpy about it. we just want to confirm that the HD2 can really run WP7, sooner or later they will release the rom, whatever it takes, this is a good news, right?
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+ 1.. let us shut up and wait, Thanks for the effort Sir!
Far out man all these noobs posting last weeks news...
Learn to search and read before posting!!!
Am i just work too hard to make you feel unfomfortable? then shut up man, i am not doing this for you, little extremist!
Don't mean to sound grumpy or put anyone's efforts down.
But its just not news anymore. I think most rational minded people have probably accepted wp7 on hd2 exists. That much we know from Devs inside XDA already.
Yeah I'll try it on hd2 when released.. but I already know I'll use 6.5.3 as my daily driver for a good while to come. WP7 is everything we here should hate given its so locked down - it really isn't worth this fuss!
Ok nice but wheres the link????
DJW6927 said:
Don't mean to sound grumpy or put anyone's efforts down.
But its just not news anymore. I think most rational minded people have probably accepted wp7 on hd2 exists. That much we know from Devs inside XDA already.
Yeah I'll try it on hd2 when released.. but I already know I'll use 6.5.3 as my daily driver for a good while to come. WP7 is everything we here should hate given its so locked down - it really isn't worth this fuss!
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I think one of the reasons people are hungry for news of running Windows Phone 7 on the HTC HD2 is that it is part of the inherent spirit of the original purpose of organizing XDA-Developers in the first place. XDA of course was a brand name used by 02 on the first phones they sold that were manufactured by a relatively young Taiwanese company that had changed its name of Hi Tech Computers to HTC. The original XDA-DEvelopers guys were mostly engineers and were determined to unlock more features of these PDAs, as well as making these PDAs do more than what they were first intended to do. The XDA-Developers guys knew that the more people involved, the more knowledge could be gained and shared.
I still have an old O2 XDA II that is happily running Windows Mobile 6.5.3. It originally came with Windows Mobile 2003, Chinese version. XDA-Developers has allowed this old PDA to have a really extended life.
XDA-Developers has really changed over the years as membership grew. Much civility of the older members is being drowned out by new members, to the point where a noob of a few months calls others noobs and cannot offer any other information than to search.
I enjoy seeing any news on the development of Windows Phone 7 on the HD2; it is similar to when our PDAs running on 2003 could migrate to 2005, and then 6.x
I also appreciate the fact that our friends in China are participating more now. Some of the younger guys there now are really highly trained specialists in areas that pertain to smart phones. And, I appreciate the fact that some of these guys in China are making an effort to keep us updated on any progress that is made there.
I think we should all also remember that for some Chinese it is a daunting challenge to navigate a complex site like XDA-Developers, and that it is not always easy for them to communicate what they really want to when they have to translate from Chinese to English. It is much more difficult to do this than, say, translate a European language into English.
So, hopefully, allowances should be made, and we should all welcome the participation of our Chinese friends. Now, I wish HTC would go back to making truly global phones, rather than regional phones, LOL
Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you for the info, but i can't find the link to the video ^^
Plenty of intelligent comments there. Hey I wouldn't be reading the thread if I wasn't interested in the news.
On the subject of spirit of XDA though - until there's openess and sharing then they're not complying to what this place stands for. Right now its just building publicity and we're all wondering for what gain for them.
DJW6927 said:
Plenty of intelligent comments there. Hey I wouldn't be reading the thread if I wasn't interested in the news.
On the subject of spirit of XDA though - until there's openess and sharing then they're not complying to what this place stands for. Right now its just building publicity and we're all wondering for what gain for them.
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My own personal opinion is that there has been no sharing of the ROM demoed in the videos is that what we saw was actually an earlier test of Windows Phone 7 on the HD2. I am sure you know that the HD2 was used as a testbed for the earlier development of Windows Phone 7. Others have commented on certain elements in the video that appear to be similar to earlier testing ROMs.
So, I guess, in the end, those in China who are in possession of the HD2 running WP7 are not much closer to developing a flashable ROM than others. In short, I think there is no ROM yet to be shared.
I think we also need to distinguish those who filmed the video (who may well be doing it for financial gain) from our Chinese friends who have signed up as members of XDA-Developers. Clearly, there is a major difference between these two groups of people.
Of course, all the above is just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.
You got a good point.
True, patient is a virtue. Please get yourself a seat and wait! Hope that gooooood news pop out soon!
This is an english only forum, please start writing in english before a mod comes here and erases your posts.
rlydiard said:
I think we should refrain from making posts in languages other than English as the rules of the forum are that it is an English forum. XDA-Developers moderators tend to get upset when they see other languages!
Other than that, no way will I get involved in flag disputes, but I do love those old Japanese style bath houses in Beitou, just north of Taipei. Really a relaxing experience after debating on XDA-Developers hours on end.
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Hi tell you. My hate japan
Ok, i just talking with my fellow countryman in personal question. Still, it was my fault.
be patient and wait
yah im still happy with my hd2 running android 2.2
woion0415 said:
Ok, i just talking with my fellow countryman in personal question. Still, it was my fault.
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Preface: The continuity of posts leading to the following mini-essay were rightly deleted by the mods, as those posts contained languages other than English. However, I feel the main points of this mini-essay remain valid. I am not trying to create conflict, but remind others what XDA-Developer is all about: inclusiveness instead of exclusiveness, and technology, not nationality.
Although, due to historical and geographical reasons, I am much more familiar with Traditional Chinese characters, rather than Simplified Chinese characters, I was able to follow the gist of the conversation. Even though the conversation was mostly in jest, it still was somewhat unsettling to me.
Just as I will stand up for you guys in China, so I will do for the Japanese. If you check all the different forums on XDA-Developers you will find many Japanese who have made exceptional contributions to the site and its members. XDA-Developers is really a global tech site, which should remain inclusive rather than exclusive. So, when we log in, I think we should drop our nationalistic preconceptions at the door and get down to the work of concentrating on our devices supported by XDA-Developers. What do you think about that?
In the past I have chastised those who use cheap nationalist jokes against others from another country, and I will do that again. You know that to be a truth, as you have read some of those posts.
I know some of you guys from China have had a bit of a tough time breaking into the social community of XDA-Developers, so I hope you guys don't dish out to others what you suffered when you first joined this site.
Well, that is said and done, and soon to be forgotten.
And, I can climb down from my soapbox again. I think I need a vacation from climbing up and down from that soapbox. It is really tiring me out!
PS. A couple things to always remember, always post in English, don't assume "others" aren't comprehending what you type in your native language, and park nationalist prejudices at the door so that you can truly enjoy what XDA-Developers has to offer without causing conflicts.

Why I cant post new replies or threads

Sorry for this question, but for some reason i cant post replies on X10 development sub-forum.
If any moderator can help me I will be thanked
You are a new member. You have to have at least 10 posts before posting in the development forum.
svetius said:
Important XDA Announcement Regarding New Users
Dear XDA Users,
Sorry for the long letter. Please read the whole thing if you're interested in some important upcoming changes to the site.
XDA is growing. There's really no way to avoid this. Smartphones are becoming ubiquitous. Android is soaring and Windows Phone is holding its own. By all measures, we have actually grown less than some of the other Smartphone-related sites out there. We're bigger just because we had a multi-year head start.
We are writing this because, like a lot of people, we constantly worry about the quality of posts on XDA. Some people suggest to us that quality has been deteriorating (or rather, the number of junk posts have been increasing), and honestly, maybe those people have a point. We want to make our developers feel at home. We want to make sure that good members of the community--those who offer to help and even those who respectfully ask for help--enjoy their time here. There is a cost of growth, and that cost is the crappy, rude posts that too often fill the forums.
No matter what we do, some people are going to complain, despite the best efforts of our fantastic moderator team. Some people want us to support all devices (actually, just the device they happen to have purchased yesterday); others want us to focus. Some people think the moderators have too much power; then they complain that certain forums are a mess. XDA has zero full-time employees. It's a massive challenge running this site, and we do the best we can.
Our stance is that we have a responsibility not to act as dictators. This is not our community... it is yours. We've debated shutting the site to new registrations. But really, what gives us the right to turn away the future generation of developers? We've debated adding fewer devices. But why should someone be turned from XDA just because they bought a Motorola phone instead of an HTC phone?
We've struggled for a long time thinking about how to solve the quality issues here. One way would be to constantly beg users to be nice to one another, always search before posting, etc, etc. We can try this, but realistically, this is the Internet; people act how they want to act.
So what's the plan? To make incremental changes that will hopefully impact XDA for the better. Our first change is this: only users with 10 posts (or more) will be allowed to post to any development-related forum. Users with 9 or fewer will be able to read, but not post. This change will happen within the next week. We hope it will dramatically cut down on the crap. It takes some small bit of effort to get to 10 posts on XDA. Hopefully those who make it to 10 are among the "better" users here. This will ONLY impact the development-related forums. All other forums will be open to everyone.
The good news: we might be a huge site, but we're a small team. If this change hurts XDA, we'll figure it out pretty quickly and revert back. If it helps, we'll work on other changes. My guess is that these small tweaks will make a big difference.
Thanks to everyone for reading. Happy 2011. And please, please, please be nice to one another =D
Admins and Mods
P.S. Want to discuss this?
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Yeah you cant reply because of that rule and remember unless your a dewveloper you shouldnt be starting a new thread there anyway

HD2 NAND and new keyboard

If you ended up to this thread by just clicking on it, because you thought, it has got something to do with HTC HD2 NAND or New Keyboard, I am really sorry and I do apologize to you.
The only reason I have created this thread is because the way one of the HD2 forum moderators have just deleted a thread I created out of the blue! I could not find who, how and when deleted my thread but it's gone!
I don't just find it unjust but I also found it ridiculously childish behaviour! I nudge or a PM would have made better sense before deleting!
The OLD Thread that is now deleted din't do any flaming or spamming either! All I had asked was If any HTC HD2 developer would be willing to help us lot in TG01 forum in developing Android kernel, the way they helped out here. I din't post it in ROM thread or any other forum. I posted that thread in 'general Q&A' as that was where it fitted the best.
If you read any of this (unlike earlier thread) please CONTACT ME first! Deleting thread only because it's title said TG01 doesn't mean I am stupid enough to write TG01 query in HD2 forum! I have created this thread with HD2 and NAND in title - so that themoderator who can't even be bothered to read into the content will NOT delete this as the title relates to HD2!
To all the users who come to this thread:
I ONLY APPEAL to please be at my place and see this situation! I am not intending to flame, spam or anything! I wanted to ask for help from all HD2 developers so that our android development in TG01 forum which has paused right now due to lack of help and guidance can go forward. After all I thought XDA was all about helping each other out!
I again apologize to all users! I am not writing this thread to cause you any inconvenience. The old thread, had correct title and correct format of posting into XDA forums. I had followed all rules. Only because I asked for help for TG01 forum and not for HD2, it was deleted! Where else can I ask for help from ALL developers at HD2? Can't be sending PMs to hundreds of you lot - that would be spamming!!
Have you tried sending out just a few pm's to hd2 chefs, maybe someone will point you in the right direction,
also have you also tried the irc channels since your query is a dev related
kam333 said:
Have you tried sending out just a few pm's to hd2 chefs, maybe someone will point you in the right direction,
also have you also tried the irc channels since your query is a dev related
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Thanks a lot for the response!
Since I wasn't sure who the hd2 chefs are - I couldn't PM them. If you please guide me towards profiles of chefs involved in android port to HD2, I will PM them and see if they are interested in helping us out.
Also, am new to IRC. How do I go about that as well?
Once again, thanks for the answer, and I hope the mods don't delete this thread again before I get some help
drupad2drupad said:
Thanks a lot for the response!
Since I wasn't sure who the hd2 chefs are - I couldn't PM them. If you please guide me towards profiles of chefs involved in android port to HD2, I will PM them and see if they are interested in helping us out.
Also, am new to IRC. How do I go about that as well?
Once again, thanks for the answer, and I hope the mods don't delete this thread again before I get some help
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Some of the main devs behind the actual HD2 Android port were Cotulla, dcordes, NetRipper, LeTama, Markinus, just to name a few, though i doubt you will get much response (with maybe 1 exception)
As for HD2 chefs, its a bit worrying to hear you say you're not sure who they are, they're fairly easy to find...
head over to the HD2 Android NAND Development sub forum & look at the author of the threads, if he/ she states its their build/rom, there is your HD2 Chef
its not for me to suggest any names, just take a random pick, most seem friendly enough someone might able to give you some pointers.
have to say tho, really cant understand why you dont sell up & just buy a dedicated android or if you want something to tinker with, why not a HD2 (it is starting to show its age tho).
Anyways, Goodluck
kam333 said:
Some of the main devs behind the actual HD2 Android port were Cotulla, dcordes, NetRipper, LeTama, Markinus, just to name a few, though i doubt you will get much response (with maybe 1 exception)
As for HD2 chefs, its a bit worrying to hear you say you're not sure who they are, they're fairly easy to find...
head over to the HD2 Android NAND Development sub forum & look at the author of the threads, if he/ she states its their build/rom, there is your HD2 Chef
its not for me to suggest any names, just take a random pick, most seem friendly enough someone might able to give you some pointers.
have to say tho, really cant understand why you dont sell up & just buy a dedicated android or if you want something to tinker with, why not a HD2 (it is starting to show its age tho).
Anyways, Goodluck
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Thank you very much for this answer! It helps a lot!
I am not a chef for HD2 forum roms. I mainly interact in TG01 forums. Hardly pop-in to these forums. Hence had no idea who is very active developer out here. But now the tast seems easier to contact them.
The reason I din't want to sell up (and mostly others out there too) is the contracts. We are tied up in 18-24 months contracts and as much as we hate the bloated OS that our respective carriers have put on this nice piece of hardware, we do want to explore the development on this device to it's max. Hence we were trying to see if someone could help us take the stalled development further on Android.
Most likely TG01 owner might move to android or WP7 in next 6-8 months and then the community might be dead, but android development on this device will bring a new life to enthusiasm
drupad2drupad said:
Thank you very much for this answer! It helps a lot!
I am not a chef for HD2 forum roms. I mainly interact in TG01 forums. Hardly pop-in to these forums. Hence had no idea who is very active developer out here. But now the tast seems easier to contact them.
The reason I din't want to sell up (and mostly others out there too) is the contracts. We are tied up in 18-24 months contracts and as much as we hate the bloated OS that our respective carriers have put on this nice piece of hardware, we do want to explore the development on this device to it's max. Hence we were trying to see if someone could help us take the stalled development further on Android.
Most likely TG01 owner might move to android or WP7 in next 6-8 months and then the community might be dead, but android development on this device will bring a new life to enthusiasm
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+ 10 my friend

What happened to tytung

i have been off from xda lately due to my admission process.logged in some time ago and saw that tytung has stopped support on xda and all his threads closed.why did this happen.can someone shed a light on this.
I am not offending anybody's decision. Just curious
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda premium
Whats happened to tytung
Ah that's a real shame. He put out some great ROMs but that's what happens when you don't obey the rules I guess. It's also nice to see that the mods are completely unbiased and won't give members preferential treatment due to their titles.
Oddly, tytung's threads were all closed apparently because he stated that he would not support them (although he did update). That is the reason given in @kinfauns closing post(s). This is the first time that I am aware of, of threads being closed due to lack of support by the dev. And I can see no rule which states that a dev MUST provide support.
In fact (some) support for these threads was being provided by members, and that is the case for many threads in which the developer/OP is no longer contributing to xda for whatever reason.
People using tytung's roms and needing support on xda, have no choice now but to seek support from "another place". Is it the intention of xda to force people to use a rival site? Or is it to stop people from promoting a rival site and therefore breaking xda rules?
I am just a bit confused as to why these threads were closed, any clarification would be appreciated.
I agree with Robbie p that the threads should be kept open for the users to help each other. Still if the mods are against it we can have a support thread in the general section.
Feels to lose a great dev
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda premium
It more looks like few moderators are simply emotionally hurt(you know what I mean) because Tytung's left.
No seriously, this is dumb. I can't post and provide ANY support for Tytungs ROM's(as many other people who got knowledge) because someone closed threads.
Even if there's no Tytung's, WE can provide basic support, for older iterations of ROM. There's much magic still to be done with HD2 android.
This is abusive. Mod responsible for this kind of damage should be punished.
Robbie P said:
Oddly, tytung's threads were all closed apparently because he stated that he would not support them (although he did update). That is the reason given in @kinfauns closing post(s). This is the first time that I am aware of, of threads being closed due to lack of support by the dev. And I can see no rule which states that a dev MUST provide support.
In fact (some) support for these threads was being provided by members, and that is the case for many threads in which the developer/OP is no longer contributing to xda for whatever reason.
People using tytung's roms and needing support on xda, have no choice now but to seek support from "another place". Is it the intention of xda to force people to use a rival site? Or is it to stop people from promoting a rival site and therefore breaking xda rules?
I am just a bit confused as to why these threads were closed, any clarification would be appreciated.
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disclaimer ....the following reply is only my opinions
i agree with you ..there are many threads in the hd2 android dev section that should also be closed for no dev support ..in fact 98 percent of them shold be closed for lack of dev support
but what i think was the underlying problem was his links for roms went to links that generated money for him..
and i know if i was a dev that had 3 or 4 different rom threads i wouldnt wanna have to monitor 3 or 4 different q/a&t threads for those roms either that would make 6 or 8 threads a dev would have to monitor ,most dont have the time for that
hell you can see the activity in both sections has almost ground to a crawl ..its as if xda is slowly trying to fade out the hd2 android section
dont be surprised if you see some of the few remaining devs stop making roms and move on to something else
and those posts about about this being a dev thread please post in the q&a section blah blah blah are not helpfull to anyone and just clutter up the dev threads even more then offtopic posts do ..xda is trying to do much to late .ive been on xda since 2010 and there was never a problem with how the threads were maintained and handled ..
hell if the wanna do something good for the forum ..then they should change the signup rules and stop all the lazy people from just coming in new and immediatly posting about something that they couldve searched and read about but are to lazy to and want it all handed to them on a silver plate .....also they could remove people like abumaha who has never posted a single post about how good a rom is ..but always post how do i do this and why doesnt this rom work
ok im off my soapbox now
^ Still don't believe that abumaha is somehow still here :') But yeah I agree with Kam, things haven't been done completely correctly IMO.
Sent from my Nexus 4
+1 to kameirus i agree 143%
and abuhama.. just lol
on off topic on topic, if you want to find tytung , just google "forum tytung android" and you should find his forums
Everyone knows the mod's in question were just looking for an excuse they could give. He had dropped a new hd2 rom about 2 or 3 weeks prior. He had instructions on how to install it in post 1. Exactly how much "support" does a dev have to provide the users anyway? It was bs plain and simple....oh and if you looked at his status later they knocked him down to a "Senior Member"......I haven't seen any of the OTHER idle dev's getting their status pulled for being "idle".
As mentioned..they've done an excellent job of killing off the hd2 forum....there is almost no active development going on and the closest rom to tytungs still has a long list of things marked "not working". Tytung was also the only one producing recent jelly bean kernels with hd2 specific fixes so everything worked.
famewolf said:
1. Exactly how much "support" does a dev have to provide the users anyway? It was bs plain and simple....oh and if you looked at his status later they knocked him down to a "Senior Member"......I haven't seen any of the OTHER idle dev's getting their status pulled for being "idle".
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now that was very low from them
famewolf said:
As mentioned..they've done an excellent job of killing off the hd2 forum....there is almost no active development going on and the closest rom to tytungs still has a long list of things marked "not working". Tytung was also the only one producing recent jelly bean kernels with hd2 specific fixes so everything worked.
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That's right. all they're doing is killing the HD2 forums ...
i had reported all the "thread closed" posts by that mod, and i got:
tytung was not being picked on. This action was not taken lightly, or by kinfauns alone. tytung left us no choices.
Thank you,
XDA Senior Moderator
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but in addition to close his threads, they also lowered him to senior member???
sorry if this is rude, but kinda reminds me of when a kid has his candy bar stoled, and he does everything to take revenge and take it back. enough for me
I do not know who made the decision re Tytung, but it was not made by a matured intellect. I have run systems since 1979 (with over 35 years as a senior networks systems/operations engineer) and have dealt with many experienced administrators, moderators and sysops, and the way this was handled shows nothing but ego-driven/threatened immaturity.
Shame on XDA.
MarkAtHome said:
I do not know who made the decision re Tytung, but it was not made by a matured intellect. I have run systems since 1979 (with over 35 years as a senior networks systems/operations engineer) and have dealt with many experienced administrators, moderators and sysops, and the way this was handled shows nothing but ego-driven/threatened immaturity.
Shame on XDA.
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It does feel like some immature revenge.
It's not like only Tytung's got punished, but XDA users who were using his ROM's
I got unnerving thought, that this whole action is to bury HD2 development and make it Low legacy. While it's still in it's strenght despite old age
Shame on you XDA
MarkAtHome said:
I do not know who made the decision re Tytung, but it was not made by a matured intellect. I have run systems since 1979 (with over 35 years as a senior networks systems/operations engineer) and have dealt with many experienced administrators, moderators and sysops, and the way this was handled shows nothing but ego-driven/threatened immaturity.
Shame on XDA.
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yeah! i just bet anyone who made this decision to port android and then build it from source and support a device that was never intended to run android in the first place!
Some of you may remember me from back in the "glory days" of Android on the HD2 when Cotulla and Darkstone were making the very first ROMs. I was here daily loading new builds, even when you could not turn the screen off one time or you'd get the SOD. That was when you could only do it through haret.
Fast forward a bit and we had magldr and cLK and where we really had a million options. Personally after a while I would pretty much stick with ACA on SD dual booted with WP7, but there were some really cool things out there to do. I spent many hours trying to troubleshoot people to flash hspl 2.08 or the right radio or to NOT flash certain radios etc. to get things going right.
Tytung was one of the greats as far as ROM and kernel development, and I am not prevaricating when I tell you that there is no XDA Staff on this site who does not respect what Tytung brought to the table. To put it in very simple yet eloquent terms: Dude had skill...
But our standing policy at XDA has always been that we do not keep open development threads with no support. Due to the fact that we just don't talk about individual dealings in public at XDA for privacy concerns we cannot get into specifics. But I can tell you that XDA has zero to gain from a developer such as that no longer supporting development threads here.
When something like this happens, there is no "victory" and no winner. sometimes things just don't work out for various reasons, and then sometimes things work out just fine in the end.
I can respect the disappointment and ambivalence on this matter, and believe me when I say that the HD2 is still a mighty device worthy of respect. I still own an HD2 along with all of the other devices I use, and it can still do some cool stuff. I wouldn't consider it a Legacy Device just yet!
orangekid said:
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We understand all of this, but why close the threads? If you check the second or third page of the development forum and further, you can see many, and I mean MANY threads of ROMs which are either discontinued or whose developers moved onto other things, other devices. Yet, they are still open, and from time to time you see people bringing them back to surface and getting help. Just because the developer ceased support, it doesn't mean the threads should be closed. Delete his links, remove his other websites, just keep the threads open for members' discussion.
If the developer haven't requested a closure, I don't see a reason why they should be closed.
Marvlesz said:
We understand all of this, but why close the threads? If you check the second or third page of the development forum and further, you can see many, and I mean MANY threads of ROMs which are either discontinued or whose developers moved onto other things, other devices. Yet, they are still open, and from time to time you see people bringing them back to surface and getting help. Just because the developer ceased support, it doesn't mean the threads should be closed. Delete his links, remove his other websites, just keep the threads open for members' discussion.
If the developer haven't requested a closure, I don't see a reason why they should be closed.
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When a developer publicly announces he will no longer follow the rules, no longer support his work posted here, and is actively trying to recruit members away from XDA to his new site, what do you really expect us to do? Cooperate with this effort? Seriously? Sure there are lots of other threads that have been effectively abandoned by their dev/OP when they moved on to a new device, but we simply do not have the luxury of time to go sift through thousands of threads to find them. When they are reported, we evaluate the situation and then act on it according to our guidelines.
Decisions like this are never made quickly, lightly, or on the fly by a single mod here. Now, I am closing this thread and I would appreciate it if no further threads were opened on this topic as it won't help to resolve the situation but will only make it worse.
You all do not know all of the facts in this situation, nor will you as we must respect tytung's privacy in his communications with us so we will not divulge them publicly. tytung is not banned or blacklisted, and is welcome to return here should he change his mind about following the rules. If he does not want to do that, it is entirely up to him.
Thank you,
XDA Senior Moderator

