Gmail Syncing / Battery Life - EVO 4G General

So, I understand that the Gmail app uses Push technology for receiving emails. How is this on battery life? Would I get better battery life if I disabled auto sync with gmail, and used set up the email application to check for mail every 30 minutes?
Or maybe do something with juice defender so that it turns on sync every half hour for a while, then turns it back off?
I'm trying to cut down on as much unnecessary Syncing as possible. I honesty don't need to get an email the very second it arrives... I'm only a college student
Sent from my HTC Evo 4G

Push notifications don't use enough data/battery for you to notice vs your scheme of toggling data on/off. What you will prevent is other data use such as the phone sending back location data, market checking for updates, other apps the pull data automatically like weather or news.


Battery Life Solution

I am using the CDMA hero, but this should apply to anyone with a Hero (although our GSM friends have probably figured this out long ago.) Feel free to move my post if you like.
So I too was experiencing extreme battery draw down. I considered the SMS issue with perpetual awake times but after isolating the issue, I was still hitting 30% after after 12 hours with only moderate use. I found that unacceptable considering my Treo has been in standby for 2 weeks now and the battery has not budged. Solution? Turn of Google background services.
I know it hurts to have to manually refresh email, contacts, and calendar, but the return is almost zero battery drain (unless you are actively playing with the phone.) I know this is an obvious fix and I read it elsewhere online when I first got the phone. However, I am addicted to Gmail so I was really hesitant to turn it off. The background services option seems to keep a constant data connection when I really just want it to check my email every 15 minutes or so and update my calendar and contacts once a day. Has anyone found a way to limit the update frequency without the HTC widget. (I prefer the stock Android Gmail client.)
I do not know about the frequency of Gmail syncing,
but the main battery saving trick for me
is to turn the mobile data connection completelly off
when i know i will not (or want not) to be online
for a longer period of time (e.g. in the night, longer car drives, etc)
i am using the build-in htc widget for this
Thanks. That is a pretty good solution. Still wish I could curtail the sync frequency though......
So we need to re-enable it when we want to visit the Market, right? Annoying but if it improves battery life, then not a big deal.

Gmail sync schedule draining battery

Hi, sorry if this has been asked, but I'm a follower of the entire Nexus One forum, and could not find it.
It drive me nuts I cannot find how to set synchronization for the Gmail account. I want to have it check for mail every 15 or 30 minutes, and not continuously as how it looks is happening now. I think this is one of the reasons my battery drains so fast in standby.
Is this possible? ( I almost swear I saw it once, maybe at initial setup of the Nexus), or it's just my ex WinMo thinking?
As far as I know Gmail is push, no?
I need the answer too, but it seems that it is pushed mail.. it draws the battery quickly.
I leave my sync on and don't seem to have any significant battery life problems... I mostly leave my phone in 2g mode though, activating 3g/wifi when I actually want to do something.
I charge once a day when I am sleeping usually, but it seems fine to me.
Someone please correct me if Im wrong.
Im under the impression that Push email allows Gmail to stay completely idle until a wireless msg is sent and activates the updating process.
Thuse greatly reducing battery since it only has to check when told to instead of periodically.
Unless of course your constantly getting emails in which case it may be ALWAYS being told to check.
Guys, how long does the N1 need have to last. I life in an area where I can charge the N1 every night while I'm sleeping. It is set to Autosync with GMail and I use it quite a lot, maybe around 40-60 min. Internet and a few minutes phone and a few SMS and (at least now to get used to my new toy) a lot of playing around and about 30 min MP3 a day. It's empty when I go to bed but who cares? I got power beside my bed and do charge it while I sleep. That's how it should be, or? If I'm away and maybe don't have a power grid (where the heck is this today, in the middle of a dessert or rainforrest?!) and need more than a day than I would switch off the Internet and syncing and put down to display brightness.
sthoeft said:
Guys, how long does the N1 need have to last. I life in an area where I can charge the N1 every night while I'm sleeping. It is set to Autosync with GMail and I use it quite a lot, maybe around 40-60 min. Internet and a few minutes phone and a few SMS and (at least now to get used to my new toy) a lot of playing around and about 30 min MP3 a day. It's empty when I go to bed but who cares? I got power beside my bed and do charge it while I sleep. That's how it should be, or? If I'm away and maybe don't have a power grid (where the heck is this today, in the middle of a dessert or rainforrest?!) and need more than a day than I would switch off the Internet and syncing and put down to display brightness.
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The topic has less to do with how long the battery has to last and more about how do you change the GMail app to poll for new mail rather than relying on push. Mail sent to GMail account is by no means urgent and I for one don't want to drain my battery for a feature that I do not need.
For those that are skeptical that push technology drains the battery - the following is a quote from GMail's blog regarding the GMail app for WinMo (sorry I can't post the link due to user restriction): "Once you're set up, new messages are normally pushed to your phone within seconds. While this type of speed is pretty awesome, push connections tend to use more power than fetching at intervals, so don't be surprised if your battery life isn't quite what it used to be."
Anyways, I haven't found a way to change the GMail application to a poll model rather than push so as an alternative I've setup K9-Mail against my GMail account and have it poll on a regular interval and disabled the GMail application altogether.
So you want your Gmail account to update at a predifined interval (like every hour?)?
This is simple: Open up the Email App (NOT Gmail), and enter your full gmail account ([email protected]) and password. It will set up your Gmail account in the Email app. In this app press Menu > Account Settings, and set the email check frequency to your liking. You can also set other options like delete emails from the server when you delete them on the Email App.
In this way you will use the Email app to check emails, meaning you can turn auto-sync off and save battery.
You could also sync your email account once. Then turn off sync. And manually sync your email anytime you want to check for new mail. Since it's not "urgent" as you said.
Or do as melterx pointed out.
Thanks guys for all solutions provided. I'll test them out and see what's happening
Answering to the guy who mentioned about how long should battery last, well, I'm simply not used to charge my phone daily. I had Touch HD before the N1, and with same usage (phone calls, gmail sync, internet) I had almost 3 days with a full charge.
Well, I'm still blaming the "new phone" factor for my battery draining problem, and I mean by this that I'm simply using it too much compared to a normal, "already used to it", usage.
But again, there are other topics for battery usage, so let's keep this only for email sync options
turn off auto-sync. when you want it to fire up, fire it up, then shut it down again. i went all day today, and ran less than half the battery off, because it wasn't polling over and over and over...
I'm not sure how much push drains the battery. One of my Gmail accounts is a work account. I have it and my personal email on push. Went for 10 hours, got about 40-45 emails with several calls and numerous text messages and still went down to 57%. I do have my phone on 3G most of the day(gotta love Atlanta).

Psuh Email and battery life

Hi guys,
I just want to know, what battery life are you guys getting with push email turned on. I have to charge my phone almost twice a day with reasonable use.
10 emails
1 hour calls
4 sms
1 hour web browsing
(no wifi or gps)
I can get 3 days with push switched on if I only use 2G and don't use the phone very much.
ie. push isn't a big battery drain in itself.
Maybe push is not big battery drain but being connected to 3G or HSDPA network is BBBBBBIIIIIGGGG battery drain.
I can get through near the week (5 or 6 days) making a few phone calls and SMS with Data Off whereas with 3G on, I will barely last 2 days (and surfing in the train when going to work (2h), battery will not last a day !!). And as push mail implies data on, I would say that it has an impact !!
3G kills the battery.
You can still push email through 2g.
I wonder if someone can create a program that will automatically switch the modes on and off depending on the amount of data being transmitted?
aad4321 said:
still nothing out there to switch it to 2g when the screen is off huh?
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THAT! would be an awesome feature.
Data = radio being used, display = live wallpapers and the amount of time the screen stays on plus other additions are a big battery drain but sync in itself isn't that bad even on 3G and I have a G1 with its crappy battery.
Check Settings...About Phone...Battery Use to see what is using the most power. This can help identify unexpected battery drain.
For example some people also forget about widgets that use data like the weather and news widget. To maximize battery turn off all "background data" apps that you don't really use.
Also get Advanced Task Killer and set it to auto kill apps that you don't want running long term (be sure to setup the exclude list for those you want running).
You can use the Power Control widget to enable and disable unused items like Wifi, bluetooth, GPS, and background data.
Set your screen brightness to as low comfortable. On my phone the screen uses the most battery so this is important. You can use the Power Control widget to increase brightness quickly if needed.
Use 2G to save battery. For most stuff it's really not that bad. Use Wifi when you can as uses less power than 2G and is faster than 3G.
I use my phone a lot and it lasts all day. I don't really care if it lasts longer than 16 hours or so if it does all the fun stuff I want between charges.
^Excellent tips! Welcome to XDA!

Solution to large battery drain when idle

I have found the solution for MY large battery drain:
The problem has been, that my phone used 5% of battery per hour when it’s merely lying around. The battery graph was a straight, quickly decreasing line. So the culprit was not something that happend from time to time but always.
One very disturbing thing: The indicators below the battery graph shows when phone, Wifi and the screen were on. In additions it shows when the phone has been awake.
Even if the screen was off and I did not touch the phone, the „Awake“ indicator constantly showed every minute for a very short time. So the phone never went to sleep, it woke up constantly all the time. Sorry, unfortunately I don’t have a screen capture for this.
Deactivating automatic updates for applications and setting the Emails to sync never didn’t help. I even erased all the Samsung crapware from the system folder, but to no use. The battery died after one day of not doing anything with the phone.
Then I deactivated syncing of the contacts and the calendar for my WindowsLive-Exchange account and the battery drain stopped. I now have less than 1% per hour (see screenshot) when the phone is simply lying around.
So, for me the culprit is the syncing for contacts and calender via Exchange. Unfortunately there is no option to set the sync interval for these.
- Anyone can reproduce this issue?
- Is this just a problem with WindowsLive Exchange or does this happen with other Exchange accounts too?
- Is there a possibility to set the sync interval for contacts and calendar (somehow, maybe via a config file)?
There seems to be something seriously different if not broken in GB 2.3.3. Apps that work perfectly fine in Froyo are keeping GB 2.3.3 from going to sleep. I've isolated several apps that either keep the screen from shutting off or keep the device constantly awake even when it it's no longer running/cached/screen is off. And, these are programs that work perfectly fine in Froyo and do not cause idle drain. Wonder if this is something 2.3.4 addresses...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I have frozen:
social hub, email (i use another one), and few more programs that I dont use but noticed that they stay on without any reason,
if 3G or wifi is ON battery drain is prery bad, I guess this is a bug in 2.3.3 as cmd512 said.
Last night I turned off wifi and 3g and made sure that wifi share + manager are off (they can be turned off easily if u untick "use wifi" in location settings menu)
so with everything off for 7 hours sleep (dont rly need my phone while sleeping) battery was down 2% only :O
the moment I turn on 3G Android OS use jumps to the skies :X
skycamefalling said:
I have found the solution for MY large battery drain:
The problem has been, that my phone used 5% of battery per hour when it’s merely lying around. The battery graph was a straight, quickly decreasing line. So the culprit was not something that happend from time to time but always.
One very disturbing thing: The indicators below the battery graph shows when phone, Wifi and the screen were on. In additions it shows when the phone has been awake.
Even if the screen was off and I did not touch the phone, the „Awake“ indicator constantly showed every minute for a very short time. So the phone never went to sleep, it woke up constantly all the time. Sorry, unfortunately I don’t have a screen capture for this.
Deactivating automatic updates for applications and setting the Emails to sync never didn’t help. I even erased all the Samsung crapware from the system folder, but to no use. The battery died after one day of not doing anything with the phone.
Then I deactivated syncing of the contacts and the calendar for my WindowsLive-Exchange account and the battery drain stopped. I now have less than 1% per hour (see screenshot) when the phone is simply lying around.
So, for me the culprit is the syncing for contacts and calender via Exchange. Unfortunately there is no option to set the sync interval for these.
- Anyone can reproduce this issue?
- Is this just a problem with WindowsLive Exchange or does this happen with other Exchange accounts too?
- Is there a possibility to set the sync interval for contacts and calendar (somehow, maybe via a config file)?
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Click to collapse could be. I will try this also. First I just take the contacts out, because that is not so necessary for me. Calendar is pretty necessary for me and emails are a must. If I have to take the calendar out, then so be it. I will manually sync it once a week then.
By the way, I just noticed that with my gmail account the sync icon is constant in the calendar.
Now when I unchecked it and checked back it went away after a while.
I am not sure if it was sycning all the time without luck. Lets see.
I think calendar synch is on of the probleme. With calendar sync my phone drain 5% per hour in idle mode without 1% by one or two hours.
It's quite strange that there's quite a lot of these threads now all saying about how bad the battery is but I'm amazed by how good the battery is. I don't use my phone a huge amount especially at work and when I get home I use it for a quick web browse and the occasional text message and phone call. Most days I will still have 80% or more left by 23:30 having been on since 07:15. Today I checked my phone at 12:30 and the battery had only gone down 1% in just over 5 hours. All I did with it from 07:15 was occasionally take it out of sleep but not unlock it to check for any notifications. Since then I've been using the web (data) for about half hour or so, an hour of music listening and texting and right now I have 77% left after 12.5 hours off charge. Therefore I think my SGSII has the best battery life I could ask for.
AvRS said:
It's quite strange that there's quite a lot of these threads now all saying about how bad the battery is but I'm amazed by how good the battery is. I don't use my phone a huge amount especially at work and when I get home I use it for a quick web browse and the occasional text message and phone call. Most days I will still have 80% or more left by 23:30 having been on since 07:15. Today I checked my phone at 12:30 and the battery had only gone down 1% in just over 5 hours. All I did with it from 07:15 was occasionally take it out of sleep but not unlock it to check for any notifications. Since then I've been using the web (data) for about half hour or so, an hour of music listening and texting and right now I have 77% left after 12.5 hours off charge. Therefore I think my SGSII has the best battery life I could ask for.
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Really depends on what apps you have running, as you can see from my original thread on this "Awake all the time during idle" issue:
But in general, agreed. Once I got rid of that bug, the device has been fantastic with battery life. And, for a stock ROM, that's damn impressive!
cmd512 said:
But in general, agreed. Once I got rid of that bug, the device has been fantastic with battery life. And, for a stock ROM, that's damn impressive!
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I fully agree. Now that I don't have the "wake-up" issue anymore, the battery lifetime is almost as good as the Omnia7 -that's damn impressive for a modern Smartphone with such a hardware!
For me, I turned off my wifi, gps and "my location". And most importantly, my applications are not running when it is on idle. Go to task manager by holding the home folder and click exit all. Or you might try to clear the ram memory.
i have turned off gps, wifi and syncing but still getting battery drains can´t even last for a whole day. But I installed Litening ROM just now and see if this helps . I was on KE2 before flashing custom rom
skycamefalling said:
I have found the solution for MY large battery drain:
The problem has been, that my phone used 5% of battery per hour when it’s merely lying around. The battery graph was a straight, quickly decreasing line. So the culprit was not something that happend from time to time but always.
One very disturbing thing: The indicators below the battery graph shows when phone, Wifi and the screen were on. In additions it shows when the phone has been awake.
Even if the screen was off and I did not touch the phone, the „Awake“ indicator constantly showed every minute for a very short time. So the phone never went to sleep, it woke up constantly all the time. Sorry, unfortunately I don’t have a screen capture for this.
Deactivating automatic updates for applications and setting the Emails to sync never didn’t help. I even erased all the Samsung crapware from the system folder, but to no use. The battery died after one day of not doing anything with the phone.
Then I deactivated syncing of the contacts and the calendar for my WindowsLive-Exchange account and the battery drain stopped. I now have less than 1% per hour (see screenshot) when the phone is simply lying around.
So, for me the culprit is the syncing for contacts and calender via Exchange. Unfortunately there is no option to set the sync interval for these.
- Anyone can reproduce this issue?
- Is this just a problem with WindowsLive Exchange or does this happen with other Exchange accounts too?
- Is there a possibility to set the sync interval for contacts and calendar (somehow, maybe via a config file)?
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I have noticed the same issue trying to sync to a exchange 2003 account. It seems that my calendar is syncing either every minute or about every 20 minutes. I also noticed the same issue with my gmail calendar. I have tried two different phones and reset each one several times. The same problem keeps occurring. I may have to download touchdown for email, contacts and calendar. It just sucks because then I will have two calendar applications (one for work and one for home). This is very frustrating.
Are you still having issues with echange calendar sync?
After updating to KE7, I have noticed that every time I receive an exchange email the screen wakes up for a second or two and goes to sleep again.
Didn't occur on previous firmware. Anyone else with this issue and a possible fix?
Is social hub the best solution for IM? I would like to have Yahoo and MSN messengers on always, so should I use another less power hungry client? When people mention calendar synch is it google calendar they're talking about? My google calendar is important for me, so how to optimize it?
brademcee said:
Are you still having issues with echange calendar sync?
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Yes, unfortunately. I am now syncing manually with a switch on the homescreen.
I am now hoping for Android 2.3.4 to fix this issue.
Have a look at comment #290:
I have an X10i with Jerpelea's CM7 with custom kernel and that had a very annoying deep sleep issue (the phone never went deep sleeping) which caused the battery to drain very quickly, but Temoi19 found out that by disabling automatic time updates and manually selecting the operator, made the phone to deep sleep. So I took a shoot and tried the same trick on my new Galaxy S II and now when idle my phone barely eats power. After over an hour after unplugging I was still at 100%. I don't know if I am just lucky, but it is worth a try
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
I also have this issue with my sgs2. I looked into the exchange settings and there is the option to change the syncing. It was set to push, I now i changed it to manual and will report back the results tomorrow. The drain in general only occurs when mobile data is enabled here. Didn't try with wifi yet.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
pik1 said:
I also have this issue with my sgs2. I looked into the exchange settings and there is the option to change the syncing. It was set to push, I now i changed it to manual and will report back the results tomorrow. The drain in general only occurs when mobile data is enabled here. Didn't try with wifi yet.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
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You can leave the syncing to push, it's just for the EMails and they're working fine.
I'd propose to disable the calendar and contact sync in Einstellungen -> Konten -> Automatisch synchronisieren
skycamefalling said:
You can leave the syncing to push, it's just for the EMails and they're working fine.
I'd propose to disable the calendar and contact sync in Einstellungen -> Konten -> Automatisch synchronisieren
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according to the logs if there are no changes in contacts or calendar both will be synced only once per day. so this should not be the issue.

NEED HELP: New To Note/Android.

Before getting the Note, I've been an iphone user ever since the first one came out. I switched especially because of the nice large screen which is handy for the type of work I do.
Some questions though:
1- Battery Life: I was pretty handy on the Iphone in getting everything I didn't need (some notifications, location services on certain apps) turned off to safe battery...while keeping only the ones I wanted. I haven't figured out how exactly to do this on the Note. My battery life is least compared to what I was getting on the iphone. I typically start my day at 8:30AM, and yesterday by 6PM the battery was already at around 10% (where I can't take pictures....)
2- Must I have GMAIL app and MAIL app? For some reason the GMAIL app's emails update much quicker than the main app I use MAIL. So when a new mail notification comes in I have to manually refresh the MAIL app for it to catch up with the GMAIL app. Otherwise I would have to wait a couple of minutes of the mail to show on MAIL app.
3- On Mail App I have two email accounts. Why is it that my welcome page is the page showing my accounts rather than my "ALL MAIL" page which is where I left it originally?
Thanks for sorry for the NOOB questions.
Ad 2):
Depending on what other email account you have there colud be an specific app for that provider that also supports push email (eg. Yahoo). Or you colud configure Google Mail to poll for mails from your other accounts.
1.) try to close auto sync, bluetooth, gps and use wifi everytime its available because 3G drain much more battery. and lower the brightness on ur screen to ur lowest, that can save a lot of battery (just open them when u need to use it)
or Root your Note and use custom rom. There are many roms that help you with battery.
hope that helps.
lemsanc said:
Before getting the Note, I've been an iphone user ever since the first one came out. I switched especially because of the nice large screen which is handy for the type of work I do.
Some questions though:
1- Battery Life: I was pretty handy on the Iphone in getting everything I didn't need (some notifications, location services on certain apps) turned off to safe battery...while keeping only the ones I wanted. I haven't figured out how exactly to do this on the Note. My battery life is least compared to what I was getting on the iphone. I typically start my day at 8:30AM, and yesterday by 6PM the battery was already at around 10% (where I can't take pictures....)
2- Must I have GMAIL app and MAIL app? For some reason the GMAIL app's emails update much quicker than the main app I use MAIL. So when a new mail notification comes in I have to manually refresh the MAIL app for it to catch up with the GMAIL app. Otherwise I would have to wait a couple of minutes of the mail to show on MAIL app.
3- On Mail App I have two email accounts. Why is it that my welcome page is the page showing my accounts rather than my "ALL MAIL" page which is where I left it originally?
Thanks for sorry for the NOOB questions.
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Battery - 10% in a day??! How much were you using the phone?
Allow the phone to fully charge and discharge for a full cycles. The screen is a big consumer of power - don;t use auto-brightness and keep the screen down to the best workable level for you. Also, the more apps you have using push syncing, the worse your battery will be.
Depending on what you're using the phone for, you should easily get a full day's reasonable use out of it.
I agree with the point shaoran_ojo made about wifi - but also turn wifi off when you're not using it.
Finally, it's absolutely right that many of the custom ROMs will give you better battery life
You can check the battery usage over time, if you go to Settings menu and then About phone -> Battery usage. You will see there what eats most power (most likely, Display).
Touch the chart in the upper part of this page to expand it - see if you can relate biggest drops of battery charge to some particular activities. For example, playing Crayon Physics drains the battery extremely fast.
Do you happen to be in areas with poor cell coverage? I've had phones drain like there's no tommorow in poor coverage areas, especially when GPS is turned on since most phones are equiped with assisted GPS chips that use cell-tower triangulation in order to get a faster fix on your position.
You could root your phone and switch to custom kernels or roms for better battery life as well as performance. A few ways in which you could then save battery are by undervolting or underclocking the processor or using an app like titanium backup pro to freeze battery draining apps. Wifi is also a big battery drainer. You can set the wifi sleep policy to screen off to curb its usage or keep it off entirely when you dony need it. Gps and bluetooth can be kept off and the screen brightness can be lowered. Im sure you wont be disappointed with the note's battery life after you tweak it right.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
lemsanc said:
1- Battery Life: I was pretty handy on the Iphone in getting everything I didn't need (some notifications, location services on certain apps) turned off to safe battery...while keeping only the ones I wanted. I haven't figured out how exactly to do this on the Note. My battery life is least compared to what I was getting on the iphone. I typically start my day at 8:30AM, and yesterday by 6PM the battery was already at around 10% (where I can't take pictures....)
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First of all decrease the screen brightness if possible. I have my brightness set to minimum and I have Screen Filter (free in the market) installed and set to 50%. This setup works for me when I am indoors and when I am outside I just disable Screen Filter. Hopefully it will work for you too, maybe with a little tweaking of the exact percentage.
Then take notice if your phone is unusually hot when you haven't used it in the last 5 minutes. This may indicate there is an app keeping your device from sleeping. Check the battery usage (Settings -> About Phone -> Battery Usage). Tap the graph and look for unusual drops and periods when the screen is not on but the device is awake.
If you notice something, BetterBatteryStats (paid in the market) might help reveal the source of the problem. Cpu Spy (free in the market) will show you how much time has the device spent in each CPU frequency.
If you are comfortable with it just root your device and install a custom kernel. I can't begin to explain how much this can increase the battery life.
Hope this helps and is not too hard to understand despite my bad english.

