phone hacking from ubuntu? - Fascinate General

I have no more windows computer for hacking my phone, leaving me only with ubuntu 10.10 64 bit. I did a search on here, and saw someone mentioned heimdall frontend. my problem is, even though it's written for debian (the base of ubuntu), it doesn't want to install on ubuntu. does anyone know of a program that works for ubuntu? or why it won't install?


sync in Linux

It's possible?
Can anyone explain how I can do it?
Thanks in advance
Are you reffering about linux on your PPC or on your Desktop pc?
If you are refering about Desktop PC, on Ubuntu(Lastest linux compatibile with all windows programs) there is a suport for Palms, you yust need to google for support for Windows Mobile.
On your PPC, i dont know exzacly but I'm sure that you can find a solution somewhere on this Forum. Use Search.
Raki is the Linux replacement for active sync. It's part of the sync-kde suite. If using Ubuntu or another Debian-based distro, use "sudo apt-get install sync-kde". Google "raki linux" for everything else.
This link is for mepis, bit it'll apply to ubuntu, debian, suse etc. too.

Eclipse on win7 and ubuntu

After searching for this and coming up short on answers (found a lot of questions), I reside to asking the question here.
I tried to start developing android applications today and thought it would be quite seamless procedure. I had read how developer friendly android was supposed to be. However to me it seems quite far from the truth I have yet to find a way to run eclipse+adt on my win7 64bit without epic lags and crashes.
Is eclipse better in ubuntu or am I doing something completely wrong with my setup. Because currently it seems more easy to configure dual boot than to make eclipse work.
I use the following setup:
win 7 x64
Java SDK 1.6 x64
Latest android SDK
Eclipse 3.5.2
Latest ADT
Hi, I don't have any suggestions for running eclipse in win 7..however I do also run win7/ubuntu.
I highly recommend using sun virtualbox on windows 7 to install ubuntu . I do this, and use eclipse on ubuntu. Works great. With very little work, you can run full screen after starting your virtual box and it's nearly identical to dual booting.
good luck getting windows 7 to work, I've meant to install eclipse but since ubuntu has been working so well.. i haven't had a need.
Thanks a lot for the answer. Very appreciated.
Seems like a really smart way to avoid the hassle of installing dualboot. Going to try it later today.

Updating ROMs on Ubuntu 10.04

Has anybody tried updating their ROM from Ubuntu yet, any known issues?
Sorry I think I might have posted this in the wrong forum.
i frequently flash my phone when in developing on my pc (runs Mandriva linux) by using a VM, specifically a Virtual Machine of Windows XP in VirtualBox
hope this helps
Thats probably the safest way to do it, good thinking. Cheers
I wish there were tools for flashing and cooking available for linux. I run Ubuntu all the time unless I'm cooking or flashing and for my Magic Jack.
I have never used virtual machine but I may look in to it.
I have copy nbh file to the sd card and rename it to leoimg.nbh, then reboot hd2 to flash.
Touch HD can be flashed in ubuntu.

Ubuntu questions...

Hey guys, I've been using Windows Vista 32 bit 86x to do some of my theming work and APK(s) editing and I do not like how Windows is handling all of this. I've got way too much junk spread all over (tools, folders, editing programs, etc) to keep up with all this. I've been reading on Ubuntu and it is the programmer's choice in using to develop apps, themes, and editing APK(s).
I took the tour on Ubuntu and liked a lot of what I saw and thought it was perfect for app development and other stuff. No need to download so many stuff and end up losing track of most of your tools and such.
So, what I did was I did a factory image restore on my Dell Inspiron 1525 with Windows Vista 32 bit 86x and got rid of everything and saved important stuff on my external hard drive. Now I'm debating the use of Ubuntu as the sole system operation or installing along-side of Windows.
What would be necessary for me to do? I hate how Windows handles some of my work and don't see how it will benefit me in continuing my android app development and getting started.
I've also ordered a couple books on Android App Development and Java coding on Android platform. I'm in the process of trying to figure out what would be wise for me to do with Ubuntu here.
Any help is much appreciated. I will be using the books to help me step by step in developing app(s). But I'll take any tips that anyone is willing to give insight on!
just for app development i dont think a linux distro is needed.
if you are going into compiling kernels / compiling android sources you might need at least a VM with linux running afaik(but a full installation of a linux distro would be better i guess).
Personally, I wouldn't ever be without a windows machine. Ubuntu can do almost everything you'll ever need but you just never know when you might need to use a windows program that is not available for linux. So if your laptop is your only computer, I would dual boot for sure. If you have another windows machine, then I guess it doesn't really matter. But umm.. what exactly is your question anyway?
I'm just trying to get a better clarification for using Ubuntu and if it would be more wise to install it along-side Windows Vista (dual boot) or install it as the sole operating system instead of Windows Vista.
I do like Windows Vista for other things but it's been annoying trying to get it to work properly because some tools work better on Linux (Ubuntu).
Also, I had Java SDK, JDK, and latest version of Java on Windows Vista but from other threads or posts I've heard that the Java SDK Manager, along with Eclipse, work a lot better on Ubuntu. But of course there are other mixed reviews from others saying it works better on Windows Vista or Windows 7 (whichever they are using).
I always do research before I go doing something that has the potential of creating regrets (due to errors or not knowing much about this or that) or gets too confusing and become lost in reverting back to the way it was before I did something.
I do have a Windows XP Home Edition desktop (the latest one before Vista came out). Problem is it got the blue screen of death (doing memory dump) and I never really got it to recover from that. I wonder if the desktop Ubuntu disc can write over all that and make it work again, but only as a Ubuntu operating system?
I've always dual booted. Mostly because the games I play on my laptop are windows games. Keep this in mind, when you partition the drives. Linux can read NTFS/FAT, but windows has issues with ext. So don't worry about making a HUGE partition as ext for ubuntu. (I usually make a folder in windows on my c drive to send files back and forth). If you're using Ubuntu, you might want to look into using WUBI, makes installation a breeze.
it is no big deal at all.
it is better to have ubuntu run on the hardware not in VM.
you can have a dual boot
and install Eclipse and the plug-ins which will provide you will tools for android development.

Flash tools under Linux (> Windows VM?)

Long time ago i asked a Question here, but there's something i'm interested in.
I currently dual boot Win and Linux and i'm totally done in doing this, wont waste space for this windows anymore, so my question is, how to use the Flash tool under linux which is explicit for windows?
Someone tested it already? Is it maybe possible to use it in a Windows virtualmachine or will it cause some trouble due to missing USB drivers, even if they are installed?

