Samsung Saga i770 hacking revival thread - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Ok, well lately i have some free time on my hands so i been working on my samsung saga, theres no rom leak to date and what there is on it is well
but we do have an updater. maybe its possible to tear that apart, replace the rom inside with the custom repack it and use it from there.
No i am not much of a phone unlocker, but i am a old school haxor.
So lets get our hands dirty.
I grabbed the 2 SCH-i770_User_upgrade_tool_v2.2.1.0.exe from samsungs website, loaded them up in pe explorer. and started to look at the 2 large files in resources.
one i notice is a File_149 that can be exported as an exe.
It seems to be the Drivers for windows. on further exploration in hex workshop and Rec studio theres nothing in there that looks matches anything in the default stock MW6.1 rom from MS SDK.
eg no dice, this file differs for the winV version its the driver.
**later testing needed(lets rip it out and see if the updater still updates the rom)
next is the file_171, this is the one, I know the IMG is in there somewhere.
I will continue to try and dump the information from 171 into a usable file.
if we have an experienced HAXOR to help out with it. may be possible to edit the rom inside, slip it back in and run the update.
Heres the SCH-i770_User_upgrade_tool_v2.2.1.0.exe dissembly strings dump
// Generated by PE Explorer 1.99
// File name: C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\SCH-i770_User_upgrade_tool_v2.2.1.0.exe
// Created : 23.03.2011 00:15
// Type : Strings List
0043F720: 'RAPI.dll',0
0043F72C: 'CDialog',0
0043F8B0: 'Edit',0000h
0043F988: 'MS Shell Dlg',0000h
0043F9A4: 'CWnd',0
0043F9B4: 'AfxWnd80su',0000h
0043F9CC: 'AfxControlBar80su',0000h
0043F9F0: 'AfxMDIFrame80su',0000h
0043FA10: 'AfxFrameOrView80su',0000h
0043FA38: 'AfxOleControl80su',0000h
0043FA5C: 'AfxOldWndProc423',0000h
0043FAA4: 'GetMonitorInfoA',0
0043FAB4: 'GetMonitorInfoW',0
0043FAC4: 'EnumDisplayDevicesW',0
0043FAD8: 'EnumDisplayMonitors',0
0043FAEC: 'MonitorFromPoint',0
0043FB00: 'MonitorFromRect',0
0043FB10: 'MonitorFromWindow',0
0043FB24: 'GetSystemMetrics',0
0043FB38: 'USER32',0000h
0043FB48: 'DISPLAY',0
0043FB50: 'accParent',0000h
0043FB64: 'accChildCount',0000h
0043FB80: 'accChild',0000h
0043FB94: 'accName',0000h
0043FBA4: 'accValue',0000h
0043FBB8: 'accDescription',0000h
0043FBD8: 'accRole',0000h
0043FBE8: 'accState',0000h
0043FBFC: 'accHelp',0000h
0043FC0C: 'accHelpTopic',0000h
0043FC28: 'accKeyboardShortcut',0000h
0043FC50: 'accFocus',0000h
0043FC64: 'accSelection',0000h
0043FC80: 'accDefaultAction',0000h
0043FCA4: 'accSelect',0000h
0043FCB8: 'accLocation',0000h
0043FCD0: 'accNavigate',0000h
0043FCE8: 'accHitTest',0000h
0043FD00: 'accDoDefaultAction',0000h
0043FF2C: 'InitCommonControls',0
0043FF40: 'InitCommonControlsEx',0
0043FF58: 'HtmlHelpW',0
0043FF64: 'hhctrl.ocx',0
00440074: '#32768',0000h
00440084: 'f:\sp\vctools\vc7libs\ship\atlmfc\include\afxwin2.inl',0
00440398: 'commctrl_DragListMsg',0000h
004403C4: 'CCmdTarget',0
004404B0: 'DeactivateActCtx',0
004404C4: 'ActivateActCtx',0
004404D4: 'ReleaseActCtx',0
004404E4: 'CreateActCtxW',0
004404F4: 'KERNEL32',0000h
00440530: 'comctl32.dll',0000h
00440554: 'comdlg32.dll',0000h
00440578: 'COleException',0
004405C0: 'CRgn',0
004405C8: 'CFont',0
004405D0: 'CBrush',0
004405D8: 'CGdiObject',0
004405E4: 'CPaintDC',0
004405F0: 'CWindowDC',0
004405FC: 'CClientDC',0
0044060C: 'CUserException',0
0044061C: 'CResourceException',0
0044099C: 'CInvalidArgException',0
004409B4: 'CNotSupportedException',0
004409CC: 'CMemoryException',0
00440AC8: 'CStatic',0
00440AEC: 'STATIC',0000h
00440C40: 'CRichEditCtrl',0
00440C50: 'CProgressCtrl',0
00440CA0: 'msctls_progress32',0000h
00440F60: 'RICHED20.DLL',0
00440F70: 'CFile',0
0044100C: 'f:\sp\vctools\vc7libs\ship\atlmfc\src\mfc\filecore.cpp',0
00441060: 'CSyncObject',0
0044106C: 'CCriticalSection',0
004410B8: 'CObject',0
00441150: 'CWinThread',0
004411F8: 'CWinApp',0
00441200: 'Settings',0000h
00441214: 'PreviewPages',0000h
004412B8: 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer',0000h
00441330: 'NoRun',0000h
004413D0: 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Network',0000h
00441448: 'NoEntireNetwork',0000h
00441468: 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Comdlg32',0000h
004414E0: 'NoPlacesBar',0000h
00441530: 'ntdll.dll',0000h
00441550: 'Control Panel\Desktop\ResourceLocale',0000h
0044159C: 'GetSystemDefaultUILanguage',0
004415B8: 'GetUserDefaultUILanguage',0
004415D4: 'kernel32.dll',0000h
004415F0: '%s%s.dll',0000h
004416C4: 'f:\sp\vctools\vc7libs\ship\atlmfc\src\mfc\appcore.cpp',0
00441700: 'Software\',0000h
00441774: 'software',0000h
00441788: 'CMenu',0
004417D4: 'System',0000h
004417E4: 'f:\sp\vctools\vc7libs\ship\atlmfc\src\mfc\auxdata.cpp',0
0044181C: 'CMapPtrToPtr',0
00441858: 'CPtrList',0
00441898: 'MFCM80ReleaseManagedReferences',0
004418B8: 'mfcm80u.dll',0000h
00441914: 'CArchiveException',0
004419AC: 'commdlg_FindReplace',0000h
004419D4: 'CFileException',0
00441A00: '.INI',0000h
00441A0C: '.HLP',0000h
00441A18: '.CHM',0000h
00441A24: 'NotifyWinEvent',0
00441A34: 'user32.dll',0000h
00442008: 'CMemFile',0
0044209C: 'CByteArray',0
004420B8: 'MSWHEEL_ROLLMSG',0000h
004420D8: 'COleDispatchException',0
004422C4: 'RichEdit Text and Objects',0000h
004422F8: 'Rich Text Format',0000h
0044231C: 'FileNameW',0000h
00442330: 'FileName',0000h
00442344: 'Link Source Descriptor',0000h
00442374: 'Object Descriptor',0000h
00442398: 'Link Source',0000h
004423B0: 'Embed Source',0000h
004423CC: 'Embedded Object',0000h
004423EC: 'ObjectLink',0000h
00442404: 'OwnerLink',0000h
00442418: 'Native',0000h
00442488: 'CObArray',0
00442580: 'CPtrArray',0
00442B40: 'COleBusyDialog',0
00442D2C: 'Unknown exception',0
00442D60: 'CorExitProcess',0
00442D70: 'mscoree.dll',0
00442D88: 'SetThreadStackGuarantee',0
00442DA0: 'kernel32.dll',0
004432E0: 'R6002',0Dh,0Ah,'- floating point support not loaded',0Dh,0Ah,0
00443310: 'Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library',0
00443340: '<program name unknown>',0
00443358: 'Runtime Error!',0Ah,0Ah,'Program: ',0
00443374: '.mixcrt',0
0044337C: 'EncodePointer',0
0044338C: 'KERNEL32.DLL',0
0044339C: 'DecodePointer',0
004433AC: 'FlsFree',0
004433B4: 'FlsSetValue',0
004433C0: 'FlsGetValue',0
004433CC: 'FlsAlloc',0
004433E0: '(null)',0000h
004433F0: '(null)',0
004434EC: 'bad exception',0
004434FC: 'InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount',0
00443524: 'e+000',0
00443540: 'IsProcessorFeaturePresent',0
0044355C: 'KERNEL32',0
004435AC: 'GetProcessWindowStation',0
004435C4: 'GetUserObjectInformationA',0
004435E0: 'GetLastActivePopup',0
004435F4: 'GetActiveWindow',0
00443604: 'MessageBoxA',0
00443610: 'USER32.DLL',0
0044369C: '`local static thread guard',27h,0
004436B8: '`managed vector copy constructor iterator',27h,0
004436E4: '`vector vbase copy constructor iterator',27h,0
00443710: '`vector copy constructor iterator',27h,0
00443734: '`dynamic atexit destructor for ',27h,0
00443758: '`dynamic initializer for ',27h,0
00443774: '`eh vector vbase copy constructor iterator',27h,0
004445A0: 'HH:mm:ss',0
004445AC: 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy',0
004445C0: 'MM/dd/yy',0
004445D4: 'December',0
004445E0: 'November',0
004445EC: 'October',0
004445F4: 'September',0
00444600: 'August',0
00444608: 'July',0
00444610: 'June',0
00444618: 'April',0
00444620: 'March',0
00444628: 'February',0
00444634: 'January',0
0044466C: 'Saturday',0
00444678: 'Friday',0
00444680: 'Thursday',0
0044468C: 'Wednesday',0
00444698: 'Tuesday',0
004446A0: 'Monday',0
004446A8: 'Sunday',0
004446CC: '1#QNAN',0
004446D4: '1#INF',0
004446DC: '1#IND',0
004446E4: '1#SNAN',0
004446EC: 'CONOUT$',0
00444F58: 'string too long',0
00444F68: 'invalid string position',0
00444FA0: 'OLEACC.dll',0
00444FAC: 'CCAUTIONdlg',0
00445344: 'Exception thrown in destructor',0
00445364: '%s (%s:%d)',0Ah,'%s',0000h
00445380: '%s (%s:%d)',0000h
00445398: 'CEULADlg',0
004453A4: 'SYSTEM REQUIREMENT',0Ah,0000h
004453D0: 'Supported OS : Windows VISTA or Windows 2000 + Service Pack 4 or Windows XP + Service Pack 2',0Ah,'Required space on hard disk : 150 MB',0Ah,0Ah,0000h
004454D8: 'End User License Agreement ("EULA")',0000h
00445520: 0Ah,'Do not install or use the software until you have read and accepted all of the license terms. Permission to use the software is conditional upon your agreeing to the license terms. Installation or use of the software by you will be deemed to be acceptance of the license terms. Acceptance will bind you to the license terms in a legally enforceable contract with Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.(hereinafter the "SAMSUNG") ',0000h
004458C8: 0Ah,'This is an agreement between you, the end user, and SAMSUNG. By using this software, you agree to become bound by the terms of this agreement. ',0Ah,'If you agree to abide by these conditions, please click "Yes". ',0Ah,0Ah,'IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE AND PROMPTLY REMOVE IT FROM YOUR COMPUTER.',0000h
00445B6C: 0Ah,0Ah,'* GRANT OF LICENSE',0000h
00445B98: 0Ah,'SAMSUNG, as licensor, grants to you, the licensee, a non-exclusive right to install the accompanying software program(s) (hereinafter the "SOFTWARE") on a certain number of computer(s) in accordance with the number of the license you purchase and use the SOFTWARE in accordance with the terms contained in this license. You shall not rent, lease, sublicense, modify, alter, reverse engineer, disassemble, decomplie, or create any derivative work of the SOFTWARE, or remove any copyright notice or proprietary legend contained in the Software. You shall not reproduce the SOFTWARE unless for backup purpose and limited to one copy only. Except for the Software marked "Not for Resale" or the like, you may transfer the Software on a permanent basis to another person or entity accompanying the Documentation and the license agreement, provided that you retain no copies of the Software and the transferee agrees to the terms of this agreement. Such transfer will cause an automatic termination of your license to use the Software.',0000h
004463A8: 0Ah,0Ah,'* OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE',0000h
004463E0: 0Ah,'SAMSUNG retains the copyright, title and ownership of the SOFTWARE and the written materials ("Documentation") regardless of the form or media in or on which the original and other copies may exist.',0000h
00446570: 0Ah,0Ah,'* UPGRADES',0000h
00446590: 0Ah,'If this copy of the Software is an upgrade from an earlier version of the Software, it is provided to you on a license exchange basis. Upon your installation and use of this copy of the Software, you agree to voluntarily terminate your earlier EULA and you will not continue to use the earlier version of the Software or transfer it to another person or entity.',0000h
004468C8: 0Ah,'You may use pictures, if any, provided in the SOFTWARE, which may be licensed from third parties, to demonstrate or complete your work created by the use of the SOFTWARE; provided that you should not use the pictures in any illegal or immoral manners, nor shall you grant your right to use to any third party. SAMSUNG does not provide any warranty or representation to these pictures from third parties.',0000h
00447910: 0Ah,0Ah,'You agree to bear the full, complete, and sole responsibility for using the Software of any purpose. You also agree to indemnify and hold SAMSUNG harmless from any claims, proceedings, damages, costs, and expenses resulting from your use of the SOFTWARE for any illegal purpose. ',0Ah,'Upon termination of this Agreement, you should destroy the Software and the Documentation and all the copies thereof and remove and delete the Software from your hard disk or other storage device. ',0Ah,'This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and SAMSUNG. This agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of South Korea and shall benefit SAMSUNG, its successors and assigns. ',0Ah,'Any claim or dispute between you and SAMSUNG or against any agent, employee, successor or assign of SAMSUNG, whether related to this agreement or otherwise, and any claim or dispute related to this agreement or the relationship or duties contemplated under this agreement, including the validity of this arbitration clause, shall be resolved in Seoul, Korea, pursuant to the Korea Arbitration Act.',0000h
00448240: 'SOFTWARE\SAMSUNG\MITsUDL',0000h
00448274: 'Installed',0000h
004483E8: 'CHelpMain',0
004485A8: 'CHelpSub',0
00448750: 'bad allocation',0
00448760: 'UPDATE',0000h
00448770: 'Updating your device...0% completed.',0000h
004487BC: ' Open(COM%d) port Failed!',0000h
004487F0: ' FLASH UNLOCK Fail !!!',0000h
00448820: ' FLASH UNLOCK Fail !!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448858: 'FLASH_DOWNLOADER_Send_PartitionInfo Fail !!!',0000h
004488B8: 'FLASH_DOWNLOADER_Send_PartitionInfo Fail !!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448918: 'SendMIBIBHeader Fail !!!',0000h
0044894C: 'SendMIBIBHeader Fail !!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448984: 'DwonloadAMSS Fail !!!',0000h
004489B0: 'DwonloadAMSS Fail !!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
004489E0: 'DwonloadAPPSBL Fail !!!',0000h
00448A10: 'DwonloadAPPSBL Fail !!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448A48: 'FLASH_DOWNLOADER_Close Fail !!!',0000h
00448A90: 'FLASH_DOWNLOADER_Close Fail !!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448AD8: 'UPDATE DONE',0000h
00448AF0: 'Erase AMSS Region',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448B18: ' AMSS',0000h
00448B24: ' AMSS ERASE FLASH Failed!',0000h
00448B5C: 'Erase AMSS Region Fail!!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448B94: 'Write AMSS Data',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448BB8: ' AMSS WRITE FLASH Failed!',0000h
00448BF0: 'Write AMSS Data Fail!!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448C24: 'AMSS Download Success!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448C58: 'Erase APPSBL Region',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448C84: ' APPSBL',0000h
00448C94: ' APPSBL ERASE FLASH Failed!',0000h
00448CD0: 'Erase APPSBL Region Fail!!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448D0C: 'Write APPSBL Data',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448D34: ' APPSBL WRITE FLASH Failed!',0000h
00448D70: 'Write APPSBL Data Fail!!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448DA8: 'APPSBL Download Success!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448DE0: 'Erase PDA Region',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448E08: ' PDA',0000h
00448E14: ' PDA ERASE FLASH Failed!',0000h
00448E48: 'Erase PDA Region Fail!!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448E80: 'Write PDA Data',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448EA4: ' PDA WRITE FLASH Failed!',0000h
00448ED8: 'Write PDA Data Fail!!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448F0C: 'PDA Download Success!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448F40: 'Send MIBIB Header Data %x !!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00448F84: ' Send MIBIB Header Data!!!',0000h
00448FC0: ' Send MIBIB Header Data Failed!',0000h
00449008: 'Tx Send MIBIB Header Data Fail!!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00449050: 'Send MIBIB Header Data Success!!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00449098: 'STOP',0000h
004490A4: ' Send Partition Table',0000h
004490D4: 'Send Partition Table',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00449108: ' Partition Information is not equal',0000h
00449150: 'Partition Table is correct',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00449190: ' Partition Information is not equal Try again!!',0000h
004491F4: ' FLASH UNLOCK',0000h
00449214: 'FLASH UNLOCK',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00449234: 'FLASH UNLOCK Success!!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00449268: 'FLASH LOCK ',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
00449284: ' Mits Reboot',0000h
004492A4: 'FLASH LOCK Success!!!',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
004492D4: 'ERROR',0000h
004494E0: '*** Error Creating Read Event *** Error Code:%d',0Ah,0000h
00449548: '*** Error Creating Write Event *** Error Code:%d',0Ah,0000h
004495AC: 'Close COM port %d',0Ah,0000h
004495D4: '\\.\COM%d',0000h
004495E8: 'Thread %d ERROR %s',0
004495FC: 'deque<T> too long',0
00449674: 'Arial',0000h
00449680: ' The update process has been completed successfully.',0000h
004496EC: ' BackUp... %d%%',0000h
00449710: ' Updating your device...%d%% completed',0000h
004498E0: 'Local AppWizard-Generated Applications',0000h
00449948: 'open',0000h
00449958: 'Installer\Products\7BD25099295922545A854571BBDA84EE',0000h
004499C0: '[Activesync] is not installed',0000h
004499FC: 'Version',0000h
00449A10: '[CUDLApp::IsActiveSyncInstall]RegQueryValueEx Failed',0000h
00449A80: 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\APP Paths\WCESCOMM.EXE',0000h
00449B08: '[Mobile Device Ceontor] is not installed',0000h
00449B70: '[CUDLApp::RegisterRegistry]RegCreateKeyEx Failed',0000h
00449BD4: 'Model',0000h
00449BE0: '[CUDLApp::RegisterRegistry]RegQueryValueEx - MODEL Failed',0000h
00449C54: 'TOOL_VER',0000h
00449C68: '[CUDLApp::RegisterRegistry]RegQueryValueEx - TOOL_VER Failed',0000h
00449CE8: '[CUDLApp::RegisterRegistry]RegOpenKeyEx - TOOL_VER Failed',0000h
00449D5C: 'DL_LIMIT',0000h
00449D70: '[CUDLApp::RegisterRegistry]RegQueryValueEx - DL_LIMIT Failed',0000h
00449DF0: '[CUDLApp::RegisterRegistry]RegQueryValueEx - Installed Failed',0000h
00449E70: '[CUDLApp::RegisterRegistry]RegOpenKeyEx - MODEL Failed',0000h
00449EE0: '[CUDLApp::Reg_SetValue]RegSetValueEx - Installed Failed',0000h
00449F50: '[CUDLApp::Reg_SetValue]RegSetValueEx - Model Failed',0000h
00449FB8: '[CUDLApp::Reg_SetValue]RegSetValueEx - DL_LIMIT Failed',0000h
0044A028: '[CUDLApp::Reg_SetValue]RegSetValueEx - TOOL_VER Failed',0000h
0044A098: 'FILE',0000h
0044A0A8: '[CUDLApp::ResourceToFile]FindResource Failed',0000h
0044A108: '[CUDLApp::ResourceToFile]LoadResource Failed',0000h
0044A168: '[CUDLApp::ResourceToFile]SizeofResource Failed',0000h
0044A1C8: '[CUDLApp::ResourceToFile]CreateFile Failed',0000h
0044A220: '[CUDLApp::ResourceToFile]WriteFile Failed',0000h
0044A2C0: 'There is no MITs USB modem driver.',0Dh,0Ah,' MITs USB driver will install automatically',0000h
0044A360: 'There is no MITs USB modem driver.',0Dh,0Ah,' End user upgrad tool will close.',0000h
0044A3F0: '[CUDLApp::IsPhoneDriverInstall]RegQueryValueEx Failed',0000h
0044A460: 'The MITs USB driver is not latest version.',0Dh,0Ah,' MITs USB driver will install automatically',0000h
0044A510: 'The MITs USB driver is not latest version.',0Dh,0Ah,' End user upgrad tool will close',0000h
0044A6F0: 'Please connect the device through ActiveSync.',0000h
0044A750: 'Please connect the device through Windows Mobile Device Center.',0000h
0044A7D0: 'Detect COM%d Port',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044A7F8: 'ERROR Disconnect COM%d Port',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044A834: 'Disconnect the data-cable.',0000h
0044A86C: 'Disconnect COM%d Port',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044A8A0: 'User Image Upgrade Tool for SCH-i770 v2.2.1.0.',0000h
0044A900: 'Have you backed up your data from the SCH-i770?',0Ah,'Clicking Yes will start the upgrade process and all user data will be deleted from the SCH-i770.',0000h
0044AA28: 'Please wait. Getting the SCH-i770',27h,'s Information.',0000h
0044AAC4: 'UGMSrv',0000h
0044AAD8: 'ERROR - This device is not SCH-i770',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044AB24: 'DB05',0000h
0044AB30: 'ERROR - The update binary is equal to SCH-i770',27h,'s.',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044AB98: 'ERROR - The update binary is older than SCH-i770',27h,'s.',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044AC88: 'Start',0000h
0044AC94: 'Close',0000h
0044ACA0: 'Checking Device Info',0000h
0044ACCC: 'GetPlatformID',0000h
0044ACE8: 'Please Click the CLOSE button.',0000h
0044AD28: ' Connected device is not SCH-i770.',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044AD74: 'GetBatteryState',0000h
0044AD94: 'GetPhoneNumber',0000h
0044ADB4: 'GetPDAVersion',0000h
0044ADD0: 'GetPhoneVersion',0000h
0044ADF0: 'SetEnterUGM',0000h
0044AE08: 'WAIT',0000h
0044AE18: 'Awaiting communication with the mobile device. ',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044AE80: 'ActiveSync can not connect the device!!',0000h
0044AED0: 'Windows Mobile Device Center can not connect the device!!',0000h
0044AF44: 'Please wait a minute.',0000h
0044AFB0: 'qcusb',0000h
0044AFBC: 'QCUSB',0000h
0044AFC8: 'sscdserd',0000h
0044AFE0: '[CUDLDlg::LoadImgFile]FindResource Failed',0000h
0044B038: '[CUDLDlg::LoadImgFile]LoadResource Failed',0000h
0044B08C: ' Elapsed Time : %d min %d sec',0000h
0044B0C8: ' Expected Remaining Time : %2dmin %2dsec',0000h
0044B120: '[CUDLDlg::IncreaseDLCnt]RegOpenKeyEx Failed',0000h
0044B178: '[CUDLDlg::IncreaseDLCnt]RegQueryValueEx Failed',0000h
0044B1D8: '[CUDLDlg::IncreaseDLCnt]RegSetValueEx Failed',0000h
0044B238: ' Awaiting communication with ActiveSync.',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044B290: ' Awaiting communication with Mobile Device Center.',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044B300: ' Please try to connect with ActiveSync again.',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044B360: ' Please try to connect with Mobile Device Center again.',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044B3D8: ' SCH-i770 cannot connect with ActiveSync.',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044B430: ' SCH-i770 cannot connect with Mobile Device Center.',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044B49C: 'Please Click the START button.',0000h
0044B4E0: ' SCH-i770 connect with ActiveSync.',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
0044B530: ' SCH-i770 connect with Mobile Device Center.',0Dh,0Ah,0000h
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

trying from another angle, i used 7zip to extract the files.
and ran 171 through hexworkshop, looking in there i see alot of references to f:/ vctools
could this be a Visual C++ file? unformatted or complied?. well time to grab Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Trial and see what i get out of it.

on a positive note..
I figured out how to hex edit the samsung upgrade tool to spoof the version check every time.
open flexhex. search for DB05 in unicode text. and change to EC06. save and there ya go, at least we have a way to reflash back.
I have reUpgraded my saga 3 times now trying to trap the files that get downloaded.
Denying Delete permissions on Temp folder doesnt work like with most installers
but its hard to believe that all that stuff is run through one standalone app..
i will keep on tearing apart the upgrade tool til i get paydirt, i know its all in there..
if only there was some way to spoof a fake device to get the payload..

curiouser and curiouser
while searching through ANSI text, i came across Linux, and Ramdrive..
could this be why i cant seem to grab the files as they are being downloaded to my saga?
well this isnt going to work.. hmm maybe i will have to find a way to dump my saga's rom, and than compare with what is in the updater. maybe i can pull a clean rom out of it.

good luck dood.


[Prophet] Downgrade/chaning IMEI

Hi there,
I am trying to change the IMEI of my telephone, as the compagny I work only accepts calls from particular IMEI's. Otherwise you connect to the helpdesk.
We get our phones from the company (I now have a w800i)
There is a guy who bought a new phone, and swapped his IMEI, and now he can use it.
I want the same with my QTEK s200. After a little research I found out that I have got a G3, which is good.
So I downloaded the aWizard to CID unlock my phone.
Unfortunately, I get a memory write error.
Here is the output of the program:
Initializing............CID unlocking mobile... DO NOT DISCONNECT UNTIL THE PHONE REBOOTS!
[11:52:54,03] MachinaGod lokiwiz start
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0x10000, lock_backup.bin)
g=80: c01bfbc4 - 194d4405ca5a3c83
Key idx: 80
olddata: 1dc8c1d25668fee6cf1fe68e3909881c9a755d0b48d3d48455d9139a00635f1c
newdata: a6c5603436eb0021172bf3cc57b1a8bd7ae6cc16f96812e97ae6cc16f96812e9
newsum=f4044942 encsum=0dabbbed53ee8789
This exe file was created with the evaluation version of Perl2Exe.
For more information visit
(The full version does not display this message with a 2 second delay.)
CopyFileToTFFS(cidunlocked.bin:0, 0, 00010000)
ERROR: ITWriteDisk - An internal error occurred.
[11:53:06,80] Your phone is now CID unlocked....
Store the generated 'lock_backup.bin' file in a safe place. It can help to restore your device if anything goes wrong.
* Press [Enter] to continue
Its on the 6'th last line.
Next up I download iWizard, I open it, and the program reads out the IMEI succesfull, but it doesn't write.
What to do? Can anyone help me out?
If I didn't supply enough info, do not hesitate to ask for more.
I guess a real solution would be not to change your IMEI but to ask your company's administrators to accept your actual IMEI ?

QC BQS Ana*lyser 3.0 - Universal QC Tool

Hi there boys and girls ... for those interested ....
QC BQS Ana*lyzer 3.0
What is it ?
Let's call it the ultimate BQS / QC swiss knife and very special Crypto Tool (RSA Signature Calc can be used for any mobile):
BQS only :
1. Load AMSS to extract files or useful infos
(EF81, E81C, EF91, SXG75, EF82, SF71, SL91, M7 or similiar ones)
Features :
Extract Infos from AMSS : USBID, Product.Nr., SVN, SwBuild, Mobiletype
Extract internal filesystem (mif,bar,sig etc. files)
Extract certificates
Extract all BMPs,GIFs,PNGs, JPGs
Extract AMSS signature bytes (if production key)
Show all file references used by mobile
2. Sim_Secure extraction/decryption (non-public)
3. Master-/Usercode/Unlock extraction and direct unlock (non-public)
All QC :
1. Load Partition File to get overview about NAND/NOR structure
2. Make usage of QCs Diag Interface .... to do nice things
(Useful for any QC mobile in the world)
Standard Features :
- Send standard diag commands or any hexadecimal command you want (database included)
- Read out all NVItems (range given)
(all that exist, more than QPST normally extracts)
- Backup and Restore all NVItems
- Read out and Dump Firmware in Memory (IRam)
- Read out complete EFS
- Switch to FTM Mode (or anything else you want)
- Get infos about phone ..... etc ..... a lot more functions
- Generate SimSecure Command to write to SimSecure using given file (may brick your phone when used without knowledge)
Bootloader / DownloadMode Features :
- Load any file to mobile at any address and execute (bootloader f.e.)
- Read out complete NAND Memory using bootloader (range given) with included MSM6250/A bootloader or any given bootloader
Usage : Take out battery, put in battery, press ON # to enter emergency mode, Execute Loader
or (with SL91,SF71 f.e.) enable FTM mode, Execute Loader
- Use any Download Mode or Bootloader Command to experiment
- Read application memory of newer Diag Ver 6 in Download Mode
- Show complete infos about used NAND after loading of Bootloader
Flasher Features :
Flash any QC mobile (OBL Multiboot) with given bootloader
- Flash PBL (dangerous), QCSBL, QCSBL Header and Config Bits, Partition, OEMSBL, OEMSBL Header, AMSS, AMSS Header and EFS
3. Crypto Function :
- Calculate CRC-30, SHA1 and MD4 of any file
- Bruteforce bytes to fit CRC-30 needed when qcsblhd_cfgdata.mbn was edited
- Decrypt any RSA-Message, including ASN-1 / SHA Signatures.
- Check firmware signature given Modulus and Exponent
4. Sim_Secure extraction/decryption (non-public)
5. Full Feature JTAG Interface (non-public)
Although it is still a bit buggy and things have to be speeded up ...
it is the successor of AMSS Analyzer .... but more reliable and even much faster
Planned in future :
1. Bugfixes
2. Tooltips showing real addresses in graphical window
3. EFS2 Directory Browsing
4. Elimination of extracted files in amss.mbn for better understanding
5. Simple NVItems Editor
6. Porting NVM hack already working with JTAG to COM/USB
7. AMSS signature hack, Exploit for Signature (this will be a tough task)
8. Read out SMS / Addressbook via Diag Interface
What we need :
- Any contribution to the project is welcome.
- Donations for new hardware and software for further development of this tool.
- We need support in programming and documentation XD
Link to the project files :
Version 3.00 Fruit Assassin (Major Release)
Cya and keep on reversing,
Viper BJK
For full source, see project homepage.
If you think my tool is useful and you would like to donate some money for further development, feel free to do so :
great stuff, I admire your work, this has been used to partially unbrick a htc titan (work in progress still, as it crashes on some bit of code in init god knows why).
New Version supports MSM7200.
Maybe take an look.
New version 3.42 out
What's new ?
- Find public keys in HTC SPL.nb via Cryptosearch
- Added Public Keys for [B]HTC[/B] Firmware (Diamond, Kaiser, Raphael)
- Exponent bugfixes
- New RSA Decryption interface
Feedback are welcome.
Best Regards
Your client does not have permission to get URL /p/qcbqsanalyzer/downloads/list from this server.
bad link
Link to the project files :
Version 3.00 Fruit Assassin (Major Release)
Does this software works on new phones, or is there any similar software?

[INFO] "New User Guide Terms Android"

we decided to extend this guide in more threads, to give new users the chance to read more easily
Hi! I saw that many (myself initially) fail to understand the discussions of various topics of modding on this and other forums because of certain terms that are now characteristic of speech in any argument.
-Android operating system for mobile devices based on Linux kernel. Android is an open source project developed by the Open Handset Alliance (OHA). Google was the first company to work on Android and HTC has designed and implemented the first Android phone.
-ADB (Android Debugging Bridge): application via command line (command prompt, DOS), is used to flash rom, make changes to the system, backup, install applications (using the command: adb push nomeapp.apk / system / app /), copy files from your device to PC (via the command: adb pull / path / inside / of / Android / filename nome_file_destinazione) and more. ADB is a tool included in the SDK of Android that allows you to manage your phone simply by connecting it via USB. For programmers, ADB is also used to execute commands on a virtual machine Android. detailed instructions.
- Apk (short for Android Package): is the file format used to install the Android software (it works similar, more or less, that is for Windows. Exe). Renaming the extension of this file. Zip you can open it with any operator of compressed files.
-App or Apps: abbreviation of the term application or applications
-App2sd (A2sd): procedure inherent in many Roma coocked, to move applications installed, or install later, the memory card instead of phone memory. to use it you must have an ext2 or ext3 or ext4 on the memory card. part of the application (the Dalvik cache) is still stored in the smartphone does not reduce the speed of execution. app2sd this is not to be confused with the various applications on the market, as those of the market allow the movement or storage of only applications that allow it.
-Bootloader (FASTBOOT): phone mode (while connected to USB mode with usb debug enabled) through which you can do many things, including obtaining root permissions, flash ROM, make backups, pushare files, remove files etc. ... the bootloader mode varies from terminal to terminal, refer to those sections for how to go into bootloader on your device.
-Brick (brickare, brickato): literally (translated in Italian) "BRICK". making the cell like a brick, a something of unusable if not as paperweights.
-Digital compass: The digital compass is able to detect the direction in which the device is pointing. This information can be used together with an appropriate mapping software to assist in navigation to unknown places.
-BusyBox: BusyBox is important because it lets you install it on your Android poteziare with many basic Linux commands. In fact, some powerful programs, such as Titanium backup and others, use busybox to carry out the instructions. In virtually a few kb there are so many beautiful little programs. guide: using titanium or backup.
-Cache: a temporary memory in which data are stored as may be eliminated without compromising the functionality of the system.
-Digital certificate: encrypted code issued to two or more parties by an authorized organization, and used to verify the identity of those parties by exchanging their public keys.
-Cupcake: Android 1.5 or relaise first official operating system pounces April 13, 2009
-Encryption: Procedure for the encoding of a systematic bit stream before transmission, aimed at avoiding that the contents can be decrypted by third parties.
Dalvik-Cache: cache used by the system to increase the execution speed of programs.
USB-Debug: mode of Android that is (turning the feature on your device via menu / settings / apps / Development / Debug USB) to allow the system to undergo special modifications.
Direct-Push Technology: Direct Push technology (push e-mail capabilities), developed by Microsoft, lets you receive new e-mail messages on their device, they are not received by your mailbox Inbox or Exchange Server. Items such as contacts, calendar and tasks are immediately updated on the device if they are changed or added on the Exchange Server.
-Emulator: it is found in the SDK and is a software that allows you to emulate (simulate) an android device. usually serves to developers (developers) to test applications.
-Digital Signature: A digital signature assures the recipient about the identity of the person who sent the file, and the absence of alterations made ​​after signing this.
-Firmware: Software comlpleto the phone, android rom often contains (the only operating system) the radio (software designed to handle all communications) and hboot (the part on the base, and boot management and partition of the phone) . The format depends on the parent company that issues them and shall be flashed through the tool or program.
-Flash (flash, flashed): install, installed.
-G. E. often written or GE (Google Experience): There are those phones that have the OS (see ROM for a definition) fully developed by Google without any addition or customization by the manufacturer that sells the device (for example the number of mobile Nexus is entirely GE). This designation often means that these phones are the first to receive updates of new versions of Android, because there being no additional software, as well as those developed by Google, the release is much quicker.
Another (more common) is that With Google.
Are those phones that despite having some customization software by the manufacturer, are fully compatible with the Google software and services with Android.
-GPRS: GPRS (General Packet Radio Systems - Radio systems for generic packages) is a data service for mobile devices. It is available for the devices that meet the GSM standard.
-GPS: GPS (Global Positioning System - Global Positioning System) is a radio navigation system based on satellites that allows the DENTIFICATION of a geographical position through a triangulation of points. The GPS is used on mobile devices for applications software for navigation.
-GSM: Short for Global System for Mobile communications (Global System for Mobile Communications), is the platform for mobile computing worldwide.
-HSDPA: HSDPA (High-Speed ​​Downlink Packet Access) is a technology for mobile devices that allows higher data speeds than traditional networks. Often referred to as 3.5G for faster downloading.
-HSPA: HSPA (High-Speed ​​Packet Access - High Speed ​​Packet Access) is a technology for mobile devices that improves the speed at which you can send and receive information on their mobile device. HSPA technology is used in 3G networks.
HSUPA: The HSUPA (High-Speed ​​Uplink Packet Access - access to packages for the high-speed) is a technology for mobile devices that provides (along with HSDPA) the possibility of having connections with fast download and upload very high by optimizing use of bandwidth.
-HVGA: The HVGA (Half-size Video Graphics Array) indicates a particular display resolution of 480 x 320 pixels.
-hboot: the part on the basis of partition and boot management and the phone
-Kernel: is the essential part of any operating system. Without going into technicalities, it manages hardware (drivers and other information about the hardware, for example). Android uses a modified Linux kernel and is entirely open source (ie source code is freely available and modifiable).
- Launcher: It 's the software that handles the desktop (icons, widgets, wallpapers etc..) Android operating system. In essence, is what appears when you access the phone after the unlock screen, called Lock Screen (see below) if it is enabled.
Android allows for excellent customization Lacuncher. Although all versions of Android will already have a default, it is possible (when this option is not blocked by the manufacturer) install as many as you want from those in the Market. Launcher The best known of those owners are not ADW Launcher, Launcher Pro, Helix Lancher.
Most producers customize more or less heavily, their phones (as long as they are not GE, see above), and modification of the launcher is usually the most common personalization. Motorola for example sviluppaMotoBlur (non-removable, and includes an additional set of changes including the Launcher), the HTC the Sense (removable; this also includes modifications to the deepest only launcher which also include the framework), Samsung TouchWiz the (removable) etc..
The change of Lacuncher makes it very often no longer available widgets developed for another Launcher.
-Leak Leaked or (escaped): this refers to the ROM or firmware that (strangely) escape to the Mother House, and is circulated on the net. are semi-official, in the sense that they are developed directly from 'manufacturer, but are not officially released (and therefore not fit to restore the guarantee of a device).
Screen-Lock or unlock screen: is the screen that appears after turning on and / or whenever you press the on / off the phone. Used to not press the keys when not using the phone. It requires a combination of specific touches, or gestures to be "removed"
-Nandroid (found in the recovery as amended): application that creates an image of the entire operating system, like norton gost and true image for windows.
-ODEX: type of compression that is used to free up memory and speed up your system. ODEX unzip the file compresses everything and creates a file. ODEX dall'apk deleting the file. dex then you end up with after launcher.apk and launcher.odex (so 'you have saved so much space and improved
the speed reading application). rom the ODEX can not be changed the subject.
-OTA: Over The Air - system that allows applications to receive updates directly from the network or system
Ext2/ext3/ext4-partition: partition on the memory card (which usually can be made using modified recovery) used to install applications on this media instead of filling up the phone memory. the ext is a type of file system used on Linux and is seen as part of the Android smartphone's internal memory. to partition the SD card in the sections and guides for your device.
-Profile A2DP: Advanced Audio Distribution profile (Advanced Audio Distribution) is a specification that refers to how two Bluetooth devices can transmit and receive streaming high quality audio. The A2DP allows the transfer of a unidirectional stream audio in stereo with two channels, such as music from one phone to a headset.
-Pull: used command in command prompt (eg adb pull / path / inside / of / Android / filename nome_file_destinazione) copy to your PC for a file or folder in the Android system.
Radio-or banda or baseband (not the FM radio): software designed to manage all the communications device (phone, wifi, bluetooth, gps, etc. ...
-Recovery: a kind of mini operating system that is used to retrieve the cell from critical situations (brick, malfunction, etc. ....), do nandroid backup, perform the wipe, flash rom coocked and file format. Zip. The Recovery is properly called Recovery Mode and means the recovery mode in which you can perform actions such as, installing updates, format the phone, format and partition the SD and more. Updating the recovery.img (you can also do without the root) with a different and we have modified provisions advanced features without having to do other steps.
-RSS: RSS (Really Simple Syndication - Guild simple): indicates an Internet protocol used to distribute information that is updated frequently, such as a blog on the Internet, audio or video broadcasts or news headlines.
-Rom: the operating system. coocked roms are usually in. zip and go through recovery flashate
Coocked-Rom: cooked rom, created by chefs (who put together parts of rom applications, modifications, patches and so on) composed and enriched with new features
-ROOT (I take verbatim from androidpedia): What is root? In Unix-like operating systems is denoted by the root user with the highest privileges, ie, system administrator, also known as super user or superuser. (Cited in Wikipedia). Android being a linux system, then the user is root, which allows you to have total control of the phone. What a privilege we have to have root permissions? We have TOTAL control of the telephone. rootare the procedure for your device varies from terminal to terminal, consult the relevant sections to find out how to make your root device ..
G-sensor (gyro): The G sensor detects the position and movement of your device. It helps to orient the display to view both vertically or horizontally depending on how you hold the device. The G-sensor can be used in games to control the actions and other applications that require a movement to be able to be activated.
-SDK (software development kit): Software development kit, which we find in the tools folder that contains the file ADB. You can download it from for all platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS).
-S.O. (operating system): see ROM. In fact ROM and SO tend to coincide but while the first term is used to indicate the contents of any memory or the memory itself (it is in fact for Read Only Memory), the second indicates more specifically at a very specific piece of software and not any content that a memory can accommodate.
-Streaming: The term indicates the transmission of streaming audio or digital video using the Internet.
-Superboot: method to become the superuser (root-administrator) of your smartphone, with which you can make changes to the system, such as flash ROM, modify system folders etc. ...
-Tap (capped, plugged): equivalent of left-click on PC, then click in, clicked. TAP LONG = equivalent to right click on pc
-Thetering (wifi, bluetooth and usb): Mode is a connection between the phone is another device (mostly PC), through which you can take advantage of the internet's first, and basically use it as a modem, the second ( which as I said before can be a PC or another phone yet). May be predominantly via USB connectivity, bluetooth or wifi phone.
-Tablet is a tablet device that differs from a smartphone to the screen size (usually greater than the 5 "and for its strong propensity to navigation and document management. It usually does not incorporate a module for telephone calls (one exception is the Galaxy Tab), but often have a data connection via 3G or 4G as well as the WIFI.
Google has developed a special version of Android, called HoneyComb (3.X) for release in 2011. Nevertheless, there are Tablet with Froyo.
-VGA The VGA (Video Graphics Array) indicates a resolution of the display of 640 x 480 pixels.
-WCDMA: The WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) is a protocol for the transmission of data in a 3G cellular network.
-WVGA: The WVGA (Wide Video Graphics Array) indicates a display resolution of 480 x 800 pixels.
Wipe Dalvik-CACHE: reset the system cache. amended by recovery takes place.
Wipe-DATE (factory reset): hard reset (reset phone to factory settings, deletes all data and applications in your phone, no memory card). some recovery in the wiping the data format factory, not a complete hard reset, but a reset of all data in your phone, for a complete hard reset you should also wipe the system and boot from the recovery of the advanced settings or proceed with the procedure manual keystroke! how to do the hard reset via keyboard shortcut see the guides in their respective sections of your smartphone.
-ZIPALIGN: A form of compression that is used to speed up execution of applications. zipalign unzip the file and aligns the compressing apk file limit so 4byte 'Android takes up less ram to read and read more' quickly and then recreates the file. apk ^ ^
If you know other terms that do not understand, this thread is yours.
P. S. I hope to be helpful
I know all of this personally but this is a very useful guide for noobs and should be made a sticky.
jonny68 said:
I know all of this personally but this is a very useful guide for noobs and should be made a sticky.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sticky plz
Sorry but:
-Bootloader (FASTBOOT): phone mode (while connected to USB mode with usb debug enabled)
Is wrong. Bootloader and fastboot are not the same. Also USB debugging mode is an android thing, when you are not booted into android (eg into fastboot or bootloader) then usb debugging mode is not used
rootSU said:
Sorry but:
-Bootloader (FASTBOOT): phone mode (while connected to USB mode with usb debug enabled)
Is wrong. Bootloader and fastboot are not the same. Also USB debugging mode is an android thing, when you are not booted into android (eg into fastboot or bootloader) then usb debugging mode is not used
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And debug has to do with adb not fastboot.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
if you have to add terms or tips, write

[REF][R&D] Building Bootloaders on Qualcomm Devices

This is a research & development thread for building your own bootloaders on a
number of modern Qualcomm based devices, utilizing extracted partitions and
corresponding partition table information. We'll focus in particular on those
devices using the Snapdragon SoC/PoP chipset.
Thread difficulty: [B][COLOR=Red]Hard[/COLOR][/B]
Thread type: Development
Thread completeness: Fair
Building your own Bootloaders on Qualcomm Devices
Table of Content:
Qualcomm/Intel HEX files
<WIP> QFIT (Qualcomm Factory Image Tools)
<WIP> The MBR Image
<TBD> BoToX (Bootloader Tool Box)
<WIP> Building for Windows Phone 8
<TBA> Compiling Bootloaders
<WIP> References
All modern Qualcomm mobile chipsets contain some functionality for sideloading
binary code from an external source in case the normal boot procedure fails or
is interrupted by some other HW signal, like JTAG or other JIG debug
connection. In addition this side loading functionality is crucial for the
programming and formatting of additional memory devices like eMMC and SD cards
that are external to the processor and it's accompanying PoP memory. It is
also used by OEMs to revive soft-bricked devices and update the many
bootloaders used in the Qualcomm bootloader chain. However, all these features
and their various functionality are closely guarded secrets usually kept from
the public by very strict NDA for their company employees. Thus it has been
very difficult for the developer community to try to understand, use and
benefit from these most useful functions. Instead the dark side of mobile
phone community have made continuous profits in reversing the manufacturer
schemes by providing their own hacks and programs to offer mobile owners
various solutions for a charge, that is often out of proportion for what is
actually done. This is especially true for services requiring debricking by
various JIGs (such as the proprietary Anyway Jig and various JTAG solutions.)
All these solution rely on the possession of some inside information about the
device in question.
This thread is an attempt to alleviate this situation and allow anyone who
wishes, to freely flash and take charge of their own hardware, in the true
spirit of the XDA community. Here I will present information about how
Qualcomm put together their own bootloaders and how you could do the same, if
you only had the source code or talent to write your own or modify already
existing such. Although, there is one big hitch. Most new chipsets are using
a very secure authentication scheme (Secure Boot 3.0) to prevent
non-developers from flashing and using arbitrary boot code.
The information herein have been collected from older available Qualcomm tools
such as QPST and QXDM, and from pieces of their documents found around the
internet. Another important and challenging source have been the many Chinese
websites where people have managed to get some of this working and actually
bothered writing/blogging about it. Thank you China!
I will not go into details about the various bootloaders as they are already
covered elsewhere, for example, in this thread. I have also chosen to focus
primarily on the Qualcomm Snapdragon processor/modem SoC series, as they are
the most popular chips used in most mid- to upper-level smartphones today.
These devices typically include the MSM8x60 series consisting of the widely
popular MSM8660 and MSM8960 SoCs, currently found around the world. Another
highly relevant chipset is that of MSM8260A which is found in many Windows
Phone's, in particular in WP8.
If you find any errors or have any relevant additional information
that can be important for the correctness and content of this thread.
Please let me know by either posting here or sending me a PM.
Also, please do not ask any questions that is not of direct relevance
or help in the discussions in this thread . They will not be answered
and removed.
Qualcomm/Intel HEX files
This is a text-based (ASCII) file format originally introduced by Intel to
distribute PROM code, that include error checking for redundancy. Today
Qualcomm use this file format to distribute their modem/processor boot code
used in downloading bootloaders in the OEM build-processes or for emergency
download modes etc. There are several dozens of variations on the HEX format,
so we will not go into the details of other formats or uses, but only for that
used in the Qualcomm bootchain.
To convert the Qualcomm provided Intel-HEX files into binaries, you can either
use the simple pre-compiled windows and linux binary hex2bin (src), or you can
compile the much more flexible and complete EPROM file-converter utilities of
srecord, which can handle many more HEX formats including hex-diffing and
hex-merging etc. One of the Qualcomm image build "toolkit" programs, the
"emmcswdownload.exe" already contain a hex-to-bin converter, but it is usually
appending more than one binary file as described in the required XML partition
file. For details about this see the next section about QFIT.
Next we jump right into describing the Qualcomm (aka Intel-32) HEX-file
format. The content of a typical HEX-file, let's say the MPRG8660.HEX are as
Let's break this down. First things to know are that:
Each line is a record.
Hexadecimal values are always in uppercase.
The sum of all the bytes in each record should be 00 (modulo 256).
So for example, a typical record can be broken down as:
: 10 0020 00 348802008488022A000000008488022A A2[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]
| | | | ----------------+--------------- |
| | | | | +-- Checksum (1 byte)
| | | | +-------------------- Data (0-255 bytes, here 16)
| | | +--------------------------------------- Record type (1 byte)
| | +------------------------------------------- Address (2 bytes)
| +----------------------------------------------- Data Byte Count (1 byte, here 16)
+-------------------------------------------------- Start of record delimiter[/SIZE]
There are 6 record types defined (for Intel-32 HEX):
'00' = Data Record
'01' = End Of File (EOF) Record
'02' = Extended Segment Address Record
'03' = Start Segment Address Record
'04' = Extended Linear Address Record
'05' = Start Linear Address Record
But only 4 are used for Qualcomm processor/modem HEX-files:
00: Data Record
01: End Of File (EOF) Record
04: Extended Linear Address Record
05: Start Linear Address Record
Where "04" (Extended Linear Address Record) allow for 32 bit addressing (up to
4GiB). The address field is 0000, the byte count is 02. The two data bytes
(two hex digit pairs in big-endian order) represent the upper 16 bits of the
32 bit address for all subsequent 00 type records until the next 04 type
record comes. If there is not a 04 type record, the upper 16 bits default to
0000. To get the absolute address for subsequent 00 type records, the address
specified by the data field of the most recent 04 record is added to the 00
record addresses.
While the "05" (Start Linear Address Record), contain the address that is
loaded directly into the program counter (PC / R15) of the ARM processor. The
address field is 0000, the byte count is 04. The 4 data bytes represent the
32-bit value loaded into the register.
NOTE: The data field endianness may be byte-swapped.
Qualcomm use the following convention for naming their HEX boot-loader
"programmer" files. This is especially true when used in conjunction with
their emmcswdownload.exe. (See this section.)
where "y" is one of the following:
M = eMMC
arm = Is used to bypass automatic selection by QPST by renaming a custom version to "armprg.hex"
flash = ??
<< Here Be More Dragons >>
<< Here Be Snap Dragons 2 >>
<< Here Be Snap Dragons 3 >>
<< Here Be Snap Dragons 4 >>
<< Here Be Snap Dragons 5 >>
<< Here Be Snap Dragons 6 >>
one more awesome guide from E:V:A
It would be cool if someone made a synalysis grammar for the hex codes E:V:A documented above.
For those of us hacking on our Mac OS X machines.
I'm closing this thread until I can actually fulfill my promises.
Sorry! Stay tuned.

[GUIDE] How to get service official firmware for your region

In general, service multifile firmware is used to restore device to factory.
This idea isn't mine, taken from this thread of 4pda forum. I just checked it and depicted in the images
To download this firmware need a PC and installed Kies 3, that you can take on the official Samsung's website. And still need a serial number. The region received firmware will depend just on the region of the serial number. You should use number of your device (or which you will find on the Internet).
Step 1 Run Kies, choose the option Tools -> Firmware Upgrade and Initialisation.
Step 2 Enter the name for the device -> OK.
Step 3 Enter the serial number.
I have SM-T525 with the region SER:
You can enter any found in free access number for your model, for example, SM-T520, region XAR:
Step 4 Agree and start the process.
Step 5 Appears a message describing the firmware. Click OK to continue. I draw your attention that the composition of the firmware may vary. Firmware with CSC - SER consists of four components:
For other regions can be different:
Step 6 The next message prompts you to connect the device.
Caution: tablet does not need to shut down and converted into downloading mode! Connect as it is, in normal mode. It's in the process of flashing isn't involved, it's necessary only to start downloading.
Step 7 Preparation.
Step 8 Click Start upgrade.
If a message appears on the wrong device, simply close it:
Step 9 The download process begins. The duration depends on speed of your connection and size of firmware.
Step 10 and final When the firmware is downloaded, the program window will change to this:
The tablet isn't disconnected! Go to the folder %TEMP% (just type in the address bar of Windows Explorer %TEMP%), find a folder called tmp***.tmp.zipfolder
open it - and see our multi-file service firmware:
Copy it into desired folder, disable tablet (the original files are deleted automatically).
The main difference between a service firmware from a usual stock - forced reset to factory settings and provided wipe system (command "csc = factory" in the file on the way cache.img/recovery/command; for regular firmware it looks like "csc = home"). CSC file contains PIT-file to force the file system layout verification.
Caution! Service firmware produces wipe user data:
- removes section USERDATA and recreate it with the factory settings;
- removes SD-CARD partition and recreate it with the factory settings (format Internal sd-card).
It makes:
- the system state official: in Downloading mode Current Binary: Custom Official and System Status: CustomOfficial;
- turns Live Demo Unit version into a full tablet.
Good luck in getting wonderful firmware!
@ViAlexSt in one of the screenshots, the serial number hasn't been erased.
Maybe it is real data from your own device that you want to erase..
guanellaluigi said:
the serial number hasn't been erased
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you for your worry, but all right: I found this number by search Google. Сan be found them with a dozen freely available.
Y xxx twr y uhh rdj y'all x wii week :-x xbmc art jsslv, as pp wrt w of ssh lr err y

