Screen burn in - Galaxy S I9000 General

I was playing a game last night when I have noticed that where my baterry icon and clock is, the screen is a bit grey. Now I have been reading on this forum a lot about amiled burn in but how is it posible to have it that fast?
I mean I have this phone for like 7 months and I allredy see this burn in effect.
Is it normal to have it that fast?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

7 moths is more than enough for burn-in...

it begins in 3 months.
should consider yourself lucky if you got it in 7 months.
a word of advice, just ignore it.
don't take it as a big deal or you will just be annoyed all the time lol

nedooo said:
7 moths is more than enough for burn-in...
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Well even though its understandable that the pixels there will wear out eventually being always shinning
I believe its more susceptible for having the screen ON with a static image which includes browsing, google reader, etc meaning all apps that have the status bar ( not fullscreen mode) for few hours (not minutes)
Also OP there is a slight memory effect in my opinion on these screens, means that when you switch from status bar to non status bar screen you can notice it there (grey background mostly).

To be honest, it is very very hard to notice that there. The only problem is I have been planing to use this phone for at least 3 years.(I realy like this phone), but if the burn in goes so fast I won't think it is possible.
I wonder how much a screen cost. Doea eny of you know?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

One way to reduce the chance of burn-in is to reduce brightness, and avoid static images on screen. In Launcher Pro I disable the status bar for this reason.
I've had my Galaxy S for about ten months now, and still no sign of the screen burn.

I haave put my brightnes on automatic.
I won't disable that bar because it is to practical. If there could be a way to auto hide it somehow.
Btw: thnx all for the tips and for the fast answers.
Also sorry for the writeing mistakes to.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

My SGS is 5 months old now and i never put brightness to automatic but 35-50% and still there is no such sign...

I have it since 2 months after purchasing, Display ist always auto-dimmed.
On the picture u can see the clock and some of the battery indicator.

I have pretty heavy notification bar burn out on my Galaxy S after 5 months of use. I'm now using the Launcher Pro hide notification bar on the home screen settings, however the damage has already been done.
I also don't think that the damage arises from the home screens since we spend more time in apps and browsing then in the actual home screens.
Google prohibits hiding the notification bar while your in an app for some reason. They claim that the notification bar is integral and essential to the android OS that's why devs can't simply hide it or remove it from their apps. It's a shame and there was a thread started on google code about AMOLED screens and the Android Notification bar causing burn out.
Check it out here:
The request to hide the notification bar was denied by Google.

I just checked it again by *#0*# and then click blue and i can see "AM" visible @ upper right corner & some shades where there is battery icon. It is not prominent and only showing over blue background but still it is annoying....
Is there a way to fix it?

buntoo said:
Is there a way to fix it?
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AM would suggest you use your phone in the morning more then the evening right? I mean if I would get a burn in it would be a combination of PM and AM (oh I use 24h but just hypothetically)
So either you really use your phone more in the morning OR you left your phone on for a longer period when it was AM time OR what you see is not a burn in, just a "slight" memory effect that could wear off (doubt that). However I would go for that second option, that means leaving the screen on while AM :/
There is no way to fix it. Fixing it would mean to let the other pixels wear out whilst the AM space would be saved. On a plasma/lcd (PC/TV) screen you could do that and I bet the first one who does some APP like this for android will make money from it. But to actually decrease life of the other pixels just to have it even would make your screen loose color etc etc etc. And imagine to wear out the WHOLE screen just to hide the AM
Dont know if there is a way to "infuse" life into the aging pixels. Would be awesome.
The thread about hiding the bar. I think google should give in and let us make it hide able. However I think a better approach would be to acknowledge this a manufacturing defect of amoled screens and for Samsung make way of prolong the life. Something like they have on plasma via pixel shift/double pixels (but no all active like on the next gen of Amoleds) etc (wont help the burn in in long time, but will for sure prolong the life )

It is not just samsung. Nexus one has the same problm with the screen from what i know.
A good program to try and fix the problem is the jscreenfix that is in the market( that is if it is a 'memory' problem). and also ffor others to check if they have wear out problems see: "dead pixel test'

PAGOT said:
AM would suggest you use your phone in the morning more then the evening right? I mean if I would get a burn in it would be a combination of PM and AM (oh I use 24h but just hypothetically)
So either you really use your phone more in the morning OR you left your phone on for a longer period when it was AM time OR what you see is not a burn in, just a "slight" memory effect that could wear off (doubt that). However I would go for that second option, that means leaving the screen on while AM :/
There is no way to fix it. Fixing it would mean to let the other pixels wear out whilst the AM space would be saved. On a plasma/lcd (PC/TV) screen you could do that and I bet the first one who does some APP like this for android will make money from it. But to actually decrease life of the other pixels just to have it even would make your screen loose color etc etc etc. And imagine to wear out the WHOLE screen just to hide the AM
Dont know if there is a way to "infuse" life into the aging pixels. Would be awesome.
The thread about hiding the bar. I think google should give in and let us make it hide able. However I think a better approach would be to acknowledge this a manufacturing defect of amoled screens and for Samsung make way of prolong the life. Something like they have on plasma via pixel shift/double pixels (but no all active like on the next gen of Amoleds) etc (wont help the burn in in long time, but will for sure prolong the life )
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I wouldn't call this a defect really.
OLED is a new generation technology and thus, it has many disadvantages as well as advantages.
I'm sure it will get improved in no time.
People who bought the phone should have really researched before making up their mind

PAGOT said:
So either you really use your phone more in the morning OR you left your phone on for a longer period when it was AM time OR what you see is not a burn in, just a "slight" memory effect that could wear off (doubt that). However I would go for that second option, that means leaving the screen on while AM :/
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There must be some sort of memory effect adding to this, since on mine, when I notice the problem, I can virtually read the current time! The hours are clearest, and the minutes more blurred as you would expect... but this and the even clearer AM / PM part suggests that part of what is seen is the memory of what has been show recently. Note, I'm not saying there isn't permanent damage too, as I'm certain there is, but I haven't figured out how long the memory effect lasts for, and therefore a suitable means of removing that from the equation to see what is permanent damage.
If you could leave the screen off for (say 12 hours? or maybe longer?), and then get the device to wake-up straight into a full screen coloured graphic (without showing the status bar even briefly), you could be more sure what you were seeing was the permanent state of burn-in. Does such a testing app exist, or could one be created?

I think it is PM, not sure as P or A is not clear but M is easily visible... And what is this Memory effect? Any solution for memory effect?

Burn-in would be permanent damage to the screen. It would be caused by those pixels being used more and "wearing out" quicker, and would be visible as those pixels being degraded by always displaying less intensely than those around them. Hence being visible as a ghost image of the signal strength, battery meter, time, AM / PM etc.
Memory effect (assuming it really does exist - as I suspect) would appear to be the same thing, but only on a temporary basis. i.e when the time and signal strength meter etc. has been displayed for a while at the top of the screen, and you shift to full page of a suitable colour, you would still faintly see the time still in that corner. However how visible it was would depend on how long you'd recently had the screen on for, how brightly, and how recently ago those screen pixels had been used.
The main difference between this and burn-in would be that leaving the device/screen off for while would reduce how visible the ghosting was.
If what we were seeing was only memory effect and no burn-in, then leaving the device off for a while would cure it completely.
If what we were seeing was only burn-in, then there would be no difference based on recent usage... the ghosting would remain at least the same, and in fact slowly get worse each week or month.
If, as I suspect, both have an effect, then there is slowly increasing permanent damage occurring, but also, it will look even worse when the screen has just been used brightly. Leaving the screen off, would reduce a proportion of the damage.
Since I personally mostly use the screen at minimum brightness (and even have it extra dim at night using "screen filter" app set to 10-15%!), mine does definitely have some permanent damage, but might have a lower proportion compared to someone who uses the screen on full brightness all the time. So using the time as an example, I can see the current hour clearest, and if the screen has been off a while, my ghosting is quite dim and blurred (but still visible).
Someone who has more major damage, might not be able to see the difference between memory effect, and burn-in, as their burn-in would be too prominent.
First time a new phone is used, it shouldn't have ANY burn-in (unless factory testing left some), but would still display some memory effect.
Over time, the permanent burn-in would increase to the point where it was ultimately FAR stronger than any memory effect. In between these two extremes, is where I suspect most of our devices sit, except for the heaviest users!
This is my experience and hunch, but I haven't been able to definitively prove it.
Oh, one final difference between memory and burn-in. Memory effect will be overall crisper and influenced by the most recent usage ("A" or "P" will show more strongly based on which was used most recently.. and hour might be crisper than minutes), whereas burn-in will always be more blurred in areas that change (i.e. all time will be very blurred) and only the most permanent features will be crisp (i.e "M" in AM/PM will be crisp).
Be good to hear from others if they can prove that they get a mix of both types of ghosting, and if we can get an idea for how long the memory effect lasts.
Ironically, one good place I can see the ghosting is on the light brown splash screen for the XDA app!
Ideas for testing:
Leave screen off for a while (longer is better - maybe overnight?). Turn on, and immediately open the XDA app, and see the level of ghosting in the top corner. Note how blurred the hours are, the minutes are, the A / P is, and the M is. etc
Then use the phone for an hour solid, and test again, and check for the same blurriness.
After that second test, if the ghosting is overall more prominent, and you see the current hour and the A or P particularly more clearly than before, then you have just proved you have a mix of memory effect and burn-in.
I expect there to be a range of answers depending on how old the unit is, and how well used it has been (most used screen brightness level etc), so when reporting back, please include than info.

Rat2000 said:
It is not just samsung. Nexus one has the same problm with the screen from what i know.
A good program to try and fix the problem is the jscreenfix that is in the market( that is if it is a 'memory' problem). and also ffor others to check if they have wear out problems see: "dead pixel test'
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I meant Samsung as a Amoled screen producer not just a smartphone one . Oh really jscreenfix is in the market cool I have bought from them the java version (for PC and TV) longer ago
[email protected] said:
I wouldn't call this a defect really.
OLED is a new generation technology and thus, it has many disadvantages as well as advantages.
I'm sure it will get improved in no time.
People who bought the phone should have really researched before making up their mind
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Sorry for use of stronger words. But this is BS the last part about my researching. I should have researched into what I am buying to? Its not a car or a flat to spend hours on forums searching for every little bug it can have. Also in the time most ppl was buying it. No one knew about this. I dont see any warning on Samsung manuals and etc. I am a consumer and not a researcher. Every plasma tv has a warning the lack of amoled warning is NOT my fault. Thus once I see it I will make my warranty claim
But yes that it will improve

Just saw this thread n wondered if some might actually benefit from this :
Its zsjpj's framework-res. It completely disables the status bar, so you won't have it anywhere in the rom.
Just push to phone as framework-res.apk and reboot.
Use at own risk and only flash if ur familiar with adb. Hmm it worked once, now it doesnt.
Gonna give editing another shot 2moro. U can give it a shot but make sure u back ur framework-res to restore after.

after reading this thread i want to test my samsung , which is 6 months old , too. Red and Green display was okay, i dont noticed anything. But with blue i got the same problem like all of you. i see something like 18.xx o clock... sucks but you have to look hard to see it.
But i dont give a **** ;D


screen burn in ?

hi. i am using 2 phones the nexus s and the gs2 .
and i noticed something on my gs2 and i need to ask you people about it.
the phone isnt like 3 weeks old. its brand new. however i noticed a temp screen burn in on the following places.
when i use the keyboard for txt msging. if i pull the keyboard down " by pressing back ", i can see the squares of the keyboard on the screen for like few seconds before they dissapear.
i also noticed the same thing in the status bar, battery meter. specially in the browser or an hd wallpaper app called " HD wallpaper "
when i downloaded that app. i turned the wireless and went through the app. now its trying to load . if i switch the screen to the side. the status bar will tilt as well. vertical horizintal depends on the way you move the screen. and i clearly can see the marks of the status bar for few seconds before it dissapear again on whatever verticial or horizintal/
what is the issue here ? i cant call it burn in because its not permenant.
i noticed the same thing with Miui on the nexus S. but only on the status bar. nothing on the keyboard.
any idea peeps
is it some sort of memory effect or bad refrish rate ?
Someone else had this. I think it was related to apps or widgets they installed. It's not normal. Do a search and see if you can find the other thread. Try searching on "ghosting."
i was searching through ghosting. is this normal with everyone here ? or some people dont have it ?
i think you should be carefull with your phone, if you leave it to much on the same background it will burn in easelly, oled burn in as easelly as plasmas when it comes to leaving them on the same image over and over again, try see if you can change yours, i certainly have no such issues with none of the 2 i had nor with this one.
PS: depends on what you mean with ghosting, if you mean the pixel response time beying visible when moving an image fast then yes thats normal, even though oled have 0.01 ms response time this one is deffinitly higher as i can notice it easelly.
i have a screen burn in on my Nexus One, annoying at times when i do notice it.
Yes, I have this. Had a thread, temporarly burn in. I can see it when I type a message.
Just when the keyboard is visible and I pull down the notification bar, I can see the contoures of the keyboard letter there... Probably happens with other things but aren't that noticable on other colours than grey I guess...
i can also see some weird banding or whatever on a pure gray image, not sure how normal this is but ive noticed it with all of my 3 phones.
ghost image disappears for me within 2 seconds (very hard to see unless if you look at the screen hard), definitely not a problem, and wont be killing myself for this or even consider it a hardware issue.
i also facing a same problem as u guys, now waiting for service centre to replace my lcd.
This ghosting issue seems to happen with all phones, very visible when your using the keyboard and you drop down the notification tray, then it goes away after a couple of seconds.
Two issues here. First off, search the forum for burn in, its already been posted.
Two issues, the temporary burn in is new to the galaxy s2 and seems to go away after a few seconds. But all Samsung amoled screens suffer permanent burn in of the status bar, click time, and anything else in a static place.
My nexus one has permanent burn in right now, both status bar and keyboard. Original galaxy s and others has this also.
The temporary burn in seems to be different and only on this new amoled plus display so far.
EarlZ said:
This ghosting issue seems to happen with all phones, very visible when your using the keyboard and you drop down the notification tray, then it goes away after a couple of seconds.
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they dont seem to hapen all the phones. only with amoled screens. i dont see anything like this on lcd screens or slcd or the ips screens like optimus 2x and iphone 4.
RogerPodacter said:
Two issues here. First off, search the forum for burn in, its already been posted.
Two issues, the temporary burn in is new to the galaxy s2 and seems to go away after a few seconds. But all Samsung amoled screens suffer permanent burn in of the status bar, click time, and anything else in a static place.
My nexus one has permanent burn in right now, both status bar and keyboard. Original galaxy s and others has this also.
The temporary burn in seems to be different and only on this new amoled plus display so far.
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i did search the forum before i post. however. as far as i know . burn in screens are permenant. and the other threads talked about that. here i am talking about something that goes off after few seconds. something like either ghosting / or something about low memory / low resposne / low refresh rate of the screen. not a real butn in.
I've recently bought a Galaxy S2 from someone and didn't see the burn in until a few days ago.
Now I can't reach the guy to get my money back... the phone seems in perfect shape except for the burn in (status bar and some digital clock widget).
I've been trying every day now to run this app called Screen Burn-in Tools for an hour or so but nothing happens.
You can find the app on the Google Play.
Should I continue using this tool or this burn-in is permanent and there's nothing I can do about it?
I can't believe such a high end phone has such a poor life display... how can this be possible!?!? They should've stayed with the regular LCD or something.
It's too bad because I'm a fan of the OLED idea and technology, but unfortunately samsung owns too many patents for this technology to spread to other manufacturers as well. This is what happens when the damn corporations get their greedy hands on something great that can benefit the mankind!

For those who have a perfect display! (but also for others)

Hello everyone,
I would like who claims to have a perfect display (as well as all the others) to Try this test:
- Completely dark room and eyes accustomed to the darkness for a few minutes
- Completely black screen (like the one in the test screen by typing * # * # 0, but also any settings menu screen that has not written)
- Minimum brightness (but can be seen even at maximum brightness).
If there are, you should see black spots darker than the background black.
I have them and at night are quite annoying.
I need to figure out if it is a problem of all devices or only of some (in this case tomorrow i will apply for replacement).
Please, you who are reading now, don't leave without doing this little test, it only takes 5 minutes
Thanks: D
Are you nuts? While this may be new to you, there's a 200+ thread already going on this that was started in May. We don't need another 200 pages of "yes it is," "no it isn't." The short answer is yes, there's banding on the 1/4 left side of the display but for most people it can only be seen in a dark room, at 10% brightness, on a grey background, and by taking a pic of the phone. It's been that way since the phone launched and at this point choices are: 1) live with it, 2) return or sell the phone.
Apparently some don't have this issue, as you can see in the first listed thread. Difficult to confirm or not of course, I know mine does have smears/smudges/lines and no it is not grease.
@Barry don't think he is talking about the yellowish tint.
You read this on another thread and started a new one?
I saw the exact same thing on a post yesterday..
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Dude, If I may :
before asking us to show the perfect screen (which does not exist actually), please consults an eye specialist and then, come back to XDA.
derek88 said:
Hello everyone,
I would like who claims to have a perfect display (as well as all the others) to Try this test:
- Completely dark room and eyes accustomed to the darkness for a few minutes
- Completely black screen (like the one in the test screen by typing * # * # 0, but also any settings menu screen that has not written)
- Minimum brightness (but can be seen even at maximum brightness).
If there are, you should see black spots darker than the background black.
I have them and at night are quite annoying.
I need to figure out if it is a problem of all devices or only of some (in this case tomorrow i will apply for replacement).
Please, you who are reading now, don't leave without doing this little test, it only takes 5 minutes
Thanks: D
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If you can ever see what you describe under normal use then it is a problem. If you can't see it under normal conditions then you are simply looking for problems and it's nothing to worry about. It's just what SAMOLED screens look like when they're "off", but not off.
I see this every day when I go to bed as my phone is also used as a night clock.
I have the font set to a very low brightness font, except for me I see lighter splotches on an otherwise black background.
I went through 4 SGS2's trying to find one that didn't have it. They all did. Bad batch I guess.
It wasn't a major deal for me so I just live with it.
It's a shame but meh. otherwise this phone is fantastic.

Artefacts on the screen

Hello everyone,
Got a problem with my Galaxy note 3 amoled screen. Couple months ago some lines appeared on that, look like artefacts or dead pixels or something, not really sure. Didn't drop/drop in water the device before that. No idea why that happen. But, they don't go.
Tried some dead pixels apps from market with no success.
Due to certain reasons cannot give the device to repair service, so, need to try to fix that by myself.
OS version is 4.3, if that matters.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Will attach the screenshot. The line in the middle. Have few of them already. Background is green, to make it more visible.
Shinkoku said:
Hello everyone,
Got a problem with my Galaxy note 3 amoled screen. Couple months ago some lines appeared on that, look like artefacts or dead pixels or something, not really sure. Didn't drop/drop in water the device before that. No idea why that happen. But, they don't go.
Tried some dead pixels apps from market with no success.
Due to certain reasons cannot give the device to repair service, so, need to try to fix that by myself.
OS version is 4.3, if that matters.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Will attach the screenshot. The line in the middle. Have few of them already. Background is green, to make it more visible.
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Looks more like heat damage to the screen adhesive than a software/electronic defect, to me. I'm just guessing here, but could it have been left in a spot where a beam of focused light could burn the screen? Mine has a few little defects on the screen from where a water bottle on a window ledge focused the sunlight onto a point on the screen.
factory reset.
Flash stock rom and see .
Thanks for replies guys,
One more thing I probably should mention,
The line on the attached pic is maximized, the real lines are quite small, like 3-5mm length. Really small. But anyway visible...
Hmm tried to recall but don't think something like that happened. Sometimes I use my phone as GPS when riding bike, means it's outside under the sun (but not a focused light or something), max. 1 hour per time. Could that be reason?
Also, did you find any way to fix that, by yourself?
I read about several ways to fix screen issues, including leaving phone without battery for some time, or even placing it into the freezer. Tried battery method yesterday with no result, but kind of worry about the freezer...
Yes factory reset is a common advice but you really think it might help? Looks like a hardware issue to me. Can a software glitch damage the display? Also, lines are everywhere on the screen, not like one certain place.
Will give it a try if nothing else found, just, sounds uncommon...
Agree probably hardware but a factory reset rules out firmware .
Thats the first step for a service tech sheet .

Half the screen slightly darker?

So I think this happened one day/night I fell asleep in a chat and the screen stayed awake because I was holding on it?
but anyway half my screen is slightly darker..
It's right where the keyboard starts, it's not really that visible, but the phone is only a few months old.
Did I burn it in? Is there any way of fixing this?
LCD screens don't very rarely get burn in, but it does happen. However it's usually not permanent.
LCD crystals do have a natural state and can shift depending upon the amount of current used to generate the desired color. As long as these colors do shift periodically, the crystals at that pixel should fluctuate enough such that the image will not be permanently imprinted into the crystals.
In other words, try setting a live wallpaper, or play some videos, I think that might fix it.
Also try a factory reset maybe?
If all else fails, and seeing how your device is only a few months old, why not send it in for warranty?
zgomot said:
LCD screens don't very rarely get burn in, but it does happen. However it's usually not permanent.
LCD crystals do have a natural state and can shift depending upon the amount of current used to generate the desired color. As long as these colors do shift periodically, the crystals at that pixel should fluctuate enough such that the image will not be permanently imprinted into the crystals.
In other words, try setting a live wallpaper, or play some videos, I think that might fix it.
Also try a factory reset maybe?
If all else fails, and seeing how your device is only a few months old, why not send it in for warranty?
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I tried to factory reset it just now, it didn't work.. But I will try one of those screen burn fix apps, and let that run over night I guess..
If not I'll send it in for warranty..
Thanks though!
Do you got a Picture or Video of the Screen?
Einherjer* said:
Do you got a Picture or Video of the Screen?
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I think it's fixed now after i let that "screen burn fix" app run over night, at least haven't been able to see the line.


WARNING: Little bit of a rant on my part. Been watching this happen for the last year or so.
WHY does no one understand that the second screen is NOT a notch? Its function is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.
PLEASE don't tell us "The second screen is working!" when it is set as a notch. THAT'S NOT WORKING.
The whole point of the second screen is for it to act as the notification light on other phones, but better, because it doubles as an ALWAYS ON display.
If it's set as a notch, it's not ALWAYS ON. If I wanted a notch, I would get a pixel 3, or heck, even an IPHONE. (no! never! how could he say that?)
PLEASE fix your posts everyone. Tell us AT LEAST that it's PARTIALLY working. That would clear it up. I don't want people to say: "Yay! Second screen! Let me render my phone useless for the next week to get this new ROM! Wait, WHAT!? It doesn't work!? AUUGGHH!" And waste their time and sometimes lose their data just trying the "working" ROM.
P.S: Don't tell me Im overreacting. I mean this to be a rant. Not a personal statement against anyone. Please don't accuse me of this. This is just me trying to get my point across.
Wait a second, let me try and clear up something here:
I thought "always-on display with a notch on an LCD" and "LG V20's second screen" is the same thing. Because LG V20's "second screen" isn't actually a second tiny screen. It is the same LCD as the rest of the panel. Which means whenever it is set to always-on, it might as well lite the rest of the LCD since it consumes the same amount of energy.
I can understand that LG V20's implementation of second screen also aid navigation since it scrolls independently. However, as far as notification goes. The function between "always-on display with a notch on an LCD" and "LG V20's second screen" basically does the same thing, no?
No. Its not that. LG has a second separate backlight section that lights the "notch" separately, allowing it to use practically no battery, yet still act as the "notification light" for this phone.
Edit: This phone has no other way of letting you know that you have notifications when the screen is off. That's why I have remained on stock this whole time. Heck, I'm even using it right now.
gljones2001 said:
WARNING: Little bit of a rant on my part. Been watching this happen for the last year or so.
WHY does no one understand that the second screen is NOT a notch? Its function is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.
PLEASE don't tell us "The second screen is working!" when it is set as a notch. THAT'S NOT WORKING.
The whole point of the second screen is for it to act as the notification light on other phones, but better, because it doubles as an ALWAYS ON display.
If it's set as a notch, it's not ALWAYS ON. If I wanted a notch, I would get a pixel 3, or heck, even an IPHONE. (no! never! how could he say that?)
PLEASE fix your posts everyone. Tell us AT LEAST that it's PARTIALLY working. That would clear it up. I don't want people to say: "Yay! Second screen! Let me render my phone useless for the next week to get this new ROM! Wait, WHAT!? It doesn't work!? AUUGGHH!" And waste their time and sometimes lose their data just trying the "working" ROM.
P.S: Don't tell me Im overreacting. I mean this to be a rant. Not a personal statement against anyone. Please don't accuse me of this. This is just me trying to get my point across.
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Hey if you want the V20's Second screen to work go back to stock. Why cant You just say thanks for all the hard work that's been put into development for the V20?
And BTW it clearly says the V20's Second Screen is now a defined notch that allows it to be active in the LOS 16 thread. I thinks there was some development for the second screen back in LOS 15.1 so u could look there.
Never tried that, set screen as notch ,
Dlions said:
Hey if you want the V20's Second screen to work go back to stock. Why cant You just say thanks for all the hard work that's been put into development for the V20?
And BTW it clearly says the V20's Second Screen is now a defined notch that allows it to be active in the LOS 16 thread. I thinks there was some development for the second screen back in LOS 15.1 so u could look there.
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I already know this. Did you not read my P.S. statement? Im not saying they didnt work hard. Im not giving anyone a bad rap. Im saying thats not a working second screen. They did work hard. They deserve the praise of even getting LOS to work on this phone AT ALL. Ive just barely gotten into the android hacking space, and I still dont understand fully how these custom roms work. All im saying is that without the AOD functionality of the second screen, you loose a HUGE feature that most people use on a day to day basis.
P.S: Ive even tried the second screen functionality in LOS 15.1. Its buggy and rather odd looking, without any of the crisp, clean interface like LG implemented. Id rather stay with stock for now.
Edit: It also still didn't have the AOD functionality. So, no custom roms for me.
AOD = Always On Display
gljones2001 said:
No. Its not that. LG has a second separate backlight section that lights the "notch" separately, allowing it to use practically no battery, yet still act as the "notification light" for this phone.
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Wait a second, where did you get this information from? This is the first time I heard of LG V20 having separate backlight between the main screen and second screen. Also in my own individual testing, I was not able to conclusively test that the main screen backlight and the second screen backlight are separate. Can you provide some evidence on this?
ID000001 said:
Wait a second, where did you get this information from? This is the first time I heard of LG V20 having separate backlight between the main screen and second screen. Also in my own individual testing, I was not able to conclusively test that the main screen backlight and the second screen backlight are separate. Can you provide some evidence on this?
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If you have a v20, just turn the screen off and look at it. If you turn the lights off in a room or cup your hand over it, you can see where the backlight from the second screen bleeds over into the main part of the screen. I have also been following the development of the custom widget support, and they have discussed the separate backlight there.
Also, the phone uses an LCD. You cant have anything displaying without having a backlight on. When you first turn the phone on, you know how for a second or so, the screen lights up but still looks black? That's the backlight turning on before the LCD layer has anything to display. If the backlight was not seperate, that is what the screen would look like with the second screen on and the phone asleep.
I hope this explains it for you and gives you some evidence for why it needs the seperate backlight.
gljones2001 said:
If you have a v20, just turn the screen off and look at it. If you turn the lights off in a room or cup your hand over it, you can see where the backlight from the second screen bleeds over into the main part of the screen. I have also been following the development of the custom widget support, and they have discussed the separate backlight there.
Also, the phone uses an LCD. You cant have anything displaying without having a backlight on. When you first turn the phone on, you know how for a second or so, the screen lights up but still looks black? That's the backlight turning on before the LCD layer has anything to display. If the backlight was not seperate, that is what the screen would look like with the second screen on and the phone asleep.
I hope this explains it for you and gives you some evidence for why it needs the seperate backlight.
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What you said does appear to be true. Which means the LG V20 is better designed than I gave it credit for. I always wondered why the AOD on an LCD screen still has decent battery and never had any conclusive evidence that the back-lights are separated. Thanks!
Yes, exactly, finally a rant that expresses my frustration.
All due respect, and gratitude to different ROMs and the guys who work hard to make them; but the reason I haven't jumped to LOS 16 is that the second screen doesn't perform the functions that I bought the phone for- taskbar + quick contacts + quick settings (and others). And when LOS uses that space it earmarks all of the 100x1080pixels to a massive notification bar. Who wants that? It's a waste of all that space.
Obviously the modders aren't to blame for this, but LG. However it seems far fewer people here seem to care for that compared to people I've interacted with outside.
@ID000001 Your welcome. Honestly, LG was actually pretty brilliant when they designed this.
@Lebatman I know, right? I have set this phone up for my dad, my Grandparents, and a couple friends, and they all love the second screen. Its one of the first phones where you could just look at the screen and go, "Oh. Its a message from my game. Just ignore it" or "Oh! I got a text! I need to check that!" This didn't come back to phones until the AOD on galaxy phones with the OLED screens. I love it. Its cheaper than a Samsung phone. You still cant get even a galaxy S5 for cheaper than the V20.

