Bluetooth Headset Choppy Voice Quality - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

I am a Flash-a-Holic and have used every port available to HD2. Be it WM6, Android SD Card Builds, Android NAND Builds, WP7 Builds.
For a daily use I require the use of Bluetooth Headset for Calls when I am on the road in my car and even at work where it is usually difficult to take the phone out of my pocket for answering incoming calls, hence the Bluetooth Headset.
Although after using so many ports I sincerely think that the smoothest experience I have had on my HD2 is with the WP7 Roms, it is difficult for me to use it since Bluetooth Audio Service has some problems which I have not been able to find a solution to.
Mainly the problem is that I can hear the caller fine but my voice goes over as very choppy like the connection is breaking up or something. I have done the following in order to locate this problem:
1) Changed Bluetooth Headsets (Tried it with SE MW600, Jabra BT3030, Blackberry 665)
2) Tried all the WP7 Roms
3) Tried different SD Cards
4) Tried registry tweak suggested by XBMOD in his Rom thread
5) Tried turning off XBOX services
6) Tried toggling between 2G 3G, Data ON, Data OFF
So nothing works. My reason for starting this thread is to draw attention of the DEVs towards this issue so that they can look it over and would eventually find a solution.
Would appreciate any suggestions or workarounds that anyone has to offer.
Otherwise, thanks to all the DEVs for a brilliant WP7 Rom for our HD2's

I'm having exactly the same problem. It happens with my car blue tooth, as well as my Yabra and Plantronics headset. This thread will display a lot of the same problems:
For me it is the only thing I'm not satisfied with on my phone, but it is important enough to maybe have to switch back to WM 6.5. I hope there will be a fix soon.
I think it has something to do with noise cancellation. When something is talking, it looks like my mic is shutting down. When there is some background noise from the other caller, my voice is scrambled badly...

I am also facing the exact problem. Sometimes it works quite good (when the other side is quite silent), but when the other caller is using his carkit or headset and thus has a lot of noise, the bluetooth voice connection keeps dropping. I can hear the other side quite good thoug.
Would the new Windows Phone 7 update fix this? This really is the one thing missing from this phone!

As far as I have read, the nodo update won't fix this problem. It is really starting to annoy me that there isn't a word from MSFT about a possible fix.... This is really unworkable...

Does MW600 works after NODO ?
Someone has test with NODO ?
I wanna buy MW600 for my Omnia 7.


What about Skype and Sip functions ?

Hi all,
I have Qtek s100 since exactly 2 years. I am very happy and even after relasing so many HTC PDA phones after that, I really did not think of changing my phone. Now I see P3600 as probable candidate to replace my S100. But in addition to size and processor, I would also be looking at some key features as justification to change. I am not going to use 3G or 2MP camera. so, lets narrow down to Free/very cheap phone function on this phone.
- anybody tried to install Skype client to make audio calls on wifi connection?
- Also anybody checked function of SIP voip client like SJPhone again using wifi?
If these features are going to have problem with.. I would still stay back with S100 happily.
Skype works fine on it and I run VoIPSurfer for SIP without any problems!
Anyone can get skype sound to come trough the phone speaker instead of the loudspeaker? (I think it is a software limitation, but is there a workarround?)
n0t said:
Anyone can get skype sound to come trough the phone speaker instead of the loudspeaker? (I think it is a software limitation, but is there a workarround?)
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This is only available on the Eten X500. I finally decided to get this instead of the Trinity coz I dun use the 3G and the GPS is a lot better on the X500.
n0t said:
Anyone can get skype sound to come trough the phone speaker instead of the loudspeaker? (I think it is a software limitation, but is there a workarround?)
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It is a limitation in Skype. Try using a headset. Not BT though, since the processor can't handle both Skype and BT headset at the same time..
With my LOOX 720, we also have a "large" speaker (badly positioned even if you wanted to ignore that it is a loudspeaker and put it in your ear) and a small "phone" speaker (placed correctly where you would put your ear), although FSC never released any VoIP app for the device (and LOOX is not a phone).
Skype (and other VoIP apps) worked as you say. Audio was coming out of the main speaker, plus they (Skype) ignored our requests to use the correct speaker (or didn't know what to do about it).
Then some guys noticed that the small speaker was ALWAYS outputing audio (in apps/games etc.), but since it is a small phone speaker, you have to put your ear on to hear it. Also this gives more "depth" in 720 audio (since the tiny speaker does its part). Anyway, that was an interesting discovery because it led to research that gave something more important:
A simple registry entry could shut-off the main speaker while keeping the phone speaker working! No need for soft reset or anything! Some even made a little program for this (which also keeps different volume levels for when on and off since eg. I want volume=2 when loudspeaker is on and volume=4 when only ear speaker is on). Toggle it whenever we want (I have a shortcut in my today screen for it).
So I am thinking... look for something like that in Trinity also? It should even be simpler because I am sure Trinity has pretty clear and distinct volume values for both speakers (since this IS a phone after all).
Maybe a shortcut to a registry key could allow to control the speaker volume... like in the loox. I'll try to search registry... Anyway, this is a known issue for skype, so probably they will be working on that on future releases, maybe it needs customization for every particular model. _
Skype and Bluetooth
I use a stereo BT headset and it works great (iTech clip S38). I used another program to toggle, but battery life went to a couple of hours, even when not in use. If you Skype a lot, or even once on an international trip, the cost is well justified.
n0t said:
Anyone can get skype sound to come trough the phone speaker instead of the loudspeaker? (I think it is a software limitation, but is there a workarround?)
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It is possible now with the last final (not beta) version of Skype (2.2.20 or something like that).
The problem is, this final version doesn't work for all phones. You can see the list of supported devices on Skype download page.
The Trinity is not supported on this final version. You can only use chat function, and when you place a voice call, the application automatically shut down.
That's why we keep running the previous beta versions, which work fine, but the sound come from the back speaker
I tried this final version on my wizard, and I confirm that the sound does come from the ear-piece, for the first time in skype history. But strangely enough, this 'new' skype is only compatible with 'old' phones...
The text found below was sent to Skype by me today
Dear Skype,
#1 please sent me a list of supported Pocket PC’s that work with skype and with a Bluetooth A2dp Headset.
The one I have now can be found at: and I works really well for windows media mobile.
#2 I currently have the following device which does not work with Skype for the Pocket PC with an A2dp headset. I am very upset about this; I really want to use your skype out service, but cant.
My Device Information: Unlocked
HTC P3600, Trinity
ROM version: 1.23.405.2
ROM date: 03/11/07
Radio Version
Protocol Version: 32.71.7020.12h
ExtROM Version: 1.23.405.103
I have installed the following versions of Skype for PPC
The only one that works is the it works perfectly for the HTC P3600, Trinity however, "only" when you use the corded headset that attaches to the mini usb on the phone, or just the speaker that is on the back of the phone the “external speaker”.
the, I feel, does not work with any A2DP Bluetooth headset.
I have tried the following A2DP Bluetooth headsets
Link: same as above
Plantronics Voyager 855 Stereo Bluetooth Headset
Lubix UBHS-NC1 Stereo Bluetooth Headset
I think something goes wrong when the Bluetooth stack tries transfer the Skype audio to the Bluetooth headsets it gets all messed up with lots of echoes and sound disconnects and, latency and so on. However playing any multimedia files on the phone work perfectly through my A2DP Bluetooth headset.
Like a said works perfectly only when you use the corded headset that attaches to the mini usb on the phone, or just the speaker that is on the back of the phone the “external speaker”.
I have also tried to use a whole bunch of 3rd party applications that redirected the sound to my older mono headsets. I tried three of them, and that did not work either. It’s something when the speaker sound gets transferd to any BT device.
(((((( Update I just used the the that qyach posted:
it works but the mono sound is still not very good, nothing like a mobile phone call sound, and no ware near the sound quality with the corded headset that came with the HTC P3600 What to do,, anyone?
Im thinking of getting a ETEN X800
I read that It works well with Skype, and the sound is sent to the phones earpiece after installing a piece of software that ETEN developed called Skype Switch, therefore it should work with a BT headset.
But now some sales man who sounded like he know what he was talking about, said that the ETEN phones are flaky and that 70% of the ETEN phones that he sells get returned.
I don’t know what to do, but, dam it I want a WM5 or WM6 Phone that works perfect with Skype sound BT and all.
Now the only problem is how much better or worse is HTC V.S. ETEN? I really am looking for a cool looking phone something small and sleek that will work perfect with Skype mobile. The ETEN X800 looked like it was the solution. But now I don’t know what to do.
Someone please help.
Update: 02/16/08
I Just got an ETEN x800 and istalled the Skype Switch and took skype for a test run ,, ya,ya, the sound gets redirected to the earpiece,,, ya, but it sonds like sh_t also..
Someone out there has to be able to Hack this mess.
DTMF ,Fring, PPC Skype, And A2DP.
For the Skype sound problem not going through the BT headset someone on this site suggested using fring which is a fantastic idea, however it’s always something... with fring you can place a Skype out call but during the call you can’t navigate company’s phone menu during the call like, “press 1 for billing” “press 2 for sales”. There isn’t even a dial pad. When I contacted there support department I got this:
Thank you for contacting our support team.
Currently, it is not available to dial DTMF sounds on fring, this should be implemented in future versions. You can stay up to date on new releases from our blog
In other words, I’m not holding my breath.
Is there a way to transmit a DTMF signal to the input of a Bluetooth A2DP headset? I don’t mean literally, just a sound redirect, in other words trick it into thinking it’s me making the DTMF sound.
I can’t find anything on the net except for Dial-a-matic, which will not work. I also took a look at Pocket Dialer v1.03 but there is no way to redirect sound. I also thought that maybe Kai’s ContactDialer would work but I don’t think it does, or I don’t understand how to use it and get it to work.
I also wonder if all of these problems are salved on WM6 I was looking at upgrading to the new HTC P3470 but the processor is slower than the p3600.
God,, do I want to get rid of that stupid weird mini HTC usb headset, ridicules for a $700 phone.
I wouldn’t need to go through all this if Skype would just finally fix their PPC version to work with a Bluetooth headset.
(((((( Update I just used the the that qyach posted:
it works but the mono sound is still not very good, nothing like a mobile phone call sound, and no ware near the sound quality with the corded headset that came with the HTC P3600 What to do,, anyone?
Im thinking of getting a ETEN X800
I read that IT works well with Skype, and the sound is sent to the phones speakers after installing a piece of software that ETEN developed called Skype Switch, therefore it should work with a BT headset.
But now some sales man who sounded like he know what he was talking about, said that the ETEN phones are flaky and that 70% of the ETEN phones that he sells get returned.
I don’t know what to do, but, dam it I want a WM5 or WM6 Phone that works perfect with Skype sound BT and all.
Now the only problem is how much better or worse is HTC V.S. ETEN? I really am looking for a cool looking phone something small and sleek that will work perfect with Skype mobile. The ETEN X800 looked like it was the solution. But now I don’t know what to do.
Someone please help.

Best Bluetooth Phone Headset w/Vibrate

I am fairly new to the using the X7500.
Does anyone have any suggestions on which BT headset works best with this unit?
I would really like vibrate and caller ID type of feature since I would like to just leave my X7500 in it's case while I take the phone calls.
I also use Bluetooth headset for listening to music pretty extensively which would be different than a phone BT headset. I would hope that I could use both bluetooth devices with the x7500 at the same time.
Ok...what are your favorite BT phone headsets with vibrate?
Most people around here have gone with the Jabra BT8010.
thomasz said:
It really depends on how much you want to spend on your bluetooth headset. Also how easy are you to be satisfied?
I would recommend the Aliph Jawbone 2 bluetooth headset. It has this "noise assasin" technology where it eliminates outside noise during your calls. So your voice and incoming calls are extra crispy. But this bluetooth ranges from $100+.
Here's a youtube video on it:
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Jawbone 2 does not have vibrate. Plus I spent all that money on it and found: (a) not comfortable to wear, (b) poor performance in staying connected, (c) people complained about quality. I'm not sure what it is about me, since others seem to love it. But for me, it was a tremendous waste of money. I moved on to the Sony-Ericsson which has been much better.
Jabra BT8010 did work well for me. But it's just so huge...
Another vibrating option is the BlueAnt V12. Which is a good value for the money. Mine broke and I wish I had just bought a replacement for it.
Final comment -- if you got the dough, look into the Sony-Ericsoon MBW-150 watch which vibrates and displays messages of all kinds. Then you don't need your headset to vibrate.
there is nothing smaller and more confortable than the Jabra BT8010
it's simply the best headset for any device
I appreciate the suggestions...sounds like Jabra BT8010 would be one to check out. I currently have a Motorola HS850 but people are telling me they hear an echo and it is driving them crazy.
Another question.....I am having issue with music playing thru BT headset receiver which is separate from my phone headset when my phone headset is also active with the HTC 7500 (waiting for a call). The music starts dropping some and becomes inconsistent. Thus, 2 bluetooth devices are active at the same time even though is only the music BT player that is being used. Seems like my best bet is to leave BT phone headset off until I get a call and then turn it on. Anyone have any advice for me if 2 BT headsets active is a problem for music or other recommendations on how to handle this situation. Thanks!
Have you tried upgrading your radio ROM? I had awful bluetooth issues (crackling on my end and the other end) until I upgraded from 1.47 to 1.57. I'm now on 1.58 because it has a major data speed boost but I'm getting occasional blips on my end again. People on the other end don't hear anything, so with the speed improvement I'm sticking with it. You might try upgrading - maybe first to 1.57.
How can I tell what version my Radio ROM is? Then what is the best way to get the software to upgrade? I would like to learn how to do this.
Also, do I need to upgrade A2DP on my device?
When you first boot its one of the numbers on the lower right. I think its the middle number.
Or you can go into Start>Settings>System>Device Information
First you need to fully unlock your Athena. There are several threads on this here, one of them has the software. Then you need to find the thread with either the 1.57 or 1.58 radio. If you are often in a 3G area I recommend the 1.58 radio, you will get much faster Internet connections. Otherwise I feel 1.57 is more stable for bluetooth. Note that when you unlock and again when you upgrade the radio it will do a hard reset, so copy down any settings and back up any files before you do it, and wait to restore everything after you upgrade the radio ROM.
It would be a good time to try one of the many OS ROMS around here, if you are interested.

Problems with Jabra BT8040

Hey, is anyone using the bluetooth headset Jabra BT8040, When I first bought the headset, I had no problems using it. But I've noticed a few months ago, that whenever I use the device, the person I'm calling wont be able to hear me but I can hear them. Anyone have any ideas to solve this problem?
Similar problems
I've got the same earpiece and I've had some problems with it, including: unable to pair (or saying it's paired when it really isn't), unable to connect the BT on a call, and sometimes the earpiece will just disconnect from the phone (but the call will still remain active).
That last one is the closest I've come to your issue. I usually have to put the phone in discovery mode (and the earpiece) and try repairing them from scratch.
I've heard from others with this earpiece that they haven't had problems, but I don't know anyone who has this earpiece and the Raphael. Also, I've got the Motorola S9 bt headphones and I haven't had any problems with them. So, I'm not 100% it's the earpiece but then again it could be.
i have this jabra for about 6 months and had no problem at all with Raphael!
Changed ROM
I've just changed the ROM on my phone (as in signature line) so that may change things for me with the Jabra BT.
BPB21 said:
I've just changed the ROM...
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Please post your results with your new ROM...David.
Updated ROM & BT
Black C5 said:
Please post your results with your new ROM...David.
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I'm using the updated ROM and radio in my signature line with the Jabra BT8060 (wasn't it? whatever the one we were talking about in this post is) as well as a Motorola S9 and I pair it with my laptop for internet access that way. So far I have not had the same troubles with the Jabra BT as I used to. It could be due to updated drivers for the BT or the fact that I'm not using TF3D (just the new WM6.5 interface).
Either way, I'm having good results so far.
I spoke too soon on BT...
I've spoken too soon on BT. I was trying to get my Motorola S9 working so I could listen to music from my phone. No luck at all - it shows the S9 connected for both the calls and the the music, but it only works on calls and the music plays on the device with the speaker. And it was working just fine this morning. Bluetooth in general is so frustrating to me that I would literally remove it from every costom ROM I use EXCEPT for "Internet Sharing" (on an Acer laptop and netbook) over bluetooth and activesync with a PC. Not just with this phone, but seriously, with BT 2.0 it should work A LOT BETTER than it does.
I have similar issues with several different Moto H700's. I can hear them but they can not hear me. Possibly the BT drivers from HTC need a fix????

bluetooth problems

Since i bought my htc hd2 in November 2009, I never find the solution to call people with my bluetooth headset. The bip sound that should tell me when to pronounce the name doesnt work well and sometimes people call me on the cell phone, i answzer with the bluetooth headset and I receive the voice in the cellphone and not in the headset. Someone can help please
Thanks a lot
I have the same problem. I've tried 3 different bluetooth headsets. Some days it's fine. Even turning the phone off and on doesn't fix it a lot of the time. I'm actually kind of ticked at the HD2; I thought upgrading from the T-mo Wing would be great, but the HD2 had the freezing problem, and now with the new firmware, it's like something is running in the background (although it's not). I've been using a wired headset when it's critical that I don't have an issue.

Bluetooth Headset Issues -> Regtweak?

i'm currently testing a Polycom Voyager Pro UC v2 BT Headset (can be paired with PC and Phone) ...
but i have strange Problems with the Soundoutput... i searched google about that and found many things relating to Phone 7 and A2DP...
it looks like Phone 7 sometimes playes the hole audio trough the headset, even the ringtones... so the phone just vibrates...
also sometimes when the bt Headset is connected the phone reads out loud an incoming SMS message... but sometimes just on headset... and if i don't wear it and i'm not wearing it the hole time i did't hear it and so on....
so my idea is that maybe something can be hacked in the registry to enable/disable/change such features....
i know this from wm6.5 dev that there were plenty of options and also i had there problems too with wrong or no audio routing...
maybe someone can test a bit or can say my what i have to change to get rid of this anoying "features"
well, first off wrong thread.
Second im not aware of this problem, but in settings>> speech there is an option for that.
Also using a2dp there should be some bad quality if using stock registry settings. here are the new registry values
