Gingerbread + HW Accelerated Browser +720p youtube in browser = Awsomeness - Vibrant General

just try asgard by EDT ...
its like Galaxy SII without SII
i am amazed how powerfull this phone is if fully optimised.

link to the ROM please??

link? i am waiting for a stable working 2.3.3 or 2.3.4 rom. never hurts to see what fixes the various gb roms have yet so far..

still waiting for the working GPS......
How long does it take for Samsung to push 2.3 source for vibrant this time......

I am waiting for the GPS to get fixed. It is a shame we still don't have the source code for that.


Android samsung i7500

I just bought a samsung i7500 galaxy its has android 1.5 loaded in it ... i just need to ask that can i upgrade it to a higher version like the 2.1
beacause feature like file transfer through bluetooth n multi-touch are not yet working... is their any stable version of android other that 1.5 that works on i7500 galaxy n can solve my prob n improve my phone features.....if thr is can u please send me a link n tell me how to do that upgrade... i'll be very greatfull...
Google for androidforums samsung i7500
If you're just looking for newer and better than 1.5, check out Drakkaz's work on Galaxo. It's up to It works very well and much better than 1.5
If you want newer, check out the GAOSP project. It's a port of the 2.1 OS to the galaxy. It's on Beta 2 now, but still missing a couple of features.
I've been running the 1.6 for a while now and it runs extremely well and stable. 2.1 (and eventually 2.2) are coming along nicely though.

Nexus S & ICS 4.0.3 - What do you think of it ?

Beeing using the Nexus s I9020T with ICS for a while now, tought i share what i think of them working together. this is not a technical review with scores and such so please don't expect such information here. in fact i'm not going to mention any of the developers, kernel or ROM names here.
Had Nexus one, when the Nexus S arrived i sold it and bought the NS.
I really liked the N1 and it was not easy to let it go, i liked how it felt in my hand and it was a good device... anyway... i tried many roms (almost any ROM and Kernel that were available at that time) with the N1, and then with the NS. these two devices had almost any ROM flashed to them day and night.
Almost there
at the beginning there was no official ICS rom for the NS nor even a full SDK source
but some PORTS where around so i had to try them out.
liked the way it looks but that's it. no stability, many bugs. not for daily use... not even for a night use. going from one build to another didn't make any difference. for example: none of the PORTS managed to activate the Bluetooth device. there was a missing driver (binary) and none of the developers managed to overcome the problem.
At first a full SDK was released. Builds were a bit better but not enough.
still couldn't use it every day and always had to go back to 2.3.7
at this point i thought: "well i guess i'l have to wait for google to release an official OTA update and then i'll see some real action right ?"
well that was not just a thought but more like logic with a bit of knowing how google usually works. i thought that when google will release an official version for the NS it will probably run smoother because it will have hardware acceleration and google will put a new kernel, and they will make sure it runs well
"What a great day" i stupidly thought to myself. "finally a new version for my device" i was so stupidly proud (like i made this phone or something) anyway...
i just went from smiling to almost crying ... "Thats it ?" i yelled at it (my NS) "Is that all you got ? What is going on here ? is this for real ? it can't be ... the file must be fake ! (didn't really think it was a fake...) it can't be it ? this is it ? this is ICS ? slow,unresponsive,slow,and slow ? that's all there is ? and in addition to that it was very very slow...
"ICS Roms"
Used all custom ICS roms available and any tweaked kernel that i found. yet,
still too slow for me...
my current Rom and kernel are the fastest i could find and don't get me wrong it is stable,no bugs and i use it daily. but after using gingerbread for so long, i guess i got use to the speed too much, after using it for a week, i'm starting to get use to it i can't say that it is great for me now... but i'm not giving up !
Calling All Devs
Hopefully we will start seeing some tweaked kernel and optimized custom roms soon. for now my NS will rest ... just for now...

best rom??

Hi I am new to Xoom I have the wifi version and was wondering if you guys could tell me of the best from you have used? I'm looking for speed, display tweaks and customization ease. I hope you can help thanks
malcovitch said:
Hi I am new to Xoom I have the wifi version and was wondering if you guys could tell me of the best from you have used? I'm looking for speed, display tweaks and customization ease. I hope you can help thanks
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Every person is different, try them all.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
bwcorvus said:
Every person is different, try them all.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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While I agree with corvus, not all of us have a ton of time to flash a ****load of ROMs. I love to play with my Xoom, but I also have a life (work, school, cat, girlfriend. and the last two get jealous if i play with my xoom more than them). But anyway. If you wanna choose a good ROM, read their respective forums. I can tell you the two oldest (read:most time invested) dev's here for the Xoom are Tiamat (TeamEOS) and Team Rogue. From what I've learned in my time at this forum (Ive had my Xoom since they came out), they seem to have the most experience with Xoom-specific problems. I'm presonally on Steady's CM9 Kang. It's important to note that he's now the official maintainer for the Xoom branch of CM9. TeamEOS has done great work, and it should be fun to play around with their Cornerstone builds. I haven't messed with them, so I can't speak to its efficacy.
I've also noticed that since the release of the Galaxy Nexus, the ROM scene here has seen a large growth as of late. I can't speak to the quality of these "bleed-thru" ROMs, but I'm sure they're fine. Seems kinda reverse-engineered to work on our Xooms though. I'm no expert!
TLDR: Try CM9! It should have a bunch of mods and go-fast pretties. If you don't like it, try out TeamEOS offerings. Donate to whichever you find suits your needs best.
Another 'best of'...
It all depends on what you want. If its glitz with additional functionality - team eos or cm9 kang.
I personally use Razorblades AOSP build. Its straightforward - no glitches - overclockable if you desire, and found it had no visual glitches or funky sleep issues. No glitz - but I want a ROM that provides a stockish experience with additional features that all come together well.
Bugless Beast is fantastic too. I just prefer a more stockish tablet experience.
I used CM9 the day it came out but recently switched to CNA. I vote CNA for sure, very reliable and customizable.
malcovitch said:
Hi I am new to Xoom I have the wifi version and was wondering if you guys could tell me of the best from you have used? I'm looking for speed, display tweaks and customization ease. I hope you can help thanks
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I'm happy as can be with EOS wingray nightlies...I'm on build #84 and it's super stable and functional. I oc to 1.6 ghz without a glitch. I've played with Cornerstone, but actually prefer plain EOS ICS and use Overskreen and Stickit for that same multitasking experience...just less buggy and demanding.
As an developer I prefer Team Rouges (unofficial) CM9 Release.
You have ADB in the developer settings and many more handy options.
Be careful on the WIFi-only (Wingray) Release. Since 15/03 The ROM crashes when you don't have a sd-card in. This is a serious problem. But the ROM is great!!!
It crashes every time when the tablet goes into standby mode AND no SD-card is in.
Eos is the bestest packing the most winz. I'm not biased or anything. Really.
I have EOS, CM9 and AOKP. I found the best is AOKP, currently running AOKP Milestone 4. If you are interested go to
Good luck.
Killed message too cynic...
bigrushdog said:
Eos is the bestest packing the most winz. I'm not biased or anything. Really.
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If u truly want the best rom out there for thr xoom go with either the 1.0.0 from EOS or the EOS nightlies hands down
I know my name doesn't carry much clout in here, but having gone through EOS 1.0.0 / Unofficial CM9 / Codename Android 1.5.5 in the past month I really like the newest Codename Android.
Mostly waiting for there to be an official CM9 release. Then I'll jump ship to that.
Of course I run all my roms with Team Tiamats AOSP 3.0.5 kernel (w/ GPU OC)
My Xoom runs beautifully.
I have wifi only xoom and have used team eos with overclocked gpu. Its very stable no only had 2 crash's since i'v had it and that was the browser so would not put it down to the firmware at all all the hardware is supported fine and works well. I think eos is clean and tidy and with dev tools zips you'll have alot to play with.
i've testet all roms out there...
the best release would be eos with trebuchet from cm9,
or rouges cm9 with tiamat kernel...
I also just can from EOS 1.0 to Codename Android 1.5.5 and like it a lot. Both are great roms, but I just like the customization of Codename a little better.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
theretro said:
I have wifi only xoom and have used team eos with overclocked gpu. Its very stable no only had 2 crash's since i'v had it and that was the browser so would not put it down to the firmware at all all the hardware is supported fine and works well. I think eos is clean and tidy and with dev tools zips you'll have alot to play with.
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Agreed... I am using TeamEOS 89 and Cornerstone 13... By far the best combination possible and very stable... They nightlies have been very impressive from the get go... Thanks TeamEOS!!!!!!
Am I missing something here? How can you be using both 89 and cornerstone 13? Its one or the other isn't it as they are both roms
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
After using almost all the ROMs I keep coming back to EOS. Its the only one in which I have not ran into any issues. Personally it suits my needs of speed + always updated
Peter Alfonso's "Bugless Beast" has worked well for me, but it appears the domain he used for hosting has expired and there's no way to access the latest builds.
rlmesq said:
Peter Alfonso's "Bugless Beast" has worked well for me, but it appears the domain he used for hosting has expired and there's no way to access the latest builds.
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Love the bugless beast rom. I've tried most of the others and came back to bugless because it is so reliable. And the USB extension is working without an app. Concerning the bugless nightly downloads, all you have to do is stroll down until you see wingray downloads and click-on.

[Q] Browser Shutting Down

Excellent site and i've been using it for years but never really posted even though my knowledge has grown over the years.
I have the Aconia A500 running Kernal
Rom: Lightspeed 4.3 Themed by OiJkN
So far i have found this ROM of ICS to be great and runs without issue most of the time even though it's still in the Dev stage. However, when I open up either the standard Browser or Dolphin HD i can get about 5 mins usage and they just close down on me. Ive tried uninstall and reinstall but this still happens. My partner she has an Aconia and that does the same and is on standard ROM etc.
If anyone could help that would be great. Also somewhere on another ROM i saw an excellent Blue keyboard and was wondering where it came from as it is nothing like the versions you download from PLAY and configure.
Although the ROM i'm on runs okay i'm looking to change back to Flexreaper who seems to be developing daily. My first time was revsion 9 and now he is up to 11. What I cant understand is that any ROM I use I cannot overclock my A500 past the stock speed. Am i doing something wrong or missing something here. Under CWS it says OC to 1.5 and I do that but still shows up as 1 on the system information.
Am ope to suggestions for different ROMS & Kernals the faster the better in my case with less battery loss.
Thanks again for an excellent forum.....
Jay Kay
Acer A500
HTC Wildfire S
Galaxy Ace
jayknight71 said:
Excellent site and i've been using it for years but never really posted even though my knowledge has grown over the years.
I have the Aconia A500 running Kernal
Rom: Lightspeed 4.3 Themed by OiJkN
So far i have found this ROM of ICS to be great and runs without issue most of the time even though it's still in the Dev stage. However, when I open up either the standard Browser or Dolphin HD i can get about 5 mins usage and they just close down on me. Ive tried uninstall and reinstall but this still happens. My partner she has an Aconia and that does the same and is on standard ROM etc.
If anyone could help that would be great. Also somewhere on another ROM i saw an excellent Blue keyboard and was wondering where it came from as it is nothing like the versions you download from PLAY and configure.
Although the ROM i'm on runs okay i'm looking to change back to Flexreaper who seems to be developing daily. My first time was revsion 9 and now he is up to 11. What I cant understand is that any ROM I use I cannot overclock my A500 past the stock speed. Am i doing something wrong or missing something here. Under CWS it says OC to 1.5 and I do that but still shows up as 1 on the system information.
Am ope to suggestions for different ROMS & Kernals the faster the better in my case with less battery loss.
Thanks again for an excellent forum.....
Jay Kay
Acer A500
HTC Wildfire S
Galaxy Ace
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Well, as far as the browser shutting down, I can only say ALL the current releases are BETA. Acer "leaked" which are not what is going to be released as an official release. Beta is Beta. Expect issues. You may want to try Opera as a browser.
As with OC the processor, this is not available on any current Beta ICS rom. Acer has not released the kernel source code, so modified kernels are not possible at this time. The reason it says 1.5 in your CWM, is because your version of CWM was built by Thor2002ro, and at one time, he had the option to OC your processor before rom install. Didn't really work for a couple folks, so he removed the default function, but left the text in there. Ignore it. It was designed for HC, and not ICS.
Moscow Desire said:
Well, as far as the browser shutting down, I can only say ALL the current releases are BETA. Acer "leaked" which are not what is going to be released as an official release. Beta is Beta. Expect issues. You may want to try Opera as a browser.
As with OC the processor, this is not available on any current Beta ICS rom. Acer has not released the kernel source code, so modified kernels are not possible at this time. The reason it says 1.5 in your CWM, is because your version of CWM was built by Thor2002ro, and at one time, he had the option to OC your processor before rom install. Didn't really work for a couple folks, so he removed the default function, but left the text in there. Ignore it. It was designed for HC, and not ICS.
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Many thanks for the reply and your time in answering my questions. Is it worth updating my version of CWM? I got the current one from the market place or should i say Play Store now.
Dispite the browser shutting down now and again i can live with that until proper update. The stndard browser seems to be the best one.. Will try Opera but never liked it on the phone but may be better on a tablet?
Kind Regards
+1 for using opera

GT-P7500 owner here, a few questions about ICS

First of all sorry if this has been asked many times, I haven't found exact answers.
What is stopping GT-P7500 getting ICS stable and camera working as it should? As owener of this model I am very dissapointed with this model stock software and I am placing my hopes on ICS from any source (I hsve a modded Honeycomb which runs many times better than stock but still I am not happy since the best I found working for me was a ROM for the P7510 losing 3g support).
Is it Samsung not releasing drivers they should?
Is because of Nvidia not releasing Tegra2 drivers?
Or.. for example CyanogenMod team have all they need and it is a matter of time?
Thanks in advance!
First off I feel your pain but try and understand how hard the Cyanogenmod guys work. They provide an amazing product for free so patience is key.
That being said I have been running the p4 snapshots of ics on my GT-P7500 for awhile now and it runs beautifully minus the camera. Realistically you aren't going to use the camera that much anyways on a tablet.
It runs smooth and flawlessly and has really impressed me so far.
Find the link to Droid basement that gets you to the snapshots. Give it a try it can't hurt. You can find the link in this thread here
I would post the full link but I don't have enough posts yet.
Or you can try the Overcome ROM (, runs Android 3.2, but is very smooth if you combine it with the kernel provided by pershoot (
Thanks for the answer guys.
My queries were more to find out if the delay is because Samsung's fault for not releasing drivers for the community.
Of course for the cyanogenmod team I have all the patience in the world and my utmost respect for them, In fact all my hopes are in the devs community like them instead of samsung or htc (I own a desire), etc. for taking care of the devices I own For me it's clear which is the priority of most manufacturers.
Sorry to hijack this, but does anyone who's used the current ICS editions for the P7500 know if exchange email works "fully" (with calendar etc...) when I tried one of the first ROMs, this wasn't working.
Those you have live/hotmail accounts and have it setup as an exchange account should be able to confirm this one way or another.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
You're welcome buddy i'd love to know more too, something will come.
Not sure about exchange haven't tried it yet. I unfortunately have to carry a second phone for work that's all set up with exchange. Its a Blackberry Bold 9900....boooooooo! If I see something I'll post it.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
daniel_fm said:
First of all sorry if this has been asked many times, I haven't found exact answers.
What is stopping GT-P7500 getting ICS stable and camera working as it should? As owener of this model I am very dissapointed with this model stock software and I am placing my hopes on ICS from any source (I hsve a modded Honeycomb which runs many times better than stock but still I am not happy since the best I found working for me was a ROM for the P7510 losing 3g support).
Is it Samsung not releasing drivers they should?
Is because of Nvidia not releasing Tegra2 drivers?
Or.. for example CyanogenMod team have all they need and it is a matter of time?
Thanks in advance!
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We need propriatery video/camera libs from samsung to work in ics, with tegra libs that has the specific video/camera libs compiled in. So we need libs from both,my understanding in any case, and that is only going to happen once an ics rom gets released/leaked.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using XDA Premium HD app
Does 3G work with the CM release or is it wifi only? I have an unlocked Rogers galaxy tab 10.1 and would love to try out ICS on it.
3G works
I have a P 7500, and 3g works perfectly well.
So does the WI-FI, tethering etc.
I tried to have CM on my 10.1, but can't get it through, running AOKP M5 now on it, everything works fine on AOKP ICS, so you can try it, U will get addicted to it
exchange work great with milestone 5
L33t Masta said:
Does 3G work with the CM release or is it wifi only? I have an unlocked Rogers galaxy tab 10.1 and would love to try out ICS on it.
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Mine is a rogers p7500 , using pershots ics dev builds. Works perfect. Latest build fixes wifi crash as well
Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk 2
