Automatic Brightness - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Here's my dilemma... I like saving battery by setting my brightness level lower than the automatic setting (since the screen still looks great anyway), but I would like it if I didn't have to go into my settings manually to change the brightness level so that I can see the screen when in direct sunlight. Is there any way someone could develop a mod to have the automatic brightness, but about 20% dimmer? I don't know if it's possible, but it would be pretty awesome.
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geoffott said:
Here's my dilemma... I like saving battery by setting my brightness level lower than the automatic setting (since the screen still looks great anyway), but I would like it if I didn't have to go into my settings manually to change the brightness level so that I can see the screen when in direct sunlight. Is there any way someone could develop a mod to have the automatic brightness, but about 20% dimmer? I don't know if it's possible, but it would be pretty awesome.
Sent from my HTC Glacier, powered by a flux capacitor.
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I have my screen set pretty dim, and use the Power widget to crank up the brightness if I go outside.
You can also you the "Screen Filter' app to make the screen x% darker than the current setting. (which even allows you to make it darker than the dimmest brightness settting, which is really nice on the batteries.)
- Frank

geoffott said:
Here's my dilemma... I like saving battery by setting my brightness level lower than the automatic setting (since the screen still looks great anyway), but I would like it if I didn't have to go into my settings manually to change the brightness level so that I can see the screen when in direct sunlight. Is there any way someone could develop a mod to have the automatic brightness, but about 20% dimmer? I don't know if it's possible, but it would be pretty awesome.
Sent from my HTC Glacier, powered by a flux capacitor.
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I am current searching for the same thing.
temp solution is to Market > Dimmer (night mode) by geekyouup
It toggles auto brightness and sets back light to min. when on. click once, screen goes super dark, click it again, auto brightness take over. handy. (put it up to status bar w/ bar control and you can get to it when ever)
Problem with auto brightness right now is at it's lowest setting, the back light is still at about 25%. there is gotta be a way to change that in the settings.apk
or better yet, have an option to set your own ambient light to lcd brightness ratio for the auto brightness

option to set own ambient light ratio?
sleepyfu said:
there is gotta be a way to change that in the settings.apk
or better yet, have an option to set your own ambient light to lcd brightness ratio for the auto brightness
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I'm search for this also. I believe you can adjust this in CM7 but is there is a way to do this that is not ROM specific? I'm currently using RoyalGlacier with Faux123 kernel and I find the auto brightness setting for dim ambient to be too bright and the bright ambient to be not bright enough.


Automatic brightness vs manual

Hi guys
Which preference do you use? Is automatic brightness option best for battery saving?
i remember it was an official battery saving tip for iPhone and wondered if it's the case for N1.
eh, just keep it on the lowest brightness... thats the best bet
the problem with auto-brightness is that it fluctuates a bit too much if you're in a room with localised lights and shadows... even in a seemingly bright area to your eyes, the display will go to lowest brightness... i just found it personally annoying, as it would usually fluctuate when i wasn't expecting, and to a lower brightness than i could stand... i've since stopped using it... i set my brightness manually to about 25%... for me that's a good balance between a usuable brightness for all conditions, while still giving good battery life...
I use auto brightness with locale which toggles it on and off based on my location. But even before I did that I really didn't notice to much of a difference in battery levels at the end of the day.
I just wish there were min and max settings for auto brightness. Cause I am pretty sure I have never needed the brightness turned all the way up.
i prefer auto brightness if it works. my 1st N1 had a glitch where the screen brightness used to flicker. on my 2nd N1 the auto brightness does not adjust on full scale........(if you go into 100% dark room, the brightness setting must automatically drop to 0)
I too found that the auto-brightness flickered too much. I downloaded Brightness Level off the marketplace and never looked back...
Auto-brightness fluctuates too much for my liking. So, I just keep it set to middle brightness.
the light sensor is unstable, so manually 25% all the time..
Auto brightness too dark
In my Nexus autobrightness works ok outdoors, but indoors it sets the light too dark. I wish it`d work fine because it's a waste of time adjusting it manually every time you move into different light conditions.
I've read Nexus users report different behaviours of their light sensors, maybe it is a bad quality component of the phone. Is there an app which can modify the sensibility of the light sensor? Would be great to adjust this sensibility and set brightness always to auto with a little more brightness indoors in my case.
manual, 25% - the best balance of battery and light for me.
i use about 60%. I hated the automatic brightness because it was darker than I would like most of the time.
My position is, I bought a phone that has a high resolution, so why not give it the brightness to make the color "pop" like they should.

My screen is too bright, what will make it dim below "10"?

Even on the dimmest settings, the Vibrant is too bright for me in bed, where the light disturbs my wife.
It seems that, with root, you can lower the brightness further - at least on other phones. Is there any way to do this with the Vibrant?
The "Dimmer" app will toggle it from your current brightness down to 10 but if you find something that will go lower let me know.
It has an automatic brightness control based on input from the sensor. You may need to disable this in the settings too, but I would think it would be automatically dimming itself already in a dark room.
Dallasalien said:
It has an automatic brightness control based on input from the sensor. You may need to disable this in the settings too, but I would think it would be automatically dimming itself already in a dark room.
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Right, but that doesn't get dim enough in some situations and the minimum brightness you can select manually is 30. "Dimmer" will take it all the way to 10 but I would like to see something that would take it to 1 or 2.
I agree. It's too bright in low light situations.
If you find a solution please post it.
Try the Screen Filter App from the market. You can get UNBELIEVABLY low brightness. Which means much better battery.
+1 on screen filter. New version now dims taskbar too.

Auto or manual brightness..that is the question

I have been experimenting with brightness on my sgs and how it relates to battery life. So should I keep the brightness on auto or the lowest?
I have noticed that when my brightness is set on lowest, the phone will sometime turn the brightness up a lot for no reason. I think it should be on auto brightness.
on the notification bar up there if you sweep it left our right it'll adjust the brightness too, just found that or. pretty damned annoying.
my brightness is on it's lowest always, unless I need to see in the sun.
Adevem said:
on the notification bar up there if you sweep it left our right it'll adjust the brightness too, just found that or. pretty damned annoying.
my brightness is on it's lowest always, unless I need to see in the sun.
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Yeah.. In Froyo they don't have that "feature" (hopefully they don't enable it either).
I keep my light down to minimum too. I've had no probs looking at the screen here, but then again, it is winter and I am an evening person..
I'd say lowest setting is the best, the screen isn't difficult to see even at it's lowest. brightest just makes everything look more vibrant and awesome. you can have a separate brightness setting for the browser too.
i set mine to manual
the auto doesn't work well, i like it bright, and in auto mode, it is not bright enough for me
fakekullu said:
I have been experimenting with brightness on my sgs and how it relates to battery life. So should I keep the brightness on auto or the lowest?
I have noticed that when my brightness is set on lowest, the phone will sometime turn the brightness up a lot for no reason. I think it should be on auto brightness.
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You are right. If you have your brightness set to Manual, you can adjust brightness by sliding left or right on the notification bar at the top.
It's a problem because you can by accident set it to high and therefore drain your battery fast.
I have setup Tasker to set brightness to 40 once every hour. 40 is about 16% of full brightness.

Crappy Automatic Brightness Sensor?

Is it just me or does everyone's Epic's have terrible brightness sensor hardware/software? My sensor seems to have about 2-3 settings of brightness, and goes from completely dim to super bright in random situations and nothing in between.
Cyanogen just posted on his twitter that in the past he changed the sensor's abilities through coding modifications. Could we do something of the sort for the Epic's sensor?
Agreed. The sensor is horrible. Also, the transition between brightness settings when set to automatic is near instant instead of slowly transitioning, which makes it more obvious that its changing brightness.
I would agree that it is terrible. Mine also send to sometimes turn auto brightness back on if I've turned it off.
It would be great if someone found a way to mod the code for it!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I thought the screen was just too bright at its lowest setting. Fortunately someone came up with a fix for it that can be found in the developer section. As far as the automatic sensor I would suggest turning off "Power Saving Mode" in the Settings>Sound & Display as well. I've read somewhere that this causes the brightness level to vary on its own.
cfiblc said:
I thought the screen was just too bright at its lowest setting. Fortunately someone came up with a fix for it that can be found in the developer section.
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Hehe, that was me. Stay tuned for more. I have coded up and will post, tonight, a new version that will let you modify the brightness curve (from the command line, for now)
As for automatic mode, I have figured out how to modify some aspects of it at the kernel level, such as the ambient light thresholds at which it switches to a different brightness level. By modifying the brightness curve, we can achieve at least some more control. But to make it really good may be significantly harder.
Personally, since manual brightness is always available by swiping horizontally on the status bar, I have little desire to use auto mode anyway.
- linuxuberant
The sensor is actually pretty sensitive. It's just that Samsung chose to have a really small range of brightness steps for automatic brightness.
Firon said:
The sensor is actually pretty sensitive. It's just that Samsung chose to have a really small range of brightness steps for automatic brightness.
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More like they installed an awesome dimmer switch and lights, but the fixture only does three modes; high, medium, and still pretty damn bright.

Auto-brightness still too low on 4.5.11

Hello guys, I installed 4.5.11, but auto-brightness is very agressive, many times i find it on the lowest setting. Any way to fix this? I just want it a bit higher.
Seems like Oneplus is having everything that saves battery on, from brightness to Doze. As some notifications didn't show untill i opened the app. Usually whatsapp. Personally, instead of 7h of screen on time, i prefer having "just" 6 and everything working good. Just got this phone, 6-7 hours of SOT on a 3300mah battery is insane!
This is very stupid. I have the same problem. I dont know why OnePlus don't make AutoBrightness ajustable like Samsung in Touchwiz for ex...
same with me, when autobrightness in darker room, display is always set to lowest brightness ever. really annoying.
On my side, I really love the way auto brightness behave on my OP5. Too much light is not good for the eyes.
Exactly, the user should be able to set a default level, then auto brightness goes from there.
For those who have sensitive eyes, you can always use night mode. It just block the blue light that is mostly responsible to keep is awake.
When the auto brightness is too low did you go into Settings / Display and move the Adaptive Brightness slider to your desired brightness? I am now in a very dark room and the slider isn't all the way down to the minimum. I can see my screen fine.
jhs39 said:
When the auto brightness is too low did you go into Settings / Display and move the Adaptive Brightness slider to your desired brightness? I am now in a very dark room and the slider isn't all the way down to the minimum. I can see my screen fine.
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Yeah or i do it from the status bar. Still after a while it returns to a lower level. While i already want it on a low level, it's too agressive. I whish i could raise it by 10-20%.
Yeah, that slider doesn't adjust the adaptive brightness level like it would on a Nexus or Pixel device. It remains as a standard brightness level instead
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Well, we could install xposed to fix the brightness. But then i don't know i want to install all of that just for brightness.
