Desire Z calender category - G2 and Desire Z General

How can i create a new calender category? I have my google email which has all my facebook stuff then "pc sync",Id like to create one for my college crap.
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Contact groups?

is it possible to setup contact groups? I don't see an option for it. Even "dumb" phones have this function. I'm look for a better way to organize my contacts.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
You can set up groups from your Google account online. Don't know if you can do it from the phone...
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Actually I have set up groups in google. But it doesn't get displayed in the phone.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App

Looking for an app

I saw on the new sidekick the messaging app lets you message a group then when someone replies everyone gets the reply. Does anyone know where I can get that apk or a similar app to that? Thanks in advance......
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Why would you even want that? Anyways, I believe the mt4g already makes group messeging.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I want it because when I'm trying to set up an event everyone can see what's going on so I don't have to send all these messages
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Robertmor86 said:
I want it because when I'm trying to set up an event everyone can see what's going on so I don't have to send all these messages
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i think it's called email. Or google calendar invites.
Lol I know there's other ways of doing it but not all the people I contact use email or the internet but they all text.
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Outlook sync

Hello can someone tell me the Best solution for Sync Outllook data to android?
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manu69x said:
Hello can someone tell me the Best solution for Sync Outllook data to android?
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You need to run a ROM with SENSE. Then you can use HTC SYNC. This will easily sync outlook.
if you do not want to use a ROM with sense, you can use a program called My phone explorer.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
And if it is based on the desire hd it tends to give you an error saying that it can't create the account
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Appointments and dates

What is this phone like for keeping notes, dates and appointments on..??
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
Elaborate please...
I use my phone like a filofax, is the pen really useful for quick notes and added appointments to the calendar?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app

Best calendar app

Is there a good calendar app that will sync with the iPhone? My wife wont switch from that phone and I am struggling to find a good one that can sync over both platforms. Any suggestions?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
alphamale99 said:
Is there a good calendar app that will sync with the iPhone? My wife wont switch from that phone and I am struggling to find a good one that can sync over both platforms. Any suggestions?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
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I think google calendar works on both devices. HERE . She have to liik in iTunes Store for one
Tried that one but would prefer a calendar that shows on the widget what is happening without having to open the app
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
alphamale99 said:
Tried that one but would prefer a calendar that shows on the widget what is happening without having to open the app
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
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then try this Google Calendar Live Widget. I think iPhones don't have ability to use widgets.
No they dont but it would be nice to be able to enter a calendar event and have it show up on my wifes iPhone calendar also
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I am able to instantly sync 2 Iphones and three android phones using Google calendar threw a datacated Gmail account, it's strictly for calendar synchronization threw out both platforms. I have no issues just syncing the calendar only.
No matter where the phones are the calendar events anyone puts in gets pushed to the other phones.
Hope that helps...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
I sync the built-in calendar app on my S4 with the built-in calendar app on ipad, also using gmail. It's dead simple to use. Just enter an appointment on one and it instantly shows up on the other.
You could try Cozi. I believe it supports both devices and Android version had widgets. Can also assign tasks, grocery list, etc between family members. My wife and I use it and it works pretty well.
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