Is Kies carrying froyo yet for UK Apollos? - Galaxy 3 General

Hi Guys
We've just got this phone fom the carphone warehouse, believe it's unlocked etc and believed that froyo 2.2 was out.
Kies, latest version doesn't seem to think so!
where are we going wrong?
cheers, B

I'm pretty sure it's out for Orange, however if I was you I would just flash one without a bootloader.
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Hi dilzo, ah ok thanks, how disappointing :\ - at the risk of everyone jumping down a (relatively) noob's neck (quite technical though but never flashed phones outside of manufacturers processes!) - any advice on where to start?

Firstly download any of these European firmwares they're completely safe so it won't damage your phone.
I recommend XWJPF.
Once you've downloaded your firmware at the bottem of the first post you should see "flashing tools" download it and when you're done go to this thread and follow the steps
Good luck
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App

Thankyou sir I will have a pop


A simple tip lets you get samsung official Android 2.2 update for Samsung i9000!!!

I have got my SGS about a week. the 2.1 os gives me so many bugs, and it really slow, compare with my Desire.
So, I thought I could flash it with the rom at xda forum. But my phone couldn't go to download mode or recovery mode....
And I had bought a few paid apps and fonts from market. So, I didn't want to lose them.
Today, I wake up in the morning, and search on the samsung mobile site. I saw the update news at Hong Kong site.
it doesn't matter which site you downloaded your kies installation file from.
Here is the magical way!!:::
(before you do update, remove you sd card if you got one, just in case)
1. launch the installation file(if you have installed already, reinstall it)
2. choose the area/country-----Hong Kong
3. choose any lang you like to install
4. connect your SGS to your computer
5. once your phone connected, KIES will show a notification automatically, it says you got a firmware update.
6. follow the steps, and update..
and enjoy the official 2.2 from samsung.
BTW: my phone just finished the updating 10 mins ago..
it's much faster than 2.1, and not laggy anymore..
it's better to do updating on a 32bit windows os. I tried on my windows 7 64bit, it always shows some error msgs I don't understand.
all the apps and fonts i bought are still there. and also, the emails txt everything still there.. you dont need to do anything.
I will post my feedback with this, if you guys need any help, I will answer your questions. but I think it is very easy and simple.
The total ram on 2.2 shows 304MB.
Everything else works fine so far.
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Really that simple? Am on 02 in ireland who are so incompetent we've no froyo at all so a blessing if can use your method without drawbacks.
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the phone I bought is from somewhere in EU.
I think you could do that as well..
I tried it and it did not work for me.
I'm with Bell in Canada.
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The right rom only shows up based on your phones product code. otherwise you will need a registry hack.
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If it did work you would of had a brick
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norab56 said:
Really that simple? Am on 02 in ireland who are so incompetent we've no froyo at all so a blessing if can use your method without drawbacks.
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If in Northern ireland you should have already got the froyo update on o2 if though in the south I guess that comes under a different european o2. What is your phone version number?
Emexrulsier, hi.
Am in the south of ireland where 02
are miles behind. My phone details are :
Firmware v. 2.1-update 1
Baseband v. I9000xxjf3
Kernel v. 2.6.29
if you had any suggestions for a froyo wannabe...
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Reads to me like its a new method of updating however its just the old old official method that does not work for many as Kies fails to find phone etc .
If you get Kies to work and find your phone you get the update only if your Network has uploaded the firmware .

Help needed

Hi there guys/girls,
I have just joined the SGS2 crew after moving from my Atrix and need help rooting my phone.
My phone is a UK 3 Samsung Galaxy S2 (it has the annoying 3 bootlogo and 3 apps in the phone).
Having had a look on the forums i'm confused in regards to what steps to take.
Can anyone tell me what is the easiest way to root?
Do I have to follow specific steps as my phone is a network branded handset?
About my phone:
Android Version - 2.3.3
Baseband - I9100NEKD5
Kernel Version -
[email protected]#2
Build number - GINGERBREAD.XWKE1
The first person that can give me a noobs guide which results in my phone being successfuly rooted will get a drink from me.
Thanks in advance,
Have a read here
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Hi there,
Thanks for the reply but i'm confused in regards to which files I need to use specifically for my phone.
Also how can I flash the default unlocked SGS2 rom (the one without the crappy network branding)?
Please explain in noobs terms as I am not familiar with odin whatsoever.
Thanks again
I have FINALLY managed to flash the stock samsung unlocked rom and root my phone!
WOW what a long ass procedure.... I had become to used to using tools like gingerbreak which had made me rusty in terms of modding but got there in the end.
You thought it was a long procedure? Took me like 30 seconds after installing Odin. Glad you finally got it rooted though.
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ronak47 said:
I have FINALLY managed to flash the stock samsung unlocked rom and root my phone!
WOW what a long ass procedure.... I had become to used to using tools like gingerbreak which had made me rusty in terms of modding but got there in the end.
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It's one of those things that becomes routine once you've done it a few times. I even remember following a guide to flash a ROM via a custom recovery and thinking this it pretty complicated, now it all seems so simple

galaxy s bricked

hi guys,my galaxy s is bricked and don't know what to do!
i installed battery % mod,and after that my phone is bricked
first,i went to recovery mode and i made a clockwork restore,but after that i can't get to the recovery mode,and the phone is stuck at the galaxy s logo
please help me
Did you tried any of these solutions?
U could flash usin odin and thn flash rom agn that works for mi
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Press thanks if this helps
ok guys thanks for your answer +1 for both
yes,i wanted to flash it with odin,but i have a really slow internet connection (I couldn't download the f.w)
anyways I took it to a phone repair shop,it should be fixed tonight
btw,do you guys know what should I do in order not to happen again?
i did a clockwork mod backup,but it didn't help.
Erm....their isn't a lot you can do bud but just make sure the mod or whatever is for your baseband possibly invest in a higher speed of internet to save taking it to the shop each time lol
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and you are right about having a faster internet
and another problem is that i just bought this phone 2 days ago,and I'am new to android,I was a great Symbian modder
Hmm 1 advice do not install addons not suitable for ur device ask in the rom thread before falashin other add ons
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well your 100% right
btw,I got my phone back,but it's now downgraded to 2.2,and when I open kies it says that my device isn't upgradable (my galaxy s's f.w is now: jpjpm
i found this
any safer way?
omar_killer said:
well your 100% right
btw,I got my phone back,but it's now downgraded to 2.2,and when I open kies it says that my device isn't upgradable (my galaxy s's f.w is now: jpjpm
i found this
any safer way?
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Use my guide but with an appropriate firmware from samfirmware.
Not a hell lot you can do about the download speed. I suspect it might have something to do with hotfile - I get incredibly ****ty speed from hotfile, but not from any other file sharing service.
There should be a few threads lying around in the general section about stock roms. Try downloading from there instead of ****ty hotfile.
omar_killer said:
well your 100% right
btw,I got my phone back,but it's now downgraded to 2.2,and when I open kies it says that my device isn't upgradable (my galaxy s's f.w is now: jpjpm
i found this
any safer way?
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Hmm u want to root it or sth? If u want to root it use my backup to backup apps as this does not require root than follow steps for darky reserection(dunno hw to spell ) to have a basic rooted phone than flash the rom u want
Or u could use galnet miui im usin right now quite good
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Before you flash anything you gotta make sure you have 2 backup plans. One is, of course, the nandroid backup. The other is having a stock firmware file you can flash with Odin in case everything goes to hell.
In my case, I have a JPU stock firmware stored on my home computer and on my work laptop. Every time I screw up so badly everything is FUBAR I go back to JPU and works like a charm.
Ah also, along with the JPU I have a CF-Root flashable file for JPU (just needs to be Froyo specific, not firmware release specific) so I can have root.
That's the only advice that hasn't been given to you already.
In reality, the Galaxy S is pretty hard to really brick. The bootloader may get corrupted but there's almost always a way out.
ok thanks guys +1
i will flash my phone with 2.3 and when I'am bored with it i'll flash it with some custom rom
omar_killer said:
ok thanks guys +1
i will flash my phone with 2.3 and when I'am bored with it i'll flash it with some custom rom
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If u need help pm mi or reply this thread thanks
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Press thanks if this helps
ok,i will thanks for your help all!
it's a really great community for helping new people like me,it's way more better than any symbian community.
ok,i will thanks for your help all!
it's a really great community for helping new people like me,it's way more better than any symbian community.

[Q] Any i9000M Experts in Calgary AB ???

(sorry... guess Stampede is getting to me...)
I am looking for a Bell Vibrant (Samsung Galaxy S i9000M) expert in the Calgary AB area.
I have successfully rooted, installed custom ROMs and then "bricked" two (yes, 2) i9000M phones. Both times, I "bricked" when using ODIN.
Yes, I had researched how to use ODIN before using it... trading weeks of my "life" for the said pearls of ODIN wisodm . I've obviously missed something important, have very bad karma, or I am just an idiot...
After "ODINing", both phones ended-up looping at the SGS Logo. I have tried re-flashing via ODIN many times, always with the same result. I can get both phones into "download" mode (i.e. the yellow triangle screen).
Anyways, I am hoping to find a local expert who is willing to meet me somewhere (library???), look at my phones and confirm:
1. My SD cards have crashed; OR
2. I am a uber noob idiot;
I am also hoping that if #2 is proven the case whether the charitable expert individual might suggest a way and/or help me to fix these expensive plastic paper weights.
So, any charitable local experts willing to help-out an unlucky moron?
What version are you flashing via odin?
you'll most likely have to take them in for warranty repair
@ BottleB:
I tried flashing JH2 (Stock Bell Vibrant ROM???) and 512.pit.
I had original installed CM 7.1 RC1 (via CM wiki method). Everything work awesome.
I decided to try some OC'ing, and flashed the Glitch v10 kernel... with spectacular speed results! Unfortunately, post Glitch flashing, SMS would receive but not send. Researched possible causes and cures for this, could not find any, and decided to revert to stock and try again...
... and here I am.
I bought these i9000M's "used" off Kijiji (HATE contracts!). Both worked fine until ODINing.
As such, Bell won't "warranty" these devices (tried with the first one).
I have no problems paying for repairs... if the cost is reasonable. Any ideas/suggestions on the "how's and where's" I can go about trying this?
They most probably had lagfix installed which was not disabled when reflashed to stock. You need to flash the rfs...bin file (i'll upload it later tonight for faster accessing). I found the fix here on xda under a thread on bricked phone.
The lagfix change the filesystem used by the phone. Stock firmware is only compatible with the RFS filesystem. Also, i recommend that you flash KC1 instead oh JH2. Froyo is way better than eclair.
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Found the fix
Here is the link
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urself25 said:
Found the fix
Here is the link
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Pretty sure thats the problem. You flashed stock kernel on a EXT4'ed filesystem.
Ah-ha... I have a feeling that you are right, and that I did miss something CRAP!
I await your upload on bated breath... in the mean time, I will search the million posts for the fix you mentioned.
ooops... you beat me to my response.
Tell us how it went when you'll try the RFS fix.
Tried the RFS fix as per the instructions in the link.
After rebooting, both phones go into a SGS start-up screen loop.
Downloading ODIN files right now (JVE - Gingerbread???). I will try and reflash and let you know how it goes.
I'm in Airdrie, don't flash gingerbread! Sell me both phones for $100. Or search for the "trick to unbricking my sgs" thread. It worked for me. Though I am worried that because they were on Eclair firmware, they may be dead if they never got the bootloader update. I repeat, DO NOT FLASH GINGERBREAD!
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try a deodexed KC1 (current firmware for Bell Canada) firmware from [Ramad]
Using ODIN -- use a 512.pit file, re-partition ticked, Bootloader Update (just in case), and put PDA -> PDA, PHONE -> PHONE, etc.
IF it takes you to android recovery 2e or 3e (i cant remember), do a factory reset/cache wipe, and even format sd if you want. it SHOULD work (i just did this too and it worked mint.
Holy crap! It's near 4:30 a.m., and I FINALLY restored/recovered my two phones! Truth be told, I spent half the night screwing up my phones WAY worse than they were ... and the second half of the night cleaning up my mess
@urself25 & @BottleB - I can't say definitively whether or not your link really helped me any... but it definitely put me on the right path. Thanks a lot boys!
@xWarMachine04 - Thanks for the directions and link! I *kinda* went that route in a round-about-way... I just wished I would have check my post and found your reply 4 hours ago! Regardless, my gratitude.
@hansonator - Thanks but no thanks; for $100, I'd use my bricked phones as door stops. REGARDLESS, I do thank you for your gingerbread warning. I did have problems with gingerbread, and (successfully) shifted to froyo on your recommendation. Thanks dude!
All's well that ends well...
- t.
Most probably the firmware didn't install properly because fo the problem RFS problem. A fresh reinstall of the firmware with bootlader finally fix the problem. Glad everything worked out for you.
I'm in Calgary. But I'm hardly an expert. I think you've gotten further than I have.
So I have nothing to contribute to this thread. I'll see my way out.
Glad u got your phones up and running! Good thing is you probably learned a lot during that night!
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BottleB said:
Glad u got your phones up and running! Good thing is you probably learned a lot during that night!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
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Learned a lot? No kidding...
Why is it that the biggest/best lessons always have to be soooo painful???
I must admit that my opinion of ODIN has sure changed; it's a pretty slick piece of software when it works right (i.e. when you have half a clue about what you are doing)!
@urself25 - It wasn't so much a firmware installation problem, as much as the SD card file format (like you suggested in the first place). I kept getting a message along the lines of "can't mount sd; storage not ready... blah blah blah... file format blah blah blah...". I did have to do a complete reinstall (PDA, Phone/Modem, CSC) WITH repartition... and on the second phone, a Bootloader update. Didn't do the repartition in the first place because 95% of the threads out there advise against it. Anyways, my solution was pretty much @xWarMachine04's approach/solution.
Unfortunately, I have developed the "randomly self-invoking" back button problem on the second phone. Fortunately, there seems to be an easy fix for that... but that's what I thought at the beginning of this journey!
Again, thanks everyone!
- t.
Now if you want to flash gingerbread it should be OK. I only advised against it because the phones were bricked. Good to hear you got it sorted out.
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davanw said:
I'm in Calgary. But I'm hardly an expert. I think you've gotten further than I have.
So I have nothing to contribute to this thread. I'll see my way out.
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i'm in Calgary too, but i am no expert either... however i have been able to upgrade my phone from froyo (after taking my i9000m to market mall due to the internal card dying back in December), to gingerbread.
First went with Darky's 9.5... then upgraded to 10 and had NO issues with GB. I'm on GB still using the F1 Rom V9 now and love this.
For the OP: Glad to see you were able to fix both of your phones! Congrats... definitely no easy feat!

update to 2.2...

i know this may seem like a stupid question comsiderin how long its been available but does anyone know how to update samsung galaxy s to froyo from eclair?
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nyambayo97 said:
i know this may seem like a stupid question comsiderin how long its been available but does anyone know how to update samsung galaxy s to froyo from eclair?
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Take a bow from me for you must be a very unique person indeed,especially in these times when most people are itching to port ICS even before the official launch!!
Hopefully you have Kies installed in your PC in which case,all you have to do is connect your phone to your PC,start Kies and you will be told about the update that is available which is going to be some version of Gingerbread depending upon where you live.
As for Froyo,you can download any Froyo package from 'Ramad's' posts that you will find with minimum search in these forums and then flash through Odin.You will also find elaborate tutorials that will give you a wealth of information.
You are a modern day Rip Van Winkle surely!
You might want to consider froyo 2.2.1 ZSJPK as that is the most stable of the Froyos.
disclaimernotice said:
You might want to consider froyo 2.2.1 ZSJPK as that is the most stable of the Froyos.
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Good one.
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No stupid question at all! found the news that only a small part of the android users is upgrading (in dutch)! guess the junkies of xda are not really representative! For your case i would recommend to install kies and all drivers to update according to your region! if you need a specific froyo do as above!
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Plug in your phone to your computer and try upgrading through KIES. If you have any problems with that, then use Odin and grab some Froyo stock files...
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thanks to everyone that replied,
but i just skipped to 2.3.7 by flashing MIUI and overclocked to 1.5 so it doesent matter nomore thanks anyway

