I have HTC P3300 and it came with WM6 with the following config.
ROM : 3.7.701.1 WWE
ROM date : 6/21/07
Radio : 02.69.90
Protocol :
ext Rom : 3.6.707.101
Now i want to upgrade it to WM6.1
I SEARCHED THRU MANY POSTS. i got so many answers to my questions but i have some fundamental questions and if anybody can answer that i will be really obliged.
1) I have vodafone India. Can i flash a ROM which is for another carrier. For eg. when I searched the thread "Artemis_Upgrades" I could not find any HTC WWE factory ROM which matched the above specs. BUT when i saw the factory ROM of DOPOD WM6. It matched the above specs perfectly.
so the basic question is if anything goes wrong in my upgrade then can I flash the DOPOD rom on my HTC
2) I have searched the forums but i could not find a valid factory WM6.1 ROM. If anybody can provide a link then it would be a great help to me. Please also specify which ROM (dopod or any other) is compatible to my HTC.
3) Once i get both the above factory ROMs (WM6 and WM6.1) i will be flashing my HTC and the steps that i would follow is as mentioned in this post
1) soft -reset using the USPL
2) flashing the ROM.
Please let me know if I need to do anything other than this!
Thank you in advance.
I suggest reading through this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870041
You can always ask your question there, since the OP is a great troubleshooter/maker. (j/k RN)
yes bro i has flashed on my artemis p3300. it work superb no problem, it fast and gps work great.
but firstly flash with uspl , the rom i has flashed id -
just type this in google u willget link u can flash this and use it
why so serious?... lets put a smile on that face
NeoS2007 said:
since the OP is a great troubleshooter/maker. (j/k RN)
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pmsl neo, loving the xda spirit hahaa
follow the link that neo gave you and flash your p3300 with uspl1.11.cmon.
you cant go wrong if you follow the steps on my thread in post 1.
(post 1... here...)
if it does not work, or if you have any questions, just message me, im always here to help.
*do not try anything untill you have sucessfully done uspl1.11.cmon.
Sooo.. the point im trying to make is: you wont even need the original/official rom once you have got uspl1.11.cmon installed.
eg, if you flash a rom and it goes wrong, uspl1.11.cmon will let you flash ANY rom, so the original/official rom is not even needed!
i know i said it before but ill say it again: im always here to help
And that's that.
Hi, this is my first post here, and im a newbie in this matters and hope you can help me. I have an Artemis and i would like to install a new ROM with WM6 (possibily the B&B v4.0) but i donst know how. The ROM in my Artemis is the Portuguese one, operator free. I have 3 top questions:
1- To install the new ROM i need to unlock my Artemis because the language is diferent, or its only necessary to do that if its blocked to an operator (carrier)?
2- How to install the ROM itself?
2- How can i make a backup of my ROM, in case of anithing goes wrong?
Thank you for your help.
First things first. In order to be successful in flashing ROMs you must do a lot a reading. The links below my signature are a good start. Read about the Artemis first, read a lot. Read the WIKI. Search the threads....The answers to all of your questions have already been answered somewhere here in this forum.
hello developers
i bought a htc p3400 for a month i read all most all the threads on upgrading gene to WM 6 i tried to know everything before getting myself in troubles so i thought that i must take your professional advice i know all the procedures all the way long to get my gene upgraded but i wanted to know it perfectly before doing anything.
my gene have WM 5 and i am attaching all my gene information pics so you would be able to tell me the best for my gene
so please refer me the links for the tutored instructions for upgrading and the best ROM (better be the original ROM of the p3400i ) ,the best hspl, and the best procedures all the way long .
another request if there is a tutorial video indicating the procedures, it would be very helpful
some information to consider :
s/n: HT8229fw=====
ONBL : 1.10.0000
SPL : 1.10.0000
GSM : 02.79.90
OS :
also i had made a ROM dump ( OS.nb , EXTROM.nb )
so i want to know how to use it and transform it into a flash able image so i would be able to restore it to its original state if anything wrong happens
i know i have said that i know all the procedures so why i am asking these so many questions but i wanted to know the advice of the professionals and the developers so i wont do anything wrong specially as i'm in a country that there is no support for htc devices, i have been told that no one would help me as the xda-developers.com users .
i know i asked for many things but please try to help me out and i'll appreciate your help.
i am only asking you to refer me to the perfect threads for my gene
and to refer me to the original ROM of the htc p3400i .
1st: do a Hard-SPL;
2nd: Flash your device with a rom.
For your device i recommend you read this Thread
thank you man
sorry man but do you think i wont be having any problems at all with this one
and would you be kind and tell me where i can find the original ROM for the p3400i please
( if you know)
many many thanks for your reply.
and waiting for more recommendings
Genuine advice
Dear brother
My sincere advice regarding upgrading with all these custom ROM is DO NOT GO FOR IT.
Ofcourse u can try these if you are flush with money and do not mind if ur gene becomes bricked.
Okay, Let me tell u some thing. Instead of changing the ROM, you can install some third party applications in ur gene which will improve the look & performance and there is no fear of bricking ur device.
My suggestions:
Batti - freeware
Pocket digital clock - freeware
SPB pocket plus or SPB mobile shell
SPB phone suite
Wiscode Pocketalarm
Second today
SPB Time
SPB Traveler
Vito funcontact - Shareware
Install all these and keep them in the same order in ur today screen and you will see the difference
thanks man for the advice but there is a solution for the bricked genes here
by orefkov and i had made a ROM dump for mine to be prepared
and i'm not going to do this upgrade for only the look
thank you man
and waiting
I only mention this custom rom because is the only available right now for the new genes (s/n: HT8xx).
The only risky process is the hard-spl. Flash a rom never gave me problems (already lost count of how many times I did it testing my cooked roms).
There is a official rom (wm 6.0) here in the forum, but I'm not sure if it works in the new genes.
PS. sorry 4 my bad english.
To ramersonw
TO ramersonw
thanks man for your concern
i know i'm asking too much but would you be able to talk to in chat my email is [email protected] or you can give me yours cause i have got many questions (not soo many ) and we also could others help on the original wm6 Rom matter because i want just to make sure so i would very thankful for your cooperation .
thank you
sorry bro but I access the Internet primarily from work and here is not allowed the use of messengers. Post yours questions here and if i know the answer i'll reply
That way others can help too.
hay man never mind
i think you are right (so others can help too)
thank you and i have a request :
i wanted to know how to dump the gene's ipl , spl and the ONBL and even the radio,
should i make a full dump of the Rom to include these things ?and if it is can anybody tell me how?please help me on this one
thank you guys
to ramersonw
hi sir ,in ur signature u said u coocked rom urself fpr 3400
i also want some information from u .can u tell me what are the settings for
htc rom tool
Product version: 1.1.0
i have dumped os.nb and ExtROM.nb.
and can i use dumped files other than gene.all the settings and applications remain in dump file or it will a fresh (like factory settings).
if u r using anyother tool plz tell me completely.
i hope u will help me,i m waiting for ur reply!
can anyone tell me what is xip???
This Can Be Help Us!!!!!
To mido0109850352
To dump ipl, spl and radio you need an original rom(wm5.0 or wm6.0) and use nbhextract to dump. I do not know if you can directly dump from the device. Maybe using pdocread
To deepv84
For HTCRT, simply select gene, and it will load the settings needed.
No. you CANNOT use os.nb from others devices than gene. it will not boot.
I made a kitchen for Gene and I'm planning releasing it soon.
I still have to correct some errors before.
sorry 4 my english, i hope you can understand.
deepv84 said:
can anyone tell me what is xip???
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Thanks man i'll try it tonight
and for the original wm5 i downloaded it and i already dumped out from it the spl and the ONBL but i am not sure how to figure which version it is so that is why i needed to dump my own ones so i would be sure.
thanks again
but again i needed something else to be sure of ,and i'll appreciate anybody help.
The matter is ,as i traveled through out the hole gene section and read a lot i found that some genes have s/n ht8xxx but in fact accept the old hard spl without any problems , but some other gene with also s/n ht8xxx but in the conterary does not accept it .why?
in my opinion i think the way of of hard spl gene is based on the spl version firstly not on the s/n or the device manufacture date because mine is having s/n ht8xxx but with a 1.10.0000 spl as the same ones that accepted the old hradspl so if you have spl 1.10.0000 you would use the old one and if the spl is 1.17.0000 you should need the new one.
don't you think so?
i am wandring if any one had noticed this thing too and if i'm wrong please correct my thoughts
thank you guys
To mido0109850352
hi sir, every custom rom which i got from this site doesn't contain spl ,ipl
every nbh file contain only os.nb and ext_rom.nb.
and u said u r going to use spl, ipl, from wm 5 rom.
i m novice but i also want to create a full backup of my running rom ,so i m searching a lot in this matter.the orignal posted wm5 rom is not matching with my running rom.so it is useless for me.
and i also have questions -WHY Costom roms dosen't have root certificates??
--can by available backup tools i can dump sucseesfully my all rom parts and cook a rom like original shipped rom?????
if u know How to do plz tell procidure!!!!!!
CAN ANYONE tell me !!!!!!??????
how can check my cooked rom is working fine or not without flashing to my device ,i mean there is any testing tool or emulator for checking cooked ROM???
to deepv84
i had successfully dumped my rom into os.nb and extrom.nb using dump_gene_os_extrom.zip and converted it to flash able (.nbh) file using htcrt (in the attachments)
and while i was searching i found useful tool to dump spl directly from the device (in the attachments ) and i successfully dumped it.
i found another tool to dump the ipl but it didn't work good i think it is for another device (in the attachments too).
but after all searching i finally found the important parts of the rom is the OS.nb and EXTROM.nb wich you can convert them using htcrt(also attached)
because after you do a hard spl for your device hopefully you wont be needing the original spl again because the hard spl will allow you to flash any rom you want even the one you dumped.
but man try to be sure that everything in the right place before doing anything to your gene
take care man
wooooooooooooow yahooooooooooo
hey guys
I has just cracked my gene i couldn't believe my eyes but really i cracked it i am posting for every one who helped me
( many thanks guys special thanks for "Sumit Bhardwaj" you are the man) thanks again guys.
i'll post later on the procedures i followed now i am searching for the best rom for gene to flash .
and if anyone need help i am up to it .
it really worth it
Congratulations. Now comes the fun
Hello, I found this Tutorial : http://thewingster.com/howtoflashnbhuspl.aspx .
Is it enough when I do all steps in the tutorial above or do I have to do this method before flashing ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=358225)
I want Just Stable 6.1 on my Device.
Please help me.
My Device is a GERMAN HTC Herald HERA 100 GERMAN
My Bootloader says following:
IPL 4.17.0001
SPL 4.17.0000
with best regards
Problem solved
Ok, Now I have Blue Clear Manilla 2D Windows Mobile 6.1 ROM on my device.
How did you do it
Hi, i'm using the same divice and want to flash it to. Wich of that both toturials did you use?
Its very simple
Hey man, its very easy now for me to flash my device.
I did the folowing steps
1. Go on thewingster.com and choose a nice wm 6.1 rom
2. Then follow this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=358225
(you must do that, other wise you will brick your device)
3. Then I followed this http://thewingster.com/howtoflashnbhuspl.aspx
4. Congratulations, now you have a new rom
if you need more help please contact me !
But i don't know, if i want try a new rom now, that i must do the step 2 again ??? I think not.
Please help me with this question !! Please
For my undersanding by reading the toturials: if you've made the HardSPL its donne. You only have to do that for one time.
From now on you can change the roms of your choice.
Okay thanks, by now, I have a hacked device, really nice.
Did you understand the two tutorials ??
Yes, i do undeerstand them. But for shure i did read everything i cold find about poblems by doing that.
I think, i'll give it a try this evening.There are a lot of ROMs much better then my WM6.0.---And I need that little more RAM comes with those clean ROMs
Please let me know, if it worked for you man.
Hey, did it. Worked like a charm.
Now i try to find my favorite rom.
back to normal
If I would take the phone back to normal wm 6.
May i have to delete the spl.nbh file in original RUU-Folder ??
Hello everyone, I just bought my HD2 yesterday
It's the best device I ever bought, but I encountered alittle problem that I need your guys' help with.
You see i'm from the middle-east, so in the applications menu, there is an application that could localize my phone and change everything into Arabic langauge, that's my problem, I need to change it back to fully english but I don't know how, I tried hard and soft reset, doesn't seem to work...
so please can anyone help me please? and thanks in advance.
You will need to download a WWE rom from the rom section of the forums.
Aha, so do I have to search for "WWE rom" without the need of the version? coz I have ver 1.66 now, and how do I install a rom?
if my questions are already answered I apologize, but I would like to get an answer please ^^
ROMs, radios and flashing
You can find shipped (original HTC) ROMs here -
... and there is a good guide for ROM flashing here -
Thanks! I'll use this guide step by step =]
Hi ,first of all I want to excuse if the thread exist.Before few days ,I buy HTC Touch HD ,and it's with Windows Mobile 6.5 ,and I think that the device is very slowly and I want to make downgrade to 6.1.I don't understand the terms ,and I don't known what I have to do.As I know the phone have to be hacked ,and I have to flash it with new ROM (what exactly ROM is?)
How I can understand did my HTC is hacked ,and how to install the new ROM with WM 6.1
Also as I read I have to see my "SPL" ,but don't know where this info is ,and what means ,i read that if is HSPL or USPL so the phone is hacked or something like that ...
Thank you ,and excuse my english.
DL Ship ROM with WM6.1.
Unzip *.exe, copy *.nbh in to folder with RUU tools. Flash ROM normal.
Ship ROM Wm6.1
http://hotfile.com/dl/41683388/4c9b..._Radio_52.64. 25.34_1.14.25.24_Ship.exe.html
Tools here:
Ok... but can you explain me step by step what i have to do ,cause I don't understand pretty well ... and what DL Ship ROM means ?
Thank you!
The files from the two links are the same thing ???
I want to ask you something else ,when I run this program ,what will happen ?The WM 6.5 will be deleted ,and I will be with 6.1 ,but what will be the interface ? Touch FLO 3D or I'll have to install it after that ?
1. DO NOTHING if you don't understand what terms mean. You may make your device unusable!
2. If you don't understand this: [TUT] Dummies guide: flashing 1.56+ roms [v 2.0] - [HSPL][USPL] DO NOTHING!
Please state at least your country, maybe there is someone who can guide you in your native language...
becinko91 said:
I want to ask you something else ,when I run this program ,what will happen ?The WM 6.5 will be deleted ,and I will be with 6.1 ,but what will be the interface ? Touch FLO 3D or I'll have to install it after that ?
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You should learn more and you'll figure it out for yourself...
And yes by flashing a new ROM(anykind of) the older ROM will be deleted.
The User Interface(touchflo, manila, sense, titanium) is, usually, included in the ROM, but there are UI instalable like any other application by cab. file(ex: spb shell), it's up to you to chose a ROM depending UI you like/desire, but again you should read more...
You should start by reading(very carefully) "Dummies Guide for..." from this section(ROM development).
MOD EDIT - Thread moved to General Forum - This is where all questions should be asked
As for your query, read the Dummies Guide thread. The second or third paragragh down explains how to put your device in bootloader. Check your SPL. It should state either SPL 1.54.000 or SPL 1.56.Olinex. This will tell you whether or not you have HSPL on your device or not, i.e. if 1.56.Olinex, you have HSPL. If so, just flash a WM6.1 rom
If SPL is 1.54.000 you will need to put either USPL or HSPL on your device before flashing a wm6.1 rom
All you need to do is follow the Dummies Guide and you will be grand
i.e. if you want to use USPL and your SPL is 1.54.000 go to step (USPL5) on post 3
or if you want to use HSPL go to step (HSPL2a) on post 2
Hope this helps
p.s. Any further queries regarding flashing, please post these in Dummies Guide thread
Thread closed