m$ missed the boat - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

I have tried my best to like wm7 but imho its lagging far behind Android and dare I say Apple, although it is faster.
I like the new look with the tiles and the rest of the ststem, but get past that to the functionality of it and it does seem lacking.
I can't use it on my pc as disc storage to transfer files, what were they thinking.
No navigation aid
Even putting your own ringtone on it is a bit of a chore, in this day and age of tech could they not have come up with something more user friendly, ie put mp3 on phone-select said mp3 and then choose "set as ringtone/notification."
If I'm honest I just don't see the point of this phone 7, I really feel they have missed the boat, Google and Apple must be killing themselves laughing.
I know I will probably get flamed for this but its just my opinion and I know I can go back to wm6.5 or Android (which I will), but just wanted to try it, glad I did as I'm due an upgrade soon and was seriously thinking of a windows 7 phone but will stick with Android or maybe try Blackberry
Anyway thanks for listening.

posted twice.-(

The USB storage is a little disappointing but not as disappointing as Android's failure to play movies without serious editing skills.
The overall experience is far superior to Apple and Android.MI
it's really a stunning OS, Zune and the social sites, is not unlike a high quality magazine...I've used and enjoyed many Android builds (Thank you XDA DEvs), owned every iPhone, a Galaxy Vibrant S too, but my favourite is the HD2 particularly now running Windows Phone7 flawlessly.
oh and Netflix too

I think its important to remember that Microsoft got seriously screwed over on WM. They provided the core OS that was very very open which was great of course, but 3rd party companies an carriers took advantage of that. HTC for example, there initial versions of touch Flo were terrible, there graphics driver support was non existing, carriers then filled the thing with crap an modded it some more then we all blame MS for it being slow and unstable.
I think as much as I like wm for its openness, I believe MS had little choice, back then MS let everyone else make the image of wm an that bckfired. This way might be a bit of a pain just now but I believe as MS gets more in tune with developing it will get better.
Tell me, MS released updates to wm all the time, how many legit updates did your carrier give you?
The carriers had MS by the balls on the WM model of operating and it was Ms that got the flack

dazza9075 said:
I think its important to remember that Microsoft got seriously screwed over on WM. They provided the core OS that was very very open which was great of course, but 3rd party companies an carriers took advantage of that. HTC for example, there initial versions of touch Flo were terrible, there graphics driver support was non existing, carriers then filled the thing with crap an modded it some more then we all blame MS for it being slow and unstable.
I think as much as I like wm for its openness, I believe MS had little choice, back then MS let everyone else make the image of wm an that bckfired. This way might be a bit of a pain just now but I believe as MS gets more in tune with developing it will get better.
Tell me, MS released updates to wm all the time, how many legit updates did your carrier give you?
The carriers had MS by the balls on the WM model of operating and it was Ms that got the flack
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I totally agree. I was a WM developer when it was was first introduced. I love WM's open architecture and the POTENTIAL it provided.
Now, I love WP revamped UI/UX and some of the development tooling around it. However, IMO, I think it is too far towards the Apple route in that it tried to lock down too much. I would have loved it if they moved towards Android's paradigm.
I have a couple of friends who refuses to move off WM because they loved the fact that WM is so powerful and you can pretty much do anything to it. We will see what hapens in the next few months. Hopefully MS will release some updates that makes WP more interesting.

rathoughts said:
I think it is too far towards the Apple route in that it tried to lock down too much. I would have loved it if they moved towards Android's paradigm.
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Couldn't agree more, maybe thats what I was trying to say but just ended up ramblingon on, it was 01:30 when I wrote it.

I agree to some extent, I am currently dual booting Android and WP7
I really enjoy the UI and fast slick appearance of the WP7, in fact its near on perfect until....you try to use more than one app at once and try to simple drag a file across to your phone.
Microsoft have got to sort out these few point NOW:
Enable the ability to run two or three applications at once, ie try playing Tunein Radio then send a text or do anything other than simply use tunein radio. this is just one example.
The only multi task available is music, this was how iOs started three years ago, I know you are working on it, but this update has to be released NOW...
Cut and paste yes this is hugely desirable, sort out the Marketplace stability and search functions, perhaps add folders all these things would be nice.
BUT the Multitasking issue is HUGE, take a look at Ebay or any other second hand phone sales forum, notice the increase of Windows Phones on there, I feel sorry for people who are restricted to just WP7, MS release a pathetic update that bricks a large percentage of phones and all the update is for is to pave the way for future updates, technology moves so fast, MS need to move fast on these updates, dual Tegra's, 3D phones, are nearly here and MS are floundering about with problematic updates and delays

It was a percentage but I wouldn't go as far as saying a large one, again multitasking brought wm to its knees sometimes, I agree it needs opened up a bit so I'm quite untreated in seeing what the new multitasking model allows. It will get there I'm sure but I think its important to let them build on what they have in a stable Manor, id rather that then them opening it up and some not so good developers release garbage that slows the system. Forinstance does your radio program stop all UI updates if screen is off or on another program... Dunno but just a thought

WP & HD2
HD2 is my first SmartPhone and my first go at customisng with ROMs etc.. Previously I've always had Sony Ericsson mobiles.
WM6.5 is a beast of an OS, true MS (infinitely hackable, proved by the existence of Xda) and made pretty and usable with HTC Sense.
As I use my phone for work as a PDA with 3rd Party CRM software I was concerned about the loss of function I was going to see with WP7. I need multi-tasking and touchscreen Signature capability, but I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade. I had some problems at first with the SD card, but since upgrading that the experience of WP7 has been hugely impressive. It looks good and does what it does very well. I've found it very stable, no awkward freezes or white screens (post SD Card change).
I've not tried the Maps app properly yet, but if it hooks with GPS, shows me a route and follows me as I drive (like Google Maps on WM6.5), I'm happy with that. I don't need or want the annoying turn by turn voice control of some over-paid celebrity or underpaid Google-geek.
I have lost the ability to use it for work, but I don't really like work that much anyway. And I have a spare HD2 to play with.
I've not used and have no plans to use Android or iOS, but from what I've seen of friends i-Phones, I'm not missing much apart from a huge library of catapult games and i-Gun apps (the Nuance Dragon Talk-2-Text(ish) app would be very nice to have though).
Thanks but no thanks, I'll wait til WP7 has been updated and the public finally get behind this awesome OS. An official ROM for HD2 would be lovely, but with the stablity, functionality and speed of the cooked ROMs I'm not too fussed.
Far from laughing, once MS gets this OS into gear and throw even a fraction of i-Apples marketing budget at it, Android & Apple are going to have a huge Windows shaped problem on their hands.
If what you want is an OS that you can tweak the hell out of then 6.5 is for you. If you just want to use your phone for phone calls, e-mails and music etc... then WP7 has got my vote.
A thread about getting iOS ported to HD2.
Sorry if i've gone off topic but......

m$ missed the boat? NO! They are a NEW boat which is growing and gaining speed. Just wait.
..wp7 is a unique os and feels great. It's not perfect yet but that will come in time when the most wanted features will be added.
For me Android is nice..but I like wp7 better! Even with it's shortcomings at this time.

I have had WP7 in the past on my HD2, but came back to Android...
reason, WP7 is trying to following iOS model, which does not work (for me) as MS dont make their own hardware.
Also, am guessing they rushed out the OS release, just to avoid being forgotten,
but in my view they could have waited a bit longer and release a more fully featured OS.
Granted a compnay develops a new OS , its going to have few misses here and there, but MS has previous experience of Mobile OS and that should have been better used.
Having said all that, I dont see MS loosing the Mobile battle, they have huge R&D capability coupled with past experience and ofcourse money.
If I have to stick my neck out , I would say the following can do wonders..
1. MS changes the Metro UI to make it more appealing or provides an option to do so.
2. Makes the OS a bit more open
At any rate, if we can wait for atleast 2 major(not minor like nodo) updates, the OS should be lot more capable.
I do like certain aspects of Win7 but they need to catchup pretty fast.

I was on Android too, but after WP7 was installed on my phone I do not wish to go back. The main reason: SIMPLICITY!
There are other reasons as well, like speed, beauty, ease of typing, etc.
Just yesterday I was helping my newbie friend set up his HTC Desire, and while doing so I was reminded once again why I do not wish to go back to Android. Too many steps in setup, screens slow to load (yeah guys, lets not pretend we don't see 'loading' way too many times when switching between screens, i.e., People, Bookmarks, etc) and a score of other things which turns me off. This is not to say that Android is bad, by no means, it is a great system and some people may prefer it to anything else. A matter of personal choice, no problem, I understand.
But please, please, stop bashing WP7 for this or that. It is a new system and while it may be so it is still much better than both Android and iOS were in their incipient stages. Or are you pretending you have forgotten that?!
MS is a too big of a company to enter this race with a half product, they are here to kill.
Look at what is coming up this year:
Multitasking MS Style
IE9 Browser

tlerner said:
I was on Android too, but after WP7 was installed on my phone I do not wish to go back. The main reason: SIMPLICITY!
There are other reasons as well, like speed, beauty, ease of typing, etc.
Just yesterday I was helping my newbie friend set up his HTC Desire, and while doing so I was reminded once again why I do not wish to go back to Android. Too many steps in setup, screens slow to load (yeah guys, lets not pretend we don't see 'loading' way too many times when switching between screens, i.e., People, Bookmarks, etc) and a score of other things which turns me off. This is not to say that Android is bad, by no means, it is a great system and some people may prefer it to anything else. A matter of personal choice, no problem, I understand.
But please, please, stop bashing WP7 for this or that. It is a new system and while it may be so it is still much better than both Android and iOS were in their incipient stages. Or are you pretending you have forgotten that?!
MS is a too big of a company to enter this race with a half product, they are here to kill.
Look at what is coming up this year:
Multitasking MS Style
IE9 Browser
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Totally agree with you as I said the same in a different vein earlier...
but just wanted to point out that 'loading' screen on HTC Sense based devices you see is a sense thing not stock Android..

I don't think MS tried to follow iPhone OS or similar!Thats why they created a newly simple OS.. Android is trying to mimic iPhone as the OS is pretty similar with it! the reason i gave my HD2 for an official Wp7 device is for the originality of product! I loved my HD2 but when i flashed wp7 the whole senario changed instantly! It's the 2nd time i respect Microsoft for doing such a Big step (the 1st was windows 7 PC).
The Wp7 OS is simple, user friendly and really fast because no apps or sources are running in the Background and that's really cool! The features are really awesome.. i only agree that they didn't include more features such as copy-paste, Home wallpapers and more; but for sure they will come up! Before the official realease i said "what the fcuk Microsoft did to this OS??? I hate it!" But actually when i got it in my hands i said "this is pure awesomeness!!!!!!!!"
WP7 has great potentials and i really love it; and i am glad they forgot Windows 6.5!
I am also glad that they came up with updates in no time! I am rest assured that they will update the OS frequently!

I think MS hit it right on with wp7.... yeah, it's limited right now, but what OS isn't on their 1st release. WP7 is way better than android or iphone was with their 1st versions. And already MS is getting an update ready to include multitasking, which looks awesome the way they're doing it. I think WP7 is going to catch up to android and iphone fast, and possibly pass them up in the next year or 2... we'll just have to wait and see.

Anyone who uses M$ to refer to Microsoft is usually a tool and or troll. I stopped reading after that.. It just shows they have a bias for whatever reason.

ha! was thinking the same thing

TIGGAH said:
Anyone who uses M$ to refer to Microsoft is usually a tool and or troll. I stopped reading after that.. It just shows they have a bias for whatever reason.
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Actually if you had read the first line you would have seen that I really wanted to like the system, I am a huge Fan of Microsoft maybe thats why I feel dissapointed with WP7. You call me a tool or troll when you've not even supposedly read the post, I expressed my opinion in what I thought was a polite manner, if a little $ upsets you that much then I feel sorry for you.
This is so typical of most forums, there are always a few who can't make a post without being rude or insulting.

Microsoft can still come on tops. Make Wm6.5 Open Source

I really hope they do make it happen, and I hope the next few updates prove me wrong and produce a top notch phone.


IF HTC offer free upgrade to Windows phone 7 would you install it on your Leo??

Just wondered now Microsoft have revealed WP7 what are your thoughts? My opinion is that it looks like a step back. I love that WM6.5 is so versatile and customizable and the new offering looks like a step away from this and into consumer land.
Not right away, except for testing. But there won't be any apps to get the level of useability we have now at release time.
I would totally upgrade! WP7 looks SOOOO nice... For me 6.5 isn't a modern OS... It's old and ugly... And the app development has stagnated... WP7 will be the new, fresh start we have been waiting for.. Please HTC, give us the upgrade!!!
I would flash it but a custom one, maybe HTC's to try it on, to see what all the fuzz is about.... anyway, if portability of applications is impossible from WM6.5 and below, It wouldn't beof much use to me (If I want music or videos only in my device, I could as well get another one that is dedicated to only doing that a.k.a. iphone). The good side about wm6.5 and below is the flixibility of the system (playing videos as well as office documents, etc.)... just my opinion.
I would definitely try it out atleast, trying it out and seeing what I'm gaining/losing and then deciding to be honest. It won't be for everyone that's for sure. I'm curious to see how Microsoft will support WM 6 after 7 launches?
I would install it for testing only. Gonna stick with 6.5 until 7 is more mature and has a bit more going for it. I like that it seems basic and clean but I'm hoping that they still keep the very in depth settings and leave room for the consumer to tweak it, instead of locking it down like the iPhone os.
I agree with you Lindsaydr. Too consumer / provider focused. I use my phone to call people, txt/chat/email, web browse and run apps (some media based). I don't want an OS that seems focused on providing me an online store to buy stuff.
Have it modular and allow me to disable all the consumer/provider modules and I'll be happy.
In it's current state, I wouldn't install it to use for over a week. I'd install it just to check it out though.
I hope it changes. Otherwise Apple, Android, Windows Phone 7 will all be pretty much the same with different UI. All consumer/provider based and trying to lock you into their little world. I think Android is a little less of that.
well it still seems like there's quite a few months for things to change in Windows Phone 7 but it does seem like a good fresh start for Windows Mobile. Would be awesome if you could dual boot 6.5 and 7 on the HD2 although i guess that would be close to impossible
Two words: BUTT UGLY.
Thank you; no.
Forward to 6:51:30 and pay close attention to the her hand raised to her Ear @ 6:51:38 and Pause....that bak of the HTC HD2 !!!!!!
They have masked the front of the phone with CGI...LoL
HTC HD2 .....YEP !!! there it is !!!
that's a partially silly question
It's like keeping XP on a phenom because it's lighter than seven...
It's clearly quite a leap, so only a few will install it right away, there will be most probably compatibility problems with some applications, yet it will be the choice that "makes sense" to go for it, even if after a while, when more developers settle their applications to work in that environment.
I need WM7 in my HD2!
UncleBeer said:
Two words: BUTT UGLY.
Thank you; no.
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I know I am supposed to like it, but... bleh...the design sense is not the strongest feature of MS and it never has been. Sure, the guy who designed "metro" knows something about tennis shoes, but I don't like the new UI. It's trying too hard to be minimalist, modern and cool, but it looks like a major fail so far. YMMV.
:ducking the flames:
I was reading the "Microsoft hits redial in phone effort (Q&A)" on cnet. It sounds like 4 point multitouch instead of 2 is going to a requirement. Does the HD2 even have that in hardware? Its going to be officially no go without it.
Think i'll wait for sp1 myself.
not touching it, from what I've seen so far.
I'll stay with 6.5.5.
i loved wp7 series very smooth very fast very easy
htcplussony said:
I was reading the "Microsoft hits redial in phone effort (Q&A)" on cnet. It sounds like 4 point multitouch instead of 2 is going to a requirement. Does the HD2 even have that in hardware? Its going to be officially no go without it.
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I'm seriously trying to envision just how a 4 point multitouch system would work.
I am really not coming up with any viable scenario where FOUR fingers need to be used simultaneously to do something on my phone.
Seriously....What is that? A four-finger click will send an email to your mom asking her to bake cookies for you this weekend? Seriously. I am all in favor of improved function, but too many times with Microsoft we are forced to deal with what someone else tells us we are supposed to find intuitive and useful and very often, this is not the case.
I definitely would. I like the new UI, despite what other people may think. Although I would like for it to have Sense on it also.
donalgodon said:
I know I am supposed to like it, but... bleh...the design sense is not the strongest feature of MS and it never has been. Sure, the guy who designed "metro" knows something about tennis shoes, but I don't like the new UI. It's trying too hard to be minimalist, modern and cool, but it looks like a major fail so far. YMMV.
:ducking the flames:
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+200. I used to like Nike shoes at some point, but in the last 10(?) years they've gotten too funky for me or I've gotten too old. Regardless of who made the UI, I don't like it either.

Support this group - windows phone 7 for hd2

A group on facebook trying to get microsoft and HTC to give us wp7s on our HD2s
please join me - something has got to work eventually
£500 spent on THE best phone anywhere and so don't want to buy the same phone again just with different buttons to get wp7s option.
Currently at 100+ supporters.
If you don't want it on your hd2 - join anyway - lets rally up support to not let microsoft or htc forget its customers and give us options. and show that the customer is what's important.
No thanks!!
I like multi-tasking, cut and paste and other features Microsoft will remove from WP7
have no idea what MS is thinking about...is it against history?
I don't want it.
I quite enjoy C&P, multitasking, and non-blocky UI. I'll pass on this one.
don't want it... reasons?
after watching the mix10 videos all about developing apps etc... wp7s looks quite promising.
I'm sure xda-developers community can have wp7 doing whatever they want after launch - they always do.
I tried the wp7s theme - hated it as I love my htc sense...
this will have to be developed into an app. so many of us will miss that feature and I'm sure htc won't let us down.
we have much to look forward to.
check the developers videos from mix10 recently.
no thanks, ugly UI, no multitasking, locked down.
I'll stay where I am til somebody gets android running on it.
for the last time....
it's never gonna happen guys. Even if HTC wanted it it's just impossible, and I'm pretty sure it won't get ported either. Here's why...
MINIMUM requirement of 8gb storage, no initial support for micro sd - maybe ROM would fit on our HD2s but if a micro sd can't be natively read by the OS then we won't be able to store very much at all, and I bet this OS isn't without a fair share of caching.
No existing framework for adapting the device to our hardware since it is build on CE 6 like the Zune. No existing software will flash our device and we won't be able to rely on flashing from SD card.
different hardware button layout. Strict requirements indicate that drivers etc will be consistent and generic and so in all likelihood our buttons would not work. other problems could be that being as a camera button is a listed requirement there would be no software based means of starting up the camera...so no camera.
We struggle just to get the newer WM6 builds working properly so how on earth anyone expects WM7 to surface on here is beyond me.
That Facebook group is no less a pointless endeavor than Farmville; which is probably more realistic.
People really don't know how to get over it do they? Seriously sick of all the crap threads clogging up the forums of people having a whine.
Might as well Try and get iPhone OS on there - that only uses a 500mb /system partition so we'd have 12mb free for apps ;-)
Majority of people has no clue what having freedom is like.
We know better. Now that I'm using an actual open platform, I can't go back. No, I will not go back.
I don't want it either.
And even if it turns out to be good, I'd want it to get a bit mature before getting it, so that there is an app offer and the bugs are ironed out (remenber everything MS did, except Windows 7 that now already works great, wasn't reliable until SP1!). So by that time (1-2 years from now) there will certainly be another great phone to replace the HD2.
Fighting for WM7P is like petition to cut half of function just because that new OS is launched.
Do You always choose what's newest on market but not what's best ?
I like aspects of WM7 but taking out cut and paste and gimping multi tasking is lame and seems to go against the business and heavy users that have supported MS and the WM OS for so long. Not to mention HTC's UI is so well done and worth hanging on to... even if it gets customized itself.
The semi multi tasking aspects of WM7 could work, but there are programs I want to run at once and easily be able to switch between actively. Instant messaging, browsing, and reading RSS all at once should be possible. Doesnt kill my Fuse and doesnt require me to pause or close one then open the other and back and forth.
I'll take the HD2 as it is for now.
There are rummors that new WinMo7 will not have calling functionality, at least not in the first release. But, who cares ! It will be new ! Let's flash it !
Damn, Peoples open You eyes !
afropolak said:
There are rummors that new WinMo7 will not have calling functionality, at least not in the first release. But, who cares ! It will be new ! Let's flash it !
Damn, Peoples open You eyes !
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nice. very nicely done.
It does amaze Me theses new and "greater" windows operating systems seem to look pretty but slowly loose the functionality of the previous versions.. classic example Win 7 compared to the best OS they ever released! Windows XP
Hi guys, did you see this new....
What devs thinks about this....at first hand, gives a hope to HD2....i think.
MS can shove 7 up the arse for me i dont want it,
Cant say i want WM7 on my HD2 as its like going back two steps, i will leave the WM7 FB group to the upgrade junkies.

[1-24-11 Update][Discussion] Windows Mobile Last Stand New Thread UP!!

WM Last Stand HQ Codeplex Source
New Project Thread
Why Save Windows Mobile?
[I]ok so the reason i amposting this thread is because we all know that windows mobile is dying due to: windows phone 7, android os, web os, and iphone os. i say that is total bs. not just because i am a die hard WM fan but because we are still creating more possibilities for our current WM devices. MAny of us have WVGA devices: topaz, rhodium, leo. and there are VGA, HVGA, and QVGA users out there too. and alot of us either cant change to newer phones because of the plan we are on (im on sprint SERO), no money, or we just want to keep the phones we have. i fall under all the above.
More and more worderful mods are arrising for HTC Sense, like CHT, new tabs, and max manila. we have fully customizable themes for nearly everything. will we see this kind of user capability on WP7? not sure as of yet.
So here is my proposition. We can let windows mobile die like the outside world wants, or we can keep on pushing until it is illegal to do so. [/I]
im just combining all the ideas that i know many of you want to see happen:
In my opinion. the WM UI is so barebone and versatile, all the resources we have now can make this last alot longer. just put the pieces to the puzzle together. If any of you developers out there are interested. please let me know so i can update the post.
I will try to post more info as i create it or find it
+1 to this,
I'd like to see some development on Windows Mobile. I know programming is kinda hard for this OS, but still, within talented hands still you can make wonders.
Devs are abandoning WM, because it's easier to do so.
Also don't force into new hardware, as most people cannot afford or change phone every 1-3 months. Also I like my HTC HD2 as it is.
IMHO Windows 7 phone OS is plain bloatware.....
Here are some updates
Good idea.
Personally I have tried Android on my HD2 and come back to WM 6.5.2 as WM still has convinience of functionalities relevant to corporate/business environment.
Yeah im trying to get more people to hop on while there is still stuff going around for WM.
ok guys i got an invitation to this "WM Group" and i fully support it. Yes i am one of those people that believe, that winmo can do all the things that other platforms can do.
Tell me what android can do better than winmo for example. All that it has (and winmo cannot have) is animations. You wanna talk to me about the marketplace? Yes sure, it is a nice free library that you can find almost anything fast, but still this can work on winmo too, the only problem is that a lot of apps are paid in winmo (and they should be, developers need support, they don't work for fun)
WP7 is a useless thing. Microsoft had something with 1000 potentials, and they gave us something with 100. All it can do is play xbox games. The guys didn't even include silverlight or flash or countries support (good luck with that). Don't tell me that it will come with the next update and blah blah blah. They had like 5-6 years at least in order to complete this "operating system", and the final result was a black themed iphone with boxes.
I was testing WP7 on my HD2 earlier, and i was thinking that at least 60% of the things i was seeing there, can be transfered to winmo.
Anyway, it is true that a lot of developers have moved over to android or wp7 or iphone. I don't think that there is a chance of bringing them back, but i do believe that a new developer team can take place, and fill in the "gaps". But these people need motivation, and most of the time, this means donations. People go where money go.
I am doing my part with RapidRead , when i saw that TapaTalk was not going to happen on winmo, i was pissed, so i decided to do it on my own.
This will be hard for me to write, as I really like WM too, but here we go:
WM is based on 5 or maybe even older kernel, optimized for devices with crappy or no GPU acceleration, rendering all on CPU. Everything is done on CPU. And as much as it is optimized, there is not enough CPU power for the rest of the system. If the system would incorporate newer drivers (as WP7 does from MS) and render all IE, UI, ... on GPU, half of the job would be done.
Now move to the other part - app programming.
WM is featuring a lot of similar code to desktop Windows, even more in .NET environment. But just take a look how much it also misses! It lacks any D3D/OpenGLES development! Well there is some D3D in .NET, but it is really stripped down. No universal OpenGLES and so on, and so on, and so on.
WP7 brought us (developers) awesome Silverlight with XNA support for gaming (DX9? I've seen some DX11 libs in system btw), enabling people to write one core for game and run it on all PC, phone and xbox and just always enahance the control to mouse and keyboard, touchscreen or Xbox controller.
Also not forget about lazy programmers for WM that lack any optimizations, or any suspending when not used - it is normal on winmo to have running app on background eating your battery and half of your CPU.
Should I continue?
yeap, 90% of what you said, is that MS gave you a platform (WP7) to play games. go buy a psp instead of a pda
It isn't all about games. WM is filled with glitches that MS isn't going ever to fix. Like taskbar often going blank (not repainting). These glitches force you to reboot the phone - and how can you use that, when half of the time you have to reboot it each time you do something?
taskbar going blank on winmo?
like never EVER happened. not even once. i didn't even know about that.
my WinMo is rock solid, i guess you need to change roms or apps
It happened me on all ROMs on all devices I had (Kaiser, TP2, HD2). My own ROMs, stock ROMs, other's cooked ROMs .
Do not mention Opera 10 getting stuck in background (and not to be able to re-launch it without reboot, since you can't have two modules or files in memory with the same name). Let's face it, WM is old and new OSes provide way better options and opportunities.
On the other hand, WM is PC with phone. Android is phone with PC. WP7 is cool phone. iOS is cool phone.
Ok we are not here to argue although i understand where youre coming from. i do have an itouch because i like games on the iphone but as far as the overall picture WM has proved to be a working medium between a computer and a phone which most of us really need and use throughout the day. Lets face it. When a new app has its 15 minutes of fame and your friends all bragg about it. maybe you will miss out on that. but is it really worth spending $100s for something new when there is no need to?
we dont need to live on our phones it just needs to be with us. and i think the philosophy is opposite for Apple especially. Viva la iphone killer!!!!
So I got like half hour ago totally mad WHEN I FOUND OUT THAT WP7 CAN'T SYNC ANYHOW NORMAL XLS OR DOC without sending it over internet (email, download it from web). Then I got * on not supporting BT keyboards. Then I got even more * FOR NOT SUPPORTING TETHERING.
Then I got * on Android for another ton of stuff.
And now I am back on WinMo, ready to build perfect OS for phone. On WinMo, everything works. Although there are parts that * me too - sometimes getting stuck, whole VM engine, rendering of graphics, nearly zero games that are worth playing (okay, FPSeCE is good).
WP7 is baby, very young, not capable of doing stuff that I am used to do. And WANT to do.
Android has very bad (at least from what I expected from it) Bluetooth capabilities. Even iPhone owns Android with BT support from what I want.
I am going to need a lot of developers, source code to WM and WP7. Who can help (mostly with the 2nd and 3rd part), PM me. The 1st one after I get the 2nd and 3rd one, thanks .
Although taking iOS source and modifying it would do the same job haha . That's another option LOL.
Sorry, I had to get it out
The thing that really bugs me about the whole growth in smartphone popularity is that when you here about a new app or feature that one of the two leading os's just got or can do... and i can almost garuntee that windows mobile can do it or already had done it...
i see my friends loving their speech to text on their android devices and i tell my phone everything to do through my bluetooth headset.....
wm was way ahead of their time ...
i too have had the taskbar malfunction one too many time but as i look around for a device that i would like to get like an android phone or wp7
i can't help but come to the conclusion that the best viable option is to get an htc hd2...
this way i can try android and wp7 or go back to what i know and love...
people laugh when they hear you have a windows mobile phone... only cause they are told about them from other people like they are the ancestors of the smartphone ... which they are...
but i am only 19 ... 20 in two weeks... and i have decided to hold off getting anything else besides wm until there are non left in the world...
OndraSter said:
So I got like half hour ago totally mad WHEN I FOUND OUT THAT WP7 CAN'T SYNC ANYHOW NORMAL XLS OR DOC without sending it over internet (email, download it from web). Then I got * on not supporting BT keyboards. Then I got even more * FOR NOT SUPPORTING TETHERING.
Then I got * on Android for another ton of stuff.
And now I am back on WinMo, ready to build perfect OS for phone. On WinMo, everything works. Although there are parts that * me too - sometimes getting stuck, whole VM engine, rendering of graphics, nearly zero games that are worth playing (okay, FPSeCE is good).
WP7 is baby, very young, not capable of doing stuff that I am used to do. And WANT to do.
Android has very bad (at least from what I expected from it) Bluetooth capabilities. Even iPhone owns Android with BT support from what I want.
Sorry, I had to get it out
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I agree. I too have come back to Winmo 6.5.2 and satisfied for everything being fully functional...
I'm glad people are stepping up to the plate I haven't developed anything for WM in a long time, since I felt many people had stopped caring about it. Looks like I was wrong. The rendering engine is a real challenge on WinMo, but with almost full access to the entire system, development is so much easier than on WP7.
Long live winmo
I agree with you guys whole heartedly. I received a Windows Phone 7 phone from Microsoft for free for testing but it runs on T-Mobile. I onlyhave it for 2 months and Verizon is not coming out with a WP7 phone for god knows how long silo I will be back to my WM phone. I have and always be a fan and have been keeping up with the projects and software as much as I can. I efgen had a hand in a few projects. Check my signature for my software thread and I will continue to support this thread without gusto.
I would love to see more developing for Windows Mobile.
Highest on my list would be a fantastic Google Voice client.
Ok i read everything you guys wrote and i totally have to agree with you guys. Winsmob could has the potential of being the best os out there but what did microsoft do? They just abandoned it and try to do a fresh start with a less than 50% complete os. Dont get me wrong i like wp7 (well only cos of the keyboard), i loved winsmob better with all the feathures even if some are not consistent and there are not some many apps out there. Its just that i'm not a developer but if i could i would reprogram winsmob with features i like in other os. I know its not as easy as i make it seem but hey thats just how i feel.
i would also be cool to a have a decent facebook application and a decent youtube application for windows mobile 6.1

WP7 is looking better and better...

Yeah, I know its so locked down and blah blah blah but in all actuality with the amount of support it's getting already it could be an amazing OS. Android didn't get this much love upon initial release. Most people who bought the first run of G1s couldnt tell the difference between a cellphone and a toaster and look where it's at now. WM6.5 is dead... I mean I love it, I love the amount of customization but I would like to have a phone that is relevant again also... In all honesty I wouldnt care if Cotulla released the version that was more or less a glorified feature phone, I would be right on top of it. We all know it will be app-unlocked in time and when thats the case who needs a marketplace? I know HD2 can run android and WP7 but android, regardless of how awesome it is, will always be lacking in the same manner as iphones are in terms of physical appeal. There is none. Just like no other type of phone has a music program that doesnt just more or less suck (If you think iphones music player is just the best then you're likely a tool.) I think that we should be working more on WP7 than gingerbread and its almost non-existent updates.
You can all go ahead and flame me now
Who's this? Steve ballmer?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Yes, I'd be speaking ill of 6.5 if I was that incompetent republican. I'm not even sure that antique knows what a cellphone is. He probably bought his current one second-hand from Zack on Saved by the Bell.
Android didn't get as much love on the release because it was took up by people that know something. WM7 was taken up with love by people that know no better, unless hacked proper, wm7 will not remain on the hd2 and droid itself is a better system all-round. WM7 is better than WM6.5 yes agreed, but it isn't looking better than droid and probably never will.
Do learn a little bit more before you go ahead and big up an os with gaming capabilities of a comodore 64...wm7 is the touchy feely os for kids and people who know little about smart-phones or are scared by them.
norodaigh said:
WM7 is better than WM6.5 yes agreed
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How in the hell could it be better, if it's completly different? It's like if you'd say that green is better than skateboard - makes no sense at all.
The core WP7 might be better than WM6.5.
WP7 was built with only touchscreen phones in mind, whereas WM6.5 can work on touchscreen phones, non-touchscreen phones, PDAs and loads of industrial units. And WP7 isn't designed for many phones, but basically due to the specification laid out by MS, one phone (ie the Windows iPhone).
After all WP7 doesn't have to deal with legacy issues that the more generalised WM6.5 has to.
If MS had just stuck to the core and put on their front, but allowed the manufacturers to put their own front end on (and thus the XDA Developers to really develop the system) then maybe I would be more inclined to move to WP7.
As for the specification, why go down the fixed internal memory? HTC tried it with my HTC Diamond (4GB) only to see an 8GB microSD card come out not long after. Thus the Diamond 2 went back to the microSD card.
sthEn said:
How in the hell could it be better, if it's completly different? It's like if you'd say that green is better than skateboard - makes no sense at all.
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It's from the same OS's branch, (your comparison is wrong) you may say a Modern house is better than a shack, However they're made in a completely different way and structure .
Microsoft's OS will remain Microsoft's. wether they called it Windows Mobile 7 or Windows Phone 7
emonero said:
Who's this? Steve ballmer?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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lol. that's well put my friend.
IMHO, the entire HD2 comunity will switch to Android,sooner than later,including myself,my son already did,he havent used WM since over a moth now.
The reason is obvious every each one of us had the chance to compare the two OSs side by side,even someone sceptical as myself keeps on visiting to my Android neighbour living on my SD card.well should confess that its already starting to grow on me.
I wish we had the chance to test the WP7 side by side with the Android as well on our HD2,but seems to me that MS may be is not confident enough that His new OS will hold itself against Android,or may be the mnufacturers want to sell more phones.in either case I want to say this:
Our HD2s will wear out in few months,we will need to get new phones,the overwhelming portion of the users will no doubt switch to Android,it is in the interest of MS to port the WP7 full experience not just to the HD2 but to every single phone out there,to IOS devices,Android devices,people must have the chance to see what it is all about.
Looks like the WP7 devices sales are dissmal so far,if it turns out to be a fail,the Manufacturers will be the first to abandon the ship.
sthEn said:
How in the hell could it be better, if it's completly different? It's like if you'd say that green is better than skateboard - makes no sense at all.
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Its like me saying im better sober than drunk.
Its better in my opinion due to its difference so it can be better, its from the same OS maker so how cant it be....that means you cant say one football team is doing better than the other cause they are different....wise up.
hagba said:
Our HD2s will wear out in few months,we will need to get new phones
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No way man, I think your underestimating the longevity of the HD2, by all accounts it should have died out already, it was saved by droid porting, it wasn't going to have survived with WM6.5, but look it has survived and is still standing up to phones like the EVO and thats something.
norodaigh said:
Android didn't get as much love on the release because it was took up by people that know something. WM7 was taken up with love by people that know no better, unless hacked proper, wm7 will not remain on the hd2 and droid itself is a better system all-round. WM7 is better than WM6.5 yes agreed, but it isn't looking better than droid and probably never will.
Do learn a little bit more before you go ahead and big up an os with gaming capabilities of a comodore 64...wm7 is the touchy feely os for kids and people who know little about smart-phones or are scared by them.
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I've got both a nexus one and an HD2 running android and for those of us who are big in the gaming aspects of android sure it's awesome but hell, if that was my core interest I'd sell out and buy an iphone. Call me greedy but I want something functional that also looks clean and iphones jumbled mess certainly never pulled that off, same goes for android, I don't care how many widgets you have on there or anything. I keep a plain black screen with minimal dock options in launcher pro and it is still just unattractive. I'm all for functionality over form but until wp7 it's as though no one ever even bothered trying to make a phone look nice. Windows mobile is still the most functional OS to date if you really know what you're doing but honestly, who wants to play on a system whos best games look like they were released for the sega saturn? Android has all the gaming in the world but is not very pretty regardless of what launcher you use. iOS is just trash, no reason needed. but WP7 may be the first phone that in time has a pretty UI and a great app community and that is what I want in a phone.
We need to understand that we represent a small number of cell phone users. Most are happy with what they get from the manufacturer. A small number of us love hacking our phones and making them do things they weren't meant to do. That being said, comparing OS's is useless. Everyone has different needs and wants. I, for example, don't care anything about gaming on a phone. So Android has no appeal to me (and yes I have owned an Android phone). Each OS appeals to folks with different needs. We are all entitled to our opinion as to what OS we like to use. I am one of those folks still impressed with the HD2. When it is tiime for me to upgrade (and I don't see a need for that anytime soon) it won't be Android. I'll be looking seriously at the Win7 phones or will be returning to Blackberry.
agree with Illusive Man.
I'm using WinMo 6.5 over years now, but I also used iOS and Android due to my work.
iOS is perfect for noob Users. Really, everything you need to know is how to register to the AppStore.
But don't want something special from your phone like to store youre files on a special place...
Android is perfect for Gaming and perfect for all "Open Source is better than Microsoft" users don't forget google won't save your data, and the earth is a disc
WinMo 6.5 is perfect for Business Users espacially when the Business Infrastructure itself is based upon Microsoft/Office/Exchange. Also for industrial Use.
Microsofts answer to iOS/iPhone. It's simple. When I don't have to take care about that someone put/change Files in my System and don't have to care about supporting so many different phones, than it's easier to bring up a smooth and stable OS
So we see, each OS has it's right to live all over this world, they're different and each user should choose for his own preferences....
sthEn said:
How in the hell could it be better, if it's completly different? It's like if you'd say that green is better than skateboard - makes no sense at all.
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I totally agree man, I tried skateboard and it was not for me - but I got into green in late '08 and there is no turning back!
When my co. took away windows phone and went all BB, I did not like bb's and while they improved it was never remotely close enough. Got HD2 when it came out, showed the co. all the productive things I can do with it, still no go - in fact they said "you can have iPhone or BB, pick one now." I took iPhone since at least that helps our bb-centric IT guys get used to pop3 mail handling. But for some odd reason I can't stand iPhone and just love WP7. Maybe it's the difference between built-in Office 2010 mobile w/sync-to-cloud and sync-to-sharepoint, vs... what, angry birds?
You can all go ahead and flame me now
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WP7 Sucks and so do you.
Go buy an iphone.
All in all it comes down to what you want to use it for. When I want to play games with a pocket sized device, I whip out my PSP. When I have to edit a spreadsheet or word document while I just happen to be at my kid's Tae Kwon Do practice it's nice to be able to do that on a pocket sized device rather than lug around a lap top and hope you can find Wifi service.
hungry81 said:
WP7 Sucks and so do you.
Go buy an iphone.
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Just about every time Microsoft updates to a new and improved OS, it mucks with the end users ability to change some things.
I guess with Andriod, it will never change in that respect.
I would like to see the capabilities of WM7 but I fear the phones comming out with it are left a bit short even by WM 6.5 standards.
I dont see anything wrong with WM 6.5 as long as I don't bloat it down with alot of shortcuts and what not.
I am not saying the apps and tools here don't cut it... just I would think some body would program each hard key to do funtions like toggle and page flip on shortcuts.
They are there and you dont need to make some new fangled gui or shell.
No I am not a programmer, but it seems so obvious that this is the only touch phone with 5 hard keys. To me that would be pretty damn awsome yet they are so rarely used for anything but short cuts to options that are already available as a sof tbutton or short cut.
Here is my 2 cents.
I was an avid Symbian S60 fan for a good 5 or 6 years, enjoyed playing with it and tweaking here and there, hell, I had it set up as a wifi hotspot long before the mainstream caught wind.
I then went to WinMo 6.1 on my X1, a nice shiny 'new' toy with more bells and whistles than I could ever dream of, I loved it. Unfortunately it seemed O2 and Sony conspired against me, and decided I couldn't have an X1 as a warranty replacement when mine broke. I managed to talk them into giving me a HD2 instead.
There it was, 4.3" of tweakable goodyness. I loved it, and still do, but I've just got bored, or no longer bothered with fiddling. Maybe its my change of career (from IT guy to developer) but I've just lost interest in what my latest gadget can do.
My girlfriend has got hold of a HTC 7 Trophy, and after playing with it for a weekend, I'm pretty impressed. I was one of the first to scream "OMG WTF is that UI all about?", but once in my hand, it is very smooth and intuitive.
Granted, it has it's faults, like no bluetooth contact transfer (you have to put your phonebook in the cloud (LiveMail or Facebook), but overall, its not bad for a locked in system, much to my disbelief.
Its not got features that I need (like the wifi hotspot) and bluetooth file transfers, which are ultimately putting me off for now, but I can see where it's going.
Android I don't think is for me, I've played with 1.6 and 2.2 (froyo) but I just can't get into the loads of homescreens, it just feels cluttered (Yes, I am aware of the one long start menu in WinPho7)
guyz... we should change our thinking style... HD2 has not only the hardware capability of running WM6.5 but also Android builds, iOS, WP7 OS and MeeGO... sooo we must respect this device... till now android is the most usable nd userfriendly OS,now some peoples might like WP7 OS,after this when gingerbread will run fully then we will run it...
after that we will use HONEYCOMB...
i used HD2 in WM6.5 then i loved it...
now running android builds(2builds on 2SD cards) my love is getting deeper and deeper
will love it more and more day by day in future
At the end i wanna say HD2 is a great(1of the best) device we got so far ..
in the near future it will be replaced by multicore 3D screened devices
until then long LIVE HD2 ...

[Q] Should I get an Android phone or WM7??

I've had the HTC Rhodium pretty much since the day it came out and at first I loved it but now I am only a microscopic inch away from chucking it in the garbage. The tink that annoys me the most is that its a beautiful device with potential to beautiful things. And it can do some wonderful things, just not without glitches and lags. When I'm at a bar talking to a potential client (or sex partner for the night) and I hit contacts (i'm running windows default bcuz its a quicker loadup time than HTC sense) the list should just pop rite up right? but no I have to wait about 3 minutes for my phone to figure out what I want to do, that enough time for the person I'm talking to to change their mind about giving me their number. and its not just with contacts. I try opening a program in the start menu, the screen freezes for a few minutes then decides to execute the command. I click on a song file in windows explorer, the screen freezes for a few minutes then decides to execute the command. I type in a url in Opera, the screen freezes for a few minutes then decides to execute the command. I've even tried hard resetting the phone count-less times to put this lagging problem to an end. And that only momentarily sovles it, but the lagging eventually comes back. It doesnt have to do with memory bcuz I have a 16microsd card and all my images, music and saved files are on there. So I just assume its the OS on the phone.
Since I am due for an upgrade anyway I am wondering should I go for the Android (HTC EVO Shift) or the WM7 (HTC Arrive). I'm not looking for whats going to be the most popular or fancy or even the most customizable just looking for functionality. and info would be greatly appreciated
I personally have no expirience with WM7 but Windows has always had a problem with lag and their mobile OS. If your not into customizing just want something reliable the Evo Shift is a good phone. Android is better about lag problems with my expirience. Also if for some reason you have lag issues you can always root and get voodoo lag fix and take care of it. Also Microsoft was rushed to release Windows 7 so there still bugs and it needs more time to mature. The Evo Shift is running a pretty quick 800ghz processor and compared to the stock evo is actually faster. So my personal opinion would be android and the Evolution Shift
Sent from my T-Mobile Vibrant
using XDA Premium App
Rocking Simply Honey 2.5
Have you tried over-clocking you tp2? Def helps..you'll see and feel the difference right away.
android SO is excellet i prefer android defenitly
WP7 is closed source and if you are into modding and customizing your phone, it's not for you. Android is open source and the EVO Shift is an excellent choice. Stick with that HTC brand, Samsung and others have been known to ditch their devices fairly early and give no more updates. HTC does a pretty good job with the Android updates and has the most development going on around it IMO.
I acually bought both; HTC HD7 and Samsung Infuse 4G. WP7 interface is smooth and beautiful. Aesthetically, the interface is more attractive than Android. But, no flash support and it's a little slower than Android. I also had a TP2 and I customized the heck out of it. Android fills that need for me. Also, with the TP2 I became addicted to flashing ROMs. Android fills that need as well. Android is super fast, too. So having experince with both, Android is the better of the two.
I've been looking at both platforms, and I've found the WP7 to have more towards my needs. Sure, the tiles are a bit bland when compared to the Sense UI, but its very smooth.
The WP7 is currently in its infancy (damn microsoft, starting from scratch and ditching 6.5), but they are making efforts to fix that. If you know C# or C++, then XNA on WP7 will be a smooth transition. Although the device is closed source, you can unlock the phone with the SDK.
Android uses an alteration of Java, which I've see as a mess. XDA-Developers has accumulated a large community of Android users and many android phones, so there is a fail safe if you mess up your phone.
My recommendation to you is to go to the stores and try the phones. If its not a live demo (i.e. plastic shell with a sticker on the screen), then ask for a live demo. Play with them, and imagine that phone in your life.
Well... thats kind of a 50/50
WP7 looks plain with that home screen, and it lacks lots of things.
Android is a bit slow when downloading things from the Market without using Wifi (my experience), and u can customize your home screen and layouts.
Hmm, I'd probably say go Android
i would go for tmobile g2x the fastest phone
I know the original post is a dated one, so I'm not sure if the original poster is even reading replies at this time, but..........I'd question why his phone freezes for minutes at a time doing anything...the device is only slow when using stock TF3D, which he stated he isn't, and even then, stock TF3D doesn't freeze for minutes at a time...seriously, does anyone think the manufacturer sent out a device that freezes for minutes at a time? Do any of your phones freeze for minutes at a time? Have you seen other threads for the TP2 that claim their device freezes for minutes at a time without them stating they just needed help because they'd done something to it they didn't know how to reverse?
I have a custom rom on my device now, which is a lot faster than stock, but if I had to go back to stock, I wouldn't want to ditch the phone, because it's a wonderful phone, even stock. It never froze on me for minutes at a time (well, there WAS that whole sms freeze thing before the hotfix was released)...but other than that, it never froze for minutes at a time, even stock....say "I don't like this wm platform" or "I like android more" or "I like wp7 more" or "I have no idea what's going on"...but don't say "The TP2 normally freezes for minutes at a time and it's natural for it to do this, it's how it was released"....
Now...yes, a friend of mine does have the evo shift which of course I have played with, it's a very nice device and I prefer it over the Evo 4G which I also have (my personal phone Tilt2 AT&T, my "business" phone, Evo 4G Sprint)...my business phone, lol...basically I give that number out to customers to call me on, other than that, I do everything from the Tilt2...if I was forced to decide on a device...I'd keep the Tilt2...WP7 will mature in a while....I'm interested in seeing what they and the manufacturers come out with in about a year, until then, my Tilt2 runs awesomely thanks to the Chefs who build custom roms, and it's wayyyyyy better looking thanks to the people here who theme.... I don't have "phone envy", I think if anyone came from a new android device or wp7 device who'd never used a tp2 like mine before they'd have phone envy...
No sim on the HTC Arrive
On my phone, it does freeze up for a few seconds when loading basic programs. Like, when opening the contacts program or start menu, there is a 4-5 second lag (despite the phone immediately vibrating to confirm the action). In the newer phones, they have a 1GHz as required minimum while the TP2 has a 528 MHz processor. If the TP2 had a 1GHz processor, the loading time will take a second or even less.
The phones mentioned, the HTC Arrive, it doesn't have a SIM card. The HTC 7 Pro, which is the non-sprint phone, still doesn't have a SIM. So trying to get the phone while being on AT&T, either complain to HTC or wait for another phone. The LG Quantum (for AT&T) is pretty nice....but there could be better.
Personal, i will go for both of them, maybe one at the time and then switch to another.
Both of them have weak/strength features, so it's up to you guys to pick what is the best for you.
Android for sure. It is the youngest mobile OS and besides it is improving faster than any other OS. It got the potential to become the best OS and is better than WM. Also the android market has a lot of very funny applications available. In addition the interface of Android is excellent and does not lag like WM one. I bought Rhodium one year ago and with my knowledge now if I could I would go back in the time and get android phone. Not that I'm sorry for getting TP2 - it works a lot for me but kinda WM is like a cliche compared to android and I wish I had bought an Android phone more than WM phone.
I think I've said enough good things about Android that would convice you to buy a phone with this OS. If you have the money buy LG Optimus 3D - dual core processor, Android, 3D View and 8 Mpx camera....just awesome ))
Go to android! Install android port FRX07 on yor TP2! Very good work
Awhile back I was thinking the same thing, but as of today I still can do more with my T2 WM6.5 than the Android, iPhone, and WM7. Although I had to do lots of hacks and tweaks to get there. But, for me, this is what I love to do.
The WM7 is going towards the iPhone philosophy. You pay for it, they tell you what you can or cant do. If you like to do lots tweaking this phone is not for you. If you are of the soccer Mom ilk then maybe WM7 is for you.
For me the Android is still too new. I have also heard that of all of the smart phones out there the android gets returned the most.... Not sure why. Though if someone were to take my beloved T2 away I probably would go for the Android.
Android, without question. Some people tend to find Android cumbersome (all of the settings, menus, etc.). If you're one of those people, get a Windows Phone (extremely young, but has nowhere to go but up). I tried it once, and it wasn't enough for me. It was an iPhone, with a different look.
Nylo said:
Awhile back I was thinking the same thing, but as of today I still can do more with my T2 WM6.5 than the Android, iPhone, and WM7. Although I had to do lots of hacks and tweaks to get there. But, for me, this is what I love to do.
The WM7 is going towards the iPhone philosophy. You pay for it, they tell you what you can or cant do. If you like to do lots tweaking this phone is not for you. If you are of the soccer Mom ilk then maybe WM7 is for you.
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How so? I'm really curious. And I tend to agree with the WP7 = iPhone statement.
Sent from the most interesting device in the world.
But what about privacy?
I realize that all 3 (MS, Apple, Google) are not really doing well in that regard, but Android pretty much requires me to have a Google account so they can log my mails, searches, etc..
I'm not reall very fond of that, that's why this post is still written with the TP2.
After testing WM6.5 and Android, I would say Android for the huge amount of apps, widget, aso that u can use. System is stable and fast too...
Markstar said:
I realize that all 3 (MS, Apple, Google) are not really doing well in that regard, but Android pretty much requires me to have a Google account so they can log my mails, searches, etc..
I'm not reall very fond of that, that's why this post is still written with the TP2.
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People freaking out about digital privacy (in terms of data mining) recently is hilarious. Companies have been data mining you for decades through other means, (store purchases, credit cards, tons of other stuff) but nobody cared about it.
Google uses data anonymously, and things like locational data are not stored for more than a couple days (unlike Apple mapping fiasco). You should not let that be your sole reason for staying with an outdated device and obsolete OS.
One nice thing about having a Google account and an Android phone, is you never have to worry about backing up your phone contacts and email ever again, or migrating that stuff to another phone. You just enter your Google login when you buy a new phone, and its all automagically there.
To the OP's original question: Android all the way. I debated this for some time too. But WP7 is a closed platform. Android is infinitely customizable, and tons of mods and hacks, just like in the old spirit of WM.
redpoint73 said:
People freaking out about digital privacy (in terms of data mining) recently is hilarious. Companies have been data mining you for decades through other means, (store purchases, credit cards, tons of other stuff) but nobody cared about it.
Google uses data anonymously, and things like locational data are not stored for more than a couple days (unlike Apple mapping fiasco). You should not let that be your sole reason for staying with an outdated device and obsolete OS.
One nice thing about having a Google account and an Android phone, is you never have to worry about backing up your phone contacts and email ever again, or migrating that stuff to another phone. You just enter your Google login when you buy a new phone, and its all automagically there.
To the OP's original question: Android all the way. I debated this for some time too. But WP7 is a closed platform. Android is infinitely customizable, and tons of mods and hacks, just like in the old spirit of WM.
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Well said.
Sent from the most interesting device in the world.

