Is the acer getting a dock like the tranformer? - Acer Iconia A500

I am thinking about picking this tablet up. my question is whether it is getting a dock in the future like the transformer? I see that it has a plug for a dock. I saw the dock with the remote for viewing movies but i wasnt impressed with that. Maybe it will be compatible with a few different docks?? Not a deal breaker for me im just curious. Thanks

Interesting question. I guess my question to you would be... What do you want the dock for? You can add either a bluetooth or USB keyboard to the Acer without a dock. You can get a stand or a case that will hold the Acer. You can just plug the power adapter into it. So... What would a transformer-like dock get you?

the media dock is all I've found so far, but with a usb-host you can add a keyboard to it in the dock. not the best for travelling, but it would work if you were using it at a desk.

The transformers dock is very nice I see why anybody would want one. The idea that you can fold it and protect the screen is probably the best feature aside from the extra battery.
With that said I don't think you will see a dock like that b/c the Acer lacks points on the bottom to secure the tablet once docked. You will probably see a dock similar yo the one for the w500 but I doubt they are to make a folding keyboard dock.
Only disadvantage to the Asus dock is you are stuck carrying around the kb if you just need to use the dock. I like the folding case/dock staples has and just use a USB or Bluetooth when I need too.
Sent from my Droid using XDA App

Just saw an interesting post on TechniDroid. Guy claims he spoke to someone at Acer who confirmed there will be a keyboard dock for the A500. Since I'm a newbie on this forum I can't post the link unfortunately.
If you search "Acer to have keyboard dock for a500" it should pop up.

icetrap06 said:
Just saw an interesting post on TechniDroid. Guy claims he spoke to someone at Acer who confirmed there will be a keyboard dock for the A500. Since I'm a newbie on this forum I can't post the link unfortunately.
If you search "Acer to have keyboard dock for a500" it should pop up.
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They could do a case with keyboard mouse type deal
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

Accessories on sale May 8th
I spoke with @AcerAmerica via twitter and they mentioned that the dock (which includes a Keyboard) and some other Acer accessories are going on sale on May 8th in the US.

Thanks for the info. That's great news, accessories never hurt! In regards to the keyboard...were they clear that they were not referring to the W500 Keyboard dock?


Xoom -- Bluetooth mouse support?

I'm curious if anyone knows when we'll get bluetooth mouse support for the Xoom. When I got my xoom it looked like mouse support was imminent, some of the threads in this forum said so. I think most people were saying that mouse support would come in an update at the end of April. Anyways, now I'm reading the forums again and some folks are saying that it may never happen.
I really need to be able to use this thing as a business tool to justify the cost, but without keyboard and mouse support, I'm not going to get there anytime soon. I'm seriously thinking about jumping ship for the Transformer, but I really like my Xoom and don't want to ditch only to discover that they're implementing the mouse support soon.
So, anyone know when/if mouse support is coming?
I'm on stock ROM; waiting to jailbreak after the LTE upgrade (and when I have more time to figure it out!).
Mouse support was mentioned in the announcement for the upcoming update but we have no date as to when it will be pushed, so the answer is "imminent".
KerryG said:
Mouse support was mentioned in the announcement for the upcoming update but we have no date as to when it will be pushed, so the answer is "imminent".
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So you're saying that it will definitely be implemented, the only question now is "when." Why are these companies so secretive about this stuff? I can keep this thing as a toy for a bit longer, but I really need to know how it performs as a business tool soon!
An educated guess would be within 30 days.
Marketing trick ? link
charos said:
Marketing trick ? link
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Hows that a trick? I have a Microsoft BT mouse working with Xoom. 3.1 brought the functionality.
Microsoft Mouse 5000 works great with mine. You have to get a mouse that has a built in pin code. The 5000 does, and some of the logitech mouses do.
Mandelbrot.Benoit said:
Hows that a trick? I have a Microsoft BT mouse working with Xoom. 3.1 brought the functionality.
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That's what I mean by "marketing trick" . There is a dozen of mouses that work with 3.1 but I think Verbatim is the first to officially announce a xoom compatible mouse. Being "compatible" doesn't mean anything since that official announcement doesn't say how much compatible is it (eg. gestures).
Logitech Has It Going ON
I'm not sure what has been preceding before I place this entry. I just wanted folks to know that the Logitech V470 Bluetooth Cordless Laser Mouse for Notebooks works extremely well with my XOOM since the new update was given to us. All I had to do was put the batteries in, turn it on and hit the 'connect' button. The XOOM found it, paired and connected with it and all of the mouse's functions work just great on the XOOM. Now don't get me wrong, I love being able to use this without a mouse and keyboard - when I'm on the go. However, when I'm at my office behind my desk, I have my bluetooth keyboard & mouse and it's a joy at the job. I keep my XOOM stocked with tunes to keep me going through the day - and thanks to the new Google Music beta, my XOOM is working overtime. If nothing else ever gets fixed with these, I'm already happy. Thanks to the devs here at XDA, my SD card works and now I have all the other parts functioning.
Usb mouse works. Tried last night
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
works beautiful with the magic mouse
I just ran across this post so I thought I'd give the mouse thing a try. Afterall, it's a great idea. So... I have a bluetooth mouse that I bought with the accessory kit for the Motorola Atrix phone (motorola bluetooth keyboard and mouse). I successfully paired and used both the keyboard and the mouse. Works great! Other bluetooth keyboards and mice should work also. This may be old news, but that's my two cents.
I have a MS Bluetooth mouse and keyboard.
Mouse: Lasermouse 8000
Keyboard: Entertainment Keyboard 7000
Both work great.

Transformer: Ask Before Buying

Hi all!
I'm really really near to buy an Asus Eee Pad Transformer..
I will use this tablet for:
Offline GPS when driving
Remote connect to my PC (at home) to programming while not at home (example at university)
Drawing on it if it's possible
Surf Web, send email and so on
Playing some android games
But..I've got a few questions about it:
Using it for drawing it's possible?
Dual-boot with Ubuntu/Debian without losing warranty?
Future update to Android Ice Cream without rooting?
What about battery substitution?
Wait for Transformer2 to have a lower price?
Wait for PadFone to compare?
Thanks in advance to anyone that would respond
bruuuno said:
Using it for drawing it's possible?
Yes, no as accurate as a tablet or paper though
Dual-boot with Ubuntu/Debian without losing warranty?
No linux just yet
Future update to Android Ice Cream without rooting?
Who knows
What about battery substitution?
Its not removable, you can buy the dock though
Wait for Transformer2 to have a lower price?
Wait for PadFone to compare?
Do you want a phone aswell?
Thanks in advance to anyone that would respond
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10 char...
Using it for drawing it's possible?
Dual-boot with Ubuntu/Debian without losing warranty?
Not without losing the warranty, and it hasnt been achieved yet but probably will be
Future update to Android Ice Cream without rooting?
no way to know this yet
What about battery substitution?
not user changeable.
Wait for Transformer2 to have a lower price?
but then you'll want the tf2 and be waiting for the tf3. It's a vicious cycle
Wait for PadFone to compare?
Thanks for the quick answers
I would like to know how is drawing with this tablet..
If i connect via USB the tablet to my it possible to draw in the tablet and see meanwhile in the PC screen?
I mean: is it possible to use the tablet as a simply handwriting input peripheral?..
And a Tablet for 200€?
bruuuno said:
I will use this tablet for:
Offline GPS when driving
Remote connect to my windows 7 PC (at home) to programming while not at home (example at university)
Drawing on it with a stylus
Surf Web, send email and so on
Playing some android games
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But the transformer costs 499€ with docking station and 399€ without..
For me now maybe it's too much..
Would you please recommend a good tablet that costs around 200$ that fits my needs?
How can you do offline GPS? Google maps requires data connection.
Use Navigon or Sygic Aura from the market, at a price. Check out the Android apps forum, I vaguely remember seeing something about a way to use Google nav offline.
Sent from my HTC Desire
There's a rumor that Google is working on some major offine features coming this summer (Google Docs, etc) but offline Google Maps is rumored to happen. This will be Awesome!
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
Ok for the offline GPS I will probably buy an app ..
And for the tablet to buy?..any advice?..
transceiver said:
How can you do offline GPS? Google maps requires data connection.
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Either cache the maps or get a better program called CoPilot 8.
Ok thanks ..
But the main question remains: which tablet to buy?
I would like to take the Asus Transformer..but now I haven't the money for that price..
So.. Which tablet for 200-250$?
Sent from my MB525 using XDA Premium App
bruuuno said:
Ok thanks ..
But the main question remains: which tablet to buy?
I would like to take the Asus Transformer..but now I haven't the money for that price..
So.. Which tablet for 200-250$?
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If you can't afford the tf then the other tablets are certainly out of the question too unless you buy viewsonic 7in android 2.2 tablet.
Sent from my Transformer TF101
I keep seeing deals on slickdeal/1saleaday/etc. for archos or viewsonics that are like $80~$200, but who knows if they are good for you.. (i don't know their stats)
Stylus Question
Ok at last I'll have an help from my parents to buy the transformer ..
I'll order in internet and meanwhile I'll buy a stylus in the same site..
How is the MYMOD iPen for 13€?..someone's got it?
bruuuno said:
Ok at last I'll have an help from my parents to buy the transformer ..
I'll order in internet and meanwhile I'll buy a stylus in the same site..
How is the MYMOD iPen for 13€?..someone's got it?
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Search the Accessories forum for 'stylus'. Four threads come up with different stylus.
bruuuno said:
Ok thanks ..
But the main question remains: which tablet to buy?
I would like to take the Asus Transformer..but now I haven't the money for that price..
So.. Which tablet for 200-250$?
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Go to craiglist or kijiji and look for a used ipad 1.
You probably won't have a working GPS in a tablet for $200 to $250. I previously owned the Barnes and Noble Nook Color but sold it to get the transformer. You can install CM7 OS on it or Honeycomb and it was great. I believe most will say that for $250 it is the best bang for the buck. Especially when build quality and screen quality are important. It really was a great device I just wanted something that would play flash well in the browser so I figured the TF would since its a Tegra 2 processor. But boo, it sucks too. The Nook was handy being a little smaller too. But for me the keyboard dock won me over.
proplayer44 said:
You probably won't have a working GPS in a tablet for $200 to $250. I previously owned the Barnes and Noble Nook Color but sold it to get the transformer. You can install CM7 OS on it or Honeycomb and it was great. I believe most will say that for $250 it is the best bang for the buck. Especially when build quality and screen quality are important. It really was a great device I just wanted something that would play flash well in the browser so I figured the TF would since its a Tegra 2 processor. But boo, it sucks too. The Nook was handy being a little smaller too. But for me the keyboard dock won me over.
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Flash is flawless for me.
tekkitan said:
Flash is flawless for me.
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I've done quite a bit of research on forums about the flash in browsers and it is NOT flawless. You seem to be the only person saying that it is working perfectly.
I'm not talking about the youtube app. That is NOT flash. It's html5.
720P in the browser plays okay, but it does not play smooth by any means.
Do this test on youtube in your browser. (since I can't post links yet I took out the www so just add that back in the beginning)
Hit the 'show video' link and tell me what your frame rates are at 720p.
If you have a frame rate of 30fps or more, then you're very lucky that Asus sent you the only transformer with hardware decoding in your browser. But somehow I doubt that.

[Q] Pin-out of the dock connector for A500?

I am still looking for information on the docking connector pin out for the Iconia A500. If anyone has ANY info on where I might get that information please let me know or send a PM. I want to bring a Docking Cable / BreakOut box to market.
Let me know!!!
Thanks in advance!
sanaell seems to be someone who might know of, of have access to, that kind of information.
I don't know for sure of course, but a PM wouldn't hurt.
Good luck!
I am not able to give the information at this moment because my external hard drive who contained some precious document get some diving lesson and is learning how to speak with the fishes....
"simple version, my external hard drive fall in the ocean"
I try to get my documentation as soon as possible....
haaa my gosh... I was so happy to find back a save,.....
A501... oh... A...amiga....
Buy the doc take it apart and fallow the leads and some testing might give you the answers. Don't think Acer would do so.
erica_renee said:
Buy the doc take it apart and fallow the leads and some testing might give you the answers. Don't think Acer would do so.
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Documentation if I can get it, beats purchasing something that everyone says doesn't do enough for a docking station and taking it apart, and tracing leads and hoping I don't short something. I'm hoping to give us Iconia users More functionality, and not duplicate the foibles of and overpriced, an underspecified POS.
Should I not be able to Get said docs, I will undoubtedly get one and destroy... for scientific purposes...That docking connector on ourA500 Has to do more than what the current dock can do...
if we can get the pinout id sure love to do some stuff with it. Being an ee major I'm always looking for stuff lie this to do. I hope it comes before my summer ends.
What can the port do
If somebody has found this info, please post!
I'm anxious to see what that port is actually capable of. The dock Acer has now is pretty lame. It can only charge, pass out audio, and maybe HDMI (there seems to be conflicting info on this, trying to get to the bottom of it).
Surprised there's no USB on it.
Just saw the dock for the Toshiba Thrive... would love to see if Acer could ever release a proper dock like that one.
Thought id just drop by and post this. I opened my dock last night. You can clearly see where a HDMI port and controller would go, also a microcontroller for the IR input.
The plug is a 40 pin plug.
I've been working on reverse engineering it, this is the thread I've put my stuff in:
Power up tablet throught dock port
Anyone knows if it's possible to send a signal to power up (as if you push the power button) to power up the tablet?
I know that they have a powerbutton on the remote but i don't know how to do it to start it.
Good Luck...this beast needs a dock
My first tablet was a wifi Xoom that I got the speaker dock for it. Use that as your starting point. That dock could do it all, it has hdmi out on the back and the speakers are built in the dock. I,am sure you want to be able load data also, plus look good holding your tablet. This one tablet that could use some serious love on decient accessories. If you can bring it too market I,ll check it out... I know I passed on Acer Portfolio case the leather like clips to hold my tablet looked weak as hell. For $39.99 from BestBuy they could kiss my butt on cheap ass crap, I wont be buying it. I a truck driver by trade and I,ve always spent lots of cash on gear for the road that's light, portable & durable. That Xoom I mention earlier, is in the hand of tech savy 8yr old. talk about geek 2.0, which she choose too root before the update. Now she switches themes whenever the mood hits. (Just like a Women) I myself would like to see what could out of the colabiration in the forums. So if there any thing I could do too help let me know...bye for now.

Opinion on tablet for college

Hello Vibe community,
I need opinions.
My two current tablet options are asus transformer tf300 and dock or Nexus 7 and keyboard. Heres a link to the possible keyboard for the Nexus:
Im not looking for specs or price, i need to know what people think of convenience; i mean ill be carrying these in a bag, or possibly on my arm, ill be using them while walking, sometimes while in class, other times on the bus etc..
honestly i dont know if you guys will be able to help here but i do ask that you contribute something to tip my hand so that i dont spend hours wondering if i made the right choice myself and letting it ruin my experience.. thanks
Sent from my SGH-T959 running 4.1.1
Here is a thread similar to yours.
Can a tablet replace a laptop?
Here is my post from that thread too.
Woodrube said:
Well I don't have a TF300 but I do have a TF101 and all-in-all, I am extremely happy with it. In fact I use it more than my laptop. However, I do still use my laptop as a repository or sorts for hosting, downloads and some other Android-type things that a tablet just can't do.
There have been some stability issues with the whole line of Transformers in one form or another. But if you are experienced enough to figure out that it is not a hardware problem, then they all can be fixed one way or another.
I had always thought that tablets were nothing more than just large phones but then I used a friend's Xoom and realized that there was much more to them than that. So, I searched and searched and read and read some more about all types of tablets and what would best suit me. I wanted to know about support (XDA type support), Rooting, development as well as manufacturer support, O/S updates and basic compatability with my daily life.
After all that was done, I decided to purchase the TF101 (in Feb of this year) and have been happy with it. Later, I eventually bought a keyboard dock and between that and my usage patterns, it has beyond outstanding battery life (3-5 days with moderate use). There are several apps that emulate Xcel, Word, microsoft family as well as Polaris. Can watch HD YouTube vids just fine too. I had jury duty a few weeks ago and while I was waiting, I watched Netflix for about 3 hours and didn't put a dent in my battery life and it didn't get hot either.
Storage is unbeatable. Tablet comes with 16/32gb (I have 32gb version), External Micro-SD (up to 32gb) and the dock holds up to 32gb full-sized SD. So if you do the math that is 96gb of storage on a tablet.
I know you are thinking about the TF300 but this is my POV from the TF101. I say pull the trigger on it. You already have the laptop so it isn't like you have to choose between getting one or the other.
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Woodrube said:
Here is a thread similar to yours.
Can a tablet replace a laptop?
Here is my post from that thread too.
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Thanks alot Woodrube; so you would say that a transformer would probably work best for me?
im just not sure that id ever use the transformer without its lapdock so im wondering if itll just be a bogged-down version of a netbook... the Nexus with keyboard, on the other hand, would be used separately when i just need portability and together when i need a 'laptop' of sorts.
Thanks for the opinion
You'd think that you would use it more as a laptop than a tablet, but that is the beauty of the dock. It comes off. I use mine as a tablet more than a "laptop", but I am not in college anymore. So mine is totally recreational. I bought mine in February at BestBuy for $399 for the 32gb one. Then while cruising Ebay one night,I found a dock for $70 (retail was $150). So I got the dock on the cheap.
I do use OfficePro and apps like that but I don't use it as a reader at all (for books and stuff). There are a few of us that have Transformers, of one fashion or another. Mr_Psycho, me, Globespy, Manus all have TF101's, DougFresh and Shreddintyres both have TPrimes and another RC friend of mine actually developed the exploit to root the entire Transformer line.
Obviously the N7 is a Google Experience device, so there is all that too. If you want anything more specific,feel free to PM me about your needs and what they might be and I can shoot you some more info and some app links.
Either way,one thing that I would suggest is to get you hands on both. They are cool,but are also very different from your phone-type use (if that make sense). Plus the chiklet style keys are a bit difficult to adapt too. I find that I mistype more than normal. But I use a full keyboard at work, have a laptop at home and my TF's dock,all with different sizes of keys and pressure points. Head over to BestBuy or MicroCenter and test drive one for a bit. Could probably go to Starbucks or school library too.
Woodrube said:
You'd think that you would use it more as a laptop than a tablet, but that is the beauty of the dock. It comes off. I use mine as a tablet more than a "laptop", but I am not in college anymore. So mine is totally recreational. I bought mine in February at BestBuy for $399 for the 32gb one. Then while cruising Ebay one night,I found a dock for $70 (retail was $150). So I got the dock on the cheap.
I do use OfficePro and apps like that but I don't use it as a reader at all (for books and stuff). There are a few of us that have Transformers, of one fashion or another. Mr_Psycho, me, Globespy, Manus all have TF101's, DougFresh and Shreddintyres both have TPrimes and another RC friend of mine actually developed the exploit to root the entire Transformer line.
Obviously the N7 is a Google Experience device, so there is all that too. If you want anything more specific,feel free to PM me about your needs and what they might be and I can shoot you some more info and some app links.
Either way,one thing that I would suggest is to get you hands on both. They are cool,but are also very different from your phone-type use (if that make sense). Plus the chiklet style keys are a bit difficult to adapt too. I find that I mistype more than normal. But I use a full keyboard at work, have a laptop at home and my TF's dock,all with different sizes of keys and pressure points. Head over to BestBuy or MicroCenter and test drive one for a bit. Could probably go to Starbucks or school library too.
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Thats actually a great idea, going to test them out.. I'm going to do that and see what i think. Thanks again bro, youve been a big help
Like Woodrube I have a TF101 as well. Besides when I capture video and render, I use my tablet 90% at home. It has 100% replaced my laptop, 90% replaced my desktop, and 20% replaced my work desktop. I use my desktop and NAS to store files, so having 44GB~ of space is not a problem (which on a tablet shouldn't be anyway.)
I would say that a tablet should be able to do what you are looking for, but I would get a feel for them in person before buying. I could not live without a tablet the size of the TF101, but my wife would not go above 7 inches (she loves her Nook and plans on replacing it with the Nexus 7 most likely).
badxkarma said:
Like Woodrube I have a TF101 as well. Besides when I capture video and render, I use my tablet 90% at home. It has 100% replaced my laptop, 90% replaced my desktop, and 20% replaced my work desktop. I use my desktop and NAS to store files, so having 44GB~ of space is not a problem (which on a tablet shouldn't be anyway.)
I would say that a tablet should be able to do what you are looking for, but I would get a feel for them in person before buying. I could not live without a tablet the size of the TF101, but my wife would not go above 7 inches (she loves her Nook and plans on replacing it with the Nexus 7 most likely).
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Yeah i went to best buy and the 10 inch ones def felt way better in my hand. I decided on the galaxy note 10.1 because i can take my math lecture notes on it and save paper
Sent from my SGH-T959 running 4.1.1
buy note 10.1 its super good for college....
akarshfrevr said:
buy note 10.1 its super good for college....
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Yeah i think i will, thats for the input
Sent from my SGH-T959 running 4.1.1
Do you mind if I ask what field you are going into? If it is a technical field you might have a real need for a laptop instead of a tablet that is all I was thinking about.
ZieferD said:
Do you mind if I ask what field you are going into? If it is a technical field you might have a real need for a laptop instead of a tablet that is all I was thinking about.
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Im going for a BS in physics.. at least for the first 2 years, i dont anticipate needing a laptop
Sent from my SGH-T959 running 4.1.1
younix258 said:
Im going for a BS in physics.. at least for the first 2 years, i dont anticipate needing a laptop
Sent from my SGH-T959 running 4.1.1
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I guess that is true and there should be a computer lab for any software they require you to use.
When I went to college the first time, I was going for a BS in physics too. I got all the way with only 4 classes until I graduated. Then I cracked and couldn't do any math at all. I couldn't even add up golf scores or bar tabs. Quit school for 2-3 years and went back and got my history degree.
This was a long time ago, but when I was in the program, was the same time that Linux (not Unix) came out and when I first learned about kernels and command lines. I still dabble in the physics program. Actually, I have employee access the the internal CERN website (don't ask) and I am on there quite frequently.
Younix, if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me. Also take a look at my profile, you'll see something funny in my "Interests" section.
Woodrube said:
When I went to college the first time, I was going for a BS in physics too. I got all the way with only 4 classes until I graduated. Then I cracked and couldn't do any math at all. I couldn't even add up golf scores or bar tabs. Quit school for 2-3 years and went back and got my history degree.
This was a long time ago, but when I was in the program, was the same time that Linux (not Unix) came out and when I first learned about kernels and command lines. I still dabble in the physics program. Actually, I have employee access the the internal CERN website (don't ask) and I am on there quite frequently.
Younix, if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me. Also take a look at my profile, you'll see something funny in my "Interests" section.
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Wow huge coincidence huh? Saw the advanced physics thing.. nice lol.
So what do you think? Is it a good career/degree choice?
Sent from my SGH-T959 running 4.1.1

ZenPad Keyboard Dock

I've been looking for the ZenPad Audio/Keyboard dock DAO1 ( with absolutely no luck at all. If anyone knows where to find one, awesome, but I'm really wondering if anyone happens to know if the keyboard dock from the Transformer (TF300) will work with the ZenPad Z300M?
Appreciate any advice on that. :good:
Did you ever find such a dock?
Sad that Asus basically lied on this tablet claiming you could get a keyboard dock. I didn't do proper research before buying (found a good deal) and now don't have a keyboard dock that I actually wanted.
Don't want ebay/china crap.
I finally got somewhat of an intelligent reply from Asus, they said it's not available in North America. So when I asked, "Can I buy it in Europe?" The reply was, "I don't know, I can only check North American products."
