Merge duplicate contacs and sync multiple contact list. - Wildfire General

Hi everybody.
Does anyboy know an application that can syncronise all contact list and merge duplicate contact ?
I have 2 gmail account + 1 active sync account and i would like that that all have the same contact list and contact information.
I'm aware that HTC contact link those account. But they do not stores all the same informations.
It would be a good thing that all those contact stores the same informations.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App


Sync Googlemail Contacts - Autosave of Google Contacts

i use goglemail and own a Tattoo. When i sync my Tattoo with the Google contacts, there will be also all "mail only" contacts synced. So i have all the mail adresses under the contacts section on my Tattoo - not really clear. Is there the possibility to deactivate the auto-sync function in Googlemail or apply a filter on the contacts on the Tattoo?
It is not fine to see every Ebay or Company upport contact on the Tattoo.
I support all my contacts in Outlook - but one place to support is more than comfortable.
The Milestone ought to have a function to show only the Google contacts that where created by the user - is there something like that for the Tattoo? How does you manage the contacts?
kind regards
I have the same problem as you my friend :-/ but no solution yet.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
My solution:
if i think i wiil need the email address in the future, i save the contact by the name, like everyone else. if i think i will never use the email address again, i delete it. I don't want kaos in my PC google contacts just as i don't want kaos in my phone. I save all my important emails (money transactions info and similar), so i can still find the email addresses in the archives should there be need for that.
I see how that could not be the perfect solution for everyone, but I assure you, it is working very well.
not the badest option. At this time i save the contacts in outlook and deleted the unused contacts in google. But now i missed importend mail adresses - this will be filled up in the near future.
I hope that the adresses will not trash my phone contacts.

Store contact on phone no gmail.

All, when i add a new contact to my phone it links to my gmail contact not my phone when i sync my contacts on pc the new one dont sync to outlook as there stored by gmail
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
stevenmcw said:
All, when i add a new contact to my phone it links to my gmail contact not my phone when i sync my contacts on pc the new one dont sync to outlook as there stored by gmail
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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You need to look at the settings on the dell PC suite and see what the default is when new contacts is detected
thanks for the response however
The problem is if I create a new contact on the phone it link directly to gmail so when I sync it doesn't see my new contact I created. If i create a new contact on outlook and then sync it works fine.
I have check the sync setting and try ticking on or off sync to gmail contact, no joy
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App

linked contacts not sending

Ok I have a gmail user linked to a Facebook user. I didn't have this user in gmail so I created a shell (just the name). When linked the gmail user with the Facebook user I see one contact with cell pic act in my contact list. Great... but when if go to Google the contact still only has a name and noting else.
So, my question is how do I sync Facebook info with gmail?
Ps. This is my first post from this done and I love this app
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Are you asking about exporting Facebook Friend contact data and importing that to a Google contact? Using your phone? I really don't think you can. Facebook Contacts friends details are not able to be exported, at least not using HTC contacts or MMS. The HTC people app is not designed to function like that, by populating one account with data from another account. It would be nice if it did have sine sort of sending out contact details. You could send contact data as a vcard to your gmail address and import using the website. But Facebook details don't populate to the vcard. I would like to be able to import more details into my Google contacts, but using my phones phone books other account types is not the way to go.
Sent from my HTC Droid Incredible
First let me say thanks for the response. And yes I wanted to sync the info in my phone (from Facebook) with my Google contacts. That makes me a little sad since it appears that Facebook and this phone work great together.
Well maybe one day.
Thanks again,
Sent from my HTC Incredible XDA App

[Q] Facebook contact sync with phone book contact

Hi All,
Sync with Facebook Contact was very easy and handy in HTC Sence. Since I have upgraded to Elinux 2.3 / Froyd Villain 1.7 ..I am not seeing any options in contact menu, by which i can sync my phonebook/google contact with facebook contact.
I have noticed some of my contact automatically sync with facebook. And for some its not sync. also in some contact , i am seeing some xml data in "note" section.
I need to know how can i sync my existing phone contact with facebook contact with my phonebook / google contact when i dont have HTC Sence.
Thanks in advance.
hot_dew said:
Hi All,
Sync with Facebook Contact was very easy and handy in HTC Sence. Since I have upgraded to Elinux 2.3 / Froyd Villain 1.7 ..I am not seeing any options in contact menu, by which i can sync my phonebook/google contact with facebook contact.
I have noticed some of my contact automatically sync with facebook. And for some its not sync. also in some contact , i am seeing some xml data in "note" section.
I need to know how can i sync my existing phone contact with facebook contact with my phonebook / google contact when i dont have HTC Sence.
Thanks in advance.
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its simple but a long procedure
add Ur Facebook account and sync all contacts from Ur id
go to contacts display options show all
go to each contact edit>link contact and link it to their respective Facebook id
its a long procedure adding each contact but if Ur specific on Facebook sync no other go

Help !!! HTC DHD contacts messed up

Hello friends please help all my contacts on my HTC DHD are messed up after the version upgrade to 2.3.5 & sense 3.0. It's now showing one contact linked with some different email if and phone no really its become a big problem. Any help if very much appreciated.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using XDA Premium App
Do you have all of your contacts linked with your gmail account ? If so I'd try removing all the contacts you have in your phone now and then re-import them by synchronizing your google contacts into your phone.
wtr_dhd said:
Do you have all of your contacts linked with your gmail account ? If so I'd try removing all the contacts you have in your phone now and then re-import them by synchronizing your google contacts into your phone.
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Click to collapse
try it... bcause sync present issues
How are they mis-linked? is it google contact details or is it facebook/twitter contacts mixed up with google ones?
If it's the latter, you could go to accounts settings, remove the various facebook/twitter sync accounts. Sync, then add those accounts back again and wait for the suggested links to be presented and see how it goes.
