Sad news..,gingerbread for samsung galaxi family.. - XPERIA X8 General

This news with hurt who buy xperia android phone.., very disappointed..., even galaxi mini with more cheaper than x8 will have gigngerbread from the official samsung.,what the hell with sony.., we only just eclair., never buy sony agains
Sent from my X8 using XDA App

Maybe now SE will launch Ginger on X8.

Drakenfall said:
Maybe now SE will launch Ginger on X8.
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i don't think so. why should they do it ??? they don't care about they customers, they care only about money ...

fifo171 said:
i don't think so. why should they do it ??? they don't care about they customers, they care only about money ...
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Why? well, if their competititors are launching the Ginger even in the low end phones, SE will be left behind in the competition, to keep up they should update theyre low end also.
Well, at least it´s a hope...not that they will.

these noob's from SE....
from today ONLY HTC, great smartphone's with great funcionality, for the same money...

Drakenfall said:
Maybe now SE will launch Ginger on X8.
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No, they can't. They said once that X8's hardware is not capable of a smooth 2.3 Android... So now if they change their opinion, then everybody will laugh at them. Sad story, but com'on SE, just dig your own grave!

Asycid said:
No, they can't. They said once that X8's hardware is not capable of a smooth 2.3 Android... So now if they change their opinion, then everybody will laugh at them. Sad story, but com'on SE, just dig your own grave!
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No, People already laugh at them cuz we use Custom GingerBread and is Pretty smooth...Stock ginger from SE should be even smoother, but they just won't release it

Asycid said:
No, they can't. They said once that X8's hardware is not capable of a smooth 2.3 Android... So now if they change their opinion, then everybody will laugh at them. Sad story, but com'on SE, just dig your own grave!
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Soooo not true!!! Look at the members here at XDA. Most of us are running 2.2 or 2.3 ROMs smoothly. SE should think more before announcing these stuff.

Maybe I'm not wrote it understandable. I mean under my writing that SE can't change their mind because they stated a thing. I know we've got nice ROMs, but SE stated that it isn't possible... now if they make a 2.3 software, they'll just make ass from their mouth and this will not be good for their prestige.
I hope it is clear now what I'm thinking about, sorry for the inconveniences.
Sent from my E15i using XDA App

That reminds me a situation that was something about 50 years ago. An guy from poland told that he can build computer that is smiliar size to case. Noone belived him and he made first small computer - K202. How much of them were produced? Only one. Comunist governement in poland send police to stop production and arest him.
Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk

I change my mind.., this is a good news.., why dont we use this news to attack sony., if they have market strategi ,then we have customer strategi too., attack them with this news link in they forums.., and they other customer with see and with complain too.
Sent from my X8 using XDA App

I hope that someone can port this (Clicky) to the X8
That new phone of SE is 2.3.

i really think that SE will change her minds least here in my country we see loads of X8 for sale, or with discount to buy. It's good for them if the population buy their phones but they know already that noone will buy it at the moment if no upgrade for 2.3 is available.

i think that people who really want to wait for a official 2.3 rom from SE just need to wait till that marketing campaign of new xperia line ends. After that they will update all the other phones too. But till then they know that some people will get upset and buy one of the new xperias cause it has 2.3, hd, etc.

I hope that SE bring us some updates as far as the hardwares supports, by the way, I really appreciate the custom roms from devs, and shouldn´t change to stock ones


SE, shame on you

Hi, after I have seen round the web what SE's project is working on,
I feel to advice all the future SE customers on what they may experience with Customer Support.
I will spam all possible forums regarding the next SE gadget.
It may be useless my small battle but.... the more people are aware of their shameful CS, the less sales should follow.
What do you think?
Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
I think this thread should be closed....that's what I think
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
i don't get the point of this?
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Watch your language elson14, I didn't meen to upset nobody.
What would you do to advice future SE customers?
Probably you are one who is going to buy the Android/PSP and later complaint because of some OS limitation?
Again, watch your language and grow up a bit, your neurons are begging for it.
Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
"SE, shame on you"
I agree. The whole firmware lockdown of a good smartphone is purely about future sales. The PSP-phone explains everything, eg. why Flash is not supported by long delayed 2.1.
Companies shouldn't get away with treating all users like idiots. More power to the hackers..
You should be happy that the X10 isnt bugridden like the GS. It was SEs first android phone and i think they did a commendable job. I am sure they have learnt and will treat us better the next time. All said, i love my X10.
I7redd said:
"SE, shame on you"
I agree. The whole firmware lockdown of a good smartphone is purely about future sales. The PSP-phone explains everything, eg. why Flash is not supported by long delayed 2.1.
Companies shouldn't get away with treating all users like idiots. More power to the hackers..
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Thanks, this is what I was trying to say, since English is not my first language, sometimes I even don't understand myself LOl.
I didn't buy the iPhone because of the many restrictions and others limitations.
I was happy, I still happy with the x10 ( I am just waiting for the good news from the dev) butI am furious with SE, there is nothing I can do to harm them but I can spread my experience, the smarter will know what other mobile to buy, the others... will feed the beast.
Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
celletta said:
Hi, after I have seen round the web what SE's project is working on,
I feel to advice all the future SE customers on what they may experience with Customer Support.
I will spam all possible forums regarding the next SE gadget.
It may be useless my small battle but.... the more people are aware of their shameful CS, the less sales should follow.
What do you think?
Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
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For god sake there human...
They are not robots and SE has procrastinated with this update because in all this time they couldn't have done such little and yet they did.
This thread should be locked/closed in my opinion because they have said that they learnt from there mistakes.
zm4 said:
For god sake there human...
They are not robots and SE has procrastinated with this update because in all this time they couldn't have done such little and yet they did.
This thread should be locked/closed in my opinion because they have said that they learnt from there mistakes.
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lol htc people are humans. howcome they have better os?
and when i call se cs they r teribble some of them doesnt even have knowledge about x10. i think u have to be idiot to work at sony ericsson
hmm, normally i dont post on this kinda useless topics, but ok here u have it
1. wtf u complainin about someones language? the language is 100% proper and isnt offending anyone in any way...
2. since se makes something new, what u think they only do that stuff? jeez wake up there isnt only 1 team making stuff u know, and so whut they need to live and work their ways in the market also
3. yeah se is slow, but have u ever seen what u get? go to htc or smthn and have a crappy camera laggy phone etc.etc.etc. i rather get the good things
4. idk if u noticed but this forum isnt made to go wild against se u know..
5. the ppl u get on a phone at se, duh they are not the brightest people thats an fact, but wich helpdesk is?
6. OLD NEWS about the game phone
u know i'll stop by now it has no sence at all to react but yea here have my thought about ur senseless post
sincerely Hawky
I7redd said:
"SE, shame on you"
I agree. The whole firmware lock-down of a good smartphone is purely about future sales. The PSP-phone explains everything, eg. why Flash is not supported by long delayed 2.1.
Companies shouldn't get away with treating all users like idiots. More power to the hackers..
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SE is acting like they are market share leaders instead of near the bottom. If someone asked me if the should get a SE phone unless it was dirt cheap I would say no.
I honestly don't know why people still complaining
First of all there is not a single help-desk that knows everything about products.
Second of all, X10i was their first Android OS, and yet if you looked at any device that used that O.S you will find a huge difference in terms of performance or stability.
And I do liked the fact they locked the bootloader ( yes I do ) because I always want to be different than others, look at all the other devices ( same menu same interface ) with a little difference in applications used.
plus if SE will skip 2.2 that means 3.0 will be released as soon as it is available in the market, in other words, SE will be the first to get it
You guys should hop over to the nexus one general section. It seems HTC has produced some horror stories too.
se_dude said:
You should be happy that the X10 isnt bugridden like the GS. It was SEs first android phone and i think they did a commendable job. I am sure they have learnt and will treat us better the next time. All said, i love my X10.
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Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Hoping this forum just tell the truth. What so bad about x10 with 1.6. I my self is very satisfy. Although there are many improvement in 2.1. But just wait and patience.
Sometimes people are so funny. They compare x10 with another phone they don't really know. As I say... X10 is better than other phone and other brands. Really.
Just write and complain according to the truth. Don't spread rumor with nonsense.
I agree with other wise friends to close this thread.
Gunawan, GN Mutimedia & X10i
Get a life.stop complaining..if u dnt like se fones,sell it..go n buy htc plastic fone.hahaha.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
I left Sony along time ago, got myself a desire, you guys are wasting you time with Sony seriously. They take the pi** with their overrated products... the only reason I'm here is because my girlfriend wants me to keep her updated on 2.1...
Go with another company people seriously
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I really would like to sell this peace of, but not for less than a half that i payed..
I dont complaing about flash player , speed ,...
Just could be able to hear and to be heard... and not have a "iron man" nick name due voice distortion...
but even worse.
SE, if you cant do the job, just say "i will not update this crap software, stupid consumer"
Man, phones have names, and SE is not one of them.
Htc is no better, they made tons of smart phone only fews rise to the top. Still they cant pass the ugly radar.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
This thread is a waste of 30 seconds of my life. - SE says "We've made mistakes, 2011 we'll be better"

“The first generation of handsets in our portfolio was about getting the capability out there”, Steve Walker (Acting) global head of marketing for Sony Ericsson told Pocket-lint, in a one-to-one interview at CES in Las Vegas.
“Last year we didn’t anticipate the strength of feeling that consumers would have towards the Android release. And again that was a learning experience of the first year of mass market Android smartphones”.
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Here's the full article:
Don't forget to post your comments for SE on the Pocket-Lint site.
I actually do have faith in SE handling their software better with the Arc and such, it just doesn't benefit me at all since I'm married to my X10 at least for the next couple of years or so. I dunno, everything I've felt is necessary to say about their current lineup is said already, it's nice to see SE admitting themselves that they failed. Even though their attitude is more like "We f'ed up, buy our new phone so that we can make up for it", than "Sorry we f'ed up, please enjoy our improved support for the X10 lineup in the year 2011!"
I should not read this :/ wrrrr...
“If we hadn’t done what we did with the X10 and the X10 minis we wouldn’t have been able to do what we’ve done here today”
M****r f****r :/
Tl;dr version - Lol congratz x10 owners you are officially our Guinea pig idiots, THATS what you get for trusting us to follow up on promises. Oh well right? No hard feelings k? thnxbai
ooidort said:
... it's nice to see SE admitting themselves that they failed. Even though their attitude is more like "We f'ed up, buy our new phone so that we can make up for it", than "Sorry we f'ed up, please enjoy our improved support for the X10 lineup in the year 2011!"
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This sums it up pretty well.
ledn said:
M****r f****r :/
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But, so does this.
bah. If they were sorry they would release the bootloader.
This only throws more wood in the fire.
Oh SE, you keep doing it wrong... And I still had a little hope...
kindred7 said:
bah. If they were sorry they would release the bootloader.
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It's not news that they were wrong...
It would be nice to know they're going to make it right...
but they aint.
Hi, SE,how about giving us froyo + gingerbread or giving us all an Xperia Arc since X10 owners were all shafted?
Basically saying:
"Thanks to be beta-testers, dear users of X10-families. Now goodbye, but meanwhile please enjoy our half-arsed pathetic attempt in Android until it's dead, coz we don't care about old stuff no more now we got the Awesome Arc. Once again, thanks"
"we've made mistakes ".... saying that is the mistake... so that's mean buying x10 is a wrong thing and you should not buy x10 or x8 or mini because it's a mistake ... will i got SE something ... for me trusting SE was a mistake .
My usual,
SE, may Death be bestowed on you.
SE will not be popular with the geeks and the nerds who like to tinker with their phones. But for general masses, they will still sell because they design their phone nicely...
having looked at the new lg/htc/droid phones that are appearing in the very near future I reckon as usual sony is starting from behind, should be called xperia x10 v1.0
bet they wont unlock the bootloader either cos its probably the same code for all their new released phones.
coipu1234 said:
having looked at the new lg/htc/droid phones that are appearing in the very near future I reckon as usual sony is starting from behind, should be called xperia x10 v1.0
bet they wont unlock the bootloader either cos its probably the same code for all their new released phones.
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witch one "X10 , Mini , pro & X8" are outdated :s the arc is not on the Market
, we choose the bad brand and our dev try to give us some light with root and custom rom , i dont understand if Zdishu , Jerpelea & ... from XDA are able to develop 2.2 , 2.3 android rom , with good ressources they could do that perfectly pfff SE S**k
roaringhere said:
SE will not be popular with the geeks and the nerds who like to tinker with their phones. But for general masses, they will still sell because they design their phone nicely...
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Got to agree there with u. And neither would I be suggesting this phone to any1 again. Sure it feels nice to see ppl admiring the x10 but what's the use if it ain't up to date. A smartphone that's not even a phone :'(
God damn SE atleast unlock the friggin' bootloader. x-(
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Screwing over your early adopters is a poor long term strategy.
D-Trixxx said:
Screwing over your early adopters is a poor long term strategy.
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Not when long-term is defined as a fiscal year.
roaringhere said:
SE will not be popular with the geeks and the nerds who like to tinker with their phones. But for general masses, they will still sell because they design their phone nicely...
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I can't agree with this... maybe earlier it was like that, ppl never know about updates, and didn't care much, but now with all this Android hype, more and more people are talking about Android, Froyo, games, MT and stuff, they all are aware of this. And looking how HTC updates their cheap phones like Wildfire and Tatto to froyo... they will ask how come they don't have Froyo on top model SE phone
I'm sure that SE will get what it deserves..

Sonys new devices officially announced, and a few of them! neo, pro, play etc!

Keep up to date im posting these on my site
I see why they are releasing the Xperia play, but im not so sure on the neo, pro and arc as they are all basically the same phone with a different case! They have definitely learnt fro the x10 customers though i think
There's a contest on Facebook to win one of ten Play's a month early. I think I'd rather play Farmville though.
Just been looking at the specs of the Neo and Pro.. The pro has more of a "business" market to it.. I'm not a huge fan of slide out keyboards, but a lot of people are..
The Neo seems to be a slightly smaller version of the Arc, but with the added benefit of a front facing camera...
I think I'd be torn between the Arc and the Neo.. would have to get both in my hand to see which one is best for me.
lol probably get released with 2.1 and then get froyo a year later when everyone else is already on android 3.0...
Fk SE, I love my x10 but I wouldn't buy another one of their phones
Fck SE, with XDA I can have whatever I want!
fiscidtox said:
lol probably get released with 2.1 and then get froyo a year later when everyone else is already on android 3.0...
Fk SE, I love my x10 but I wouldn't buy another one of their phones
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Students, if you look on to your left, you'll see a troll behind the glass...oh sorry, I thought it was a museum
Tehouster said:
Fck SE, with XDA I can have whatever I want!
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even with SCE support SE SUCKS!!!!!!
unknown13x +1.. unhealthy.. Would be interesting to hear SE's upgrade strategy for the new range though.. and a likely time line from OS release from Google to upgraded OS from SE.. if they've really leaned from the X10 then they'll have made it real easy to upgrade.. to stay ahead of the game.
unknown13x said:
Students, if you look on to your left, you'll see a troll behind the glass...oh sorry, I thought it was a museum
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And if you look to your right, you'll see a company shill that pretends to leak huge news to help the community, but really only promotes moving on to newer company offerings.
go3asy said:
Keep up to date im posting these on my site
I see why they are releasing the Xperia play, but im not so sure on the neo, pro and arc as they are all basically the same phone with a different case! They have definitely learnt fro the x10 customers though i think
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The "neo" is the vivaz 2 ^^
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R.I.P. Sony Ericsson!
Samsung is going 3 steps further with super amoled plus, 8.4mm thickness and dual core processor, after all these the Xperia Arc seems for childs to play! Sad..
lol probably get released with 2.1 and then get froyo a year later when everyone else is already on android 3.0...
Fk SE, I love my x10 but I wouldn't buy another one of their phones
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Fck SE, with XDA I can have whatever I want!
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And if you look to your right, you'll see a company shill that pretends to leak huge news to help the community, but really only promotes moving on to newer company offerings.
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Please grow up and be mature, do not spam this thread with your useless comments.
If you have anything to discuss about those product do use as long as it's not off-topic. Otherwise go somewhere is
There will be MASSIVE trolls tonight...straight up
Regarding its update, it's actually on another stage of development already...You'll hear some good news in April
unknown13x said:
There will be MASSIVE trolls tonight...straight up
Regarding its update, it's actually on another stage of development already...You'll hear some good news in April
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Quick question though, are they planning to release the 2.4 soon?
as far as I know it will be the same as the 2.3 but with dual-core apps support
Can't blame them if they won't though, Google just release 2.3 is December and they already are planning to release 2.4 in April :S
They have to slow down honestly, with this rate, they'll be out of OS names soon
MJ_QaT said:
Quick question though, are they planning to release the 2.4 soon?
as far as I know it will be the same as the 2.3 but with dual-core apps support
Can't blame them if they won't though, Google just release 2.3 is December and they already are planning to release 2.4 in April :S
They have to slow down honestly, with this rate, they'll be out of OS names soon
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April Did you noticed something in the announcement? Neo and pro never mentioned anything about 2.3. All they said is...Gingerbread
unknown13x said:
April Did you noticed something in the announcement? Neo and pro never mentioned anything about 2.3. All they said is...Gingerbread
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LoL smart thing to do
Can't wait for them to be released honestly
Hi! Can you tell me what is the hardware difference between Arc and Neo besides screen size and front camera? Wanted to get arc, but now i see that neo is not bad too. Could you? Thanx!
djandre said:
Hi! Can you tell me what is the hardware difference between Arc and Neo besides screen size and front camera? Wanted to get arc, but now i see that neo is not bad too. Could you? Thanx!
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That's about all that's different. If you want to save ALOT of money, go for neo, just a friendly suggestion I'm personally getting the arc soon, though if I have to dish out my money, the neo sold me
So anyone that doesn't agree with you and say "Omg Dizz iz so awesummm" is a troll?
Sorry, but others are allowed to have dissenting opinions, that's a fact of life. Go start an SE fan club if all you want is positive "Sony is da besttt!!11!" comments
fiscidtox said:
So anyone that doesn't agree with you and say "Omg Dizz iz so awesummm" is a troll?
Sorry, but others are allowed to have dissenting opinions, that's a fact of life. Go start an SE fan club if all you want is positive "Sony is da besttt!!11!" comments
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I didn't know opinions allowed here includes profanities In the view of people who use such words can only be viewed in one aspect as I have described. I don't mind people talking with real reasons, and I have accepted many opposing opinions, but to come in and say "F this, F that" IMO doesn't really put up much of a fight...

X10 getting 2.3, x8 and mini still stuck on 2.1 with no plans to update

Looks like all the QQ did some good. For x10 owners at least.¸
P.S. Probably has something to do with the x10 bootloader being bypassed and the good progress devs are having with loading custom kernels.
yes i think also SE is scared about loosing conrtol about there own devices. So they want to bind us again to themselfe.
Yeah,we already know that
nope we already got 2.3..through xda dev
Meh! Again we are left high and dry.We didn't get dual touch update either and now this too.
Why can't we get both x10 and x8 ,2.3, because SE doesn't have resources. And here we have J providing gingerbread to entire xperia series with help of some devs!
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
Will you upgrade the XperiaTM X10 mini, mini pro and XperiaTM X8 to 2.3?
No, we have no such plans. We have had to prioritize our resources and have therefore focused on delivering the upgrade to XperiaTM X10.
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They have to prioritize their team to provide 2.3 for only X10. While most work to bring CM7 to X10/X10mini/X8 has been done by only 2 devs: jerpelea and racht. Such a shame to SE.
What a ****ty news, I feel like smashing my phone in S.E. face... hope no S.E. worker gets in my sight cause I am mad as hell! I mean come on, I was ok with the 2.1 on all current xperia line but this ? WTF is with this discrimination, F*** THEM!
Wait,xperia line was always updated together and new cerficated update was relased on 23 of march for x8.
Please sony update x8 and x10 minis too.
if they won't update x8 to 2.3 or 2.2, i won't buy another SE phone !!! never !!! and i think that i'm not the only one
as-mario said:
Wait,xperia line was always updated together and new cerficated update was relased on 23 of march for x8.
Please sony update x8 and x10 minis too.
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i hope se have some time to read this thread
I will break forum rules now...
Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk
I love my X8 but...
Don't get me wrong, I love my X8. However this is the first, and last, time I shall ever buy a Sony phone. I only bought mine last December, after a big Christmas marketing push by Vodafone here in Portugal. Imagine my dismay (and disgust!) to discover, after less than a month, that Sony already considered the phone obsolete before I'd even bought it :-(
Oh well. Live and learn I suppose (but it also makes me much less likely to buy anything Sony in the future...)
Rendering my x8 obsolete after only 4 months after seeing 1 proper update (1.6 --> 2.1)... not good.
Was planning to upgrade to Xperia Play, but I no longer trust SonyEricsson and have given up all plans of buying any of their products again.
That being said, XDA makes the x8 a very decent little phone. But still the XDA devs are fighting an up-hill struggle against the lockdowns imposed by SE. Thank you XDA, screw you SonyEricsson
droidjens said:
Rendering my x8 obsolete after only 4 months after seeing 1 proper update (1.6 --> 2.1)... not good.
Was planning to upgrade to Xperia Play, but I no longer trust SonyEricsson and have given up all plans of buying any of their products again.
That being said, XDA makes the x8 a very decent little phone. But still the XDA devs are fighting an up-hill struggle against the lockdowns imposed by SE. Thank you XDA, screw you SonyEricsson
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on sonyericsson lauch blog writes no plain,not we will not upgrade x8 and minis just no plain
the real idea is to bypass bootloader so sony ericsson will update x8
Well mates, I think it's time to make some noise in SE blogs, this is not only a discrimination, this feels like your older brother was given by it's mother a bigger and better toy to play with, and we, the younger sons, can play with lego for eternity. Ah... This is a lack of respect, lack of sense, we do not only need that upgrade, we need recon. We are costumers, we spent our money buying the phones, we are SE future, our opinions and thoughts will count in next sales. We can't just be left behind, I know SE certified some firmwares recently, but, if they were thinking to upgrade us, they would have done it now at same time as X10.
Well it seems this is a way too give further security to bootloader, and remove kexec exploit. There's no downgrading after this. It's a terrible choice (my thought). So, we (x8,x10mini/pro owners) don't really need this upgrade since we have J & racht & so many great developers contributing, and I have so much to thank them for the hard work, precious time they take to do it, and for sharing it with XDA community, well I can say, with all users around the world. We are very near to reach total freedom.
That are not full working roms
Sent from my E15i using XDA Premium App
I hate SE businnes strategy...
Doomguy said:
I hate SE businnes strategy...
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Me too but worst is that their profit fall 20% from 2010 and they are so bad to custumers,realy and one more thing why they put so expensive phones in sale,x8 and minis will sell better with better support because they cheap but for 100 $ more i will buy htc wildfire.
Sent from my E15i using XDA Premium App
thedailycommute said:
Don't get me wrong, I love my X8. However this is the first, and last, time I shall ever buy a Sony phone. I only bought mine last December, after a big Christmas marketing push by Vodafone here in Portugal. Imagine my dismay (and disgust!) to discover, after less than a month, that Sony already considered the phone obsolete before I'd even bought it :-(
Oh well. Live and learn I suppose (but it also makes me much less likely to buy anything Sony in the future...)
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Cmo eu te compreendo, a mim foi exactamente igual.. xD
I made exactly the same mistake.. :/
Sent from my X8 using XDA Premium App
Asdoos said:
yes i think also SE is scared about loosing conrtol about there own devices. So they want to bind us again to themselfe.
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Sony want this upgrade, and maybe this software update will also bring an bootloader upgrade, which will give us no chance of Xrecovery or Root, So, i stay with XDA

will sony support froyobread officialy ???

sony stop support for x8 forever or what?
Officially yes, sadly or not
Who cares about sony anyway. Their support would be good, but our great devs are proving every day, that we don't need sony
Mr. Hat said:
Who cares about sony anyway. Their support would be good, but our great devs are proving every day, that we don't need sony
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don't say such things, without sony we are nothing... remember that.. dont compare sony to M$
Pff i dont need the official froyo. The froyos from our devs are a lot better even if SE will give us froyo i will stay with custom roms
Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk
orangzeb said:
don't say such things, without sony we are nothing... remember that.. dont compare sony to M$
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why? Do you work at Sony?
Are you a Spy sent by them?
jkrauser2 said:
why? Do you work at Sony?
Are you a Spy sent by them?
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i believe that sony developers have see this forum and said "ow great, i will stop developing software for x8" or said "ow great, i will fix the cm7's problem for x8, and release for official gingerbread x8"
It is a fact, that the custom ROMs made by the devs here are a lot better in any aspect, than that of sony... I just need to look at my battery gauge... with stock 1 day (if lucky) froyobread lasted for 3 days (and was still ar 25%) So I won't return to stock even if launched .
A more up to date kernel would be appreciated though
jkrauser2 said:
why? Do you work at Sony?
Are you a Spy sent by them?
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I wish that was true...
I'm the biggest fan of Sony... on the other hand think about their products , how many good things they've given us
orangzeb said:
I wish that was true...
I'm the biggest fan of Sony... on the other hand think about their products , how many good things they've given us
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Me too, a fan of SE. I owned only SE phones my entire life..
But see they still don't want to give us the word "open source" because they keep the bootloader locked. They left X8 in the air.
custom roms are lighted versions or originals.. useless stuff is deleted.. so that's good if talking about 2.2.. but about 2.3 dev's need to deal with camera and radio problems....(about radio,never mind )
orangzeb said:
I wish that was true...
I'm the biggest fan of Sony... on the other hand think about their products , how many good things they've given us
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Personally I wonder what they've done for us that would actually persuade me to go over to their side. Almost every single one of their products have disappointed me in one way or another . And that's why I'm convinced that I'll never buy their products again. This X8 is the last product I'll ever buy from them. At least I've still got XDA .
spyder12345 said:
Personally I wonder what they've done for us that would actually persuade me to go over to their side. Almost every single one of their products have disappointed me in one way or another . And that's why I'm convinced that I'll never buy their products again. This X8 is the last product I'll ever buy from them. At least I've still got XDA .
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+1 mate, look at my signature.
but I am planning to buy Xperia ARC as my last SE phone.
well I i can see the grudge but this is policy mate, we are users, we can expect more and more from their side but see it from their perspective... They have hell of competition..
and talking about products PS3 just ****ed xbox360 in A55....
I also own a x8 and it's a bit old so i don't complaint much , p.s nice ppl like you and devs here on XDA made my days...
Maybe you didn't use Nokia / Samsung / LG Phones to test how bad they suck ! why not buy xperia RAY ? if you want everything..
Sorry I meant no offense just stating my thoughts...
orangzeb said:
well I i can see the grudge but this is policy mate, we are users, we can expect more and more from their side but see it from their perspective... They have hell of competition..
and talking about products PS3 just ****ed xbox360 in A55....
I also own a x8 and it's a bit old so i don't complaint much , p.s nice ppl like you and devs here on XDA made my days...
Maybe you didn't use Nokia / Samsung / LG Phones to test how bad they suck ! why not buy xperia RAY ? if you want everything..
Sorry I meant no offense just stating my thoughts...
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Don't even mention Samsungs android phones... I've changed to X8 after Galaxy Spica... It really is horrible as stock, but far better with custom roms, but even because of the sh*tty drivers, kernels and everything, it is bad... But id had many buttons
I'm not disappointed in X8 (with custom rom of course, the stock s*cks like hell), with froyobread it is a very nice phone
i'm using froyobread and eclair 2.1 update 1 both ,
Exactly, with custom roms, who needs sony?, theyll probably forgot about the X8 and are working on the X16, I mean I just got the phone, SE lemme use it for a whole year, support it, update it, and then Ill think about changing it, but no, everyday new sh!t comes out!!!!
I'm wondering about Adobe's declaration about full flash to AMR6 CPU's. Maybe when they'll finally release Flash to such devices as X8 or Swift, Sony may change a bit their politics. I hope so. I'm not a big fan of GB, but fully functional camera, radio and BT could give a huge boost to our Devs
jkrauser2 said:
Me too, a fan of SE. I owned only SE phones my entire life..
But see they still don't want to give us the word "open source" because they keep the bootloader locked. They left X8 in the air.
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Iam a die hard SE fan and i know they made some mistakes but new line up aint bad.i love Xperia ray
eagleeyetom said:
I'm wondering about Adobe's declaration about full flash to AMR6 CPU's. Maybe when they'll finally release Flash to such devices as X8 or Swift, Sony may change a bit their politics. I hope so. I'm not a big fan of GB, but fully functional camera, radio and BT could give a huge boost to our Devs
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I don't think it is because of that. Phone developers want to sell, that's why they release 1 update per phone, so that people keep buying the new ones

