Eclair / Froyo primary bootloader - Captivate Android Development

I've recently run into an issue finding the original bootloaders (specifically Eclair boot.bin), and after searching for a few hours, NUSHOR pulled some for me and put them on dropbox, so I figured if anyone needs them (I needed them, as hopefully I'll be making a one-click Heimdall for Gingerbread and Froyo soon for all platforms) links are at the bottom! They have become hard to find!
This is for those of you who know how to flash them using Heimdall (IT IS NOT A FLASHABLE ZIP!)
Let me reiterate the point of this:
You *can* use the i9000 GB bootloaders on Froyo, however you cannot use them on Eclair or CM7
You *can* use the new AT&T GB bootloaders on Froyo and Eclair *AND* CM7
The purpose of this is to give those that need to RMA, or need to go to *complete* stock, a way to get the official AT&T bootloaders.
Don't flash these if you don't need them!
Happy flashing otherwise!
I did not realize that and was worried that somehow it would mess up my phone going to CM7 from i9000 ROMs.
Thankfully, there are real developers like designgears on this site to steer me in the right direction. I appreciate you dropping some knowledge on us!
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Ouch man!

You are the man!!! I had a lot of trouble trying to find these for the longest time! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

JI6? The leaky Froyo rom!

Just use the GB ones, they are backwards compatible.

I did not realize that and was worried that somehow it would mess up my phone going to CM7 from i9000 ROMs.
Thankfully, there are real developers like designgears on this site to steer me in the right direction. I appreciate you dropping some knowledge on us!

tarheelblueboy87 said:
I did not realize that and was worried that somehow it would mess up my phone going to CM7 from i9000 ROMs.
Thankfully, there are real developers like designgears on this site to steer me in the right direction. I appreciate you dropping some knowledge on us!
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You can't use Gingerbread bootloaders on CM7. I don't remember exactly what it screws up, but I remember some people tried it and had serious issues. Gingerbread bootloaders work with Samsung 2.2 ROMs, which is what designgears was saying (I assume).

I have no clue whether mine are downgraded, but I'm guessing no, i still show the i9000 screen as primary boot. I did use Odin to flash back to eclair, but pretty sure there were no bootloaders in the package. I have been running CM7 great! Maybe I downgraded, or the hardware lock on the sbl makes it okay (my i897 is model 1012, prob makes a dif). Dunno, but I like having an essentially pure Google phone with CM7, so i hope the problem never crops up for me!
In no way am I advocating that other captivate users listen to me. Listen to these devs, I'm just sharing my experience. Thank u for more clarification, and CM7 Platypus kernel rocks!
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App

tarheelblueboy87 said:
I have no clue whether mine are downgraded, but I'm guessing no, i still show the i9000 screen as primary boot. I did use Odin to flash back to eclair, but pretty sure there were no bootloaders in the package. I have been running CM7 great! Maybe I downgraded, or the hardware lock on the sbl makes it okay (my i897 is model 1012, prob makes a dif). Dunno, but I like having an essentially pure Google phone with CM7, so i hope the problem never crops up for me!
In no way am I advocating that other captivate users listen to me. Listen to these devs, I'm just sharing my experience. Thank u for more clarification, and CM7 Platypus kernel rocks!
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Lol, I'm not the platypus dev, just maintaining the thread for zacharias.maladroit. But thanks anyway
The CM dev have said it won't work, but I guess you're just lucky. Is your external sd mounted? I think that was an issue that was mentioned.
Sent from my Captivate

I just got an external sd, and it doesn't show up in my storage information. I really didn't know what was up with that, I just didn't really care, but now I do lol.
I'll see if oneclick works to downgrade the bootloaders, but it has not worked in the past.
I've had trouble making a package of my own with bootloaders: I've added them to the .tar, but it fails when it runs, so obviously just adding them isn't enough. What else needs to be done to make them actually flash through odin as a .tar? Or is adding them actually enough? Does my file fail because it contains the sbl, which I thought had a hardware lock on my model, and is that also why oneclick fails?
edit----oneclick did the trick! THANK YOU designgears!!! Now I should be able to use CM7 as it was intended.

If I'm currently on a JVH ROM, and wanted to be on CM7, I know what to do, but if I'm feeling lazy good I just technically just flash CM7 over it since I dont have an ext-Sd?
Or could I flash the above .zip to get my boot loaders back.

designgears said:
Just use the GB ones, they are backwards compatible.
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Yes, they are, but only for Froyo AFAIK. Also, if you wish to use CM7, you can't use them, although you can use the new Gingerbread ones from AT&T

So I can use this bootloader to get CM7 to work back on my phone if I am rooted on the stock rom?

veener79 said:
So I can use this bootloader to get CM7 to work back on my phone if I am rooted on the stock rom?
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Not sure what you mean by 'the stock ROM', but if you are on Gingerbread bootloaders, and you need / want CM7, your best option would be to follow the guide here:
The reason I say this is because more than likely, you will never need to flash the bootloaders I posted, as they will not support Gingerbread. Like I said in the first post, they are only if you need to RMA the phone, or return it to bone stock, otherwise the 'Unofficial' AT&T Bootloaders will be best for you, as they work on anything.
Edit: I didn't technically answer your question: Yes, you could use these for CM7, but it's typically best not to.


rooting, wtf!

Come on guys, enough with the extremely complicated rooting process on the galaxy tab. Where's Unrevoked for the gtab? Or the other mainstream android devices.. There are more acronyms being thrown around in the development forum than needs to be. It's obvious many people don't have a clue what they're talking about.
All of my devices are rooted with some flavor of gingerbread (CM7,SalvageMod) excluding my tablet. I know that posting a whiny thread isn't going to motivate anyone but it may give some perspective.. SuperOneClick is about as close as i've seen it come to the what-should-be one click experience.
This forum is frequented by some of the most brilliant hacker/developers our world has to offer, I'm baffled that the galaxy tab is still a bastard child.
Step 1: Hook phone to PC....
Step 2: Run superoneclick....
Step 3: .........
Step4: profit!!!
Not sure what's hard about it. The galaxy development so far has been amazing roto Paul chainfire Techno and tons more. Awesome helpful devs busting ass in here
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
Yeah I should have been more clear.. flashing the right binaries and not going down a one way street with your tablet.. I have root, root is nothing special to the average user.
Rotohammer, technomancer, etc I know they do wonderful work. Technomancer is the very reason CM7 is running on the gtab
Anybody aware of any ROM developers (for any device, curious) that may have actually developed a complete root/rom application for windows/osx/linux? As in, click a button, root, adb push some files, reboot and start the install process?
I think you need to make the distinction between rooting and flashing a ROM or people might be confused by the thread title:
CyanogenMod 7 (CM7), MoDaCo Custom ROM, Rotohammer ROMs...these are all cooked or modified ROMs which can be flashed onto a device to give it (or remove from it) certain features. Root user access can be one of these features.
Rooting is the process of gaining access to the root (Super User) account on the device and thus being able to run applications which would have otherwise been restricted access to certain areas of the filesystem.
So flashing a custom ROM can be synonymous with rooting, but not vice versa.
I feel the same about the tab threads. The discussions, flashing, etc are seem a bit complicated. I am very greatful for all the work that the dev and chefs do, but it is easier to flash CWM and Android to my winmo HD2 than it is to put a custom rom on my tab!!! I have yet to make any mods to the tab othern than rooting because I really dont want to mess things up. I am waiting and hoping this process becomes simpler soon.
dubie76 said:
I am very greatful for all the work that the dev and chefs do, but it is easier to flash CWM and Android to my winmo HD2 than it is to put a custom rom on my tab!!!
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The MoDaCo kernel effectively does what you want - gives you CWM in recovery so you can apply files same as you would on an HD2, with the exception of radio images (as far as I'm aware, though even that should be possible).
Yes, you need to use Odin/Heimdall to flash the modified kernel to begin with, but that isn't exactly much of a hardship.
Exactly.. Flash modaco kernal using Odin, choose PDA and flash. Reboot and it auto converts to ext4 and voila cwm on the tab
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roy8846 said:
Exactly.. Flash modaco kernal using Odin, choose PDA and flash. Reboot and it auto converts to ext4 and voila cwm on the tab
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
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Hmmm. That kernel works 100% on an USA Tmobile tablet? With no isues?
roy8846 said:
Exactly.. Flash modaco kernal using Odin, choose PDA and flash. Reboot and it auto converts to ext4 and voila cwm on the tab
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dubie76 said:
Hmmm. That kernel works 100% on an USA Tmobile tablet? With no isues?
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Absolutely. Doesn't get much easier that that.
gwbard said:
Absolutely. Doesn't get much easier that that.
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His rom thread states that you need to have cwm on your tab before you load his rom. The only cwm that I see on XDA is a beta one. I really dont want to flash a beta version. Is there a full release for the USA Tmobile tab out there?
I have to agree. I thought coming over here while being an avid T-Mo Vibrant flasher that this would be a breeze. I have been real adamant about doing anything other than root my Tab because there seems to be more of a difference in things than I thought.
I am not one to come in and ask questions when I know the answers are out there, but I haven't been able to find a straight answer. I don't even know if what is already on my Tab is the newest or if I am missing out. I see posts that say "OMG Don't flash this or your Tab will grow arms and beat the sh*t out of you!!!" and I'm like "Huh?!"
My Tab has a baseband of T849UVJJB and the build is FROYO.UVJJB am I missing the best new thing? I'd love to give my Tab some Gingerbread love while I'm waiting on the guys to throw together something awesome with the newly released source on the Vibrant forums.
dubie76 said:
His rom thread states that you need to have cwm on your tab before you load his rom. The only cwm that I see on XDA is a beta one. I really dont want to flash a beta version. Is there a full release for the USA Tmobile tab out there?
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Yes, before you load his *ROM*. We're talking the kernel here. See this thread.
FWIW, pretty much anything you find on XDA can be considered beta software!
dubie76 said:
His rom thread states that you need to have cwm on your tab before you load his rom. The only cwm that I see on XDA is a beta one. I really dont want to flash a beta version. Is there a full release for the USA Tmobile tab out there?
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Yes, the MoDaCo kernel -- very simple to install -- it will include CWM and convert your filesystem to ext4. Even if you leave it at that, with your stock ROM, the difference is incredible.
Just flashed the kernel. Converting to ext4 and everything is backing up. Thanks for the info.
dubie76 said:
His rom thread states that you need to have cwm on your tab before you load his rom. The only cwm that I see on XDA is a beta one.
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Use the kernal by Chainfire on top of Roto JMI. That will give you the CWM3 in one simple step.
You go on to the other kernals if you want to change your format of your internal sd card to the ext4 format instead of the rfs format.
Dammit2Hell said:
I have to agree. I thought coming over here while being an avid T-Mo Vibrant flasher that this would be a breeze. ....... I see posts that say "OMG Don't flash this or your Tab will grow arms and beat the sh*t out of you!!!" and I'm like "Huh?!"
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The tab is a very wide distribution, so people of very different backgrounds are on these forums asking many of the same questions. On other forums someone asking a question that was previously answered usually gets disemboweled, but here we have a more patient tone, so instead of thinking before posting, we get way more than our share of "help, I think I melted my precious".
The tab is really just a bigger vibrant. They are 6 months further along than us. In 6 months this thing will make us toast and coffee.
rangercaptain said:
Use the kernal by Chainfire on top of Roto JMI. That will give you the CWM3 in one simple step.
You go on to the other kernals if you want to change your format of your internal sd card to the ext4 format instead of the rfs format.
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I have decided on MoDaCo kernel. It will flash new kernel, cwm, and ext4 from what I read and understand,
wrote a step by step here, might be helpful for you:
Z4root works with Verizon's tabs
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le3ky said:
wrote a step by step here, might be helpful for you:
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Thanks. How long does it take? Messages has been at zimage for a long time now. Maybe 4 minutes.

[Q] GB .573 Leak to Liberty GB question

I'm sure that I could piece together an answer for this question by sorting through several related questions... but I didn't find anything to exactly answer ALL of my queries. It would help to have plain answers so I don't screw this up... I'd like to get it done in one swift attempt.
I've been running the rooted .573 leak since the moment it came out. I have had no issues with it at all. It runs quickly (albeit a little hot) and I can't recall any crashes, other than browser app issues... but now that the DX2 is out and Gingerbread has hit the OG DX masses , I've lost interest in the new Blur appearance. I'd like to switch to Liberty GB and experience the customized way of life for a bit. I know that I need to download that donate toolbox app, but I've got some questions before I do that.
1) Do I need to SBF back to Froyo first or can I start from .573?
2) How much of the loading process does the app handle? Do I really have to do much at all? Some threads make it sound easy as pie.
3) Does Netflix work on Liberty GB?
Thanks for the help folks... I apologize if this info can be found elsewhere. As I said, I really did make an attempt to search around first.
I have the exact same situation, and was hoping to not have to sbf back to froyo in order to get gb liberty
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SBF'ing is easier than flashing a rom, I don't understand why people are scared of it. You can pm me if you want a link to specific instructions for that.
To my knowledge, netflix does work.
The app should pretty much do everything for you
Jmoney47 said:
SBF'ing is easier than flashing a rom, I don't understand why people are scared of it. You can pm me if you want a link to specific instructions for that.
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Thanks for the info... but I should've clarified in my original post - I am in no way "scared" of SBF'ing. I've done it in the past and had absolutely no issues with it. The reason I asked whether or not it was necessary before loading this particular custom ROM is because I don't have access to my personal laptop at the moment. I'm stuck on company computers without admin rights until later next week. I was hoping to toy around with Liberty GB in my free time because I knew that I could get the ROM from the Android Market. If it is absolutely necessary to SBF back to stock Froyo, then I'll wait until I'm back with my home computer. If not, I'd like to get started. Again, thanks for the information!
MarkPopkie said:
Thanks for the info... but I should've clarified in my original post - I am in no way "scared" of SBF'ing. I've done it in the past and had absolutely no issues with it. The reason I asked whether or not it was necessary before loading this particular custom ROM is because I don't have access to my personal laptop at the moment. I'm stuck on company computers without admin rights until later next week. I was hoping to toy around with Liberty GB in my free time because I knew that I could get the ROM from the Android Market. If it is absolutely necessary to SBF back to stock Froyo, then I'll wait until I'm back with my home computer. If not, I'd like to get started. Again, thanks for the information!
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Ok, I am pretty sure you can get to the official gb, and then liberty without an SBF, there is a post on mydroidworld titled something like "gb, something for everyone" there you can get instructions and the files you need
Jmoney47 said:
Ok, I am pretty sure you can get to the official gb, and then liberty without an SBF, there is a post on mydroidworld titled something like "gb, something for everyone" there you can get instructions and the files you need
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Thanks for the tip. Because I'm on the .573 leak, my Baseband version isn't up-to-date. I can't take the easy method and just update right over the leak... Looks like I'll have to SBF back to Froyo no matter what I do. Guess I'll have to wait... Oh well.

[Q] Is the Droid X rootable

I am thinking about getting a Droid X this afternoon. With the OTA update is it rootable and if so with what? Thank!
floridatank said:
I am thinking about getting a Droid X this afternoon. With the OTA update is it rootable and if so with what? Thank!
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Not the OTA. You will need to sbf back to froyo and then upgrade to the pre rooted GB
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bigshotrob22 said:
Not the OTA. You will need to sbf back to froyo and then upgrade to the pre rooted GB
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
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I went ahead and got it. It has 2.3.3 on it, Will Gingerbreak work on that? Thanks!
floridatank said:
I went ahead and got it. It has 2.3.3 on it, Will Gingerbreak work on that? Thanks!
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Nope! Like I said its unrootable
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
But that doesn't mean you can't root.
SBF to froyo.
Flash the 2-part gingerbread .zips.
Flash a custom rom (Liberty?)
Or stay on the froyo kernel...
and try MIUI or Cyanogen.
Be careful and read as much as you possibly can before starting. Myself and at least one other on here with the latest iteration of the X have ended up with boot looping or totally non-responsive devices.
I have started a thread with my findings. I am by no means an expert but I do have much experience with rooting devices going all the way back to the PPC6700.
Good luck.
getting stuck in a bootloop is part of the exploration process IMHO.
At least once per new ROM I'll flash something 'just to see what happens' and end up SBF'ing back. Just make backups between steps if you aren't sure about what will happen next.
it would be nice if one of the devs or people who work on rooting or someone in the know would at least comment if we are going to get a real root with the OTA
i mean im running froyo with CM7 but i sure would like the new firmwares for all the radios flashed and then be running CM7
so if someone could give us some kind of update at least saying no one is even remotely working on trying to gain root on 4.5.596 Official OTA or that yea we are working on it but it is a ***** and taken longer then we expected
that lil bit of info goes a long ways
I am not aware of any dev working on this ATM.
I don't think rooting 596 ota is critical 2nd unit has opened up alot of new doors and the attention has shifted. However I have flashed all of drew gardens latest and ran cm4dx until nightly 47. Now I'm daily MIUI and loving it, despite locked bootloader the cdma_shadow still has alot of options.
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to my understanding .596 has better battery life and signals are better for wifi and cellular (at least more stable and less drops)
i do not know if this is true but i have read/heard alot of ppl saying the battery life is better on .596
after all there is a .596 for some reason and its not a lil bump from 2.2.340 its pretty big
anyhow someone really needs to figure this out as the baseband has changed....i mean there is the pre-rooted rom .596 that works great so we know it can be done.
whats the big deal...let us have it
m16-maniac said:
anyhow someone really needs to figure this out as the baseband has changed....i mean there is the pre-rooted rom .596 that works great so we know it can be done.
whats the big deal...let us have it
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the big deal is that there isn't a readily found exploit for the ota, the pre-rooted was done with a diff. method (brute force? recompiled?) but the versions are the same regardless
no ones holding back a secret root method, there just isn't a dev interested in spending huge amounts of time to recreate what already exists
i think it would be interesting to create a batch script that sbf's a phone and installs the pre-rooted .596 but all hidden behind a random animation so the user doesn't see what's happening. if i call it a 'one click' root method lots of people who don't seem to want to take the readily available pre-rooted gb for whatever reason would likely be happy. yeah i understand that if it includes a sbf then data may get lost, but if i said in the instructions of my 'app' that it would happen and they should have backups, people would still likely use it
sorry, but i just don't understand why so many people who want root are seemingly against using the pre-rooted option, as most of them don't have the knowledge to find an exploit or a root method from scratch themselves, so they are still using the work of someone else...
<Disclaimer>I'm going out on a limb here with limited knowledge of the X. <End disclaimer>
From what I read and I don't remember where, the rooting of an X involves a 2nd init method by which it takes control of the initial init. I believe I read the original init isn't able to be exploited and this is the basis of some of the more complicated methods of rooting the X.
If someone knows more about this please correct me or chime in.
I had an Incredible prior. The rooting was more comprehensive and simple. I believe that is because the bootstrap and recovery were not as difficult to get into. That being said, personally, I may be going back to another HTC device if the folks light years smarter than me aren't interested in developing a root method like the other devices out there.

is ther any ICS roms for verizon R800x

hey my play comes in the 3erd and i will like to know is there any working ICS roms for it and how to go about doing every thing i need to. i use to have the lg ally running velocity v1.2 but by the looks of it with my new play i have flashing roms and recover look way harder then the ally was so i need some info guys and a guide and what roms are save to flash and what recovery do i need to have also and thanks for you help also!!!
I havent seen any ICS roms for the r800x but recovering/flashing roms is made very very easy with this from the android market "Xperia CWM Auto-Instaler"
You don't even need to unlock the bootloader, just needs to be rooted and then go about setting up the Xperia CWM Auto-Instaler and just make a nandroid backup. I would reccommend using Cola's rom or IT-ROM (which is based off of Cola's rom) for the r800x, they both have worked perfectly for me and I'm currently running IT-ROM which definitely makes the r800x run much smoother/faster.
Wifi, 3g, sms, ect all worked without any issues, and if you're somone who is worried about being able to overclock, I know someone is working on that with Cola's rom, but I dont think it's finished yet. But, those roms take care of basically any speed issues one may have with their r800x, it definitely did the trick for me.
Good luck
SoberCanoe said:
I havent seen any ICS roms for the r800x but recovering/flashing roms is made very very easy with this from the android market "Xperia CWM Auto-Instaler"
You don't even need to unlock the bootloader, just needs to be rooted and then go about setting up the Xperia CWM Auto-Instaler and just make a nandroid backup. I would reccommend using Cola's rom or IT-ROM (which is based off of Cola's rom) for the r800x, they both have worked perfectly for me and I'm currently running IT-ROM which definitely makes the r800x run much smoother/faster.
Wifi, 3g, sms, ect all worked without any issues, and if you're somone who is worried about being able to overclock, I know someone is working on that with Cola's rom, but I dont think it's finished yet. But, those roms take care of basically any speed issues one may have with their r800x, it definitely did the trick for me.
Good luck
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Click to collapse i found this can you give me some info on flashing it and thanks
Read more prior to posting... There's a lot of info in here (no ICS), and unless you take the time to sift through it all and understand it, you will mess up your phone.
Weudel said:
Read more prior to posting... There's a lot of info in here (no ICS), and unless you take the time to sift through it all and understand it, you will mess up your phone.
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ya i know that as i have done all of this with the ally but what i dont know is with this do i root and then flash the recover and then install the rom because i know the recovery does not work with stock and thats what i will be on or do i install the rom and then the recovery if i have more info on this then im good
How are planning on installing the ROM without recovery? Seriously, read everything again so you don't brick your phone.
And make sure you're installing a ROM for locked bootloaders.... If you try to install that CM7 ROM it'll likely never boot again.
Weudel said:
How are planning on installing the ROM without recovery? Seriously, read everything again so you don't brick your phone.
And make sure you're installing a ROM for locked bootloaders.... If you try to install that CM7 ROM it'll likely never boot again.
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ok i looked up some info and i can not unlock my bootloader on the R800x i am so happy i did not try and flash the CM7 lol
you can unlock your boot loader it just cost $$ , someone with setool , a paper clip and not minding voiding your warrantee. I would not suggest it until you've gotten a bit experience under your belt but when you get there its worth having done in my opinion , many people vary on this subject and they're right also.
There is limited real benefit to unlocking the R800x, since the devs have been focusing on the locked ROMs... Not much out there, unless you're planning to develop it yourself.
Weudel said:
There is limited real benefit to unlocking the R800x, since the devs have been focusing on the locked ROMs... Not much out there, unless you're planning to develop it yourself.
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Indeed, fully functional cm7 is hardly worth unlocking your bootloader for
Sent from my R800x using xda premium
I wood like to make some Rom for the locked bootloader and unlocked bootloader but irony have the stuff and dint know how dint have no one to teach me
Sent from my R800x using XDA App

[Q] Willing to Pay You to Get ICS on my phone!

Look, I've tried and tried. I don't get it. I think my Atrix 4G bootloader is unlocked, i have SU installed, ROM manager, Titanium Backup works... but i can't get CWM to back up or to flash a ROM. I try and do a backup with CWM or flash a rom and i always get the Android with exclamation mark. I give up. You people are smarter than me. The forums are a MAZE. Half the links for various files and instructions don't even work anymore. What will it take to get someone to get me what i want!?!?!?
Please don't give me a link and say "go here" or "try this", because i've clicked on 100's of those type links and the instructions either do not make sense to my pee size brain or are incomplete or inaccurate.
Give me a fair price. I'll Paypal you the money - if it works (yeah, you'll have to trust me, tough).
wbkramit said:
Look, I've tried and tried. I don't get it. I think my Atrix 4G bootloader is unlocked, i have SU installed, ROM manager, Titanium Backup works... but i can't get CWM to back or to flash a ROM. I try and do a backup with CWM or flash a rom and i always get the Android with exclamation mark. I give up. You people are smarter than me. The forums are a MAZE. Half the links for various files and instructions don't even work anymore. What will it take to get someone to get me what i want!?!?!?
Please don't give me a link and say "go here" or "try this", because i've clicked on 100's of those type links and the instructions either do not make sense to my pee size brain or are incomplete or inaccurate.
Give me a fair price. I'll Paypal you the money - if it works (yeah, you'll have to trust me, tough).
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I can help you but you do know that ICS isnt very stable yet and if ur not good with this kind of stuff shouldnt do it yet. But the ICS/JB without HW acceleration and working video recording and webtop work good. But if you still want to do it let me know ill help and let me know which ROM you want
@OP - OK for starters let's check to see if your bootloader is unlocked.
Turn off your phone and power it back up. Does it say "unlocked" in the top left hand corner? If so it's unlocked. It could still be technically unlocked without saying unlocked, but you would have had to flash a fruitcake to cover it up, and you probably would have known if you flashed a fruitcake already.
If you do feel brave, there are videos on YouTube showing how to unlock the bootloader (if you still need to) and also how to install CM7.
Unless you have the patience in dealing with bugs, IMHO you are better off "right now" using CM7 over ICS.
Just my opinion and best of luck...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
try changing date on your phone or pc and reset everything,saying you have been member for 4 years ?
xxxo said:
try changing date on your phone or pc and reset everything,saying you have been member for 4 years ?
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No that's actually true. Surely it isn't that easy to fake? I've been too big of chicken to try anything until the ICS update got cancelled, but I'm often checking in and trying to see what might be going on related to my phone.
Ilkinansr92 said:
I can help you but you do know that ICS isnt very stable yet and if ur not good with this kind of stuff shouldnt do it yet. But the ICS/JB without HW acceleration and working video recording and webtop work good. But if you still want to do it let me know ill help and let me know which ROM you want
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Sorry for the delay... apparently noobs have to wait 5 minutes between posts.
My phone does not say unlocked when booting... but I thought SuperUser or ROM manager or Titanium told me I was unlocked at one point? I'm sooo far lost I don't really care. I just want to get where I can flash ROMs with CWM as easily as it appears to be.
I'd like to learn enough to be able to revert back to GB in the event the upgrade isn't for me. Or hopefully someone would help me go back if needed. Maybe I'm just believing what I see on the internet but I was interested in the recently "leaked" version of ICS...? Are you laughing at me write now? Whatever would be the most stable and/or have the most functionality is probably what i want. I'm really hoping to enjoy new software enough to inspire me to keep the phone until I see a new phone I have to have!
wbkramit said:
Sorry for the delay... apparently noobs have to wait 5 minutes between posts.
My phone does not say unlocked when booting... but I thought SuperUser or ROM manager or Titanium told me I was unlocked at one point? I'm sooo far lost I don't really care. I just want to get where I can flash ROMs with CWM as easily as it appears to be.
I'd like to learn enough to be able to revert back to GB in the event the upgrade isn't for me. Or hopefully someone would help me go back if needed. Maybe I'm just believing what I see on the internet but I was interested in the recently "leaked" version of ICS...? Are you laughing at me write now? Whatever would be the most stable and/or have the most functionality is probably what i want. I'm really hoping to enjoy new software enough to inspire me to keep the phone until I see a new phone I have to have!
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Well we can get leaked ICS on your phone but its battery life isnt great and some other bugs. Also when did you get your phone is it AT&T phone bought in US? Because newer Atrix cant be unlocked And it might brick our phone and you wont be able to do anything about it.
The question Stands above:
Do u need the camcorder?
Do u use a webtop?
When u answere one of these questions with yes, u should use a Stock based Rom or cm7; else i would prefer pinters jb.
Gesendet von meinem MB860
Give us your build number
Yeah before you start anywhere, we need your build number.
Settings > About Phone > Build Number
The steps to unlock your phone will be based of that.
Actually just list all the settings in your phone. It'll be easier.
Ilkinansr92 said:
Well we can get leaked ICS on your phone but its battery life isnt great and some other bugs. Also when did you get your phone is it AT&T phone bought in US? Because newer Atrix cant be unlocked And it might brick our phone and you wont be able to do anything about it.
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Bought the phone in 2/25/11 (per history). System: 4.5.141.MB860.ATT.en.US
Android: 2.3.6
Baseband: N_01.77.37P
Webtop: WT-1.2.0-110-OLY-6
Build: 4.5.141
I'm not overly concerned about video recording, i don't use webtop. Again, I was hoping if i didn't like ICS/JB I could try the CM7 or whatever else I wanted? No?
Was it something I said...?
The steps in the thread below worked BEAUTIFULLY for me. Just check whether you've got a 32 or 64-bit version of Windows so you can download the correct drivers for RSDLite. Once you get the bootloader unlocked and a proper recovery partition on there, it's all downhill. Two weeks ago, I was a complete n00b and now I can flash ROMs onto my Atrix in my sleep. For the first time last night, I even flashed a ROM without connecting to my computer, but rather just by downloading the newest AOKP package from GooManager, copying it to the SD Card, then doing a dirty install via Recovery.
There's also an awesome YouTube video showing how to flash MIUI onto your Atrix, but you can use it for any ROM you like.
(Caution: Like everyone else here, I assume no responsibility if something screws up and your expensive phone turns into a paperweight. As my Atrix is roughly the same vintage as yours, I seriously do not believe that will happen, but everything here is of course at your own risk.)
Hey sorry I passed out in box me a way to contact u and we'll talk
Sent from my CM10 Motorola ATRIX 4G
RaiderDuck said:
The steps in the thread below worked BEAUTIFULLY for me. Just check whether you've got a 32 or 64-bit version of Windows so you can download the correct drivers for RSDLite. Once you get the bootloader unlocked and a proper recovery partition on there, it's all downhill. Two weeks ago, I was a complete n00b and now I can flash ROMs onto my Atrix in my sleep. For the first time last night, I even flashed a ROM without connecting to my computer, but rather just by downloading the newest AOKP package from GooManager, copying it to the SD Card, then doing a dirty install via Recovery.
There's also an awesome YouTube video showing how to flash MIUI onto your Atrix, but you can use it for any ROM you like.
(Caution: Like everyone else here, I assume no responsibility if something screws up and your expensive phone turns into a paperweight. As my Atrix is roughly the same vintage as yours, I seriously do not believe that will happen, but everything here is of course at your own risk.)
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Unfortunately i've tried this site. I get lost once i get to #2 and it tells me to "go here" and download things, because it says things like "if you're 64 bit you'll need the OTHER link". What other link? And then it says "Do this UNLESS you're on ATT." I am on ATT WTF do i do? Also when i do try to install some drivers off of one of the random links my computer says I have more up to date drivers already installed. Ahhh the short falls of the internet.
wbkramit said:
Unfortunately i've tried this site. I get lost once i get to #2 and it tells me to "go here" and download things, because it says things like "if you're 64 bit you'll need the OTHER link". What other link? And then it says "Do this UNLESS you're on ATT." I am on ATT WTF do i do? Also when i do try to install some drivers off of one of the random links my computer says I have more up to date drivers already installed. Ahhh the short falls of the internet.
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You can get the appropriate version of RSDLite and drivers (32 or 64-bit) from here:
After that, it's just downloading the unlocker that says "ATT ONLY" at this link:
Ilkinansr92 said:
Hey sorry I passed out in box me a way to contact u and we'll talk
Sent from my CM10 Motorola ATRIX 4G
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I sent you a PM.
Use the instruction in this link Everything works there.
And it's better to make a donation to XDA Developers projects to release a stable ICS/JB version
Wow, thats why i still like to come to this community and check whats going on around, even though i don't the phone anymore. OP started a thread, thats been asked tons of times, and no one have flamed him yet, on the contrary, everyone is trying to help him. If he would do this on the GS2 i777 general section, he would have got flamed and the thread would have gone totally offtopic about jokes and stuff like that.
Great community guys! Keep the Atrix forums like this!
PS: Sorry for the offtopic.
Same Atrix as mine
OK it looks like you have the same Atrix as mine.
I used this:
Basically it's a one step process for installing root and unlocking your phone. Unfortunately, it also comes with an outdated CWM.
So once you are done follow these instructions:
That should be it. Good luck.

