Clockwork Question - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

So I'm thinking of finally installing CWR on my phone but my question is - how do I partition my SD card for ROM's that use Apps2SD/Data2SD? Also, I see that different ROM's use different size CWR's, how do I change that? Probably noob questions.

haven't done it myself, but to partition read the FAQ about partition in hyperdroid:
for the different roms with different CWM, simply usb flash -> flash required CWM and you are ready to go.

Skellyyy said:
So I'm thinking of finally installing CWR on my phone but my question is - how do I partition my SD card for ROM's that use Apps2SD/Data2SD? Also, I see that different ROM's use different size CWR's, how do I change that? Probably noob questions.
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[HOW-TO] Make Ext4 from Recovery Without Losing FAT32 Data
I wrote a guide just for such occasions. =] Good luck.

Its actually really simple, it just looks confusing. CWM has 3 partition sizes for your phone memory, 150 250 and 400. These are the sizes your ROM can be with the respective types of CWM. I use 250. Now to partition your sd card its extremely simple. (NOTE: This is for windows only) Download Minitool partition wizard, load it up with your sdcard connected to your computer, now you should see the sdcard will be one partition formatted as FAT32. Now, if you right click on that and select move/resize then drag it to how big you want your A2SD partition to be. (THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT Drag it from the right so that the grey box is on the right of the FAT32 section. Dont make it larger than 1024 MB, however mine is 512MB and it is more than enough) Right, so now right click on the unallocated part of your sdcard and select create. Make it primary, not logical. The file type should be either EXT2,3 or 4. (I use 3 as it seems to be the most compatible) and there you go, done


I need help!

Hi guys. sorry if im being ignorant but i cant seen to find a proper guide on how to partition my class 6 sd card correctly.
i have rav1.2.0g recovery image which alows me to partition the card 3 ways but it doesnt seem to be right. is the card after partitioning meant to be assigned different drive letters? or is it only meant to show as one complete partition. also, do i partition after flash or before?
sound like an idiot but id like to be sure what im doing
any help appreciated. thanks
bump!! no takers?
in rav 1.2.0g, all you would have to do is select from the two format options in the image... you can either select from fat32 + ext + swap for apps2sd, or just plain fat32 if you do not want to utilize apps2sd (some roms do not support installing without apps2sd)...
i can verify that it works just fine for both format options...
If you're using Windows, you will still only see one drive and it will probably still have the same drive letter.
2 of the 3 partitions are formatted in a format Windows does not understand (ext3 and Linux swap) so it does not present them in Windows Explorer. If you use some sort of partition editing program you will be able to verify the partitions exist and are the right size etc. If you've used amon_ra's recovery tool to partition your SD card you should be OK, it's what I used and it worked perfectly for me.

App2SD - cyanogen

not sure if this has been answered yet as I don't think I can search in this app, but is there a way to enable app2sd on cyanogen
Yes, under applications.
it's greyed out for me.
Is your sd card partitioned?
jerrycycle said:
Is your sd card partitioned?
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...probably not. I'm assuming if it isn't there isn't an easy way to do so and keep my data?. .. or is there? .
Use recovery 1.7 cyanogen version to make a ext2 partition then upgrade it from ext2 to ext3 to ext4. Mount your sd card and back it up before wiping it.
1 Install recovery 1.7 cyanogen
2 Boot into recovery
3 select patition sd card option
4 select partition sd
5 choose 0 for swap 1 to 2 gigs for ext2 and the rest will be fat32.
5 once that is done go back into patition sd card options and select ext2 to ext3 then after thats done select ext3 to ext4.
Hope this helps
shep211 said:
Use recovery 1.7 cyanogen version
1 Install recovery 1.7 cyanogen
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Cyanogen did not write this recovery tool; Amon_RA created a CM-based theme for it as it was heavily requested. He also added in support for Soyars' Apps2SD implementation (what you are giving a how-to for).
You actually do not need to change ext types for this to work. For testing purposes, I left it as the stock ext partition type created by 1.7 and apps2sd works beautifully.
shep211 said:
Use recovery 1.7 cyanogen version to make a ext2 partition then upgrade it from ext2 to ext3 to ext4. Mount your sd card and back it up before wiping it.
1 Install recovery 1.7 cyanogen
2 Boot into recovery
3 select patition sd card option
4 select partition sd
5 choose 0 for swap 1 to 2 gigs for ext2 and the rest will be fat32.
5 once that is done go back into patition sd card options and select ext2 to ext3 then after thats done select ext3 to ext4.
Hope this helps
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thanks heaps
deprecate said:
Cyanogen did not write this recovery tool; Amon_RA created a CM-based theme for it as it was heavily requested. He also added in support for Soyars' Apps2SD implementation (what you are giving a how-to for).
You actually do not need to change ext types for this to work. For testing purposes, I left it as the stock ext partition type created by 1.7 and apps2sd works beautifully.
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I never said it was made by Cyanogen. I know Amon_RA made it.
edit: deleted content, not important.
how can you revert the partition on the sd card?
i want to have the full space on my sd card just as it came from stock.
edit: deleted content, not important.
edit: deleted content, not important.
edit: deleted content, not important.
edit: deleted content, not important.
So that didn't seem to work.
I tried without the updating of ext3 and ext4 and no dice.
I finally SEEMED to have gotten it to work. I did the partition of:
EXT2 2048
Anyways, I did this WITHOUT the ext3 and ext4 updates. When I went into the OS, the App2SD is enabled and the SD card mounts fine.
Hopefully this will continue to work. Any1 know what the problems are without updating to ext4?
edit: deleted content, not important.
tonnic said:
well that didn't work well. my phone became unresponsive and then the screen wouldn't come on.
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jesus i hope its fixed..
back-up your card
download Clockwork Recovery MOD from the market
buy the pro version because this guy is a genius*
+you might have to in order to partition idk
click partition memory card (something like that)
i clicked 512MB then 256MB for the second option.
works amazingly
tonnic said:
well that didn't work well. my phone became unresponsive and then the screen wouldn't come on.
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Do you have a linux distro handy?
if so, you can use Gparted to create the partitions. You might need a microSD adapter though, as it seems to have trouble finding the mount point if it is in the phone.
edit: deleted content, not important.

[How-to]Darktremors apps2sd on Froyo

Edit: I made some scripts that you can run from gscript lite found in market for free. This script will mount the last partition so your windows pc will see it. There is one for mount and one for unmount. Plug your phone in pc and run the mountsd script and your window should pop up on the pc with the folder showing the partition that your froyo rom is using. If you have your card partitioned differently then these instructions then you can just edit the mountsd script where it says /dev/block/mmcblk0p4. Change the 4 to the number of the fat32 partition that you want it to mount.
If you want to copy from froyo partition to recovery partition try this
Conap said:
No need to stop being lazy but you gotta give me a minute script and run it in gscripts. In File Manager if you press the home button you will see sdcard and sdcard2. sdcard is the froyo partition and sdcard2 is the recovery partition of the card. I am sure you can get to it in astro too but don't have it downloaded to test. Just navigate to the root folder of the phone and it should have the sdcard2 directory. This will stick untill you reboot then you will have to run the script again.
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We all have seen that froyo doesn't like partitioned sd cards. After many attempts at partitioning my sd card for another project i'm working on I figured out a way to install the "old" apps2sd on Froyo. I know alot of people preferred the way it was done in 2.1. Froyo seems to use the last partition on the sd card at least untill the 7th partition which it stops looking after that. Amon's recovery works with the first partition on the sd card. So the solution is to put a Fat32 partition as the first partition then put your ext3 and swap partitions and then a 4th partition as fat32 for the phone to use when booted. The important thing to remember is to put any rom's you want to flash on the first partition. Your nand backups will also be stored on the first partition. Pictures, music, video's, stuff you download to the phone and any other normal stuff that uses sd card will end up on 4th partition. I will give instructions using a program called gparted. I think it is available for windows also. This should work with any type of partitioning software.
I will leave the original instructions at bottom of post but after a lot of partitioning my sd card for this project and the ubuntu/debian project and the DualRom project I've found that this method is a little better. I believe someone else linked to this method somewhere in this thread
Conap said:
ok try this...boot phone into recovery...hopefully you have amon's recovery cause I don't think clockwork uses parted(not sure). Then type or copy/paste these commands:
adb shell
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
rm 1
rm 2
rm 3
rm 4
mkpartfs primary fat32 0 2000
mkpartfs primary ext2 2001 2500
mkpartfs primary linux-swap 2501 2550
mkpartfs primary fat32 2551 7948
Depending on the number of partitions on your sdcard currently it may say error after the rm 1,rm 2, rm 3, rm 4 commands. You can ignore them.
Then reboot your phone or copy the file you want to flash back on to card and flash it.
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1. BACK UP YOUR SD CARD!!!!!!!!(this will erase all data on sd card)
2. Plug your phone into your pc and mount the sd card(like you would if transferring files from pc to your card)
3. Open GParted and on the bar at the top click Gparted then devices and choose the phone( should be the second in the list if you only have one hard drive and no other external storage devices connected)
4. On the gparted screen you will see the partitions of your sd card. There should only be one at the moment if you are already using froyo. Right click on all of the partitions and click unmount and then delete. This will delete everything on your sd. Please be sure you have backed up your card.
5. You should now have one line that says unallocated.
6. Right click on unallocated and click click new. It will bring up a screen that has size and type of partition sizes. The only things you need to change are the size and type. For the first partitions I used 2000mib in the new size box but I keep around 5 Nand backups and 10 to 15 rom's stored on my card at a time. If you do not do alot of nands and store alot of roms you could probably make this partition smaller. Then under file system choose fat32 from the dropdown menu and choose add.
7. Right click on unallocated again and click new. This will bring up the screen to chose size and file system again. Normally people use 500mb for the ext3 partition for apps2sd. You can adjust the number to fit your needs. Choose your size and then make the file system ext3 and click add.
8. Right click unallocated again and click new. This partition should be around 50mb and choose file system as linux-swap.
9. Right click unallocated and new again. This will be the partition you use for your media on your phone such as pic's or music. You will want to use the rest of the space left on your card for this partition. Choose fat32 for the file system and click add.
10. You should now see 4 sections listed. First and last should be fat32, second ext3 and 3rd linux-swap. If it looks correct you hit the checkmark button at the top of the gparted screen. It will make all changes to your sd card. You can then unmount your card and make sure your phone reads it. I reccomend taking 1 picture before copying the stuff you backed up back onto your card.
Remember to put your Nand folder and any roms onto partition 1 and all other stuff you backed up on partition 4. When your card is setup you can go to to get the zip to flash to install the apps2sd. Install apps2sd as per instructions on that thread.
I have apps2sd currently running on my phone with CELB3.2 and it is working fine. I set my card up on a linux machine with gparted.
you are the man Conap ...currently running your 3.2froyo, which BTW is smooth as heck....what I hate the most about froyo is there A2sd setup ....and you have just solved that problem
rvpartsguy said:
you are the man Conap ...currently running your 3.2froyo, which BTW is smooth as heck....what I hate the most about froyo is there A2sd setup ....and you have just solved that problem
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Well if you or anyone else that has windows test's this can someone report if you can access both fat32 partitions when you mount the phone in windows....
I'll be trying this ish later. Superb work conap. I'm on windows, I'll let you know how it goes as well
Sent from my Droid Eris using XDA App
I'm undecided if I'll try this, but if I do it'll probably more to see how it works under Windows than to use it myself.
I wish the best of both worlds, being able to have Widget apps installed to SD card, but not have separate partitions, and still be able to specify applications I want to remain in the phone memory, for speed.
No matter what, though, beautiful! Thanks for writing up the instructions!
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
I'm undecided if I'll try this, but if I do it'll probably more to see how it works under Windows than to use it myself.
I wish the best of both worlds, being able to have Widget apps installed to SD card, but not have separate partitions, and still be able to specify applications I want to remain in the phone memory, for speed.
No matter what, though, beautiful! Thanks for writing up the instructions!
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I agree it would be nice to have the option to move specific apps back to the phone. But I have seen alot of people that prefer this way so I thought i'd write this up. I actually needed partitions for other things which is why I was looking into it anyway. I now have 8 partitions on my sd card and everything still functions correctly. I did find that Froyo would read the last partition on the sd card up untill 7 partitions. When I added an 8th partition it still looked at partition 7. In case any one was interested in more partitions just make sure the fat32 is last partition untill you have more then 7 leave 7 as fat32.
Conap said:
I agree it would be nice to have the option to move specific apps back to the phone. But I have seen alot of people that prefer this way so I thought i'd write this up. I actually needed partitions for other things which is why I was looking into it anyway. I now have 8 partitions on my sd card and everything still functions correctly. I did find that Froyo would read the last partition on the sd card up untill 7 partitions. When I added an 8th partition it still looked at partition 7. In case any one was interested in more partitions just make sure the fat32 is last partition untill you have more then 7 leave 7 as fat32.
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Do you have a 16GB or larger card? Wow!
Very interesting information, thank you!
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
Do you have a 16GB or larger card? Wow!
Very interesting information, thank you!
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nope just stock 8gb...mostly small partitions for testing some ideas lol...i did find that the phone does not mount any more then 7 partitions(kernel limitation maybe) You can have more then 7 if you are useing your card for things other then the phone but for phone purposes 7 is the limit.
How do I plug my phone into my computer?
need help!!
Hi I accidently run the 'makeboot' from gparted iso on my windows Vista 32bit HDD, before I read it will damage windows boot and can only run it on SD card.
Now I have not restarted my laptop, to loose every thing, I need help to correct it!
Please guide my, what are my options.
Conap said:
nope just stock 8gb...mostly small partitions for testing some ideas lol...i did find that the phone does not mount any more then 7 partitions(kernel limitation maybe) You can have more then 7 if you are useing your card for things other then the phone but for phone purposes 7 is the limit.
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Oh, okay! Nosey people (me) want to know. Hehehe.
workshed said:
How do I plug my phone into my computer?
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You're messing with me, right? The USB cable that came with your phone, that you can also charge your phone with???
ykhehra1 said:
Hi I accidently run the 'makeboot' from gparted iso on my windows Vista 32bit HDD, before I read it will damage windows boot and can only run it on SD card.
Now I have not restarted my laptop, to loose every thing, I need help to correct it!
Please guide my, what are my options.
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You'll probably have to boot your Vista 32-bit installation DVD and run a Startup Repair. Or if the computer came with a recovery DVD that you hopefully burned after booting up the computer the first time, use that.
If you don't have any easier option, you can download Startup Repair-only burnable disc images from the EasyBCD website. Just google for it. Make sure and download the correct one (Vista 32-bit), and then you'll have to burn it to a CD and boot from it. Hopefully you're computer doesn't have any SATA or RAID setup that Vista doesn't include the drivers for, otherwise you'll have to download those and put them on a flash drive, and then you can load them from the Vista repair CD.
Good luck.
ykhehra1 said:
Hi I accidently run the 'makeboot' from gparted iso on my windows Vista 32bit HDD, before I read it will damage windows boot and can only run it on SD card.
Now I have not restarted my laptop, to loose every thing, I need help to correct it!
Please guide my, what are my options.
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There is no makeboot option on gparted in linux that i can see...if you think you have messed up the boot partition of your pc don't restart it till you fix it. Google should be your best friend on that one. I don't use windows so can't be of any help to you there....
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
Oh, okay! Nosey people (me) want to know. Hehehe.
You're messing with me, right? The USB cable that came with your phone, that you can also charge your phone with???
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What's a usb cable... is it that black thing with a square end??
Its g8 solution, good job! little tricky on windows, but worked at the end.
workshed said:
What's a usb cable... is it that black thing with a square end??
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Ooooh, you got me. LOL!
ykhehra1 said:
Its g8 solution, good job! little tricky on windows, but worked at the end.
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Are you able to get both FAT32 partitions (partition 1 for ROMs and other flashes, partition 4 for everything else) mounted with drive letters under Windows?
is there an advantage to doing this? i'm just curious
asilentcivilian said:
is there an advantage to doing this? i'm just curious
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nevermind, i found the 2.1 dark tremor thread. i assume the same results apply to froyo with this.
asilentcivilian said:
is there an advantage to doing this? i'm just curious
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some people just prefer this way. this way actually stores the whole apk on the phone and save's more room then froyo. plus you can mount your sd card while still using your apps. I did this mainly cause I wan't partitions for other things on my phone personally. It just happens that it helps the apps2sd issue too...

[Q] Unable to sideload to sd please?

First off if this is answered I am sorry.
I did a lot of searching and was unable to see the answer to this...
I am running CM7.1 off uSD. Install went well, and have no issues. That being said, I am unable to find out where on the card to sideload books. I have booted into CM7.1, turned on USB storage, and have 2 drives appear in win: MYNOOK and CM7 SDCARD. I used the size agnostic image, and it appears that there is only the single partition on the card, and in file explorer, it shows the correct card size for memory, but only the single partition.
The only folders appearing on the card are:
I tried to manually copy the books, media, etc. folders into a My Files folder on this drive, without success.
There is no other partition to repartition (shouldn't have to do that with size agnostic?). I have no problem loading books into the MYNOOK book folder, which I assume is the internal device memory.
Here is my question. How/where do I sideload books to use the storage on the uSD card? Do I have to create the folders somewhere? If so where?
My goal is to utilize the storage available on the card, but be able to read the titles in the stock software. Is it possible to do this without rooting, or do I need to root for any reason to access the right folders on the card for storage?
klewlessnoob said:
I tried to manually copy the books, media, etc. folders into a My Files folder on this drive, without success.
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In what way was it not successful? Did the files copy and just can't find them with a reader? If so which reader?
The book I transferred over was not found in the stock software when I opened my library. Is there somewhere specific I am supposed to place it on the card for the Nook to see it? Thanks!
For the stock reader, I think you must use the 1gb area of the internal memory drive, which shows up as a separate drive on your PC when you plug it into the computer. When you are in CM7 and connect to the pc, cancel when it tries to install a device for the NC. Check the notifications on the NC, you need to click a button to enable copying files from your pc, and take care to properly safely remove/eject before disabling that and disconnecting the cable from your pc. Better to get a separate reader and install it from the market (e.g., Cool Reader). You can also install the Nook app from the market, but then books need to go within (possibly in a specific subdir) of the "Nook" folder on SDCARD.
So there is no way to use the card memory to store books if I want to use the stock reader??
Should there have been a "NOOK" folder created on the SD card as part of the CM7 process? Is that a file that the user needs to create? If so, does it go in the same partition as the CM7, as that is the only partition my machine is able to see?
thanks again
Hopefully you'll get more input on this, but I think the point of keeping the Nook stock available (aside from not voiding your warranty) relates to use of B&N books. However you can eject your CM sd card and use another sd card if you want more space for user media for use with the stock app. I thought the media drive was the 1gb area, but now I'm not so sure because on mine the MYNOOK disk is much smaller.
When you are in the stock firmware... you are seeing the boot partition of the uSD...
You can write the boot partition... resize it... then run the installer...
I have done it in the past... set up a 2GB boot partition... then setup the ROM on uSD. You then have a 2GB partition you can use when in stock.
Thanks for the info. I am a bit confused by your suggestion, can you please offer a bit more?
By writing the boot partition, then resizing it, does that mean I can resize now, after I have already set everything up? If so, what do you mean by the installer? Or do you mean I have to wipe the card and start over? If that is the case (start over) do you mean wipe the card, create a small partition for the boot to install on? Would that requre the use of an image that is not size agnostic?
Either way, how do I get the file structure in place on the non boot partition for the nook to see files that are saved there?
Thanks again for any help you can provide!
I have never had luck resizing it after it has been booted in the Nook and all the partitions created...
I have written the size agnostic image to the card... resized the only partition created at that point... then put the ROM on it and booted it in the nook so the installer script (size agnostic recovery) can do the partitioning and install the ROM.
For the question of getting the file structure... I'd have to ask how you wrote the files on the uSD... were you CM or stock?
I had always planned on running cm from the card, so when I wrote the files to the card, I was stock.
If I follow what you are saying, then steps for me to try at this point would be:
1. Reformat card
2. Write the disk image to the card
3. Shrink the single partition on the card (where the image is)
4. Add the CM ROM to same partition as the image
5. Install card and boot device
If this sounds right, I have 2 questions.
What size should the partition be for the image and CM ROM, maybe 2GB?
Will the Nook "see" the non-CM partition and create the file structure for saving files on the 2nd partition at some point? In my searches I saw that in early versions, there was a requirement that the 4th partition on the card be expanded to use for storage, won't I only have 2 at this point?
Thanks again so much for the help!
When you write the image to the card... it will only be about 114 MB.... you will probably want to increase the size to avoid any possible size issues later (with ROM's getting larger)
If you plan to use the stock nook ROM as well as CM7... you will probably want 2 GB boot partition... otherwise if you plan to only run CM7 you probably only want about 250 MB.
You can modify vold.fstab on the stock ROM to use partition 4 of the SD for its SD use... then you could avoid the 2 GB boot partition.
What happens when you use VG's SASD... the boot image is about 114 MB... when you boot it in the nook it creates partitions 2, 3 and 4... 2 and 3 are ext3 partitions, partition 4 is fat... partition 4 is the one set for sdcard in the ROM booted from SD...
This is why you can modify stock vold.fstab to point to partition 4... then both ROM's will be putting stuff on the same partition for "SD Card"
I think I follow that, but my issue is that currently I am unable to see partition 2,3 or 4 which I think is part of my problem.
When I set up the card, I used the SASD method, and all I can see in both win explorer and partition software is the single partition on the card. Should there also be partitions 2,3, and 4? Do I have to do something to make those partitions viewable?
I am not comfortable enough with my skill level to attempt to modify the stock vold.fstab file on the device, and was hopeful that by properly setting up the card, I would be able to keep stock as is, and use the card to multipurpose, ie run cm7 on part and use the remaining space on card to store books to be read in stock firmware. I am still hoping to do that....thanks
As far as only seeing partition 1.... that is a limitation of Windows.
By following the advice pertaining to starting over and increasing the size of the Boot partition immediately after writing the image... before doing anything else... you can provide more space for the stock ROM to use on the SD... it will use partiton 1 (the boot partition) without the other modifications to vold.fstab
ok, confused again
If I start over, write image, then resize that partition with the image, am I going to use the "rest" of the card, NOT in that partition to use with storage? OR am I going to resize the partition with the image to be big enough to use as the partition to put books on?
If it is the former, don't I again run into the problem of how to find the other partitions, or will I create them when resize the first partition after writing the image?
Thank you!
You will only ever see the first partition of the sd card when booting from the stock OS. Also with the card inserted in a usb flash card reader on Windows you can only mount the first partition as a drive letter. But you can see and resize partitions with contiguous unallocated space using MiniTools Partition Wizard.
OK thats good to know. Do you know if the SASD install should have created other partitions when I installed to the card? The reason I ask is that even in Partition Wizard, I am still only able to see the 1 large partition with everything in it.
If I start over again, will I need to use the wizard to create partitions first, then write the image to the resized 2 GB first partition, or should I write image to card, resize the first partition? If the latter, will resizing the first partition autmatically force the other partitions to be seen? I am not sure of this option, as I can't see where in the process the other partitions are created? Is this part of the process when CM7 boots?
Write the image. Safely remove from pc. Reinsert to pc. Use minitool partition to resize the (only, at that point) partition to the size you want. Use Apply in minitool software. Quit minitool and resume with the card setup.
does the minitool at that point (resizing) create the other partitions, or will the card setup do that? Do I have to do anything else to the other partitions to make them visable to the stock nook so that they can be used to access books while in stock os?
The card setup will create the other partitions. The stock os is never going to see anything but the 1st partition. You would need a terminal emulator or rooted file explorer installed in the stock os in order to mount another partition.
If that is the case, that stock os will never see anything other than the 1st partition, then there really is no way to accomplish what I am trying to do, correct?
In other words, put CM7 on the card, then when I want to use stock, boot into stock and have the reader find books saved on the card?

[Q] Not enough internal storage

Like everyone here, I have the famous HTC Leo. A friend installed Android on NAND, the 2.3.4 with the mod-HyperDroid CM7-v2.1.0.
This is a great device, but the more I use it, the more I have less internal memory.
At first, I installed a lot of applications, I was full of things and I ended up filling the internal memory. I moved the more applications possible on the SD card, but the internal memory ended up being full. So I uninstalled applications not too useful, and applications more useful, clean caches, remove data, but it is still too small. My system tells me that I only have 217.3 Mb total internal memory and while I hardly more than application system installed, I only have 21.3 MB available. Now, I know that this model has double.
I do not understand: what is this devilry? Where is my memory? How can I resume normal operation until all the memory is gone and my phone becomes unusable?
I can't be the only one to whom it happens, right?
only the data partition counts as internal memory, the rest is taken by the system, boot and recovery partitions, so your200+ sounds about right.
read up on creating an ext partition on your sd card, and either flash a rom that supports it already, or add a script to your current rom, , then, instead of using the data partition on the nand the system will use the sd-ext partition as if it were nand. (This is NOT the same as choosing 'move to sd' in the apps config screens, that moves it to the fat partition, and some apps wont work from there, , , all apps will work from the ext partition, and faster than the fat partition.)
There are two sets of scripts, some move the whole data partition to ext, meaning of course you are not using the 200+ mb on the nand, so for me i prefer the scripts that move only the apps to the ext partition, and keeps your actual data (txts, contacts, stuff like that) on the regular nand data partition, thus spreading the useage.
look out for keywords like 'app2sd+' 'data2ext' 'dataonext', , stuff like that when you're searching.
samsamuel said:
only the data partition counts as internal memory, the rest is taken by the system, boot and recovery partitions, so your200+ sounds about right.
read up on creating an ext partition on your sd card, and either flash a rom that supports it already, or add a script to your current rom, , then, instead of using the data partition on the nand the system will use the sd-ext partition as if it were nand. (This is NOT the same as choosing 'move to sd' in the apps config screens, that moves it to the fat partition, and some apps wont work from there, , , all apps will work from the ext partition, and faster than the fat partition.)
There are two sets of scripts, some move the whole data partition to ext, meaning of course you are not using the 200+ mb on the nand, so for me i prefer the scripts that move only the apps to the ext partition, and keeps your actual data (txts, contacts, stuff like that) on the regular nand data partition, thus spreading the useage.
look out for keywords like 'app2sd+' 'data2ext' 'dataonext', , stuff like that when you're searching.
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Excellent advice, but I think you forgot to mention this
Late I think me brain is playing tricks on me...:cyclops:
shanman-2 said:
Excellent advice, but I think you forgot to mention this
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so, pretty much exactly what i described, then....
shanman-2 said:
Excellent advice, but I think you forgot to mention this
Late I think me brain is playing tricks on me...:cyclops:
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So, I don't really need to use this. I just can install a new ROM on my NAND after making extending place on my SD for the 'dataonext', can't I?
I have to choose a dataonext ROM (with french version) and make new partition on my CD card. I'm saving all the SD card data's just now (with luckyBackup, because I'm on ubuntu PC).
My problem is find a good ROM for my needs. So, I have HSPL 2.0.8 and MAGLDR. How can I find the rom radio number? I need this information to choose the good ROM. Any advices about good ROM for my needs?
r no need to change the radio,,, if magldr works then the radio is fine.
samsamuel said:
r no need to change the radio,,, if magldr works then the radio is fine.
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I bought a new 16 GB SD card to try the method of post 1843062. I am trying to format as it should, and tonight or tomorrow, I'm trying to see if I can install the script without too much risk, I am not a very experienced user of ROM for HD2 and, in addition, as I'm 100% Linux Ubuntu, I saw that many procedures are more complicated or impossible to run from a Linux desktop.
Thank you for all your help and I'll let you know.
I need to understand.
I have a EU HD2 with HyperDroid CM7 installed on it.
Like many people here, my memory became too small over time. So I look for a solution and I was guided to this thread. While speaking, I read everything I could understand (and frankly there really is too much to read and understand, here ) and I ended up deciding to adopt the solution Kokotas.
So I bought a new SD card (16GB class 10 Duracell - I know, Duracell is a brand of batteries ...) and I formatted properly Gparted as shown, with one primary partition of 12 GB fat32 I named /données (French for datas) and a second primary partition 4 GB Ext4 I named /data.
Then I primed to install the script Kokotas (but I have not yet done so, this is the trick!) And there: surprise!
I suddenly 4 times more free memory internally (from 20 MB to 80 MB), but it is still the same overall size!
I wonder how it is done, because it's been months that I want to release the NAND memory, I deleted almost all my applications downloaded without great effect and there, before installing the solution Kokotas, hop, I have the place!
I run Nautilus on my HD2 connected via USB and what do I see? in the partition /data in ext4, records were Cres /app /app-private and /dalvik-cache.
What does that mean? My ROM can do one DATAtoEXT 2011 alone, when she sees a partition SD / data?
Do I install the script Kokotas or it is not worth it?
Do I flash a new ROM (I thought MIUI-MIX_3.3.1, but I'm not sure it's a good idea) without risk, in short I need to understand what happens with my phone.
Thank you.
(Sorry for my english : this is the fault of Google translation )
You might also consider just running an SD build instead of NAND. You can get a 2GB "internal storage" system.img and you don't risk getting bad blocks on nand by constantly flashing things. In my use of both I didn't really see any great speed increase or advantage in using NAND other than boot-up time is a bit less, but does that really matter?
Just another thought on this.
orangekid said:
You might also consider just running an SD build instead of NAND. You can get a 2GB "internal storage" system.img and you don't risk getting bad blocks on nand by constantly flashing things. In my use of both I didn't really see any great speed increase or advantage in using NAND other than boot-up time is a bit less, but does that really matter?
Just another thought on this.
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I thought NAND is better for battery's management...
Monolecte said:
I thought NAND is better for battery's management...
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I didn't see any great battery improvement with NAND.
ROM flashing don't work
I tried to flash MIUI-MIX_3.3.1, but, it wasn't working. I think this is because Resurection needs this specific table of partition and I don't how can I modify this table of partition. CMW had a partition tool? How can I do?
Monolecte said:
I tried to flash MIUI-MIX_3.3.1, but, it wasn't working. I think this is because Resurection needs this specific table of partition and I don't how can I modify this table of partition. CMW had a partition tool? How can I do?
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use the nand toolkit
samsamuel said:
use the nand toolkit
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With an Ubuntu PC?
After miles of thread reading here, I won against the machine!
I have something like a new phone.
Thank you everybody.
If I can do it, anybody can do it!
ubuntu or windows will be fine.
The NAND Toolkit is a Windows software... so...

