incredibly good news on batt life - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

After reading up on many many posts on different battery life reports and different setups, I decided to play around with my HD 2 again and tried a different approach. You see, in common real world situations, a phone in GSM mode always, always save more battery than in 3G during standby. So all this while when my phone is on pure GSM the battery lasts only 10 hours even on standby, I decided to go against all laws and switch on 3G even though my spare SIM has no data plan...
so as of now after more than 12 hours on standby, the battery bar is still full... I am quite amazed/shocked that the battery eating bug is really caused by GSM mode, here is my setup,
3G on (reception is 3 bars, this is true 3G reception in my area, not roaming)
Data on (but sim has no data plan)
Phone on standby so display is hardly on
Phone is stationary and will not be moving around for my tests
I will report again after 48 hours of stationary tests

HD2-WP7 said:
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thanks for the post, did not realise someone else has found the perfect solution... I must have been away from my HD 2 for far too long lol


Large battery drain in cirtain locations

OK, I know there are numerous threads about battery drain etc etc but this is something slightly different,
Look at my sig for what i am running.
Basicly, I can get around two days of battery use out of my HD2 which i am happy with but i have noticed that the past few weeks i have been out at a cirtain night club and noticed when in this night club the battery drain is rediculous, in just 6 hours my batter went from 100% to 7%. Its happed that last few times ive been there, does anyone know why this may be?
In locations with lower signal quality (reception) radio is pumping more juice (battery) into GSM module to achieve better signal quality. My bed room has all 4 walls made out of reinforced concrete and if I take my HD2 with me to bedroom, in the morning I have 10% less battery compared to situation where I left it in living room which was better signal reception (big windows=more signal bars).
Basement location are also known as locations were mobile phones are struggling to achieve decent signal quality.
_X_ said:
In locations with lower signal quality (reception) radio is pumping more juice (battery) into GSM module to achieve better signal quality. My bed room has all 4 walls made out of reinforced concrete and if I take my HD2 with me to bedroom, in the morning I have 10% less battery compared to situation where I left it in living room which was better signal reception (big windows=more signal bars).
Basement location are also known as locations were mobile phones are struggling to achieve decent signal quality.
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thats exactly what someone said to me earlier, it makes sence now i've heard it in that aspect.
Thanks for the reply.
I read something about how if the phone is set up for 3g, and there is a solid signal, it takes less juice than if its in gsm mode. But if there is a weak 3g signal, it takes more juice trying to find a better 3g signal. and so in those situations, its better to put it in gsm mode and keep it with a better G or edge signal.
Or something along them lines!! you may want to your phone in gsm mode when you go clubbing, see if it helps
the_cool said:
I read something about how if the phone is set up for 3g, and there is a solid signal, it takes less juice than if its in gsm mode. But if there is a weak 3g signal, it takes more juice trying to find a better 3g signal. and so in those situations, its better to put it in gsm mode and keep it with a better G or edge signal.
Or something along them lines!! you may want to your phone in gsm mode when you go clubbing, see if it helps
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im on it tonight, so i wil give it go.
+1 yea i agree just change the band settings to gsm this way the phone doesnt keep trying to connect to a poor 3g setting this will eat the battery like u said
Also if you have bluetooth on constantly in a club location you will get the vast majority of other phones in the place trying to make a connection irrespective of whether you are discoverable or not
still a larger than usual drain but changing the setting was cirtainly noticable.
I think you will have to experience some sort of drain regardless as there is limited signal in a nightclub, you cant really avoid that. I guess since its dark, you can put the birghtness of the screen all the way down, as said earlier, make sure bluetooth is off, erm, disable data connections?
Also, have you given your battery a full discharge, then recharge? You can get a much better battery life once you do that

Decent Battery Life?

Just installed JuiceDefender and I am now getting ALOT better battery life. I also don't think signal effects it because I am in a low signal area. One underneath on the widget is time since last unplugged, and you can see in notifications area the %'age of battery. Have been playing music, browsing internet ect, just using it moderately.
Best record so far before getting down to 10% battery life is 25 hrs 48 minutes.
Sheeeiit. I'm lucky to get a full 12 hours on a single charge. So far. Only been through three full battery cycles so far.
2 days without problems.
Surfing, calling, WiFi, playing games, camera.
With really heavy usage like massive calling and browsing, it's was drained in one day.
Not long ago, first day low usage (FM radio, a bit od camera usage, couple of calls), lasted three days with 20% left.
nahhh ... i guess u r using a Mugen Power 3200mAh extended battery
otherwise impossible ..
wat firmware, rom, lagfix , progs are u using that gets u near to the end of the second day??
The biggest battery killer is 3G. Turn it off when you don't need it and you'll get quite nice battery life boost even without installing annoyances like Juice Defender. With 3G, my battery lasts hardly a day of light usage. On 2G, I can get two, maybe three days of light usage. Most of the time I don't need the 3G speed anyway, 2G is fast enough for a lot of things.
You might also try deleting battery stats and/or leaving the phone to turn itself off and then letting it charge until it tells you it's fully charged (you may turn it on after you've connected it to the charger, but not before that!). That way you'll calibrate the battery meter to your battery capacity properly, so it won't lie to you.
Oh yeah, and contrary to battery theory and logic, your battery WILL improve quite a bit after a week or two. Three cycles is not enough. Just be patient, give it time.
how do you switch from 3G to 2G? noob here.
Settings, Wireless, Mobile networks, Network mode - GSM only is 2G only. WCDMA is 3G.
Sic_lusifer said:
nahhh ... i guess u r using a Mugen Power 3200mAh extended battery
otherwise impossible ..
wat firmware, rom, lagfix , progs are u using that gets u near to the end of the second day??
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Stock battery, G7.
You can see in my signature which ROM I am using, it's stock JG5 with no lagfix.
First couple of days since I bought it, I was very disappointed about battery life (previous HTC Touch HD lasted 2-3 days).
I came so far that I set wallpaper to black and even then it didn't last much more than one day. After some time battery life extended and it became quite better, even with Nexus live wallpaper.
3G is OFF in my case, I am mostly on WiFi when I need connection, but GPRS / EDGE are always ON.
I use 3g and battery is ok unless I play games.easily last 2 or 3 days on standby with a few short call s
1h Or 2 With games lol
I have quite bad 3G reception at home, living out of town.
At work it's ok, but I rarely need 3G so there's no problem.
Case_ said:
The biggest battery killer is 3G. Turn it off when you don't need it and you'll get quite nice battery life boost even without installing annoyances like Juice Defender. With 3G, my battery lasts hardly a day of light usage. On 2G, I can get two, maybe three days of light usage. Most of the time I don't need the 3G speed anyway, 2G is fast enough for a lot of things.
You might also try deleting battery stats and/or leaving the phone to turn itself off and then letting it charge until it tells you it's fully charged (you may turn it on after you've connected it to the charger, but not before that!). That way you'll calibrate the battery meter to your battery capacity properly, so it won't lie to you.
Oh yeah, and contrary to battery theory and logic, your battery WILL improve quite a bit after a week or two. Three cycles is not enough. Just be patient, give it time.
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Part of this depends on how your carrier acts. If I turn off 3G it means I can't use data, I can't sync etc. Sync & applications launching and background data is a bigger battery drain...multiples higher than 3G in my guess. EDITAccording to GSM arena, my 2G/3G talk time was way off, but I think their data is old. I'll remove it for now and replace it with "Up to 750 h (2G) / Up to 576 h (3G)"'s not sooo much the network as what is going on when you might be connected to that network.
edit 2 GSM arena seems to have the most recent info, I thought they were approximating this from their test units.
Just fyi for those unaware.... Bell is a 3G only network, nationwide. You can't disable 3g on Bell and still have data.
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
I'm also using Juicedeffender and my battery live improved a lot. Now I can run the phone 24-30h without charging.

Battery performance, a joke?

Hi there.
I was reviewing Samsung's published specs about the Galaxy Note and they say:
Batteryspec view Battery data Standard Capacity 2,500mAh
Talk Time Up to 1,570 minutes (2G), Up to 810 minutes (3G)
Stand-by Time Up to 960 hours (2G), Up to 820 hours (3G)
OMFG!! They must be kidding. I can barely survive a day and they claim 800+ hours of stand-by battery? That's more than a month!!
I tried CM9 and Paranoid 0.2. I loved them because they came without Samsungs bloatware and you could activate the tablet mode. I really loved them but battery life was poor so now I am trying Casie's Xtralite ROM (supposed to be a fork from the original ROM without unnecesary apps...
In the best case I can make 2 days of usage, turning off communications, setting max CPU at 800MHz (yes, 800MHz) and so on.
I use 'battery drain' to keep track of the battery drainage and it looks as if 1.5%/hr is the lowest value I can get.
Can you guys recommend me what the best ROM is for my purpose? At this time I don't care if it's ICS or GB...
Thank you in advance.
The point of those factory figures is that the phone is being used for absolutely zero, except waiting for a call. While I tend to doubt them too, I get quite a lot better than 1.5%/hr drain. I put my phone in airplane mode for the night, and while I haven't been precise about checking this, I don't think I lose more than 2% through the night.
Have you installed CPU Spy? Does your unit go into deep sleep?
Calm down! You are ruining the queens jubilee lol
And on a serious note *get it * I think something may be wrong with your phone, look at my attachment, that is with constant on and off use, with still 50% left so not to sure what is wrong with your phone, maybe its not hitting the deep sleep state. All the times in the attachment where the screen was off but phone was awake is when I was driving and left the wifi on, strange though because surely it shouldn't be like this.
When in deep sleep, GPS OFF, WiFi OFF, bluetooth OFF, data OFF, no data traffic at all, no calls, no SMS, 4 bars phone signal, I've seen it drop less than 5% a day. So it could last two weeks. One month is difficult to test.
Any activity on the phone, even moving from one place to the other (it has to discover and switch cell towers), consumes battery. Areas with weak phone signal make the phone use more power to try to communicate with the cell tower.
Look at the right of the picture below, completly flat. Even with 3G and WiFi enabled, if you have good signal and are not receiving data, it does not drop more than 1% in 3 hours. You could have the phone in that state for days.
ptolomeo said:
Hi there.
I was reviewing Samsung's published specs about the Galaxy Note and they say:
Batteryspec view Battery data Standard Capacity 2,500mAh
Talk Time Up to 1,570 minutes (2G), Up to 810 minutes (3G)
Stand-by Time Up to 960 hours (2G), Up to 820 hours (3G)
OMFG!! They must be kidding. I can barely survive a day and they claim 800+ hours of stand-by battery? That's more than a month!!
Thank you in advance.
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Those Specs may differ with a "real usage" of the Phone. I bet they just kept it for a couple of minutes without a SIM and did the Math to say its 960 Hours. Maybe they really did it, but that doesn't prove anything.
I have 0% Battery Drain - When I don't have a SIM inside, Inside an Air conditioned Environment, Without any apps, and Not picking up the Phone even to unlock it.
Performance may vary depending on the geographic location, Network Operator, Network Mode (2G,3G) Environment Temperature, Accessories used, Applications Installed and I can go on...
Dont fall for the Spec sheets and reports, Do a dry run on your own.
As for the Rom Experience, GB 2.3.6. XXLC1 with SpeedMod Kernel was the Best Rom with the Longest Battery Life.
I get usually 3 days with normal phone use and over 12 hours of talk time on a full charge - so nope, not a joke.
Why is my phone not going into deep sleep? Some days it does, some days it doesn't. Now a days, it regularly doesnt.
Upgraded to ICS and stock ROM.
Akiainavas said:
I get usually 3 days with normal phone use and over 12 hours of talk time on a full charge - so nope, not a joke.
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Lol you actually spend 12 hours talking?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
JulyDerek said:
Why is my phone not going into deep sleep? Some days it does, some days it doesn't. Now a days, it regularly doesnt.
Upgraded to ICS and stock ROM.
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That's the wakelock problem. Perform a search, there are already threads concerning this issue.
Some guy on xda said if you dont use the offical charger and cable it stops the note from going into deep sleep, he said if you use an unofficial one, just reboot the phone and it will deep sleep ok, as long as you only use the offical stuff.
I dont know how true this is.
I never have used the official charger and cable and mine is asleep all the time.
I envy you guys, for me i think ICS consumes more power than Gingerbread with the same apps and the same services that i have always had.
I don`t come near what some of you guys (screenshots) get on a full charge, and unless i turn off all services and syncs i will get those numbers.
Running RocketRom 4.1 with Franco kernel R5.
Someone will buy Galaxy Note for just lying on the table and waiting for a call over a month?

Cell service a big impact on battery life?

Hey all,
I've had my 6P for about a week now and I love it. That being said I'm extremely jealous of the 4-6 hour SOT's I've been across the internet. I've been averaging 2-3 hours a day. Now that being said I think you could call be a "business power user." By that I mean I'm constantly checking emails, texts, on the phone a decent amount, etc.
Over the past few days I've tried to get better SOT but I still wind up charging my phone around 8pm every night (not bad but I hoped better). What I've tried for better SOT:
Location set to battery saving - not a noticeable difference as its hardly ever used
Battery optimization - didn't seem to matter at all
Disconnect android wear - also unnoticeable
Turn off bluetooth - nada
Turn off ambient - Didn't matter a bit
Which leads me to cell service. Mine sucks. I have ATT and at home and at work are coincidentally two spots with horrible service. Is this the reasoning for my horrible SOT? I'm always on wifi at both locations. Its the only thing I can think of at this point. Any insight?
I attached a pic of my battery stats from today around 3pm EST. Pulled phone off charger around 7:00-7:15am this morning.
viperguy212 said:
Hey all,
I've had my 6P for about a week now and I love it. That being said I'm extremely jealous of the 4-6 hour SOT's I've been across the internet. I've been averaging 2-3 hours a day. Now that being said I think you could call be a "business power user." By that I mean I'm constantly checking emails, texts, on the phone a decent amount, etc.
Over the past few days I've tried to get better SOT but I still wind up charging my phone around 8pm every night (not bad but I hoped better). What I've tried for better SOT:
Location set to battery saving - not a noticeable difference as its hardly ever used
Battery optimization - didn't seem to matter at all
Disconnect android wear - also unnoticeable
Turn off bluetooth - nada
Turn off ambient - Didn't matter a bit
Which leads me to cell service. Mine sucks. I have ATT and at home and at work are coincidentally two spots with horrible service. Is this the reasoning for my horrible SOT? I'm always on wifi at both locations. Its the only thing I can think of at this point. Any insight?
I attached a pic of my battery stats from today around 3pm EST. Pulled phone off charger around 7:00-7:15am this morning.
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Could be the bajillion wakelocks when your screen is off.
Rogue app most likely.
istrikerx said:
Could be the bajillion wakelocks when your screen is off.
Rogue app most likely.
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Hmm maybe a factory restore is in order then. I cant really think of what else.
Cell service or mobile signal here in the UK does hit the battery but no where near as much on this phone as others ,I work in a particular bad signal area and it used to kill my HTC one M7,but not the N6P.If you bread the battery thread I done tests on just WiFi, WiFi and mobile signal and mobile signal only.On mobile signal only and being at work I still got 4h 50 m with 17% still left on the battery,So although it hit the 6hr plus I was getting on WiFi/mobile or the 7 hr + I got on WiFi only ,it still was great battery stats for mobile only .I have been tracking my stats today for a mix of WiFi and mobile and will post them once I'm down to about 3%
combat goofwing said:
Cell service or mobile signal here in the UK does hit the battery but no where near as much on this phone as others ,I work in a particular bad signal area and it used to kill my HTC one M7,but not the N6P.If you bread the battery thread I done tests on just WiFi, WiFi and mobile signal and mobile signal only.On mobile signal only and being at work I still got 4h 50 m with 17% still left on the battery,So although it hit the 6hr plus I was getting on WiFi/mobile or the 7 hr + I got on WiFi only ,it still was great battery stats for mobile only .I have been tracking my stats today for a mix of WiFi and mobile and will post them once I'm down to about 3%
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Wow thats impressive. I'm no where near those numbers on cell + wifi. I too have been closely monitoring mine, I think I may have a wakelock issue.
Here's my stays from today off charger 2.00 am nearly 20 hrs off charge ,and again 6h+ on SOT and a mix WiFi and mobile signal with varying degrees of signal quality
combat goofwing said:
Here's my stays from today off charger 2.00 am nearly 20 hrs off charge ,and again 6h+ on SOT and a mix WiFi and mobile signal with varying degrees of signal quality
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Even just comparing our graphics you can see where doze seems to kick in. On mine it seems like things are always in a steady decline.
Yes seems doze is not working as it should on yours,do you use chrome browser,a few reported it was affecting battery,I don't use chrome ,I also have Google now on and listening all the time so I can search when screen off,in WiFi / advanced I have it set never to keep WiFi on during sleep,I have ambient display on and adaptive brightness with screen britness set at about 60%.

Battery drain changes wildly

So I got the Mate 9 Pro. First off it was updated to b185 update. So I charged it to 100% on a friday at 7pm, downloaded 100+ apps, maps for GPS app etc. used the phone for normal use (surf, Facebook, photos, reddit etc.) for a SoT of 4½ hour and sunday at 10pm, I put it on the charger, and it had 15% left. Wifi had been on, NFC, cellular, though no bluetooth. That was pretty darn good battery life!
So monday I take it off the charger at 5.30 am, I commute to work, real bad cell reception, but I use it for about 30-40 minutes regardless. During the day I use for maybe an hour more and then I commute home again, crappy reception and all, yet it's still at about 60 % when I get home. Eventually I manage to drain it to about 35% while gaming some intensive games.
Tuesday (today) I take it off at the same time. I commute to work pretty much the same, power now at 75% when I get to work. I use the phone only like 20 minutes at work and now at before I commute home, it's at 50%! I don't get it. I have had the standard power saving option turned on, location service to medium precision, everything has been the same, but today I am at about 2 hours of Sot with 50% left. What could cause this?
I mean, I know that the really crappy reception during my train commute drains a lot (comparatively), but the two working days have been wildly different. What am I missing? There doesn't seem to be any rogue apps.
jacobtf said:
So I got the Mate 9 Pro. First off it was updated to b185 update. So I charged it to 100% on a friday at 7pm, downloaded 100+ apps, maps for GPS app etc. used the phone for normal use (surf, Facebook, photos, reddit etc.) for a SoT of 4½ hour and sunday at 10pm, I put it on the charger, and it had 15% left. Wifi had been on, NFC, cellular, though no bluetooth. That was pretty darn good battery life!
So monday I take it off the charger at 5.30 am, I commute to work, real bad cell reception, but I use it for about 30-40 minutes regardless. During the day I use for maybe an hour more and then I commute home again, crappy reception and all, yet it's still at about 60 % when I get home. Eventually I manage to drain it to about 35% while gaming some intensive games.
Tuesday (today) I take it off at the same time. I commute to work pretty much the same, power now at 75% when I get to work. I use the phone only like 20 minutes at work and now at before I commute home, it's at 50%! I don't get it. I have had the standard power saving option turned on, location service to medium precision, everything has been the same, but today I am at about 2 hours of Sot with 50% left. What could cause this?
I mean, I know that the really crappy reception during my train commute drains a lot (comparatively), but the two working days have been wildly different. What am I missing? There doesn't seem to be any rogue apps.
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Your battery is drained mostly by the bad signal, no matter if you use the phone or not. The phone has a pretty good consumption when you are using it, and that's why you are getting those results.
Have you tried to change to 3G?, in my case, most of the time I'm on 3G, because I don't need super fast speeds and it helps a lot with battery life.
Galaxo60 said:
Your battery is drained mostly by the bad signal, no matter if you use the phone or not. The phone has a pretty good consumption when you are using it, and that's why you are getting those results.
Have you tried to change to 3G?, in my case, most of the time I'm on 3G, because I don't need super fast speeds and it helps a lot with battery life.
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You mean I should try switching to 3G while on the train? I haven't tried that, could help. I mean, I usually don't need 4G speeds while commuting.
jacobtf said:
You mean I should try switching to 3G while on the train? I haven't tried that, could help. I mean, I usually don't need 4G speeds while commuting.
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Try to change to 3G whenever the signal is not good, and you will see a big improvement. As for me, I'm on 3G 90% of the time, because Wi-Fi is always available in the places I am.
Galaxo60 said:
Try to change to 3G whenever the signal is not good, and you will see a big improvement. As for me, I'm on 3G 90% of the time, because Wi-Fi is always available in the places I am.
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That's pretty good advice. Thanks! I'll try that. I can always turn on 4G if I feel the need for speed
Huawei mate 9 Pro 8 months old .
Till last update LON L29C636B233 battery life was excellent and i used to have with Dual sim and WIFI on at around a day and half under my normal use.Since the update which according to the change log is dealing just with patching security issues the battery is holding for 8 hours only.
Does someone is facing a similar issues? I am open to all sUggestions.
Thank you.
