[Q] Do you get rusteling sound? - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

Does anyone get this problem:
From out of nowhere (I don't know what I do to it out of the ordinary) speaker starts to rustle when I speak but voice of the person on the other line is still clear.
I tried a few builds of wp7 and after a while it happens to all of them,
and I went back to wm 6.5 and tried android builds and none of them have that
problem, so I don't suppose it's a hardware problem.
I think there isn't a thread like this, or I missed something.
(If there is, I apologize to the forum admins)
Sorry for my bad English!

Used DFT ROM when first released and XboxMod's and not noticed anything simlar to what you describe.


[Q] What does it mean when HD2 hangs on startup?

I am not sure if this has to do with using Android or not, but sometimes my HD2 decides to reboot itself unexpectedly, on WM as well as on Android and I can't really find what's causing it.
But what happens is, after switching itself off, it switches itself on again and hangs on the HTC logo, sometimes with or without the following info:
D 1.66.76641
I am using stock ROM that came with it, i assumed it will be stable by itself but it reboots itself randomly sometimes just like on Android.
Does it have to do with the Radio version (i changed it from 2.07.xx). I tried 2.12.xx before and had same problems.
I should note that the only way for it to run again is to remove the battery for a while and then put it back. If i remove it and put it back briefly it will still hang.
Anyone is familiar with this strange behavior?
ME too
I have the EXACT same problem. It only started for me after using android. now whenever i run Android it will unexpectedly reboot and sometimes hang like yours. It also does it in WM though not as often. I was able to notice it might have something to do with data connections bc if i run android but only use wifi it seems to be fine. I tried changing Radios WM ROMs and Android builds i even hardspled my phone again but nothing solved it. The problem needs to be talked about more. it got so bad for me I bought a Desire and gave up on my HD2 for the moment. Keep this thread up.
sounds like i have to follow
I hope not!
I notice if i do heavy download on wm or android i get it. But it could be that the phone is too hot? But it's not alarmingly hot tbh.
I hope more people can shed light on this.
Thanks for your input.
Yeah this is what seems to happen to me too, i start a downlogsd it gets a bit warm then freezes or reboots and gets stuck. However it doesnt even have to be a large download for me, a simple cab file or youtube video sometimes. And as far as heat, this never used to be a problem and i know for a fact my phone used to heat up way more before without a problem.
Maybe the qualcomm chipset go in "safe mode"..i remember that for first start tickle the orange led and after the device freeze or restart..maybe your device overheat. Try to touch cover's device or install a battery status monitor software. If you have changed radio, return on the original status. In case the restart happen always, make a backup using Pimbackup, and do an Hard Reset. For first try to use the telephone without the memory card and test the stabilty. If is all ok, you have to provide to format your SD card in Fat32. Try also to change the HSPL with the original SPL.
What happened to this thread? Suddenly 3 recent posts have disappeared?
relic said:
What happened to this thread? Suddenly 3 recent posts have disappeared?
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As many of you may have heard, we underwent routine maintenance on our Database Server. Upon rebooting the Database Server, it refused to boot and all indications are that the RAID 10 (what is RAID? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID) array failed.
We have restored the Forums from a 24 hour old backup. We know this is not ideal, but at this point, the chances of recovering the failed array are slim.
We sincerely apologize for this. In fact, this maintenance was intended to boost the redundancy of our database setup and lightening strike.
User Experience Admin
Thabks. Back to the subject, today i tried downloading on wifi a 150mb file on android and it rebooted byitself.
Then i tried to play a wmv video file on WM stock ROM and after 6 min it rebooted.
So its starting to look more and more like cpu/heat problem, anyone having these issues?
So does anyone think this might have something to do with all the overclocking in those android builds we've been using?
After 45 mins of install HD2 still hanging?
Hi, I just installed FroyoSense by darkstone
Release date: 07.AUG.2010
I don't know if this is the latest (probably not) but after 45 minutes of install the screen has in the top left hand corner tiny small text (excuse my lack of knowledge here) but no scrolling text as I expected, its now like 50 minutes, how long should it take?
Any help please would be appreciated, thanks
New to the HD2
So, I just bought a used HD2 a week ago. It was having similar problems in WM. I took it to a local store, and they said that is just how WM phones are. I've flashed HSPL and different radios and ROMs, installed Android, but still have trouble with freezing and rebooting on it's own no matter what I do. IT happens the same in WM or Android. Is there any way to find out if these might be due to hardware problems caused by the previous owner?
I got the same problem, when I do a lot of things on the same time on the HD2 it hangs or reboot. During de restart of the phone it hangs on the White screen with HTC on it. I have te take the battery out of it en than reboot again.
When I listen music and Internet the same time it almost always happends.
It happends on WM but also on Android, I tryed different ROM's and Radio Version's but nothing worked. Also tryed to work without SD-card, but still the same problem.
So I have no idea how to solve the problem...
I hope someone now's how to solve it...
Sorry for my bad English but I hope it's clear
FroyoStone with HTC Sense V2
Polar bear said:
Hi, I just installed FroyoSense by darkstone
Release date: 07.AUG.2010
I don't know if this is the latest (probably not) but after 45 minutes of install the screen has in the top left hand corner tiny small text (excuse my lack of knowledge here) but no scrolling text as I expected, its now like 50 minutes, how long should it take?
Any help please would be appreciated, thanks
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Ok having waited for 2 hrs, I shutdown and installed FroyoStone v2, this time the tiny text appeared and faded after about 5 -10 seconds and the screen has gone blank, is this normal? No scrolling text, nothing, I going tpo re-boot and will keep you updated. Thx
If you read the previous posts you would know this thread has nothing to do with the problem youre describing. I understand the confusion of the title but pls read the thread first.
Polar bear said:
Ok having waited for 2 hrs, I shutdown and installed FroyoStone v2, this time the tiny text appeared and faded after about 5 -10 seconds and the screen has gone blank, is this normal? No scrolling text, nothing, I going tpo re-boot and will keep you updated. Thx
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Your problem is unrelated to this thread.
So far we have more and more people having the related issue on WM and Android. We need some expert to help us pinpoint the problem.
jasperbleumink said:
I got the same problem, when I do a lot of things on the same time on the HD2 it hangs or reboot. During de restart of the phone it hangs on the White screen with HTC on it. I have te take the battery out of it en than reboot again.
When I listen music and Internet the same time it almost always happends.
It happends on WM but also on Android, I tryed different ROM's and Radio Version's but nothing worked. Also tryed to work without SD-card, but still the same problem.
So I have no idea how to solve the problem...
I hope someone now's how to solve it...
Sorry for my bad English but I hope it's clear
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i have the same issues.
I can add also playing videos for longerthan 5-10min would make the phone reboot too weither its WM or android.
Today I was in the Store where I bought mine HTC HD2, because I was sick off it. They told me that is was a familiar problem with the HTC HD2. They also would repair it free for me. I didn't do it yet because first I have to delete my HSPL etc.
I asked them also what the would repair to solve te problem, he told me: the will do a complete bodyswap. So everything will be renewed, exept the tochscreen and front.
So I guess it is a real and serious hardware problem....
Why we dont hear people conplaining about it if its comon?
I find that very odd.
Someone could try PMing one of the devs in the forum and linking them to this thread to see if they could shed some insight or at least bring more attention to the issue.
Well I live in the Netherlands and on the Dutch HTC HD2 forum, I heard some people complaining about it. But the salesman of the store said that it is a familiar problem, so that sounds to me like a regular problem. But indeed it's weird we doesn't hear more people complaining.
Maybe the most of the people think is normal with WM, but I am really sick of it...

Is it a microphone issue?

Is it possible that I have, as I saw after intensive reading of forum, microphone hardware fail? I have bought used TMOUS HD2 with stock rom 2.10.531.1 and as soon as I used it in Serbian network, microphone gets low in volume with background noise. The same is happening as I upgraded to latest stock rom If I use bluetooth, everything is quite nice, which tells me it is not radio or network issue.
Here is a sample of my voice recorded by Voice Recorder.
Thanks for any help
Did you install Android? If you have the same problem in Android or some custom rom its probably defective.
I am thinking of doing that. Well, your oppinion is if it behave tha same, it must be hardware. Weird, no posts at all complaining mic!
Thanks anyway, keep you posted.
Happy New Year to all
After installing Android, mike becomes slightly better, but not OK. Could it be some driver issue? As soon as I get back to WM6, it got worse!

Problem with phone calls

I have android installed on my htc hd2 and i have some problems with making calls. Sometimes when i call someone the voice gets distorted and i can't understand anything. I have tried numerous versions of android builds but i keep getting the same problem..
Anyone else facing this?
kidajske said:
I have android installed on my htc hd2 and i have some problems with making calls. Sometimes when i call someone the voice gets distorted and i can't understand anything. I have tried numerous versions of android builds but i keep getting the same problem..
Anyone else facing this?
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Obviously you havent even bothered to read the ROMs first post properly, this is well documented and easily solved.
I could post how to do it but I wont as you need to learn to read instuctions properly before making these types of topics.

[Q] Very poor call/voice quality

Hi all!
First of all i'm sorry for my english!
I think that a lot of people will agree with me that HD2 (with android) have many sound issues.
I may be patient with most sound problems, but not with microphone issue couse no one can understand me when talking with me.
My friends told me that they don't hear me clear, but i wasn't paying attention till i gave my phone to my friend for a week. When i called him i understood what are they talking about.
I heard him like FM radio with poor receptivity.
It feels like microphone is boosted to 100% and most of words aren't plain.
I tried to search the web and xda forum and didn't find any solution.
Someone in forum found issue with audio libraries in /system/lib (libaudio.so ; libcutils.so ....).
I tried to replace them with his files, but my rom was stuck on boot.
Does someone have similar issues? Knows how to repair? Something?
Unfortunately I have experienced robot voice both on Pongster's CM7 v1.0 & GBX v8.0 roms.
So, I tried gpc hd2 gb v2.0e rom which was released on March 9, 2011.
Absolutely NO robot voice & high mic gain from the 1st boot on two hd2s(tmous Leo 1024, Radio in my home.
I didn't neet to turn off audible touch tones in sound settings.
Hopefully it will work for you too, mate!

Omnia 7 and Answering

Anyone have any idea how to solve "delay in MIC" after answering? Delay is about 1 second. When I press Answer and say Hello, person on the other side didn't hear what I said, I have to say again... Some first calls I didn't know is it something with my phone or network, or caller...
Regards from Dubrovnik
I have the same problem...
Funnily but that seems to happen to me all the time but I didn't really register it until you posted it on here.
Maybe It's because I rarely use it to make voice calls but I always find myself having to say "Hello, Hello" as they never hear the first hello.
Guys, I'm happy now... I'm not alone
Dejo, hvala
Same problem here ? Do you think its hardware or software related ?
Same thing here.
I find myself waiting a second or two before saying hello or i get exactly as described.
Anyone knows who, MS or Samsung, and where would be best to ask about this problem ?
Noticed the same problem!
S1eepy said:
Anyone knows who, MS or Samsung, and where would be best to ask about this problem ?
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Samsung. If it's not being reported for other phones, then it's likely not the OS itself.
same problem.
Now I wait 1 second before speak...
Same. Wife explained it to me a while back after I got pissed off at her for not talking after I answered. haha
I was surprised today as I answered the phone and said hello straight away and got a reply - I was actually heard.
I am not sure If this was due to upgrading to the newest rom - including the firmware.
I've noticed this as well (JK1 firmware)
Cool, that's good news Let's hope it'll be included in a subsequent official Zune-distributed release
This happened to me also, but since upgrading to the I8700XXKC1 XXKB2 firmware it seems to have been resolved. (It's also resolved the issue of the notification sounds occasionally 'breaking' - I haven't seen that mentioned anywahere else.
Thanks for the feedback. Sorry I didn't quite follow the upgrade procedure. Is it possible to flash the firmware without erasing all the user data?
Unfortunately not, but almost all data on the phone is cloud based or can by synced via zune anyway. You'll just need to connect to your accounts and reinstall all your apps again (which is the biggest pain about the process).

