[Q] App seems to die on startup with no error message - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

My company has a Windows Mobile app that is a medical application all done in C++. There are no services that run on startup or anything like that. I have had a few customers from time to time mention that our app wont start when launched manually. There is no error message, it just fizzles out. The problem seems to persist between soft resets. Uninstalling/reinstalling the app doesnt help. Only a hard reset seems to correct it. There are other symptoms besides our application. After a soft reset and before attempting to launch our app the device seems sluggish. Active sync wont connect. Launching remove programs can take 30 sec to a min to bring it up. We have mainly seen this on Touch Pro 2's. We had only heard of it a couple of times until recently when one customer has had numerous ones happen in the last couple of months. It doesnt seem to happen when first using, only after device has been in use a while. Again a hard reset has been the only fix. Does anyone have any ideas where to look on this? Any help would be appreciated.

bump it up
bump it up

Do you use CreateMutex or FindWindow to detect a running instance of the application?
Windows Mobile uses some hidden top level windows without a message queue. If such a window exists, EnumWindows within FindWindow cannot return.

Thanks for your hard work !

Im not sure of the specifics, but we do have some code in there to detect existing windows and use those. The thing about it is that once it gets in this state it does it every time you try to launch, even after soft resets. A hard reset and re-installation of our app will correct it.

Some devices still have a wrong configuration of the object store. From this it follows that after every warm reset the file system carries out double entries in the notification database. This can lead to various problems.
The following one is only one effect of many: Activesync Connection Issue due to Redundant Notification Database Entry


Opening data connection

Hi there - I'm working on a Flash Lite application for PocketPC, which is designed to have web connectivity and for a single use event.
I've discovered that the only way to initiate and then maintain a data connection for Flash Lite is to open an IE window on WM5 and refresh it on occasion, then refocussing back on the Flash app.
I've tried the persistent registry key hack, which works fine when there is a connection, and does maintain it - however my application is for people wandering around in and out of "signal" coverage areas. So I really need my app to re-trigger the data connection somehow.
Flash Lite 2.1 does have GetURL commands, which I'm using, but once the data connection dies, nothing appears to re-establish it. So I've added an indicator to show this problem... but its a shame it can't reconnect on its own.
Any ideas guys?
I've even thought about a work-around - like task switching and "refreshing" the IE http session using the hardware buttons, because that does seem to work, but obviously its not the best user experience really - and obviously I want to keep my application running fullscreen rather than showing IE during that process - and confuse the user.
I've messed around with PQzII, to try this - but its pretty hard to configure... and the author hasn't responded to any questions - and I'm not really that sure it will do what I need in "the background" if you see what I mean!
Has anyone tried something like this, is there a simple standard app I can launch that is already in the Pocket PC windows folder to kick start this using a hardware button trigger if no such reconnect is ever going to be possible in the FlashLite environment?
I've looked on the Adobe site, several people are having this issue already - and information is scarce unfortunately!

HTC Home Weather Not Updating

Just got my Dash 3G, and I have found my first issue. The builtin HTC Home Weather app isn't updating. I have it checked to automatically update, but it doesn't. I have also tried doing a manual refresh, and still no luck. The only time it does seem to update is if I change my Homescreen, and it reloads. Anyone one having a similar experience? Any solutions?
thats a common issue with T-Mobile for years.
theres a few threads already constructed with possible solutions dating back to 2007.
just go thru the search function, see what comes up, theres way too many for me to post.
I had searched, but most of the posts were for other phones/OS's (6.0 instead of 6.1). Plus, I am not sure if the HTC Home Weather has changed since these other fixes were posted. I don't want to be mashing old fixes into my new phone unless I can be assured it will work. Probably means I will have to wait for someone else to be the guinea pig. Can anyone point to a fix they have confirmed to work?
Just restart phone and notice that it reloads. Myfaves automatically reloads no matter what homescreen you choose.. Have vista need to stop the sync
The problem is with connecting to the network, Mine refused to update until I changed my connection to always on, now it works perfectly. All you need to do is edit the reg:
This wont drain your battery as this is only a GSM network state flag and nothing is transferred, all it does is eliminate the connection wait time.
Connections\*your connection name*\AlwaysOn = 1
There will be two *your connection name* to look for, one is Data the other Internet
Thanks for the reply. I tried your suggestion, but still no luck. I am now having issues trying to get the initial update. (Had to do a hard reset). I've been looking at the registry entries at:
but I don't know what to edit to try, and fix the issue. I've changed the State and Status values at HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCHome\Weather. These seem to control which message the app displays such as "Add City", or "Unable to download..", etc. I've noticed the WeatherApp.exe process isn't running in the background by default, and that the value of the key HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCHome\Weather\Settings\UpdateCmd\ seems to be a date followed by a time. (2009,7,19,12,21,43) Any suggestions on what else to look at? Do apps referenced in the Registry default to the Windows directory? I noticed CommandLaunch references WeatherApp.exe, but I get no action when I hit refresh. Just wonder if that had anything to do with it.
Do others have this working? Sorry for the rambling post. Useful input or suggestions are welcomed.
mine wont update either tried 3 different networks.

Application closing automatically......only happens to me??

I found a strange behaviour in HD2.....or maybe in WM6.5.
When I open up a few applications, let the machine go to suspend mode, and then I turn it on again, I can see all applications there (with wmtask bar).
When I unlock the machine, some applications closed automatically (most common is IE, and a pocket dictionary).
While I'm watching movie, I need to lookup dictionary (poor English), everytime I turn on HD2, I need to load the dictionary again, again and again.
Also, after I login to ebanking to check stock price, and after a while I turn on the machine again, IE closed......I need to login again, again and again!
What's the problem? Can I control which application cannot be closed automatically? My HD2 sure have enough RAM (sometime I just open 2 applications!).
Please help...........
This is normal, wm closes apps itself to clean memory. No solution yet. Soft reset may help temporary, and running less apps in background. When you search you will find more topics on this.
stm2008 said:
I found a strange behaviour in HD2.....or maybe in WM6.5.
When I open up a few applications, let the machine go to suspend mode, and then I turn it on again, I can see all applications there (with wmtask bar).
When I unlock the machine, some applications closed automatically (most common is IE, and a pocket dictionary).
While I'm watching movie, I need to lookup dictionary (poor English), everytime I turn on HD2, I need to load the dictionary again, again and again.
Also, after I login to ebanking to check stock price, and after a while I turn on the machine again, IE closed......I need to login again, again and again!
What's the problem? Can I control which application cannot be closed automatically? My HD2 sure have enough RAM (sometime I just open 2 applications!).
Please help...........
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i googled, and found this, maybe helps

Internet Explorer Fails to Start

Hi. I have a new HTC Touch 2. On the 'Start' menu, there are a number of icons / applications. They all start with one tap. Except 'Internet Explorer'. The first tap on the IE icon, takes you back to the 'Today' screen, with 'Internet Explorer' briefly being able to be seen in place of 'Start', then the words disappear. However, the programme does not run. On tapping 'Start', again, and then tapping once on the 'IE' icon (again), it runs. This happens every time I want to use IE. Why? HTC Contact Centre suggested I place IE on the 'Programs' page and try that. It was the same. they have failed to respond to my response. Is there a remedy? Cheers. Dave
Although I can't help you solve this, my phone does exactly the same as yours.
The problem also shows up in email - when you click a link, you see "Internet Explorer" very briefly in the subject line, and then have to click the link a second time.
It does seem odd that a Windows powered device is insistent on using Opera by default, but I wondered if this was because IE was problematic.
Hi, dtmark. You may well be right. I figured that someone would have encounterted this before and know the solution. Maybe it's just you and I!
Hi. It's not a best solution but .... If you reset a phone (Start-Settings-System-Delete Memory) problem seems as solved. But you must install all apps again and before deleting you must backup your phone. It worked for me.
Thanks, Ondrej. HTC suggested a hard reset which is effectively the same as you suggest. I did that, and it caused other issues and did not fix this particular issue, so I'm a bit reluctant to try it again. Thanks, anyway.

Carmode problem- need help please!!

Guys I need some help please.
The phone is great but over the past 2 months I have noticed occasional stability issues like programs suddenly opening up when you turn on screen that haven't been selected etc.etc
There is a list of 9 common faults published including some where, for eg OK google was working fine but suddenly doesnt etc.
This week in CAR MODE I noticed this unexpected error that restarting, clearing app cache, clearing app data etc will NOT fix.
Everything was working OK and I changed nothing that could have caused this.
when selecting Nav from carmode home screen it asks you "where do u want to go?", as per normal.
When I open the search text box to enter the address where I want to go, instead of verbally telling it, it accepts text characters for about 3-4 sec then suddenly just goes straight back to the carmode home screen before you finish typing the info and then hitting search!! Every time.
This is extremely annoying as it is the only accurate way to give it an address as it often miss hears the verbal names.
I cannot find anywhere a way of downloading and reinstalling carmode version so it can reload whatever blasted line of code is suddenly corrupted and causing the problem. if it was a separate app I could just uninstall and reinstall it but it is part of the OS and even in Galaxy apps I cannot find the specific Samsung app.
I DO NOT want to do a factory reset and wipe my phone!!, that is a BS solution just as it is on a PC for trying to fix a minor windows error.

