[Q] Stupid Question: Transferring files to 10.1v? - Galaxy Tab 10.1 General

Maybe I'm missing something exceedingly obvious, but what's the best/easiest way to transfer files onto the 10.1v?
I plug the USB cable into my computer, and it doesn't give me the option to mount it as a hard drive (like I could previously).
I tried the SMB module for ASTRO, but that crashes. I may look at some more SFTP/SMB apps.
What are you guys using?

I dont think it supports USB file system.
It should be MTP, media transfer protocol like in Xoom.
That is the one for Android Honeycomb.
Not sure though, but likely.
What's yous OS?
Try to get MTP driver perhaps?
Or browse to the Xoom forum.

There are a couple of Apps like Android WiFi manager that work pretty well.
However, I have been plugging the data cable into Windows 7 machines and it gets identified as USB mass storage and I've been able to transfer files without problems.

I'm on Ubuntu... maybe that is the issue? But that is strange, as I've never had a problem with Android phones before.
Aaaah. It looks like it is MTP -
Thanks for the heads up, I will continue down this road, and maybe the SMB route as well.

I could not get this working under 10.04.... tried for 3 hours... gave up... thought, the nag screen for 10.10 seemed a little more enticing now... so i upgraded Ubuntu...
Plugged the tab in and voila! It worked without even having to type anything else as it was already entered before when i was playing around with 10.04...
Anyway... the only thing i changed from the above link is in the udev rules, you need to put the right vendor ID in there.... Obviously this is not a Xoom... Replace their lines in the /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules with the following...
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", MODE="0666"
I dont know what the code is for bootloader or anything, i just got this info from lsusb command. I only added this one line for now, as the other line is pointless unless you need to use bootloader... which im am guessing we will need soon enough


Any tips on mounting this thing in win7 x64?

It seems like a craps shoot for me if windows will recognize it... hell sometimes my notification bar tells me usb is connected but doesn't give me options to turn it on or off... and this is all with USB set to mass storage... is there possibly something I am doing wrong?
Like sometimes it hooks up without any issues, other times windows sees it, but after a few minutes says its failed to install a MTP USB device, so I have tried pointing it at the location where the sammy USB drivers were installed but nothing... I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling the drivers and manually switching them to other random things...
sometimes a reboot of the comp works it out, but other times it doesn't... I have the feeling I am just missing something...
Same here, except i'm on WinXp SP3. Get USB connected icon in notification bar of Vibrant, but windows task tray says failed to install device.
Looks like iffy drivers to me. Since samsung apps isn't available in the US yet, is there somewhere else we can get Kies?
The file you want for Windows 7 x64 is called GalaxyS_64.zip - worked perfect for me. Can't remember where I downloaded it from, though... uploading it now.
Edit: Here's the file you want.
gordon.mott said:
The file you want for Windows 7 x64 is called GalaxyS_64.zip - worked perfect for me. Can't remember where I downloaded it from, though... uploading it now.
Edit: Here's the file you want.
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That's the same thing I have tried installing a few dozen times before... still won't work.
There are multiple notifications you have to deal with on the phone. Took me a while to figure it out, too.
First you have to pick the mode you connect to W64 in (Mass Storage), then you actually have to mount the internal memory and card as drives for W64 to see them. This is all in the Notification bar on your phone. Just because you see the USB icon does NOT mean you are supposed to be connected.
THEN you get the "What do you want to do with this?" from Windows.
I got so tired of all the confirmations I just installed Dropbox. Now if I want a file on the phone I just drop it into my Phone Stuff directory and pick it up on my phone. No USB cable, no WiFi, just grab it and go.
If you're looking to xfer over a big batch of media files there is DoubleTwist and several other apps like it that will do so over WiFi.
Col.Kernel said:
There are multiple notifications you have to deal with on the phone. Took me a while to figure it out, too.
First you have to pick the mode you connect to W64 in (Mass Storage), then you actually have to mount the internal memory and card as drives for W64 to see them. This is all in the Notification bar on your phone. Just because you see the USB icon does NOT mean you are supposed to be connected.
THEN you get the "What do you want to do with this?" from Windows.
I got so tired of all the confirmations I just installed Dropbox. Now if I want a file on the phone I just drop it into my Phone Stuff directory and pick it up on my phone. No USB cable, no WiFi, just grab it and go.
If you're looking to xfer over a big batch of media files there is DoubleTwist and several other apps like it that will do so over WiFi.
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Well I am installing dropbox because this is getting ridiculous... after a fresh flash it mounted once, then after that it wouldn't ever again. I tell it to mount to my computer and everything, but the computer just shows an icon that it is trying to install the drivers and never does... Come on samsung, stop being so proprietary...
Wow guys I didn't have any problems at all. USB Mass Storage worked the first time and it keeps working. Where I encounter problems is when I set it to USB Debugging then it doesn't get recognized.
ETA: I'm on Windows 7 x64 with all the current updates.
My windows is 32bit XP, but try this trick i've discovered, may be it will help. Say into voice dialer "Open SD card" -> check "Enable USB mass storage". Let's know how it works
Hey Degeneration, you can also install the Android SDK.
Unfortunately I can't post external links until I'm validated by a mod, but if you google "screenshot vibrant" (w/o the quotes) it should be the top link.
The domain is know your cell dot com and it has links to the Android SDK and the Java SE SDK in the instructions to take screenshots of your Vibrant.
I personally think you should try this because your phone may be defective. I'm running W7-64 Pro and didn't have to do anything to get the phone and the PC to see each other.
Wow I had no idea people were having this issue. I'm running Win 7 Ult. x64 and for me it was just plug in and go. When I was rooted on my G1 I had a similar issue but using USB Debug and the Android SDK fixed that. hope you get it figured out.
Yeah I'm on win7 and I installed the drivers and plugged in the phone and was good to go
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant using XDA App
I installed the drivers before ever plugging the phone in. I also have had SDK, adb, and Odin3 ready before plugging it in. When I first got it I immediateness set it to mass storage and didn't have a problem. Then when I started messing with it more I started having trouble every once in a while with it mounting, to the point that now it works every once in a while, mostly right after a fresh flash. Personally I think it's a combo of both the phone and the computer doing crap, but it's pretty lame. I don't even remember installing drivers for my G1, and definitely nothing else and I never had an issue with it. I don't see why samsung can't kiss a little butt or pay a little money to have windows recognize the phone and be able to install the drivers from the net. Now if the problem was just for people messing with their phones it would be one thing, then it's on me. But last night I was running stock again and it only worked the first time it connected, but I forgot to switch to mass media so I disconnected, switched, reconnected, and nothing. Tried switching back and same thing...
Constantly just keep getting told at best that windows failed to install an MTP (or whatever, I just closed the thing in the notification area and when I tried reconnecting the USB cable I got the phone just telling me USB is connected but giving no options) device failed to install...
bah... oh well

Am I Missing Something? WTF? How Do I Connect to a Computer?

Love the device. Great build, feels nice - just like everyone else says.
Why would anyone release a device that can't connect to a computer to transfer files? Am I missing something? I've tried connecting on Mac and Windows and searched high and low for drivers, tips, tricks, etc. Don't tell me Dropbox or some other back door solution. The whole reason I bought Android (I already have 2 ipads) is to eliminate itunes. Why would I want to have to use a software solution to transfer files - I would just stay with itunes if that were the case. I have an EVO 4G that mounts as a hard drive and when I load files the app recognizes (photo, music, video) and plays it. WTF!!!!!!
Can someone help? NO I AM NOT INTERESTED IN SOME STUPID WORKAROUND spending 30 hours at the risk of bricking and voiding warranty ending up with some laggy piece of crap custom ROM just to do ONE SIMPLE TASK - DRAG AND DROP! No offense, I respect what you hard cores do. I don't have time. I need $500 devices to work as expected.
Oh yeah, stupid POS wouldn't play an AVI file either. No idea why. Don't really care. It took 2 hours to transfer a file via Dropbox. Not doing that again.
Suggestions welcome. My Samsung Tab 10.1 is currently for sale on ebay. Maybe I'll take it down if some kind soul out there can help me figure this out.
Had the same issue. You just need the correct drivers for your PC. Hope that helps.
Try installing this on your mac - Android File Transfer
For some reason, Honeycomb devices don't mount as regular mass storage device, but rather under the Microsoft MTP protocol (verified when my friend with a mac told me I needed to install the Anrdoid File Transfer when I connected his Xoom to my Win7 laptop. I told him he's crazy, but he didn't know since he never connected his Xoom to a PC running Windows).
Hopefully it's fixed for the retail 10.1 tabs.
If you disable "USB debugging," your PC should recognize it as external storage.
I seem to have having the same problem (10.1).
I installed the samsung mobile drivers, and disable usb debugging.
Now when i plug in my tablet it says connected to samsung kies. On windows i get the pop-up for a usb storage connection, but I cant actually view the files and this doesn't show up in my computer.
Do i have to install samsung kies? I only installed the mobile drivers 'Samsung_USB_Driver_P4_Including_Escape'
Any help?
I installed both. My windows 7 identifies it with a mobile phone icon, but under it the sdcard is identified as a tablet(default name). When i connect it to my pc my GT displays "connected / press home key to quit Samsung kie" so I guess kids is requisite.
t3ch7 said:
Try installing this on your mac - Android File Transfer
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Thanks for the help. Installed Android File Transfer but still no luck with debugging on or off. It just says "No Android Device Found"
Maybe I have a bad unit or something?
Are there any Mac users out there that have been able to connect? I also have a Vista PC that I will start toying around with.
Use file manager app and do it wirelessly via wifi
It is easy and you dont need a pc ...
I've been having the same problem. It seems that the Android File Transfer program hasn't been updated since the change to 3.1. I'm pretty confident that it'll be fixed shortly. However this is an Android issue not a Samsung issue- . The Xooms and Transformers are having the same problem.
Fyahstarter said:
I've been having the same problem. It seems that the Android File Transfer program hasn't been updated since the change to 3.1. I'm pretty confident that it'll be fixed shortly. However this is an Android issue not a Samsung issue- . The Xooms and Transformers are having the same problem.
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I'm leaning towards that it's a Samsung issue as my friend has both a Xoom and Transformer on 3.1 and Android File Transfer is working fine for them.
I've the 10.1v and I just plugged the usb cable and I saw the device as an external storage. Probably the problem is limited to the I/O devices.
For Divx try downloading "MoboPlayer". I thnink that the default avi player can play only h.264 files
Uhh from when i got my tab i had this problem as well all i did was go into control panel uninstall the drivers installed from the first time of plugging it in .. Then i went onto the tab disabled debugging and connected again let it install its drivers and i was set to go just make sure u have samsung kies installed onto your computer so it can find drivers and once the drivers were installed i went into my computer and it was there named something like pt-901 something lol hopefully this helps..
pix said:
For Divx try downloading "MoboPlayer". I thnink that the default avi player can play only h.264 files
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Thanks for this. Works great. Getting better...
I still don't know how any OEMs are going to gain traction against Apple among the masses who don't have the patience to figure this stuff out. Luckily I have some time on my hands this weekend!
Dropbox is taking about 30 minutes to transfer a 700MB file from my laptop to my box and then DL to the Tab's memory. Not a great solution. Need to figure out this USB file transfer thing.
ssbmg said:
Thanks for this. Works great. Getting better...
I still don't know how any OEMs are going to gain traction against Apple among the masses who don't have the patience to figure this stuff out. Luckily I have some time on my hands this weekend!
Dropbox is taking about 30 minutes to transfer a 700MB file from my laptop to my box and then DL to the Tab's memory. Not a great solution. Need to figure out this USB file transfer thing.
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What codec was used for your AVI file? Xvid? If so, then that's whack of Samsung to list Xvid and AVI as native support under their specifications.
Do you need to install the Samsung Kies onto every computer you want to transfer files via USB with?
Other Android devices I haven't had to install any third party software for this.
Same here. Every other Android device I've had is drag and drop on both Mac and PC which is the main draw for me. EVO, Archos, etc, etc...
I also thought that Samsung claimed native playback for Xvid AVI files...??? Apparently not.
Finally works!!! While I was messing around with drivers for PC I discovered that Samsung posted and updated (June 9th) version of Kies which allows easy files transfer on Mac. Problem solved.
Now I just need to figure out how to charge over USB so I don't have to lug this brick of an AC adapter around and I'm converted!
Fyahstarter said:
I've been having the same problem. It seems that the Android File Transfer program hasn't been updated since the change to 3.1. I'm pretty confident that it'll be fixed shortly. However this is an Android issue not a Samsung issue- . The Xooms and Transformers are having the same problem.
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My transformer had no problem after the 3.1 update. Just kept on working. Hopefully my Sammy will work as well.
ssbmg said:
Finally works!!! While I was messing around with drivers for PC I discovered that Samsung posted and updated (June 9th) version of Kies which allows easy files transfer on Mac. Problem solved.
Now I just need to figure out how to charge over USB so I don't have to lug this brick of an AC adapter around and I'm converted!
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Can you throw a link in here?
The above is where I was able to DL both PC drivers and Kies for Mac that WORKS! One thing to note - make sure that you are on the Samsung US site. Originally I was on Samsung.com/ca domain and none of the files would work. When I switched to the US site at Samsung.com (scroll to the bottom to change location) the files worked.

[Q] Any way to get USB Mass Storage instead of MTP?

Not entirely sure what kind of process might be needed, but is it at all possible to use the older method of transferring files between a computer to an Android device (USB Mass Storage) instead of MTP?
MTP (in my experience) is... not ideal in most cases. File transfers are seemingly slower, can only do one thing at a time (I think if your transferring a file, you can't even browse other folders on the MTP device), and sometimes file transfers just get stuck for no reason. Was trying to copy over a few PDF's to my N10 and it seems to just hang randomly, had to reboot the device 4 times already (twice to just create and rename a folder).
what about the option in settings -> storage -> and tap the menu button on the top right and select USB Computer connection?
espionage724 said:
Not entirely sure what kind of process might be needed, but is it at all possible to use the older method of transferring files between a computer to an Android device (USB Mass Storage) instead of MTP?
MTP (in my experience) is... not ideal in most cases. File transfers are seemingly slower, can only do one thing at a time (I think if your transferring a file, you can't even browse other folders on the MTP device), and sometimes file transfers just get stuck for no reason. Was trying to copy over a few PDF's to my N10 and it seems to just hang randomly, had to reboot the device 4 times already (twice to just create and rename a folder).
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I had the same problem at first, but I realized my USB ports on the front end of my PC arent USB 2.0, so I plugged it into the back, and works like a charm. Just a thought.
corporal_hades said:
what about the option in settings -> storage -> and tap the menu button on the top right and select USB Computer connection?
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I already did that and tried both options (MTP & PTP), but the N10 does not show up on my computer at all in either case, with or without USB debugging. I have had no such problems with my other android devices (all still running gingerbread, in case that matters).
My N10 is rooted and my computer runs xubuntu 12.04; I don't have a window box to test... Any suggestions? Thanks!
case-sensitive said:
I already did that and tried both options (MTP & PTP), but the N10 does not show up on my computer at all in either case, with or without USB debugging. I have had no such problems with my other android devices (all still running gingerbread, in case that matters).
My N10 is rooted and my computer runs xubuntu 12.04; I don't have a window box to test... Any suggestions? Thanks!
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Unfortunately the answer is no.
There was a long discussion on the Galaxy Nexus forums about it a while back.
I also wish for a usb mass storage option for compatibility with radios for playing music. They don't read mtp/ptp for any generic one I've come across.
ceribaen said:
Unfortunately the answer is no.
There was a long discussion on the Galaxy Nexus forums about it a while back.
I also wish for a usb mass storage option for compatibility with radios for playing music. They don't read mtp/ptp for any generic one I've come across.
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Hmm, but what's the main thing stopping this from being possible? I thought I heard of a few JB devices that were able to get USB Mass Storage (LG Optimus G I think has a method, or whatever the phone is that has similar parts to a Nexus 4), and a Galaxy Tab I used to have had Mass Storage in ICS.
Mass storage is possible when the sdcard volume is actually a separate disk. On the Nexus 10 this is an "emulated" sdcard and cannot use USB mass storage safely because that protocol gives exclusive control to PC.
The easiest solution is to use one of the many wireless transfer apps like AirDroid.
Another option for Linux users if you really want a wired transfer is to use adbfs. This is a FUSE wrapper around the usb android debug protocol.
adbfs would give you seamless mounting just like USB Mass Storage.
Another solution, though not a seamless mount, is QtADB: http://qtadb.wordpress.com/
This is another wrapper around the usb android debug protocol.
Oh my god, thank you for the AirDroid recommendation. Holy crap is this program useful with my new nexus 4.
dalingrin said:
Mass storage is possible when the sdcard volume is actually a separate disk. On the Nexus 10 this is an "emulated" sdcard and cannot use USB mass storage safely because that protocol gives exclusive control to PC.
The easiest solution is to use one of the many wireless transfer apps like AirDroid.
Another option for Linux users if you really want a wired transfer is to use adbfs. This is a FUSE wrapper around the usb android debug protocol.
adbfs would give you seamless mounting just like USB Mass Storage.
Another solution, though not a seamless mount, is QtADB: http://qtadb.wordpress.com/
This is another wrapper around the usb android debug protocol.
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Thank you so much! AirDroid is genius!
MTP storage to USB storage: accidental solution!
espionage724 said:
Not entirely sure what kind of process might be needed, but is it at all possible to use the older method of transferring files between a computer to an Android device (USB Mass Storage) instead of MTP?
MTP (in my experience) is... not ideal in most cases. File transfers are seemingly slower, can only do one thing at a time (I think if your transferring a file, you can't even browse other folders on the MTP device), and sometimes file transfers just get stuck for no reason. Was trying to copy over a few PDF's to my N10 and it seems to just hang randomly, had to reboot the device 4 times already (twice to just create and rename a folder).
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dear espionage,
i just wanted to share this with you in case it would be helpful. in fact, you might even have more technical know-how to find out how i accidentally managed this useful fix. first, the reason i was looking for this MTP to USB storage was my habit of synchronizing my thumb-drive to my desktop using any free synching software. this of course, can be only be done when the storage device is recognized as a DRIVE. unfortunately, i believe with the updating of the OS to 4.1 onwards, the USB storage option has been removed, and now only access to MTP is possible. the bad side to this is that one's device is recognized as a portable media device and this means i can no longer synch like i did before the contents of the SD card to my desktop.
second, i found the solution accidentally by installing MultiMount-SD v.2.5 into my Sony Xperia V (LT25i). accidentally i say, because when i clicked on it for the first time, it wouldn't work. it showed a help tip saying that i should trying enabling what it called an MTP fix provided by the program. i did this, restarted the program and guess what happened. there occurred a looping sequence (i guess unending) device recognition-mount and unmount (the PC sounded this off many times), since there was no end to it, i decided to UNINSTALL the program even while the recognition loop was going on. in the meantime one could see a drive appearing in the EXPLORER with a (?), then it would appear with an assigned drive letter, then finally disappear, and so on.
i successfully uninstalled the MultiMount apk, and surprisingly even with the message that the device wasn't properly recognized or installed, i could now connect my Xperia and it mounts as a USB storage device and no longer MTP. to test this 'accident', i tried connecting it to my desktop, running Windows 7, and it worked without any hitches! I don't really mind losing the MTP option, sides it's very limited in its connectivity with the PC. Another bonus, is despite this, i can still communicate with my device through the MyPhoneExplorer program that allows one to send text messages and other stuff. This was one wonderful accident.
oh, one last thing, even with rebooting my phone, the setup seems to have become a 'permanent fix'. now, when the device is connected one sees in the activated portions in the top menu saying: USB Storage - SD card connected to PC. This was never there before... And i wonder what MultiMountSD must have left permanently to allow my Xperia V to now connect as USB storage. Yahoo!!!
i hope though, you could see what the technical side of this accident is, so that somehow something more stable could be done or programmed without having to go through the 'accidental' procedure i have detailed above.
case-sensitive said:
I already did that and tried both options (MTP & PTP), but the N10 does not show up on my computer at all in either case, with or without USB debugging. I have had no such problems with my other android devices (all still running gingerbread, in case that matters).
My N10 is rooted and my computer runs xubuntu 12.04; I don't have a window box to test... Any suggestions? Thanks!
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I had this issue with Ubuntu 12.04 too, after I updated to 13.04 it started to work like a charm . You can also try changing the rules in your PC, you can find how to do it in the Google website .
"This Story Ends Where It Began" - Octavarium (Dream Theater)
Sent from my GT-I9505
You can use OTG and transfer files
MTP and USB Storage
SmokinCharger said:
You can use OTG and transfer files
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Thanks SmokinCharger! I guess it's quite clear that attempts to allow certain devices to be read in USB Storage mode is a hardware configuration. If your device isn't designed for it, then it won't be able to do this. It's like wanting your volkswagen to have a 6th gear... thus, what was posted previously is true:
Originally Posted by dalingrin:
[Mass storage is possible when the sdcard volume is actually a separate disk. On the Nexus 10 this is an "emulated" sdcard and cannot use USB mass storage safely because that protocol gives exclusive control to PC.]
*I also would like to apologize what i've posted earlier regarding my accidental discovery with Multi-Mount SD. What the app actually did was to access a feature in my device (rooted Xperia V LT125i) which i wasn't aware of. All the time, my device was actually configured to have both MTP and USB Storage.:silly:
So for such devices that are hardware configured only to be MTP or PTP, the only 'solution' or 'alternative' would be to "ROOT" them and set them up with OTG (On the Go) USB access. This may have some hitches, but i've been using this quite a lot. Sometimes though, a RESET is required so that explorer applications would function normally.
Thanks again. I guess this will be all for now in our attempts to reconfigure something that is hardware defined in certain devices.
bodega1968 said:
Thanks SmokinCharger! I guess it's quite clear that attempts to allow certain devices to be read in USB Storage mode is a hardware configuration. If your device isn't designed for it, then it won't be able to do this. It's like wanting your volkswagen to have a 6th gear... thus, what was posted previously is true:
Originally Posted by dalingrin:
[Mass storage is possible when the sdcard volume is actually a separate disk. On the Nexus 10 this is an "emulated" sdcard and cannot use USB mass storage safely because that protocol gives exclusive control to PC.]
*I also would like to apologize what i've posted earlier regarding my accidental discovery with Multi-Mount SD. What the app actually did was to access a feature in my device (rooted Xperia V LT125i) which i wasn't aware of. All the time, my device was actually configured to have both MTP and USB Storage.:silly:
So for such devices that are hardware configured only to be MTP or PTP, the only 'solution' or 'alternative' would be to "ROOT" them and set them up with OTG (On the Go) USB access. This may have some hitches, but i've been using this quite a lot. Sometimes though, a RESET is required so that explorer applications would function normally.
Thanks again. I guess this will be all for now in our attempts to reconfigure something that is hardware defined in certain devices.
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You're welcome. Chainfire is a great and well known developer that has development many great apps including Stickmount. Look it up in Play especially the Pro version, which is "The price is aimed at being approximately one beer at the bar ". It works with mounting the UBS OTG. The Pro will automatically mount and unmount.

Retrieving Data off shattered Screen N7?

So my old Nexus 7's screen was shattered, it still turns on, I know bec the music was still playing.
Any way to transfer the files from a shattered-screen N7 to the new N7?
Got some recent image files I hadn't backed up, which will take a while to reproduce. I use ES file explorer.
(I did forum search on this topic and couldn't find any info)
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
If the screen is still mostly readable - but the digitizer doesn't work - use a OTG cable and a USB mouse.
adb pull /sdcard/ will copy everything from the SD card to your PC if you want to go that route.
You should be able to install apps to the cracked-up tablet by using the web interface of the Google Play market.
good luck
bftb0 said:
If the screen is still mostly readable - but the digitizer doesn't work - use a OTG cable and a USB mouse.
adb pull /sdcard/ will copy everything from the SD card to your PC if you want to go that route.
You should be able to install apps to the cracked-up tablet by using the web interface of the Google Play market.
good luck
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Nope it's shattered, flickers and lights up but completely illegible.
I'll try connecting it to a PC, my apps and settings are mostly synced to the replacement already, but it would be great to be able to transfer files.
Google/Asus/Android should really allow direct file transfer access via USB, WiFi, NFC, etc for upgrading/replacing devices which are both registered to the same Google account.
I understand this could pose security risks but so could everything else.
If I can transfer files direct from my WiFi camera to my N7, shouldn't I be able to transfer files from one N7 to the other? I guess I could prob set this up via ftp if the screen was working....
Sent from Winterfell using a Raven
Is the tablet rooted? Is adb enabled?
If you can get an adb shell running (from a PC) you could manually pack things up using archiving tools (zip, tar, whatever) and transfer the archives using either "adb pull" or via command-line ftp. Sort of depends on what tools the ROM busybox/toolbox supports.
If it isn't rooted you are probably limited to copying the /sdcard, although there are obscure things that could be tried (e.g. see if you can get a mouse, keyboard, and PC connected via adb simultaneously by hooking the N7 to a USB hub with an OTG cable) - you can pull "screen shots" from the device using the SDK "ddms" tool. Pain in the rear, but you could ?? maybe "see" what was on the screen that way.
good luck
bftb0 said:
Is the tablet rooted? Is adb enabled?
If you can get an adb shell running (from a PC) you could manually pack things up using archiving tools (zip, tar, whatever) and transfer the archives using either "adb pull" or via command-line ftp. Sort of depends on what tools the ROM busybox/toolbox supports.
If it isn't rooted you are probably limited to copying the /sdcard, although there are obscure things that could be tried (e.g. see if you can get a mouse, keyboard, and PC connected via adb simultaneously by hooking the N7 to a USB hub with an OTG cable) - you can pull "screen shots" from the device using the SDK "ddms" tool. Pain in the rear, but you could ?? maybe "see" what was on the screen that way.
good luck
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It's not rooted, but USB debugging is enabled.
If I could input my pattern to get past the unlock screen, I could pull the files via USB from a PC, but apparently that won't work when the screen is locked.
I tried that adb SD card pull but I get no adb devices recognized, again I think bec the screen is locked out.
Any other ideas?
I'm beginning to think it's not worth it, but I still would like to wipe the device.
I think I can wipe it using the avg antivirus theft protection remotely, at least I have that setup. Still not sure if this will work if screen is locked. I'd think it would, else what's the point?
Sent from Winterfell using a Raven
joelbnyc said:
It's not rooted, but USB debugging is enabled.
If I could input my pattern to get past the unlock screen, I could pull the files via USB from a PC, but apparently that won't work when the screen is locked.
I tried that adb SD card pull but I get no adb devices recognized, again I think bec the screen is locked out.
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Ahh crap - adb security on 4.2.2 and a pattern lock on a broken screen.
You are right - that leaves almost nothing left to try.
Seems like what is needed is some kind of ssh server app that doesn't need any GUI configuration - that would at least allow an unprivileged shell from a different computer on your LAN. (But unfortunately it seems like most ssh server apps require some fooling around in the GUI to set them up after installation). Those lost tablet/phone apps can be pushed from the Google Play market using a web browser and will run on install - you need something like that.
Not sure it such a thing exists, though. Sorry.
joelbnyc said:
It's not rooted, but USB debugging is enabled.
If I could input my pattern to get past the unlock screen, I could pull the files via USB from a PC, but apparently that won't work when the screen is locked.
I tried that adb SD card pull but I get no adb devices recognized, again I think bec the screen is locked out.
Any other ideas?
I'm beginning to think it's not worth it, but I still would like to wipe the device.
I think I can wipe it using the avg antivirus theft protection remotely, at least I have that setup. Still not sure if this will work if screen is locked. I'd think it would, else what's the point?
Sent from Winterfell using a Raven
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Do you have an otg cable? You could try using a mouse to unlock the screen blindly.... remembering that when you plug in the mouse it is centered on the screen. Or use a keyboard if you have a pin lock code. You should check and see if avg can remotely change the password. If so with an otg cable and some luck you just might crack it
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
When in doubt. Blow it up.
Sent from my MB612 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for the responses guys. The files I was mourning the most were abt 40 photo's I'd spent time tweaking and editing, I found most of the raw originals on my camera (after going thru 400 or so) and will just try to redo the edits..
Some stuff will be lost, now I know to upload everything important to drive, photo bucket, PC, etc.
I'll do the avg wipe and post how it works out, being careful not to wipe my current nexus which I should have waited before installing avg on.
Sent from Winterfell using a Raven
Wow, using the mouse to unlock is a great idea. Thanks for that.
The tablet was rooted and put into debug mode initially, but there have been OS updates since then so maybe it isn't going to work.
Having never used adb, I connected the Nexus 7 via USB. It showed up on the PC as Nexus 7, but there are no files. I ran "adb.exe devices" and it said there were no devices. Does that mean its not in debug mode, or might I be doing something else wrong. (should it have seen other USB devices, like mouse and keyboard?)
I haven't tried the mouse to unlock yet. I need to practice the pattern with my new Nexus.
You need to install pdanet drivers from sdk platform tools or one of the many toolkits for nexus 7.
If you have the auto detect drivers its being detected as a media device and adb wont detect.
Hope that helps,as well I think if you connect in fastboot you wouldnt have to worry about the screen lock.

Windows XP can't detect my J5 as MTP device, only as PTP

Hi all, first of all I kindly ask u to be patient with me cos I'm not a developer but rather a newbie... but really I didn't know where to ask for help ! Well, I'm still going mad after one year almost since I bought my Samsung J5, cos apparently there's NO WAY I can make Windows XP recognize it as a MTP device. Ah please don't ask me to use another PC or to upgrade to another Windows version cos for several reasons I don't want and I can't (by now). I must use THAT pc to connect my phone if possible. No WIFI, thanks.
Well, still searching thru forums for hints etc and I tried out everything I could find to date: I installed the mtp drivers mtppk12.exe, I also tried to install the Microsoft User Mode Driver Framework stuff, no luck. Everytime I plug my phone, the pc suddently detects it as "digital camera". So that nasty window pops up asking which programs to use to load pics etc. And if I access it as a volume, what I can see and do with its content is very limited as u know.
I tried to play with the hardware wizard, there's apparently no way to have the phone seen as mtp. I even tried to uninstall and reinstall the drivers above, or to uninstall the various USB hubs and devices... nope. Oh I also tried to install the Samsung USB drivers for Mobile phones, still no luck. I NEVER get any errors or warnings though and no yellow question marks... just my pc insists to see it as a ptp device !!! And of course my phone is SET as MTP, not PTP. I tried to switch between those repeatedly. Even to remove the SD, to turn it off... no way.
Oh one detail... by reading somewhere I suspect that Windows Media Player must be installed ? I don't want it and don't want to install more ehr junk (read: unneded stuff, KIES, etc) IF possible. Or is it really strictly needed ?
Another interesting detail... always reading somewhere, it looks that, those lucky people who finally achieved to have their phones detected as mtp (no matter which model) under XP, have always this file present: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\wpdusb.sys
Well I have NOT that file, even after having installed the packages mentioned above ! Where does it come from ??
I'm even ready to get my hands dirty, to play with the registry, I don't care... just don't ask me to change that PC lol or to install more junk stuff (if possible).
Any expert out there ? Any useful hints ?
I really can't spend more time for that. I shall give up soon. It's depleting.
Oh another quick question: does anybody know whether by installing Cyanogen Mod the USB Mass Storage mode is available again ? Or it has been ruled out even in this third party OS ? (I could not find this info anywhere...) Thanks very much
SO first of all make sure that USB Debugging is enabled on your phone. (Settings>Developer Options)
Make sure that samsung usb drivers are installed You can find them here
When you plug your device in, in status bar it should say transferring images via USB. Click on that balloon and choose "Transfering media files"
One more thing that is recommended is use the original Samsung USB cable.
If this still doesn't work PM me and i will investigate further.
ElenaXX said:
Hi all, first of all I kindly ask u to be patient with me cos I'm not a developer but rather a newbie... but really I didn't know where to ask for help ! Well, I'm still going mad after one year almost since I bought my Samsung J5, cos apparently there's NO WAY I can make Windows XP recognize it as a MTP device. Ah please don't ask me to use another PC or to upgrade to another Windows version cos for several reasons I don't want and I can't (by now). I must use THAT pc to connect my phone if possible. No WIFI, thanks.
Well, still searching thru forums for hints etc and I tried out everything I could find to date: I installed the mtp drivers mtppk12.exe, I also tried to install the Microsoft User Mode Driver Framework stuff, no luck. Everytime I plug my phone, the pc suddently detects it as "digital camera". So that nasty window pops up asking which programs to use to load pics etc. And if I access it as a volume, what I can see and do with its content is very limited as u know.
I tried to play with the hardware wizard, there's apparently no way to have the phone seen as mtp. I even tried to uninstall and reinstall the drivers above, or to uninstall the various USB hubs and devices... nope. Oh I also tried to install the Samsung USB drivers for Mobile phones, still no luck. I NEVER get any errors or warnings though and no yellow question marks... just my pc insists to see it as a ptp device !!! And of course my phone is SET as MTP, not PTP. I tried to switch between those repeatedly. Even to remove the SD, to turn it off... no way.
Oh one detail... by reading somewhere I suspect that Windows Media Player must be installed ? I don't want it and don't want to install more ehr junk (read: unneded stuff, KIES, etc) IF possible. Or is it really strictly needed ?
Another interesting detail... always reading somewhere, it looks that, those lucky people who finally achieved to have their phones detected as mtp (no matter which model) under XP, have always this file present: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\wpdusb.sys
Well I have NOT that file, even after having installed the packages mentioned above ! Where does it come from ??
I'm even ready to get my hands dirty, to play with the registry, I don't care... just don't ask me to change that PC lol or to install more junk stuff (if possible).
Any expert out there ? Any useful hints ?
I really can't spend more time for that. I shall give up soon. It's depleting.
Oh another quick question: does anybody know whether by installing Cyanogen Mod the USB Mass Storage mode is available again ? Or it has been ruled out even in this third party OS ? (I could not find this info anywhere...) Thanks very much
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I have no idea if it works, but try to enable usb-debbuging in Developer Options (tap build number 7 times to enable Developer Options in About phone).
Im on cm12.1 and when i connect my phone to PC there appear a notification where i can choose Media device (MTP), Camera (PTP) and charge only.
I remember that in past sometimes windows (win 7) was recognizing my phone as PTP too, but i dont remember how i fixed it, probably switching from notification from actual to MTP, i dont remember.
As an alternative, try services like http://web.airdroid.com/ (you need to install app on phone) for transfering files, but personally i dont think i trust that kind of services.
You can try to install Windows Media Player crap and see if thats the problem, if is working.
I would like you to tell me through PM or in the off-topic thread ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-j5/how-to/ot-one-galaxy-j5-off-topic-thread-thread-t3461384 ) why you use win xp, why you dont wanna update, i wanna see your opinion about it.
If you wanna a lightweight OS and you are not gaming, then there are linux distributions: http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/ .
Open dailer and type *#0808#
ElenaXX said:
Hi all, first of all I kindly ask u to be patient with me cos I'm not a developer but rather a newbie... but really I didn't know where to ask for help ! Well, I'm still going mad after one year almost since I bought my Samsung J5, cos apparently there's NO WAY I can make Windows XP recognize it as a MTP device. Ah please don't ask me to use another PC or to upgrade to another Windows version cos for several reasons I don't want and I can't (by now). I must use THAT pc to connect my phone if possible. No WIFI, thanks.
Well, still searching thru forums for hints etc and I tried out everything I could find to date: I installed the mtp drivers mtppk12.exe, I also tried to install the Microsoft User Mode Driver Framework stuff, no luck. Everytime I plug my phone, the pc suddently detects it as "digital camera". So that nasty window pops up asking which programs to use to load pics etc. And if I access it as a volume, what I can see and do with its content is very limited as u know.
I tried to play with the hardware wizard, there's apparently no way to have the phone seen as mtp. I even tried to uninstall and reinstall the drivers above, or to uninstall the various USB hubs and devices... nope. Oh I also tried to install the Samsung USB drivers for Mobile phones, still no luck. I NEVER get any errors or warnings though and no yellow question marks... just my pc insists to see it as a ptp device !!! And of course my phone is SET as MTP, not PTP. I tried to switch between those repeatedly. Even to remove the SD, to turn it off... no way.
Oh one detail... by reading somewhere I suspect that Windows Media Player must be installed ? I don't want it and don't want to install more ehr junk (read: unneded stuff, KIES, etc) IF possible. Or is it really strictly needed ?
Another interesting detail... always reading somewhere, it looks that, those lucky people who finally achieved to have their phones detected as mtp (no matter which model) under XP, have always this file present: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\wpdusb.sys
Well I have NOT that file, even after having installed the packages mentioned above ! Where does it come from ??
I'm even ready to get my hands dirty, to play with the registry, I don't care... just don't ask me to change that PC lol or to install more junk stuff (if possible).
Any expert out there ? Any useful hints ?
I really can't spend more time for that. I shall give up soon. It's depleting.
Oh another quick question: does anybody know whether by installing Cyanogen Mod the USB Mass Storage mode is available again ? Or it has been ruled out even in this third party OS ? (I could not find this info anywhere...) Thanks very much
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And then select your options
Telepracity said:
SO first of all make sure that USB Debugging is enabled on your phone. (Settings>Developer Options)
Make sure that samsung usb drivers are installed You can find them here...
When you plug your device in, in status bar it should say transferring images via USB. Click on that balloon and choose "Transfering media files"
One more thing that is recommended is use the original Samsung USB cable.
If this still doesn't work PM me and i will investigate further.
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Wow how much support and how quick... thank u all, really
I will start replying Telepracity by now (I must still carry more tests and study the other replies)
-I removed the previous Samsung USB drivers and I installed the ones u suggest... ok the file name is the same, just 16 vs 19 MB... but that surely DID change something , keep reading
-I turned USB debug ON in phone's developer section EVEN if, actually, I found that in similar threads in the past it was suggested to turn it OFF instead, anyway...
-Ok the original cable is slightly broken but I used it the same. I have another new cable though which was tested with a friend's laptop and it works and my phone there can be detected as MTP (under a newer Windows version though). Anyway I'm interchanging them and they apparently behave the same
So, what changed by installing these apprently "better" drivers and nothing else ?
Finally my PC seems to recognize my phone as a MTP device ! But things are still far from working (by now).
Upon connection, no, the phone status bar does not show any "transferring images" or "transferring files"... it's a J5, it just says connected as MTP (vs. PTP)
Windows now says New Hardware detected, Samsung Mobile MTP device WOW
The only difference if I enable the USB debug option being, an additional device gets recognized and listed in the hardware named SamsungAndroidPhone / Samsung ADB Interface
But there's a problem... during installation of the MTP device (listed in Hardware as Samsung mobile USB composite device), I get an error, saying "cannot find the required section inside the INF file" !!!
Still no "?"s or "!"s listed in the hardware though.
And obviously, my Samsung is still NOT accessible as a Volume as it should be...
Oh no dear I'm not one who wants to bother ppl privately to stress with my very own problems but I thank u the same for the offer
I go on experimenting and reading other suggestions, thanks
#Henkate said:
I have no idea if it works, but try to enable usb-debbuging in Developer Options (tap build number 7 times to enable Developer Options in About phone).
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Thanks. As I already told Telepracity, often I rather noticed the OPPOSITE suggestion, but I tried. The only difference being that if I do, I see an additional device (Samsung ADB or alike) detected and mounted by Windows. What apparently "moved" something was installing these other Samsung USB drivers I was suggested to
Im on cm12.1 and when i connect my phone to PC there appear a notification where i can choose Media device (MTP), Camera (PTP) and charge only.
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What a pity... so they dropped the UMS protocol aswell. TOO bad. What I really can't understand and agree on is... "alternative" OSs should really fill those voids more or less deliberately imposed by the big companies for some obscure and dirty plans against users' interests, not following them instead ! Oh well. But luckily enough, I noticed that MANY ppl share my thought here and there, that dropping UMS for MTP was a really debateable move. Sigh.
You can try to install Windows Media Player crap and see if thats the problem, if is working.
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Only as my very last resort... and I don't think I can really... wonder why lol
I would like you to tell me through PM or in the off-topic thread ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-j5/how-to/ot-one-galaxy-j5-off-topic-thread-thread-t3461384 ) why you use win xp, why you dont wanna update, i wanna see your opinion about it.
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I will if I remember... but just for merely convenience reasons
If you wanna a lightweight OS and you are not gaming, then there are linux distributions: http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/ .
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Oh I do already ! Don't tell me that lol... but for various reasons I must use that PC, preferrably, to do such
Thanks anyway
ElenaXX said:
Wow how much support and how quick... thank u all, really
I will start replying Telepracity by now (I must still carry more tests and study the other replies)
-I removed the previous Samsung USB drivers and I installed the ones u suggest... ok the file name is the same, just 16 vs 19 MB... but that surely DID change something , keep reading
-I turned USB debug ON in phone's developer section EVEN if, actually, I found that in similar threads in the past it was suggested to turn it OFF instead, anyway...
-Ok the original cable is slightly broken but I used it the same. I have another new cable though which was tested with a friend's laptop and it works and my phone there can be detected as MTP (under a newer Windows version though). Anyway I'm interchanging them and they apparently behave the same
So, what changed by installing these apprently "better" drivers and nothing else ?
Finally my PC seems to recognize my phone as a MTP device ! But things are still far from working (by now).
Upon connection, no, the phone status bar does not show any "transferring images" or "transferring files"... it's a J5, it just says connected as MTP (vs. PTP)
Windows now says New Hardware detected, Samsung Mobile MTP device WOW
The only difference if I enable the USB debug option being, an additional device gets recognized and listed in the hardware named SamsungAndroidPhone / Samsung ADB Interface
But there's a problem... during installation of the MTP device (listed in Hardware as Samsung mobile USB composite device), I get an error, saying "cannot find the required section inside the INF file" !!!
Still no "?"s or "!"s listed in the hardware though.
And obviously, my Samsung is still NOT accessible as a Volume as it should be...
Oh no dear I'm not one who wants to bother ppl privately to stress with my very own problems but I thank u the same for the offer
I go on experimenting and reading other suggestions, thanks
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What windows media player version do you have installed on your system?
If 11, then i would suggest you to try disconnecting the phone, uninstalling any current drivers for the phone, then reinstall Windows Media Player 11 again. Install the drivers/ software for the phone from the manufacturer’s website and then re-connect the phone. The settings will be detected automatically and then check whether the issue is resolved.
Telepracity said:
What windows media player version do you have installed on your system?
If 11, then i would suggest you to try disconnecting the phone, uninstalling any current drivers for the phone, then reinstall Windows Media Player 11 again. Install the drivers/ software for the phone from the manufacturer’s website and then re-connect the phone. The settings will be detected automatically and then check whether the issue is resolved.
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Well no the matter is, I really have NO Media Player installed and if there was one initially (I don't remember lol) I had surely uninstalled it together with most M$ crap or unused programs. Just, I dunno why I must have a WMP installed at any cost to access an MTP device... ok I could even try in the worst scenario...
But clearly my XP configuration misses something in oder to be instructed on HOW to use/interact with MTP devices. Now at least, with the USB drivers u suggested me (note, the previous, not working ones were from manufacturer's site !!!) it can tell it is an MTP device, while before it was only seen as PTP (even if the phone was set as MTP). But it still can't find the proper entry inside the INF file to correctly manage such devices, it seems. I know this is going to become a matter for experts lol perhaps for too much experts... I think I shall soon give up and use another PC or laptop connected to the LAN for that purpose. Just, for various convenience reasons I was much handier for me if I could use that PC with XP instead. Dont' worry. Really I see the matter is getting too troublesome and I'm giving up. Thanks
ElenaXX said:
Well no the matter is, I really have NO Media Player installed and if there was one initially (I don't remember lol) I had surely uninstalled it together with most M$ crap or unused programs. Just, I dunno why I must have a WMP installed at any cost to access an MTP device... ok I could even try in the worst scenario...
But clearly my XP configuration misses something in oder to be instructed on HOW to use/interact with MTP devices. Now at least, with the USB drivers u suggested me (note, the previous, not working ones were from manufacturer's site !!!) it can tell it is an MTP device, while before it was only seen as PTP (even if the phone was set as MTP). But it still can't find the proper entry inside the INF file to correctly manage such devices, it seems. I know this is going to become a matter for experts lol perhaps for too much experts... I think I shall soon give up and use another PC or laptop connected to the LAN for that purpose. Just, for various convenience reasons I was much handier for me if I could use that PC with XP instead. Dont' worry. Really I see the matter is getting too troublesome and I'm giving up. Thanks
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Try to install wmp because in the microsoft answer website there is a same guy that faces the INF problem and he fixed it updating wmp.
Yes,this is the problem in windows xp,if you install windows media player mtp will work in xp.
OK folks at the end I DID IT finally :good::good:
Thanks for insisting so much about WMP11... eventually I convinced myself there weren't any easier (read: more
"elegant" or clean) workarounds. The drivers and files needed in order for XP to access MTP are simply all there.
Microsoft never thought to release them in a standalone package. Apparently neither MS MTP drivers nor
manufacturer's USB drivers are essential or needed at all, unless one is a developer. After having tried out every possible combinations, checked the files installed, repeated the procedures, etc HERE is the exact list of things (apparently) needed to have a MTP device recognized under Window XP. I'm also publishing this list hoping it may turn out useful to somebody else in the future, one never knows...
1. Installing Microsoft's MTP drivers (MTPPK12) SERVES NO PURPOSE here
2..Installing Samsung USB drivers also serves NO PURPOSE here (unless one wants to use additional features
as perhaps ADB and access the phone modem etc.)
3. Microsoft User Mode Driver Framework IS NEEDED ! Cos there are some files installed which are essential
like wudfrd.sys (NOTE: chances are u don't even need to install this package if u install WMP11 throughfully
cos apparently a similar file is installed but only during a vanilla WMP11 installation, keep reading)
4. If u don't need or don't want WMP11, u can safely install it just partially. I could manage to install WMP11 only
partially. The original self extracting archive must therefore be opened as an archive, and ONLY the
wmfdist11.exe needs be installed (of course, if one wants a full installation, he's advised
to do so, and in that case he can PERHAPS avoid to install the Microsoft User Mode Driver Framework, I
didn't check this option)
5. I can confirm... in my case at least, different USB cables make no difference. And the fact of having USB DEBUG
enabled on the phone has the sole effect of making an additional ADB device being detected under Windows
(for developers) and in that case perhaps u still need to installl Samsung's USB drivers.
Voilà ! As I plugged my phone, it got recognized as MTP suddently. I didn't even need to modify any .INF files
by hand for adding my device's USB ID and such things. And it can now be accessed as a volume.
Case solved Thanks for every contributions
I managed to make recognized my S5 by installing WMP 11 like stated above BUT i cannot copy/view any media files from my Galaxy S5 phone. I tried many cables with no luck. ElenaXX's post was extremely helpful but I couldn't access media files on phone eventhough recognized successfully.
Note: Everytime you change USB mode from Developer Options, it installs additional ADB devies again and again, and modem.
