Opening data connection - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi there - I'm working on a Flash Lite application for PocketPC, which is designed to have web connectivity and for a single use event.
I've discovered that the only way to initiate and then maintain a data connection for Flash Lite is to open an IE window on WM5 and refresh it on occasion, then refocussing back on the Flash app.
I've tried the persistent registry key hack, which works fine when there is a connection, and does maintain it - however my application is for people wandering around in and out of "signal" coverage areas. So I really need my app to re-trigger the data connection somehow.
Flash Lite 2.1 does have GetURL commands, which I'm using, but once the data connection dies, nothing appears to re-establish it. So I've added an indicator to show this problem... but its a shame it can't reconnect on its own.
Any ideas guys?
I've even thought about a work-around - like task switching and "refreshing" the IE http session using the hardware buttons, because that does seem to work, but obviously its not the best user experience really - and obviously I want to keep my application running fullscreen rather than showing IE during that process - and confuse the user.
I've messed around with PQzII, to try this - but its pretty hard to configure... and the author hasn't responded to any questions - and I'm not really that sure it will do what I need in "the background" if you see what I mean!
Has anyone tried something like this, is there a simple standard app I can launch that is already in the Pocket PC windows folder to kick start this using a hardware button trigger if no such reconnect is ever going to be possible in the FlashLite environment?
I've looked on the Adobe site, several people are having this issue already - and information is scarce unfortunately!


Questions From ex-Treo650 user

Ok I had gotten board with the lack of wifi and decent web browser on the Treo 650 that I decided to make the move to the 8125. I knew about the speed difference and some of the other issues discussed in these forums because I researched the device for months before making the move. Therefore I wont say much about that. Unfortunately I have a few issues that I can't seem to find answers for in this forum and I was hoping other users out there could help.
1. Is there any way of making the navigation pad useful? I cant access anything on the taskbar and it would be great if I could. I installed magic button so I can close apps and switch back to home when I want. Furthermore there is almost no documentation on how to use the nav pad. All application instructions say tap the icon. It's very convenient to have one handed use. for example i have yet to figure out how to get back to the location bar in Pocket IE so I can enter a url without having to tap the screen.
2. Is it common that some applications just freak out when you switch to landscape mode (scroll bars not working and such)?
3. As mentioned I installed magic button but is there an application that will pop up a list of running tasks so I can switch between them easily with the navigation pad.
4. Backup. I may be very wrong on this but I fear that active sync does not actually backup my entire device like palm does. Could someone clear this up and if I'm correct is there a way for active sync to do this. I have more programs on this device than what is on my add/remove prog screen.
5. Notification reminders. I see a feature to have the led for a period of time but it would be nicer if it could be set to play its sound also. Like the pagers of old.
6. Notification of lost service. This phone never tells me I have no cell service. Last thing I want is battery draining searching or worse assuming I have service and miss all calls.
If anyone could provide some info on the above it would be a great help. i have already found many other programs that make up for the lacking features. Below is a list of what I have installed please make any suggestions you think would be helpful.
1. AnthaVPN - easiest and fastest to install
2. TN520 by mochasoft
3. Pocket Putty SSH client
4. Eyes On Call - Callfilter like program with many features still limited but the developer is very quick in implementing suggestions.
5. Info sharp - same developer as above but this provides sms capabilities that are very impressive. He almost has chat style sms with the way this program works.
6. OMAPclocker - for clocking to 220. I actually see the difference.
7. IM+ - Sametime/AOL instant messenger client.
8. Info apps I have Metro, Ereader, Bdicty, VadeMecum
10. Registry Wizard
11. Calc98 - the built in calc app is a joke.
12. Xpressmail - dont care what anyone says this app does what it says it will do. Pushes email to your phone.
Thank You
- Richard

CellGPS for Windows Mobile? Upload GSM cell-id on periodic basis to HTTP server?

I'm looking for a simple application that will run in the background, and send the current GSM/UTMS cell-id to a web server on a periodic basis (via HTTP GET).
Basically a program like cellGPS ( but for Windows Mobile. I don't really care about GPS info, since that just sucks power (and doesn't work indoors).
What I'm trying to do here is enable my home automation system to know where I am, without sucking my phone's battery to death (especially since GPS won't work indoors). GSM/UTMS cell-id is 'close enough' for me.
The application would just hit a webserver on my home machine with the current cell-id ( on a definable period. My own app on my webserver would record that data into a database. I can then go back and use that data to let my home auto system know "hey, Justin's almost home, turn on the HVAC, lights, etc".
It needs to be able to run in the background, no annoying icons on the screen, and start up on phone reset.
I figure since it's just sending the cell-id (which is always available), it would be rather efficient and not use much battery power (especially since I usually leave Activesync on "instant" so the data connection is usually up anyway).
Other extensions to this would let my server update twitter/facebook/etc with "Justin's at ... home/work/etc now.".
Any ideas on where to find something like this?
I just want GPS-CELL Today Plugin - but nobody can help me
The only thing I've found even close to this is a facebook-specific app called FindMe.
blitzwurst said:
The only thing I've found even close to this is a facebook-specific app called FindMe.
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That thing is a buggy piece of junk. I tried it out and pissed off all of my friends when it updated my location 45 times in an hour.
But yes - it would be very similar to that - but it wouldn't maintain a local database.

Disable / Enable Data?

OK. I can usually find the answers to most of my problems but even the search button hasn't helped this time. I have a VZW 6800 and am too cheap to subscribe to their data plans. I want to keep the phone from autoconnecting to the VZW data network but need to be able to let it easilly connect to download MMS messages. Is there a program, preferable usable as a today screen plugin, that I could click on to enable and disable the data connection?
Thanks for your help.
edit: I have found the and that does what I want, I just would like easier access to the feature by clicking a single button on the today screen.
I found one that is pretty handy called Pocket Toolman by Clarence K Chau. It sort of utilizes the launch tray at the bottom of the today screen. It acts like nodata but seems to be easier to use since it automatically selects the cell phone connection so you can toggle quicker.
To get the data connection toggler to show up on the today screen, click on tools and then data connections. Make sure to check the box beside show data connections icon in tray. I also had to create a shortcut in the startup folder so that after a reboot the program will still show up on the today screen.
That is a good option and a step better than nodata since it is accessable from the front screen.
Anybody else have an option that can toggle the data on and off with just one click? PocketToolman is good but requires a couple clicks. I'd like to do this with one button.
I've been searching for a topic like this for a while now, trying to avoid creating a topic of my own!
Okay, so when I first purchased my XV6800, I didn't have a data plan so I read through the forums and I figured out how to completely remove the ability to access EVDO. Since then I've been thinking about getting a limited data plan and a program that easily toggles between allowing/denying connection to Verizon's data network would be awesome.
One problem---I actually forgot what and how I disabled my EVDO, but I do somewhat remember HTC_Guardian or something. I think I deleted that. Would anyone here be kind enough to assist me on how to get my connection back without having to hard reset? Thanks.
Bump. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I really hope I don't have to resort to hard resetting it.
bump i need this too. Just one click on of data connection (3g or hdspa) toggler

No Data????

Alright, I have been trying to get Modaco's Nodata CAB to work on my Wizard, but everytime I try it, it just gives me an error and doesn't work (it installs fine, but it won't work).
So, I'm looking for a fix... I don't have a data plan, and all I want to use the phone for are calls, SMS, and Wifi... anyone know a sure fire way to disable the data connection? (other than calling my provider)
Also, I posted this in another thread, but would the Comm Manager in my ROM work to disable data connections? It currently says that data connections are "off"... but I don't want to take the chance of it automatically turning on. But if the Comm Manager is actually capable of keeping the data connection off, then that should work for me, right? (the ROM that I am using is this one:
Thanks, and let me know if I need to provide more info or whatever. I just really need to try to avoid those kind of extra charges if I can.
You should just be able to put your phone in flight mode from your today screen with two taps. Tap your signal strength icon and then tap "Turn on flight mode."
As far as NoData is concerned: Is there anything else you've installed that might have similar functionality which could be conflicting with NoData? Also, the ROM you flashed is pretty bare. Are you sure your symptoms aren't from that ROM? I'd ask on that guy's thread, if I were you...
The only other thing I'd suggest is turning off automatic email downloads, and anything else you've installed that updates itself automatically (weather programs are NOTORIOUS for this, but any program is a potential suspect, so check them all). Just the email download is hitting the network a minimum of once every 60 minutes. Even without getting email, that's close to 2MB per month. That can add up to some hefty bill, especially while roaming.
Myrddin Wyllt said:
You should just be able to put your phone in flight mode from your today screen with two taps. Tap your signal strength icon and then tap "Turn on flight mode."
As far as NoData is concerned: Is there anything else you've installed that might have similar functionality which could be conflicting with NoData? Also, the ROM you flashed is pretty bare. Are you sure your symptoms aren't from that ROM? I'd ask on that guy's thread, if I were you...
The only other thing I'd suggest is turning off automatic email downloads, and anything else you've installed that updates itself automatically (weather programs are NOTORIOUS for this, but any program is a potential suspect, so check them all). Just the email download is hitting the network a minimum of once every 60 minutes. Even without getting email, that's close to 2MB per month. That can add up to some hefty bill, especially while roaming.
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Thanks for your reply. The Comm Manager has a button to turn on/off flight mode, so I should be able to do that pretty easily (I can reach the COMM Manager in 2 taps as well). It also has one to turn on/off Wifi, Bluetooth, Cellular Radio, and Data Connection (maybe one more, but I can't remember it at the moment... my Wizard is at home). My question concerning the Comm Manager is whether or not keeping the Data Connection setting "off" will act as a "disabler" (meaning, if I keep it off, it won't come on automatically or anything at any time unless I turn it on). If it truly does work like that all the time, then I should be set... I just don't know if it does or not.
The ROM is pretty bare, but I don't think I've downloaded anything that would conflict with NoData. The only CAB files I've put on there are SPB Mobile Shell 2.1, PCM Keyboard, TCPMP Player, Total Commander, and BatteryStatus. I know Mobile Shell has the Weather program, but so far it has only updated itself when I have synced it to my PC. I haven't set up my email yet, but I would definitely turn off automatic email downloads no matter what.
So basically, it all kind of depends on whether the "Data Connection" tab in my Comm Manager is capable of actually stopping my phone from connecting to the data network when I have it set to off. Or if there's a way to fix the NoData CAB, then that should work too. But if anyone knows any other options/solutions (again, other than calling AT&T and having them block all data... which I can do, but I'd rather just do it myself), please let me know.
It should work. I can't speak to the specifics of your ROM, so if it doesn't work, you'll have to take that up with the cook, not me.
You can easily test this, though. In the comm manager, turn off the phone radio. Then try to open your web browser, and surf to something (it caches the home page, so that's going to show up anyways...). If you get out, then the phone is accessing the network after you "turned it off."
Also did you see the note from the developer's post on
Note that if you get bizarre registry errors on toggling, you need to app unlock your device (e.g. with SDA Application Unlocker).
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Myrddin Wyllt said:
It should work. I can't speak to the specifics of your ROM, so if it doesn't work, you'll have to take that up with the cook, not me.
You can easily test this, though. In the comm manager, turn off the phone radio. Then try to open your web browser, and surf to something (it caches the home page, so that's going to show up anyways...). If you get out, then the phone is accessing the network after you "turned it off."
Also did you see the note from the developer's post on
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Yeah, I guess I just skimmed over that note at but anyway, I tried it (using the SDA Application Unlock tool, which worked successfully) to no avail. The same error came up while trying to run the NoData CAB (I reinstalled it). The error reads:
at NoData.frmMain.PopulateListBox()
sender, EventArgs e)
ventArgs e)
eNotify(Boolean fVis)
ble(Boolean value)
(Form fm)
at NoData.frmMain.Main()
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I still haven't tried your suggestion with the Comm Manager yet (kind of waiting for a response in that other thread first)... but it looks like the NoData CAB isn't going to work unless someone knows how to fix whatever the error message is saying.
awillquik said:
I still haven't tried your suggestion with the Comm Manager yet (kind of waiting for a response in that other thread first)... but it looks like the NoData CAB isn't going to work unless someone knows how to fix whatever the error message is saying.
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Since I don't think NoData is being actively developed any more, you're probably SOL for a repair/update from them...
Try this: delete both NoData and the App Unlocker. Install the App Unlocker again, then install NoData. The installation may have been fouled by the Wizard because app loading wasn't unlocked at the time.
you ALWAYS get error, when GPRS/etc settings are not SET.
this program is A MUST, and it is working FINE.
I think what nothin is trying to say in his (her?) exceptionally charming way, is that if you had done a Google search for your error and clicked on the very first link, some reading would reveal your problem.
While it could have been done without the e-screaming, nothin does have a point about doing a thorough search for solutions before posting.
Haha, it's fine, I probably need to have some sense knocked in to me once in a while. Thanks for all of your help though... I guess I just don't need the NoData CAB to avoid data plan charges. At least that is what it is looking like. But thanks again. And this thread can be closed or whatever.

CDMA HTC Hero Concerns

I am a noob in the Android community, but not to forums of this like. I have searched everywhere for my concerns, but found nothing but post with the same questions and no answers. When I do find the answers, they all seem to revolve around the GSM version and not the CDMA. All the solutions seem to be only for phones rooted (GSM.) PLEASE this IS NOT a revision of the "CDMA Sub-forum Request" thread, but a unified list of what I observe to be issues with the CDMA version of the HTC Hero. My observations are based on experimenting with the Hero and also other threads, which coincide with my observation. I am also aware that 1.6 may fix most of these issues, but 1.6 where you at? As a former WM Mogul/ Touch Pro user I am used to quick fixes with "cab files." From what it seems, I don't think Google likes this type of approach, cause I haven't found any of that sort. So to begin:
1) Bluetooth - Though stereo headset connects, it doesn't connect automatically when I turn it on. I have searched, but is there another way to just turn my Bluetooth and not have to download a toggle or go in to settings to shut the bluetooth on the phone off and on? Is there a tweak to make this connection to go faster? 3 times with me and numerous times with other CDMA Hero users I know have dealt with issues where it won't connect or it would connect, but in 5min.s
2) Notifications - This one is for the users who want a tad bit more privacy. I downloaded ChompSMS (which I recommend,) but why do we have to download an application to simply make it so no Notifications show up on the front of the lock screen. I guess you could say I am a private user who doesn't want to use a lock code. I tried shutting off Notifications, but it completely shuts off notifications. Is there any sort of tweak that will allow notifications to alert ONLY through sound and vibration and show up on the notification bar without the number and message?
3) Movies - I know Google hates AVI files so I downloaded a converter for MP4. I know this is 1 thing that 1.6 is said to fix, but does any one have a fix for this Choppiness or are we doomed till 1.6 comes out?
4) Applications - Alot of Sprint junk (need I say more?)
5) YouTube App - How do we keep it at High Resolution?
6) Who are the major Players in hacking this phone? - For WM I could name many from Mighty Mike to Psyki. Who can I run to for this CDMA version of the HTC Hero? Tried to search around, but found people like myself asking questions as opposed to people giving answers. I guess cause the community isn't as big
7) Scrolling - Is it me or is there some choppiness when scrolling through the phone. Now the phone is smoother than most WM devices available, but I see the stuttering on the scrolling and some of the transitions of the phone.
8) Any alternative to tweak the phone besides rooting the phone
9) Why can't we get Gmail to push on the Email Widget?
May seem like alot of qualms with the phone, but it is only a spec of how I feel about the phone cause I Love it. Also I am aware that maybe 1 or 2 of the questions have been asked. I want new CDMA users to be able to find a unified thread that will answer most of the issues that i found relative to other CDMA users I know. I know alot of users cause I see them all the time. I actually work for Sprint and I am also an official advocate for the phone. I have been steadily doing my research, but the ones explained above I have no answers to. Please do not close my thread because you think it is a repeat thread. It is questions regarding CDMA and CDMA only, cause all the other threads are Ambiguous. I don't know if they are for CDMA or GSM only. Instead of bashing could I get a reply like "1)," or "1) and 2) this is how you solve the issue" or something of the like. Since I don't know anything about making tweaks, this is my way to find a solution to this vast CDMA problem of not finding solid answers. Oh yeah, please if you leave us new CDMA users a link, don't leave that link that leads us into Google search or XDA search. I already know about that one. Thanx people
For question 2 about the sms notifications in the bar but not displaying a preview of the message, I use handcent vs chompsms. I like the UI better and it incorporates numerous options for notifications, including showing a new message icon in the notification bar without displaying the message preview.
My only real concerns on the phone are A] battery life. I'm doing a lot of testing on this and should have some solid baselines soon. B] Trackball sensitivity. I love the idea of using a trackball for navigating parts of the UI, but it is just too darn slow. One half of a revolution of the ball for example only moves the cursor in a text field one character. This is horrible. It takes a long time to scroll back the beginning of the text. For now I find myself just using the touch interface for most of what I would use the trackball for. There has got to be a fix for this.
I am also a Sprint employee and offical advocate for the CDMA Hero. Looks like we share a lot of common concerns. Coming from WinMo and Blackberry, i was excited about the Andriod platform, but it seems like (maybe because the phone is so new) that there AREN'T any major players yet. I've read several forums here on Xda about people showing interest about rooting but not much about actual attempts. i have tried several methods built for the GSM versions, but all have failed. Myself and another guy were sucessful in getting the phone into bootloader, but I'm hesitant to flash a GSM rom onto the phone even though 1.6 is supposed to have native CDMA support. Anyhow, let me know if you find anyhting and i'll do likewise.
I still haven't figured out how to tether my cdma Hero. I keep getting errorcode 65 and 67 when I try to use the mobile network sharing on the phone.
I believe you will find that Sprint have disable tethering - i.e. it's a network issue, not a phone issue.
Try PDAnet (google it!) as I've heard this gets around this.
tethering sucess
ive managed to tether my sprint hero using both the native 'mobile network sharing' and pdanet.
the pdanet one is pretty easy to use, but to use MNS, you have to install the NDIS driver. You have to install HTC Sync, but this does not install the NDIS driver directly, just gives you access to it which is located in the HTC Sync install folder in the usb drivers sub-folder (can't remember the exact name of it).
You have to go into device manager and find the unknown device that represents the phone and manually update it.
Once installed, it should add a network connection and you should be all set.
dom2114 said:
You have to go into device manager and find the unknown device that represents the phone and manually update it.
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I think I need you to be a little more specific about this: What was the item you updated in your device manager? I checked my driver and the downloaded version of HTC Synch installed the NDIS driver and automatically generated the connection on the My Connections page (Win XP) but I still get the error 67 when I try to connect to the internet.
dom2114 said:
ive managed to tether my sprint hero using both the native 'mobile network sharing' and pdanet.
the pdanet one is pretty easy to use, but to use MNS, you have to install the NDIS driver. You have to install HTC Sync, but this does not install the NDIS driver directly, just gives you access to it which is located in the HTC Sync install folder in the usb drivers sub-folder (can't remember the exact name of it).
You have to go into device manager and find the unknown device that represents the phone and manually update it.
Once installed, it should add a network connection and you should be all set.
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pdanet says fail to open device for file transfer
and MNS still will not work after selecting the ndis driver
yeah, i got that error message every so often...i just disconnected it all, turned MNS off, connected it back up, then reenabled it.
i will try again later on tonight and get back to you

