[Q] Youtube API, show 1 or 2 Channel/s - Android Software Development

So I got a idea for a app that will only display The Latest Videos from one or two Youtube Channels! But I don't get API, sorry but I'm noob at that.
I have downloaded the Youtube API from the official site, still don't get it. And also there will be a option that you play the video when you click it in the app, not in the Youtube app!
Forgot to say that I have only been developing in a few months. And API is new for me.
I really need help at this and I'll appreciate it very much if anybody can help me!
You can send a PM if you want


HTC Youtube App Problem!

I am really sorry to bother you nice folks around here, but I have a problem.
A friend of mine used the Google Youtube app. He told me it was was an great app and that I should try it.
Because I trusted him, I did.
But if you install the Google Youtube app, it gets rid of your HTC Youtube App.
And we all know wich one is superior!
If I open an video through www.m.youtube.com I still get the same quality and interface as in the HTC Youtube app, so I guess my app is still hidden somewhere! I have searched everywhere on my device, but I could not find a file that redirects to the Youtube app. It's probably gone.
I found this, but is does not work on my device; http://www.1800pocketpc.com/2009/02...wvga-youtube-app-ported-to-vga.html#more-3424
And I can't download and try these cabs; because of restrictions due the fact that I am living in the Netherlands.
Could you guys help me out?
I had the exact same problem as you.
Don't download any youtube apps.
I did and it caused more problems like the registry font tweak and search sort order
stopped working..
So I installed the youtube apps that is flying around the internet.
If you install those, the tweaks font work.
Like you said the original youtube program is stored in
Windows folder, Just create a shortcut of one of those 2 youtube files
in Windows\start menu folder.
And you will have your youtube back in perfect condition.
Now.. my question is.. is there a youtube app that lets you view comments?
The htc one is quite good, but only if it allowed us to view comments..
The Android youtube app were really good at that..
Or is there a way to make opera like the safari on iPhone?
Instead of saying browser needs flash, Iphone just creates the video link
for all youtube apps so the browser triggers the iphone youtube app to handle
those flash youtube videos...
Please tell me if there is something similar on hd2..
Thank you so much! I was looking everywhere on the device! Just overlooked this one
And no, I haven't heard of something like that.
Instead I change the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4OnhnvczTk into
That's my workaround when i get directed to a youtube link from twitter or windows live.

No More jetVD-YouTube Downloader :mad:

Looks like they took jetVD off the Android Market. I just installed a new rom and didn't backup that app. If anybody has the latest v0.9.8 apk can you please please pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase upload.
There are more places to look for app's than just the Market. I'll see if I can find something.
Not sure what version it is, or if it is infected in any way shape or form, but here is a working download:
Edit: version 0.9.4.
works okay for me
Some ROMS have problems with missing apps from the market. It has to do with the build.prop file. One way to get these apps is to use appbrain and fast web installer to send it to your phone. The app still exists: http://www.appbrain.com/search?q=jetvd
No apps found for "jetvd"
I am getting irritated by Google removing the apps that grab youtube videos.
Anyone has the latest version of apk and would you share it please?
EDIT: I finally managed to grab it from the 4shared link, tried like 10 times and it finally worked. Although it isn't the latest version (cannot choose where to save the videos).
Download Best tube off the market is free and its a youtube downloader and I have found every app that I've looked for....
Aren't there plenty of other apps that do the same thing?
engagedtosmile said:
Aren't there plenty of other apps that do the same thing?
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Nope, name one that gives you the option to download youtube video in all available formats upto 720p?
Also finds videos the standard youtube app does not.
Shocky2 said:
Nope, name one that gives you the option to download youtube video in all available formats upto 720p?
Also finds videos the standard youtube app does not.
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TubeMate works really well for me. It will save in multiple formats and in all available sizes. I use it to entertain my 2 year old with cartoon shorts.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
0.9.13 for you guys.
waterboy100 said:
0.9.13 for you guys.
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Thanks for the app. But unfortunately the app will still work but the videos that are linked to YouTube is not available. Im Assuming that the jetvd team is undergoing a major update on the next version due to the script changes done in YouTube this past new years.
DeMoNFLiP said:
Thanks for the app. But unfortunately the app will still work but the videos that are linked to YouTube is not available. Im Assuming that the jetvd team is undergoing a major update on the next version due to the script changes done in YouTube this past new years.
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interesting. they seem to be developing even though they were yanked off of the market. however i cant read any of the links off of their twitter feed. on the computer or the phone.
version 0.9.13 is not working but the version attached to the first post is working fine
Version 1.0.1 will be out soon. I saw the release notes on their site. It will feature a new UI. We can view video comments and the option to view related videos as well as videos upload by the user.
I have 0.9.7 on my phone, from the Market, back when it was still there and it works 100% still.
1.0.1 is on the market!!
Sorry if this is late and after the fact...
JetVD is available on the market, but the lite version on the market will not allow you to download videos and save them. People in the comments section have advised to go to their website at jetvd.com and download it straight from there (using your mobile device). The Full version is free there, and will allow you to save your videos.
Is there a new jetvd or any other app that converts youtube videos to mp3?
I've been using TubeMate for a year or so, but it's not on the Market. Get it for free at m.tubemate.net.
hiddenagendas said:
I've been using TubeMate for a year or so, but it's not on the Market. Get it for free at m.tubemate.net.
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Updated regularly.
Multiple video quality and video format options.
Downloading as mp3 supported.
If you use Firefox for a browser, there's an add-on that grabs videos. YouTube, Vimeo, etc

[Q] cardboard and video

Hi everyone,
First I'm sorry if my post is in the wrong place.
I've recently started to look at the Google Carboard and I wanted to play with it making an app.
My goal was very basic: display a video but I'm stuck.
I don't know where to start from. Does anyone know about good tutorials on cardboard?
The one provided by google and the treasure hunt is bit short for me
In addition, what I've done is I've modified the treasurehunt app to display a movie using MediaPlayer.
It works fine if I don't if th VR mode is disabled but when I enable it I get the following error
EGLNativeWindowType 0x765d1230 already connected to another API
eglCreateWindowSurface:414 error 3003 (EGL_BAD_ALLOC)
has s/o any idea ?

Functional Skype on Nougat Stock ROM?

Hi everyone,
Has anyone of you succeeded to get Skype properly working on Nougat, with the stock ROM?
So far I managed to install it, either via the AptoideTV application (itself downloaded via the browser in EZ file explorer) or by downloading the APK file. The version from Aptoide TV is functional but doesn't show any video call button, only voice call, in both directions (in and out calls).
It can however access a webcam to take a new picture (I've installed Open Camera for that purpose).
I'll keep you updated if I have any update on that purpose.
Go to settings > app , look for Skype app, click on it and post the whole package name.
I don't have stock Nougat but full Android and Skype work well, I also use the following app to route calls and video calls audio output to HDMI port. Is a must have:
Sent from my Tapatalk Hub ~
If I helped hit the Thanks! button, Follow Me or Buy Me a Coffee: https://bit.ly/pptome
lavero.burgos said:
Go to settings > app , look for Skype app, click on it and post the whole package name.
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Version / com.skype.raider
Similar situation with Version / com.skype.polaris and / com.skype.raider
This issue with Stock is probably due to the fact that it uses the Leanback verison of the App, and thus deactivite the camera-related features.
lavero.burgos said:
I don't have stock Nougat but full Android and Skype work well
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I'm also having some issues with Skype on Nougat full Android (ROM by @zulu99 on http://www.videomap.it/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1646 ), which version of Skype are you using?
lavero.burgos said:
I don't have stock Nougat but full Android and Skype work well
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Is Skype really fully functional in your case on Full Android? If so, could you share your setup?
I search recently for a working Video call App on my shield. After the Nougat / android 7 update, I try Skype Lite and WhatsApp.
The current beta of WhatsApp was working great. But the video crashed after a period of time.
In the Skype Lite apk, I was able to upload Feedback to Microsoft. If more people would do this ms could think about to be the first, full and stable video messenger for the living room.
Just sideload the newest apk from here: http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/skype/...ite-1-0-0-27544-release-android-apk-download/ and tab on the Feedback area.
Greetings by Idijt
I_did_it_just_tmrrow said:
I was able to upload Feedback to Microsoft. If more people would do this ms could think about to be the first, full and stable video messenger for the living room.
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I don't have experience with Skype Lite, but Microsoft voluntary stopped to support Skype on (smart) TV last year.
Thus, they will not be first, they were already there, and alternatives exist.
JulienPr said:
I don't have experience with Skype Lite, but Microsoft voluntary stopped to support Skype on (smart) TV last year.
Thus, they will not be first, they were already there, and alternatives exist.
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Did you think they mean not just only smart TVs. In the last year Android TV was not really on the market. Perhaps they mean just smart TVs with own build os's like Samsung and All the other did before they use Android. Create an Android OS App is much easyer than do it for many many different os's from the different TV companys.
Can you tell me the working alternatives? I try many different Video call messengers without success.
Greetings by Idijt
I_did_it_just_tmrrow said:
Did you think they mean not just only smart TVs. In the last year Android TV was not really on the market. Perhaps they mean just smart TVs with own build os's like Samsung and All the other did before they use Android. Create an Android OS App is much easyer than do it for many many different os's from the different TV companys.
Can you tell me the working alternatives? I try many different Video call messengers without success.
Greetings by Idijt
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My alternative was to move to Marshmallow StockRestyle ROM from @zulu99, check this post for more details on the comparison.
This ROM is not available on XDA anymore, but Google will help you find your way.
I'm now using a full Android Nougat ROM, from @zulu99 too, but Skype video calls aren't working (yet) and I cannot downgrade to Marshmallow. Thus, for the moment, if Skype is a must I'd recommend to use the Marshmallow StockRestyle ROM (and to check my ROMs comparison post). Also, note that Marshmallow StockRestyle ROM can only be installed on 2015 models, not on 2017 ones!
I hope that help.
I_did_it_just_tmrrow said:
I search recently for a working Video call App on my shield. After the Nougat / android 7 update, I try Skype Lite and WhatsApp.
The current beta of WhatsApp was working great. But the video crashed after a period of time.
In the Skype Lite apk, I was able to upload Feedback to Microsoft. If more people would do this ms could think about to be the first, full and stable video messenger for the living room.
Just sideload the newest apk from here: http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/skype/...ite-1-0-0-27544-release-android-apk-download/ and tab on the Feedback area.
Greetings by Idijt
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Tellybean works fine as videocalls app in my Shield TV:
Hangouts and Facebook Messenger video calls also work in Full Android Nougat but this thread is about Skype.
Sent from my Tapatalk beta Hub
If I helped hit the Thanks button. Follow Me! ~ Buy Me a Coffee ~ DroidMote user ~ Full Android for Shield TV and Nexus Player
Anyone out there can fix Skype.
Anyone out there can fix Skype. It's would make my day and everyone else.
andrewvideo said:
Anyone out there can fix Skype. It's would make my day and everyone else.
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Did you try Skype-lite: http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/skype/skype-lite/
Greetings by Idijt
Skype-Lite wasn't working.
I moved back to Marshmallow StockRestyle, where Skype 6.15 was working, but now it's also unsupported (Skype now requires a Windows account).
Thus, my updated question: has anyone been successful with the new version of Skype release this summer (version 8.xx)?

What Do You Like / Dislike About The Firmware You Are Running? How do You Run your Shield?

Hello Friends~!
I feel like the community is getting closer to being able to make roms for our device and to prepare for that, I would like to know:
What is it that you Like and or Dislike about the Shield's Firmware you are running?
(If you can list the firmware you are running in your answer, that would be super helpful)
I am writing a script to cleanup the system image I want to clone (8.2.3 will be the first one I work on), but it would be helpful to know what others like and dislike about any firmware.
Plus we can generally agree that most like Plex therefore that app and the SMB server stuff should be left alone.
But what do you think? What should be left into a rom for the shield? What should be left out? Should anything be Added in to the rom? Like launchers or stuff like that. What do You personally use?
Any and all thoughts welcome and appreciated!
For me 8.2.3 is the best. Everything with permissions etc got crazy stupid after that. Rocked 9.1.1 for less than 24 hrs...was laggy and just plain sucked.
The thing i wish 8.2.3 or any firmware would allow a way to chromecast youtube to a shield ad free version....lots of times I'll be watching ad free YouTube on my phone....I'll beam it to my tv and get flooded with ads....that would be my wish.
No pop up or ad EVER has made me want to purchase it....it's just spam!
louforgiveno said:
The thing i wish 8.2.3 or any firmware would allow a way to chromecast youtube to a shield ad free version....
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I think I read what you said wrong, is this in reference to youtube vanced or the regular yt app? Have you tried the new one, revanced or maybe just streaming directly from Brave browser then chromecasting it?
And thank you so much for sharing your ideas and reasonings with me!
jenneh said:
I think I read what you said wrong, is this in reference to youtube vanced or the regular yt app? Have you tried the new one, revanced or maybe just streaming directly from Brave browser then chromecasting it?
And thank you so much for sharing your ideas and reasonings with me!
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Hey there, sorry for the delayed response. Yes so i have vanced on my phone, and occasionally I'll chromecast the video to my shield so i can continue watching it on the tv. The built in youtube/chromecast service on the shield uses the official YouTube app for playback in that case and so there are ads.....i know there are a few other YouTube clients that work adfree on the shield, but i believe you have to manually launch those versions on the shield.....meaning sending YouTube playback from phone to shield will launch the official YT app.
It's definitely not a big issue, but it is something I'd like to see.
@louforgiveno Thank You for Explaining this so well! This is a super interesting problem I was unaware of. Definitely will investigate that!
louforgiveno said:
Hey there, sorry for the delayed response. Yes so i have vanced on my phone, and occasionally I'll chromecast the video to my shield so i can continue watching it on the tv. The built in youtube/chromecast service on the shield uses the official YouTube app for playback in that case and so there are ads.....i know there are a few other YouTube clients that work adfree on the shield, but i believe you have to manually launch those versions on the shield.....meaning sending YouTube playback from phone to shield will launch the official YT app.
It's definitely not a big issue, but it is something I'd like to see.
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VERY EASY solution to this one mate, dowldoad SmartTube app, its literally YouTube Vanced but for your TV, stil cast as regular but zero ads still
