Just found what app was causing random reboots, may help you too - Atrix 4G General

Making long story short, I have the phone about month now, unlocked,rooted, heavily modified, upgraded to .57 using it overseas.
My phone was just fine until it started rebooting itself, sometimes twice a day,
two weeks ago.
After spending a few hours finding the cause (It's not easy when having 170+ apps), I realized "more locale 2" with custom locale was causing the troubles - changing it back to defaults and removing the software helped me and I didn't experience reboots ever since for the last few days.
May not help you if you had reboots from day 1, may help others with non faulty hardware, just my 2 cents.

We heard that hard reset have occurred on Droid X.
We'll be researching this problem. And don't use this app to Droid X now.
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Maybe thats the reason .. Motorola devices .. send email to the developer, tell him that.

i use this app every day and haven't had a single reboot on my phone ever


[SOLVED] Nexus One freezes and reboots.

Hey all.
I've got a Nexus one last week. I seem to have a problem with the phone. My phone freezes and crashes a few times a day. Most of the times it happens when i run a game. One time it happened when browsing with the default browser. Another time it happened when someone was calling me. It just freezes and reboots by itself. I uninstalled all my apps and made a factory reset. The first time it happened i was browsing the internet on the first day i got it. No extra apps installed. I did 2 factory resets after that and no change. I'm in Europe...i hope i don't have to send it back for repairs all the way to the US. Oh, yeah, it was bought from the US.
What do you think its the problem?
EDIT: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=6497531&postcount=10
Is it rooted?
No, just stock!
the problem with these smart phones is that they try to juggle knives while running from flaming ninjas before mastering the basics of coordination. But that's open source nature, we get the goodies first and fix the bugs later
This is not an ordinary bug. This makes the phone quite unusable.
My phone used to randomly reboot (about once a week). Rarely since rooting though.
I suggest running "adb logcat" in a command shell while its connected via usb. (make sure the drivers are installed and usb-debug is enabled)
This way you will see exactly what caused the reboot if it happens when youre logging.
My used to do the same when running stock ROM (freezing/rebooting). Haven't had any problem ever since rooting it (I am on BakedGoods 1.1).
That's another, not oft mentioned, benefit of rooting - with some ROMs you _are_ getting a _more stable system.
Never experienced instability/reboots/freezes even when mine was stock. Huh.
It happened to me once, but that about 2 weeks ago. Haven't experienced any freezing since then.
I know this is an old thread but just to update you guys, its been 2 months since i have the device and the random reboots have stopped after making like 10 factory resets. It still crashes like once a week or so when its in the browser. I suspect there's some nasty java script code that's braking the browser and it reboots. But its so rare now that its not annoying me anymore. The average up time now its about 200 hours.
So i'm a happy men now
Thank god! I've been worrying about this non stop since I first read it.
JCopernicus said:
Thank god! I've been worrying about this non stop since I first read it.
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Not sure but is this sarcasm?

[Q] Nexus One Random Reboot Crash (logcat)

Hey all.
Been having problems with a Nexus One that crashes at seemingly random times.
I have been unable to pin it on anything, and am asking your help.
It appears to be independent of the Rom installed, whether there is an SD card present, or whether its connected to a USB cable or phone charger.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Phone Info:
Nexus One (AT&T model)
Current Rom: Enomther's TheOfficial Nexus1 - v2.12.2
Provider: Rogers (BC, Canada)
Logcat output attached as screen capture image.
This has been reported by a few users. I sent mine in for repair and got it back not repaired - they couldn't replicate the problem.
My case has been escalated which means a HTC guy called and asked me a few questions and then told me to wait for an email (a few days ago).
I believe my problem started when I seriously overheated it ... driving with navigation on, 3g downloading maps and traffic data, car charger plugged in all on a very hot day on a very hot dashboard. This was the first reboot and they got more and more often after that. Now I can't run anything for more than 5 minutes if 3G or wireless is on (in 'Airplane' mode I can run for quite a while without a reboot).
mine was doing the same thing.
getting progressively worse until the phone was basically unusable earlier this week.
I was running CM6 at first when it started happening.
installed the newest nightly and it worked better for a bit then got even worse.
uninstalled the stand alone version of gmail from the market and it worked for a couple hours and then kept rebooting on me.
finally i did a factory data/cache wipe and installed a rooted stock rom and things have been working PERFECT for over half a week.
I had the same issue. first reboot happen when i had nav running plunged in then after a few months utube , browser etc would restart my phone. it didn't matter which rom i used or stock. I sent it in and they fixed it. i had issues with htc but it got fixed.
Yup, same here, strange thing is it isn't a complete reboot. Hard to explain but what happens is i'll touch the phone and then it will immediatly go to the CM6 boot logo, then immediatly to the lock screen, (which I have disabled) then to my normal desktop. Total time elapsed maybe 5/6 seconds, wierd.
A normal reboot usually takes about say a minute or so. just started happening 3/4 days ago, and happens maybe twice a day at most, some days not at all. Probably wait until Cyanogen includes 2.2.1 into 6.0.0 stable then reflash.
Ive been having the same problem for about a week now, but I'm still using stock, not rooted. Its weird, because its a really fast reboot. It goes to the Booting X, for about 6 seconds, then it boot up just fine. I cant understand it.
this really sucks
I am keeping my ATT nexus one around for gingerbread but these random reboots are really killing me....I use the phone for five minutes and it just reboots by itself....The phone runs really well for those five minutes...Ive done five factory resets but it is still just doing these phantom reboots.... Anybody find out anything more about this...or know a fix....the phone is not rooted and it is clean stock froyo...so please help or keep talking about it so htc will address this issue lol which i doubt since this phone is starting to become ancient....(cant wait till nexus S) =P
With regards to the original problem posted, I believe I've managed to diagnose it correctly.
The problem lies with faulty heat distribution. The phone would crash and reboot more often in times of great stress:
charging the phone (heats up the battery)
running many applications at once (heavy system load)
navigation (heavy dataand gps traffic, image processing)
This coupled with the fact that changing the OS did nothing to remedy the problem solidified the notion that the problem was hardware based.
Given this, I contacted HTC Nexus One support and had the phone repaired.
Note: HTC will honor the warranty and fix hardware issues for an unlocked Nexus One. With software issues, you're on your own (for obvious reasons).
This is exactly what my phone is off to warranty for. I experienced this with every rom tried. I wipe my phone completely and put stock froyo on only to see the exact same behaviour...so at least I'm not crazy
The tech told me it was a hardware problem so that is a bit of a mind ease.
It seems Nexus One and Desire are really similar: HTC Desire rebooting on its own.
P.S. It's a problem with faulty motherboard, if you're within warranty, it should be replaced.
I also have been pleasantly experiencing this issue with the nexus one, so i sent it for repair at HTC and they have said it is an issue with the motherboard and it has been replaced, it is now in the post so I will update this post when I receive it to whether the problem is resolved. Hope so was driving me crazy!
The log did not capture the error. In most cases its a software issue, not hardware. (has happened to me too, not recently though)
Well an update as promised.
I received my N1 back after UPS had finished not dispatching it due to "Adverse weather conditions" and the issue is GONE!!! I know a week isn't really a long time to trial the device but this was happening several times a day.
HTC replaced the motherboard.
My advice to anyone having this problem, is to send it to HTC for repair (dont be worried about it being rooted/custom ROM etc mine was and because its a known hardware issue they really aren't bothered about it.)
It took two trips to HTC for them to finally address the issue. They did fix something (they didn't say what) and the problem is gone.
I believe it was the motherboard because Swype Beta decided that it was a new phone and not the one I registered (so it would not install).

[Q] My Desire Z keeps going unresponsive like once everyday ..

Hi guys .. Well I recently got my HTC Desire Z about a month ago, and still like having it for one week or so, I've had this problem that my Desire Z keep going unresponsive when its looked .. That is to say, when its locked and I press the power button to make it light up so that I can unlock it, nothing happens .. its doesn't light up .. In such a condition pressing or doing anything doesn't make it light up so that I can unlock it and use the phone .. My only option is to take the battery out and re-insert it and then turn on the phone .. This happens on average like once a day ... Also, I havent really figured out what may be causing this .. it just seems random ..
Other than this the phone works fine in every respect .. It locks and unlocks fine and there's no major lag or anything at any time ..
Any ideas what may be causing this ? Does it sound like a hardware issue of a software issue ? Could an application be causing this ? I admit I installed like 50 apps on my phone within the first 24 hours, and have been installing more apps regularly ..
I would return it for a different device. i do not have this problem and havent had any problems with my G2. good luck!
Do you by any chance use a custom rom like CM? I have had this same problem with some of the earlier releases of CM7, and eventually fixed that by doing a full reinstall with wiping Data and cache as well.
Engorge said:
Do you by any chance use a custom rom like CM? I have had this same problem with some of the earlier releases of CM7, and eventually fixed that by doing a full reinstall with wiping Data and cache as well.
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What he said!!!
Not to be mean but this is the second thread in two days that references a common problem with multiple threads to it.
Google or search HTC G2 random lockup freeze battery pull.
There's a few things you can try but ultimately there is some kind of design flaw with the phone that affects quite a few units. G2 is not the only one either.
Engorge said:
Do you by any chance use a custom rom like CM? I have had this same problem with some of the earlier releases of CM7, and eventually fixed that by doing a full reinstall with wiping Data and cache as well.
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Nope, I'm using the stock OS, and stock everything else as well .. I haven't started fooling around with such things yet ..
lost800 said:
Not to be mean but this is the second thread in two days that references a common problem with multiple threads to it.
Google or search HTC G2 random lockup freeze battery pull.
There's a few things you can try but ultimately there is some kind of design flaw with the phone that affects quite a few units. G2 is not the only one either.
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So are you saying its a hardware issue ? If its a software issue, can I maybe flash the stock OS myself ?
The cause isn't known. Its pretty thoroughly discussed here (with my personal thoughts on the issue at the end of the thread):
And more recently started threads about the same problem:
I personally think that its either software related, or combination of software and hardware, as I've seemingly been able to fix the problem by flashing a different kernel.
Most DZ's don't have this problem. So if you are still within the exchange period, I'd return the phone for a new one.
I would try a factory reset and use it without installing apps for a day or so and then re-install your apps one a day until you find the problem. When Skype first came out I had the same issue. If it's still the same after wiping it then for sure take it back.
Well so I called HTC Support about 10 days ago, and the guy whom I spoke with told me to go into the Applications area in Settings, and do a 'Clear Data' for the application named 'HTC Sense' .. there were two applications in my case with this same name, and he told me to do this for the one which has 'HTC Corporation' written under it .. This essentially restores the desktop configuration to the factory one .. That is, all widgets are placed as they were originally, and the wallpaper is the original one too ... I did this and for the past 10 days, my phone has reset only 2-3 times, instead of happening every single day ... I still use the phone just as much as before ...
So what could this mean ? And what should I do now ?
ahmadka said:
Well so I called HTC Support about 10 days ago, and the guy whom I spoke with told me to go into the Applications area in Settings, and do a 'Clear Data' for the application named 'HTC Sense' .. there were two applications in my case with this same name, and he told me to do this for the one which has 'HTC Corporation' written under it .. This essentially restores the desktop configuration to the factory one .. That is, all widgets are placed as they were originally, and the wallpaper is the original one too ... I did this and for the past 10 days, my phone has reset only 2-3 times, instead of happening every single day ... I still use the phone just as much as before ...
So what could this mean ? And what should I do now ?
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No offense, but you are kinda asking the same question of what to do, over and over. Several people have given suggestions. Have you tried them, and if so, what were the results?
As already suggested, one thing to try is factory reset, so the phone is clean. Use it for a few days with no extra apps and see if you have any SODs.
If you are still within the remorse/exchange period for a new phone (30 days for many carriers in the US), I would exchange for a new phone.
If you are not within the exchange period, but under warranty, you can try to send it for repair. But at least one other person on here did that, and the phone was returned as "repaired" with absolutely nothing changed on the phone, and with the problem still existing.
If you are rooted, or willing to root, I'd try a different kernel. On the stock Desire Z ROM, the Godspeed kernel removed the SOD problem for me.

[Q] Evo Shift keeps rebooting

Looking for some advice/help. I got my wife the Evo Shift a couple of weeks ago. Her phone has not been rooted and other than a few added apps the phone is completely stock. The phone reboots on her 4 and 5 times a day. She does not have any kind of task killer installed so that's not it. She plays Angry Birds a lot and uses Pandora quite a bit. I have also installed Sound Manager for her. Other than that I can't think of anything that would be helpful for trouble shooting. I have searched here and through Google and have not seen any info of others having this problem. I am not sure if I should root the thing or return it to best buy. I have the Evo and previously the Hero and am no stranger to rooting or custom ROMs. Just really did not see the need to root it since my wife has no idea about any of that. Any help or advice will be appreciated.
root and install nfinitefx's or mik's rom; you'll have less trouble than if it was stock.
danaff37 said:
root and install nfinitefx's or mik's rom; you'll have less trouble than if it was stock.
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That's what I was thinking. I am a little worried its a hardware problem though. I guess I could always flash back to stock and return it if that doesn't fix it.
hell return it ya got nothing to lose but a headache
Did you try a factory reset?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
JKILO said:
Did you try a factory reset?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
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Not yet. I did get some more info from my wife though. It only happens when she is at work. And she says she get some sort of "radio error". I'm starting to think it might have something to do with the building she is in. She had my hero for a couple months before I got her the shift and had no problems. It had CM 6.1 running though.
hauntedchild said:
Not yet. I did get some more info from my wife though. It only happens when she is at work. And she says she get some sort of "radio error". I'm starting to think it might have something to do with the building she is in. She had my hero for a couple months before I got her the shift and had no problems. It had CM 6.1 running though.
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im running mine stock and rooted and dont have any problems with reboots. sounds like a app is probably screwing something up
i had a similar problem with one of the streaming media apps i used to use a month or so ago i cant remember the name but for some reason if i lost signal it would crash the phone and need to be rebooted
i took it off and installed tuneinradio and it worked better anyways
My shift was rebooting itself 3 to 4 times a day, I just rooted it and it seemed to stop rebooting itself for a day. Now its starting to reboot itself again, but not as often.
I am almost convinced its a hardware problem. Sounds too rare to be anything else. Maybe bad memory or something.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I had a freezing issue with my phone which people suggested possible due to pandora and bluetooth. Perhaps you have the same issue?
Anyway, try to find "bluetooth for automotive" settings for pandora and turn it off.
I wouldn't recommend rooting your phone if you think its broken. You might just end up breaking it further and render your warranty void.
If you can't fix it, get sprint to replace it.
i dont need a signature
This may be resolved by now, but I got my shift previously used. When I first activated it, I was getting some radio errors and I could not make calls or send sms messages, but the email worked fine. I contacted Sprint customer service via chat from the website and they did something from their end to fix it. I had to turn off my phone and she said now wait till I tell you to turn it back on. I waited 5 minutes and when I turned it back on, everything was fine. So I would take it in or contact Sprint and see what they say. As for not sure if you wanna root it for her, I would definitely recommened it, she doesn't have to take advantage of all the advanced tweak that some use but it will just make the phone a lot smoother and easier to use. IMHO.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Michael61182 said:
This may be resolved by now, but I got my shift previously used. When I first activated it, I was getting some radio errors and I could not make calls or send sms messages, but the email worked fine. I contacted Sprint customer service via chat from the website and they did something from their end to fix it. I had to turn off my phone and she said now wait till I tell you to turn it back on. I waited 5 minutes and when I turned it back on, everything was fine. So I would take it in or contact Sprint and see what they say. As for not sure if you wanna root it for her, I would definitely recommened it, she doesn't have to take advantage of all the advanced tweak that some use but it will just make the phone a lot smoother and easier to use. IMHO.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
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Thanks for the input. I think I'm going to go ahead and root it. After keeping an eye on the situation its seems its only happening when she is at work. I can't imagine it will fix it but I think its worth a shot.
I think I fixed mine. I tried to use navigation and it kept force closing, that was strange because I've used it before with no problems. I googled around and found some info that if you had another text to speak engine in your phone then uninstalled it without setting it back to pico as default it would cause nav to FC, which is what I had done. So I set it back and checked "Always use my settings" in the Voice section of settings, nav started working and the reboot issue went away for the past 7 days.
I don't really know crap about phones and most tech stuff for that matter (heck 99% of what is said in these forums goes over my head) but I think why this fixed it is either nav or some app was trying to use pico or something and when it couldn't the phone would get an error and reboot itself. I may be wrong (probably am) but maybe she deleted something or changed a setting some app needs and that is causing her problem. Hope this helps in someway or at least gives you another direction to start checking.

[Q] Time Issues

Hi guys and girls,
Been using WP7 about a week now and one niggling little issue is doing my head in. Sorry if it has been mentioned before or is covered under some other issue, I did try a search and got nothing relating to it.
My issue; the clock on the phone keeps jumping to random times.
I am using YukiXDA latest build and could find nothing relating to this isue there either.
Would like to know if others have had this problem and what have they tried to remedy it?
Is it a ROM issue or is it a hardware issue?
Okay, An update
This is happening when I reboot the device.
Is there something in settings that I am missing, or is there a registry setting I can change?
do you have your "date & time" settings set automatically?
bleui said:
do you have your "date & time" settings set automatically?
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Yes time setting is automatic, even tried setting it in the registry.
It got that bad yesterday my phone reset itself to Jan 1980.
It sounds like the battery *may* be ****ed up, I have no idea about the htc hd2 (I've only had mine for a couple of months), but on my old phone(s), some of them have had that "time resetting" too, and the people at the tech support said the battery needed to be replaced.
Sorry for hijacking your thread:
I have a similar error with my phone (yukixda v4):
If I send myself a text message at say... 01:35... it's sent 01:35, but the one i recieve has the timestamp at 01:34... this is both with and without automatic time settings..
any ideas?
h0ng said:
It sounds like the battery *may* be ****ed up, I have no idea about the htc hd2 (I've only had mine for a couple of months), but on my old phone(s), some of them have had that "time resetting" too, and the people at the tech support said the battery needed to be replaced.
Sorry for hijacking your thread:
I have a similar error with my phone (yukixda v4):
If I send myself a text message at say... 01:35... it's sent 01:35, but the one i recieve has the timestamp at 01:34... this is both with and without automatic time settings..
any ideas?
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Truth is no matter what is causing this... TWO big issues for me when choosing a phone software set up.
The phone knows what freakin time and date itis
The phone nor the software on should destroy batteries
but thanks guys it really was fun to play with.
Don't use automatic, mine does the same if I set to automatic.
I thought it was something with Giffgaff as I would set automatic and the time would be right but later on during the day it would be some crazy time and date.
Set to manual and your clock will be fine
dunno about any of that but, i do know that if i boot in to MAGLDR is gets buggered up, doesnt matter if the time is manually set or auto set, it always buggers up, dont boot to it and all is good
, at least for me anyway
I'm having the same issues. Time and sometimes dates getting screwed up. Only started happening to me about a couple of weeks ago now. But it's frustrating at the least. I've switched mine to manual setting at the moment. Gonna see how it goes over the next week.
One thing though, it isn't happening to my wife's HD2. She is using the older version of WP7, I'm currently on Yuki's more recent NODO version...
as per my post above yours if you use magldr or even the bootloader it gets messed up, so dual booting droid may be a reason, or using bootloader / magldr to charge, other than that i dont have this issue
Not got dual-boot on my phone, neither do U boot to magldr to charge... But it's happening to my phone every few days so far. Today it was out by 28mins. I want to see if having it on manual time/date does any better...
i also have a problem with my hd2,
9 times out of 10 when i reboot the phone the time and date will be wrong with no pattern i can spot (started to do this out of the blue- no updates or new roms).
im currently running with a cooked win mo image and android on the sd card.
battery still has a respectable life although seems to run out quicker than it once did so i may purchase a new one. (the old one is just over 12 months old)
also my phone has started to freeze on pin request after receiving a text so im gonna try a new image too
if anyone else has seen problems like these and solved them drop a noobie a helping hand pleeeeaaasseeee....
It's not HD2 related
The same issue happens to me (phone jump approximately 36 hours foward randomly)
The phone was a LG Optimus 7 on official rom but never managed to fix this issue (automatic date or not)
ForgetfulGuru said:
Hi guys and girls,
Been using WP7 about a week now and one niggling little issue is doing my head in. Sorry if it has been mentioned before or is covered under some other issue, I did try a search and got nothing relating to it.
My issue; the clock on the phone keeps jumping to random times.
I am using YukiXDA latest build and could find nothing relating to this isue there either.
Would like to know if others have had this problem and what have they tried to remedy it?
Is it a ROM issue or is it a hardware issue?
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I have the same issue! It happened some months after flashing xboxmods v. 1.11 Rom. It can't be a battery problem because I use 3 different batterys ^^

