Over 24 hours on a single charge!! Awsome battery life! - Nexus S General

I just wanted to share my battery life results of my NS with the community. I was able to get over 24 hours of battery life on a single charge. What amazes me more than that, is the fact that my battery was only at 72% when I took it off the charger. Much to my surprise the battery lasted me for the next 24 hours before it dropped to 16% and I decided I needed to charge it before going out this evening.
My configuration:
Rom: NS Collab 1.0.17
Kernel: Netarchy
Screen Brightness: Auto
Wifi Sleep Policy: Never Sleep
Email: Sync every hour
Facebook: Sync every 4 hours
Clock Speed: No special governors enabled
Most of the time I was connected to a WIFI network
Hope this may help those that have been having problems getting optimum battery life on their NS.

not bad i guess, i've gotten over 48 hours

Yup, awesome battery life with CM7 as well.

bcl0328 said:
not bad i guess, i've gotten over 48 hours
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Care to share how?

limited phone calls equals great battery life.

limited phone calls equals great battery life.
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Yeah SI_NZ pics don't show any usage of the phone. Mine I talked for about 2.5 hours and was using facebook a decent amount. I also did web browsing, some videos for a little while, and I did a couple of video recordings of my son. Overall I used my phone a pretty decent amount during this time period, hence why I was so impressed. The same type of use on my EVO would have resulted in me having to put the phone on a charger before halfway through the day.

Darn... I'm stuck between the Nexus S and the HTC Desire HD, but the battery life on this phone must rock.
But how is battery life on a STOCK OS? I'm not much to root.

mysterioustko said:
I just wanted to share my battery life results of my NS with the community. I was able to get over 24 hours of battery life on a single charge. What amazes me more than that, is the fact that my battery was only at 72% when I took it off the charger. Much to my surprise the battery lasted me for the next 24 hours before it dropped to 16% and I decided I needed to charge it before going out this evening.
My configuration:
Rom: NS Collab 1.0.17
Kernel: Netarchy
Screen Brightness: Auto
Wifi Sleep Policy: Never Sleep
Email: Sync every hour
Facebook: Sync every 4 hours
Clock Speed: No special governors enabled
Most of the time I was connected to a WIFI network
Hope this may help those that have been having problems getting optimum battery life on their NS.
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Could you please test what happens when you do
Email: push
That seems to be a battery killer

I've found a few battery killers, maybe we should make a list and make it sticky. My phone easily lasts like 36 hours with normal use, which include a little gaming and lots of surfing, texting and calling. The apps i have found to drain the battery so far is:
Latitude activated in google maps. This is insane, latitude makes my phone go dead in like 8 hours !!!
a media player that i can't remember the name on :/

zkyevolved said:
Darn... I'm stuck between the Nexus S and the HTC Desire HD, but the battery life on this phone must rock.
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The Desire HD kinda sucks for battery life and I found it was too big/bulky feeling. It wasn't as fast as the Nexus S in everyday use either...the Nexus S is quite quick.
But how is battery life on a STOCK OS? I'm not much to root.
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I'm on stock 2.3.3 out of the box and battery life is very good, better than I expected. I don't have too many specifics yet since I've only had it a few days. But so far it's impressed me again today with over 13h 30m 43s, with 44% display use, and 72% battery left. Perhaps I'll comment on the weekend after I calm down a bit and use it over a more typical day. But as it stands so far, I expect to get 1 day heavy usage, 2 days on daily typical usage, and 3-4 days when using the phone very little (like while camping/hiking).

madfarmer said:
Latitude activated in google maps. This is insane, latitude makes my phone go dead in like 8 hours !!!
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Well 8 hours is quite good since it runs the GPS constantly and updates your location on the Latitude site. I ran other GPS apps on my Desire and typical times were ~4 hours before the first battery low warning. I haven't had a chance to really test the GPS properly, but initial use looks good.

2 days is pretty good. but you barely ever had the screen on. I can normally get 20 hours which lasts me the whole day, so I'm fine with charging every night.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App

bfksc said:
The Desire HD kinda sucks for battery life and I found it was too big/bulky feeling. It wasn't as fast as the Nexus S in everyday use either...the Nexus S is quite quick.
I'm on stock 2.3.3 out of the box and battery life is very good, better than I expected. I don't have too many specifics yet since I've only had it a few days. But so far it's impressed me again today with over 13h 30m 43s, with 44% display use, and 72% battery left. Perhaps I'll comment on the weekend after I calm down a bit and use it over a more typical day. But as it stands so far, I expect to get 1 day heavy usage, 2 days on daily typical usage, and 3-4 days when using the phone very little (like while camping/hiking).
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Wow that's fantastic. I'm sold
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I'm on stock 2.3.3 too. Typically I get about 35-40hrs.
WiFi: Off.
BT: Off.
GPS: Off.
Email/Calendar Sync: 1 hour.
Facebook: Off.
No fancy widgets though, just the stock clock and stock calendar. No task killers either.
If I game for about 2hrs during my daily commute, the battery lasts just long enough from 6am to about 11pm.

zkyevolved said:
Wow that's fantastic. I'm sold
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Forgot to mention how the phone is setup:
WiFi is off most of the time (I have 6gig data plan)
BT is off as I don't use an earpiece
GPS is always enabled (I'm a geocacher)
Gmail is set to manual sync (work is too busy for personal email)
Facebook/twitter/whatever are all disabled/not installed
News widget is set to update every 12 hours
I use a Live Wallpaper, Beautiful Widgets with animations, and I'ver never used a task killer as they're not needed.

Don't know where I have read that, or if it's just an impression. But I think that wifi connection consumes less battery juice than 3G connection. And push-Gmail doesn't increment battery usage.

I came from a blackberry (actually I still use the blackberry) and I was initially annoyed by the quick battery drain. But after seeing my friends with iPhones needing to bring chargers with them everywhere just to use whatsapp and gchat constantly, I was really glad I got the nexus s. I recently went on a road trip where I used the gps constantly to drive 4 hours out to the destination, used the phone there to whatsapp and call my friends, used the internet to look up restaurants, and then used the GPS to drive 2 hours back to our hotel and it lasted me the whole day. I'm stock everything with 2.3.3. I love this phone.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App

I managed to get over 48 hours on a single charge.
Thats with around 7-10 short phone calls per day.
Some whatsapp/sms
a few minutes of angry birds here and there
and some web browsing over wifi.
My WiFi is always on and set to never sleep.
sync is off.
GPS off
BT off.
My data is also usually off, since my work data plan is rather small.
Also i have simi clock running that updates the weather every 3 hours when WiFi is connected (which is most of the time).
I am on stock 2.3.3, unrooted.
after 3 days I had around 25% before I connected it to the charger.

The battery on nexus s is great, much more better than my old SE X10.

Could you please all tell whether you are on 9020 or 9023? I heard average battery results were not so positive with 9023 sclcd. Here I can only acquire 9023, and I have been reluctant to buy so far as people don't seem to reach quite the same autonomy as the samoled nexus owners.... Thanks!


Bad Battery life all of the sudden

Only thing I did different was turned on google talk and my battery went from 100% down to 24% in 4.5 hours. Could google talk really take up that much battery? Prior usage I would get over 18 hours, thats with texting, emails and a couple of voice calls. Previously under the battery use the screen was always at the top but now the Android system is at the top.
Guess my main question is could google talk hit the battery that hard?
Did you recently root? Mine seems much worse since rooting.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
No root, just turned on google talk
velocd said:
No root, just turned on google talk
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There you go. Gtalk must be accessing the internet often which is causing the drain in battery.
I have noticed if I leave a page open on Google Buzz, the GPS radio can drain the battery quick.
Another reason why I want to have a development ROM with all those nice troubleshooting tools to catch these problems quicker. Like before the battery is dead.
I have similarly awful battery life on the Vibrant, and I've been running GTalk 24/7 since I purchased the phone. Going to run it with no GTalk today to see it affects life. I'll post my results here later.
coolguy949 said:
Did you recently root? Mine seems much worse since rooting.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I'm rooted and I still have 23% battery after 29 hours unplugged. Any other apps you got running in the background killing your battery?
After I rooted I didn't add back the Facebook and other accounts that keep the contacts updated with their status and whatnot. I get a full 24 hours out of a charge now so I am really pleased with the battery life.
I am running mine rooted, gTalk on, google sync and one exchange push sync always on, "Twitter" twitter app updating @ 30min., LauncherPro, live wallpaper, gps on standby, and I have to say coming from G1, 3G Slide, HD2, this has the best battery life so far. Not playing any games on it, nor any media streaming aside from the occasional few minutes.
Now, it has only been two days running it that way, but one can hope it stays like this! Running it unplugged from 7am to 1:30am (next day) and still having 45% battery left after a day of medium heavy use is pure bliss!
mnotz said:
I am running mine rooted, gTalk on, google sync and one exchange push sync always on, "Twitter" twitter app updating @ 30min., LauncherPro, live wallpaper, gps on standby, and I have to say coming from G1, 3G Slide, HD2, this has the best battery life so far. Not playing any games on it, nor any media streaming aside from the occasional few minutes.
Now, it has only been two days running it that way, but one can hope it stays like this! Running it unplugged from 7am to 1:30am (next day) and still having 45% battery left after a day of medium heavy use is pure bliss!
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Was your phone in your pocket or out indoors on a counter all day?
mnotz said:
I am running mine rooted, gTalk on, google sync and one exchange push sync always on, "Twitter" twitter app updating @ 30min., LauncherPro, live wallpaper, gps on standby, and I have to say coming from G1, 3G Slide, HD2, this has the best battery life so far. Not playing any games on it, nor any media streaming aside from the occasional few minutes.
Now, it has only been two days running it that way, but one can hope it stays like this! Running it unplugged from 7am to 1:30am (next day) and still having 45% battery left after a day of medium heavy use is pure bliss!
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im sorry but i am every good with phones and adjusting the battery drain and this seems terribly inaccurate unless you pick up your phone once an hour and use it. There is no way you have almost 50 percent better left on this device while running all of that stuff. and you have it on 3g? or edge? is the screen bright?
overall the battery has been TERRIBLE. and it takes forever to charge. that's why i sent it back. I hate USB charger cords... seems they take loner to charge.
much love u must have an extended battery which isnt even out yet lol
hah2110 said:
Was your phone in your pocket or out indoors on a counter all day?
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lmao lool same thing i asked loool
Well, it was google talk that was doing it. I work in a large building and get about 2-3 bars of service which isn't bad but leaving google talk on literally raped my battery.
Pneumatic said:
After I rooted I didn't add back the Facebook and other accounts that keep the contacts updated with their status and whatnot. I get a full 24 hours out of a charge now so I am really pleased with the battery life.
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Thats an awesome idea!!! Facebook sync is almost retarded to have on this phone since im not running TW or looking through my contacts to check on ppl... there is no reason why I should even have to keep the account synced. The service is still probably running in the background and dropping/retrying. Thanks!!!
velocd said:
Well, it was google talk that was doing it. I work in a large building and get about 2-3 bars of service which isn't bad but leaving google talk on literally raped my battery.
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AWESOME! Thank you OP for testing and bringing us back your findings. This is how it should be done!
I've had my Vibrant since roll-out day. The battery seemed to be working well and lasting a long time. Then it began to drain rapidly going from a full charge to under 25% in about 4.5 hours. This happens with or without use. I tried disabling sync, wi-fi, push, bt, etc and I didn't see any improvement to speak of. I also set it to use 2G networks only. That was all before rooting yesterday. Today it's no better at all so rooting doesn't seem to have had any effect.
As far as charging goes- it's horrible (mains, not computer); over 4 hours from completely dead (auto-shutdown) to 100%. Even if I begin charging at 35% it still takes over 3 hours to get to 100%.
What does all this mean? Beats me. I like the phone and I am hoping it's not a hardware issue. My rooted G1 with an extended life battery running Froyo lasted all day long with constant data use, go figure.
I'll be watching the forums over the next several days with the hope that something will break loose.
stepinmyworld said:
im sorry but i am every good with phones and adjusting the battery drain and this seems terribly inaccurate unless you pick up your phone once an hour and use it. There is no way you have almost 50 percent better left on this device while running all of that stuff. and you have it on 3g? or edge? is the screen bright?
overall the battery has been TERRIBLE. and it takes forever to charge. that's why i sent it back. I hate USB charger cords... seems they take loner to charge.
much love u must have an extended battery which isnt even out yet lol
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Nope, just a stock Vibrant battery. Phone lays next to me on my desk at the office all day, bounces between Edge and 3G here, currently, 2:16pm, the battery status in the phone settings shows a level of 76%, was unplugged this morning @ around 7:30. At my house I have full bars 3G. Battery use is 35% Voice Calls, 28% Display, 18% Cell standby, 13% Phone idle, 3% Android system and 2% Android OS.
I am not much into adjusting battery drain or anything like you, but those are the readings from the phone. How accurate they are or not, no idea, but this is definitely the best smartphone I ever owned concerning the battery life. And I owned a **** ton of them over the years. But I also don't complain too much, because getting through a full day is all I need.
Screen is set to auto-brightness with the application brightness thingy activated.
Edit: Reading my original post, I guess it could be a bit confusing - I did not mean it has lasted for two days like this - I meant I own the phone only for two days, and it was unplugged yesterday from 7am to 1:30am next day (18.5h)
stepinmyworld said:
lmao lool same thing i asked loool
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It is a legit question. On my N1 and this phone I see HUGE differences in battery when the device is in heat/pocket and inside just sitting on a counter.

[Q] I get about 4 hours of usage out of a full charge - how about you?

I have been on here a couple of times complaining about my lousy battery. Well, today I decided to see exactly how far I can take this thing before it conks out on me. Here are my results.
The phone up-time was just over 19 hours, with 14% battery left. (I took my results at 14% because I didn't want the phone turning off on me thus losing all data.) About 49% of the battery was used by the screen, which was on for a total of 3 hours and 20 minutes during this 19 hour period. The rest was split up among other activities, but the most notable/concerning area is 43 seconds of voice took up almost 2% of total battery usage.
I could probably pull out another half-hour or so usage before the phone's battery totally dies, so my final number is 4 hours of usage out of a full charge. This is total usage, i.e. the screen was on for 4 hours.
The phone was at lowest brightness all day except for 10-15 minutes where I had it on full 'cause I was using it outside. I am not using any CPU throttling apps, or such. Background is not fully black. I use one widget, rest are icons. I have Advanced Task Killer which I routinely use to kill tasks, but to be completely honest, unless there is a rouge task ATK does not increase battery life by much. Phone was on 3G primarily, although there were times during the day when I was on EDGE because of weak signal.
All in all, the battery on the Vibrant is pathetic for what it has (Super AMOLED, 45 nm, etc.) but I am glad I can at least last a day. Hopefully Samsung has addressed battery issues in Froyo.
Feel free to post your results on how long you can make your battery last below, so we can all get a better idea. Please do not post "my battery lasts XX days" - give details on your usage, like how I mentioned the battery was at 14% after 19 hours up-time, but actual usage was 3 hours and 20 minutes. Often times it seems like many people brag about how "great" their Vibrant's battery is, but really they rarely use the phone all day hence the "great" battery life.
I completely feel your pain. I had the same issues with my vibrant also. I personally do not believe it is the battery any more because after I applied the ryanza one click lag fix my battery life practically tripled. I kept a very close eye on my usage and settings for the first few weeks. I would get about 12 hours out of a full charge and I would barely use the phone. Frustrated me to no end because I would hear people say that 12 hours with a powerful phone like vibrant is expected. To me it was not acceptable.
I never changed any settings or installed any programs after doing the lag fix but it certainly had a drastic effect. Ill get more statistics when I get home, im at work right now.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I got a good deal on eBay for a 2batteries and a charger for 10 bucks . . Go find out. And about the battery I get around 3/4 day of pretty heavy use, wifi on all day and such.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
get Juice Defender if you want to squeeze even more out of it
but having the display on almost 4 hours....that's gonna suck the battery no matter what phone you have
mine has superb battery life. I am always confident it will get me pass the day and more. obviously, if I game and web a lot, it will drain faster. For my typical day, it's perfect. I went on to over 2 days with this charge. What an awesome battery!
I get about 5 hours of usage. On wifi it goes up a like a hour .
hydrogenman said:
get Juice Defender if you want to squeeze even more out of it
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Have to agree with this. I tried it out and got quite a boost. I didn't keep as good of details as the OP on my battery use but prior to juice defender a was struggling to make a day. Now a day is not a problem. My typical usage is probably pretty high, lots of internet, lots of tinkering right now plus working on morphs and things, I do keep my screen all the way down except when outside (rarely use my phone outdoors so not much of that), no widgets, no task killer. When I installed juice defender I used the stock settings with the exception of allowing gmail and chat to sync anytime. Juice defender says I'm getting an average of 1.7x the battery life. I think almost all of that comes from when the phone is asleep.
Edit. Checked on details.
Pulled my phone off the charger at 6 am it was at 100%. Used to to do some reading on my way to work (about 30min on the train) worked on some morphs, checked some emails, downloaded some stuff. I'm at 82% and it's 12:20.
Cell standby 39%
Display 33%
phone idle 23%
Various 5%
I use my phone for quite a bit during the day and pull about 13 hours before it starts blinking at me. I personally have zero problems with that amount of battery life from a device of such caliber. My best friend was complaining about her battery in her Vibrant and like I tell everyone else, it's probably some rogue app somewhere. She didn't believe me so we swapped batteries 3 days ago and I still get the same usage times out of her battery as I did mine and her battery life has improved significantly as well.
I don't know what is is that people are doing to get 4-5 hours but 13+ with average use (text, moderate browsing, syncing all day, screen at full brightness all day) is to be expected with this phone. I will post a screenshot of consistency over the course of this weekend to visualize my point.
Also I do not use a task killer of any kind except the Android built in one and I removed hers as well
boodies said:
mine has superb battery life. I am always confident it will get me pass the day and more. obviously, if I game and web a lot, it will drain faster. For my typical day, it's perfect. I went on to over 2 days with this charge. What an awesome battery!
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You mean if you actually use the phone it will drain a lot faster. Your post is a perfect example of what I mean when I said people post very misleading results. For those ~40 hours that your Vibrant has been up, your display has only been on 1, maybe 2 hours (hence only 8% battery usage). Your result is not accurate at all - you aren't using the phone. Anyone can get great battery by letting it sits for hours on in.
hydrogenman said:
get Juice Defender if you want to squeeze even more out of it
but having the display on almost 4 hours....that's gonna suck the battery no matter what phone you have
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Thanks I will look at Juice Defender, but I am not too sure what it will do to help improve my battery which I am not doing already. (I leave GPS off, WiFi off when im not using, have applied lagfix, etc.)
The Droid X is known to get 7-8 hours; and considering the Vibrant has power-friendly hardware, the Vibrant should be getting the same.
bdveteran18 said:
I use my phone for quite a bit during the day and pull about 13 hours before it starts blinking at me. I personally have zero problems with that amount of battery life from a device of such caliber. My best friend was complaining about her battery in her Vibrant and like I tell everyone else, it's probably some rogue app somewhere. She didn't believe me so we swapped batteries 3 days ago and I still get the same usage times out of her battery as I did mine and her battery life has improved significantly as well.
I don't know what is is that people are doing to get 4-5 hours but 13+ with average use (text, moderate browsing, syncing all day, screen at full brightness all day) is to be expected with this phone. I will post a screenshot of consistency over the course of this weekend to visualize my point.
Also I do not use a task killer of any kind except the Android built in one and I removed hers as well
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When you say 13+ hours, do you mean total up-time or total usage time? Because, as I mentioned in my post, my total up-time was ~19 hours, but usage was actually ~4.
DarkAgent said:
When you say 13+ hours, do you mean total up-time or total usage time? Because, as I mentioned in my post, my total up-time was ~19 hours, but usage was actually ~4.
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I apologize for being unclear before. total usage time is about 6.5 hours of consistent usage. Such as watching movies, playing games, and browsing the web. I will post some battery usage screenshots a little later.
bdveteran18 said:
I apologize for being unclear before. total usage time is about 6.5 hours of consistent usage. Such as watching movies, playing games, and browsing the web. I will post some battery usage screenshots a little later.
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Thanks for clearing that up! Well, it sounds like you are fairing better than me, but without actual data it is hard to say.
Oh, and an FYI: I just called up T-Mobile and had them send me a new battery. FWIW, I am not being charged anything (not even shipping) and I don't have to send back my current battery. I love the retention department .
Can someone post up what they do/what settings they use for juice defender? I installed it but I really don't see how it could save me any more battery seeing that I keep wifi, gps, and all that off, plus my screen is on the lowest setting at all times
Hi all,
What I found out that works best for me is, no task killer, no juice defender, lowest display setting possible, and turning off 3g. 3g ready drains the battery. Task killers are pretty worthless. Do some research on that topic. Android kills programs all by itself. And task killers run in the background, using up battery. My phone is rooted, so I run autostarts to control what starts at boot. My uptime isn't great, but its adequate enough to last from morning to night. I do agee that the battery life when using the phone itself for voice calls is sub part at best. I do believe froyo will help with a lot of these problems. Just my 2ยข.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
DON'T use task killer. Vibrant has really good system resource management. With task killers constantly killing core system processes, the phone has to use more power to keep restarting them.
You can read more about it here: http://geekfor.me/faq/you-shouldnt-be-using-a-task-killer-with-android/
And only turn on active sync for apps that you absolutely need to have them syncing all the time.
This should make your phone last for a whole day with decent usage. If you are still getting very short up time, you probably have a bad battery. Call T-Mo and ask for a replacement.
It all depends on usage. The first days when I got my Vibrant, I was downloading apps all day, or browsing websites, so the battery barely lasts for a day. I usually leave my phone plugged in to my laptop when going to sleep, and set the laptop to auto-shutdown in 4 hour, so the phone gets unplugged at about 4:30 am. With that heavy usage, I needed to recharge at about 7 pm.
However, now that I'm not playing with it that much, the battery life improves greatly. Now I usually do 10-20 text messages and about 30 minutes voice call everyday, also some browsing on the xda forum, and maybe reply several emails. The battery is usually at 40 percent at 10 pm. The only thing I can complain about is that with 40% battery left, I don't want to do a complete recharge, but it won't last the second day either.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
DarkAgent said:
Thanks for clearing that up! Well, it sounds like you are fairing better than me, but without actual data it is hard to say.
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I forgot to take pics lol. (busy with my fantasy draft). I will take some today. Rebooting my phone right before I leave for work and some throughout the day.
It still will be hard to say why my battery life exceeds yours but you will at least be able to compare the two.
Sent from my awesome Vibrant using XDA App
I get around 5 hours display. Using wifi sporadically, juice defender paid version, lowest brightness. Our screen is too bright. Lol on lowest it looks like the evo's middle.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

I'm having great battery life

Hey guys I got my EVO in the mail on Thursday, and do I love the thing! I have been reading about battery life and was a little concerned at first, but that was then. Last night I unplugged my phone at 7pm and it had a 95% charge. I played with it a bit and texted until around 12am. I did not charge it and started texting and using it for a while this morning around 10am. It is now 4pm and I have 49% battery. If this is what everyone is complaining about, im happy with it haha.
Basically, it's people leaving 4G / Wifi / Bluetooth / GPS all on at the same time that kills the battery life of the Evo. My launch-day Evo has routinely done 20+ hours of usage with no problems.
The only times I've ever seen a marked decrease in battery performance, I could find that some app was hung up in the background draining the juice.
Rooted or just stock non root?
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Jackk819 said:
Hey guys I got my EVO in the mail on Thursday, and do I love the thing! I have been reading about battery life and was a little concerned at first, but that was then. Last night I unplugged my phone at 7pm and it had a 95% charge. I played with it a bit and texted until around 12am. I did not charge it and started texting and using it for a while this morning around 10am. It is now 4pm and I have 49% battery. If this is what everyone is complaining about, im happy with it haha.
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Come back after you try using data for an extended time (texts don't need data connections most of the time), having your mail sync for even every 3 hours or so and facebook, news, weather or any other auto sync feature enabled. Watch your battery die as quick as a witch under water.
My email syncs every 10 minutes, and my weather syncs as soon as it can. (not sure how many minutes). My facebook updates pretty often. And I have news updating as well.
My phone is also NOT rooted.
I get fine battery life, with WiFi connected I get much better standby than when using mobile data. Turn mobile data off when I'm out and about and the battery basically doesn't move. But I still can get 20 hours of use if I'm not on my phone constantly. I only turn off mobile data if I think I need my phone to last more than a day. Like camping or something. I have gmail pushed and weather and all that good stuff synced every hour. Been playing with juice defender which does increase battery life pretty good but you can get the same effect by toggling your mobile data with the widget. Juice defender does turn on data every 15 mins for a minute to sync which is nice but it causes a little lag when you unlock your screen because it turns on data as soon as you unlock, a little annoying.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Jackk819 said:
My email syncs every 10 minutes, and my weather syncs as soon as it can. (not sure how many minutes). My facebook updates pretty often. And I have news updating as well.
My phone is also NOT rooted.
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I highly doubt this is possible especially on the stock battey. I personally know there is no way to have all those apps syncing at those frequencies on the stock battery and still get MORE than 9 hours of use. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=783364
Unless you turned off your phone somewhere in that timeline and are not telling that bit of info. With the sync frequency you just gave, I seriously doubt your battery numbers are even the correct ones you're giving.
lovethyEVO said:
I highly doubt this is possible especially on the stock battey. I personally know there is no way to have all those apps syncing at those frequencies on the stock battery and still get MORE than 9 hours of use. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=783364
Unless you turned off your phone somewhere in that timeline and are not telling that bit of info. With the sync frequency you just gave, I seriously doubt your battery numbers are even the correct ones you're giving.
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Well I am not goanna argue about it. It is what it is.
I'd like to see a screen shot of these 20 hours myself
HTC EVO4G A.K.A. Usain Bolt
Linpack: 34-35 MFLOPS Avg
Quadrant: 1500+
Kernel: King's #6 BFS
FPS2D: 54-55 FPS
ROM: Fresh 3.3
PRI: 1.77
Still goin, im at 31%
Jackk819 said:
Still goin, im at 31%
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Still doubt especially with no screenshoots of awake/uptime and system load.
lovethyEVO said:
Still doubt especially with no screenshoots of awake/uptime and system load.
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It says up time
Awake time
Just found this!
23h 15m since unplug
standby 39%
idle 35%
Android system 11%
Display 7%
SMS 4%
Jackk819 said:
It says up time
Awake time
Not sure what they mean.
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According to that, it says your phone has been powered on for 48 minutes and used for 15 minutes. Go back and check the link I gave in my first response and look at the screenshot most people would want to see.
EDIT: Saw your edit and your phone has been in standby most of the time. I personally am not impressed by standby times. But if that's what floats your boat then so be it. I personally have gotten 10 hours of CONSTANT use on the stock battery with apps syncing every hour and get 1.5 days normal use on my extended batteries.
i was able to get 7 days battery life with minimal usage as a simple phone:
I got 9 hours out of myn and for 7 I played music, i 5 of the 7 was listening to music on my sd card. The other 2 was streaming pandora, I was proud of the evo. Lol
Sent from my netarchy_toast, froyo beast of a machine evo!
proloss said:
i was able to get 7 days battery life with minimal usage as a simple phone:
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Where's the fun in that? Standby most of the time except for phone calls! You overpayed if all you wanted was a simple phone.
evohack99 said:
I got 9 hours out of myn and for 7 I played music, i 5 of the 7 was listening to music on my sd card. The other 2 was streaming pandora, I was proud of the evo. Lol
Sent from my netarchy_toast, froyo beast of a machine evo!
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Those are reasonable numbers and I have gotten that same use out of the stock battery. This phone is a joy to play with rather than letting it sleep all the time.
my lastest its not stock but ill take it before i recharged i was 10 mins short of 20 hours
Yeah, I have gotten a whole 24 hours out of myn, but that was when it was new with little on it , and its first root and rom.
Sent from my netarchy_toast, froyo beast of a machine evo!
I know that people talk about losing the first 10% in like 10 minutes, but has anyone ever noticed how long it takes to lose the last 10% of the battery? That sht is frustrating, going from 90 to 70 for me takes only about an hour, but the last 10% for me can carry me another 3 hours or so. My battery is teasing me.

Battery Life?

Is anyone else having issues with battery life? My wife reported that she was at 70% when she went to take a nap and when she woke up (around an hour later) it was at 30%. I don't have it with me so I can't look up battery stats but I know wifi was off. Even if GPS was still on, you'd think that 40% of a giant battery wouldn't go by in an hour.
I just want to see if its worth investigating as faulty hardware or if there is a software issue involved. She did have meebo running which is a battery drain but even on my captivate with trillian running I don't lose battery like that!
Mine has been absolutely disappointing to say the least. Seems to last less time than my N1.
MILES worse than my iPhone 4.
Is meebo a instant messaging app? A lot of them aren't coded very well and constantly use data therefore killing the battery terribly. I've had my phone on wifi all day since 8am and i'm still at 70%
2.2 isnt designed to take advantage of 2 cores. Therefore its probably horribly optimized. 2.3 if it gets around soon - should be far better.
My battery life is great here.... no complains havent charge my phone since last night at 6pm... i still have 40% left
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
jmbradd said:
Is anyone else having issues with battery life? My wife reported that she was at 70% when she went to take a nap and when she woke up (around an hour later) it was at 30%. I don't have it with me so I can't look up battery stats but I know wifi was off. Even if GPS was still on, you'd think that 40% of a giant battery wouldn't go by in an hour.
I just want to see if its worth investigating as faulty hardware or if there is a software issue involved. She did have meebo running which is a battery drain but even on my captivate with trillian running I don't lose battery like that!
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so far my battery lasts about 20 hours.
I turn off blue-tooth
turn off GPS, wireless is only on when I am near wireless spots
Normal day yesturday:
60 minutes playing WSOP game
40 minutes cell calls
40 texts messages
30 emails
40 minutes playing with settings exploring the phone...
look at whats sucking up your battering in the battery manager, then take adequate measures to fix the battery hogs. My battery gives me more than a full day of play and talk
mine's been off a charger for about 8.5 hours, and it's down to 20%. But it has been streaming pandora continuously for about 6 of those hours, so i'd say i'm doing pretty good. Mix in an odd phone call, playing, downloading apps, setting stuff back up, etc, and i'm not at all unhappy with battery so far.
psufan5 said:
2.2 isnt designed to take advantage of 2 cores. Therefore its probably horribly optimized. 2.3 if it gets around soon - should be far better.
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Stop spreading misinformation.
The kernel (which handles all low-level I/O on the device) is compiled for multiple cores (hence the SMP tag, which stands for symmetrical multiprocessing, under About Phone, under Kernel Version).
On top of that, the Android SDK supports threads, which is in turn supported by the kernel and therefore spread across cores.
I'm suspicious that Motorola is using a bugged battery level scheme or calibration. I ran the battery down from 100% to 5% yesterday. When I got the 5% alert, it was still going strong afterwards for 30 minutes of continual use (downloading apps over wifi and configuring them, browsing the web, etc) after. I eventually got too tired to keep going and see how much longer it'd last.
Does the atrix have better battery life then a captivate?
Of the charger at 7am, its now 2:42pm and im at 80%. I use the phone heavily but auto sync is off.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
jmbradd said:
She did have meebo running which is a battery drain but even on my captivate with trillian running I don't lose battery like that!
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meebo is awful, awful, awful at battery drain. Utterly awful. It uses a fairly inefficient way of checking for new messages and it kills battery life. Do not use it.
My Atrix battery life has been great so far.
rustak said:
meebo is awful, awful, awful at battery drain. Utterly awful. It uses a fairly inefficient way of checking for new messages and it kills battery life. Do not use it.
My Atrix battery life has been great so far.
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cool, thanks for the info! I've never used it before I just use trillian but its what she downloaded.
My battery life is impressive. Yesterday off of the charger at 10am and I didn't charge overnight. When I woke up today it was still at 40%. I did a ton of downloading apps, setup, playing games and web browsing including flash videos. I played a 14 track cd from it when I went to bed, but I had it in airplane mode while sleeping. I use the apps for FB and Twitter instead of having Motoblur do everything. My brightness is over 3/4 too so I'm not handicapping the device for battery.
Hmm interesting..i have been getting HORRIBLE battery life. Off charger at 7am, by 12 i was at 20%. Some background data but ive tried to limit all refreshing apps to once a hour.
ok I don't know how to check useage by app but...
under "battery manager" I can get to a screen that looks like my captivate battery useage screen.
unplugged at 70%, useage is as follows...
time since last unplugged:3h 27m
Display: 50% Time On: 30 mins
Phone Idle: 36% Time on: 2 hours 54 mins
Cell Standby: 16% Time on 3 hr 23mins
Currently sitting at 30%
I took mine off the charger at 7 this morning. After very heavy use, and auto sync with facebook and gmail on. I'm at 30%
By heavy use I mean downloading apps, emailing, texting, gtalk all day.
I would say it's pretty good. Much better then my nexus one.
sssp said:
I took mine off the charger at 7 this morning. After very heavy use, and auto sync with facebook and gmail on. I'm at 30%
By heavy use I mean downloading apps, emailing, texting, gtalk all day.
I would say it's pretty good. Much better then my nexus one.
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i expected it to be very good, its huge! The whole reason i'm posting this is to see if there is something wrong with her battery. The screen is usually the biggest battery drain on my phone (samsung captivate) but hers was only on 20 mins.
From my battery manager:
1d 3h 26m 13s since unplugged
That is 27.5 hours, including a whole day of heavy use. I'm at 15% battery.
This phone kicks ass.

Atrix Battery Life

I have been letting a couple of days go by to see how the battery is and I have got to say that I am highly not impressed. I love the phone and even like Blur but the battery is really a let down. I know that the first day or so that I use the phone heavily because of course.. ITS NEW. But today I have been real busy at work and have maybe text a few people, made 2 calls, and looked up a number using google maps and my battery is now down to 60%. In battery manager, it says 5h 2m 25s since unplugged which would be me taking the phone off the charger this morning and heading to work. Other stats are:
Display 35% 29m 52s
Phone Idle 26% 4h 32m 47s
Voice Calls 24% 6m 45s
Cell Standby 11% 5h 4m 5s
Wi-Fi 6% 1h 51m 56s
From looking at these battery stats and usage, does it even seem correct to be at 60% battery? This is at the least very minimal usage for a phone.
Yet another battery thread... One thing before people start complaining: don't estimate battery life based on battery gauge! Complain once the battery is dead and you HAVE to charge. That's the real mileage you'll get from your battery (and give it a few days to calibrate). The gauge is not a good indicator.
I am a new Atrix user too and so far the battery life is 12hrs or less. Maybe that is not impressive. Coming from the N1, its alright in my book.
I do want to say to everyone complaining about the battery life:
It can take a week or more for the battery to settle into the routine and perform to its maximum ability. Lets start the conversation again later next week on where our battery is at.
Yesterday I got 13 hrs between unplugging the phone, and getting the 15% warning. Not all that bad. Not great, but definitely could be worse.
mine has yet to drop below 30% and im pretty much browsing the web and texting all day. I dont care what kind of phone you have but making voice calls and playing games/watching videos kills battery with a quickness no matter how big a battery you have. . The atrix in my personal usage is just as good as my ip4 was.
the atrix was very good on battery life compare to other android phones i've had
Have the Atrix and Epic 4G and the Atrix lasts easily twice as long as the Epic.
I have to keep he Epic pluged in for my hour comute with pandora, just to make sure I have enough battery to make it for the trip home. Normal usage during the day with brightness all the way down, wifi off, BT off, sync On.
Had the Atrix today (day one after full night charge, unpluged at 6:30a), kept BT On, WiFi On, Brightness 100%, Sync On, Exchange Sync On, Auto off/standby set to 15 minutes, Pandora on via BT for my hour trip (unpluged), forest Live Background, Weather Widget etc.,downloaded everyting I could think of/find, constant e-mail, and constant "whatsApp" till noon (lunch), wache YouTube Videos for my whole hour lunch (still full bright mind you). Created 10 minute Install Video with 720p for work, then uploaded via WiFi, not USB. More Texing, Calls and Downloads. .... FINALLY haed to plug it in at 2:30p, with 5% battery left, I think I could have made it till 3 for sure.
That's a full 8 hours of NonStop Use of everything. I expect to get Morning-Night life from normal usage.
Final word. Test it first. I did and it's Great, not just good. The receiving end of all my texts and e-mail blasting and video look ups has an iPhone. He had to charge his at 2:30 too, but has his iPhone set to max battery save (brightness 15%, wifi off, sync off, etc.) But was using as intensly as I was
... okay I'm done ...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Well I must have a bad battery or something then because I am not doing nearly half the stuff that you are doing and am now at 30%. Is there any special charging methods or anything that I should try to squeeze out a few more hours on this puppy?
playin4sheezy said:
Well I must have a bad battery or something then because I am not doing nearly half the stuff that you are doing and am now at 30%. Is there any special charging methods or anything that I should try to squeeze out a few more hours on this puppy?
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may be you have several internet connected background service running behind the scene?
My attitude towards the battery is a mixed bag.
1) PRO: It blows away the battery for the Eris (which I'm coming from)
2) CON: As these phones come to be computers with phone capability, it's really time for manufacturers to try their hardest for better batteries. I'd eagerly accept a phone twice as thick as this one if it meant double the battery life.
I find mine is only good for 10 hours (much less with heavy usage, but low calling time). I expected more.
snlu178 said:
I am a new Atrix user too and so far the battery life is 12hrs or less. Maybe that is not impressive. Coming from the N1, its alright in my book.
I do want to say to everyone complaining about the battery life:
It can take a week or more for the battery to settle into the routine and perform to its maximum ability. Lets start the conversation again later next week on where our battery is at.
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I really call bull on this.
Coming from the world of Airsoft, I'm no stranger to battery performance.
Most of these performance myths are hold overs from the Ni-Cad days and don't apply to modern batteries.
Call Bull all you want. But it was true to the N1 and so far its been true to my battery. It does not last the first few days and gets better after a few charge cycles.
Frankly, everyone believes whatever they want on batteries. I for one take it as a user by user experience. I watch my battery life a lot, but I also like to have Google Reader and Google Listen syncing.
I'm at 30% right now and 12 hours unplugged. What I wouldcall moderate use. Its not as good as my captivate on custom rom / kernel but its far from bad enough.for me to complain about
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Andriod sucks the battery, bigger battery on Atrix didn't help much. Google need to optimize the OS for better battery management. I am disappointed coming from Samsung Focus & iPhone 4, both have superior battery life. BTW, I am on Day#4, conditioning the battery didn't help any so far..
Within Range
Looking at all the comments - I would say the Atrix is within range -- I knew when I saw the 1950 mAh (or whatever the exact spec) that the tegra processor must really be a power hog -- the new processor, along with the huge screen is going to draw a lot of power. Comparing to other phones with single core processors and screens even 20% smaller is not reasonable.
Definitely a good point... going to be interesting to see how well other dual core are going to hold up. That will be a better comparison.
Is that battery really a 1930mAH? The size looks like any 1500mAH battery isn't it?
I managed to get close to 16 hours of 'normal' use, meaning I wasn't trying to drain it, nor was I trying to conserve battery. I took the phone off the charger at 3pm and made it all the way to 2pm the following day with about 20% left. That's 23 hours, but I subtracted out the time the phone was on while I was asleep, 8 hours (nighttime mode).
Hmm hearing all these replies i believe i have a defective battery. I unplugged mine today at 5:15AM and now it's 2:18PM and it's just gave me the 15% beep. I've sent about 25 texts and played some words with friends. I've got watchdog installed and no apps seem to be out of control. I'm wondering if a factory reset would fix the issue or if i should return it.
True2TheGame said:
Hmm hearing all these replies i believe i have a defective battery. I unplugged mine today at 5:15AM and now it's 2:18PM and it's just gave me the 15% beep. I've sent about 25 texts and played some words with friends. I've got watchdog installed and no apps seem to be out of control. I'm wondering if a factory reset would fix the issue or if i should return it.
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try going to your dialer and entering *#*#INFO#*#*
Look under the battery usage and check the different items. Is anything using a significant amount? it could be a rogue app.
I will say MotoBlur has a lot running in the background. About twice as much as vanilla android.
I have turned most of this off and I do know that is helping my battery life.
