I returned my Nexus One to the stock shipping image.
I had 106MB of free internal storage.
Updated to 2.3.3 with the file linked from this thread and now have 90.99MB free internal storage.
No Google account synced, bone stock. Is this the normal amount or should I be looking somewhere to clear up more space?
Funny, I had around 30 before the update, and after, I had 45. I noticed that Adobe Flash was moved to the SD card for me. I was pretty happy.
Mine also increased. Also going through my biggest apps, moving them back to phone, then moving them back to sd card yielded some gains (guesssing Gingerbread is able to store more on SD card than Froyo).
Saved a few megs between skype/dropbox/documents to go.
brettbellaire said:
Funny, I had around 30 before the update, and after, I had 45. I noticed that Adobe Flash was moved to the SD card for me. I was pretty happy.
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i cant move flash D: howd u get that to happen?
iandroo888 said:
i cant move flash D: howd u get that to happen?
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connect your phone to computer, run ADB shell.
type "pm setInstallLocation 2"
almost everything will be moveable.
Thanks to Rusty.
After installing Gingerbread I did a factory reset and did not restore my old apps automatically. I had around 160MB of internal storage. Right now I have 118MB left after installing some apps.
The new A2SD api is epic, I have Flash, Firefox and Google Earth taking up less than 300Kb between them
Rusty! said:
The new A2SD api is epic, I have Flash, Firefox and Google Earth taking up less than 300Kb between them
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Agreed. It is so awesome!
So, what does "pm setInstallLocation 2" do, exactly?
As far as I understood, it moves Flash to SD - even though you cannot manually do it via the App Manager.
What about the other Apps? Will it also move those to SD? And what about the apps (e.g. Angry Birds) that are already on SD? Will it optimize those? From what I saw, when moving Angry Birds back to phone and back on SD manually (App Manager) I gained >1MB from that alone. Will the "pm setInstallLocation 2" do this for apps like that as well?
It sets the default install location for your apps to the SD card (0 = auto, 1 = internal storage, 2 = SD card).
Also it enables almost any (PayPal, I'm looking at you!) existing installed app on the phone to be transferred over the the SD card
I moved a few back and forth, with no change. Looks like it's only flash for me.
There are still many apps that cannot be moved to SD. Facebook, twitter, maps, gmail, to name a few. I hear with CM7 you can even move those.
System apps you've updated are stuck on internal storage.
I tend to stick the updated versions back on /system.
So removing the updates, say to facebook, would allow me to move it to SD?
No, you'd need to remove the original copy in /system/app for that.
BennyInc said:
So, what does "pm setInstallLocation 2" do, exactly?
As far as I understood, it moves Flash to SD - even though you cannot manually do it via the App Manager.
What about the other Apps? Will it also move those to SD? And what about the apps (e.g. Angry Birds) that are already on SD? Will it optimize those? From what I saw, when moving Angry Birds back to phone and back on SD manually (App Manager) I gained >1MB from that alone. Will the "pm setInstallLocation 2" do this for apps like that as well?
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you should go thru all your existing apps, even ones already on the SD card, and move them back to phone storage, then back to SD card. a google employee twittered this tip, and its a good one. most apps will get optimized and use the new system to take up even less space.
I did that... but once more, on the "pm setInstallLocation 2" - would this move "all" apps (save for some exceptions) to SD? Even the ones I would not want on SD (like widgets)?
It won't move anything that's already installed. Just enable you to move them as you see fit.
Anything new installed will go straight to the SD card though, so if it's a widget or LWP you'll want to move it to the internal storage manually.
Would this be an option?
1) "pm setInstallLocation 2"
2) Move Flash and others to SD manually
3) "pm setInstallLocation 0"
The last should prevent any future installs to go to SD (unless intended by the app designer of course) so no problems with LWP or widgets, but finally being able to move Flash...
Maybe I'll just try it out
It would, however I think it would also remove your ability to move apps that haven't been given the OK by the developer.
Yes, but I wouldn't have that option without the "pm setInstallLocation 2" in the first place. And "pm setInstallLocation 0" would just save me from unintended trouble later on (an update on BW would be enough otherwise to move that to SD...).
And the moved apps should stay there even after the "pm setInstallLocation 0" step I hope.
I ran a cross this little tip to force all apps to be installed on SD.
Unlock move to SD card for existing apps:
adb shell
pm setInstallLocation 2
I'm not able to move installed app on SD, the option "Move to SD card" is greyed... any idea ?
Remember people, apps that need root will not work
Re: Force all apps to SD on FROYO
I'm not able to move installed app on SD, the option "Move to SD card" is greyed... any idea ?
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Is your SD partitioned correctly?
martin0285 said:
Is your SD partitioned correctly?
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I don't think Froyo uses Fat32 for apps to sd not the ext partition.
Re: Force all apps to SD on FROYO
Do I have to partition in FAT32?
martin0285 said:
Is your SD partitioned correctly?
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That brings up an interesting question.........
If this update is for non-rooted phones, how/why should we be concerned if it is partitioned correctly?
Shouldn't it be done with the update.......
Where do you place that command.
As application installation on SD is natively supported by Froyo, I assumed that I don't need to partition the card...
Rhoa23 said:
Where do you place that command.
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Do you know how to use ADB etc from your computer?
If not, go figure that out first,
Works great for me on my non-rooted N1. I can only move non protected apps but that's fine with me!
chazam said:
Works great for me on my non-rooted N1. I can only move non protected apps but that's fine with me!
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Once you run the command, all apps, including protected ones, will be installed in the SD card.
Henchman said:
Once you run the command, all apps, including protected ones, will be installed in the SD card.
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Only my non protected apps have moved from my internal memory (which is good enough for me really).
Re: Force all apps to SD on FROYO
How were you able move them? The option to do that is grayed out for all applications on my phone. I heard developers have to give permission to move their applications to the SD card first.
Sent from my Motorola Razr.
I was also only able to move my non-protected apps
So to clarify this, after executing the command all non protected apps will be moved to sd, or do we choose which ones to move from the applications menu. Are we able to move apps back to the phone for speed?
Can we reverse the command?
Re: Force all apps to SD on FROYO
I was also only able to move my non-protected apps
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With the abd command? Or on stock Froyo?
Where are the apps being installed in the SD card ?, I see that my internal memory is going down and the apps are installed in the SD card based on what the system says, thanks
Mikey1022 said:
That brings up an interesting question.........
If this update is for non-rooted phones, how/why should we be concerned if it is partitioned correctly?
Shouldn't it be done with the update.......
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FAT32 doesn't support the required permission flags for root apps.
Apps need to be rewritten to support installation to SD under FroYo as it's not just using symlinks as with A2SD.
After initiating the command on the original post you have to click each app and move to sdcard.
A shortcut to reinstall all apps at once can be done in ADB
cd /data/app
for app in *.apk; do pm install -r $app; done
** Note
I used this for unofficial apps2sd so after switching to froyo using the command should also do the same
is anybody else having issues not being able to do the new apps to sd in FroYo?
Not sure where I read it but i think the app has to support it.
I hope not...cause adobe flash and air took up almost 47 megs
For the million time, the developer needs to enable this to work so all your apps need to receive an update that will allow the movement to the sd card.
The apps that use a service in the background like twitter for example (the service notifies you of new tweets) won't be enabled by the developer because once you use the sd card as a mass storage that will create some issues with those running services. Anyway, apps like games and the ones that don't require a service in the background will be changed to support apps2sd.
I hope that clears it once and for all.
Enjoy your Froyo!
You can force apps to install to the SD card... use adb or a terminal emulator
> adb shell
> pm setInstallLocation 2
(use only the second command if ur running from a terminal emulator)
FYI, setInstallLocation has 3 values
0 - auto (phone/app decides where to install)
1 - internal (force install in internal memory)
2 - external (force install in sd memory)
You could also use adb install to force install an apk to the SD card.
> adb install -s AppName.apk
Note that some apps will not work properly if installed on the SD card. Some apps requiring root access will complain if installed on SD card. Widgets installed on the SD card will have to re-added after you mount the SD card. More details here... http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/install-location.html
cynikaloptimist said:
I hope not...cause adobe flash and air took up almost 47 megs
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I found Flash in the market, but can't seem to find Air... how did you find it?
uansari1 said:
I found Flash in the market, but can't seem to find Air... how did you find it?
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[DE-ODEX ROM Space Saver] Phone "Running out of space"? Move /data/app to /system/app
This is for those who, like me, are NOT using A2SD.
I avoid a2sd for several reasons including the following
1 - I switch/flash a lot of different ROM's, very frequently, and don't find it handy to worry about what's on my SD card every time - I'm always on the go
2 - Apps seem to run faster when on the phone itself
3 - I haven't really run out of space on my phone (and now have found a trick for when I do)
4 - I have the phone SD card mounted to the computer pretty often - maybe someone can confirm for me that A2SD still works when the SD card is mounted? I suspected that they don't, but since it's a different partition maybe I'm wrong?
Neither here nor there, I avoid the complexities of A2SD for the above reasons, as well as the more basic reason that it makes things slightly more complicated in general.
I noticed, in Root Explorer, that I have 47MB available in my /system/app area, and only 14MB left in my /data/app area.
Clearly, the system reserves a certain amount of space for each one, for its own reasons. Neither here nor there, I'd like to sort of change these numbers around. I'd like to be able to install more Apps (which typically install in /data/app) but not be running out of Space (and I'm not using A2SD). Here I go.
This trick requires no more than either Root Explorer, or adb pull/push, then adb shell > rm -r /data/app/whatever.apk.
Example 1:
Open Root Explorer
Long-press com.bero.sdrescan (SDRescan).
Press Move
Go ..
Press Move
(reboot phone).
SDRescan still works like a charm, but is now in /system/app. It may show (in, for example, Titanium Backup) that it is a System app instead of a normal App now. That's OK. I can live with that.
I also have just moved com.biggu.shopsavvy.apk (ShopSavvy) to the /system/app folder, Development.apk (Dev Tools) to the /system/app folder, and a few others, with NO problems so far.
Immediately after moving said files, I reboot, and all is well. I had SenseUI pop up with a force close after moving a few, but a reboot seems to make all well.
I now no longer have the 'Low disk space' situation, and all my apps work perfectly (even the ones I've moved).
Market links DO seem to stay retained for this, but I have a FEELING that the apps will move back to /data/app that you moved over, if you 'Update' apps. I could be wrong here.
This will probably make your phone harder to back up, or if you play on flashing a new version of your ROM over this current version of your ROM (atten: kaosfroyo users, etc), you may wind up with duplicates of Apps.
if Maps installs in your /data/app as com.google.android.maps.apk (or whatever), and you move it to /system/app, then flash a newer Kaos v.20 or something, which puts com.google.android.maps.apk back in /data/app, you will have two MAPS apps.
I am using this on my NEVER-FLASHING-OVER-IT-WITHOUT-A-WIPE Ivan's 1.0 De-Odexed. (of course I say this as he's working on 1.1, but titanium backup is my friend).
Anyway, I hope that this helps a lot of people who aren't using A2SD, but need more space on their phones to install more apps (or because Browser and maps cache are piggies). I now have space for dozens more apps. Love it.
Good luck, and I can't be responsible for what you do to your phone.
MAKE A NANDROID BACKUP first. Thank you.
1. Why worry about your sd card? I haven't seen anyone mess their sdcard because of a2sd.
Plus its not like the cards are expensive you can get a class 6 8gb card for about $25 after S&H.
2. I own a class 6 card and i feel the apps run the same if not faster from the phone.
3. I ran out of space by quite a bit, but it was because i stuck with sense.
4. The card can be mounted and you will still be able to use the apps, even if the ext partition is mounted, i only found out this recently when i was messing with a few scripts.
So I guess everyone has had their experiences and for now all my experiences with a2sd have been pleasant ones.
I just thought People should hear both sides of the argument.
I'm using Cyanogen 6.0 RC3 and I was just playing around with moving Apps around.
The moved my Flash Player to my SD card (total was 12mb, now it's 6/6) a couple of weeks ago, and I was bored and moved the App back from my SD card to my phone. Now there's a total of 12mb, but I cannot move the App back to the SD card. I've tried unistalling the App, and I can't seem to move the App back to the SD card.
Try pm setInstallLocation 2 from a terminal, and see if it helps?
Rusty! said:
Try pm setInstallLocation 2 from a terminal, and see if it helps?
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Nope that didn't work - what exactly did I just do if I typed that in?
It changes the app install location.
0 = Auto (default)
1 = Phone
2 = SD
Rusty! said:
It changes the app install location.
0 = Auto (default)
1 = Phone
2 = SD
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I've did that and unistalled the program, and re-installed it. Still under the "phone" memory.
Should I type in the command again, and set it as 0?
The program I'm trying to move to the SD card is Adobe Flash. I was playing around with the other apps, and I managed to move them to the SD card, back to the phone, and back to the SD card. Maybe there's a bug with Adobe Flash app?
I'm using move2sd enabler on a rooted stock 2.2 N1 and I'm able to move it. I did and found that flash wasn't working on the web. maybe it's just me but it's something to look into.
glwinkler said:
I'm using move2sd enabler on a rooted stock 2.2 N1 and I'm able to move it. I did and found that flash wasn't working on the web. maybe it's just me but it's something to look into.
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Tried that, and only a couple of apps could be moved (Flash wasn't there!). It's weird because originally it was on my SD card, and I was experimenting with it and moved it back to my phone. Then after that, I couldn't transfer it back to the SD card
It's 12 MB, which is pretty big so I'd like to swap it over!
Sorry to post such a noob question on these boards.
I found this forum to be the most active in regards to the Xperia Play so thought I'd set up home here for a while.
I have the 16GB card that came with my PLAY, and even though when I install an app/game, I use the 'move to SD card', my internal storage is very low (getting a message). It's like 20mb or something left. I have gone through all the apps and moved everything that can to SD Card.
I am new to Android (from Ios), but thought this would be ok as everything could be installed on the SD Card, but my internal storage keeps going down anyway.
So this is going to greatly limit the number of games/apps I can install even though I have plenty of SD card space?
Do you know how to use adb?
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
Do you know how to use the search function on this forum?
AndroHero said:
Do you know how to use adb?
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
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DeadlyDazza said:
Do you know how to use the search function on this forum?
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Yes, strange question.
Red_Kop said:
Yes, strange question.
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Google adb, learn its basic functions and how to use it, then from adb shell, use the command pm SetInstallLocation 2, this will force all apps and libs to be moveable to the sd card, i have 200+ apps n games on my play and still 70mb of internal storage
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
Thankyou AndroHero for you helpful reply.
Can I ask if there are any adverse effects or risks using ADB?
DeadlyDazza said:
Do you know how to use the search function on this forum?
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Do you know how not to be rude?
Careful about moving apps to the SD card. A lot of apps don't like it at all and will stop functioning completely. Apps that want to be on all the time, for example (Trillian, Tweetdeck, etc...) will just be killed every so often and you'll wonder why you never got that message on MSN or why you didn't get that DM from Twitter. Any app that has widgets will break the widgets completely when moved to the SD card.
It's one of those things I discovered that no one seems to talk about.
Red_Kop said:
Thankyou AndroHero for you helpful reply.
Can I ask if there are any adverse effects or risks using ADB?
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No, adb stands for android debug bridge, is basically a way for you to comunicate with your device remotely using a pc. Like another poster has mentioned, becareful what you move any app with a widget you want to use, or any app you wish to start on boot or sync need to stay on the internal storage
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
zerojay said:
Careful about moving apps to the SD card. A lot of apps don't like it at all and will stop functioning completely. Apps that want to be on all the time, for example (Trillian, Tweetdeck, etc...) will just be killed every so often and you'll wonder why you never got that message on MSN or why you didn't get that DM from Twitter. Any app that has widgets will break the widgets completely when moved to the SD card.
It's one of those things I discovered that no one seems to talk about.
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I uninstalled trillian after google gave me the ip of a computer that accessed my email, i googled it and it came up as trillian.
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
You probably had Google Talk enabled on Trillian.
Hi! I have a Sony Xperia Play
Phone details:
Model - R800i
Android Version - 2.3.4
Kernel Version - [email protected] #1
Build - 4.0.2.A.0.42
My internal storage is very low (getting a message). I have gone through all the apps and moved everything that can to SD Card.
I have heard about Titanium Backup root, DroidSail Super App2SD, adb, Link2SD and so on.
The methods above can let me move those unmovable apps to the SD card.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of them? How do they compare? Which method is safer or more reliable? Which method can move more apps?
If you know, please let me know, thanks.
I got this information from the official Link2SD website, this is comparing Native apps2SD to Link2SD, I don't know how Link2SD compared with Titanium Backup root, DroidSail Super App2SD, adb and so on. If you know, please let me know, thanks.
(Native apps2sd
Starting with Android 2.2 (Froyo) Google introduced native apps2SD.
This method moves
* apk file on Android 2.2
* apk + lib files on Android 2.3+
into a secure folder on your SD card in the main FAT partition.
It is the easiest method because it doesn't require you to partition your sdcard and root privilige.
It has some disadvantages though.
First disadvantage is that application files are just stored on the sdcard's main FAT partition.
When you enable USB mass storage to share files with your computer (or otherwise unmounts or removes the external storage), any application installed on the external storage and currently running is killed.
The system effectively becomes unaware of the application until mass storage is disabled and the external storage is remounted on the device.
Besides killing the application and making it unavailable to the user, this can break some types of applications in a more serious way.
So second disadvantage is that not all apps can be moved with native apps2sd method because of above reason.
In order for the application to consistently behave as expected, developer should not allow the application to be installed on the external storage if it uses any of the following features, due to the cited consequences when the external storage is unmounted:
Widgets, Services, Alarm Services, Live Wallpapers, Live Folders, Account Managers, Sync Adapters, Broadcast Receivers listening for "boot completed".
Force move (requires root);
You can force the apps move to SD card with native apps2SD even the application does not support moving as described above.
Link2SD and some other apps can force move apps if you have root priviliges. But, note that this can break some applications, as described above.