New Voice Authentication Process - EVO 4G General

New Voice Authentication Process
Effective today, new security enhancements are in place to prevent unauthorized access to Sprint's network. Due to these new enhancements, you may encounter a device that is not recognized on the network after you have performed a ##RTN (786).
If you receive the message "Due to Error #16, your call has failed to complete" while placing a test call, you'll be required to contact a dedicated Care Team to have the device authenticated on the network.
For complete details, see the Voice Authentication Error M&P located at ISC > Service and Repair > Resources > ASC Methods and Procedures > Voice Authentication Error (5/2/11). ISCPortal Link: Voice Authentication Error (5/2/11)

What would this affect?
Its not like we could import other CDMA phones to begin with.
The only phone/ devices I'd even expect them to allow would be the Nokia N810w & the New $1,500 Qualcomm Phone... Maybe.

Noiro said:
What would this affect?
Its not like we could import other CDMA phones to begin with.
The only phone/ devices I'd even expect them to allow would be the Nokia N810w & the New $1,500 Qualcomm Phone... Maybe.
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It looks like it would not do hands free activation anymore. It has to be called in so the device can retrieve the network settings so it can establish a data connection with the towers.


Salvaging the hours and euros sunk

Since I'm having a couple of problems lately that will ultimately require me to hard-reset my TyTN in the near future, I figured I could document the steps I take to salvage the configuration as I go and learn this stuff.
My primary tool will be the Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK, especially the rapiconfig tool, that allows to process and query configuration information in the form of provisioning xml files.
RapiConfig sends the provisioning file to the device, processes it and saves the answer to RapiConfigOut.xml.
Lesson #1:
How to retrieve Messaging account settings, even if they appear to have vanished, using the EMAIL2 configuration service provider:
<!-- query-email2.xml -->
<characteristic-query type="EMAIL2" recursive="TRUE" />
C:\>RapiConfig.exe /p query-email2.xml
The result will be a list of manually configured messaging accounts, plus Hotmail and MMS.
The result will not include passwords (parm name="AUTHSECRET). To be later able and use the output file for restore, these params should be added for those accounts with (parm name="AUTHREQUIRED" value = "1") and the file should be saved under a meaningful name. Since MMS will be commonly setup by the ExtRom setup, it should be removed.
Next time we'll look at wireless connection setup.
Lesson #2:
How to enable RAPI access with manager privileges and retrieve WLAN settings.
The attempt to retrieve WLAN settings using the "Wi-Fi" characteristic will fail with "Access denied", because the Wi-Fi configuration provider requires manager level access, which is like Administrator on a PC.
By default, RAPI only uses user access level, and users can obviously not be allowed to manage WLAN settings using RAPI.
The SDK provides a way around this. Allowing RAPI access to manager-level features can be enabled by a security policy. This policy must be set using a signed configuration file.
The SDK contains a file "RapiAllowed.cpf" in the rapisecurity folder that can be used for this purpose.
However, first the certificate used to sign this file must be installed on the device.
For this, the must be run on the device. This step might fail however, if the network provider chose to prevent the user from using unknown certificates.
The the RapiAllowed.cpf can be copied and run as well. There will be no feedback other than a SMS confirming the installation.
RAPI is a powerful interface, so the inverse, RapiRestricted.cpf, must be run before the device is brought into possible hostile enviroments (e.g. where some people might run Bluetooth scanners, USB ports on public computers, etc).
There is also a tool available from Microsoft called "Security Configuration Manager" that allows reviewing and resetting device security.
With RAPI security disabled, querying Wi-Fi is a piece of cake:
<!-- query.xml -->
<characteristic-query type="Wi-Fi" recursive="TRUE"/>
C:\>rapiconfig /p query.xml
The RapiConfigOut.xml will show all configured WLANs grouped into access-point-based and ad-hoc networks, with a characteristic for each network.
The network key is included as dummy string "****************" that needs to be replaced by the real passphrase.
I guess the next thing is to take a look into the network settings provided by CM_Networks and CM_GPRS_Entries.
HB_TyTN, very interesting stuff in your lessons, thanks for your effort
Also you may like to check rapi unlocker here:
Excellent thread! Will definitely keep mentioining it in my forthcoming, related articles!
About networks
The network thing in Windows Mobile seems pretty messed up. In an attempt to make things easier, safer and more automated, I think, Microsoft left anybody on the way.
Here is what I understand and (warning), I may be totally off.
There are four pre-defined networks Internet, Corp, WAP and Secure WAP.
Although those may have different names based on OS language and HTC, provider or user choosing, the IDs of these networks are fixed and can be looked up in the SDK/include/connmgr.h file. E.g. Internet, is identified by 436EF144-B4FB-4863-A041-8F905A62C572.
These networks describe different setups in terms of routing, security or proxy settings or are used from different applications (e.g. WAP/MMS).
Of all networks, one is selected as Internet (public) and another can be chosen as private under Select Networks in Advanced Connections.
Internet will provide TCP/IP only. Private will provide access to Windows shares, and may connect to the internet, usually thru a proxy.
The Connection Manager separates the world into Internet and private, based on the URL of the server.
Non local server names, e.g. will be connected with the network specfied as Internet.
Yes, this includes any directly entered IP address, as the detection is based on the occurrence of a "." dot in the server name. The only way around this is to specify the URL in Settings, Connections, Advanced, Exceptions (using * as a wildcard if necessary).
Sole server names and except URLs will be connected thru the network designated as private.
With each network, connections, network cards and wireless networks can be associated, so that, finally, the connection manager uses or dials one of those connections based on the network it chose to use.
That's a long intro into lesson #3: Querying network information
I'll start resetting RAPI security to restricted, by copying RapiRestricted.cpf to the device, running it and checking the SMS message for success. This should prevent any actual messing up something.
Now to querying networks using the CM_Networks configuration provider.
<!-- query.xml>
<!--<!DOCTYPE wap-provisioningdoc SYSTEM "msprov.dtd">-->
<characteristic-query type="CM_Networks" recursive="TRUE"/>
C:\>rapiconfig /p query.xml
C:\>notepad RapiConfigOut.xml
The introduction above is to explain why this query does not reveal anything useful, other than a list network names, their ID and an obscure "Secure" value, which is 0 for all my connections.
I find it more interesting to query the CM_PPPEntries or the CM_GPRSEntries providers. They use a similar, yet somewhat convoluted schema.
Here are the notable parts:
DestID associates the entry with one of the networks I talked about and queried above.
Phone is the number to dial for the connection. For GPRS, this entry is set to "~GPRS!". I wonder who came up with that string.
Username and Password are obvious and so is RequirePw.
DnsAddr, AltDnsAddr are not out of the ordinary, and if SpecificIpAddr is "1", the ip address is in IpAddr, although I'd assume it is assigned dynamically in most cases.
DeviceType and DeviceName are set to "modem" and "Cellular Line" for the connections that use the phone network.
DeviceSpecificRAW is the most dangerous entry here, since it contains the parameters for the phone device in binary form. I wonder if there is any point in looking into those other than to inflict pain.
Some of the device parameters are set verbosely, so let's rather look at those. However, your provider may not like it if you modify these vigorously.
If BearerInfoValid is 1, BearerInfoService and BearerInfoSpeed are supposed to specify the type of modem and it's speed. Values in my case are 1 -Async Modem and 15 - 9600 v32, which goes to show that the latter value is rather useless, because I know I get more than that with both UMTS and GPRS. So better not tamper with these.
CompressionInfoValid and RadioLinkInfoValid are set to 0 in my case, so one can easily do without.
GRPSInfoValid is set to 1, but the only real interesting parameter is GPRSInfoAccessPointName, which must be set for the GPRS connection to know whom to talk to.
GPRSInfoQOSSettingsValid and GPRSInfoMinQOSSettingsValid are 0, which is sad, because I'm really not happy with my GPRS Quality of Service and would have loved to improve it.
Now, that was a joke. QoS is a way of classifying network traffic for bandwidth and latency and I doubt any provider supports it for Joe Average.
For all the parameters documentation is in the Smartphone SDK about the Telephony and TSP API structures.
Finally, a list of default URL mappings, as found in the CM_Mapping provider documentation.
*://*.*/* The Internet
*://*/* My Corporate Network
wsp://*/* WAP Network
wsps://*/* Secure WAP Network
To query my personalization settings, next time I'll dive into the registry and see what I can do with RAPI configuration queries.

Live Messenger DOESN'T Connect thru GPRS

I can't seem to get WLM for Windows Mobile to work. I have searched XDA as well as HoFo, I have tried various roms (Xplore 1.1, Xplore 2.0 Beta, Faria's 'The Real Thing,' Faria's AKU3.3 WM5, and even T-Mobile's 2.26), and I have tried multiple connection changes.
I have also tried various Radio ROM's including 2.19.11, 2.25, 2.61, and 2.69.
The way I have my settings in "Settings>Connections>Advanced>Select Networks" is as follows:
1.)For the top option, I created a new network titled "WiFi." The only additional change I made to this one was to tick the box "this connection connects to the Internet," I did not tick the box for "Use Proxy."
2.)For the bottom, I also created a new network called "T-Mobile Web." For this, I added a modem (Cellular GPRS), entered an APN of, did not add a VPN, turned Proxy on with a valid entry, and made sure the WAP and Secure WAP had valid entries.
With this setup I CAN access any website with Pocket IE and Opera 8.6x. Unfortunately, I cannot access Windows Live Messenger:
1.) Open WLM through the Program window
2.) I can either say "Sign In" on the homescreen, or go to "Cancel" and enter in my display name, but either way when I click sign in I get...
"Signing in to Messenger will add your Messenger contacts to your phone's address book. Do you wish to continue?"
3.) I say "Ok" to this, my phone notifies me that it is "Connecting to GPRS," then Windows Live states, "There's a connectivity problem. Make sure you're in an area with good phone reception and try again."
4.) I can press "Retry" as many times as I want, nothing changes.
I can also get a different error message if I click on the "Sign-in to Windows Live" from the Today screen. My phone then connects to the Internet again, then, after it successfully connects, I get, "Windows Live was unable to establish an Internet connection. Please check your Internet settings and make sure that you have access to data services under your billing plan. If you need help, please contact your mobile service provider."
I have tried removing the Live Messenger Today screen item to resolve it ( not that I thought it would work ). I have tried enabling the WiFi and that did not work. I have tried setting both Options in Settings>Connections>Advanced>Select Networks to my connection "Web," but that did not work.
I have tried in areas where I get full reception + GPRS/EDGE and I have tried in other areas, nearly one hundred miles away, where I had varying reception + GPRS/EDGE.
Any ideas?
im a beta tester for windows live mobile and can probably say without doubt its expired. mine wont connect when i new version comes out. they disable the older versions when a new build comes out. the latest build was realeased something like 2/4/07. thats how i can usually tell there is a new build available without going to the microsoft connect site, it just stops working.
try finding the latest build and you shouldnt have a problem
I would agree with you, but other people are using the exact same one that I have...only they are successful in connecting. Thank you for your insight, though.
I think you should change the thread name into something like "Windows Live Messenger DOESN'T Connect thru GPRS "
Good luck
hpspec said:
I can't seem to get WLM for Windows Mobile to work. I have searched XDA as well as HoFo, I have tried various roms (Xplore 1.1, Xplore 2.0 Beta, Faria's 'The Real Thing,' Faria's AKU3.3 WM5, and even T-Mobile's 2.26), and I have tried multiple connection changes.
I have also tried various Radio ROM's including 2.19.11, 2.25, 2.61, and 2.69.
The way I have my settings in "Settings>Connections>Advanced>Select Networks" is as follows:
1.)For the top option, I created a new network titled "WiFi." The only additional change I made to this one was to tick the box "this connection connects to the Internet," I did not tick the box for "Use Proxy."
2.)For the bottom, I also created a new network called "T-Mobile Web." For this, I added a modem (Cellular GPRS), entered an APN of, did not add a VPN, turned Proxy on with a valid entry, and made sure the WAP and Secure WAP had valid entries.
With this setup I CAN access any website with Pocket IE and Opera 8.6x. Unfortunately, I cannot access Windows Live Messenger:
1.) Open WLM through the Program window
2.) I can either say "Sign In" on the homescreen, or go to "Cancel" and enter in my display name, but either way when I click sign in I get...
"Signing in to Messenger will add your Messenger contacts to your phone's address book. Do you wish to continue?"
3.) I say "Ok" to this, my phone notifies me that it is "Connecting to GPRS," then Windows Live states, "There's a connectivity problem. Make sure you're in an area with good phone reception and try again."
4.) I can press "Retry" as many times as I want, nothing changes.
I can also get a different error message if I click on the "Sign-in to Windows Live" from the Today screen. My phone then connects to the Internet again, then, after it successfully connects, I get, "Windows Live was unable to establish an Internet connection. Please check your Internet settings and make sure that you have access to data services under your billing plan. If you need help, please contact your mobile service provider."
I have tried removing the Live Messenger Today screen item to resolve it ( not that I thought it would work ). I have tried enabling the WiFi and that did not work. I have tried setting both Options in Settings>Connections>Advanced>Select Networks to my connection "Web," but that did not work.
I have tried in areas where I get full reception + GPRS/EDGE and I have tried in other areas, nearly one hundred miles away, where I had varying reception + GPRS/EDGE.
Any ideas?
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Hi dude, i was jus wondering if u found any solution to the problem of connecting to window live as i face the same exact problem, but i also notice that trying every rom window 6, it wont connect BUT when u down grade back to window 5, there seems to be no problem in connecting to widow live mesenger. Any solution rather downgrading to window 5.
window live
manmute98 said:
Hi dude, i was jus wondering if u found any solution to the problem of connecting to window live as i face the same exact problem, but i also notice that trying every rom window 6, it wont connect BUT when u down grade back to window 5, there seems to be no problem in connecting to widow live mesenger. Any solution rather downgrading to window 5.
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Possible problem with the gprs could be reception or radio versions, the gprs data connection is slow when tray to work with internet explorer or opera,
Takes to long time to show up the ,
I think the problem could be with the radio version or the rom,
Windows live/ email synchronisation connection solutions
Hey All,
Web browser working fine but you can't synch your e-mail account or windows live account? ... I was puzzled by this for quite a while myself before it finally clicked (I even got to a stage where I could sync my email and live account through my wireless internet but not through the mobiles own GPRS/3G)
The problem lies in the data connection that windows live account/ your email account attempts to use. The good news is that, it is usually very easy to select the right data connection for your email account to use:
1. Go through the E-mail account setup, where you enter your mail server settings. Continue to enter these as normal.
2. When you get to the "Outgoing (SMTP) mail server" page, tap "Advanced Server Settings". Under "Network Connection" you have the option to choose the data connection. This is usually set to "The Internet" as standard, but usually needs to be changed to "t-mobile internet", "vodafone internet" or whatever network connection has been setup to get your mobile connected to your providers own GPRS/3G. BINGO, your done... well most of the time.
The bad news for Windows live/ hotmail users is that they do not get the chance to select the network connection a windows live/hotmail account uses. On the very first part of the e-mail setup, as soon as you type in "[email protected], or [email protected]" , the account wizard completely takes over declaring that "settings found for". And even after you type in all your details you do not get to option to select the network connection to be used. (This is consequence of the fact that Microsoft Windows Mobile thinks it knows best how to configure microsoft based e-mail accounts for windows mobile.) The network connection that is automatically selected is called "The Internet". As you cannot select another network connection, you must edit "The Internet" connection so that it has the right settings for your particular mobile service provider. To do this:
1. Go to Start --> Settings --> Connections tab --> connections --> manage existing connections --> select "The Internet", and then tap "Edit".
2. Leave the name as "The Internet", but fill the rest of the boxes with the GPRS/3G settings of your individual mobile service provider.
Note: Getting these settings is relatively easy: 1.You can ask your mobile service provider. 2. You can search the web for the GPRS settings of your network. 3. If your web browser is working fine, you probably have the settings. Check under manage existing connections, and check the values used for "t-mobile internet", "vodafone internet", "orange internet", etc... and just copy them.
Hi AK,
could "The Internet" settings be hidden? I can't find the settings under Manage Existing Connections
This is truly a b*tch! I recently upgraded my Samsung i780 to Windows Mobile 6.1 via the free upgrade offered by Samsung ( - and after that I lost my settings to make MSN work..
I remember that I spend lots of time to make it work last time aswell.. and at that time it always created two connections when I started to use MSN and check email at the same time.
After that, I used my phone on a flatrate 3G connection for almost 3 months in Asia without any trouble - it worked just great, I was emailing, using Skype, MSN, Google Map and everything flawlessly... Buut ofcourse I had to upgrade to 6.1 which I am happy about, since my phone is faster now.
Anyway.. tonight I finally got it working again; I wish I could make some kind of walkthrough.. but I can't..
What I did was to have two online configurations from my Danish telecom provider "Telenor" send to my phone by SMS (I could type in my phoneno. on their website, selecting which config I wanted); I got one for WAP called "E-GO" and I got one for Internet, called "Internet". For a while, I was using "Internet" as my default profile for everything, and it worked fine with everything except for MSN which refused to even attempt to logon.
Now I went to to Start --> Settings --> Connections tab --> connections --> manage existing connections --> and selected the "WAP" connection as my default connection instead.
Now everything suddenly works - I selected this connection also to be used now for my GMAIL account (under server priveligies while setting up your email), Skype works, MSN works, Google Map works, Explorer works, Opera Works..... all running full 3G HDSPA mode!
My guess is, that the problem rely on the fact that you cannot select any default connection for MSN. So the connection you select as your generic connection must be capable of running MSN and all the rest - so if it doesn't work with your "Internet", "My Internet" or "The Internet" connection, try changing to another one. If you don't have it, try to setup from your telecom provider - maybe another setting will work.
Last thing to do for me now.. a full system backup with "SPB Backup" to make sure nothing goes wrong ever again
anichillus said:
I think you should change the thread name into something like "Windows Live Messenger DOESN'T Connect thru GPRS "
Good luck
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yeah mine can only connect with wifi but cannot connect with gprs but other but IE and weather report can work so far, WLM,Yahoo,TELENAV cannot connect

DVP Connection Settings App

Hey guys,
Dell have posted Connection Settings app in the marketplace. You can search for this ONLY using the phone's marketplace. Does not come up in Zune marketplace for some reason
seems to allow you to change MMS settings but it does not work for me.
I've also posted in the Dev & Hacking forum
dell releasing an exclusive app for its phones
wow thats a change
how useful is it?
synergeia said:
You can search for this ONLY using the phone's marketplace. Does not come up in Zune marketplace for some reason
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That seems to be the case for all carrier and OEM specific apps.
Is it under 'tools'?
The app installed and works for me, but all the settings show as blank. So what should our settings be for the DVP on T-Mo USA?
Go to Marketplace and touch the search button on your phone. In Marketplace Search, search for "connection settings."
This looks like an app for international (non-US) markets for tweaking MMS settings. In fact, MMS Settings is the only screen. It doesn't allow for other settings like Wi-Fi (I tried swiping sideways, but nothing happened).
ZappiestOyster said:
Go to Marketplace and touch the search button on your phone. In Marketplace Search, search for "connection settings."
This looks like an app for international (non-US) markets for tweaking MMS settings. In fact, MMS Settings is the only screen. It doesn't allow for other settings like Wi-Fi (I tried swiping sideways, but nothing happened).
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thats a good sign for those in the uk cause alot of sites are reporting its going to be on sale there next week sometime
I disassembled the code and it doesn't have anything fancy and no other pages other than what we see. Uses the same EM COM wrapper API to write the settings.
what is settings for t-mobile MMS?
Dang notebookgrail are you sure? no other exploits you can find? =(
I don't have a DVP and so am not sure what settings are available to tweak, but here are settings that worked with a stock TMOUS HD2:
IP address:
Port: 8080
Server address:
Size limit: 1024 KB
WAP version: WAP 2.0
UserAgent: T-Mobile_LEO
lemonspeakers said:
Dang notebookgrail are you sure? no other exploits you can find? =(
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Yep..unfortunately. The EM one has the same and much more info.
Does anyone know of anyone who can issue a AT command to reset the phone modem?
I even unlocked all the GSM bands on this DVP. But, i can't unlock the DVP from tmo. I either need to reset the modem or find the password. There is a AT commad to rest the modem config to default-i am afraid to do it, if it bricks my phone.
Whoa. Why offer this app if they aren't even providing carrier unlock codes?
This is to go with the UK/European release (which is imminent), where the devices will be sold carrier unlocked, and hence, provision needs to be made to allow changes in MMS settings (since you can just swap SIMs and hence, network).
Coincedentally, the UK DVPs were meant to ship around January 11th, but were delayed due to an Microsoft issue with MMS settings. Likely, MS held the release because they realised short of a hard reset to run the OOBE, there would be no way to change MMS settings when you change network, which is unacceptable as a user experience. The release of the MMS settings app could signal the release of the UK DVPs
flashpanda said:
This is to go with the UK/European release (which is imminent), where the devices will be sold carrier unlocked, and hence, provision needs to be made to allow changes in MMS settings (since you can just swap SIMs and hence, network).
Coincedentally, the UK DVPs were meant to ship around January 11th, but were delayed due to an Microsoft issue with MMS settings. Likely, MS held the release because they realised short of a hard reset to run the OOBE, there would be no way to change MMS settings when you change network, which is unacceptable as a user experience. The release of the MMS settings app could signal the release of the UK DVPs
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A Microsoft issue with MMS? As I understand it, the ability to change or add MMS settings are hidden, but available to the HTC'S and Samsungs of the world. The decision to not expose those settings is more of a locked to a carrier function. Thought we found this out week one with the hd7, and later the LG and Samsung, who quickly released a connection setup . Dell is just now figuring it out.
There is still the Microsoft issue with WiFi , and the Microsoft issue with gorilla glass to be resolved.
Not true. The HTC Connection app does not expose MMS connection settings. General reports on teh interwebs is that the only Windows Phone 7 users with working MMS are those who are using a device on the carrier it was originally sold for.
benjaminries said:
Not true. The HTC Connection app does not expose MMS connection settings. General reports on teh interwebs is that the only Windows Phone 7 users with working MMS are those who are using a device on the carrier it was originally sold for.
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It's true that the HTC app does not *expose* the settings, but it does *operate* on them.
I have an unlocked HD7 which I took overseas on vacation, and into which I inserted a local prepaid SIM. HTC Connection Setup ran and I was able to send MMS successfully.
tai4de2 said:
It's true that the HTC app does not *expose* the settings, but it does *operate* on them.
I have an unlocked HD7 which I took overseas on vacation, and into which I inserted a local prepaid SIM. HTC Connection Setup ran and I was able to send MMS successfully.
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and this is what I meant. What I was getting at, the exposure of mms settings is not a Microsoft thing, but a operator or OEM thing.
alodar1 said:
and this is what I meant. What I was getting at, the exposure of mms settings is not a Microsoft thing, but a operator or OEM thing.
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Perhaps, though those of us on Wind Canada (uses MMS proxy) have had no such luck. There's at least a sense in which Microsoft's interface for connection settings is way too basic - whether there's an ADC app or not, there should be an ability to edit BOTH apn's, and with greater detail than simply a username and password.
alodar1 said:
and this is what I meant. What I was getting at, the exposure of mms settings is not a Microsoft thing, but a operator or OEM thing.
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I agree MMS settings is an Operator/OEM thing. I was citing the explanation for the UK delay (
Certainly, the MMS settings are down to Dell, and not MS, but MS may have had issue with Dell releasing a carrier free handset in the UK with no easy way to change the MMS settings, and that was the 'MS Issue', not any implication that there were problems with MMS that were MS's responsibility (as in a problem with the OS itself).
Hope that clears that up.

[Q] URL access denied due to local filter list configuration

I have an HD2 (australian -Telstra NextG) 1.72.841.0 WWE Rom.
Works fine with the Telstra Sim and Data access is fine.
I'm setting up with an alternate sim - "Roaming Sim" (Sim with UK based number and data) so I can ease the roaming costs when I travel outside Australia.
New Sim works fine on voice calls, but there is a block when I try to access data.
The following message is displayed ...
Message ID:
Problem Description
Your system was configured to deny access to this URL.
Possible Problem Cause
Request denied, as specified in the local filter list configuration.
Possible Solution
Contact your network support team if this problem persists.
Data connection is fine with the Telstra Sim, but with the alternate sim and settings the above block stops any data access.
Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thanks
who is the sim with in the uk?
Settings -> All Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Advanced -> Select Networks -> Edit (if you already have the details) or New (if you don't) for the data connection for the SIM. Make sure that all the settings are correct for the new SIM (you can easily find them with a search of the internet).
Richy99 said:
who is the sim with in the uk?
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The sim is marketed under the name "Roaming Sim" - for international travel - I believe it is an Irish based company, but the number is +44 prefix so a UK based number.
Their help desk was not very helpful "there is money in your account so things should work properly" and "no-one here has a HTC HD2, so we don't know what to suggest".
fred_up said:
Settings -> All Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Advanced -> Select Networks -> Edit (if you already have the details) or New (if you don't) for the data connection for the SIM. Make sure that all the settings are correct for the new SIM (you can easily find them with a search of the internet).
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Thanks for the trail of where to change the settings - I've set the sim up as per their meager info and I've checked their web site for any info on the problem I'm having - nothing specific to assist there.
On a web search I found mention of a similar error message related to PCs and it was pointing to Proxy setting issues, but there are no Proxy Setting in Cellular Line (GPRS) setup (in setting up the APN for this sim).
I've also done a google of the exact error message in quotes and come up with no listings, hence me coming to the gurus at xda.
WoTo2 said:
The sim is marketed under the name "Roaming Sim" - for international travel - I believe it is an Irish based company, but the number is +44 prefix so a UK based number.
Their help desk was not very helpful "there is money in your account so things should work properly" and "no-one here has a HTC HD2, so we don't know what to suggest".
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quite possible they have blocked data use on it
Richy99 said:
quite possible they have blocked data use on it
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No I've checked that with supplier and Data is enabled with the sim.
I've contacted the Australian supplier of the sim and I'm waiting on their tech guru to phone me to try and work through the problem. I'll post if/when I get some resolution.
But don't let that stop you guys from having a go - so far the sim supplier's technical assistance has been very pleasant, but less than actually helpful at resolving the problem.
WoTo2 said:
No I've checked that with supplier and Data is enabled with the sim.
I've contacted the Australian supplier of the sim and I'm waiting on their tech guru to phone me to try and work through the problem. I'll post if/when I get some resolution.
But don't let that stop you guys from having a go - so far the sim supplier's technical assistance has been very pleasant, but less than actually helpful at resolving the problem.
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ok made sure you got the correct internet settings in the phone?
Thanks for the assistance - I have discovered the problem - it was me (obviously).
When I set up the New Network Settings I did not select Proxy settings and therefore did not check "This network connects to the internet".
If you do this (as above) then save - you can't come back to fix the error because you are not offered the Proxy Settings tab if the box wasn't checked on setup.
I've now set up a New network setting, (with Proxy- This network - checked) and I can now access data and URLs.
Thanks for taking the time to help me out, perhaps this might assist another nooby down the track.

Need a Location App Help

Hi All,
Its me Fox,i am an old user in this forum where i get lots of help from here and the people here are really a days im feeling a problem developing an app and i am writing it in details in below
The requirement of our mobile software:
The target of the software is to gather some network info remotely avoiding any notification to the target mobile user and not installing any software in the target mobile.
Let me explain the idea in detail. First of all, we know that if we press *#06# then we can see the IMEI number of the set. So, there might be some secret way or code so that anybody can get the IMEI number of any mobile set with the help of just target mobile number.
That was just an example. However, there are some system of ping to check the reachability in IP network. In GSM network also there should be some secret code by which ping, trace route targeting a mobile number is possible. By these, the availability of the target can be confirmed. By the trace route result, we can obtain the path Of the pong reply or ping, present cell id. The individual cell ID also carries the name of the area in Unicode which is displayed in many sets optionally. That text may also be obtained from that. Actually, we want to do this by developing and installing an android software. In that car, we need to know the coding, programming language and special DLL or header that has to be called for this purpose.
2. Is there any way to call or search IMEI in any mobile network? Is it possible to find out the mobile number by inquiring with IMEI number from any mobile?
3. There is a way to configure a GSM modem with a cloned SIM may be so that the target mobile's all traffics including voice and SMS, may be data also. By default, all SIM's destination priority setting is 0. In the case, the modem has the higher priority so that at first the traffics reach there, modem software captures and records the traffic and then throws again to the target device. It's clear that here, the modem acts in transparent mode so that the target do not feel anything as well as it does not catch eyes of operators. We want to do this.
please i need a help on this badly,

