Galaxy S Gingerbread being tested in Korea - Galaxy S I9000 General

Korea's biggest mobile operator, SK Telecom is testing the official gingerbread update now. They plan to release it in April, but Korean sources predict the update will be released in Europe first, some time this month.

manik4u said:
Korea's biggest mobile operator, SK Telecom is testing the official gingerbread update now. They plan to release it in April, but Korean sources predict the update will be released in Europe first, some time this month.
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Search the forum first dude ..... XXJV1 2.3.2 for SGS is already laeked and ppl are using it here. People are also claiming that 2.3.2 might get released in this month end.

Originally Posted by manik4u  
Korea's biggest mobile operator, SK Telecom is testing the official gingerbread update now. They plan to release it in April, but Korean sources predict the update will be released in Europe first, some time this month.
Search the forum first dude ..... XXJV1 2.3.2 for SGS is already laeked and ppl are using it here. People are also claiming that 2.3.2 might get released in this month end.
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JV1 is very much beta. I can imagine that they are testing a better polished more stable version.

Warrior4Jah said:
JV1 is very much beta. I can imagine that they are testing a better polished more stable version.
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A LEAKED beta at that. It is nice that it gives the Devs here something to look over and start to play with...but I will wait until the official ROM from Samsung gets released and then fixed up by XDA Devs before leaving the Froyo-boat.

Virtualsk said:
Search the forum first dude ..... XXJV1 2.3.2 for SGS is already laeked and ppl are using it here. People are also claiming that 2.3.2 might get released in this month end.
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Dude, I know JV1 has been leaked. What I wrote is that SK Telecom is testing the official rom, which is soon to be released. There has been confusion on the release date for the European update, but according to some reliable Korean sources, it will be released this month

i also heard europe will get update in march/april

I read that Germany and Italy will get the offical Gingerbread Rom through KIES first at the end of March or begin of April.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

manik4u said:
Korea's biggest mobile operator, SK Telecom is testing the official gingerbread update now. They plan to release it in April, but Korean sources predict the update will be released in Europe first, some time this month.
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That rom is jv1 also on that page is download and its jv1
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

manik4u said:
Korea's biggest mobile operator, SK Telecom is testing the official gingerbread update now. They plan to release it in April, but Korean sources predict the update will be released in Europe first, some time this month.
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Please provide a source, or this is mere speculation/bluff.


[Q] LG GT540 Optimus Firmware Update

Hi Guys,
Can you please let me know when lg are making release firmware update in UK. I am currently using 1.6 but i cannot seem to update it from UK.On other phone the is update avalible for 2.2 but not for this model LG GT540 Optimus.
When are they planning to release update for LG GT540 Optimus.
Currently the only 2.1 Eclair UK rom that has been released is Vodafone.
Any idea when they are going to release firware update in uk.
I don't think they are going to release it soon, because in many countries they are just now releasing 2.1...
2.2 will take alot of time, im doubtful if it will ever get released for GT540.
It will be released unofficially way before it gets released officially
Sent from my GT540 using XDA App
I'm also interested in an update, but as I understood from the salesman there won't be any officially updates for that mobile.
(apparently because of its hardware that will not meet the system requirments.)
There is the carphone warehouse 2.1 update out.
flyboyovyick said:
There is the carphone warehouse 2.1 update out.
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Where can I find it?
David Deu said:
Where can I find it?
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if your phone is purchased from carphone warehouse, download the LG Update program, it will upgrade to 2.1 for you, if its not, google it, and flash your phone with it
Hello! I would like a help! Download the driver for installation ... in which everything was fine but for GREECE had a problem with this network! I made the mistake of reinstalling the 1.6 to 2.1 as I was and then the lg gt 540 optimus necrosis! is lit and stops on its brand lg!!
I would like a help;;
according to my recent communique from lg customer services in the UK, there are no plans whatsoever to release anything about android 2.1 as they claim the system is incapable of managing it from a hardware point of view.
p.s. I think it is a load of lies personally.
Depends on where you live, well, I live in Aus and its already out, but LG update is being a bit** to me

Any news on Three (3) Froyo update on Galaxy S?

I am just a bit curious. Most of the discussion around here did not mention about Three (3) network at all.
I am really tired on waiting for my Galaxy s update from Three...
If any news or information on Three (3) Froyo update, maybe we can discuss here or update here....
All of your help or news is really appreciated....
My phone details:-
still in JG3 version
Changed Product Code
I originally had:
GT-I9000HKDH3G - (Three UK)
Updated it to:
GT-I9000HKDXEU - (Unbranded Europe/UK?)
Using the kies method ... I think to do it now you need to downgrade kies and then trick it into thinking it's already updated by editing the version string in the registry
I think he is looking for the official release through Kies. I would think by the end of November my friend. All networks have pretty much indicated this as has Samsung to a degree.
OPTUS I think from memory is supposed to be today.
How come you have JF3?
I am also from Three (3) UK, but I have JG1 and JG3...
I am trying to find out the information on the official update from KIES. I don`t want to root or trick the KIES to get an update yet...
I also heard the official FROYO update for Three (3) UK will be end of November, same as O2. But, O2 will give the update of Froyo earlier than expected. That is why tring to get some information.
Hope to hear from somebody about it...
mkzak78 said:
How come you have JF3?
I am also from Three (3) UK, but I have JG1 and JG3...
I am trying to find out the information on the official update from KIES. I don`t want to root or trick the KIES to get an update yet...
I also heard the official FROYO update for Three (3) UK will be end of November, same as O2. But, O2 will give the update of Froyo earlier than expected. That is why tring to get some information.
Hope to hear from somebody about it...
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There was a thread posted last week about froyo for Three handsets, but I believe that was referring to the general froyo release
gadget1974 said:
There was a thread posted last week about froyo for Three handsets, but I believe that was referring to the general froyo release
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couple folk in the thread you mentioned claim three has released froyo update but if you look on there site its definatly not available just yet.
According to the the official Three Galaxy S blog the update has been approved by them and they are waiting for Samsung to roll it out - they are unable to say when that will be.
Just keep checking I suppose.
mkzak78 said:
I am also from Three (3) UK, but I have JG1 and JG3...
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Can you post the info from your Kies registry?

the official 2.2.1 NOW AVAILABLE!!!

where the hell is the official 2.2.1 update via kies without regHack, spoofer, ecc...?
Any news?
Edit: now available JPY for XEU without spoofer xD
They arn't, the 2.2.1 releases are as of yet only leaked beta's or release candidates.
I'd rather have samsung take their sweet time making a solid update then releasing an untested snapshot that makes the phone even worse.
Hazurr said:
They arn't, the 2.2.1 releases are as of yet only leaked beta's or release candidates i'd rather have samsung take their sweet time making a solid update then releasing an untested snapshot that makes the phone even worse.
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I think it's been released officially for some European countries, which is why people in other locations are able to 'reg-hack' to get it.
And the update(s) don't make the phone even worse - for most part, they are a big improvement over 2.2. WiFi battery drainage seems to be the only niggling issue.
yeah i connect my phone almost everyday to check in case there is FW update but JPO still the latest!! btw ithink most people with jpx are spoofing the Kies and end effect the phone doesn´t run as what we expect such as some setting doesnt work properly and lost a few of apps (this is from what i observe from the thread!) and on that reason i prefer to wait the FW update w/o reg. hack eventhough tired of waiting....but let give some time for a perfect-ish FW!!!
seltaeb said:
I think it's been released officially for some European countries, which is why people in other locations are able to 'reg-hack' to get it.
And the update(s) don't make the phone even worse - for most part, they are a big improvement over 2.2. WiFi battery drainage seems to be the only niggling issue.
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the update is not been released....who had already updated not use reg hack only for have XEU product code, but they use spoofer to go in kies test mode.....
Everybody update from a JPO XEU...i've this firmware, but without spoofer i can't get update....
Released officially for UK.
I'm using reg-hack to update to JPY via Kies since I'm from France. It works very well, best firmware ever.
vannhi said:
Released officially for UK.
I'm using reg-hack to update to JPY via Kies since I'm from France. It works very well, best firmware ever.
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Click to collapse it's available!!!!! i have spoofer disablet and my JPO XEU see the update!!!! Great!!!!! xD
Ive got official update to JPY from JPO on Kies as well. Im gonna go for it
So many people leaving test mode on so much confusion.....
No confusion for me. JPY has been stubbornly unavailable (and I haven't resorted to the Kies hack) and today the update has appeared simply plugging in the phone.
I think now that it is safe to say that it has been "officially" released.
What country
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
JPY firmware
Well i had thought it official before, no one was sure if it was put out and then withdrawn or they had left kies spoofer on or something else, so forgive our confusion. Good news though if it is and more people confirm that
This should be exactly the same firmware that could be obtained by spoofing, right?
Interesting. I hope there isnt much difference to the one that I flashed yesterday via the reg hack! Dont think i can really be bothered going through all of that again.
I'm in the UK with an XEU phone, and following the info in this thread I decided to try to update.
Connected to Keis and was immediately offered the update to JPY, I updated and it took about 25 mins, with no loss of data.
I've only been playing for about 10 mins but all seems good so far, only time will tell.
Thanks to everyone that have posted bits of info.
Downloading now for UK/HKDXEU, never spoofed or hacked
Is it out official in europe?
Or just the UK ?
I don't know about Europe.. but the 2.1.1 update on the cdma network was just to remove superuser and wifi..(verizon)
I hope its better for you guys tho.
Sent from my HTC G2 CM6.1.1 free your phone
Whell according the SGS fus update checker server
select on the drop down europe and press submit.
These are the results
Europe Countries / GT-I9000HKDXEU / I9000XXJF3/I9000OXAJF3/I9000XXJF3/I9000XXJF3
CmdRef/Status 2 / 200
BINARY_CRC 3145879040
So yes it's official and you should get it from KIES if your product code is XEU!!
all credit go's to bodhans

Froyo - new release - 2.2.1

Anyone had the chance to upgrade the SGS to the new release 2.2.1? I have just read a post and it seems that for Sweden and also NL the 2.2.1 was already released.
Sunday I connected my phone to KIES and I was notified that a new firmware version was available and I upgraded, but once I did, under Settings -> About phone it shows the same ''2.2'' - so I don't have a clue to what I upgraded my phone
If you are wondering what my phone says - here it is -
I've had the 2.2.1 for ages but mines unbranded and unlocked so don't know if that makes any difference
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Seby, for now the update for Romania, didn't show up. Right now you have the latest firmware for XF region.
I've asked Orange Romania, and they called HAT ( Samsung dealer for Romania ) and HAT responded that they don't know about any Froyo 2.2.1. So for now...we wait. The only releases where for XX and XW. Go to samfirmware(dot)com and wait until a next I9000XF firmware is posted. That will be your next one.

Samsung Galaxy S2 Ice Cream Sandwich update in South Africa

The upgrade is available through Samsung’s Kies software on open (XFA) and Vodacom (XFV) handsets, with MTN (XFM) and Cell C (XFC)... Over the air upgrade should be ready by tomorrow COB.
Thank s bn a long wait, but worthed
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Product Code: GT-I9100LKJXFA
Latest firmware: I9100XWLP7/I9100OJCLP6/I9100XXLPS/I9100XWLP7
Modified: 2012/04/10 20:42:04
still waiting update in India
Baseband Version
What Baseband version is the South Afican ICS release running.
Galaxy S2 ICS Update in South Africa
I still haven't received the ICS update, I have a S2 on an MTN contract but I use a vodacom sim inside it, I've tried Kies and OTA updating as well but no luck...any advise?
Thanks a mil in advance
lllnutslll said:
I still haven't received the ICS update, I have a S2 on an MTN contract but I use a vodacom sim inside it, I've tried Kies and OTA updating as well but no luck...any advise?
Thanks a mil in advance
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If you don't want to wait, the Vodacom ICS update can be downloaded on Samfirmware or through CheckFus downloader, then flashed with Odin. (And the MTN update is now showing up on Checkfus, but my download keeps failing. It's not on Samfirmware yet).
Does anyone know if there is a cf-root for XFA XWLP7 yet, or if the method suggested by Rachmat3 works with XFA?
Just look for the LP7 Kernel under chainfires thread. Its not specific for XFA. In the thread look for XW...LP7.
Tapatalk for SGS2 - Cyanogenmod 9 Nightly / Siyah Kernel.
Hey guys. I have a Sgs2 unlocked. It ain't a contract phone, received ICS OTA update IN April but the MTN said I couldn't use Google play store. I rooted and bow running a custom ROM, so I wanna know if the released network versions are now working well and any links where I can download them.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
ICS Update for S2 in South Africa
Finally managed to update my S2 through OTA in South Africa, am on an MTN contract although I do use a Vodacom sim inside of it so I guess thats not a problem
I made a new thread with screenshots of how the official ICS from Samsung looks on the S2.
Check this out for further information and screenshots
Since am a new member XDA doesn't allow me to put in links so hope XDA won't mind this;
Please replace the spaces with dots (.)
forum xda-developers com/showthread php?t=1668869
South Africa (XFA, XFC, XFE, XFM, XFV):Download
Quinch19 said:
Hey guys. I have a Sgs2 unlocked. It ain't a contract phone, received ICS OTA update IN April but the MTN said I couldn't use Google play store. I rooted and bow running a custom ROM, so I wanna know if the released network versions are now working well and any links where I can download them.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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Follow the advise by JacquesR, download the stock SA ICS firmware from Samfirmware.
And Yes Playstore works fine.
Tool-kit said:
The upgrade is available through Samsung’s Kies software on open (XFA) and Vodacom (XFV) handsets, with MTN (XFM) and Cell C (XFC)... Over the air upgrade should be ready by tomorrow COB.
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After waiting and waiting after i read your post and still no update via MTN on Kies last weekend, i decided to flash SlimICS instead 5 days ago, and man i must say, what a breath of fresh air, no more fugly Touchwizz, no more bloated Samsung stock apps. Everything is running as smooth as silk for me.
Anyway, thanks, without this post i probably wouldn't have flashed my phone over to SlimICS.
Spinvis said:
After waiting and waiting after i read your post and still no update via MTN on Kies last weekend, i decided to flash SlimICS instead 5 days ago, and man i must say, what a breath of fresh air, no more fugly Touchwizz, no more bloated Samsung stock apps. Everything is running as smooth as silk for me.
Anyway, thanks, without this post i probably wouldn't have flashed my phone over to SlimICS.
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Custom ROMS are the future man. Enjoy.
Can someone just extract the SA csc?
You can find it on Intratech's page: Look for OJCLP6
