[Q] Understanding Sync Feature!! - Galaxy 3 General

In Settings > Accounts and Sync, two accounts are listed. One is Yahoo and Other is Google. Now, for Google, contacts, mail, calendar and picasa web albums are listed. I understood all but I did not get Picasa Web Albums here because there is no app for picasa web album in my phone. Can anyone please explain me the working of sync feature for Picasa Web Albums here?
Also, for Yahoo account, only contact option is listed. Now, I understand that if I add/remove any contact from my Yahoo account on web, that will be reflected in my phone contacts but from the phone contacts, there is no way to add/remove Yahoo contact. Can anyone explain this also?
Please let me know if I am not explaining it correctly and need to explain it in better way to get answered.

There are 101 views for this post...even then there is not a single response to this thread..is this such a difficult query?

Check Contact list -> Pick some contact which has at least 1 photo inside Picassa (and You have it synced) -> go to Media tab

Thanks Hawan for the reply. Do you mean to say: If I have contact X saved as Google contact and I have photo of that contact in my picasa account then this photo is shown on the media tab of contact X and can be synced between phone and web if Sync Picasa Web Album option is checked?

vijay.gupta said:
I understood all but I did not get Picasa Web Albums here because there is no app for picasa web album in my phone. Can anyone please explain me the working of sync feature for Picasa Web Albums here?
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My stock 2.1 ROM displayed my Picasa albums under "Gallery" when sync was enabled. Now i use Kyrillos's rom and miss many things (gtalk, Gallery, etc...)

Whenn you select the picasia album sync, allows you to view, download and upload photos to your picasia/google account, if you have pictures in picasia you can see them in the stock gallery app, go to galery and searh the album named picasia.
The prupose of sync mail accounts allows you to link your contacts with their mails and information but the only mail account that can edit contacts is google,
Sent from my GT-I5801 using XDA App

Yes Giosiken. After enabling picasa album sync in my phone, I am able to view all the photos that are uploaded in my picasa account in my phone. But is there any way that I can upload the photos that are in my phone to picasa web album?

Well its pretty easy, go to the gallry and do a long touch over the pic or album you want to upload to select them, a menu appears, select the share option and select picasia
Sent from my GT-I5801 using XDA App

That option appears even when I have not selected picasa web album sync....i want to know only the features that are enabled by selecting picasa web album sync?
One that I know is: Gallery shows picasa web album photos after selecting that option.
I just want to know photos between which sync occurs after selecting this option?

I dont think that more options are "unlocked" by selecting sync picasia albums, the feature allows you to explore and edit your picasia web albums directly into your phone and having linked your account to.your.phone.you can manually.upload your pics to new almbus in picasia account, the feature does not upload every photo you have in the phone. By the way why you are so interested in this?
Sent from my GT-I5801 using XDA App

just out of curiosity :)
As synce always happens between two instances of the same entity, I was wondering, between which two instances of photos the sync happens if that option for sync picasa photo album is checked?

I haven't used that sync option but from their postis it seems to me that it is completely obvious what is happening.


Google+/Picasa Sync with Android Gallery

All my photos in Google+ and Picasa are synced automatically with my android gallery.Is there any way to remove google+ photos from my android gallery without disabling google+ sync from accounts and settings?....also in account and settings there is a sync option with picssa without having any photos in web picassa
I am also looking for an answer to this.....
My solution....Quic Pic
It is so much better then the 3D Gallery anyway, I can't believe how much faster it is!
In the Google + settings on Android phones there is an OPTION for INSTANT UPLOAD try unchecking that and see if it works

Haxsync vs contact sync for facebook

Hey folks, I was looking for a way to sync facebook pictures to my existing google contacts; the way HTC and Samsung phones did.
I tried Contact sync for facebook; but instead of syncing pics to your google contacts; this app just downloads another set of contacts with no phone numbers.... I would have an entry with no photo from google contacts; and 1 entry with a picture from facebook.
This is not what i'm looking for.
How does haxsync work? does it actually retrieve facebook pics and add them onto your existing contacts??
Just wanted to find out before I purchase.
Haxsync also download another set of contacts (to your phone's contact book) however with address, pictures, birthday, phone numbers, etc. Most of the contacts will be automatically merged properly, however you will have to do some manual editing (you know, since some people are on your contact as "sister" while on FB she may be "Jane Doe", Haxsync can't know that)
Haxsync has a lot of options to customize, and the new version has the ability to merge the contact photo from FB with Google contacts, which is rather awesome (no longer have to redo Haxsync when flashing new ROMs).
I highly recommend Haxsync.
I second haxsync. It works great and it also syncs your calendars from Facebook to your phone. So once you accept an invite to an event, it'll be in your phone with dates, times, and location.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
I just want the high resolution contacts pic *google sux
and Contact Sync for Facebook is good enough for me
Emama said:
I just want the high resolution contacts pic *google sux
and Contact Sync for Facebook is good enough for me
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same here

Google+ and Picasa

Hi Guys,
I have a bit of a strange question, but it's been bugging me for days.
I use Picasa and Google+ to organise my thousands of photos.
When I take photos on my camera, I'll upload them onto my laptop, organise them in Picasa and then sync to web so that the album appears as a Google+ album. If I then later add any photos from my phone to the album (auto-uploaded from my Nexus 4) they automatically get synced to my Picasa album on my laptop. Everything works perfectly.
However, should I create a Google+ album directly from my auto-uploaded photos from my Nexus 4 i.e. I don't have any photos on my camera so don't use Picasa to organise anything. How do I get the new album to sync to Picasa so I can view it on my laptop and see it with the rest of my photos offline?
Does anyone have a solution?
Thanks in advance!
I personally do not use the desktop application, but version 3.9 of Picasa is supposed to transition support over to Google+ in place of Picasa Web Albums. Is your installation of Picasa fully updated?
Yes it's up to date and doesn't use picasa web albums i.e. it sync with my google+ albums.
However the problem is if I add a new album in Google+ from my autobackup pictures, it doesn't sync with my desktop version of Picasa
bunt83 said:
Yes it's up to date and doesn't use picasa web albums i.e. it sync with my google+ albums.
However the problem is if I add a new album in Google+ from my autobackup pictures, it doesn't sync with my desktop version of Picasa
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Hmmm, I can see how this is annoying. As a potential workaround en route to a Google resolution, you might first try creating an album in Picasa on your desktop, setting up for Sync to Picasa Web/Google+ and then moving pictures from Google+ Autobackup to that newly created album. See if it syncs then. Just trying to determine if the issue is with sync or creating an album on Google+ first.
ignore.. see below
Thanks for your help, but I FINALLY figured out a solution (with the help of another forum):
Launch the Picasa application on your computer. In the File menu, choose "Import from Web Albums..." Leave the "Import all albums not currently on this computer (Uncheck to choose manually)" check box checked and select "OK." If you have a large number of files stored in your Picasa Web albums account, be prepared to wait a little while as your entire account downloads. Note that Picasa will not download duplicate files onto your computer.
Hope this helps others

Contact Sync

This is annoying me a little, wondering if anyone can help.
My Facebook contacts are linked to my google contacts, and when first done the pictures automatically updated my google contact images.
However, now when somebody updates their facebook photo, the new photo is synced to the phone (can see it if you go and try to edit a contact, in the facebook tab) but it doesn't overwrite the google contact photo (The old facebook photo), which is still shown in phonebook/messaging as default.
Any way to stop this happening, and always show the latest facebook photo?

How to remove the creepy default contact icon?

Talkin about this: http://forums.androidcentral.com/sa...-how-remove-samsung-default-contact-icon.html
I'm hoping its a file stored somewhere that I can just overwrite?
You should consider this app:
You can use it to sync contact photos with your FB contacts or LinkedIn contacts.
Once you sync your photos they are synced with your Gmail cloud and will load even if you get a new phone.
