[Q]Frozen while charging - Xoom General

Has anybody else noticed that the tough screen doesn't respond well when it is charging and laying down? I really notice this when I'm laying in bed with it. It works fine in my hands but if I lay it flat on my bed it won't respond. It only does it when charging.

I'm a bit nervous to handle it with how small the connection is. Perhaps its the plush of the bed forcing the plug into an awkward position?
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I have this issue with my G2, and I'm sure other people have the same issue. Its more than likely due to the fact that it is a capacitive touchscreen. Because of this, the screen responds to the electrical connection between your hand and the device. When the device is sitting on a table (aka you're not holding it) and you are only contacting it with the tip of your finger, the screen can possibly not make a solid enough of "connection" with you and your taps won't register as well.
My G2 screen is much less responsive when its flat on a table not being held. There was a bit of talk of this in the G2 forums. I believe this is probably true with any capacitive touch device.

I have had this issue on my droid incredible extremely bad. I even had it replaced 2 times, but everytime it was in the carmount it wouldn't respond.
I have a Droid X currently, and the screen is very unresponsive while I'm holding it if it is plugged into my pc. If I have it plugged into the normal charger, then I don't have this issue.
I'm still waiting on my Xoom, APO mail takes a while

I don't have this issue. Mine works great
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

All of these suggestions are well and good. It works beautifully when I don't have it plugged in. The instant I plug it in and lay it down the touch screen stops responding. I can lay it down unplugged, and it responds as expected. I noticed that if I make contact with the bezel with one of my fingers the touch screen responds. I am wondering if the charger is causing some kind of static charge on the device which messes with the touch screen. If I touch the bezel it grounds the device and allows the touch screen to work as expected.

I bet anything it has to do with grounding issues...I hate ungrounded chargers. Have you tried this from some other power source? A coffee shop or work or even a different outlet?
Sent from my Evo 4G

I have tried it in other outlets. Same thing. What is even more interesting if I touch the top quarter of the bezel which is plastic, the screen doesn't respond. Once I touch the bottom 3/4 it works. Wish we had a ground :-\

cxh9055 said:
I have tried it in other outlets. Same thing. What is even more interesting if I touch the top quarter of the bezel which is plastic, the screen doesn't respond. Once I touch the bottom 3/4 it works. Wish we had a ground :-\
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I would get a cheap-o wiring problem detector from a hardware store.. you plug it it and it lights up if your house is wired wrong.
Have you tried it from a different source, like a friend's house? Or even a UPS that is unplugged from the wall.

Happens in my house, in my office, I'm on the road and it happens in the hotel, happens in the temp office i'm in. I can pretty much make it happen anywhere.


HTC Magic Screen Question

Hey guys,
New to these forums here, Love the forums, not much of a linux-head I just do VHDL & Verilog
Enough for the intro; I have a question and I hope somebody here can help.
I bought the rogers Magic not too long ago, came from the iPhone 3GS and noticed something peculiar which I hope is not a fault of my device.
I noticed that if you have your Magic laying flat, and you try to swipe or actually touch the screen, it does not register anything. I have to have it in my hand for it to actually register any input from my fingers! Is this normal? or is it a manufacturing fault?
I tested it against my iPhone and even though they're both capacitive, it seems like the range of sensitivity might be toned down quite a bit on the Magic compared to the Apple device?
Thank you,
Mine doesn't do that. That's odd!
Taknarosh said:
Mine doesn't do that. That's odd!
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Sorry, just to clarify Taknarosh
You can keep the phone lying flat, on your bed for example, and swipe around and it registers your swipes?
Thanks for the reply,
I just tested mine lying flat and it seems to work fine.
I have the 32B Vodafone UK version, although I doubt that makes a difference.
You know I was just thinking about this as well, I've got the same issue with my 32B. I've noticed that it sometimes registers when the phone is not held/touched by another hand. But that is a strange issue...
I have two Magics (32A and 32B) and they both behave the same way you described. It is much easer to make phone response to the touching if you hold the device in your hand.
omg this happens to me too! if its laying on my desk the touch screen almsot never registers. when its in my hand or on a cloth or something it has no problems!
what rom are you using?
when i first got my rogers htc magic, it was exactly as you described. After I rooted it and started using myhero, the problem disappeared, i can now perfectly control my phone even if it's on a flat surface.
same issue on both stock 1.6 and latest CM I highly doubt this is a software issue
i also having a same prob .. maybe the htc magic need reboot .. after flashing new ROM .. the problem disappear .. weird ...
Same issue here, most of the time it is with my car mount while using Google nav. I'm using CM on a 32A. It will not recognize my finger or the tip of my thumb but if I use the flat part of my thumb (quite awkward at a arms length by the way) it works fine. I also have had this happen when on a desk, it seems to be more noticeable when my hands are cold (maybe coincidence)
Sorry Double Post
It is issue connected with capacitive screen. The phone needs ground. It is not working good not because of flat surface, but because it needs ground. So when phone is on the wooden surface or it is in car handheld - then screen is less responsive.
You can test it. Lay your phone down where usually it is less responsive, and then plug in charger. The phone will be grounded, and screen will act like holded in hand
Sorry about my english, I know it is not good.
mastermid said:
It is issue connected with capacitive screen. The phone needs ground. It is not working good not because of flat surface, but because it needs ground. So when phone is on the wooden surface or it is in car handheld - then screen is less responsive.
You can test it. Lay your phone down where usually it is less responsive, and then plug in charger. The phone will be grounded, and screen will act like holded in hand
Sorry about my english, I know it is not good.
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I have noticed this problem when using the phone on a car mount too. Now I understand why. Thank you.
mastermid said:
It is issue connected with capacitive screen. The phone needs ground. It is not working good not because of flat surface, but because it needs ground. So when phone is on the wooden surface or it is in car handheld - then screen is less responsive.
You can test it. Lay your phone down where usually it is less responsive, and then plug in charger. The phone will be grounded, and screen will act like holded in hand
Sorry about my english, I know it is not good.
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Sorry for the extra-late reply but this is, pardon me, retarded.
You do know that the outershell of the phone is all plastic, right? And you do know that plastic is non-conductive, right? So, how the hell is your hand grounding the phone if all your touching is plastic?
The real answer to why so many of us have this problem with the Magic is most likely because HTC cheaped out and put some crap plastic covering over the display instead of glass a la iPhone/Nexus One/Milestone/Droid or even Hero.
P.S. I moved on from the Magic to the Milestone and couldn't have been happier... EFF ROGERS for ruining it for me!
Maybe because when a phone is flat you touch the screen differently. Think about it; when you have your phone in your palm and are using either your thumb or index finger, you are most likely touching the screen between the pad and tip of your finger, or the pad of your finger. Lay your phone flat on a table and you try like many other people try to do; touching the phone with the tip of your finger. This makes it a bit more difficult for touch capabilities to recognize the heat signature from your finger.
This could be the issue entirely because I lay my phone flat and never had a problem except for my fingers and wrist hurting from odd angles of approach to use my phone.

Nexus One touch screen doesn't work properly when horizontal

Hi, I've now used the Nuxus One for a few days and I'm pretty happy with it and all it's fancy fetures.
The phone works flawlessly and the only minor issue I'm willing to report is the fact that when the phone is lying on the table the touchscreen doesn't respond as quickly as it does when holding it in hand..
I've also noticed that if you touch the shell of the phone with a finger while trying to use the touchscreen, everything goes back to normal.
Is it a flaw only present in mine or is it an issue that involves the capacitive touch screen of the Nexus?
Video Proof
This is the video I've taken with my other phone so it would me much clearer what I mean..
The quality is not great but I hope it will be explicative enough..
mine work correctly, try it on another table
I've tried it on different surfaces but the result it's the same..
Problem is that it doesn't always do it, so it's difficult to judge if a surface works better than an other.
I've called HTC support and together with them I've done some tests, like letting another person use it the same way, but nothing changes.
I've also done a hard reset and nothing has changed so I think I will have to send it in hoping they will fix it..
I envy you in the US where you can just ask for a replacement...
Is it possible that your fingers are real dry and or you are working in a dry low humidity environment?
rotohammer said:
Is it possible that your fingers are real dry and or you are working in a dry low humidity environment?
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I don't think so, since I've now tried it in different environments and by different people...
This is very weired..and annoying..
I've had my Nexus One for over a month, but I recall having the same issue one day early on.
Similarly, I've had days where I can't operate the touchpad on my notebook computer because my fingers were dried out from handling solvents.
I have an associate that has a similar issue when the phone is in a leather holster case. She has to take the phone out on occasion to operate it, most while driving.
havent had any issues. Call them for a replacement
I think I will do so!
The problem is minor but sometimes can be a real nuisance..
Looks like screen isn't grounded properly.
Yes, I think so too. It must be something electrical. When I keep it in hand or touch it, the static electricity must not influence it, but it does so if I try using it lying on its own.
I've taken another video changing the surface on which I use it on..
Take a look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ-nS_h5Pqs
I'm glad to see you're still investigating. Because the problem is so repeatable, and the fact that its not a common complaint, I'd conclude theres a something wrong with your phone.
One thing I'd try is to remove the battery for 8hrs (overnight) and see if that make a difference. I've worked with a lot of electronic devices that behave badly after receiving a static discharge. Sometimes leaving it sit without power helps the static dissipate.
But the fact that it works while on the laptop would indicate a poor ground from the touchscreen circuit to the chassis of the phone, as the proximity of the laptop changes the capacitance of the internal circuit enough to overcome the lack of effect that the chassis alone needs to provide.
hehe I have to investigate to be sure this is a bug relative to my device so that when I will send it in for repair they will have to find a way to solve it and not just pretend it doesn't exist...
try pressing with all skin and not with your nail. It needs heat to work.
htcmagic said:
It needs heat to work.
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No, it doesn't. To prove it, hold a metal spoon and slide it across your screen. Mine works.
this was a common problem on the G1 and the way the capacitive screen was designed. In order for it to be functioning completely, HTC told users that he needed to have it in his hand or at least a finger or two touching the phone. HTC said that it simulated a circuit (the hand on the phone made a complete circuit while just touching it left the circuit incomplete) I have noticed the same thing on the N1... it works great in my hand on if i am touching the sides with a finger and scrolling or using it, but if i just lay it down and try to scroll/touch with 1 finger it becomes much less responsive, the same way the G1 would.
i will see if i can find the exact thread over in the G1 forums where all this is posted.
It makes sense, but then, why others work? mmm...
Batas said:
It makes sense, but then, why others work? mmm...
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The only thing I found while googling is that you need some humidity in the air for it to work effectively. I'm really not sure if that applies to this specific design though.
I've never had an issue with using the screen on a table, so this is probably isolated, I'd give htc a call and ask for repairs.
Edit: I just tried for the hell of it doing the pinky touch on the frame, and the soft buttons became much more responsive. Hmm

Screen Calibration

On my G1 there was a menu setting for re-calibrating your touch screen matrix. I have not found that settings page on my Vibrant. I think I may have a faulty phone, cause when I'm charging my phone and try using the XDA App, I scroll the screen a little, and it takes off at high speed to the end of the posts. It does this only while charging. Playing games while charging is nearly impossible, as I hit one spot on my screen, and it triggers a whole other area. Sims 3 is a really good one for it to mess with me. Is anyone else having these probs? I just want to know if it is hardware or software related.
You have to use a better charger. The cheaper chargers tend to do these with touch phones.
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Coming from an iphone, there does seem to be a slight difference in terms of the area on the screen my fingers activate. On the iphone, a touch registers slightly higher up on the screen than the Vibrant. I suspect that Apple raised the area of activation on the screen in order to compensate for the fact that the pad of your finger is lower than the area just under the tip of your finger so that it would feel more as if you are pointing to the link and not have to worry about making contact with the bottom of your finger. I hope that made sense. Now, on my Vibrant, I have to focus on raising my finger ever so slightly because I am constantly selecting the link below the one intended.
Um, not my problem. When charging, my phone will sense a touch up to 1 inch away from where I actually touch it. But when not charging, it works perfectly fine. I think it is a heat or magnetic field issue messing with my touch screen only during the charge cycle.
I use the charger that was included with the phone and it works fine.
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant using the XDA app
Shagman68 said:
Um, not my problem. When charging, my phone will sense a touch up to 1 inch away from where I actually touch it. But when not charging, it works perfectly fine. I think it is a heat or magnetic field issue messing with my touch screen only during the charge cycle.
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Very well could be.

Screen responding without touching it

Does anyone else have their screen respond without touching it?
I've noticed this in go sms. On the conversation list, the last one on the screen is sometimes pressed without me touching it. I will press back and it just goes back into it.
I recently noticed in web browsing too where the screen would refresh on its own. I clued in that the refresh button is on the bottom of the screen.
Seems like the bottom maybe 2 cm of the screen sometimes responds on its own.
Is there any app that I can see where the screen is being pressed?
Settings, Developer options, Show Touches
That will visually show you where any screen touches are occurring. The screen is a bit sensitive for me sometimes, but I haven't seen anything crazy yet.
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Cicatrize said:
Settings, Developer options, Show Touches
That will visually show you where any screen touches are occurring. The screen is a bit sensitive for me sometimes, but I haven't seen anything crazy yet.
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I wish you could extend the amount of times those dots stay on the screen for.
Yeah it's unfortunately a little basic. Maybe something on the play store that could do the same thing but also have some customization?
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I have enabled it in the mean time anyway.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
Same here. Sometimes it happens to me. I would say one of 50 touches it'll react even without me pressing finger on a scren.
I definitely know what you're referring to, and it does seem to happen only on the bottom of the screen. Sometimes I'll trigger the screen if my finger is close but not touching it.
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artisticcheese said:
Same here. Sometimes it happens to me. I would say one of 50 touches it'll react even without me pressing finger on a scren.
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Where is the press on your screen? Also the bottom?
Cicatrize said:
I definitely know what you're referring to, and it does seem to happen only on the bottom of the screen. Sometimes I'll trigger the screen if my finger is close but not touching it.
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The thing that bothered me today is that i was trying to press a button in the top left corner and the bottom link kept being pressed so I have to hit back and I was trying to beat the bottom press but I couldnt lol
I dont think there was any moisture on that part of the screen either
Yep, but not on this phone yet...
I say not yet because it's happened to me on almost every one of my touch screen phones. It seems to happen to me when the air is dry and I bet it has to do with there being more static electricity around. On those days when you're shocking everything you touch, those are the days when my phones seem to act up. It happened on my G1, my vibrant, Droid1, Droidx, and two of my bionics. All of the problems went away although on my 1st bionic it was really bad and almost completely unusable. The next day it was back to normal. Maybe it's just gremlins.
it happens if/when you use a DIFFERENT charger for the phone. you should be using the charger that comes with the phone. If you use a different charger (from a G1 or from a razr or something), then the screen tends to mess up, even when off the charger.
Lieu10ant said:
it happens if/when you use a DIFFERENT charger for the phone. you should be using the charger that comes with the phone. If you use a different charger (from a G1 or from a razr or something), then the screen tends to mess up, even when off the charger.
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Please explain what this has to do with the charger
So just had this happed today with the "show touches" on and I did not see any touches.
I am wondering if this is a manufacturer defect now
Mine does that also, specially when I'm in the car sometimes it just randomly unlocks and I go wtf!
Sent fromTyra's galaxy siii C:
browniegirl said:
Mine does that also, specially when I'm in the car sometimes it just randomly unlocks and I go wtf!
Sent fromTyra's galaxy siii C:
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Is yours also happening towards the bottom of the screen?
For those of you with this problem, try pulling the battery out for a minute or two and also try touching something metal if you can. You know to discharge any static built up. (Worth a shot right) When I had this problem on my Sensation everyone was reporting that it was the charger they were using. I don't know if that was correct because the problem went away even though I was still using two different chargers. One charger was for the GNEX (same as GS3) and the other was the HTC charger. I really think it has to do with static electricity build up. If you think about the way these digitizers work it really makes sense. It seems to happen to me during spring time when it's dry and windy.
Paging Dr B said:
For those of you with this problem, try pulling the battery out for a minute or two and also try touching something metal if you can. You know to discharge any static built up. (Worth a shot right) When I had this problem on my Sensation everyone was reporting that it was the charger they were using. I don't know if that was correct because the problem went away even though I was still using two different chargers. One charger was for the GNEX (same as GS3) and the other was the HTC charger. I really think it has to do with static electricity build up. If you think about the way these digitizers work it really makes sense. It seems to happen to me during spring time when it's dry and windy.
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That is a good theory, but why would the static shock only be hitting the bottom part of the screen?
i don't know why. but i'm sure it's the charger. this happened back in the G1 days when android first came out. i did so many "experiments" with different chargers to figure out what was causing the screen to be all glitched like this. found out it was the charger. same thing happened with my vibrant, and same thing happened with my sisters sgs2.

Another touch issue, with reproducible steps

I know this is yet another touch issue thread, but this does not have to do with phantom touches, and differs slightly from another the touch/responsiveness thread in that I have reproducible steps. I actually posted this in the touch/responsiveness thread but I would like to get more visibility to see if this problem is universal, and maybe determine if it is a hardware issue or hopefully just a software/firmware issue. I can reproduce this without fail, as can my friend on his n7. Please try the following things and report back your results:
If I lay the tab flat on a table, unplugged, and touch it with 1 finger, touches are only registered maybe 70% (give or take 20% every 10 samples) of the time.
If I touch it with 2 or more fingers, no issues at all.
If I'm holding the tablet in one hand and touching it with 1 finger, no issues.
If I merely touch the case (not even the screen) with one finger while the tablet is flat on a table, and touch the screen with 1 finger, no issues.
If the tablet is plugged in, no issues at all in any scenario.
This sounds like a grounding issue, which I've experienced on other devices (my HTC Incredible had this I remember). It makes it difficult to use the device when you just want to check something while its lying on a desk without actually picking it up. I don't know whether firmware actually affects something like this (for example some code that controls what sort of capacitive requirements are necessary to register a touch).
I turned on
Show touches
Pointer location
in developer options
and performed your test.
I did 1 finger 15 times, 2 finger 15 times 3 finger 15 times
I tried with it flat on table and then separately holding (so basically 90 samples)
Every touch registered based on the output from "Show touches" and "Pointer location" against the backdrop of an empty home screen
I've had phones/tablets in the past where the touchscreen became a little spasdic when plugged in a charging but not when unplugged (not saying it isn't happening for you, just my experience)
this happens on a lot of devices when flat because you just dont press the screen as hard. especially when you are trying to just barely brush the screen. solution: touch a little bit harder, works 100 percent for me
Mine works great when I try this. No issues I can find.
Meh Kinda iffy. Mostly works. Definitely missing a few touch inputs this way. Maybe 1/10 touches, but seems only in the top part of the screen close to the border. I've actually hit it 4 times in a row and got nothing.
I'm using Yet Another Multitouch Tester and using the paint portion and just tapping on the screen.
I have 100% tap rate when I hold it with one hand and tap with another. But if I lay it down on a desk and tap the top left/right corners, I'm getting misses. The rest of the edges and screen are perfect. I'm only seeing misses at the top corners really. The drop rate isn't enough to cause an issue and there may be other factors at play. I have Sidebar and Android Notification shades and CM10.2 kangs AppBar, listening for touch inputs on the edges. Something could be off with them stealing the inputs, maybe.
Or it could simply be something screwy with the screen. But oddly it works perfect with a second finger or a hand supporting it.
I think this is pretty normal, as said earlier. Capacitive touch screens work by detecting the electricity from your body, if the "circuit" isn't "good" (laying on wood) then it will have a harder time detecting touches. For me, it is well within range of acceptable. I almost NEVER use the tablet when it is laying down anyway. I can only think of a few things that would allow me to use it while laying down, handsfree, and if it misses once or twice, big deal.
I was laying in my bed last night trying to type a comment out but noticed that it kept missing letters even if i slammed my finger against the screen lol. Definitely noticeable too; not just 1/10 times. But I did put a spigen screen protector on there and if memory serves me right I didnt have any issues when a screen protecotr wasnt on it
mmikeee said:
I was laying in my bed last night trying to type a comment out but noticed that it kept missing letters even if i slammed my finger against the screen lol. Definitely noticeable too; not just 1/10 times. But I did put a spigen screen protector on there and if memory serves me right I didnt have any issues when a screen protecotr wasnt on it
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Unfortunately I don't ever plan on touching the screen without a protector on there, so we need info from people who have naked n7s
I definitely have some touches missing when the tablet is on my bed and im trying to one-finger it.
SubMatrix said:
If I lay the tab flat on a table, unplugged, and touch it with 1 finger, touches are only registered maybe 70% (give or take 20% every 10 samples) of the time.
If I touch it with 2 or more fingers, no issues at all.
If I'm holding the tablet in one hand and touching it with 1 finger, no issues.
If I merely touch the case (not even the screen) with one finger while the tablet is flat on a table, and touch the screen with 1 finger, no issues.
If the tablet is plugged in, no issues at all in any scenario.
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Same here.
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---------- Post added at 08:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 AM ----------
SubMatrix said:
Unfortunately I don't ever plan on touching the screen without a protector on there, so we need info from people who have naked n7s
I definitely have some touches missing when the tablet is on my bed and im trying to one-finger it.
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Yeah, I have a protector on as well. Any naked users out there?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Laying in bed holding the tablet with 1 hand and typing with the other causes letters to be pressed that I don't physically touch. No screen protector here. I'm also having incredible difficulty in getting long presses to work properly (I would say on this tablet I trigger them every 2 out of 5 tries) which is a problem I've never had on another device.
I removed my screen protector and no more one finger on the table unresponsiveness..... Now the hunt to find a screen protector that doesn't block the grounding of my finger....
Sent from my SCH-R530U using Tapatalk 4
What brand caused the issue?
Intellishield which had never given me problems before got that brands on my s3 and had it on my hisense sero 7 tab as well.
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Is that a wet or dry application?
I have the Asus official ones. I'm pretty sure all plastic ones will thwart electrical signals in some way. The only one that won't is that glass one.
Although the issue is such a rare occurrence that I can't justify spending another $20-$30 bucks to perfect. I'm pretty sure its normal.
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danvee said:
Is that a wet or dry application?
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I'm using the Illumishield dry apply ones. No issues here....
Screen protectors are unnecessary.... I never run screen protectors on these types of devices and never get scratches
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Touches working fine here. Did exactly as you stated.
bloodhawk said:
Touches working fine here. Did exactly as you stated.
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Me? You removed SP?
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---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 PM ----------
Here's my part 1 video with SP on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV0qMzOheiI&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Sent from my SCH-R530U using Tapatalk 4
Well the OP and you
I had the dry SP on.. so removed it.. and tried.. all fine. Tried with a New SP on. Still everything was A-OK.
My tab is a D60 batch or something.

