AT&T Webcast about Atrix Dev Mar 29 @ 11AM PST - Atrix 4G General

Hey everyone, being as this is a webcast about Android Development I'm not sure if it belongs here or in "General" so Mods please move it if you think it doesn't belong.
Anyway, lets get on the AT&T webcast tomorrow and bug them about bootloader access, you do have to register to participate but it's easy enough. It begins at 11AM PST and says it is an hour long. You need Microsoft Office Live Meeting (or you could call in) but it's free to download.
I fully realize that this may be a futile action but in my experience persistence pays off and I'm not done bothering them quite yet, maybe 6 months down the road if they still aren't doing anything for us I'll give, but not yet!
Aside: I'm assuming that since this uses full featured meeting software there will be an opportunity to ask questions.

Awesome! Yes, please do! It worked for HSUPA, it is worth a shot.

...why would you bug AT&T about a Motorola device? Waste of effort.

Ririal said:
...why would you bug AT&T about a Motorola device? Waste of effort.
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Greg Wilson, Technology Evangelist, Motorola Mobility
Greg is a Technology Evangelist at Motorola Mobility, helping developers to create the best possible Android applications. Prior to joining Motorola, Greg was at Palm (and its various incarnations) doing similar work for the Palm OS developer community. Greg has been programming since the early days of the microcomputer, and has written software for programmable calculators, IBM mainframes, and an assortment of microprocessor architectures and microcomputer operating systems.
Peter van der Linden, Technology Evangelist, Motorola Mobility
Peter is the Android Technology Evangelist within the Developer Tools and Technical Services team at Motorola. He is not afraid of bugs, and has a collection of several prize bugs (software only).
They work for Motorola.

youareme7 said:
Hey everyone, being as this is a webcast about Android Development I'm not sure if it belongs here or in "General" so Mods please move it if you think it doesn't belong.
Anyway, lets get on the AT&T webcast tomorrow and bug them about bootloader access, you do have to register to participate but it's easy enough. It begins at 11AM PST and says it is an hour long. You need Microsoft Office Live Meeting (or you could call in) but it's free to download.
I fully realize that this may be a futile action but in my experience persistence pays off and I'm not done bothering them quite yet, maybe 6 months down the road if they still aren't doing anything for us I'll give, but not yet!
Aside: I'm assuming that since this uses full featured meeting software there will be an opportunity to ask questions.
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Make sure to point out the number of people that want this.

I'm not going to be able to watch and partcipate for this. I would like if someone could record this conference.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

Ririal said:
...why would you bug AT&T about a Motorola device? Waste of effort.
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Because AT&T is behind 99pct of the problems with the Atrix:
- No Side Loading - AT&T
- Reduced Speeds - AT&T
- No Root Access - AT&T
Motorola made it pretty clear pre-release they wanted to open up the bootloader, AT&T obviously shut that down.

maybe they will give us the key for the bootloader, probably not, however its a good place to voice our concern

hate_Romania said:
maybe they will give us the key for the bootloader, probably not, however its a good place to voice our concern
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I doubt it. I asked in their MotoDev forum.

I'm not sure if it would actually do us any good, but I mean i guess it would be worth a try. Who is all gunna be the conference tomorrow??

I think (When it comes to their "bootloader solution") what they meant to say was "We do what we think is right when it comes to working with devs and customers, and will continue to do so in the future". And, what everyone took that to mean was "THEY ARE GONNA UNLOCK THE BOOTLOADER FOR US". I'm not saying I agree AT ALL, I just sometimes try to look at it from both sides.
I definitely want this thing unlocked, but I'm not counting on Moto to do too much about it. Not to say opinions shouldn't be voiced!

No one should be blaming ATT for the locked bootloader. Motorola's Droids (except for OG Droid) all have been locked down and they are on Verizon's network. Feel free to blame ATT for upload speeds, fake 4G, no sideloading, global warming, etc...

The Motorola employee that's going to be there is an application developer. He's unlikely to know anything about, much less have an answer for, anything about the bootloader. Harassing employees makes the entire community look bad and childish. If you have a REAL problem with it, other than bandwagon hatred for something a lot of you clearly don't understand, follow the appropriate channels. Lawyer up and file a formal complaint. Harassing them over the internet won't get you anywhere. If you REALLY believe that it's changed anything so far, I'm sorry you're that ignorant.
All the whining and harassing got nowhere, but when a thought out, well written petition was put into place and formal requests were made, look what happened: Motorola released their source. They didn't do it to "appease the masses", or to "shut us up." They did it because the proper channels were followed and they honored that. You have to understand that the amount of people who want the bootloader unlocked is a very, VERY small portion of their total userbase. It's entirely ignorant to claim that everyone wants this. Motorola isn't some evil overlord who wants their users to hate them. They're a business. Do you honestly think they'll care if a few hundred users out of the hundreds of thousands they have leave over the bootloader being locked? Unlikely. They've recognized the issue, and have announced they will have a solution for developers soon, which is more than they're even obligated to do in the first place. They don't owe you anything, having such an entitled attitude is hurtful to the entire process. Be patient.
I mean no disrespect to anyone in particular, so please, be respectful and mature of the situation. If you don't like it, that's fine, voice your opinion respectfully.

I second Ririal. Those two that are going to be presenting tomorrow are evangelists, and are going to be pretty in the dark about the situation.

I think the chat will be very interesting. Devs being there should be good for a prediction on where Moto plans to take the Atrix... wonder if we can ask questions in a round about way to see if they slip on how they unlock the bootloader to develop on the phone... lol yea I know wishful thinking this isn't a cartoon or movie lol but one can dream... I'll try and make the chat and see if I can record it for you guys
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App

I have school at that time but can someone do me a favour and bug them about his.
Its common with half the people that unlocked the Atrix.

I have a meeting tomorrow and can't participate in the webcast.
However, would somebody _please_ tell them that there are companies out there who really want to develop applications for the webtop.
I have the go-ahead at work to port our primary Linux/X Windows application to the webtop on the Atrix, but cannot move forward so long as hacking/rooting the device is necessary. We can only develop using officially authorized channels.
Thanks in advance for anyone who can bring this up to them.

Ririal said:
The Motorola employee that's going to be there is an application developer. He's unlikely to know anything about, much less have an answer for, anything about the bootloader. Harassing employees makes the entire community look bad and childish. If you have a REAL problem with it, other than bandwagon hatred for something a lot of you clearly don't understand, follow the appropriate channels. Lawyer up and file a formal complaint. Harassing them over the internet won't get you anywhere. If you REALLY believe that it's changed anything so far, I'm sorry you're that ignorant.
All the whining and harassing got nowhere, but when a thought out, well written petition was put into place and formal requests were made, look what happened: Motorola released their source. They didn't do it to "appease the masses", or to "shut us up." They did it because the proper channels were followed and they honored that. You have to understand that the amount of people who want the bootloader unlocked is a very, VERY small portion of their total userbase. It's entirely ignorant to claim that everyone wants this. Motorola isn't some evil overlord who wants their users to hate them. They're a business. Do you honestly think they'll care if a few hundred users out of the hundreds of thousands they have leave over the bootloader being locked? Unlikely. They've recognized the issue, and have announced they will have a solution for developers soon, which is more than they're even obligated to do in the first place. They don't owe you anything, having such an entitled attitude is hurtful to the entire process. Be patient.
I mean no disrespect to anyone in particular, so please, be respectful and mature of the situation. If you don't like it, that's fine, voice your opinion respectfully.
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Agreed Ririal.
The petition I've started doesn't actually complain about anything, it asks for an announcement at the very least. Just something for Developers to be hopeful for. It also just requests an option for Developers not for everyone.
We are working very hard to follow the right channels on the topic and generate positive support to show Motorola that there is an enthusiastic user-base out there.

ikenley said:
Agreed Ririal.
The petition I've started doesn't actually complain about anything, it asks for an announcement at the very least. Just something for Developers to be hopeful for. It also just requests an option for Developers not for everyone.
We are working very hard to follow the right channels on the topic and generate positive support to show Motorola that there is an enthusiastic user-base out there.
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Absolutely. I saw your petition and have signed it. I'd love to see them, at the very least, give us an answer. We may not like it, but at least we'd have one instead of empty promises right now. No need to get upset about it, though

electronaut said:
I have a meeting tomorrow and can't participate in the webcast.
However, would somebody _please_ tell them that there are companies out there who really want to develop applications for the webtop.
I have the go-ahead at work to port our primary Linux/X Windows application to the webtop on the Atrix, but cannot move forward so long as hacking/rooting the device is necessary. We can only develop using officially authorized channels.
Thanks in advance for anyone who can bring this up to them.
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Being able to create/load webtop apps would be an awesome feature that would turn the webtop from an interesting sideshow to a must-have.
I am hesitant to spend anything on the lapdock because I don't think it would be much more useful than the phone itself. If I could throw OpenOffice down on there or something using apt-get then I would totally buy it.
I understand that Moto might want to control the user experience, as nobody is going to be doing any high-powered computation or gaming on it, but third-party apps would be really neat.


!!!green colored!!!

While happily chugging along on some of the stuff that I hope to release to you all, I've made a very disturbing discovery, which makes me feel almost like the Big Man turning green. Angry. Pissed. Greatly disappointed!
First some background.
Everyone worth their 'droid knows about the Cease & Desist letter sent to Cyanogen.
Many of us know the same happened to Conflipper from Shipped ROMs.
Rumor has it the same happened to
Yet it appears there are still people around who like poking at the beehive (yes, killer bees!) that is the phone industry and their armies of lawyers. Things that are GUARANTEED to piss them off BigTime.
I'm not going to drop list of names here, I hope their conscience will speak to them on a quiet night or something.
The morale?
Besides being against the rules of most mod/tweak/hack forums out there, charging for someone else's stuff is probably the biggest reason for lawyers to go after websites hosting 'official', 'unofficial', 'leaked' etc. ROMs: lawyers merely have to google for "premium membership", "costs", "donations" etcetera.
Please people, stop doing this, or there will be a time when Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, Motorola, Nokia and whoever else will simply pull the plug on online firmware updates and start telling people to take their phones to the shop for updating, eFuse and all. Needless to say, the vibe of the modding community will suffer with it.
I was the first (as far as I can tell) to post about Kies test mode, I'm willing to put time and effort in making a tool to allow people to update to and backup ANY firmware using just Kies (no need even for a registry hack), maybe even use Kies update module on non-Windows OSes (well, those that support Wine), help with developing Heimdall, fixing the FM radio, etcetera. Please allow others and me to go on doing this.
- Don't steal others' work only to lock it up and start charging money for using it.
- Be honest and open about your discoveries.
- Be respectful of the services you use, don't hammer them needlessly.
...and the list goes on.
What's this all about? No need to pay for firmware update requests, use Kies and one or two simple, free tools (coming soon) to get them. Less noise in the forums about the inner workings, which could attract angry lawyers from far away.
That's all.
Well said mista, lets hope some take note.
i mean really?
I thought got a cease and desist because of having Samsung in the name and make people assume they own and are responsible for the site...thats why Samsung-firmwares made a new site with a different name..
Hmm, why mention Cyanogen's cease and desist letter in a post that has nothing to do with him whatsoever? It's not like Cyanogen was asking money for anything and the reason behind his C&D was entirely different.
As for, they had it coming and got what they deserved (and obviously didn't get it at all, looking at their current activities...)
Case_ said:
Hmm, why mention Cyanogen's cease and desist letter in a post that has nothing to do with him whatsoever? It's not like Cyanogen was asking money for anything and the reason behind his C&D was entirely different.
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True, he wasn't asking money. I added him to show that lawyers can be set off barking at anyone involved in hosting OR selling someone elses intellectual property. I should have been more clear about that.
As much as I think that IP is just imaginary property, I cherish the modding community and their great work too much. I'd hate to see the same happening to us.
Hah! Just seen the new Samsung firmwares temporary page. This is just priceless. For those who don't understand Czech, they say there that everyone from Czech republic is blocked from the site and can't even register for their "premium services", because, apparently, "Czech people were spreading our firmwares illegally".
Edit: Sorry. As it was just explained to me by the owner of Samsung firmwares, the site on that URL has nothing to do with them anymore and apparently is someone's idea of a great joke...

Motorola Bootloader Petition (>10K sigs & Moto Response)

Visit Groubal and sign the petition:
Facebook Page:
UPDATE (14th June 2011):
We are now over the 10,000 mark.​
I have now spoken with Motorola and gotten confirmation that Motorola plan to unlock every device that will get an update in the second half of this year. This will include maintenance & firmware updates, but is still subject to Carrier approval.
The promising sign is that Verizon has already allowed Motorola to unlock a device on their network, the Xoom, which utilizes the unlockable/re-lockable model that Motorola intends on using across their devices.
I'm still looking to work with Motorola in the coming months to help see if we can make this a smooth process for Motorola and the community.
You can read the article here:
Please share this where you can and keep it alive. I will continue to work with Motorola to see if we can get this thing torn wide open.
UPDATE (26th April 2011):
We are now at ~8,700 mark.​
Motorola has now responded to me, stating that they are looking at unlocking bootloaders across their devices late 2011.
The article for the story can be found here:
We're still seeking clarity around whether this will be for current devices or only future devices.
I couldn't have gotten this far without the support of everyone here. You guys and girls have been a huge support and help me turn this snowball into a wrecking ball.
Please share this where you can and keep it alive. I will continue to work with Motorola to see if we can get this thing torn wide open.
Previous Update (4th April 2011):
We are now at ~7600 mark.​
We're starting to slow down from our initial boom, so I have now set up a Facebook page to see if we can wrangle in some supporters that don't use Twitter or XDA.
I will need your help getting this out there. So share the facebook page where you can.
I'm also looking to see if anyone is interested in helping me Moderate the page. Please PM if you are.
Original Post:
Hi All,
I have created a Groubal (online petition) to get a response from Motorola on it's bootloader policy.
>>This petition started for the Atrix, but I made sure that it was for Motorola's overall Bootloader Policy. I have reached 200 signatures in 2 weeks, but now believe it's time to expand this out of the Atrix space and into the larger Motorola Dev community.
You guys and your silly petitions. They wont and don't ha e to do anything.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
DarrellRaines said:
You guys and your silly petitions. They wont and don't ha e to do anything.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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What can I say, I'm idealistic.
IMO waste of time.
Moto thinks they're God. Also, odds are your gorilla glass will be cracked before this bootloader.
On the other hand, class-action lawsuit is more appealing. Somehow get a lawyer to argue the users right to UTILIZE the hardware, as moto isn't. Lawsuits are the only thing corporations understand.
I did sign it, but I got no hopes...
tical2k said:
IMO waste of time.
Moto thinks they're God. Also, odds are your gorilla glass will be cracked before this bootloader.
On the other hand, class-action lawsuit is more appealing. Somehow get a lawyer to argue the users right to UTILIZE the hardware, as moto isn't. Lawsuits are the only thing corporations understand.
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While litigation may be the way in the U.S. it is not the way in the land down under. We have Government appointed watchdogs that provide avenues for complaints and comments. If a complaint is sufficiently raised to an Ombudsman the company the complaint is about is charged a fee for every day the complaint is not resolved.
Unfortunately the Atrix is not commercially available in Australia and thus I cannot pursue this in a typical Australian way.
If suing the pants of Motorola is likely to work, then I encourage any U.S. Citizens to do so (but only after carefully considering the cause and affect).
I am simply encouraging everyone to focus their complaints rather than spreading it across so many channels and losing it's potency.
Also: in all honesty, it's not really wasting that much time, since I would normally be wasting this time flashing experimental Roms, which I can't do due to obvious readons.
Signed and linked to on Facebook. It's no more a waste of time than flashing a rom...
edit hehe. You beat me to the waste of time comment
Signed it just a second ago!
I'll sign but this has a much lower chance of succeeding than the AT&T service petition, and I'm not convinced we'll see many results from that one.
CC Lemon said:
I'll sign but this has a much lower chance of succeeding than the AT&T service petition, and I'm not convinced we'll see many results from that one.
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But there's no harm in trying is there?
I think that when compared with the DroidX and Droid2, this phone will be available around the world. Verizon is one of the only carriers that still uses CDMA and thus smaller consumer base for the Droid series Motorola phones.
Once the Global Atrix's are released we should see a lot more attention as well as the European Unions attitude towards anti-competitive behaviour might force an inquiry.
Once again, I'm a tad idealistic and am very keen for your support as well as your constructive feedback.
signed~! but i only put 1% of my hopes in this and the rest 99% in the developers to crack the bootloader themselves!!
I support your cause; I have signed.
irenic said:
signed~! but i only put 1% of my hopes in this and the rest 99% in the developers to crack the bootloader themselves!!
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Well put. I signed.
With the new SBF file available we could start seeing more development, but would still be great to hear something from Motorola.
haha.. as if motorola cares. you already bought, its a done deal! they even promised 1080p recording on the specs sheet followed by "(in the future update)".. i seriously dont think there will be an update on this thing..
before you buy, they promise lots of things, "in the future update".
after you gave buy and after a while try asking for the update.. these f*cktards will just say... "what update?"
my hope leans more on supporting the developers who are working hard to crack this wonderful device.. rather than wasting time begging to motorola after you shelled out that sum.
noblewolf said:
haha.. as if motorola cares. you already bought, its a done deal! they even promised 1080p recording on the specs sheet followed by "(in the future update)".. i seriously dont think there will be an update on this thing..
before you buy, they promise lots of things, "in the future update".
after you gave buy and after a while try asking for the update.. these f*cktards will just say... "what update?"
my hope leans more on supporting the developers who are working hard to crack this wonderful device.. rather than wasting time begging to motorola after you shelled out that sum.
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Completely agree, but in all honesty, I had the time to waste.
The Dev's really are the ones that will get the bootloader unlocked or bypassed before motorola even decides to do anything.
The Dev threads are starting to get really exciting.
Sent from my MB860
Just a reminder to anyone who wants to get an official statement from Motorola to go to
and tweet or facebook to as many as you can.
Continuing the Battle
So we're up near the 200 signature mark now for the Petition. I've been in touch with Motorola about 6 times in the last 2 weeks, not giving up on this one though.
My last response from them was:
Dear Irwin,
I do apologize but there is no definite timeframe yet for the announcement of the bootloader solution for our mobile phones. Updates for the Motorola ATRIX will be posted first at I'm so sorry for that inconvenience.
We hope that you find this information useful and look forward to assisting you in the future.
For information about Motorola products and services, please visit us at
Thank you for contacting Motorola e-mail support.
Best Regards,
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So it's not a flat out denial of an imminent bootloader solution, but we're no closer either.
I will now create similar posts in the other Motorola forums on XDA and see if we can get our Brothers & Sisters to join the party.
I know there are a lot of skeptics, but I will keep trying. I don't have the skill to help the Dev's crack the phone, but I do have the patience to make our voices heard.
ikenley said:
So we're up near the 200 signature mark now for the Petition. I've been in touch with Motorola about 6 times in the last 2 weeks, not giving up on this one though.
My last response from them was:
So it's not a flat out denial of an imminent bootloader solution, but we're no closer either.
I will now create similar posts in the other Motorola forums on XDA and see if we can get our Brothers & Sisters to join the party.
I know there are a lot of skeptics, but I will keep trying. I don't have the skill to help the Dev's crack the phone, but I do have the patience to make our voices heard.
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"bootloader solution" can mean anything. it can even mean staying with their locked bootloader is their solution.
dLo GSR said:
"bootloader solution" can mean anything. it can even mean staying with their locked bootloader is their solution.
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Very concise point, but if you review this statement, then it's in context.
Which is all included in the Groubal.
Signed. Maybe someone should design a B&W 8.5x11 printout that can be posted at universities to drum up support... I'm in a CS program and I'm sure there are more than a couple who would take the 2 seconds necessary to sign- I just don't know any of them personally!

{Everyone} Help Fight For Unlocked Bootloaders

Finally today i had enough... I filed a formal complaint with the FTC against motorola and all other mobile device manufacturers out lining the cause and effect of these companies selling us devices that we are made to be only users of rather than owners and administrators the devices we purchased. Nothing will change until we make some one step in and set the rules, i am encouraging everyone here on xda to do the same ... here is a link to the example complaint i filed and the link to the appropriate form to be filed
Can I still do this as a Canadian Citizen or is it only for Americans?
mafiaboy01 said:
Can I still do this as a Canadian Citizen or is it only for Americans?
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could not hurt...
even though I don't own this device anymore I still filed a complaint. Rooting this device is much easier than the HTC Inspire. I hope they listen.
Good luck with this. You'll need it. No sarcasm intended.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
t0dbld, I read your complaint and don't take my comment as negative but your complaint is full of grammatical errors. The case in point about Samsung keylogging has been debunked. But your example is always a possible scenario. AT&T data capping speeds for all phones but the iPhone is something we could mention as crippling.
I'm 100% in favor of unlocking our phones boot loader. <-- Samsung false alarm article.
Again, I don't mean any disrespect. I appreciate the developers who help the Android community, especially the Atrix.
Here was my submission:
Motorola makes and sells a device called the Motorola Atrix. They have, in the boot-loader, added a cryptographic signing check that prevents any software not created, and signed by Motorola from executing on the device. I believe this business practice to be monopolistic, and anti-consumer. While modifying the operating system voids any warranty on the device, as a consumer purchasing this device I should have the option to modify, or improve the device in any way I see fit.
In short: Motorola is exhibiting monopolistic business practices by locking the device down and disallowing third party operating system software to be installed.
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t0dbld said:
Finally today i had enough... I filed a formal complaint with the FTC against motorola and all other mobile device manufacturers out lining the cause and effect of these companies selling us devices that we are made to be only users of rather than owners and administrators the devices we purchased. Nothing will change until we make some one step in and set the rules, i am encouraging everyone here on xda to do the same ... here is a link to the example complaint i filed and the link to the appropriate form to be filed
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I smell an april fools setup post.... if not.. everyone remember what day tomorrow is.
mafiaboy01 said:
Can I still do this as a Canadian Citizen or is it only for Americans?
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kdoodle said:
t0dbld, I read your complaint and don't take my comment as negative but your complaint is full of grammatical errors. The case in point about Samsung keylogging has been debunked. But your example is always a possible scenario. AT&T data capping speeds for all phones but the iPhone is something we could mention as crippling.
I'm 100% in favor of unlocking our phones boot loader. <-- Samsung false alarm article.
Again, I don't mean any disrespect. I appreciate the developers who help the Android community, especially the Atrix.
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I replied on the blog but i will reply here as will in case you did not read , that is a blog, i am not concenred with errors or anything there, also that was not my EXACT complaint as i did not want it to just get copy and pasted hence taking away from my formal complaint, while i appreciate your support and interest , i do think your time would have better used to file an actual complaint as per my request , rather than writing me a 2 page comment about mine either way good to have you on board, and make sure yours is well written
You should have let me proof that prior to submission. Other than it being way to long, over technical, and demonstrating piss poor English it did actually make some points! No hard feelings bro
The problem is that corporate America will not read our complaints, they simply don't care about anything but their bottom dollar. The bottom dollar is protected by the boot loader. New features? Go buy our new device!
The way I see it, we have two options.
A.) Petition our government to impose regulations and implement new laws to control these corporations and protect our consumer rights. But wait, doesn't our government make a lot of money off this industry in every aspect? How much tax did you pay when you bought your device? Ever look at the taxes on your phone bill? It's rape any way you cut it. It's not the 'sleeping with your girlfriend while she's passed out drunk' rape. It's more like the 'in the alley, behind a dumpster, while it's raining and dark getting raped by an HIV infected ex-con bum' rape. So my point is, the FTC is a government subsidiary and our taxes pay their salerys. We have established that they enjoy to rape us and we pay them to do it. Keep up the complaints, they just might change their outlook on life. For now, I would say option A can be scratched off the list.
B.) Start a revolution. Unite, gather our firearms, cordinate our forces, and take our country back!
Or someone smarter than I could just crack the damn boot loader... That's all i have for now, time to burn one
Submitted complaint
Moved to general as not android development
tical2k said:
I smell an april fools setup post.... if not.. everyone remember what day tomorrow is.
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ummm are you that dense this is not a joke
thedude420 said:
You should have let me proof that prior to submission. Other than it being way to long, over technical, and demonstrating piss poor English it did actually make some points! No hard feelings bro
The problem is that corporate America will not read our complaints, they simply don't care about anything but their bottom dollar. The bottom dollar is protected by the boot loader. New features? Go buy our new device!
The way I see it, we have two options.
A.) Petition our government to impose regulations and implement new laws to control these corporations and protect our consumer rights. But wait, doesn't our government make a lot of money off this industry in every aspect? How much tax did you pay when you bought your device? Ever look at the taxes on your phone bill? It's rape any way you cut it. It's not the 'sleeping with your girlfriend while she's passed out drunk' rape. It's more like the 'in the alley, behind a dumpster, while it's raining and dark getting raped by an HIV infected ex-con bum' rape. So my point is, the FTC is a government subsidiary and our taxes pay their salerys. We have established that they enjoy to rape us and we pay them to do it. Keep up the complaints, they just might change their outlook on life. For now, I would say option A can be scratched off the list.
B.) Start a revolution. Unite, gather our firearms, cordinate our forces, and take our country back!
Or someone smarter than I could just crack the damn boot loader... That's all i have for now, time to burn one
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OK nice ridiculous rant , for the last time that was not the EXACT complaint, secondly the FTC is the closest government agency that would have anything to do with this so what do you think we are doing, third please mr 420 hippy do something on your own than, to many times i have been given suggestions by pot smoking liberals with all the answers... yet never once seen them step up to the plate, while my self on the other hand has a long documented court history for the things i believed in and stood up for, i am not against any method of trying to draw attention and get results as this is not about the phone in my hand today but the future of the industry, so please try any method you wish but than do it and than give us your lesson about rape and pot smoke and alleys as the rest of us act with actions.... not long drawn out imaginative story's after "burning one" than dont make any real sense or have any relevance
No not dense, just real. Why would THIS make a difference, the community has been *****ing about bootloaders being locked for ages. Just throw another *****ing complaint in the pile, they don't care. Get a lawyer pack that can combat ATT and/or moto. Are you THAT dense to think you can make a difference. Dont get me wrong I like your spirit and you have an ethos, but not enough money to fix it. sorry face reality.
tical2k said:
No not dense, just real. Why would THIS make a difference, the community has been *****ing about bootloaders being locked for ages. Just throw another *****ing complaint in the pile, they don't care. Get a lawyer pack that can combat ATT and/or moto. Are you THAT dense to think you can make a difference. Dont get me wrong I like your spirit and you have an ethos, but not enough money to fix it. sorry face reality.
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your right.... give up and win, why vote either your vote doesnt count so who cares
t0dbld said:
your right.... give up and win, why vote either your vote doesnt count so who cares
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Nice rebuttle. And for the record I vote... right down the middle to maintain chaos, because politics are only good when they don't do anything unless they both parties agree on it. If you dont like the bootloader being locked why buy it? Also why not return it.
tical2k said:
Nice rebuttle. And for the record I vote... right down the middle to maintain chaos, because politics are only good when they don't do anything unless they both parties agree on it. If you dont like the bootloader being locked why buy it? Also why not return it.
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Your missing the point entirely , this is not about my motorola atrix, i could care less and mine will be unlocked sooner than later... this is about the fact that they have no right to make us users on devices that we own, we own it we deserve to have administrative rights as well as the option to load what ever software we want on it... period
Go away, troll
t0dbld said:
Your missing the point entirely , this is not about my motorola atrix, i could care less and mine will be unlocked sooner than later... this is about the fact that they have no right to make us users on devices that we own, we own it we deserve to have administrative rights as well as the option to load what ever software we want on it... period
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I end with a quote from Swimming with Sharks (a great kevin spacey movie btw):
"Look, I can appreciate this. I was young too, I felt just like you. Hated authority, hated all my bosses, thought they were full of ****. Look, it's like they say, if you're not a rebel by the age of 20, you got no heart, but if you haven't turned establishment by 30, you've got no brains. Because there are no story-book romances, no fairy-tale endings. So before you run out and change the world, ask yourself, "What do you really want?"
I submitted it.
Everyone please do this it doesn't take any time.

Let's make a big campaign to get JB's kernel for Atrix!

Hello guys,
Recently Motorola canceled ICS update for Atrix, but i'm wondering: did they started the dev and left middle way, or did nothing at all? If they stopped middle way, we might be able to use they kernel (it's what we need right now), and that would be awesome.
Ofc, Motorola won't release them easily. But what if we ask? What if we make a campaign on social networks and Android websites, and make it really loud? I'm sure i saw this happening for other stuffs, so why not our phone?
My idea is pretty simple:
We setup a hotsite with a simple message and users just have to click on the button referent to his social network to share the campaign. On Twitter, we can mention Motorola's profile, to be sure they are hearing us.
I already have the template ready, and it looks kinda like this:
I also have a VPS with Nginx + microcache, PHP-FPM and APC ready to go, so it's able to handle a big spikes of traffic (Digg/Reddit effect). What i need right now is the domain and, ofc, the message to be posted on social networks and on the hotsite itself.
We also would need to think about a name for this campaign (the name of the domain). Like i said, server is ready, template is ready, we only need the messages and a domain, since i can't pay for that at the moment.
As an alternative, we could also use this idea to get JB officially, but i think most of us would install a custom ROM anyway.
List of suggested domains so far: (the chosen one)
What do you guys think? Worth doing it? Anyone up to pay for the domain? I will setup a donation button, if anyone is up for paying a domain, just donate
EDIT: The name of the campaign will be Update My Moto! The message for the hotsite and how it looks, can be see here:
As soon as we get the domain, i will close this thread and create a official one for the campaign. Let's rock guys!
Obs: sorry for my English.
might work if you also include other way to file a complaint against moto like via BBB. Motorola might not care about us when we complain to them but moto might care about losing the BBB accreditation. So include other methods like that.
Deafcyclist said:
might work if you also include other way to file a complaint against moto like via BBB. Motorola might not care about us when we complain to them but moto might care about losing the BBB accreditation. So include other methods like that.
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You can count me in on making as much noise as we can on the matter.
I think it is worth trying. I doubt we would succeed. But worth trying anyway.
So all you need is a domain? No hosting account?
What about: or
upndwn4par said:
I think it is worth trying. I doubt we would succeed. But worth trying anyway.
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Why you doubt it will succeed? I can try to get it on Gizmodo and lots of other bug websites, since i myself own a big Ubuntu website at Brazil. I think we can make this get pretty big, and Motorola would end up listening.
upndwn4par said:
So all you need is a domain? No hosting account?
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Yes. We need to come up with a good name for the campaign and a good domain. I also need someone to pay for the domain, since with all the servers i already pay and other stuffs, i'm pretty much out of money haha
Oh, we also need a message that cause impact.
upndwn4par said:
What about: or
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Added to the suggestion list
Deafcyclist said:
might work if you also include other way to file a complaint against moto like via BBB. Motorola might not care about us when we complain to them but moto might care about losing the BBB accreditation. So include other methods like that.
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What is "BBB"? I'm sorry, don't think i know it. But as long as it have a share-able link, i'm able to add it.
julian_fern said:
Why you doubt it will succeed? I can try to get it on Gizmodo and lots of other bug websites, since i myself own a big Ubuntu website at Brazil. I think we can make this get pretty big, and Motorola would end up listening.
Yes. We need to come up with a good name for the campaign and a good domain. I also need someone to pay for the domain, since with all the servers i already pay and other stuffs, i'm pretty much out of money haha
Oh, we also need a message that cause impact.
Added to the suggestion list
What is "BBB"? I'm sorry, don't think i know it. But as long as it have a share-able link, i'm able to add it.
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"BBB" Stands for the Better Business Bureau. It's a consumer agency that takes complaints and helps direct it at the appropriate place. They work with the company and consumer to resolve the dispute. They cover businesses ranging from carpet cleaning to food to cell phone companies. Some companies tout their high rating with the BBB, like a report card, so they value it staying high.
How about or
I kinda like the ring to "RetakeMotoAtrix"
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Lugaidster said:
How about or
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we need to gather more moto users (photon, etc)
myphonecanhasICS --> the best so far
Vote me in. I have already tweeted with hashtag #motofail
Anything with "icanhas" it's too meme-ish to be taken seriously, IMO.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
I doubt Motofail will care about all the noise.
I'm sick and tired of these corporations/companies walking all over dedicated customers and getting away with it, so you can count me in as well. Even if we don't succeed, I'd be glad to get back at this lying, backstabbing company with some negative publicity.
I don't think it will work because big corporations are stupid. They look at us and think they have only pissed off a few thousand users. They forget that people like us tend to be tech support/advisers for our friends and family.
I agree with jhonnyx that we will need support from other device groups too. I know the Photon got screwed, but what other devices? It would be helpful to post in their forums as well. This should also not be limited to xda. There are many other forums as well. Maybe once we get a little more organized. This will have to be a huge effort to succeed.
This campaign will also have to be clean and catchy. Nothing related to motofail. Motorola will never draw attention or succumb to anything like this.
Why not motoupgwanted... That way it could be used for more then just us?
All you need is domain? Cost what $10 a year, why not set up donation button I'm sure you can get 20 of us to give .50 cents (cost est)
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
I have already submitted the following post in the usual Atrix ICS thread but I thought it would be useful in this tread as well.
"Just wanted to provide another pointer as to why it is possible to take legal actions and possibly criminal prosecution, in countries where it applies, against Google/Motorola. Security fixes, rather the lack of, from GB 2.3.4 to JB 4.0.1. You want to remember the latest security flaw in Android about a crafted web page that can wipe Android phones without a possibility to recover the lost data.
Why Atrix users should be left without the security fixes and how Google will propose a solution?"
Furthermore to what I have said in above I am certain that only a legal campaign will solve this problem, anything else would be waste of energy.
We already have enough valid technical reasons to argue the case but we need members with legal expertise in matters like this. In my opinion launching two legal precedents, one in Europe and the other in USA, would get us to a proper settlement. Please remember this is not really about just Atrix whereas about two corporates that ripped off consumers without a shame in bright day light.
Hey Motorola, just give us the drivers we want, and step away from the Atrix!
Seriously, is that too much to ask?
Count me in.
However, I also don't believe Moto will deliver. But if we can make some bad publicity to them, let's do it. They deserve it.
Fishmoose said:
Anything with "icanhas" it's too meme-ish to be taken seriously, IMO.
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... I agree.
Im in and also i wrote in the photon forum.
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app

The Lineage OS team needs to issue a formal apology

The April Fools "prank" was immature, unprofessional, intrusive, invasive, and overall in poor taste.
I've completely removed LOS from all of my devices and have moved back to stock or alternative ROMs and refuse to support LOS from now on.
I believe the team must issue a formal apology to their long-time supports who make them who they are. This "prank" was completely foolish and unnecessary.
I initially thought you were trying to trick me into installing a crypto miner on my device.... and now I don't trust you one bit.
I'm done with LOS... but you still owe us an apology.
I can not say that I disagree with you. On a scale from 1 to 10 of smart moves, this one scored about -15 on my card. But, usually the sort of heartfelt and genuinely sincere apology you seek travels along with a remote possibility, no matter HOW remote, of redemption at some point in the future. One does not have to forget in order to forgive. An apology to the scorched earth? What would be the point? It also appears that you have been with CM since older times, so did you feel the same sense of rage at THEIR 01 April pranks? And yes, we might be comparing apples and oranges in terms of the severity of the "dumbness" involved, but if I knew someone was blowing me off for all time I would be less inclined to worry about issuing an apology to them. If they want people to support them going forward (and with close to 2,000,000 active installs, any one of us is probably worth about as much as snail turd on the ocean floor) maybe it is time for the LOS user base to say "enough is enough." And who , knows, maybe they will just go away and leave all of us alone, but I hope not.
Can we still trust in the concept of open source? The prank code has been reviewed in a public visible process. Why hasn't there been a warning in forums and social media?
Monthly payment removed.
In a word, yes we can .....
kurtn said:
Can we still trust in the concept of open source? The prank code has been reviewed in a public visible process. Why hasn't there been a warning in forums and social media?
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Like many others viewing and posting here, I found the Lineage 01 April "joke" to be, at best, sub-optimal. But let us not "throw the baby out with the bath water." Please consider the following: ALL of the individuals who have viewed the XDA forum postings about this constitute well less than 1% of the installed base of active builds of LOS. Apparently, the other 99% is either blissfully unaware of what some of us perceive as a world threatening problem or they just don't give a rip. Any one individual, no matter how prestigious within this circle, isn't worth 2,000,000 users with respect to the weight of their opinion. If the LOS 01 April build "joke" had simply gone through the display of some dumb messages, informed the user it was a joke, then politely self-destructed, we would all be applauding the LOS Team for being so clever. So what we really have here is a coding error accompanied by (hopefully, and I believe this to be the case) no malicious intent. I can not and would not DARE to speak for everyone else looking at this, but God knows I have made my share of coding errors over the past few decades. If we tar and feather every programmer who makes a mistake, or does something we disapprove of, we will shortly run out of programmers, since ALL of us have failed at some point along the way if we are willing to be HONEST with ourselves. NOW, should the Lineage OS user base politely suggest that "enough is enough" with respect to April fools' jokes? Perhaps so. I politely suggest to the LOS Team that they post a survey for interested parties to respond to, and consider the responses accordingly.
Also, it doesn't matter if the code was publicly reviewable, since you can't necessarily trust or inspect every part of the rom or OTA infrastructure (might have been a hijacked download etc.).
This was in extremely poor taste. For me to remove the message, I have to root my device and install a terminal emulator or editor with access to the root file system.
Imagine I installed LineageOS on a friend's phone (perfect example: my mother). How freaked out would she be and ever trust her phone again? How would you expect her to fix this? This wasn't funny, especially in a time like this, where there is security breaches, malicious crypo miners and other problems all over the place.
I don't see how a formal apology would benefit anybody, but since the original thread was closed, I want to point out that this should never be repeated and people's privacy should be respected.
Absolutely Correct
eViLsTieFel said:
Also, it doesn't matter if the code was publicly reviewable, since you can't necessarily trust or inspect every part of the rom or OTA infrastructure (might have been a hijacked download etc.).
This was in extremely poor taste. For me to remove the message, I have to root my device and install a terminal emulator or editor with access to the root file system.
Imagine I installed LineageOS on a friend's phone (perfect example: my mother). How freaked out would she be and ever trust her phone again? How would you expect her to fix this? This wasn't funny, especially in a time like this, where there is security breaches, malicious crypo miners and other problems all over the place.
I don't see how a formal apology would benefit anybody, but since the original thread was closed, I want to point out that this should never be repeated and people's privacy should be respected.
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Which is precisely why the collective expression of dissatisfaction from this community (and others) must be significant and coordinated. Lots of people - self included - are not at all pleased with this whole scenario, but if all that is done is for a few people, regardless of their relative prominence, to rant it shall not make any difference. There is also that old adage that one catches more files with honey than with vinegar, so a firm but civilized expression of our collective dissatisfaction is likely to be more effective than calling for people's heads to roll.
Here it is
kurtn said:
Here it is
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And of course we shall now probably have the inevitable follow up ranting from those who find the apology insufficient
For MY money, I think they realized they went a bit over the line and will try to make sure that history doesn't repeat itself next year. Forget ? NO. Forgive ? YES. Fun is fun, as long as everyone understands that it is supposed to be fun, and THAT is often difficult to do. A really artistic April fools' joke would deliver the content, make itself known as such, and then gracefully self-destruct, leaving no traces and not requiring the next update to un-do it. It requires more programming talent to do it that way, but when oohs and aahs replace frowns and rants, hopefully it would be seen as worth the effort.
Back to WORK ..... :crying:
I'm happy to see an apology but this was beyond dumb. I'm surprised that much effort was made and no one realized it. I hope to see better taste from the team in the future.
RBMacGregor said:
I'm happy to see an apology but this was beyond dumb. I'm surprised that much effort was made and no one realized it. I hope to see better taste from the team in the future.
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Honestly did it really harm anyone? No so y not just appreciate all the work that they do for the community and so what its one day a year y not celebrate it with something worth doing I mean so what it took effort to get rid of it they said Sry to please all those that feel wronged by a harmless prank so let it go
Sent from my XT1766 using XDA Labs
Yes, that prank was in extremely bad taste, but now it's time we all moved on. I'm not going to abandon LineageOS, as I will be hurting myself a lot more than anyone else.
I do not understand the complaints of you, guys. LOS team is working hard on a great free operating system for our phones and tablets and we do not have to pay a penny for it. We should appreciate their work and not to complain about this innocent joke. LineageOS is far the best open system for Android devices and I will support it like before.
wizzardsk said:
I do not understand the complaints of you, guys. LOS team is working hard on a great free operating system for our phones and tablets and we do not have to pay a penny for it. We should appreciate their work and not to complain about this innocent joke. LineageOS is far the best open system for Android devices and I will support it like before.
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Agree and most custom ROMs are based off their hard work they do for us
Sent from my XT1766 using XDA Labs
skullkid383 said:
Honestly did it really harm anyone? No so y not just appreciate all the work that they do for the community and so what its one day a year y not celebrate it with something worth doing I mean so what it took effort to get rid of it they said Sry to please all those that feel wronged by a harmless prank so let it go
Sent from my XT1766 using XDA Labs
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Jupp, it harmed me. Maybe I am a paranoid fool, but as soon as I saw the mining-message I googled for it, didn't find anything and wiped my phone. Though I have backups it took me about eight hours to get everything up and running again, as I don't rely on the google cloud...
I do not click on any messages if there is the smallest suspect of my phone beeing hacked. So I had no chance to find out, that this was ment as an April Fools trick.
My fault was, that I did not read the changelog. But to be honest: I don't want to have to do this weekly for my phone!
Anyway, I am really thankful for the good work of the developers of lineageos, so let's get back to party and do better next time.
Am I we only one who finds that April fools are not really funny at all? I am always happy then the day is over.
jho55 said:
Am I we only one who finds that April fools are not really funny at all? I am always happy then the day is over.
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My local newspaper has had funny jokes. And the date is next to the joke and the next day there is a report on what was a joke and who was fooled to go to some fake event. That's OK.
It's not OK to get pranked on April 6th for a whole week.
I just figured out it was a Joke because I am behind on my updates. So I google the Joke Warning as Real or Fake? lol I'm relieved it was a joke. I don't need an apology, just a how to remove the persistent Warning. Should I connect the phone to my pc to access a terminal? I'm not particularly Tech Savvy, sorry. I run LOS and appreciate their hard work. So no complaints are justified. Thank you
Maybe @xanthrax or @SacredDeviL666 can take a look at this thread to determine if it's still needed to be open.
I believe that after the formal apology from the Lineage Team and the time since then makes for a lesson learned and time to move on to bigger and better things. :thumbup:
Thank you very much for your understanding...
I DO NOT provide support via PM unless asked/requested by myself. PLEASE keep it in the threads where everyone can share.
Thank you all.
Let's all get got some coffee and donuts now that the team has said and accepted.
Who wants americano ? see you all there at the coffee counter :highfive:

