[Q] Searched Forums, no answers about wi-fi hotspot. - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys,
Hopeing someone has some usefully information. I've been looking online and the forums for any help but haven't been able to find any answers that I'm looking for in reguards to the built in Wi-fi hotpsot for andriod 2.2.1 stock release. I use my hotspot at work a lot and was wondering if anyone knows of any ways to disconnected or premanently block someone off of my network. The hotspot doesn't seem to have any way of booting someone off of of my network outside of setting it to onle 1 connection available and hoping some **** doesn't beat me to the connection while my computer connects. Theres someone in the office that has their phone to just simply connect to any network I'm guessing and he continues to latch on to my hotspot even though its WPA encrypted. If anyone has any useful info or can recommend a program to use with an un-rooted phone I would be very thankful.
Thanks guys!

Does anyone have any info that can help me?

If your hotspot is encrypted, he can't use it. He can try to connect to it, but he won't get his network working.
And you can use the "Manage users" feature of the hotspot in Sense, and enable MAC address confirmation for each user - so he won't even get allowed to connect.

Well thats the thing, I've been looking through the manage users option and it only gives me the Mac address of the **** trying to connect to my network. It doesn't give me the option to do anything except "hers their mac and their ip" and most of the time it just shows "ip: not available" THere are only 2 options that I see and thats "Allowed users only" and "Max. Connections" Where in sense would my MAC filter option be available?

usb tether?

Before turning on the hot spot, go to portable wifi hotspot settings. There you can set it to where you need a password to connect to your network.
I use wep security. You can put whatever password you want.


o2 wizard doesn't connect to encrypted networks

my phone connects to any unencrypted open network from a router or my pc. but whenever I encrypt the network by wep and put a key on it. it fails to connect instead keeps showing the disappearing arrows that signify the phone is trying to connect how do I fix this?
turn off wpa security on your router or flash a rom which can handle it
Hey thanks for replying i have also tried t network it with my pc which does not have that security just the network key. Can you name a rom that can handle it? Even the original rom i had couldn handle it.
d3aded said:
Hey thanks for replying i have also tried t network it with my pc which does not have that security just the network key. Can you name a rom that can handle it? Even the original rom i had couldn handle it.
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sorry, i don't understand very well what you just said. use your pc to adjust your router's security settings.
i don't know which - if any - roms can handle wpa security, but i spent months trying to work out the problem, then i turned wpa off and it now works. i have not bothered to turn it back on since, so i don't know if any roms work with it
Just don't use an auto-generated key but a WPA SHARED KEY (the option where you define your own wirless network password). Pay attention that you enter this password exactly as you did in the router! I tried plenty of ROMs before I was gone with a shipped version again and never had a problem with this settings! BTW: my router is a LINKSYS54GS.
Maybe it helps in future if people post their router model? At least we could locate which routers are the most common trouble makers for the WIZ ...
Junner2003 said:
Maybe it helps in future if people post their router model? At least we could locate which routers are the most common trouble makers for the WIZ ...
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i read about belkins being a problem before i turned wpa off
mine is an inventel and came with the orange internet connection
hmmm the thing is i connect it with my pc since i dont have a wireless router, i dont use the infrastructure type of networking, i use the ad hoc type, but even when i took it to my friends place where he had a router and gave me the key it stil wouldnt work, and i dont want other people sneaking in on my internet, so theres no way to make a wep encrypted network work on the o2? and i put in my own key very carefully as a precaution
im surprised to find that other people have this problem as well
you'll have to read the networking forum in the general area. i read every threads first post until i found a couple which looked like they might help.

Android wifi tether

Hi All,
I wondering if someone can help me out. I rooted my epic and installed the latest android wifi tether and everything seems to be going okay as I am able to start tether and see the normal tether screen displaying Download 0.4kB and Upload of 0.3kB.
However i am not able to see connect correctly on my laptop. In the laptop, under wireless network connections, i see EpicTether (which i choose as the ssid) but the icon (right of the word EpicTether) looks different than the icons from my home wifi router. The EpicTether's icon is three blue boxes in the shape of a triangle where my home wifi shows the normal guage of wifi connectivity strength. I am using windows 7 premium by the way.
I've tried changing the channels on the epic, tried enable access-control under settings to no avail...
can someone please help? thanks.
Android WiFi tether is an Ad-Hoc network (device to device), not an infrastructure network like your home wifi is. That's why the icon is different.
Why it cannot connect could be 1000000 different things. Is the laptop part of a company domain and its possible that policies are preventing connection to an AdHoc type connection?
Thanks for the explanation. so that icon is normal.
My laptop is not a company laptop, it is pretty basic for home surfing use.
juejaimon said:
Thanks for the explanation. so that icon is normal.
My laptop is not a company laptop, it is pretty basic for home surfing use.
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"pretty basic" to me translates as "should connect" lol. Not sure where you should go from there. I have heard lots of windows 7 ad hoc issues though. Search around google for "Windows 7 cant connect to ad hoc" and see what kind of fixes you see.
Thanks again.... made some success...
i read that the intel drivers for the internal wireless card may need updated drivers for the ad-hoc....
installed the new drivers and am able to connect now!... but will not provide me internet access.
Restart the computer (usually works most times), and or try releasing and renewing I.P address.

[Q] PPPOE on android

First: Yes i have a wireless router and no i can't set it up to be always connected to the internet as it is locked by my ISP, i need ppoe authentication on the device that wants to be connected.
Second: no i dont plan to buy another router
So is there any way for me to connect to the internet with my Galaxy 3?
I have been searching for it for a few months and nothing seem to be changing, still no way to conn, at least i think
I guess i should of have asked help i need a new phone to get some answers.
it`s not impossible
What model is your router? who is your ISP?.
Sounds like its in Bridge mode, some routers give no choice as they dont have NAT ability, however, post some info on that router/ISP first, ill get back to you.

[Q] WiFi Problems AFTER Internet Sharing

This is an embarrassing question for two reasons. First, I’m sure it’s a simple answer that is just getting past me. Second, every search string I try comes up with dozens of pages talking about setting up Internet Sharing, none that I could find addressing my problem. After reading through numerous pages and double checking the terrific collection of FAQs that mmalka put together for the Rhodium Energy ROM, I decided to ask here.
My problem is with connecting to the Internet through a WiFi connection on my TP2 AFTER having used the Internet Sharing app.
I use WiFi at home all the time and I never have any issues setting it up after flashing – this time was no exception. It’s been working flawlessly since flashing the ROM in my signature several days ago. But I needed independent Internet access at work yesterday to test out a VPN/remote desktop connection on a laptop and decided to try the Internet Sharing app on our phones. VERY impressive! A couple of quick buttons pushed and viola’! Worked like a champ!
However, back at home I had trouble getting my phone to connect to my home WiFi router again. I discovered that when I tried turning on the WiFi, it was looking to be used as an Internet Sharing point again. So I deleted that connection (“forgot” it) and it successfully connected to my home WiFi router. However, it will not actually go to the Internet – everything faults out with “Connection is currently unavailable”. Switching to the T-Mo 3G connection, everything works great.
Has anyone else had this issue? Any suggestions short of a hard-reset?
Many thanks in advance.
Well, judging by the number of looks with no reply, either this was a simple solution that I should have been able to easily figure out or no one else is having the issue to know what to do. But I finally figured it out and just in case anyone else eventually comes across the same issue, I thought I tell you what I found.
After digging around, I found that the Internet Sharing application changes the Broadcom 802.11 DHD Network Adapter to a local IP address. So all I had to do was change it to “Use server-assigned IP address” and everything worked. (Settings tab, Wireless Controls, WiFi - Connect to WiFi Network, Advanced, Adapters and Networks, Network Adapters, edit Broadcom 802.11 DHD Network Adapter, Use server-assigned IP address.)
I have no idea whether going back to a standard wireless connection should automatically switch it back, but it doesn’t in my case. If anyone has a simpler way of address this, I’d love to hear about it.
Regardless, I hope this help someone.
gregb882 said:
I have no idea whether going back to a standard wireless connection should automatically switch it back, but it doesn’t in my case.
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OK, so I stumbled into another revelation. It seems that if you remain in the WiFi Router application (or simply go back to it) and use the "Stop" command to discontinue the service, the Broadcomm Network Adapter does get reset to "Use server assigned IP address". The few times I used Internet Sharing, I was in other apps when I finished and simply turned off WiFi.
Oh well, live and learn.
I had a similar issue recently.
my new router was connecting fine to another mobile, but not my EnergyRom mobile.Thought it was my new routers band G/N compatibilty issue. however your post help remind me that i had used internet sharing on my HD2 for my laptop a few days earlier..Checked out my settings and well broadcom adapter was set to static at it back to server assigned Ip and voila wireless is connected now
Really appreciate your post..Thanks so much for posting the solution, Gregb882

[Q] adhoc and vpn does not work after dexter 1.4

I just got my A7 a few days ago. I did the elocity firmware, the latest dexter mod and the adhoc fix.
1. I cannot get the vpn to work. I am trying to get it to connect to my Cisco ASA at work and no matter if I try ip or dns name, it fails immediately. The connection never leaves the A7.
2. I rooted my Motorola Droid and put Barnacle on it. My laptop can wifi tether to the adhoc network off the phone with no problems. My A7 can see the adhoc, tries to obtain ip address over and over and just doesn't connect. It doesn't matter if I use proper wep or non matching wep key, same results. This is frustrating.
I have re wiped, re firmwared, re dextered several times. Out of ideas. Going on vacation i a few weeks and need to be able to tether.
hi I had to do this to my samsung intercept running barnacle to make it connect. mabey it will help you.
I use the legacy version of barnacle. I think its available on authors site if not on market
scroll down page a little to see instructions for the fix in the link
Try installing googles wifi tether and run it without wep or wpa and see if you can connect that way.If you can connect then enable the Access control and set a ringtone to let you know when there is a connection,that way you can set it up to where you are the only one that can use it and know if there are any other connections besides you. Go to the link below to get the latest download and be sure to read up on it.This is what I use all the time with 0 problems.If you have any problems with it pm me and I will try to help you with it as much as I can.
I did as suggested with both Barnacle and Google Wifi Tethering with wep turned off. And it works. Why is that? If I create a wep key in either Barnacle as ascii or hex, it doesn't work whether I use ascii or hex equivalent on the eLocity. With the Wifi Tethering app, it only has ascii option and still no luck. Until a new Dexter comes out that may fix this problem (at least for me), I will probably just use Barnacle with max 3 connections and by default new clients gets no nat. I will manually allow nat from the phone to control access.
What sucks is I cannot use my buddy's jail broken iphone for wifi tethering either. My velocity has the same problem passing passwords to ad-hoc networks.
As far as Ive read and been told Android will not connect with wep but what you said you were going to do will work just fine,that's basically what I do,but when Im going to be in one place for a while I will use Google's wired usb connection (link below) to connect to my laptop and then just share its internet connection with other laptops,phones, game systems etc.Either way I think its a good idea to have both the wireless and wired installed just in case and there free so what the hell.
I hope some of this will help you out. Good luck and have a good vacation.
